ladies and gentlemen.i'm so glad you're here.i'll be talking about life today.life goes by so fast.we shouldn't waste any time.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good health.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.commit totally to what you love.commit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple words.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.
ladies and gentlemen.i'm so glad you're here.i'll be talking about life today.life goes by so fast.we shouldn't waste any time.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good hea lth.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.commit totally to what you love.commit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple words.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.
ladies and gentlemen.i'm so glad you're here.i'll be talking about life today.life goes by so fast.we shouldn't waste any time.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good hea lth.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.mit totally to what you love.mit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple s.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good health.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.mit totally to what you love.mit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple s.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good health.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.mit totally to what you love.mit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple s.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.种车床的程序指令全部抄录在小笔记本上,工作空闲,饭后睡前,有时间就拿出来看一看,做到熟记于心。
of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings’ lives.they tell us that we do choose our favourite colors as we grew up, and we were born with our love for special colors.if you happen to love a special color, you were made to do this the moment you opened your eyes, or at least the moment you could recognize different colors.there is no doubt that colors do have an impact on our moods.a yellow room can make most people feel cheerful and relaxed while a dark green one makes you feel cold and afraid.and a red dress brings warmth and pleasure to the saddest winter day.of course, the color black will probably make you feel depressed.it is reported that a black bridge over the thames river used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area until one day it was repainted green, the number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply;perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.light bright colors make people not only happier but more active in their work.it is an established fact that students work better, harder and will make fewer mistakes when their notebooks and study tools are of these colors rather than black or grey.so now do you know what kind of person you are belonging to? just find your life color, and enjoy your life!
2、节奏 节奏,是指演讲内容在结构安排上表现出的张弛起伏。
只要你的内心充满激情,就能够永不退缩,创造出美丽、灿烂的快乐人生。什么是激情?不同的人有不同的看法,有的人认为:激情就是拥有快乐,只要快乐,就有了激情;有的人认为激情就是年轻的活力,有了活力就是有激情。多样的人、多样的思维,多样的答案,激情到底是什么?我认为:激情=理想 事业 勤奋 奉献。“心中没有理想,生活便索然无味。”正如著名诗人流沙河所说:理想是石,敲击星星之火;理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯;理想是灯,照亮夜行的路;理想是路,引你走进黎明„„作为一名税务干部,我们应该把为祖国的税收事业贡献自己的一切作为理想。必须牢固树立为纳税人服务的思想,想纳税人之所想,急纳税人之所急,让党员的先进性在服务纳税人之中得到充分体现。常听人说:要干一番事业,其实就是在自己从事的职业上做出一番成绩。赫尔岺曾经说过“抱着一颗正直的心,专心致志干事业的人,他一定会完成许多事业。”我们所从事的税收事业是由无数具体工作组成的。作为一名税收工作者,首先要树立正确的职业意识,职业责任,职业纪律,做到脚踏实地,忠于职守,切实增强做好本职工作的事业心和责任感。热爱你所从事的事业,一定会让你的人生熠熠生辉!“业精于勤荒于嬉。”一个人天资再高,如果不勤奋努力,决干不成大事业。勤奋说易不易,说难不难,要努力使它成为习惯,一旦形成习惯,就成了生命中不可缺少的内容,习惯也就成自然了。就税收工作而言,我们的主要任务就是贯彻落实税收法规和政策,加强税收征管,从而使税收宏观调控和组织收入的职能作用得到充分发挥。随着我国经济的不断发展和社会进步,现行税收法律、法规,制度面临着很多新情况,新问题。对此,我们不能无所事事,简单应对,而应该广泛深入学习税收知识以及法律、文化等方面的知识,拓宽自己的思路,提高自身的政治、文化、业务素养,掌握为国聚财的本领。社会纷繁复杂、时代变幻无常。一些人曾经心存梦想,一旦遇到阻碍,心态就失衡,失望、惆怅、苦恼接踵而至,以至一蹶不起。他们身上缺少的是什么?缺少的是牛玉儒、任长霞以及税务战线上一大批好党员的博大胸怀和默默无私的奉献精神。为人处世要留一份平静给自己。“不以物喜,不以已悲。”看淡,不是不求进取,不是无所作为,而是以一颗纯美的灵魂对待生活和人生。只有在平凡的岗位上忘我奉献,从小事做起,才能永远保持一种向上的蓬勃朝气。树立高尚的理想,热爱、尊重你所从事的事业,勤奋工作,无私奉献,那么你拥有的就是充满激情的美丽人生。
第五篇:How to Live a Colorful Life如何丰富人生英语演讲稿
How to Live a Colorful Life如何丰富人生英语演讲稿
ladies and gentlemen.I'm so glad you're here.I'll be talking about life today.life goes by so fast.we shouldn't waste any time.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good health.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.commit totally to what you love.commit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple words.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.