英文 奉献 案例

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第一篇:英文 奉献 案例

The news is about the world's oldest Barber Started When He Was 12, and now he has beenover 100 years old but Still Has a Lot to Say.To many of his customers who have been comingthere for a long time, he’s like family.They hope he’s still their barber when he’s 125.he has a lot to say and always has a smile on his face, which is why people love him.his story tells us something:optimistic lifestyle is so good for you and people around you.When you are optimistic and in a good mood, your future seems sunny and bright.On the contrary, when you are worried and have your mind caged in sadness, your future will turn dark.The later situation, if you allow it to last, will cost you a great deal.You will lose confidence and courage to fight for the better.You will let go the joyfully things that come your way.They are, like the air around us, really the most important, the most reliable part of links of our life.If they get loose and drop one after another, how can you keep happiness?

There's a poem which says: “Whether you are aware or not, whether you like or dislike, show attention or ignore, flowers bloom luxuriously all the same.” Yes, that's it.Just as flowers keep blooming, fine days are, passing away one after another.How to spend your days joyfully or sorrowfully will entirely depend on yourself.


Case Study-An Interview With Shell Oil Company

The Shell Oil company is well known for its human resource assessment methodology, which has proven successful in the identification and selection of candidates for its global operations.Its approach and assessment criteria have been adopted by some government agencies for selecting scholars and public officials.While it is not a financial institution, the experience documented below is the first-hand real life experience of one of the authors that has applicability and relevance on interviewing with global financial institutions.Case study-The Shell Oil Company Interview Experience



The second largest global oil giant and a Fortune 500 company, Shell is known for its stringent selection criteria when it comes to executive hiring.The interview process of this world-class company is very thorough and demands a lot out of a candidate.The whole experience is exhausting(it lasts approximately 6 hours including lunch)and one has to be very well prepared mentally to perform well.The setting is as such: The candidate, along with 5-6 other short-listed candidates, is invited to a local hotel/resort/country club for a day.The panel that will be interviewing you consists of senior managers from different divisions of the company.One point to note for perspective: Through this thorough interview process, the company seeks to employ candidates who can eventually progress to a General Management position in one of the company’s numerous divisions.The various stages of the long process include:




1.panel Interview.Candidates are first put through an interview regarding ones personal and education background, career objectives, achievements, extra curricular activities, etc.The panel usually consists of senior management from different divisions of the company.Some of the questions asked featured in the “Frequently Asked Questions?section above.2.panel Discussion Cadidates discuss with the rest of the short listed candidates.The Human Resource personnel will normally chair this session.Topics are typically general in nature and the key here is to assess how each candidate engages in the discussion process, how nimble is their thought process and their grasp of current issues outside of the normal textbook environment.(Keeping silent and not engaging in the process would be an absolute disaster)

3.Lunch with the Interviewers.Though a free lunch, it comes with a purpose.This session is used to gauge the social and dinning etiquette of a candidate.How he behaves, conducts conversions over lunch, and the obvious table manners.Try not to slurp loudly and stuff yourself too full, as the afternoon sessions are even more demanding and a full stomach will only dull your thought process.4.presentation to Interviewers and rest of Candidates.One is asked to give a short 5 minutes speech/presentation on a topic of one’s choice, and to take some questions following that.(there will definitely be some from the interviewers).The purpose of this is to test your presentation skills and presence.1.面试小组面试:首轮面试将包括对应聘者的个人资料、教育背景、职业目标、已有成就、社会活动经历等的了解。面试人员是来自公司各部门的高级经理,面试问题多为前面章节的“面试常见问题”。




5.In-Tray Exercise.Candidate is sited behind a desk and asked to review various memos, e-mails that are in his in-tray.Issues cut across the various functions, marketing, sales, finance, audit, control and human resource.The candidates were asked how they would act and why in every one of the highlighted issues.It is a vigorous and demanding exercise.They focus on how you react under the different circumstances, the decisions made on every issue and your thought process when arriving at the decision.They do not expect the candidates to have full understanding of the various operations, thus it is also a test of how one copes under pressure and in new/unfamiliar situations.(this exercise displays the “helicopter”qualities of the person, whether he has the maturity and qualities to make a good manager)

6.Cocktails.Top management would typically join the candidates and the interviewers for cocktails at the end of the day.Though it is a time to finally relax and get to know each one better, it is also an excellent opportunity to reinforce ones strengths and qualities.This is the best opportunity to make an impression on top management, thus prepare the right questions and be ready to engage.Given that only the most highly qualified graduates are short listed for Shell’s job interviews, the company, by carrying out the above intensive interview process, aims to select the candidates who clearly stand out amongst the group.Candidates who are further short-listed after this process will still have to go through more interviews before being hired.5.实际业务演练:要求应聘者浏览内容五花八门的会议记录和电子邮件,涉及市场、销售、财务、审计、管理和人事。应聘者必须作出回应,并告知评判人员理由。这是要求很高的测试。主要考察应聘者在不同环境下,如何处理问题、作出决策。面试官并不期望应聘者能够完全理解自己面临的问题,所以这也可以考验应聘者在新的或者不熟悉的环境下如何背负压力进行工作。(该测试考验应聘者处于“悬空状态”时的工作能力。看他是否成熟,是否具备成为一个优秀管理人才的素质。)





The spirit of giving and sharing is at its peak during the Christmas season.People are so generous to dole out gifts, money and other things to people they care about, and at times to charity, too.This innate feeling in us is always there.It's not only for special seasons like the holidays that we should be able to give and share whatever we have in abundance.It must likely be the instinctive feeling in us that we should be willing to share and give something all year round especially to those who are in need.The holiday feeling is all around us.The malls are all decorated with pretty and shiny

Christmas decors all around.There's happy Christmas music being heard all over the place.A lot of people are shopping because there are lots of sales and discounts offered.The traffic has gone from bad to worse and more people line up in the bank to get money for their shopping spree.Everybody seems to be in a happy mood complementing the Christmas holiday feeling.Okay, this is the season where there is a lot of sharing and giving.We would be having parties in our companies and family gatherings where we would have gifts for everybody.There would be plenty of good and delicious foods around and the merry making would last till late into the night.Having said that, we may have to stop for a while and think why we are all in the celebration mood.It's Christmas and it's Jesus' birthday and that alone is enough reason to celebrate.However, if we take time to find the other meaning of Christmas in its simplest term, it is a season to thank God for everything we have for this year.It would be nice to give back to Him through the spirit of sharing and giving to those who are less fortunate in their life.In my church, our parish priest encourages all parishioners to share some of their blessings to people who have less.There are requests for used clothing, some canned goods and other goodies stuff to be donated to some charities.The usual charities would be children's

orphanages, home for the aged, for prisoners in a nearby prison area and for the sick that are still confined in government hospitals.The response has always been very positive and our parish priest can only express gratitude by blessing all of us in church and promising to pray for all of us throughout his lifetime.That would be truly reassuring since we have in our

community many priests aside from our main parish priest who would continuously pray for all of us!

The spirit of sharing and giving is innate in all of us.It is just a matter of discovering it in you and finding this deep inside you.If you have found it in your heart to share and give not only during Christmas, but every time you are have the chance to do so, then you are so blessed.I truly believe that giving even only a little is already a lot of help.That wholeheartedness of sharing and giving would come back to you in some other way.You'd be surprised that more blessings would come your way.It may be an unexpected promotion, some problems being solved on their own, some financial help coming from somewhere unexpectedly and a lot more.I'm speaking from experience.I've been blessed so many times from this sharing and giving habit that I have in me.I try to give what I can no matter how little.I do this thru my church.Everything goes with a prayer that hopefully the people who get these little things would be happy even only for a while.That thought makes me happy, feeling at peace that somehow I was able to do something for people even though I don't know them.Hopefully, everybody would give a little help.The spirit of sharing and giving doesn't mean that you are spoiling these people thru charity.It's not that;it's just that these people may feel helpless at times, hopeless most of the time and this is where we can come in, that we can show them that we care, we can give them hope and something to live for in their life.It is our way of showing them that their life is worth caring for so that they should be inspired to do better in their life.Thankfully, there is always the goodness in all of us;all we have to do is make use of it this Christmas and through out the years to come.

第四篇:案例:奉献 求真 探索

奉献 求真 探索
















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