
时间:2019-05-15 14:44:44下载本文作者:会员上传


Study on the Prediction Model of Bus Arrival Time

The Urban Public Transportation Information Service System, for the bus arrival time showed on the intelligent electronic station board,is designed to provide accurate and timely information which can help travelers choose transit lines and the shortest paths, can improve the travel efficiency and attract more potential travelers.However, the current bus arrival time prediction model under application can’t achieve satisfactory results.This paper analyzes the technology components of the bus arrival time, and builds real-time dynamic models for each component.Finally, it adds up all the technology components of the bus arrival time, gets a much more accurate prediction model.Keywords—electronic station board;bus arrival time;prediction model

(一)INTRODUCTION1、Nowadays, urban public transportation system has attracted the people’s unprecedented attention and experienced a very good development;meanwhile, theory research,system design and implementation of the Advanced Public Transportation Systems(APTS), as an important part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS),are being promoted.2、Installing the intelligent electronic station board at the bus stop station for showing the distribution of transit lines related to the station, the distance of the bus belong to some transit line and their prediction arrival time, can help passengers know the location of each bus and determine their travel arrangements.3、The Urban Public Transportation Information Service System is an important part of APTS, also reflects the modernization of urban public transportation;it constitutes a part of the modern urban public transportation system, collaborating with the intelligent transit dispatching system, the transit optimization system and the transit evaluation system.(二)TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF BUS ARRIVAL TIME1、The accuracy of the bus arrival prediction time is directly related to the precision of information showed on the intelligent electronic station board.Therefore, the accuracy of the next bus’s arrival prediction time showed on the intelligent electronic station board is a very key indicator.2、The prediction model of bus arrival time displayed on the intelligent electronic station board need to be improved urgently.meanwhile, theory research,system design and implementation of the Advanced Public Transportation Systems(APTS), as an important part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS),are being promoted.3、The technology components of the bus arrival time are divided into the following five parts:

 The average travel time through the sections;Queuing delay time as a result of the impact of signal control;The time the bus travel through the intersection;Stop time at the last few stop stations as a result of the passengers get off and on before the prediction

stop station;

 Lost time of slow down and speed up because of bus entering and leaving the stop at the last

few stop stations before the prediction stop station.(三)THE PREDICTION MODEL OF BUS ARRIVAL TIME

A.The travel time on sections

Travel time is defined as pure running time on sections, does not contain short delayed time because of traffic signal control, the time for passengers getting on and off on each stop station and the stop time for vehicle technical problems.B.The delay time on stop stations before the prediction stop station

The delay time at stop station denotes the lost time when they slow down and speed up because of bus entering and leaving the stop station, the time for opening(closing)the bus doors and the time occupied by passengers to get on(off).C.Queuing delay time as a result of the impact of signal control

D.The time the bus travel through the intersection

It is presumed that the speed of vehicles travel through kth intersection equals to the average vehicle speed of upstream section and downstream section, then the time the bus travel through the kth intersection equals E.Calculating the bus arrival time


 The average travel time through the sections;Queuing delay time as a result of the impact of signal control;The time the bus travel through the intersection;Stop time at the last few stop stations as a result of the passengers get off and on before the prediction

stop station;

 Lost time of slow down and speed up because of bus entering and leaving the stop at the last

few stop stations before the prediction stop station. Finally, I find my explanation about my major is too professional for my classmates to understand, so I

find it is important to make use of examples if I want to make my audience clear.This major's main job is making and optimizing machines.Students of this major will learn the theory of machines and build the machine based on the knowledge.In addition, analyzation optimization of the machine is also required in this major, which will make the machine works well.This major deals with the whole plan of the project including investment regulation, risk control, quality and quantity.All of the work makes the plan goes well and get rich profit.








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Description of the Antibiotics ShaoZengHua from Class Biology engineer 091 Abstract: Antibiotics is a kind of secondary metabolite that was produced by Microorganism or advanced flora and fauna is antiviral or have other activity.It can disturb other cell’s growth.Antibiotics plays an important role in the people medical treatment development.But using antibiotics for a long period of time lead to the bacteria come into being drug resistant.So we need to know the harm of misusing the antibiotics besides we should use the antibiotics reasonably.Key words: antibiotics, mechanism, the phenomenon of misusage, using with reason.Main body: The typical example of antibiotics is penicillin.The penicillin discovery and the depuration are one of the greatest discoveries in the human history.There have been about ten thousand antibiotics since penicillin apply to clinic use.There are about 200 kind of antibiotics applies in clinical.The antibiotic widespread application saved the innumerable lives;the antibiotic is still at this point doctor treats in the course of infection the essential drugs.Antibiotics not only could destroys bacteria but also could decreased and destroyed the molds, mycoplasma and other that can make person fall ill.Antibiotics have four mechanisms against the hurtfully Microbe.1.Impeding the bacteria composite the cell wall, result in the bacteria blasting to death.2.Interaction with the bacterium cell membrane, the enhancement bacterium cell membrane's permeability, open on the membrane the ion channel, let the bacterium interior the useful material leak off the mycelium or electrolyte balanced being out of balance dies.3.Use with the bacterium ribosome or its response substrate, to suppress the protein mutually synthesis it is mean that the cell survival must the structure protein and the enzyme cannot synthesize.4.Impeding the DNA’s copy and transcription of the bacterium.Even though there are so many advantages of antibiotics there come out a phenomenon that as soon as we fall ill we will take many antibiotics.Than the bacteria have the drug tolerance.The super bacteria’s appear just was owing to the antibiotics’ misusing.The other way, the antibiotics also have the adverse reaction.If we always misusing the antibiotics maybe have an exactly opposite effect.So we must use the antibiotics reasonable.1.If we can use lower level antibiotics than we do not use the higher level 2.We should strictly according to what the doctor had said.Taking the antibiotics in accordance with what the doctor had said.3.Do not taking the antibiotics voluntary.4.Gives off heat reason unclear not to be suitable uses the antibiotic except the condition to be seriously injured, and suspected highly for the bacterium infected person outside, gives off heat reason unclear not to be suitable uses the antibiotic In a word, antibiotic is a double-edged sword.If we use it with reason there will be fewer pains.But misusing the antibiotic and if it continue in this way, we will come back to the situation that we do not have any antibiotics to use in 40 years ago.So in my opinion using antibiotics reasonable is extremely.1.能用窄谱抗生素就不用广谱的, 能用低级的就不用高级的。2.3.服用抗生素要严格按照医嘱、按规定间隔定时服药。如每日4 次, 即每6 小时服1 次;每日3 次, 即每8 小时服1 次, 而不是指在每日三顿饭时服用。4.按处方规定用药, 切忌随意使用。随意反复使用抗生素, 不但不能杀灭体内致病菌,而且容易使残留的致病菌产生耐药性。

5.因细菌性感染导致发热的, 在经抗生素治疗体温正常后, 要及时停用抗生素。

6.最好不要因预防而使用抗生素, 特别是广谱抗生素。

7.病毒性感染一般不使用抗生素, 如果发热原因不明, 且无可疑细菌感染征 象者, 不宜使用抗生素。








病菌耐药性增强。一些抗生素的有效率, 已经从20 年前的90%跌到现在的20%以下。除产生

耐药性外, 滥用抗生素产生的过敏和毒性反应, 还将诱发体内菌群失调和继发感染, 对人的听力、肝、肾产生危害。

1.能用窄谱抗生素就不用广谱的, 能用低级的就不用高级的。

2.用口服剂能解决的就不要打针, 肌肉注射能解决的就不要静脉滴注。

3.服用抗生素要严格按照医嘱、按规定间隔定时服药。如每日4 次, 即每6 小时服1 次;每日3 次, 即每8 小时服1 次, 而不是指在每日三顿饭时服用。4.按处方规定用药, 切忌随意使用。随意反复使用抗生素, 不但不能杀灭体内致病菌,而且容易使残留的致病菌产生耐药性。

5.因细菌性感染导致发热的, 在经抗生素治疗体温正常后, 要及时停用抗生素。

6.最好不要因预防而使用抗生素, 特别是广谱抗生素。

7.病毒性感染一般不使用抗生素, 如果发热原因不明, 且无可疑细菌感染征 象者, 不宜使用抗生素。我国滥用抗生素药物现象严重

据新华社信息,世界卫生组织的一份调查报告显示,我国住院患者抗生素药物使用率高达80 % ,其中使用广谱抗生素和联合使用两种以上抗生素的占58 % ,远远高于30 %的国际水平。在我国,滥用抗生素现象还具有明显的地区特征,在一些经济发达地区存在抗生素应用档次过高、疗程过长或不必要用药等过度用药现象;而在经济不发达地区,则出现剂量不足、疗程过短或使用假冒伪劣药品等用药不足的现象,使致病微生物没能彻底杀来而产生耐药性。这两种情况均导致耐药生物的大量出现。





















Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to close a meeting which I hope have fully lived up to the expectations of us all.I would like to thank you for your presence here in HIT for your work, your patience, and your help, without which it would not have been possible for this conference to achieve the success that we all recognize.Please allow me to give you some information about our next conference.The Symposium on the Ecosystem China-Australian Floodplain Wetland will be held in Lijiang during Mar.24th-28th, 2015.We invited Giri Kattel, a physicist and philosopher of science from German and Xuhui Dong, a Nobel Prize winner and famous industrialist from Sweden as the conference’s chairmen.The conference will focus on four aspects of wetland ecosystem including features of its long-term evolution, current status and conservation, service function, relevant management and policies.Then let’s talk about the conference place.The old town of Lijiang is a tourist attraction which is located in Yunnan Province and famous for its splendid culture, delicious food, marvelous architecture, breath-taking river, etc.It is an outstanding place to relax ourselves and re-understand traditional China.Now, please enjoy a promotional video of Lijiang.If you are interested in it, please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone, e-mail or visiting our website.



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