My friend我的朋友

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第一篇:My friend我的朋友

My friend

I have a lot of friends, but I have only a few good friends.One of them is my best friend.We are both twelve years old.He is fat and tall.He likes to eat oranges and meat.He is very straight and generous.We always help each other.He is a nice boy and his math is very good.He likes to play football and basketball.I enjoy playing with him because I can learn a lot from him.He can always come up with smart answers to those difficult questions.We usually play together after school in the afternoon.He is very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but

sometimes he sets me up.After all we get a long well.But sometimes we fight each other.His goal is to be a math teacher.He lives in LinShan and I live in Xiangshan.But we are good friends.



I have a good friend.She’s11 years old.HernameisAmy.She is tall and thin ,she has big eyes and long hair.She likes dancing、singing and reading books.I like dancing、singing

books,too.So we can be good friends.and reading

第三篇:我的朋友英语小作文 myfriend(xiexiebang推荐)

My friend

My friend his name isHe is fromHe is very friendly to people, He is very humorous and love jokes。He is very tall.He likes listening to music and watching movies and table tennis and playing basketball.He is good at running.He runs faster than me.His learning is very good.This is my friend



第四篇:高中英语 谢谢你,朋友-ThankYou,MyFriend作文素材


Thank You, My Friend I have a good friend.He is a handsome boy and his eyes shine with wisdom①.I have known him since Senior One.We are both interested in English.Once both of us entered for an English contest②.How eagerly I expected to get a prize!On hearing that I had failed in the contest, I could hardly hold back my tears.“What a pity!” I murmured to myself over and over again.I felt that the world had become cold and everyone seemed to be laughing at me.I love English and have gone all out to study it since my first day in the junior middle school.I have even dreamed of entering a foreign language institute.So I felt very sad.Just at this time, I received a short letter in English, saying, “Failure is the mother of success.Cheer up!Don't lose confidence③.Keep on your study and you will succeed!” I knew it was from the good friend of mine.These words encouraged me greatly.I forgot all my sadness.From then on, I studied English even harder.In the next English contest, I got the first prize.Of course, he was delighted with my success.I am very lucky to have such a good friend.I'm thankful to him for his help.


写写帮文秘助手(之my friend英语作文翻译:写给远方的朋友




我不知道你是不是一个活泼、潇洒的小男孩?还是一个漂亮、可爱、活泼的小姑娘,我就只是希望我们能成为一对非常好的笔友。虽然我的朋友很多很多,但是我还是想成为你的好朋友。dear friend:

friends from afar, i have many questions to ask you, for example, your personality, hobbies, gender......although i do not know your basic information, but i still want to make a friend with i introduce myself, i am a pupil of henan province zhoukou chuanhui district road 71 a fifth grade the fourth class, my character: generous, outgoing and hobby is widespread, such as:: piano, painting, language, reading, paper-cut......don't know if you have the same hobbies and interests? if there is so let us share it.although we can not meet, but we can through the letter, call, e-mail, etc..i hope we become a very good friend.i do not know if you are a lively, handsome little boy? still a pretty, lovely, lively girl, i just hope that we can become a very good pen pal.although my friend is a lot of, but i still want to be your good friend.

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