
时间:2019-05-15 14:46:53下载本文作者:会员上传



It was the most beautiful tragedy love story in Greek mythology about Daphne and Apollo.It was told that one day,Eros(The God Of Love)was laughed at by Apollo(The God Of Sun),in order to revenge Apollo,Eros decided use his lovearrow to strike Apollo,at the same time,he used the hate arrow to strike Daphne.Then ,Apollo quickly falling in love with Daphne,but Daphne didn’t like Apollo.While Apollo run after her ,Daphne called her father change her into a laurel tree.Saw that ,Apollo was very sad and he decided to guarded the laurel tree forever.The story just begun with a trick,but ended with a tragedy.In this drama,I played a godness who named Daphne.She was a daughter of Peneus---The River God.Daphne was a very beautiful and charming girlso that there were many young people to pursue her.However,she refused all of them ,because ,in Daphne’s opinion ,she fared the feeling of love and being loved,also,she hated the marriage between god and godness.Therefor,since she was young,she sworn that she would never marry somebody ,she wanted to have a freedom like her idol---Artemis(Apollo’s sister ,The Goodness Of Moon).It was not easy for her to hold on her faith.Her father didn’t agree with her ,he always said to her:”Daphne,I wanted to have a grandson.”But Daphne still hold on her faith.Even when Apollo falling in love with her and insisted to pursue her,she would rather become a tree than accept Apollo’s deep love.From the myth ,we can know,Daphne hold on her faith forever even she would not bring back to life.After I heard this story ,I was deeply impressed by Daphne,the girl which I played.I learn many from her.First,I was moved by Daphne’s perseverance.She kept her faith since she was young ,she didn’t want to have a marriage and love,she wanted to be a virgin like Artemis, and she try her best to hunting for freedom.Therefore ,nobody could attract her ,even if Apollo.As we know,Apollo was an excellent and handsome man.In Greek mythology,he was approach to perfect,but Daphne refused him in order to keep her

own faith.In the end ,she became a laurel tree to prove her perseverance.In nowadays,more and more students are lacking of this good spirit.When we had a goal,maybe we can hold on it in a short time,however ,how many people can hold it forever ?The answer is seldom.It was difficult to achieve your goal,but if you persevere,you will close to success.Whatever, hold on you faith and try your best to persevere,you will win.Second,I admired Daphne’s independent.In Daphne’opinion ,as a woman,she needed to depend on herself,so ,she liked to do things which man like to do ,for example,she liked to hunting in woods.she didn’t want to rely on man,maybe it is the one reason that she hate marriage.I think her idea is valuable not only in old time,but also in modern society.Woman should be independent like Daphne.That included:thought independent, economical independent and spirit independent.if women can do these,they would know how to make themselves happy and facility.they will be more success.Third, I admired her for her own personality.Daphne is special in that time,as a woman ,she decided not to marry somebody,that is a shock in the old society..she is more like a modern people for her strong personality.i think everyone should own their personality.that can keep them more special and charming.Personality can decided one’s quality ,ability ,and fate.Consequently,possess your own personality.that will help you in future.To sum up,I like this myth and Daphne,I hope I can be a perseverance and independent girl like Daphne,and also own my personality.


Greek myth story has handed down for about more than three thousand years.Brilliant and grand scenes, vivid and distinct personalities, exquisite and flexural plot, so it was overwhelmed by all over the world readers.The Greek myth story is the same as the Bible that has a comprehensive influence to the whole human religious, philosophy, thoughts, customs, natural science, literature and art.When we contact with the western culture, we will meet some literary quotation that almost comes from the Greek myth story, and almost all the classical western literary can find the plot or characters that involved or directly originated from Greek mythology.Just as the Bible we need understand, we also should know the myth stories.That not just a literary works, also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries.If we want to know western culture, we need to read this book.It is a summary about gods and heroes story of the ancient Greek nation.It mixed up the real life with the fantasies.In the first chapter, it mainly talked about the Prometheus, who was only seed of the ancient god family that exiled by Zeus.He is intelligent and wise, created human beings according to the god’s appearance, and stuffs they need.All Prometheus did was caused Zeus’ envy, and stole fire make him tied in the mountain and pecked

by the eagle sent by Zeus.Then the story begins from here.The chapter two talked about the era of the humans.The God began to create the first generation of human that is the golden generation.They lives happily and had a peaceful ending.Then god created the second generation of human with silver.They are fall into the abyss of suffering due to their immature in spirit and the wanton behavior.Zeus was angry and destroy them create the next generation called bronze.They’re rude and cruel always fighting with each other.The fourth generation was we called half-god;they’re more justice and fair.But a ancient poet who exclaim over the fifth time he lived, ‘they made by black iron, they thoroughly corrupt, completely destroyed, and is full of pain and iniquity;they anxiety and distress for day and night, no peace;God only constantly add new worry to give them.There is no hope for human but despair and pain ’.So we can conclude that the man in that time in the western they also lived very pain.Full of hatred between human beings, brothers is not honest and love each other, white-haired parents gets no respect and compassion, old man is abused.Such a painful and disappointed world.Whatever the Zeus, the main god and also has abundant emotions, just like man.And his wife Hera is the daughter of Cronus, and in charge of the family and marriage, she has a strong jealous

about whom his husband loved, she also was the symbol of the power.This phenomenon was showed by several chapters.And some chapters were talked about some heroes worshipped in that situation.So in other words, it was an ideal product of the bad social condition, was the pain people's spiritual pillar, just as the Bible.The miserable people can’t change the lives and bad conditions, but only obtains psychological comfort.Although there is no god, but we learned that the Greek myth story which reflect the culture the history and the human mental outlook is nice and eternal.It records infinite ideal and hope for the human pursuit in life, but at the same time, how much inventory of the human to strive for and spatter of tears and laughing.The Greek myth is a heavy book.Many of the characters and complex relations make the person annoyed, make a person impatient;But many appalling things and make the person feels depressive, boring, and even asphyxia.Although Greek mythology is mainly sing praise to heroes, but I think also deeply expose and criticize the ugly humanity.Greek mythology it is a treasury of knowledge for human nature criticism.Family love can be false.Today maybe still be your brother, tomorrow may become your enemy.Love is not reliable make people easy to think of perishable food, difficult to preservation for a long-term.Lusts hoodwink the

heart, killing and revenge filled with the world, killing cause vengeance, vengeance and repetitive killing.Even god also exist human selfishness and ugly.Zeus in this aspect reflects particularly special.Although he is the Lord of the gods, but there is no that kind of emperor feeling who should behave.He is infatuated with worldly woman, or incarnation spirit beast, or incarnation, handsome, close to lure beautiful woman, everywhere leave merry seed.The woman knew that he was the Lord of all gods besides accept this destiny, can still how to do? Nothing.Zeus's wife Hera jealousy extremely heavy.As the same victims for the women, she not only did not give enough sympathy, but resent and revenge in their body, as if someone else is seduce her husband not her husband cheat others.The unhappy or angry between this couple, directly caused the pain of others.Iraq is one of the typical victims.When Zeus know he seduce the Iraq things have been known by Hera, he put the Iraq into a cow in order not to let Hera find the Iraq.But it still make Hera found out, she sent a servant guarded the Iraq.From now on Iraq cannot back to home even she has family, they cannot recognize each other even loved ones near at hand, the worst is leave their homes and the undertake the lovesickness.Greek mythology to person to god has made a real show, not whitewash light, and also do not cover the darkness.Not because he is a hero and cover the mean, not because he is god and conceal its

hypocrisy.Criticism of human nature is deeply rooted in this soil, so critical to appear deep powerful.Through man’s fantasy, with a kind of involuntary artistic way processed natural and social form is made by imagination and the aid of imagination to conquer nature, control the forces of nature to visualize ".So the myth is an exploration of human nature and ego and natural and self-relationship.Marx said that.Now whatever the stories or movies both originate from the Greek myths.It not only a classical literary, but a great reference for us.We can learn not only interesting things but encyclopedic information.In the west, more or less you know about the myths, always becomes a measure for man’s education degree.Greek mythology had already become an integral part of the whole western culture shall be, and constantly affect the western social culture and the development of literature and art.Many of the plots of Greek myth now have changed to some the most basic structure of western culture.Through the interpretation of Greek mythology of the human nervous, it is laid the foundation for today’s western social moral and ethical structure.




2014-5-12 丹青吐翠,翰墨飘香,碣石山畔,春风荡漾。















































二、了解到当前语文教学的现状,特别是在农村地区,语文教学模式化、单一化。无论教学什么文体的课文 ,缺乏不同文体教学的个性,呆板、沉闷,缺乏生气,文体课文变得苍白无力,索然无味,既不能吸引学生的兴趣,也无法教授学生知识,教学效果甚微。为此就要求教师理解透教材,明确教学目标。教师对文体有足够认识,授课时,对不同的文体有不同的方式和表达效果。能让学生通过语言文字很快地了解课文的内容,了解作者的写作意图,并能了解课文的真正内涵,真正学习到知识。






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