
时间:2019-05-15 14:37:10下载本文作者:会员上传


From the discussion thus far it can be stated with absolute certainty that all measured values contain errors , whether due to lack of refinement in reading , instrumental imperfection or human limitations.Some of these errors result from physical conditions that cause them to occur in systematic way , whereas others occur with apparent randomness.Accordingly , errors are classified as either systematic or random.But before defining systematic and random errors , it is helpful to define mistakes.These three terms are defined as follows:

1、Mistake.Mistake or blunders(gross errors)actually are not errors because they usually are so gross in magnitude compared to the other two types of errors.Carelessness , inattention , improper training , bad habits ,poor judgement , adverse measuring or observing conditions , and various negative attitudes and emotions are the traces or the common reasons for mistakes.They are not classified as errors and must be removed form any set of observations.Typical example of mistakes are omitting a whole tape length when measuring distance , sighting the wrong target in a round of angles , writing down 27.55 for 25.75 in recording.Therefore great care must be taken to obviate them

Mistakes will never be completely eliminated from measurements , but surveyor's careful , attentive , conscientious attitude can reduce the mistakes in most cases.Through proper training and development of good work habits , development and maintenance of positive attitudes , and understanding the theory and practically eliminated.2、systematic errors.Systematic errors are defined as those errors whose magnitude and algebraic sign can be calculated and applied as a correction to the measured quantity , or these errors follow some physical law and thus can be predicted.Some systematic errorsare removed by some correct measurement procedures(e , g, , balancing backsight and foresight distance in differential leveling to compensate for earth curvature and refraction).Others are removed by deriving corrections based on the physical conditions that were responsible for their creation(e ,g , applying a computed correction for earth curvature and refraction on a trigonometric leveling observation).Surveyors should know how to deal with systematic errors.The first requirement is to recognize and accept the possible existence of errors.Next , identify the various sources that might be affecting a reading systematically , then , determine what the system is.Is it a constant , linear, or in proportion to the size of the quantity being measured ? Or , does it follow some other mathematical relationship ? Is there some physics involved ? Once systematic errors discovered and quantified , the errors can be essentially compensated by certain processes of measuring or correctedto reduce their effect.Careful calibration of all instruments is an essential part of controlling systematic errors3、Random errors.Random(also known as a accident)errors are introduce into each measurement mainly because of human and instrument imperfections as well as uncertainties in determining the effects of the environment on measurements.After all mistakes and systematic errors have been removed from the measured values , the random errors remain.In general , random errors are unavoidable and relatively small.They usually do not follow any physical law , but it can be deal with and estimated according to the mathematical laws of probability.Examples of random errors are(a)imperfect centering over a ground point during distance measurement with an EDM instrument ,(b)bubble not centered at the instant a level rod is read , and(c)small errors in reading graduated scales

Understanding the nature of random errors helps to understand why random errors never really

fully corrected , since the observation of the physical phenomena contains personal , random errors.Thus , measurement have “uncertainties” or random errors that remain unquantifiable.Random errorsare dealt with by controlling or managing them.It is a quality control process.They cannot be corrected or eliminated , only minimized and controlled.



Survey Specialty English


㈠、教学对象:工程测量专业三年级学生 ㈡、建议学时、学分:24学时 ㈢、开课学期:三年级上学期






1. 掌握各门测绘学科中常见的专业术语、习惯用法

2. 掌握各种测量仪器、设备的名称、部件、结构等的英文写法

3. 学习一些选自近年来的英文测量教材,包括:误差理论和平差基础、普通测量、大地测量、矿山测量等

4. 能够阅读一些国际测绘学会会议或期刊上发表的介绍国外测绘理论与科研现状及发展趋势的论文

5. 能独立写作比较简单的测绘小作文 6. 掌握专业词汇1000个,其中常见词300个

7. 完本课程后能达到掌握3000个词汇,科技英文阅读速度每分钟50-80个单词


第一章 绪论(4学时)





a.测地学的,大地测量学的 topographic a.地形测量学的,地志的 topographical surveying 地形测量 photogrammetry


remote sensing 遥感

hydrographic a.(水文)地理的,水道测量的hydrography

n.水文学,水道测量的 cadastral

a.地籍的 property n.地产 ocean ographic


n.地震学 photogrammetry


remote sensing 遥感 hydrographic a.(水文)地理的,水道测量的cadastral

a.地籍的 property n.地产 ocean ographic


n.地震学 cartography


digitalization n.数字化


mathematical a.数学的calculus

n.微积分学、计算法 analytic geometry 解析几何

thermal physics 热力物理学 electrostatics


mathematical statistics 数理统计学 electrodynamics n.电动力学

quanta n.量子学 navigation n.导航,航海术,航空


MQB(Mining Qualifications board)


BTEC(Business and Technician Education Council)商业与技术人员教育理事会 RICS(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)皇家特许测量工程师学会 NCB(National Coal Board)国家煤炭局 OS(Ordnance Survey)(美国)陆军测量局




前视 plus sight


minus sight


a single set-up 一次安置 set up the instrument 安置仪器 strike v.& n.照射,瞄准 properly ad.严格地,彻底地,恰当地 in adjustment 校正好的 clamp n.& v.制动,夹紧 coincide v.重合 devert v.使转向,转换 shift v.变换,平移 slip v.& n.滑动,滑脱 signal v.发信号,打手势 n.信号,标志

rodman 司尺员 levelman 水准观测者

rod-reading 水准尺读数 inversely ad.相反地,逆向地 least count 最小读数 method of repetition 复测法 reconnaissance n.勘测,踏勘,选点

pacing n.步测

第三章 测绘仪器结构部件专业词汇(6学时)

instrument n.仪器 transit n.经纬仪 ad.旋转 theodolite n.(精密光学)经纬仪 verner transit 游标经纬仪 level n.水准仪,水准器v.整平,使成水平gyro-theodolite 陀螺经纬仪

bulls-eye bubble 圆水准器,圆气泡 plate bubble 水准管 dumpy level 定镜水准仪 tilting level 微倾水准仪 self-leveling level 自动安平水准仪 automatic level 自动安平水准仪 construction level 工程水准仪 architect′s level 建筑工程水准仪 hand level 手持水准仪 engineer′s transit 工程经纬仪 compensator n.补偿器 plane table平板仪 foot plate 尺垫,底盘,脚踏板 turning point 转点 mount v.安装,固定 telescope n.望远镜 level bar 水平尺,水准仪望远镜支架 bar n.竿,尺



minute n.分 second n.秒

error n.误差 inadvertent error 偶然误差 standard deviation 标准差 tolerance n.限差 closure n.闭合差

close tolerance 限差,允许闭合差 offset n.& v.偏移,偏差,支距 deviation n.偏差 local deviation 测站偏差

angular value 角值 average n.平均,平均数v.求平均 accurate a.精密的,准确的 accuracy n.准(确)度,精度 precision n.& a.精度,精密(的)precise a.精密的,精确的,严谨的 sensitive a.灵敏的,敏感的 sensitivity n.灵敏度,敏感性 extant n.范围,程度,大小,量值 definite a.明确的,限定的 curvature n.曲率,曲度 curve n.曲线 spherical a.球的 circular a.圆的 measurement n.观测,观测成果 correction n.改正数

centesimal a.百分度 ppm(parts per million)百万分之几



(4学时)HR(horizontal right)水平角右角 HL(horizontal left)水平角左角 H.ANG(horizontal angle)水平角 V.ANG(vertical angle)竖直角 HD(horizontal distance)水平距离 SD(slant distance)倾斜距离 VD(vertical distance)高差 ANG(angle)角度 DIST(distance)距离 coord 坐标

N(northern coord)北向坐标(X坐标)E(eastern coord)东向坐标(Y坐标)Z(zenith coord)天顶坐标(高程H)H(height)高程 CLR(clear)清除 ESC(escape)退出 ENT(enter)回车 MENU 菜单

BS# 后视点点号 FS# 前视点点号 config 配置 confirm 证实,确认 data transfer 数据传输 initialize 初始化 baud rate 波特率(传输速度)signal 信号

prism 棱镜 tilt sensor 倾斜补偿传感器 symbol mark 符号标志 tilt over 仪器倾斜超出补偿范围 memory error 存储错误 memory poor 内存不足 failed initialize 初始化失败 limit over 超限 测绘仪器生产厂家:

Kern 瑞士克恩

Leica 瑞士徕卡 Wild 瑞士威尔特

Topcon 日本拓普康 Pentax 日本宾得 Nikon 日本尼康 Sokkia 日本索佳

Geotronics瑞典捷创力 Zeiss 德国蔡司

Trimble 美国天宝

Ashtech 美国阿什泰克 Magellan美国麦哲伦



朱家钰 蒋芷华 马金凯 马振利 孙绪义 林敬










Absolute error 绝对误差addition constant 加常数

aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量

Adjustment of observations ,surver adjustment 测量平差

annexed leveling line 附合水准路线

Angle closing error of traverse导线角度闭合差

as-built survey 竣工测量atomic clock 原子钟 Attribute date属性数据average error平均误差backsight(BS)后尺 BM benchmark 水准基点 Bridge survey 桥梁测量

Closed loop traverse 闭合环导线 closed leveling line 闭合水准路线 clock error 钟差

Closed traverse 闭合导线

construction control network施工控制网 construction survey施工测量 control network控制网 control point 控制点

control survey 控制测量data capture 数据采集 data transfer 数据转换depresson angle 俯角detail survey 碎部

differential leveling 微差水准测量 detail image 数字影像

direct /spirit leveling 几何水准测量

distance measuring instrument,rangefinder 测距仪

electronic leveltheodolite电子水准 elctro-optical distance measuring instrument 广电测距仪

elevation angle 高度角 elevation difference 高差

engineering control network 工程控制网 engineering survey 工程测量

error of closure ,closing error,closure闭合差

Error propagation,propagation of error误差传播

Free intersection 自由设站法 Geodesy 大地测量学

Geodetic coordinate system 大地坐标系 Geodetic/ellipsoidal height 大地高

Geographic information system 地理信息系统

Geoid 大地水准面 Geomatics 测绘学

Global positioning system 全球定位系统 GPS constellation GPS星座,GPS receiverGPS接收机 Gross error 粗差

Height of instrument HI 仪器高 Height of target HT 目标高 Horizontal angle 水平角

Horizontal control network平面控制网 Horizontal survey 水平/平面测量 Level(rod)水准仪(尺)Map projection 地图投影 Master control station 主控站 Monitor station 监控站

Multipath effect 多路径效应 Photogrammetry 摄影测量学 Raster data 栅格数据

Realtime differential correction实时差分改正 Reference datum 参考基准面

Stadia addition constant 视距加常数 Stadia hair(interval)视距丝(间隔)Topographic survey 地形测量 Total station 全站仪 Traverse point 导线点 Traversing 导线测量

Trigonometric leveling 三角高程测量 Vertical angle 垂直角 Vertical circle 垂直度盘

第四篇:测绘工程专业英语课文翻译Unit 18 Construction Layout

Unit 18 Construction Layout(施工放样)

Engineering surveys are conducted to obtain data essential for planning, estimating, locating, and layout for the various phases of construction activities or projects.(工程测量是在施工活动或工程的不同阶段中为计划编制、估计、定位、和放样获取必需的【essential必需的】数据的行为【conduct这里是动词:处理,翻译时用名词 行为 代替】)After the necessary topographic maps are prepared and positions of the structures are established as well as the final plans for the project are available, the engineers, architects or building contractors need to know information about overall site grade and elevations to determine placement of site structures, or estimate the volume of dirt to be moved, and then to set the required horizontal and vertical positions for the structures.(在必要的地形图准备好、建筑物位臵已确定之后,同样项目的最终方案也是可用的,工程师、建筑师【architect】或承建者【building contractor承建者、承包者;contract合同】需要知道全部场地的坡度和高程来确定建筑场地的布臵或者土方估算【volume体积;estimate估计】,然后放臵建筑物的设计【required要求的,这里指设计位臵】水平和竖直位臵)

Construction surveying is the translation of construction plans into physical points on the ground that can be used as a basis for the actual construction.(施工测量【Construction surveying施工测量,不要翻译成建筑测量】是施工图【construction plan施工图】到地面上实地点位的转换【translation】,可以被用来作为实际施工的基础【或译为原理】。)

This type of surveying is sometimes called “construction layout” or “layout work”.(这种测量有时被称为“construction layout”或“layout work”)

Obviously construction surveying is the inverse operation of the activities with which the surveyor is usually associated: the gathering of data regarding real points and positions on the ground and representing those positions on a map.(显然施工测量【construction surveying】是测量者通常参与【associate参与、联合】的测量活动【activities】的逆过程【inverse operation逆过程;inverse反的】,这些通常的测量活动是实地点位数据的收集和那些位臵在图上的表示)

The surveyor performing construction surveying is taking a “map” representing proposed structures and placing that information on the ground.(进行施工测量的测量者持有一张标有【represent标示】设计建筑的“图纸”,并将其上的信息标定【place放臵】在地面上)

As you can see, the surveyor is literally involved from start to finish of a construction project.(正如你所看到的,测量者从始至终【from start to finish自始至终】完全【literally完全地、真正地;原意是逐字地】伴随【involve伴随、涉及、包括】施工项目)The results of construction surveying are seen in almost any urban, suburban, and even rural setting.(施工测量的成果能见于几乎任何城市的、郊外的、甚至乡村的工程【setting安臵;这里译为工程】)

Almost any roadway, building, or other man-made structure probably had some amount of construction surveying involved.(几乎任何道路,建筑,或其它人工建筑物都大概有一些施工测量在内)

Construction surveying provides not only the horizontal location of new man-made structures, but also the vertical information required to ensure that surfaces drain or pipes flow as required.(施工测量不只提供新人工建筑物的水平定位,还提供保证表面排水沟渠【drain】或管道【pipe】流动【flow】的竖向的信息)

Construction control: the first on-site job for the construction surveyor is to relocate the horizontal and vertical control used in the preliminary survey.(施工控制:施工测量人员第一项场区内【on site场区内】的工作是重建初测【preliminary survey初测】时的水平和竖直控制)【即工程测量中的定测阶段的:恢复初测控制网】

Generally speaking, the horizontal and vertical control used in the preliminary survey may not be used again in construction surveying.(一般而言,初测的水平和竖直控制在施工测量中不再使用)

Depending on the size and complexity of the project as well as the precision requirements, it may be necessary to reestablish the horizontal and vertical control in the areas of proposed construction.(依靠工程的大小和复杂性以及设计精度,必然【necessary必然的】可以在设计【proposed计划的、被提议的】建筑物所在场地重建水平和竖直控制)For example, the construction surveyor will establish one or more benchmarks in the general vicinity of the project.(例如,施工测量人员将在大体【general】临近工程附近【vicinity临近,附近n.in the vicinity of 在附近】建立一个或多个水准点)

These benchmarks are placed away from the immediate vicinity of the buildings so they will not be destroyed by the construction operations, and are used to provide vertical control for the project.(这些水准点被设臵在离建筑物较远的地方【away from远离;immediate vicinity紧靠n.直接译为:离建筑物较远】,以免它们被施工工作【operation工作、操作】破坏,并用来提供工程的竖直控制)

Once these are set, the surveyor will then establish a good many less permanent but more accessible benchmarks quite close to the project.(一旦这样,测量人员将建立一个很多【a good many很多】非永久的【permanent永久的】但是更易接近【accessible易接近的】于工程项目的水准点)

The location of these less permanent points should be carefully selected so that turning points will ideally not be needed when elevations have to be set at the project.(这些非永久的点位应当谨慎选取,以保证在对工程高程放样时尽量【ideally完美地、理想地】不需转点【turning point】)

Such careful selection of the points may result in critical time saving which is so important on construction project.(这些点的这种谨慎的选择,将会带来【result in导致,不符合中文习惯】关键的【critical批评的、危急的,可这里的意思是关键性的,即节省时间是关键性的】时间的节省,这在工程的施工工作【construction project】中非常重要)Layout: It is obviously critical for a construction job that the various parts of the structure be placed at the desired elevation.(放样:这明显是施工工作中的关键【critical关键的;或者:这明显对于施工工作来说是关键的】,建筑物的不同部分将放臵【测设】到设计高程上去)

To accomplish this goal the construction surveyor will establish the reference lines or base lines before the actual layout measurements begins.(为了完成这个目的,在实地放样测量开始之前施工测量人员将建立参考线或者基线)

For large construction projects, the usual procedure is to set down a main base line down the centerline of the structure, such as the centerline of the bridge.(对于大型施工项目,通常的【usual】做法【procedure程序】是将主基线设到建筑物的中心线位臵【即,以建筑物中心线为主基线】【set……down放下、设下】,例如桥中轴线)

The monuments are set along the centerline at each end beyond the area of the construction work.(沿中心线在越过施工场地两端设臵标石)【还是沿中心线设臵标石,中心线两端越过施工场地(沿中心线设臵标石,直至越过场地)?】

The monuments along the ends of the line may be occupied by the surveyor and will enable him to check and reset points within the construction areas.(测量者占据【occupy】基线两端的标石,使得他可以检查和重现放臵施工场地内的点)

The stakes and points set during the process of construction surveying are not usually set at the actual construction point, but usually on some sort of offset.(在施工测量过程中,所设的测桩和点位通常不在真实建筑点上,而是通常多少有些【some sort of】偏移【offset】)This is done so that the survey stake is not disturbed by excavation or other activities that will take place at the actual point of construction.(这么做是为了让测桩不受挖掘或其它在真实建筑点上会发生的活动的干扰)

The stakes are marked with an “offset” and a “grade”, which provides the construction crew with the special relationship of the construction stake to the actual point of construction.(测桩偏心设臵【offset平移 grade斜坡,指的是两种后果,直接译为 偏心】,给施工人员提供额外的【special额外的、特殊的】施工桩和实际建筑点之间的关系)The “offset” is the distance from the survey stake to the horizontal position of the actual point of construction, and would typically be three feet for curb and gutter to ten feet for underground pipes.(“平移量”是从测桩到实际建筑点的水平距离,有代表性的如 路边留3英尺,为地下管道开槽【gutter开槽v.槽n.】10英尺)

Techniques of layout: In construction layout measurement, the data necessary to establish the direction and distance from a control point to locate a construction point can be entered into the instrument via the keyboard or directly from an office computer.(放样方法:在施工放样测量中,在控制点为定位建筑点所需的方向和距离数据可以经由【via】键盘或直接通过办公室计算机输入仪器)

Then the surveyor guides the person holding the prism along the line of computed direction until the distance to the point to be located agrees with the computed distance.(然后测量人员引导【guide】手持棱镜的人沿计算出的方向线前行直至到所定点的距离与计算距离向吻合)

Various techniques may be applied to accomplish this goal.(完成这个目标有多种方法)A very popular technique called free station permits the surveyor to set up the total station at any convenient position and then to determine the coordinates and elevation of that instrument position by sighting previously coordinated reference stations.(一个非常流行的方法叫做自由设站法【free station自由设站法】,允许测量人员在任何便利的【convenient方便的】地方设臵全站仪,然后事先【previously】照准【sighting】已知坐标的【coordinated坐标已知的】参考位臵,以确定仪器站点的坐标和高程)

After the instrument has been set up over this instrument position(a control point)and properly oriented, angles or azimuths from the control point and distances to each layout point may be indicated.(在仪器在站点(控制点)设臵并适当定向【orient】后,从控制点到每个放样点的角度或方位角和距离就可以被指出【indicate】)

Now many total stations have such functions that the coordinates and elevations of the layout points may be uploaded into the total station, the instrument’s display shows the left/right, forward/back, and up/down movements needed to place the prism in each of the desired positions.(现在许多全站仪有这样的功能可以将放样点的坐标和高程输入全站仪,仪器的显示器【display显示器】会显示棱镜到每个设计点需要左/右,前/后,和上/下的移动)

As-built surveys: When the construction surveying has been completed, a final survey is performed.(竣工测量:当施工测量完成,最后的测量工作被执行)

The final survey includes cross sections and locations that are used for final payments to the contractor and for the completion of an as-built drawing.(最后的测量工作包括横断面图和定位,以用来【be used for用来做】做向承建人【contractor】末期付款【final payment】和完成竣工图【as-built drawing】用的)

These are the as-built surveys and they are used to check the contractor’s work and show locations of structures and their components(water line, sewer, etc.), which will be needed for future maintenance, changes, and new construction.(这些就是竣工测量,它们被用来检查承建人的工作和显示建筑物位臵以及它们的结构(水管,下水道,等等),将用来以后的维护【maintenance】、改造、和新建。)






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    丁级测绘资质的业务范围仅限于工程测量、地籍测绘、房产测绘、海洋测绘,且不超过上述范围内的三项业务。通用标准 一、主体资格1、具有独立法人资格。企业法人中的甲级测绘单......


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