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1.The study of language as a whole is often called__ linguistics

A ParticularB generalC ordinaryD generative

2.The description of a language at some point in time is a ___ study.A synchronicB diachronicC historicalD comparative

3.___ is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world' languages.A PhonologyB PhoneticsC MorphologyD phonemics

4.[p] is a voiceless bilabial___.A affricativeB fricativeC stopD liquid

5.The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the___of that phoneme.A phonesB soundsC phonemesD allophones

6.The word “boyish” contains two___.A phonemesB morphsC morphemesD allomorphs

7.Inflectional___ studies inflections.A derivationB inflectionC phonologyD morphology

8.Phrase structure rules have___ properties.A recursiveB grammaticalC doubleD many

9.The two clauses in a ___ sentence are structurally equal parts of the sentence.A simpleB completeC complexD coordinate

10.Bloomfield drew on ___ psychology when trying to define the meaning of linguistic forms.A contextualB conceptualistC behavioristD naming

11.___means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world.A SenseB ReferenceC MeaningD Semantics

12.The Cooperative Principle is proposed by___.A John SearleB John Austin

C Paul GriceD John Lyons

13.The ___ movement rule has been added to English since the Old English period.A particleB articleC negativeD phrasal

14.The ___ variety of diglossia is used for more formal or serious matters.A formalB informalC highD low

15.By the age of ___, children have completed the greater part of the language acquisition process.A threeB fourC fiveD six

Ⅱ Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false.(1'*10)

1.Linguistics studies not any particular language, but languages in general.()

2.Both phonology and phonetics are studies of speech sounds.()

3.English is a typical tone language.()

4.There is only one type of affixes in the English language.()

5.Phrase structure rule are rewrite rules.()

6.Sense and reference are the same.()

7.In their study of language communication, linguists are only interested in how a speaker expresses his intention and pay no attention to how his intention is recognised by the hearer.()

8.Modern English is roughly from 1500 to the present.()

9.Diglossia is the same as bilingualism.()

10.Psycholinguistics is viewed as the intersection of psychology and linguistics.()

Ⅲ Definition(2*10)


2.Complementary distribution








10.Language acquisition

ⅣShort-answer Questions(5'*4)

1.Which enjoys priority in modern linguistics, speech or writing? Why?

2.What are the main features of English compounds?

3.What are the major types of synonyms in English?

4.What does pragmatics study? How does it differ from traditional semantics?

Ⅴ discourse analysis(10'*2)

1.Explain with examples “homonymy”, “polysemy” and “hyponymy”.2.Drew a tree diagram“ John suggested Mary take the linguistics class”.





评委老师: 吕万英(组长)、欧阳巧琳、王爽

学生:张兵三 刘紫丰 马圣佳 李雨潼 宫哲 任佩 夏秋红 马金宇 严贵银 沈倩桦 尹磊 陶雪峰 薛丽 郭凯莉 蒙秀梅




学生: 李威平邱云 高枭 林月明 周莉莉 罗超群 夏雅平王俊 张毅 王敏阳 林明康 童宇超 焦雯静 吴佳倩 周丹




学生:谭瑜 凌金响 张继红 王露露 赵琬 罗熠 韦萍萍 李帆 文静琳 胡娜 秦颖 魏宁宁 罗曼梅兰 梁桂蕉 代江南




学生:潘晓芳 罗文芳 扎西央宗 杨丹 原晓辉 邓林林 汪丹 程思 阮榄 代云东 蔡小敏 郭茜茜 宋梦晗 李璐 温都日玛拉

第三篇:英语专业八级 语言学 总结

英语专业八级 语言学 总结



1、语言的区别性特征:Design of features oflanguage





信息功能 informative

人际功能 interpersonal

施为功能 performative

感情功能 emotive function

寒暄功能 phatic communication

娱乐功能 recreational function

元语言功能 metalingual function3、语言学主要分支

语音学 phonetics研究语音的产生、传播、接受过程,考查人类语言中的声音音位学 phonology 研究语音和音节结构、分布和序列

形态学 morphology 研究词的内部结构和构词规则

句法学 syntax研究句子结构,词、短语组合的规则

语义学 semantics不仅关心字词作为词汇的意义,还有语言中词之上和之下的意义。如语素和句子的意义

语用学 pragmatics在语境中研究意义

4、宏观语言学 macrolingustics

心理语言学 psycholinguistics 社会语言学 sociolinguistics人类语言学 anthropological linguistics 计算机语言学 computational linguistics


规定式和描写式:规定式:prescriptive说明事情应该是怎么样的描写式:descriptive 说明事情本来是怎么样的共时研究和历时研究:共时:synchronic 研究某个特定时期语言






运用:performance 真实的语言使用者在实际中的语言使用



发音语音学articulatory phonetics研究语言的产生

声学语言学acoustic phonetics 研究语音的物理属性

听觉语音学 auditory phonetics 研究语言怎样被感知IPA(国际音标)是由daniel Jones琼斯提出的三、音位学

1、最小对立体minimal pairs2、音位 phoneme

3音位变体 allophones

4互补分布 complementary distribution

5自由变体free variation

6区别特征distinctive features

7超音段特征 suprasegmental feature

音节 syllable 重音stress 语调tone 声调intonation

四 形态学

1词的构成语素morpheme 自由语素free morpheme 粘着语素bound morpheme

Root 词根词缀affix词干stem

屈折词汇和派生词汇 inflectional affix and derivational affix

2特有的词汇变化lexical change proper


首字母缩写词 acronym逆构词汇back-formation例:editor—edit

类推构词analogiacal creation 例:work-worked,slay-slayed

外来词 borrowing

五 句法学



2结构主义学派the structure approach

组合关系 syntagmatic relation词和词组合在一起

聚合关系 paradigmatic 具有共同的语法作用的词聚在一起

结构和成分 construction and constituents :句子不仅是线性结构liner structure还是层级结构hierarchical structure(句子或短语被称为结构体,而构成句子或短语即结构体的称为成分)

3直接成分分析法 immediate constitutional analysis


4向心结构和离心结构endocentric and exocentric constructions

向心:指一个结构中有中心词,例an old man ,中心为man

离心:指结构中没有明显的中心词。例:on the shelf

5生成学派the generative approach

深层结构deep structure指机构关系中的潜在层面underlying level

表层结构surface structure指结构形成的最后结果阶段final stage

6功能学派the functional approach

主位与述位 theme and rheme

主位:谈话中已知的信息,说话者从它谈起known,述位:与说话者内容有关的内容what the speaker states about

7交际力communicative and dynamism简称CD



1利奇的意义七分法Leech and his 7 types of meaning

概念意义conceptual meaning 字面意义

内涵意义connotative meaning 实际交往过程中所指的事物


情感意义 affective meaning

反射意义 reflective meaning 由一个词语联想起来的另外一种意义

搭配意义 collocative meaning

主位意义 thematic meaning 通过调整信息的顺序和强调内容所表达的意义

2指称论 referential theory


3语义三角semantic triangle 奥格登和理查兹提出

Symbol或form 指语言要素(如词和语素),the linguistic elements


所指reference 指经验世界中的物体the object in the word of experience涵义sense语言形式的意义



地域同义词dialectal synonymy

风格同义词 stylistic synonyms

感情同义词 synonymys that differ in connotation意义相同,但内涵不同,有褒有贬


等级反义关系gradable antonymy 例cool-warm;hot-cold

互补反义关系 complementary antonymy,肯定A就否定B,否定B 就肯定A,例dead-alive

反向反义关系converse antonymy.reversal of a relationshipbetween 2 enti

ties.例 husband-wife;teacher-student

○上下义关系hyponymy 意义包含关系。例:花-水仙、玫瑰、百合补充:同音同形异义关系homonymy

一词多义 polysemy


1言语行为理论speech act theory奥斯汀提出John Langshaw Austin


○施为句和叙事句performative and constative



○行事行为理论a theory of the illocutionary act

言内行为:locutionnary act表述字面意思

言外行为:illoutionary act 因为言语本身的习惯力量随之产生的其他一些行为言后行为:perlocutionnary act 话语在听者身上产生的效果

2会话含义理论 the theory of conversational implicature

格赖斯提出Herbert Paul Grice

○合作原则:说话人和听话人为达一定的交际目的,都有一种默契,一种都遵循的原则○ 四个准则four categories of maxims



○关联理论:relevance theory:交际应被看做一种表明自身说话意图的行为every act of ostensive(直接表明的)communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance

○数量关系和关系原则the Q-and R-principles

由霍恩Laurence Horn 提出

八 现代语言学理论和流派

1索绪尔Saussure瑞士语言学家,“现代语言学之父”或者“使语言学科走向现代的大师” 2布拉格学派Prague School




4伦敦学派 the Lundon School:系统语言学和功能语言学



5美国结构主义American Structuralism

共时语言学分支,由博厄斯提出F.Bos.○撒皮尔-沃尔夫假说Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis


○布隆菲尔德Bloomfield《语言论》-20世纪被大西洋两岸同时奉为科学的方法论典范和语言学领域的杰出代表。描述语言学的代表人物转换生成语法transformational–generative grammar

乔姆斯基提出Chomsky.认为语言是某种天赋,语言习得机制Language Acquisition device


The definition of Sociolinguistics and its Characteristic

外语系06接本6班 尹珊珊 24号

[Abstract]Sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way we use it in different social situations.It ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak to one another.Sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker;it codes the social function of a language.[Key words] sociolinguisticssociolinguistics variationsocial function

[Content]Sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used.It also studies how lects differ between groups separated by certain social variables, e.g., ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc., and how creation and adherence to these rules is used to categorize individual socio-economic classes.As the usage of a language varies from place to place, and language usage varies among social classes.It is socialists that sociolinguistics studies.The study of language variation is concerned with social constraints determine language in its contextual environment.Code-switching is the term given to the use of different varieties of language in different social situations.Sociolinguistic differs from sociology of language in that the focus of sociolinguistics is the effect of the society on the language, while the latter’s focus is on the language’s effect on the society.While the study of sociolinguistics is very broad, there are a few fundamental concepts on which most sociolinguistic inquiries depend.Sociolinguistics is different from many of the other branches of linguistics in that it studies external as opposed to internal language.Internal language applies to the study of language on the abstract level, or in the head, put simply.External language applies to language in social contexts, or outside the head.This distinction is important, because internal language analyses, such as syntax and semantics, operate1

on the assumption that all native speakers of a language are quite homogeneous in how they process and perceive language.External language fields, such as sociolinguistics, attempt to explain why this is in fact not the case.These two approaches, while distinct, complement each other in practice.Understanding language in society means that one also has to understand the social networks in which language is embedded.This may apply to the macro level of a country or a city, but also to the inter-personal level of neighborhoods or a single family.Sociolinguistics as a field distinct from dialectology was pioneered through the study of language variation in urban areas.Whereas dialectology studies the geographic distribution of language variation, sociolinguistics focuses on other sources of variation, among them class.Class and occupation is one of the most important linguistic markers found in society.One of the fundamental findings of sociolinguistics, which has been hard to disprove, is that class and language variety are related.As can be implied from the example below, the working class tends to speak less standard language.The lower, middle, and upper middle class will in turn speak closer to the standard.However, the upper class, even members of the upper middle class, may often speak 'less' standard than the middle class.This is because not only class, but class aspirations, are important.Men and women, on average, tend to use slightly different language styles.These differences tend to be quantitative rather than qualitative.That is, to say that women make more minimal responses than men is akin to saying that men are taller than women.The initial identification of a women's register was by Robin Lakoff in 1975, who argued that the style of language served to maintain women's role in society.A later refinement of this argument was that gender differences in language reflected a power difference.However, both these perspective have the language style of men as normative, implying that women's style is inferior.More recently, Deborah Tannen has compared gender differences in language as more similar to 'cultural' differences.Comparing conversational goals, she argued that men have a report style,aiming to communicate factual information, whereas women have a rapport style, more concerned with building and maintaining relationships.Such differences are pervasive across mediums, including face-to-face conversation, written essays of primary school children, email, and even toilet graffiti.Communication styles are always a product of context, and as such, gender differences tend to be most pronounced in single-gender groups.One explanation for this, is that people accommodate their language towards the style of the person they are interacting with.Thus, in a mixed-gender group, gender differences tend to be less pronounced.A similarly important observation is that this accommodation is usually towards the language style, not the gender of the person.That is, a polite and empathic male will tend to be accommodated to on the basis of their being polite and empathic, rather than their being male.Sociolinguistics has drawn more and more attention since it became an independent discipline in mid 1960s.But scholars from various disciplines look at sociolinguistics from different perspectives, and carry out sociolinguistic study in different ways.This paper tries to understand sociolinguistics in terms of its definitions and the scope of sociolinguistic study to point out the lack of comprehensiveness in Fishman''s view on the definition of sociolinguistics.参考文献:《社会语言学概论》 戴庆厦主编商务印书馆

《社会语言学概论》 祝畹瑾编著湖南教育出版社.《语言学概论》 杨信彰高等教育出版社



1.______ is the study of how sentences are structured.A.Linguistics.B.Syntax.C.Phonology.D.Phonetics.2._______ distinguishes the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics as langue and parole.A.Chomsky.B.Saussure.C.Gilman.D.Brown.3.Of the following words, _____ is an acronym.A.Marlboro.B.UN.C.Laser.D.WTO.2001年英语专业八级考试语言学试题答案与解析




2.索绪尔(Saussure)被后人称为现代语言学之父,他把说话者的语言能力和语言的实际 现象或语料区分为语言(langue)和言语(parole)。乔姆斯基(Chomsky)是美国语言学家,他区分了语言能力(competence)和语言运用(performance)两个概念。吉尔曼(Gilman)和布朗(Brown)都是社会语言学家。故正确选项为B。

3.acronym为首字母缩略词,由一组词中各主要词的第一个字母缩合而成,朗读时可按普通发音规则来读,Laser就是以这种方式构成的,Laser=Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation受激光辐射式光频放大器。Initialism首字母缩略式是由词的第一个字母或词组中各词的第一个字母缩合形成,缩略式中的每个字母要大写,朗读时按字母来读。故正确选项为C。




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