
时间:2019-05-15 14:38:17下载本文作者:会员上传


Picture 1:

The weather is very hot.In this house, the air

conditioning is not working, so the man can only use ice to lower the temperature, and his husband can only run the fan to lower the temperature.The dog is relaxing in cool place.Picture 2:

After work, the man and his wife who live in apartment 8G come home very late.So they are very tired, and they want to sleep right now.Picture 3:

That’s a dinner with candle light, looks like very romantic.Dan and his wife are eating beefsteak very happily, and there are many clothes around them.


That’s in the office building.At 10:35, a man finishes his job, and comes into his wife’s office.He wants to make a date with his wife to eat lunch together soon.And his wife also finishes her job, she is very glad to keep an appointment.That’s in the career center.Some persons are looking for a good job from computer, and a man want to find a good job from the service of center.A attendant is introducing a good job to the man.The woman is the three children’s mother;she is supervising and urging the boy who is squatting on the chair to do the homework.


The girl who is sitting on the chair is talking to the boy, and the dog behind the girl is looking at the boy.Hodgson further interest for a capital that rent, not only use it together with rent for the original form of surplus value, and make it and rent.Marcie declared interest is only part of the profit margins are determined to occupy surplus labor is provided.Smith's contribution in his first affirmation is a basic social capitalist class, profit for society of a basic income, which can begin to see as a capital occupies industrial profit of the earliest form of surplus value, and for the general form of the surplus value, and the rent and interest on assigned to explain the capitalist industry jointly possessed surplus value of each class of branching.




第一节 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

66.He is a ____(love)grandfather.He spends all his free time to look after his grandchildren.67.---Who was Li Yundi?---He was a great Chinese ___(piano).68.I ___(hang)out with some friends last night.But we were lost in the park..69.You have a bad cold.You have to take this medicine ____(two)a day.70.Thanks for ______(take)care of my dog, I’m very happy.第二节 将下列句子的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

71.One of my classmates is going to be a policeman when he _____________(长大).72.Most of the students can enjoy____________(免费早餐)in the countryside in China.73.You can call English Study Center at 443—5667 for ________________(更多信息).74.Now in our country, lots of students go to school on the _____________(校车).75.She _____________(睡过头)yesterday, so she was late for school.第三节 书面表达(10分)

春节(Spring Festival)即将来临,你和家人打算怎么度过这一中华传统节日?请根据以下提示并适当发挥写一篇小短文,词数60词以上,文章开头已给出。

(1)Where are you going?

(2)Who are you going with?

(3)How are you going there?

(4)What food and drink are you going to take with you?

(5)What are you going to do there?

(6)How long are you staying there?

(7)How do you think your vacation or trip is going to be?

My spring Festival

Last Spring Festival I went to Li jiang(丽江)and this year I’m going to


Number of Female NPC Deputies Rises

Six female deputies to China’s National People’s Congress(NPC)give a press conference to the second session of the 12th NPC on the protection of women’s rights in Beijing, capital of China, March 12, 2014.[Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu]

The number of female deputies in China’s top legislature has been on the rise, said a deputy to the 12th National People’s Congress(NPC)at a news conference during China’s “two sessions” on the afternoon of March 12, 2014.According to Lin Yinmao, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress, the Chinese government is trying hard to promote the state policy of gender equality.Lin said that the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress persistently highlights therole played by women in political participation, and the local law stipulates that the ratio of women in the all-level People’s Congress should grow exponentially year on year until parity is achieved.Lin pointed out that the ratio of female deputies in the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress has reached a record high of 31.7 percent, and all neighborhood committees and village committees now have at least one female representative.The ratio of female deputies in the 2013 NPC also reached a record high with 23.4 percent– or 699 out of a total of 2,987 –being women.According to a Guangzhou Daily report, the 10th NPC held in 2007 clarified the desired ratio of female deputies for the first time, and stated that the proportion of female deputies to the 11th NPC should be no less than 22 percent, further helping bolster women’s influence on major polices, and reflect women’s rights and interests.The percentage of female deputies in China’s top legislature has remained at around 20 percent since the election of the Fifth NPC deputies in 1978.确定方式演变








历届全国人大代表的名额是怎么确定分配的呢? 据悉,改革开放以来,在历届人大换届前一年的人大会上,都会就代表名额分配问题做出决定。在上世纪80年代之前,这些决定并没有关于妇女代表名额的内容。






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