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Notice for the Holiday of National Day and Mid-autumn Day

Dear colleagues:

Based on the spirit of the State Council office for the arrangement of holiday in 2012(NO.45, 2011, the State Council office), considering the arrangements of our school work, now we have the notice as follows:During the holiday, every department should make arrangements for duty, security and guarding.When meeting great emergencies, we should report it under the provisions in time and deal with it very well.Besides we should make sure that all of our colleagues can spend the holiday safely.Office of Hebei University2012.9.20

第二篇:英语作文 Notice例文


You’re welcome to join the Bicycle Club which has been set up in our school.All the students who want to join the club may register in the office of the Students’ Union on the fifth floor of Buiding 3 during 5:05 to 6:00 pm.from next Monday to Friday.As the first activity, the opening ceremony of the club will be held at 4:40 pm on April 28 in the office of PE center of our school.Then a lecture about the common knowledge of Guangdong greenway wil be given.In addition, the arrangements for the next activity will be announced after a talk concerning bicycle repair and maintenance.The Students’ Union

第三篇:Notice and Poster 写作

Notices and Posters 海报时人们日常生活中最为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏曲、文艺演出等活动。海报通常写明活动的形式,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等活动。(讲座、球类比赛、戏曲、演奏会、文艺晚会、汇报演出、电影消息、画展、演讲比赛、报告会、参观游览活商品大拍卖)





No News Invited by the Trade Union of Anhui University, Anhui Provincial Huangmei Opera Troupe will come to give the performance of a newly-composed Huangmei Opera at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 8, 1990 in the university auditorium.The famous actors and actresses such as Ma Lan, Huang Xinde will make you a good time.The Trade Union Anhui University April 4, 1990

English Speech Contest Hosted by the Student Union of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, the 2nd English Speech Contest will be held in the classroom No.410 of Wenxilou Building at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, October 30, 1988.All are cordially welcome!

The Student Union The Dept.of FLD Anhui University October 28, 1992

Notice 启事是为公开声明某事而见于报端或张贴于公共场所的应用文,多用于失物招领、寻人、征稿等事项。(寻人、遗失、招领、更名、更正、征稿、征询、迁址、换房、租房、活动延期、开业、授权、人事变更、鸣谢等)启事的写作格式



A Boy Missing My smart son, named Wang Wei, aged 7, in blue coat, got lost at yesterday noon of October 25, 1994 when he went home from school.He is 1.09 metres tall, with black hair, a moon face, rosy cheeks, big eyes, and a very small scar on chin.He can speak daily Chinese fluently.Whoever meets him or knows him whereabouts or has any information about his location is begged to advise him family or ring them up.A thousand thank from,Wang Long And his family Add: 142 Jinzhai Road Tel: 3634563

第四篇:英语作文 寻物启事 Notice for Lost


I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon.Its cover is blue and white.I wrote my name on the first paper.There are about two hundred papers.Many important notes and information are written on it.They are important to me.Will the finder please call me? My name is Xiang Yun and my telephone number is 5320147.Here are my sincere thanks.








He is as old as I am.他和我一样大。

该句型的否定形式可用“...not as...as ”,也可以用“...not so...as”,意为“与......不一样” “不及......”。

His room is not so big as mine.他的房间不如我的大。

...as soon as...一......就......表示前后两个动作在时间上紧密相连。“as soon as possible”是固定用法,指“尽可能地快(早)”。

I shall come as soon as I finish my supper.一吃过饭我就过来。

Return the books as soon as possible.尽快归还书籍。

as if / as though 好像

He looked at me if I were mad.他看着我,好像我是个疯子。



You can learn either English or Japanese.你可以学英语也可以学日语。

How do you like...? 你觉得......怎么样?

How do you like China? 你觉得中国怎么样?

It + be + adj.+ for/ of +sb.+ to do 某人能做某事真是太......了

It is kind of you help me.你能帮助我真是太好。

Don’t read books in bed.It’s bad for your eyes.别躺在床上看书,对眼睛不好。

It’s his turn to sing a song for us.轮到他为我们唱歌了。

It is / has been + 时间段 + since 自从......,已经......It has been 17 years since I graduated from university.我大学毕业已经17年了。

It was + 时间段 + before......才......It was four years before he graduated from university.四年后我才大学毕业。

It’s time to do sth./ It’s time for...该做某事了。/ 是做某事的时候了。

It’s time to have breakfast.= It’s time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。

It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间。

在这个句型中,“it”只是句子的形式主语,真正的主语是句子后半部分的动词不定式短语“to do sth.”,take 是“用去,花去”的意思。

It took him three years to learn to draw a beautiful horse.他花了三年时间学习画一匹漂亮的马。

sb.spends some time/ money on sth./(in)doing sth.在某物(或做某事)上花了多少金钱(或多少时间)。这个句型中需用“人”作主语。

I spent 10 yuan on the book.我买这本书花了10 元。

sth.+ cost + sb.+(money)仅指“某物花了某人多少钱”之意。这个句型中“物”作主语。The book cost me 10 yuan.这本书花了我10元。

sb.+ pay +(money)+ for + sth.某人为买某物花了多少钱。

I paid 50 yuan for the shirt.我买这件T恤花了50元。

I would like / love to do sth.我乐意干......like/ love 后既可接不定式,也可接名词、代词等。

I’d like a computer.我想要一台电脑。

What’s wrong with...? 出什么毛病了?

What’s wrong with your car? 你的车怎么了?

sb.find it + adj.+ to do sth.某人发现做......是......的。该句型中it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式 to do sth.I found it useful to get to sleep early.我发现早睡很有好处。

so + adj./ adv.that......如此......以至于......这个句型中,so 强调的是其后紧跟的形容词或者副词,that 后面引导出一个从句。He mastered English so well that he was able to write long letters in English.他英语学得非常好,可以用英语写长信了。


We are never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。

not...until...直到......才......He didn’t finish his homework until I came back.直到我回来,他才完成作业。

neither...Nor...既不......也不......表示两者都不。当neither...nor...连接两个主语的时候。句子谓语动词的形式与nor 后面的主语保持一致。

Neither he nor I am right.他和我都不对。


Both Li Ling and Li Ming are in Class One.李玲和李明都在一班。

There is something wrong with.........出了点儿问题

There isn’t anything much wrong with his ears.他的耳朵没有多大毛病。

had better do sth.最好做某事

Hadn’t you better take some water? 带上一些水不是更好吗?

tell sb.to do sth./ ask sb.to do sth.让某人做某事

It’s too noisy.Please tell her to turn it down.太吵了,请让她把它关小声一些。

My friend asked me to take his book to the classroom.我朋友叫我把他的书带到教室去。

Will you please do sth.? 请你做......好吗?

Will you please close the window? 请你把窗户关上好吗?

What about...?......怎么样?

用来询问消息或者征求意见,常见句型有“what about + 名词/ 代词/动名词?”。What about having a party? 举办个聚会怎么样?

Why don’t you do sth ? = why not do sth.? 为什么不......?该句型也是用于征求意见。Why not go swimming ? 为什么不去游泳呢?

give sb.sth.(= give sth to sb.)给某人某物


My parents gave me many beautiful presents.我父母给了我许多漂亮的礼物。

I don’t think......我认为......不......这个句型后面接宾语从句,它和汉语的表达习惯不同。

I don’t think he is wrong.我认为他是正确的。/ 我认为他没有错。

help sb.(to)do sth.= help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事

He often helps me with my English.他经常帮我学英语。

Which...do you like best? 你最喜欢的....是哪一个?

Which book do you like best? 你最喜欢的书是哪一本?

stop to do sth.停下来去做某事/ stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情

I stopped to do my homework.我停下来开始做作业。

He stopped smoking.他戒烟了。

let / make sb.do sth.让某人做某事

本句型中sb.用宾格形式。let 和make 为使役动词,后面接不带to的动词不定式作宾补。Let’s go swimming.让我们去游泳吧。

so + be(助动词或情态动词)+ 主语......也......这种结构指前句所述情况也合适于另一个(或另一些)人和物。so后面的be动词(或助动词、情态动词)在时态上要与上个句子谓语动词保持一致。

I study English.So does Wang Li.我学习英语,王丽也学英语。

疑问句 + to do sth.I don’t know where to go.我不知道去哪儿。

be late for sth......迟到了

在本句型中,for后直接跟名词,如:school, class, work, the meeting, supper, the train, exam等,这些名词都是一些具体的名词,而且一般不用动名词。

I was late for school yesterday.我昨天上学吃到了。

keep + adj.或keep + 名词 + adj.保持....../ keep sb.doing sth.使某人一直做某事。We must keep our classroom clean.我们要保持教室的清洁卫生。

The teacher keeps his students working all day.老师让他的学生整天学习。

enjoy(finish, like, go on , hate, feel like)doing sth.乐意(结束,喜欢,继续,讨厌,想)做某事

I enjoy listening to music.我喜欢听音乐。

What have you done with....? 你怎样处理......?

这个句型中,注意疑问词what 表示“怎样”,与do with搭配;若用how表示“怎样处理”,则需与deal with连用。

What have they done with the eggs? 他们是怎样处理这些鸡蛋的?

What if...? 如果......怎么样?

What if scientists could clone human beings? 如果科学家能克隆人的话会怎么样?

What...for? 为什么?

What do you want a science lab for? 你为什么想要一个科学实验室?

so/ such句型

such bad weather如此糟糕的天气

have/ get + n.+ done 让......被......(have + n.+ done 还有“使遭受到......”之意)

He had his hair cut.他把头发剪了。

What + a/ an +(形容词)+ 单数可数名词 +(陈述句:主语+谓语)!/what +(形容词)+不可数名词/可数名词复数+(陈述句:主语+谓语)!

What an interesting book it is!多么有趣的一本书!

How + 形容词/ 副词+(陈述句:主语+谓语)!

How heavy the traffic is!交通真拥挤啊!

Would you mind...? 你介意......吗?

Would you mind my joining your talk? 你们介意我加入你们的讨论吗?


This book is more interesting than that one.这本书比那本书有趣。


When summer comes, the days get longer and longer.夏天到来时,白天越来越长。“the +比较级,the+比较级”结构,表示“越.....,越......”

The higher up you go, the colder it becomes.越往高处走越冷。

“形容词/副词最高级+ of all(或in 引导的短语)...”结构(说明比较的范围)She is the most beautiful girl of the three.她是三个女孩中最漂亮的一个。

in order that...为了......He got up early in order that he could catch the first bus.为了赶上第一班公共汽车,他早早地起了床。

in case...万一,以防

You’d better take the keys in case I’m out.你最好带上钥匙以防我出去了。

Whether...or.........无论......Whether the weather is good or bad, we will set off as planned.无论天气好坏,我们都将按计划出发。

more +adj./n.+ than + adj./ n.与其......不如......He is more of a student than of a teacher.与其说他是位老师,倒不如说他是名学生。rather...than...而不是......Use brawn(肌肉)rather than brain.有勇无谋。

prefer...to...更喜欢......I prefer running to walking.比起散步,我更喜欢跑步。

enough...to...足够.......去做......He is old enough to go to school.他足够大,可以上学了。



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