
时间:2019-05-15 14:22:32下载本文作者:会员上传


Each country has its own education concept.The different of education concept between china and Amercia are as follow.In China,the main purpose of education is for the examinations.Students do lots of homework so Chinese students can memorize much knowledge very well and get good grade in exam.The exam result is the only standard to assess a student so students don’t think deeply and express their own opinion.America education encourage students to reading instead of memorization.Reading can broaden the knowledge and expand students’horizons,rich imagination.Secondly,inChineseclass,studens just listen to teachers they think teachers are always right and they don’t think on their own.however,inAmercianclass,the students are the protagonist.they discuss in group and express their ideas.Last but not theleast,inChina,parents hope their children to be the best and do some things they think it is good to their children so Chinese students should join many after-school tutorials.on the contrary,American parents respect children’s choice that children can study what they are in curious.



【摘要】翻译活动并不是简单的文字转换,而是把一种语言转换成另一种语言的工作,因而是一种跨文化的活动。而各个民族的生活环境和生活经历不同造成了他们所创造的文化之间也具有巨大差异,这种差异又造成了各自语言上的巨大差异。这些差异对译者翻译过程以及翻译翻译结果的准确性产生巨大影响。本文将从地理位置、宗教信仰、生活习惯和习俗、以及词义联想和文化意象共四个方面探讨中西方文化的差异对翻译活动的影响。【关键词】汉英文化 英语翻译 差异 影响


语言是社会现象,也是文化现象,语言反映文化,又受文化的制约,语言与文化的密切关系注定了翻译与文化的关系。根据一般概念, 翻译是将一种语言的信息用另一种语言表达出来的活动。这个概念只提及语言的信息, 未提到文化的信息, 是不完整的概念。世界上不同的民族和地域的人们创造了具有各自特点的民族地域文化,这种文化上的差异造成了各自语言的巨大差异,所以翻译不仅是把一种语言转换成另外一种语言的工作。更是文化上的交流活动。我国著名学者王佐良教授在谈到文化与翻译的关系时指出: “翻译工作者处理的是个别的词, 他面对的则是两大片文化。”


一定的文化实体总是存在于一定的空间地域内的,因此它不可避免地要反映该地域的自然特点与物产经济的特点,具体反映在语言上也有所不同。在用自然景观或物体作比较时,不同的语言表现就存在明显的差异。就拿中国和英国相比,以英国为例,英国四周环海,是一个典型的岛国,并且在历史上英国的航海业非常发达,曾一度领先于其他国家,因而英语中与海洋有关的词语和表达就特别丰富。中国则不同,中国有2/3 的边界线在陆地上,文化的繁荣兴盛起源于中原。中华民族世代在亚洲大陆生活并繁衍,生活的方方面面都离不开土地,所以他们对土地有一种特殊的感情。在语言中也潜移默化体现与土地的关系,如,汉语“挥金如土”,比喻铺张浪费,花钱大手大脚,而英语中则用“spend money like water” 此外,英语中有大量关于船和水的俗语和习语,而在汉语中却找不到完全相同的对应,如: “all at sea”(指不知所措)、“as close as an oyster”(指守口如瓶)、“drink like a fish”(指豪饮)等等。中国人经常用“天南地北”来表达对祖国幅员辽阔的赞叹,而英国人则用“from sea to sea”来表达国土面积的意思。

“东风”和“西风”在中西文化中有着不同的解读,这也是由国家的地理环境的差异造成的。中国西邻高山,东临大海,东风就是温暖春天的象征,所以中国人偏爱东风,故素有“西风凛冽”与“东风送暖”之辞。而英国却拥有完全不同的地貌与气候,它西邻大西洋,东面与欧洲大陆相望,西风温暖而湿润,东风反而寒冷。英国人对西风的喜爱在雪莱的《西风颂》中表现得淋漓尽致,诗中有这么一句:“Oh the west wind.If winter comes, can spring be far behind.”(啊,西风!假如冬天已经来临,春天还会远吗?)如果不了解英国的地理环境,译者在翻译这个句子时可能就会感到困惑:为什么雪莱会歌颂寒冷的西风呢?因此,这种地理环境的差异有时会给翻译带来较大的困难。


在语言漫长的发展历史中,宗教的影响是不容小觑的,各国的语言或多或少都会沾染上些许宗教色彩。英国人大多信基督教,按照基督教的理解,世界和宇宙是上帝创造的,这个世上的万事万物都要服从上帝的旨意。在中国则大多数人信奉佛教,在他们心中,由各派佛祖主宰这个世界。中英文中都有大量与宗教信仰相关的词语,中文里有“借花献佛”、“放下屠刀,立地成佛”等说法。在西方国家,人们表示对对方的祝福时常会说“God bless you!”,在鼓励灰心丧气的朋友时,人们通常会说“God helps those who help themselves”(天助自助者)。与宗教有关的典故在翻译工作中也很常见。如:“The thing I bought yesterday am found to be an apple of Sodom.” 中的“an apple of Sodom” 便是出自于圣经中的一个典故。据圣经《旧约·创世纪》记载, 所多玛是古代死海边上的一座城市, 由于那里的居民骄奢淫逸, 罪大恶极, 上帝降火烧毁了这座城,城中的百姓、庄稼和牲畜全都化为灰烬, 传说在那里的死海边上长着一种外表美丽、摘下便成为灰烬的苹果。后来, “an apple of Sodom” 比喻罪恶的城市, 罪恶之地。只有了解这一典故, 才能正确译成:“我发现昨天买的东西外表好看却实际无用。”如果译者不熟悉圣经里的这个典故,那么他在翻译的时候就不能准确地表达出原文的意思。


我们常说: “ 一方水土养一方人。” 的确如此, 这其中也包含着文化的差异。汉语和英语是建立在不同文化基础上的两种语言, 它们各自反映着自己特殊的民族文化和历史传统。语言和文化是息息相关的, 有什么样的文化, 就会有与之相对应的语言来反映。

就拿数字来说,“8”在中国是一个吉利的数字,很多人在竞投车牌,电话号码等的时候愿意花上一大笔钱,就只为了图一个吉利。可是如果是拿这些数字给英国人,可能他们只会一笑而过甚至会觉得奇怪为什么要花那么多钱买一堆数字。称谓上,中国人是讲究尊卑大小,因此会有“舅舅”、“舅妈”、“叔叔”、“婶婶”等的称谓。可是在英语的 “uncle”、“aunt”这两个词就代替了这些称谓的麻烦。中国人性格上是比较内敛的,而外国人则思想相对比较开放。因而在生活上,中国人都喜欢委婉的表达自己的情感,比如:某人称赞某个人的女儿很漂亮时,中国人一般会说:“哪里,哪里。”以表达自己的谦虚。如果把这几句直接翻译过来就会闹出笑话:“Your daughter is beautiful.” “where, where.”所以在翻译这类词语时,译者一定要考虑到不同的生活习俗对日常表达的影响,千万不能僵硬地采用直译来传达原文的意思。除此之外,中国人见面很喜欢问别人:“你吃饭了没。”但是英国人则是喜欢见面就讨论今天的天气,两个极端反映出双方文化的差异。如果在翻译的时候没有这些文化内涵作为根基,那么译者也很难把真正的意思翻译出来。


由于英汉两个民族生活环境和生活经历的不同, 在词义联想和文化意象上必然存在着一些差异。例如: 对“dragon”一词的理解中西差异就很大, 中国人视之为神圣, 尊贵的象征, 因而望子成龙,称自己为龙的传人;而在西方人的眼中, 龙却是嘴里喷火的四足怪物, 在《圣经》 里是罪恶的象征。就拿“龙凤胎”一词举例,我们不能翻译成: “A baby dragon and a baby phoenix”那样很容易让西方人误解,甚至大为吃惊,感到不可思议。正确的译文应该是:“pigeon pair”。同样西方人对“dog” 的看法也与中国人大相径庭, 英语中含有“dog” 的习语很多, 大多表示喜爱的感情, 例如:“ a lucky dog”(幸运儿);“ Every dog has his day.”(凡人皆有得意日。)等等, 而汉语中却说“痛打落水狗”“走狗”等,大多含有贬义。

中华文化五千年,其中最为璀璨而西方又无法相比的就是唐诗。中国的唐诗分门别类,有四言绝句,八言律诗等。中国诗人可以用用寥寥数十字去表达一个绝美的意境,就以《静夜思》为例:“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。”16字就已经把诗人的思念之前形象生动地表达出来。若是把这16字翻译为英文,那么字数肯定是超过原来的诗句,最重要的是诗句原来的意境也不复存在。又例如,中文中常有:“好好学习,天天向上”之说。英文中却是没有的,中国人自行翻译为:“Good good study, day day up.”明显就违反了英语的日常用法。又如:“If the public officials of higher authorities resort to bribery, those of lower authorities will follow.This is called:Fish begins to stink at the head.”以中国人的思维,或会翻译出:“上级公务员行贿受贿, 下级公务员也会效仿。这叫:鱼从头开始发臭。”完全的中国式英语,被中文思维所以困扰,所以才会出现最后一句翻译的笑话。以上种种课看出中英双方的思维差异之大,以此导致双方在词义联想以及意境上有巨大的差别。所以在进行翻译的时候,译者不能只顾转换语言符号而忽略非语言符号的结果。以‘Fish begins to stink at the head.’为例,它的英语文化涵义是什么? 怎样把这层意义转化到汉语译文中来, 使其也具有类似的汉语文化内涵, 换句话说,就是把这短短的英文句子翻译出具有中国风味的句子。这就需要译者有两种文化的词义联想和文化意象,将‘Fish begins to stink at the head.’与中文中的某些词句来年息起来,再根据语境得出翻译的结果,这样的句子才会更加“有味道”。而正确的译文应为:“上级公务员行贿受贿, 下级公务员也会效仿,这叫: 上行下效(或上梁不正下梁歪)。”上行下效或上梁不正下梁歪都是汉语习语, 寓意深刻, 能够较好地对接‘Fish begins to stink at the head.’中的文化内涵。结语



⑴杨立刚.试析汉英文化差异与翻译.黑龙江教育学院学报,2004(6):99.⑵张捷.试论汉英文化差异对翻译的影响.吉林师范大学学报,2011(3):54 ⑶刘法公.汉英文化差异与汉英翻译信息障碍.外语与外语教学.2000(12):45


Traditional Marriage Convention Difference

between China and Britain


Every country has its own unique form of marriage.Today, our group would like to share the differences in marriage customs between China and Britain Our presentation includes four parts I.Cultural background and Marital Conception(婚姻观)II.Wedding preparations III.Wedding Ceremony IV.More wedding customs Now, let me introduce the first part to you.PART I.Cultural background and Marital Conception Culture is the origin of all acts, and Marital Conception derived from cultural backgrounds.To give you a better understanding of the differences of Marital Conception between China and Britain, I will analyze their cultural background at first.China China is located in the east of the Eurasian continent(欧亚大陆).Ancient China is the typical country of 1.River Civilization.2.small-scale peasant(小农经济), which is Self-sufficiency and Enclosed.The main purpose of Chinese traditional marriage is 1.offspring, 2.strengthen the family(壮大家族),3.maintain and improve the family's reputation and status.Marriage is not a personal matter, but is related to the whole family.In old china, unmarried men and women to know each other through a matchmaker under the arrangements of their parents.SO, love is not the basis for marriage.Next, let us look at the case of Britain.Britain Located in the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean , 1.In the general sense, marine culture is more open and pluralistic,and politically more democratic.2.By this culture, the British showed the characteristics of the pursuit of equality and freedom.3.They pay more attention to personal wishes.Compared with the Chinese marital conception, the British is more open.1.Parents can not decide whom to marry their children.Couples get married just for love, not for the family's reputation and status.2.To British people, marriage is the consummation of love.3.Most Westerners have a “trial marriage(试婚)” experience.Couples live together before marriage, to test whether he / she is really suitable for life companion.There are two famous sentences,from Chinese 孟子and western 海明威.they perfectly reflect the marriage conception difference between China and Britain The contents of this part has finished.My teammates will show you the next section.Thank you!


II.Wedding Preparations 1.China China's traditional customs have a complex ceremonial custom called “three letters and six rites”.Three letters: ● Request Letter

It is sent by the groom's family to the bride's family to confirm a marriage.● Gift Letter

It is actually a gift list that records the description and quantity of the gifts.● Wedding Letter

It confirms the act of bringing the bride into the groom's family.Six rites: ● Proposing

Proposal used to be practiced by a matchmaker.● Asking Birthday

The matchmaker would ask for the bride's birthday and birth hour record.● Birthday matching

Place eight characters at the ancestral altar to confirm compatibility.● Presenting wedding gifts

Groom's family will send wedding gifts to the bride’s family.● Picking auspicious wedding date

An astrologist will select an auspicious wedding date.● Wedding ceremony

On the selected day, the groom will pick up the bride from her home.2.Britain Compared with the Chinese customs, traditional British wedding preparations much simpler than Chinese.The woman ● Preparing guest list and send invitations

Sending out invitations around two months before the wedding.● Contacting with the church pastor Discussing the adornment of the church, the invitation of the band and the date of the wedding.● Wedding reception Deciding what type of food and refreshments should be offered, pick a wedding cake and so on.The man ● Decorating the new house According to both sides of bride and groom’s liking, decorate a new house to live after marriage.● Arranging the photographer

It’s necessary to remember the wonderful moments at the wedding day forever.● Paying the cost of the church.Giving bridesmaids and pageboy rewards and gifts, and paying the cost of the church.PART III

III.Wedding Ceremony

一、China 1.Color: red

Dajidali.So, traditional Chinese weddings are always filled with red things to bring auspicious blessings and respects.2.Location:The bridegroom’s home

3.Dress: Bride: a chaplet and official robes

Bridegroom: Kramer brown take 4.Transportation: The bridegroom always rent a sedan.The sedan will take the bride to bridegroom family..5.Process:

1)fetch the bride(迎亲)After riding in the red bridal bride, the groom rode in front, with the matchmaker, and the Bridal teams to groom the family weddings.2)Wedding Ceremony:bow to the heaven and earth.2 bow to their parents 3 bow to each other 3)offer a cup of tea, give red envelopes 4)Special food 5)Go to the bridal chamber 6)To tease the new couple

二、England 1.Color:White, present pure 2.wedding Location:church 3.Dress:bridegroom:western style cloth

bride:wedding vell 4.Transportation:In traditional wedding ceremony, they didn’t use luxury car motorcade, the brides were often leaded by a flower girl to the church.Flower road 5.Process: 1)The ceremony start.The Father arrives, broadcast approach music,the best man and bridemaid enter the church, nearby newlywed stand and face the guest.The ring child gives the wedding-ring to the Father.2)Along with the wedding ceremony marching song, the bride pulls her father and enter church.Then bride's father personally puts her daughter's hand to the bridegroom's hand.3)Music stop and entire audience are silent.Exchange the rings & take an oath.4)Chief wedding witness gives a speech.5)The ceremony finish.The newlywed leave the stage after music resounds, the guest applauds the celebration and strews the flower petal to them & Bride’s bouquet to single girls.6)The newlywed cut the cake together, the guest dance or leave the banquet freely.PART 4

IV.More wedding customs

Ladies and gentlemen,Now it's my turn to show you the fourth part of our presentation, More wedding customs.1.Firstly, I will talk about the custom of “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe”,which British brides should prepare for their wedding.Something old

Brides must put on something old in the wedding to represent her continued ties to her family and her old life.Many brides wear a piece of family jewelry as their old item.Some brides wear the wedding dress worn by their mother or grandmother.Something new Wearing something new is supposed to represent success and hope in the bride’s new life and in her marriage.Something “new” is usually the easiest category to fill and most bridges will wear a new wedding dress.Something borrowed

The borrowed item should be something borrowed from a friend that is happily married.It is suggested that their happiness will rub off on you and bring lasting happiness to your marriage.Something blue Wearing something blue dates back to biblical times when a blue wedding dress was worn to represent purity and love.Over time this has changed from wearing a blue dress to wearing just a blue band around the bottom of the bride’s wedding dress and in modern times, the brides wear a blue garter instead.Sixpence in the shoe Placing a silver sixpence in the bride’s left shoe is said to be a symbol of wealth.This not only refers to financial wealth, but also a wealth of happiness and joy throughout her marriage.Things of this custom have their own unique traditional meaning, but all of them are able to bring luck and fortune to the newly married couples.2.Secondly, let’s take a look at what do the newlyweds do just after the wedding.In China, the couple should go back to bride’s home at the third day after the wedding,which is called “a bride's homecoming on the third day after matrimony”.At that time, the bride’s family will diner guests and it’s just another get-together.In Britain, the newlyweds will go for a Honeymoon after the wedding Banquet.According to an ancient British custom, the newlyweds must drink a Special drink with honey for a month to symbolize a happy family life.Thus, this month is called the honeymoon.The couples will have a personal trip during the honeymoon and have a good rest after the busy preparations of the wedding.Our presentation is over, thank you!






(Have you eaten? Have you had your meal?).“你到哪里去?”(Where are you going?).“你在忙什么 ?”(What are you doing? Are you busy?).在西方,一般见面时常用以下问候用语:

1.按时间来打招呼,“Good morning(早安)!”、“Good evening(晚安)!” 2.谈近况 “ How do you do(你好)!”、“How are you(身体好吗)?”“What’s going on with you recently(最近如何)?”、“How’s everything going(一切都顺利吗)?”、“Long time no see.How are you(好久不见了 , 你好吗 ?)”、“How is your husbandwife(夫人丈夫好吗)?”、“ Is everything all right with the children(孩子们都好吗)?”、“Have you been on holiday(最近休假去了吗)?” 3.谈天气,如“It’s sunny。”或“what a bad day,isn't it?”“How do you like the weather here(你喜欢这里的气候吗)?”

注意:对新结识的人一般以谈论天气为问候语。或者以其他与个人没有直接关系的事物为问候语例如: “Is this your first time to be here(你这是第一次来我国吗)?”、“How long have you been here(到我国来多久了)?”、“Is this your first position abroad(这是你在国外第一次任职吗)?”。“What do you think of the city(你喜欢我们的城市吗)?”


在寒暄问候的过程中,我们需要注意有些话题在西方国家是不适合交谈的。西方人不喜欢谈及自己的年龄、地址、工作单位、收入、婚姻、家庭情况、信仰等话题。例如在英语国家的人看到别人买来的东西 , 从不去问价钱多少;见到别人外出或回来 , 也不会去问上一句“你从哪里来”或“去哪儿”;至于收入多少 , 更是不能随便问的事。英语国家的人对年龄的看法与我们大不相同。在我国 , 老年人受到尊敬 , 而在英语国家却是“人老珠黄不值钱” , 老年人意味着得不到尊重 , 意味着被社会所抛弃。因此在西方 , 老年人绝不喜欢别人恭维他们的年龄。缘由


地理环境不同对口语交际也产生很大的影响,英美国家大部分都是属于岛国, 以英国为例, 英国是大西洋上的一个岛国, 四面环海, 属于温带海洋气候。语言上也就有了与气候相关的特定性。所以英国人最常问候的就是天气,人们见面寒暄、打招呼一般都是先讨论天气。中国横跨亚欧板块, 四季更替, 人民常常吃不好穿不暖, 所以见面第一句习惯性的会以“吃了吗”,他不是在问你是不是真的吃的, 只是见面打招呼而已。



中西方问候语有什么不同? 中西方问候语禁忌是什么? 中西方问候语不同的原因是什么?


中英青少年足球文化理念差异 ———英国伯恩茅斯学习有感

黄 夏(新疆生产建设兵团第六师一0一团学校)

英国作为现代足球运动发源地和足球强国,青少年足球发展水平远在中国之 上,在发展青少年足球和校园足球的很多理念和方法值得我们借鉴和学习。













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