
时间:2019-05-15 16:31:01下载本文作者:会员上传



Bel 勤奋英语DiligenceEnglish

A university professor started off his class by picking out of his back pocket a 20-pound note.And in this lecture hall of about 200 people he asked, “How many of you would like this note?”

Naturally, all 200 hands went up.He said, “Interesting.” He then said, “Before I let you have it, let me ask you this question.” He took the note and folded it in half twice, and then he said, “How many of you want this note?” Still 200 hands went up.Now he said, “Let me try something else.” He took the note and he crumpled it.And he said, “How many of you want this note now?” Still 200 hands went up.Finally he chucked the note on the floor.He screwed it with his shoe and crumpled it even more, picked it back up, now with dirt, and said, “How many of you want this note?”

All 200 hands were still up.He said, “Today, you’ve learned an important lesson.No matter how much I crumpled that note, how much I scrunched it up, how many times it was trodden on, you still wanted it, because it was still worth 20-pounds.”

In the same way that that 20-pound note held its value,so do you.“

No matter how many times life will tread on you, life will crumple you, life will scrunch you, and life squeeze you, you will always keep your value, that spark within us all of bliss, knowledge, and eternity that exists, that spark will never be taken away.Our value is not created by the price of our clothes or our bank balance or the job title that we have.See, we should be building life and not just building our CVs.The challenge we have is that we only talk about people’s failures when they succeed.And that’s why they become this taboo or we feel like their failures never happened.We need to share these stories earlier.We need to bring out these stories and experiences on the journey so that people who are on the jouney can actually follow in those footsteps.And that’s why Steve Jobs said, ”You can’t connect the dots moving forward.You only can when you’re looking backwards."


ladies and gentlemen.i'm so glad you're here.i'll be talking about life today.life goes by so fast.we shouldn't waste any time.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good health.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.commit totally to what you love.commit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple words.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.




朋友们,一说到书,我们再熟悉不过了。从牙牙学语到顽皮懵童,由莽撞少年到莘莘学子,从朝气蓬勃到年富力强,直至耄耋之年,我们都离不开书。书陪伴我们终生!书是无穷的宝藏,为我们增添了丰富的知识:书是引领 航向的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向;书是快乐的天堂,让我们忘记了所有的忧伤。读《三国演义》,让我们认识了足智多谋的诸葛亮;读《中华国宝》让我们知道了中华民族曾经有过的辉煌历史,同时也让我们了解了中华民族曾经遭受的屈辱;读《钢铁是怎样炼成的》让我们汲取了战胜困难的勇气和力量!






ladies and gentlemen.i'm so glad you're here.i'll be talking about life today.life goes by so fast.we shouldn't waste any time.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good hea lth.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.commit totally to what you love.commit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple words.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.



ladies and gentlemen.i'm so glad you're here.i'll be talking about life today.life goes by so fast.we shouldn't waste any time.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good hea lth.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.mit totally to what you love.mit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple s.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good health.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.mit totally to what you love.mit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple s.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.we should all lead colorful lives.i have four golden rules.i want to share them with you.follow these tips and you'll have a colorful life.first,focus on quality.make quality your life goal.make quality your calling card.do your best every day.do everything to the best of your ability.focus on being a quality person.opportunity will find you.success will follow you.you'll earn respect and have a great reputation.second,treat people well.love to greet them and meet them.love to interact and be with people.value people and relationships.value time with friends and family.give and share to really live.people are the secret to hapinness.people are the key to a colorful life.we must always treat them right.third,you must treat your body right,too.you can't enjoy life without good health.being healthy leads to a colorful life.you'll have more energy.you'll attract more people to yourself.you'll also add more years to your life.everyone must exercise regularly.everyone must eat nutritiously.maintain good health continuously.fourth,love deeply and have passion.mit totally to what you love.mit 100% to your relationships and career.have a passion for living.have a passion for learning.be fearless and try new things every day.love people with all your heart.love learning and knowledge with all your soul.be passionate every single day.in conclusion,remember the four golden rules.say these four simple s.say,“quality,people,health and passion” every day.try to slow down and relax.appreciate the little things in life.appreciate the beauty all around you.you can have a wonderful life.you can have a colorful life.just follow the suggestions here today.种车床的程序指令全部抄录在小笔记本上,工作空闲,饭后睡前,有时间就拿出来看一看,做到熟记于心。




of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings’ lives.they tell us that we do choose our favourite colors as we grew up, and we were born with our love for special colors.if you happen to love a special color, you were made to do this the moment you opened your eyes, or at least the moment you could recognize different colors.there is no doubt that colors do have an impact on our moods.a yellow room can make most people feel cheerful and relaxed while a dark green one makes you feel cold and afraid.and a red dress brings warmth and pleasure to the saddest winter day.of course, the color black will probably make you feel depressed.it is reported that a black bridge over the thames river used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area until one day it was repainted green, the number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply;perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.light bright colors make people not only happier but more active in their work.it is an established fact that students work better, harder and will make fewer mistakes when their notebooks and study tools are of these colors rather than black or grey.so now do you know what kind of person you are belonging to? just find your life color, and enjoy your life!












2、节奏 节奏,是指演讲内容在结构安排上表现出的张弛起伏。













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