
时间:2019-05-15 14:37:18下载本文作者:会员上传


It is said that person's dispositions are many, king Claudius also has the multiple personality disorders.But the main aspect of his character is negative.In a way , the character represent a kind of symbolic meaning.He is the Feudal aristocracy cruel tyrant, ambitious and sinister, on behalf of all evils of the alternate period ofRenaissance.He is the evil, from the beginning of the drama ,he carried a crime of Regicide frequent brother ,then he married his Dead brother's wife.But on themarry party what he said is a psychoplegia to the folks at the same time for cheating on hamlet in order to cover up his crime completely.Along with the development of the conflict ,at the beginninghe wanted to make hamlet be addicted to something like perforemance which would not threating him.And in this way hecan not only achieve his aim but aslo win the favor of the queen

Kingclaudius make a convenience of hamlet’s friends to check whether he goes mad or not ,he can’t believe the thing from the teeth outwards。He often use the most sincere appearance and devout action to hide a devil's heart.his Life is purposeful.Through the ting he let hamlet to england and instigate the duel between hamlet and laertes ,allof this is according to his benefit.he He is afraid of people's opposition

and want to put his crimesrealizedsecretly.Let the queenhard to find his scheme This is really the trick of evil men.



By TeD

Were one to have the profound hatred, were one to avenge and harm his family who seems too far to harm, he would be either a hero or a monster.Should he fight the unbeatable foe and right the wrong, should he bear with unbearable sorrow, should he ruin himself in twisted enthusiasm, he would be Hamlet.Among all the masterpieces of William Shakespeare, “Hamlet”, undoubtedly is worshipped and as one of the most successful and admired tragedies, while the character Hamlet remains one of the most loved dramatis personas in all-time history of literature.To have read Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” by the age of 16, I was moved to tears, while having no empathy with his another great one “Tempest”.Presumably when I get 60 or older, I could be wise enough to understand the latter, but find it nothing worthwhile to go over the former one, where lays a romantic story that the only youngsters are addicted to.But it’s a fact that whenever in our lifetime after gaining such experiences as getting through hard times, or, finding a real self, from “Hamlet”, we always find something that we consider as perpetuation, which is worth deep thoughts.This is because it highlights Hamlet’s choices of life, choices made under certain circumstances of history and society, requested by the fate extraordinary to Hamlet himself, but ordinary to mankind.That is, to some extent, his experiences make a similar one to ours and, his destiny is something we’re facing sometime in our own lives.We’re possibly the same.We explore the truth in the dark.We discover facts from the mist.We lose ourselves in determinations.We trespass on which we’re forbid to be, hesitates at love and hatred, and struggle to rebuild system of values and spiritual prop in a world without standards and scales of standards.Hamlet couldn’t have been perfect.He is very much a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm, impetuous enough to kill Polonius only to find it’s a mistake as the victim is not the king.But somehow it is for his poor enthusiasm, his weakness of humanity, that Hamlet touches countless readers, as everyone makes out himself from the ill-fated prince.Hamlet's “revenge” isn't so much simply the killing of Claudius, as it is the purging of all the rottenness in the Danish court.And although it costs him his life, he succeeds.At some time, we all consider how much wrong there is in the world.“Hamlet” gives us a chance to watch an ordinary person consciously choose to say “No!” to the world's wrongness and falsities, and to strike back with power.William Shakespeare held up the mirror to something in us that is precious.I hear Hamlet thinking, “Too many people waste too much effort doing things that are not worthwhile.It's a bad world, and I am far from a perfect human being.We all end up dead in the end.So I am going to do something worthwhile, and do it right.”

I hear him wondering, “What is a man, If his chief good and market of his time.Is but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more.”

I hear him whispering “To be, or not to be, aye, there's the point.To die, to sleep, is that all? Aye, all.”

That makes a hero to me, regardless of his blindness and madness which haunt everyone for a while in his time.Thousands of readers may have thousands of their own Hamlet, but there’s something that stays the same, that Hamlet dares to run, where the brave dare not go.That’s his quest.Think about it.


Shakspere(wrong spelling)created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage.In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented(spelling mistake)to be mad and suffered a series of misery.On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge.if(Capitalize “If” since it is the beginning word of the sentence.)a country has no king, how can a country keep alive(You need a question mark here since it is a question.)So, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side.Every time we make a decision we have to think twice.Comment:

Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Too many uncessary mistakes.It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet.Thats quite objective and convincing.


Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a very popular tragedy written by William Shakespeare.In this play, Shakespeare portrayed a prince with a quick, sharp mind of considerable penetration, strong sense of responsibility, while, at the same time, he has a suspicious and indecisive character.Hamlet found his uncle murdered is father, and decided to avenge his father's death.But when he got the chance, he gave up.In the end, he died with his uncle, mother and his lover’s brother.As a main character in the play, Hamlet is a princess of Denmark, and studied in the school of the Wittenberg.His thoughts, behaviors fully displayed the characteristics of the humanism.He yearned to have a good relationship with family members, friends.And he is passionate in love.As he wrote in the letter which he sent to Ophelia, ‘Doubt thou the stars are fire;Doubt that the sun doth move;Doubt truth to be a liar;but never doubt I love.’ But unfortunately, his uncle murdered his father for the kingship, and his mother married his uncle within a month after his father’s death.His friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern betrayed him for pleasing the king and the queen.And also his beloved girl sounded him out about the reason why he is mad.These realities broke his beautiful imaginations of the world.He has a complex personality.Firstly, he is smart but indecisive.He wrote a letter to the king of England in stead of the letter which was said he should be killed at once for the interest of the Denmark and England.He has planed a play which showed the reasons of his father’s death to the king and his mother, and told Horatio observe the expression of his uncle.He is smart but when he had the chance to kill his uncle, he gave up because he thinks if he killed his uncle when his uncle is praying, his uncle will go to the Heaven after he is dead but his poor father can only stay in the Hell.Finally, his hesitation leads to the deaths of his, mother, uncle and Laertes.Secondly, he is kind but sometimes cold-blooded.He is filial.When he heard that his father was murdered by his uncle, he decided to kill his uncle.And even his mother did an incestuous thing which is married his uncle, Hamlet is still filial to his mother, he listened his mother’s will to stay in the Denmark.But Hamlet is also cold-blooded.He ignored the death of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern who are his classmates in University.He killed Polonius by mistake, but he didn’t feel regret and put the died body in a lobby just anyhow.He even cheated his beloved girl that he is mad and cruel hearted.Hamlet has a strong sense of social responsibility.When he found that his father was murdered by his uncle, he decided to avenge his father's death.It is not only because his father is a good king but also because his uncle is scheming and many officials will sacrifice principle for profit.He thought about only his misfortune but also the social misfortune.The society was in chaos and confusion.Even Hamlet faced the strong feudal forces;he bravely fought against the feudal forces.But Hamlet fought against the forces alone from the beginning to the end of the play, so it is impossible for him to win.The conflict between Hamlet and Claudius is the biggest conflict in the play, and it represents the conflict between the humanism and feudalism, the conflict between the humanist ideals and the real gloomy society.Hamlet’s views sometimes are rather extreme.The murder made him think that the society is so gloomy and he neglected the other good things in the world.He said some bad words to Ophelia, for example, ‘for the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what it is a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness.’ He also told Ophelia get to a nunnery.Hamlet also abused his mother with some bad words.Even though his mother married his uncle and forgot the true his father’s true love, she loves Hamlet truly.She was really happy when she saw his son was win in the battle that she drunk the water with powerful poison and died in the

end.Hamlet is good at thinking but sometimes his views are parochial.Hamlet was thinking from the beginning of the play.He thought about the reasons why his mother was so heartless that she can forget his father so quickly and married his uncle, he thought about why the king sent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to him, he even thought about the problem of life.Just as he said, ‘To be, or not to be-that is the question.’ But sometimes his views are parochial.When his fellows stop him following the ghost because they think the ghost will do something bad to Hamlet, but Hamlet already didn't care about the life.But as a prince, he should live not because he will avenge his father’s death but because he will ascend to the throne and govern the country in the future.Hamlet has a so complex character.He is smart and indecisive, kind and cold-blooded.He has a strong sense of social responsibility.He represents the humanism and fought against the king who represents the feudalism.And his bad ending also represents the tragic destiny of that age.


The Book Report of Hamlet

Have you ever experienced the misfortune which changed your life completely? Imagine that everything around you is changed suddenly and you have to assume the hardly bearable responsibility to defend the justice, what will you do? This is the tough experience of our hero—Hamlet.你是否曾遭遇过颠覆自己整个人生的不幸?试想一下,当你周围的一切突然间彻底改变,而你迫不得已去承担生命中本不该承受之重,倾尽全力去担当维护争议的角色。此刻,你会作何抉择?这便是我们的故事主人公哈姆雷特的悲惨遭遇。

Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, accomplished a great transmutation after experiencing multiple woes.His life had ever been filled with happiness and love.However, everything changed after an unexpected misfortune—His father died suddenly.Hamlet went back home in a hurry from Germany to attend his father’s funeral.Ridiculously, he failed to catch up with his father’s funeral, but witnessed the wedding ceremony of his mother and his uncle Claudius, the new king.Hamlet felt shamed and bitter, he began to know the darkness of the world.It turned worse after Hamlet met his father’s ghost, who told him that his uncle was the murderer and wanted him to revenge for his father.Then, Hamlet’s world turned into complete darkness.He felt hopeless and didn’t trust in anyone.He grew weary of the world, which seemed to him a weeded garden, where all the flowers were chocked up, and nothing but weeds could thrive.“To be or not to be, that’s a question”.(Act III.i.56)

If he chose death, he could cast off the suffering and vexation, but he would be too guilt to face his dead father.If he chose to face the woes, he would have to take responsibility for revenging for his father and saving his country, but it was so heavy that he could hardly undertake.However, Hamlet couldn’t put up with living in darkness, he secretly planned to revenge on his uncle.He pretended to lose his sanity and treated others rudely, including his loving girl, Ophelia.However, Hamlet was a man with contradictory, who always thought many questions.As a result of his hesitation, he lost many chances to kill Claudius.After Hamlet accidentally killed Polonius, father of Ophelia and Laertes, Ophelia became mad and drowned in the river.To revenge for his father and sister, Laertes challenged Hamlet to a duel.It was a plot of Claudius that Laertes poisoned the tip of his sharp blade to kill the prince.Both Hamlet and Laertes were poisoned during the duel.After knowing the plot, Hamlet killed Claudius angrily.This done, our hero collapsed and died in his friend’s arms, just like a flower of Epiphyllum oxypetalum, which had just blossomed, perished together with the darkness.Epiphyllum oxypetalum, this is the Hamlet in my mind.The Epiphyllum oxypetalum is a kind of broad-leaved evergreen bush, famous for its special flowers, which bloom in the darkness, lasting for a single night only.After a lot of suffering and hesitation, he burst into the full bloom, just like the Epiphyllum oxypetalum, which had struggled for a long time, suddenly bloomed in the darkness.The flower, as white as the moonlight, perished together with the darkness.If we look at Hamlet from different angles, we will have all kinds of ideas.In my opinion, as a result of the situation, Hamlet transformed from an innocent child into a brave soldier with wisdom and courage.Meanwhile, Hamlet also had many bad attributes.To some degree, he was a cowardly prince, who always hesitated and lost many chances.Before his father’s death, Hamlet was like a tender shoot in the greenhouse.He hadn’t experienced the tribulation of the life and was influenced a lot by the humanism.As a result, he could just become a giant of thinking and dwarf of action.In other words, Hamlet couldn’t integrate his awareness with his action in reality.He was accustomed to replacing real action with philosophical thinking and questioning himself.It is his biggest problem, the basic reason of his tragedy.However, just because the thinking and hesitation that Hamlet showed when he faced the revenge, morality and love, this book become distinctive and unique.That makes him more realistic, because sometimes readers may have the same feeling in our real life.When he faced the cruel twist of fate, how difficult it is to make a choice!In fact, everyone has a smack of Hamlet.This part reminds me that sometimes I lose chances because of hesitation.The author wants to tell us that we should fight against the fate without useless hesitation when we are faced difficulties in our lives.Shakespeare also wants to tell us a principle of revenge: we shouldn’t harm others, or we’ll pay for it.After closing the cover of the book, I find it leaves me so much to recall and think.In a word, Hamlet is the finest of all the plays in the English revenge tradition, which has influenced generations of readers.(Epiphyllum oxypetalum 昙花)

Name: CiciClass: 0708Number of Words:796

Student Number: 20071411247



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