Crazy Architect建筑专业英语

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第一篇:Crazy Architect建筑专业英语

Crazy Architect——Ma yansong

Beijing-born architect Ma Yansong is recognized as an important voice in a new generation of architects.He is the first Chinese architect who won the overseas landmark-building project.He commits himself to exploring the future of architecture–by combining the city density, function, and the spirit of Shanshui, to reconnect the emotional link between human and nature, and to lead into a new era where the human spirit should be the centre of urban civilization.Since the Floating Island in 2002, Ma has been putting this great idea into a world-wide practice through a series of imaginative works, including Absolute Towers, Beijing 2050, Hutong Bubble 32, Ordos Museum, Fake Hills, etc.Meanwhile, he has been exploring with public the cultural value of cities and architectures through solo exhibitions both in China and overseas, publication and art works.When you mentioned Ma yansong,you would be toldAbsolute World,The curvaceous undulating towers designed by MAD Architects for Mississauga,a suburb of Toronto,Canada,are under construction.Set for completion in 2011,the towers mark the architects’ first international win back in 2006.Located at the intersection of two main streets,the towers serve as a gateway to the city beyond.The textured band-like facade is created by a continuous balcony that wraps the entire building.The building is also shifted off its core by varying degrees to provide views of the surrounding scenery,keeping city dwellers attune to the natural environment.In the eyes of the people, words and deeds with the works of Ma Yansong in some ways more close to those of the so-called modern artist.And I think he would be the father of China architecture.



Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures like gates, bridges, and other things that are built.Sometimes, the areas surrounding the building, such as paths and gardens, are included in the design too.People who design buildings are architects.They may need skills in many fields, for example: mathematics, science, art, technology, social sciences, politics, history, and philosophy.The Colosseum, Rome, Italy People in different countries and periods of history have designed buildings in different styles.This may depend on the climate, the materials available for building, and fashion.The earliest architecture was the building of simple shelters, huts and houses.As people first began to live together in towns and cities, types of architecture became more complex.Some of the oldest buildings that have been found include the pyramids in Egypt and the ziggurats in Mesopotamia, and other early temples.The houses common people lived in were fairly simple, small and close together.The architecture of the Ancient Greeks and Romans is called Classical architecture.Some important classical buildings have stone columns with complex designs.Greek columns have beams placed across them, but Romans developed the arch in their architecture which was spread across the Roman Empire.Indian architecture is famous for the stone carving of its temples and palaces.Different archectural styles developed in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Africa, Mexico, and Central and South America.People in Western Europe in the Middle Ages made Romanesque architecture, then Gothic architecture.Gothic buildings have tall, pointed windows and arches.Many churches have Gothic architecture.When the Normans invaded England it was noticed that the English liked small houses with a lot of things in them, while the French liked big houses that were almost empty of furniture.Many castles were also built at this time.In Eastern Europe, the Byzantine influence meant that churches usually have domes.Mosques may also have domes which are a way of building a wide open space which can hold a lot of people.This is important for religious buildings.The Industrial Revolution led to new types for buildings for machines and for people to work in.Industrial architecture is the architecture of factories, mills, and other working buildings.Modern architecture was a new type of architecture created in about 1900.Modern buildings often have little decoration(designs to make something more beautiful)and are often made of steel, glass, and concrete.



The Real-name Train Ticket Purchase System Launched


The Real-name Train Ticket Purchase System Launched

With the largest population in the world and an underdeveloped railway system, China is notorious for making train tickets particularly hard to purchase for ordinary citizens, especially during the Spring Festival when the railway is the primary means of transportation.As a result, ticket scalpers have

proliferated, monopolizing a large quantity of tickets by either hiring people to buy tickets or conspiring with the ticket sellers within the railway stations.As the entire nation’s outrage over ticket scarcity keeps mounting, the Chinese government has introduced the drastic measure that citizens

purchase train tickets with valid personal IDs.The system is designed primarily to crack down on ticket scalpers whose business has developed into a major industry.By allowing each individual to buy only one ticket, the system seeks to make tickets accessible to people in real need, rather than controlled by a small number of profit-seeking and illegal scalpers.However, this reformatory measure, while somewhat easing ticket scarcity, creates new problems.Buyers find the whole buying process troublesome and time-consuming.When boarding the train, the passenger who forgets to bring his valid ID certificate will be denied access to the train.I believe the

introduction of each new system is coupled with shortcomings and there must be ways to improve the system as it is enforced.Of course, we look forward to the day when China’s railway networks are so sufficiently developed that tickets are readily available to anyone at any time.Food Contamination

From time immemorial, food contamination has become a common phenomenon in China, ranging from poisonous milk power to the plasticizers in huge quantities of Taiwan-manufactured beverages and food exported to the mainland.The public has experienced so many crises of food contamination that only the most deadly cases would create some sensations, which soon pass into oblivion with the quick occurrence of new ones.Food contamination is indisputably detrimental.The poisonous milk power has bereaved many young couples of their innocent and lovely new babes.Some contaminated foods lead to irreversible and chronic diseases.Some affected individuals, though without visible aftermaths, may suffer from lingering psychological trauma.However, the hazards produced by food contamination are more moral than physiological—with contamination cases cropping up here and there, the credibility of the entire society has been ruined and people find nothing and nobody to be trustworthy.Technically, food contamination is caused by the introduction of illegal additives and non-edible chemical substances into the manufactured food.Morally, it results from the sheer drive for profitability by gluttonous merchants who use cheaper, and often harmful, substitutes, all at the expense of the physical welfare of the public.To address the problem, some appeal to the

moral conscience of the businessmen.But the high frequency at which contamination cases have happened makes this moral appeal feeble and futile.The ultimate solution lies in law—the profit-minded businessmen would not have a penitent heart unless they are driven to bankruptcy and taken into jail!







1.From time immemorial已记不得从何时起,自古以来

2.a common phenomenon一种司空见惯的现象

3.poisonous milk power有毒奶粉

4.the most deadly cases最为致命的个案

5.create sensations引起轰动

6.pass into oblivion逐渐被忘却

7.bereave of使失去

8.irreversible and chronic diseases不可逆转的慢性疾病

9.lingering psychological trauma久久挥之不去的心理创伤

10.crop up here and there层出不穷

11.illegal additives非法添加剂

12.non-edible chemical substances非食用性化学物

13.sheer drive for profitability对利润的不择手段的追逐

14.gluttonous merchants利欲熏心的商人 the expense of以……为代价

16.To address the problem为了解决这一问题

17.moral conscience道德良知

18.feeble and futile苍白无力

19.The ultimate solution lies in law终极的解决之道只有一个,那就是法律。

20.a penitent heart心存忏悔




















194页:了解什么归入类别嵌入计算,它足以说明什么不是嵌入式设备的要求。嵌入的设备的寿命非常不同于通用机器的3 年的逐渐过时循环。有些设备是几乎一次性的:平均日本celluar电话在少于一年被替换。在oppsite极端,基础建设的设备例如电话交换机在30年的日程表贬值。这些寿命差异产生具体的影响,可升级性和向后兼容性。少量嵌入设备有升级要求。例如,积极汽车热衷者更改自己的车里的芯片,但是这些通常是只读光盘,不是处理器。大多数消费者项将被替换,不会升级。

Backward compatibility is seldom an embedded requirement,as software does not migrate from one device to another.An interesting exception is game consoles:to maintain compatibility,later console chips must be capable of being exactly as fast as the early versions despite changes in underlying process technology.In consoles,backward compatible is often implemented by putting a complete copy of the previous-generation console in one small corner of the next-generation die.Bacause many embedded designs need not be backward compatible with previous implementations,designers are free to switch designs with each product generation.Consequently,there is less emphasis on the distinction between architecture and implementation.If a new version of a chip is slightly incompatible but much better than its predecessors,designers may still be willing to use it.因为软件并不从一个设备迁移到另一个,向后兼容性很少是嵌入式的要求,一个有趣的例外是游戏控制台:要维护兼容性,尽管最新控制台芯片在基础工艺技术上有所改变,但是它一定是可胜任的是象早版本一样快速地确切。往往通过将上一代控制台的完整副本放在一个小角落里的下一代模向后兼容。因为许多嵌入式的设计需要,不能与以前实现向后的兼容,设计师可以自由切换的每一代产品的设计。因此,有少强调体系结构与实施之间的区别。如果稍有不兼容,但比其前任的芯片的新版本,设计师仍可能愿意使用它。

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