Company name: IPC Flowers
Group members :
Table of Contents
2.Situation analysis
a)Overview of organisation
b)Environmental analysis including current market size, demand analysis and market potential
c)Competitor analysis including positioning analysis
d)Market segmentation and target market analysis
3.Part 1Review current business performance and capability
5.Part 3Document how business can meet current and emerging needs of the target market
7.Conclusion and recommendations
In this report, you can learn about our situation analysis for Hong Kong.It will contains overview of organization, environmental analysis(including current market size, demand analysis and market potential), competitor analysis(including positioning analysis), market segmentation and target market analysis
Other aspect, we also have a overseas market analysis.The target market is Russia, we have made a comprehensive analysis.Through the analysis of the various, we have collect market intelligence;review current business performance and capability;evaluate the specific market;document how business can meet current and emerging needs of the target market
This report was researched and authored by 5 students from the 2010 Cohort of BE students, namely Jill, Sally, Nicole, Lena and Peggy.The authors conducted both primary and secondary research, using interviews, websites, and others to reach their conclusions and
recommendations.Among us Sally mainly responsible for introduction and domestic situation analysis, Lena was mainly for collect market intelligence, Nicole was in charge for review current business
performance and capability, Peggy had took target for evaluate the
specific market, document how business can meet current and emerging needs of the target market, in the end Jill had a conclusion and recommendation.Situation analysis
a)Overview of organisation
Our company is a private company which is a cooperative made up of individual flower growers and some private investment.As for the Human Resources, 100 staff, primarily based in Fujian, involved in purchasing and grower liaisons, marketing, finance, sales, transport and logistics, flower processing(quality control, trimming, and packaging)warehousing and management.Our business focus on Fujian and Guangdong province.Not only we are establishing internet site currently but we also have approximately 20 million RMB annual years.According to these conditions, we can do further market development in other cities of China, such as Hong Kong.b)Environmental analysis including current market size,demand analysis and market potential
With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the Hong Kong residents have more and more followers demand , and more more varieties, make Hong Kong flower market developing rapidly.Flowers in Hong Kong has already become a kind of fashionable gifts and decorations, friends and relatives in marriage, moved, shop opened, , visit the birth, and applications are on a funeral give flowers to congratulate or sympathy.The Spring Festival, valentine's day,Tomb-sweeping day, Mid-Autumn festival and the double ninth festival, mother's day, Christmas are a season of flourishing sells of flowers.In this rising market demand can judge the Hong Kong flower market potential is tremendous.c)Competitor analysis including positioning analysis
Of course, from the Hong Kong flower show which has been display in March every year can be seen that we also faced very strong competitors, particularly in flowers variety of cultivation.The use of a new high-end means cultivation flower is very important, it is an aspect we need to strengthen the cultivation of a little.But we also have our advantage.There are followers
Human resources: we have 100 employees, participate in procurement and growers liaison, marketing, finance, sales, transport and logistics, flower processing(quality control, trimming and packaging)storage and
management.With these specialized and systematic production mode, we had more confidence.The geographical position: our business focus is to Fujian and Guangdong, especially Guangdong, adjacent to Hong Kong.This will help our business expand.Further ,to develop market abroad and laid a good economic and experience foundation.Physical Resources, One large warehouse and processing centre.A small fleet of trucks which collect and deliver flowers to retail stores.This process has been proven to be very effective and flowers arrive at resellers in prime condition.d)Market segmentation and target market analysis
market segmentation:
Hong Kong has a convenient transportation, traveling, shopping are rich in resources.According to the 2011 census population of Hong Kong, Hong Kong has a total population of 7071576, the population of permanent residence in Hong Kong close to 6.5 million, shared for 91.8% of the total population.So the target population of age is more than 20 under 40 who have highly educated and high income, the use of electronic digital products, higher modernization degree women.1.This group has key features:
(1)have their own certain economic base
(2)have their own certain grade and pursue, pay attention to life emotional appeal
(3)pay attention to fashion, willing to try new things
(4)study, work and life of pressure and the desire to relax
2.The needs of customers for flowers:
(1)decorate family room, working place order to make a beautify environment
(2)give family, friends, patient, etc
market analysis:
1.Crowd constitute of the target market
The company will be located in high-end customers-white-collar class, and they have independent economic foundation, a little small endowment emotional appeal, and very sensitive to tide fashion.Shopping is follow one's inclinations, just be happy.2.Psychology analysis
(1)From the age.Dress and traffic tools.(2)The consumer’s psychology, face.Moody interests.Consumer often have alert and mistrust psychological, we should be made to eliminate these
situations.(3)Analysis of consumer’s spending characteristics and applications.3.Target consumers demand for the product features:
①The Spring Festival.Many merchants statistics surface: only half a month of the Spring Festival, flowers sales accounted for 30% of annual sales
②The valentine's day.With its unique stretched, it can send out a cavity say more.③Mother's day.Each year on 5 of the second week is mother's day, In this holiday, carnations inevitable to be the best-selling flowers.It another note, since mother's day in 2000, some local began to appear orchids selling trend.Similarly, other festival also have the representative of the best-selling flowers.(2)Packaging and quality
Packaging usually prefer to demand higher quality and personalized development trend of direction.4.Florist location choice:
The florist should be located at convenient traffic downtown, because of retail profits has share about 50% of-80%.From this consideration, florist location in hospitals, hotel or city entertainment, can avoid from June to September for the whole season achievement influence.In addition, from expanding retail performance improvement consideration, because wholesale profits in about 10% ~ 30% among, so we can choose florist located in flowers market wholesale street or the florist centralized blocks.So, in the following year 9 to 5 months of the season, and all the florist and person who buy flowers are all for our customers.
②浓缩风雅颂 聚焦时代潮 《深圳晚报》 办市民最喜爱的报纸 《北京晚报》 晚报不晚报 《钱江晚报》《新民晚报》《今日早报》《东方早报》《北京晨报》《齐鲁晚报》《新闻晨报》《武汉晨报》《北京晨报》《鲁中晨报》《南京晨报》《解放日报》《海南日报》《新华日报》《广州日报》《南方日报》《南方周末》 实力造就美誉
今日生活从早晨开始 影响力至上
看晨报,信息时代醒得早 翻开齐鲁晚报,开始精彩每一天
① 新闻力量优化生活追求 ②最鲜活最实用的新闻 关注民生,反映社情,坚守主义,满足需求 报道昨天,服务今天,建议明天 让我们一起过好日子 影响创造价值
①了解上海的第一选择 ②解放思想、与时俱进 每一天自然清新
②新闻是有分量的 《北京娱乐信报》
新闻一条是一条 《新快报》
非一般的快 《新京报》
负责报道一切 《京华时报》
北京人的都市报 《法制文萃报》 好人得好报 《21世纪经济报道》 新闻创造价值 《国际金融报》
资讯创造财富 《经济观察报》 理性、建设性
关切民生,倡导时尚,贴近生活,服务大众 《华商报》
报纸还是新的好,报纸还是早的好,新闻早知道 《环球时报》
《世界新闻报》 读《世界新闻报》天下大事都知道
《21世纪人才报》 面向现代企业、高校和白领阶层的新锐人力资源媒体
影响有影响力的人 《三联生活周刊》 一本杂志和他倡导的生活 《新周刊》
②我们所有的努力就是为了新一点 ③观点供应商 《新民周刊》①新闻·新知·新锐 民生·民情·民意
《商务周刊》 中国大陆第一本商业杂志
《互联网周刊》网络时代·管理者的信息化精读刊物 《书城》
再现文字之美 《城市画报》
《外滩画报》 公信就是生命力,有观点就有预见 《周末画报》
读周末画报与世界同步 《经理人》
管理企业,经营自我 《数字商业时代》
高处不胜寒,还好有《经济学人》读 《中国企业家》 一个阶层的生意与生活 《环球企业家》 商业品格 商业尊严 《IT经理世界》 商业新知 管理利器 《当代经理人》 关注成长企业的杂志 《南风窗》
聚焦政经 相约成功 《东方企业家》 远见中国 携手未来 《中国国家地理》因为有我,生活才更加精彩 《财经》
独立采访、独家报道、追求翔实公正 《青年记者》
高品位,高质量,新风格,新设计 《市场观察广告主》面向广告主 服务广告主 《新财经》
关注资本 关注新财经
集商界经营之道 看商界丰富人生
《新电子·IT经理人商业周刊》 一份有独家见解的杂志 《经济月刊》
深度解读经济中国 《财智》
人本化管理 智慧的提供者 《海外星云》
见证世界风云 展示环球万象
《商业时代》传播现代营销方式 关注新锐商业理念 洞悉潜在无限商机
《时代财富》 引领时代潮流 指点财富源泉 《知识经济》 聚焦科技产经 关注知识创新 《社会观察》 一本杂志和它独特的观察视角
《华夏人文地理》 用华夏人的眼光观察宇宙空间,用全球人的角度关注华夏人文
一本驾驭时代的先锋汽车杂志 《时尚家居》
一本为现代女性全面减压、完善身心的杂志 《娇点-CosmoGIRL》 一本真正体现并鼓舞都市年轻女性生活的国际化刊物
《时尚中国时装-BAZAAR》 现代、优雅代言人 《时尚先生ESQUIRE》 一本给成熟男人而非小男生的杂志 《时尚-COSMOPOLITAN》 她世纪她时尚的引领者
《时尚好管家》 现代都市成熟女性最亲密的朋友、情趣生活的代言人
专业钟表杂志的第一选择 《世界家苑》
省时 省力 省钱 创意置家 办中国最好的报纸 奉献最有价值的新闻和信息 娱乐是一种精神 新力量媒体 阳光媒体,非常新闻 我们因你而精彩
生活之精彩尽在上海星期三 好人好报好生活 百“姓”早茶 指点“钱”途 发现.传播.共享
49、清朝中叶最著名的一个散文流派是桐城派,主要作家有方苞、姚鼐。50、晚清著名谴责小说有李伯元的《官场现形记》、吴沃尧的《二十年目睹之怪现状》、刘鹗的《老残游记》、曾朴的《孽海花》。文 学 常 识(国内现代版)
1970年,中国香港成立了香港外展训练学校。这是中国第一个加入Outward Bound国际组织的专业培训机构,1999年,该组织在广东肇庆建立了外展训练基地,是国内第一个该组织下属的培训基地。
On May 12, 2008, a big earthquake hit Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, it happened at 2:28 in the afternoon.Thousands of people died, and lots of houses were distoried, too.A large number of people went missing, and there were still a lot of people homeless.Soon our government took actions actively to help those people in danger.People outside Sichuan, including overseas Chinese and people in other countries, were offering money, blood and materials to help.Our school also held an activity to raise money for these poor people, we donated our pocket money, clothes and so on, although the money was not enough, it represented our love and kindness for the people in the disaster.Truly, if the earthquake happens, we should know how to protect ourselves, we can run outside or to the corners, or hide under the desks as soon as possible.We are a big family and we should help each other, if everyone gives true love to others, the world will be more beautiful tomorrow.回望2008---记忆篇 Look 2008--memory Time flies, 2008 has close, is the serious summarize this year.In 2008, for the Chinese people, both for the party and country, or just ordinary, are very different, will be the year--children, most memorable year, great happiness year, all sorts of complex emotional imbroglio in together, make me feel to use simple words to summarize a very difficult.Begin from 2009, and four days, then start from today, from different angles, and to summarize the memorable in 2008.Today is the first chapter-memory write articles.This year, according to the Chinese, 8, was for the people of the year, but the fact is that this year is so troubled, let a person.Earlier this year, this is the home of the members, spring meeting of the century, yet to freeze disaster, attack, half a China southern China into a frozen, make people unprepared, traffic, power outages, relatives, and ice to test, test and among human power, it is in the nature.After the Spring Festival, the climate is warmer in Lhasa, Tibet, once the nerve, affects the reunification of the motherland and ethnic problems have been noticed, then, the Olympic torch relay to boycott carrefour, etc, it seems people suddenly becomes a restless, national sentiment, is worrying.Fortunately these events, gave people quickly quell some comfort.On May 12, 2008, at 14:28 on this moment history in wenchuan sichuan 8.0 earthquake, more than 80,000 life by the ruthless, the whole Chinese earth from pain and sadness into a.“The living dead rest” became strong, the most popular vocabulary, this is the tangshan earthquake, China history since the earthquake, most casualties as the world becomes an instant gray.How, in a rare rebirth of the earthquake, party, government and the people must accept the tests, the party and national organization of rescue operations, international society, good international image of China, a series of problems in the passive situation.Gildland fitting that the people-oriented huge progress.Chinese and global Chinese disaster relief operations, actively to the disaster area, spurts of stream of people, make love family of conscience in this year, and it is also the most people began to reconsider the meaning and value of life, is blundering heart, a quiet world has become so warmth affectionately.This is how big a spiritual baptism!Chinese moral standards, a change in greatly improve the past social indifference, become the harmonious and warmth.August 8, 2008, the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.It is this year's biggest funerals.The success of the Olympic Games, gave people the great confidence, and the international community have time to see the spirit of the Chinese people, the Chinese people's ability to see, the good image of China, expanded the communication between countries, eliminate many misunderstandings and prejudice.Except the impressive Olympic Games, the opening and closing ceremonies, let a person remember, this team is volunteer services, we see a China young generation of literacy and spirit, the growth of civil society, China's future.This year, to say a thing, news reports, reveals the progress of China's political civilization and political climate tremendous progress.Public broadcast news, all the time, the earthquake progress reports, a real-time news news bottleneck.Past jams News career advancement, also an important aspect of the development of democratic politics.The financial turmoil sweeping the globe, make tired people unbearable.In the second half, guizhou wengan.it group incidents, hainan and chongqing taxi strike, jiaoji railway train collided SanLu, powder events, longnan in gansu province group incidents, graduate student to kill the teacher, too much, from...overwhelming.On December 26, 2008, yunnan and earthquake happened, he left 4.9 days, the Spring Festival is also, want don't what happened.Well, so much, be worth us forever, for better or worse, will go down in history.Hope is a good year 2009.中文: 回望2008---记忆篇