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Plot 样方 Treatment 处理 materials 材料 field trial 大田试验 design 设计 sample 样品

斑块 patch 半荒漠 semi-desert 伴生种 companion species 饱和密度 saturation density 北方针叶林 northern conifer forest 本能 instinct

本能行为 instinctive behavior 避敌 avoiding predator 边缘效应 edge effect 变异性 variability

表现型适应 phenotypic adaptation 并行的 simultaneous 捕食 predation

不重叠的 non-overlapping 草原生态系统 grassland system 层次性结构 hierachical structure 长日照植物 long day plant

尺度效应 scaling effect

臭氧层破坏 ozone layer destruction 出生率 natality或birth rate 初级生产者 primary producer 传感器 sensor

垂直结构 vertical structure 春化 vernalization

次生演替 secondary successon 存活曲线 survival curve 存活值 survival value 存在度 presence 单元的 monothetic

淡水生态系统 fresh water ecosystem 氮循环 nitrogen cycling 等级的 hierarchical 地带性生物群落 biome

地理信息系统 geographic information system 地面芽植物 hemicryptophytes 地上芽植物 chamaephytes

点突变 genic mutation或point mutation 顶极阶段 climax stage

顶极群落 climax community 顶极种 climax species

动态平衡理论 dynamic equilibrium theory 短日照植物 short day plant 断层 gaps 多度 abundance 多样化 variety 多元的 poly thetic 厄尔尼诺 El Nino 反馈 feedback 反射 reflex 泛化种 generalist

防卫行为 defennce behavior 非生物环境 physical environment 非线性关系 nonlinear 分布 dispersion 分解者 decomposer

分子进化的中性理论 the neutral theory of molecular evolution 分子生态学 molecular ecology 浮游动物 plankton 负反馈 negative feedback)负相互作用 negative interaction

复合种群 metapopulation 富营养化现象 eutrohication 改良 relamation 盖度 coverage 盖度比 cover ratio 干扰 disturbance 干扰作用 interference 高度 height

高斯假说 Coarse's hypothesis 高位芽植物 phanerophytes 个体 individual 更新 renewal

功能生态位 functional niche 关键种 keystone species 关联系数 association coefficients 光饱和点 light saturation point 光补偿点 light compensation point 光周期 photoperiod 旱生植物 siccocolous 红树林 mangrove 呼吸量 respiration 互利 mutualism

互利作用 synomonal 化感作用 allelopathy 化学生态学 chemical ecology 环境 environment

环境容纳量 environmental carryin capacity 荒漠 desert

荒漠化 desertification

荒漠生态系统 desert ecosystem 黄化现象 eitiolation phenomenon 恢复生态学 restoration ecology 混合型 mixed type

基础生态位 Fundamental niche 基质 matrix 集群型 clumped 寄生 parasitism

加速期 accelerating phase 价值 value

间接排序 indirect ordination

间接梯度分析 indirect gradiant analysis 减速期 decelerating phase 简单聚合法 lumping 碱性植物 alkaline soil plant

建群种 constructive species 进化适应 evolutionary adaptation 经典型复合种群 classic metapopulation 经济密度 economic density 景观 landscape

景观格局 landscape patten

景观过程模型 process based landscape model 景观结构 landscape structure

景观空间动态模型 spatial dynamic landscape model 景观生态学 landscape ecology 竞争 competition

竞争排斥原理 competition exclusion principle 距离效应 distance effect 聚合的 agglomerative 均匀型 uniform

可持续发展 sustainable development 空间结构 spatial structure 空间模型 spatial model 空间生态位 spatial niche 空间异质性 spatial heterogeneity 库 pool 廊道 corridor

离散性 discrete 利己作用 allomona 利他作用 kairomonal 猎食行为 hunting behavior 林冠火 crown fire 磷循环 phosphorus cycling 零假说 null hypothesis 领域性 territoriality 流 flow

逻辑斯谛方程 logistic equation 密度 density 密度比 density ratio

密度制约死亡 density-dependent mortality 面积效应 area effect 灭绝 extinction 模拟 hametic 模型 modeling 内稳态 homeostasis 内在的 intrinsic

耐阴植物 shade-enduring plants

能量分配原则 principle of energy allocation 能量流动 energy flow

年龄分布 age distribution 年龄结构 age structure 偶见种 rare species 排序 ordination 配额 quota

配偶选择 mate selection 偏害 amensalism 偏利 commensalism 频度 frequency

平衡选择 balancing selection 平台 plantform

平行进化 parallel evolution 栖息地 habitat

气候驯化 acclimatisation 器官 organs 趋光性 phototaxis 趋化性 chemotaxis

趋同进化 convergent evolution 趋性 taxis

趋异进化 divergent evolution 趋异适应 radiation adaptation 取样调查法 sampling methods

去除取样法 removal sampling 全球变暖 global warnning

全球定位系统 global Positioning System 全球生态学 global ecology 群丛 association 群丛组 association group 群落 community

群落的垂直结构 vertical structure 群落生态学 community ecology 群落水平格局 horizontal pattern 群落外貌 physiognomy 群落演替 succession 群系 formation 群系组 formation group 热带旱生林 tropical dry forest 热带季雨林 tropical seasonal rainforest 热带稀树草原 tropical savanna 热带雨林 tropical rainforest

热力学第一定律 first law of thermodynamics 人工斑块 introduced patch 人工廊道 introduced corridor 人口调查法 cencus technique

人口统计学 human demography 日中性植物 day neutral plant 冗余 redundancy

冗余种假说 Redundancy species hypothesis 森林生态系统 forest ecosystem 熵值 entropy value

社会性防卫行为 defence behavior 社会优势等级 dominance hierarchy 摄食行为 feed behavior 生活史 life history

生活史对策 life history strategy 生活小区 biotope 生活型 life form 生活周期 life cycle 生境 habitat

生境多样性假说 habitat diversity hypothesis 生理出生率 physiological natality 生理死亡率 physiological mortality 生命表 life table

生态出生率 ecological natality 生态对策 bionomic strategy 生态反作用 ecological reaction

生态幅 ecological amplitude 生态工程 ecological engineering 生态规划 ecological planning 生态恢复 ecological restoration 生态旅游 ecotourism 生态密度 ecological density 生态农业 ecological agriculture 生态入侵 ecological invasion 生态设计 ecological design 生态适应 ecological adaptation 生态死亡率 ecological mortality 生态位 niche

生态位宽度 niche breadth

生态位相似性比例 niche proportional similarity 生态位重叠 niche overlap 生态文明 ecological civilization 生态系统 ecosystem

生态系统产品 ecosystem goods 生态系统多样性 ecosystem diversity 生态系统服务 ecosystem service 生态系统生态学 ecosystem ecology 生态系统学 ecosystemology

生态型 ecotype 生态学 ecology

生态因子 ecological factor 生态元 ecological unit 生态作用 ecological effect 生物 organism

生物地球化学循环 biogecochemical cycle 生物多样性 biodiversity 生物量 biomass 生物潜能 biotic potential

生物群落 biotic community,biome 生物群落演替 succession 生殖潜能 reproductive potential 剩余空间 residual space 湿地 wetland 湿地植物 hygrophyte 时间结构 temporal structure 实际出生率 realized natality 实际死亡率 realized mortality 食草动物 herbivores 食肉动物 carnivores 食物链 food chain

食物网 food wed 矢量 vector 适合度 fitness

适应辐射 adaptive radiation 适应值 adaptive value 适应组合 adaptive suites 收获理论 harvest theory 收益外泄 externalized profit 衰退型种群 contracting population 水平格局 horizontal pattern 水土流失 soil and water erosion 水循环 water cycling 死亡率 mortality & death rate 酸性土理论 acid soil plant 酸雨 acid rain 随机型 random

常用生态学词汇,英汉对照abundance 多度 acclimation 驯化 age structure 年龄结构

age-specific life table 特定年龄生命表

agroecosystem 农业生态系统 alleles 等位基因

allopatric speciation 异域性物种 asexual reproduction 无性生殖 association table 群丛表

association unit theory 群丛单位理论 associations 群丛 biocoenosis 生物群落 bioconcentration 生物浓缩 biological enrichment 生物富集 biomass 生物量 biome 生物带

bionomic strategy 生态对策 biosphere生物圈 bottle neck 瓶颈

Some special words in ecology(C)cannibalism 同种相食 carnivores 食肉动物 carring capacity 负荷量 catastrophic 灾难性因素 chamaephytes(Ch)地上芽植物 character displacement 特征替代

cheliophytes 阴性植物 climate climax 气候顶级 climate school 气候学派 climax community 顶级群落 climax 顶级群落 cline 渐变群

closed community 封闭群落 clumped 集群分布

coadapted system 协同适应系统 coarse grained 粗粒性分布 co-dynamics 相互动态 co-evolution 协同进化 cohort 同生群 cold desert 冷荒漠 colonization 定居, 建群 coloration 色泽

communities in littoral zone 沿岸生物群落 communities in the limnetic zone 湖沼带生物群落 communities in the profundal zone 深水带生物群落 Community ecology 群落生态学 community matrix 群落矩阵 community organization 群落组织

community 群落

companion species 伴生种

compen-satory predation 补偿性捕食 competition coefficient 竞争系数 competition hypothesis 竞争假说 competitive exclusion 竞争排除 competive lottery 抽彩式竞争 conservation 保守主义者 conspicuousness 显著度 constancy 恒有度

contest competition 干扰竞争

contest type of competition 争夺型竞争 continental rise 大陆隆 continental shelf 大陆架 continental slope 大陆坡 convergent adaptation 趋同适应 convergent oscillation 趋同波动 cost of gene recombination 基因重组价 cost of mating 交配价 cost of meiosis 减数分裂价 courtship behavior 求偶行为 coverage 盖度

crude density 原始密度

cryptophytes(Cr)隐芽植物 Some special words in ecology(D)decomposition 分解作用

delayed density dependence 延后密度制约 density effect 密度效应 density ratio 密度比 density-dependent 密度制约 density-independent 非密度制约 deterministic model 决定模型 detrial food chain 碎 食物链 detritus feeder 食碎生物 development 发育

diagrammatic life table 图解式生命表 diapause 滞育

differential species 区别种 diffuse competition 分散竞争 diominant-submissive 支配—从属 directional selection 定向选择 discrete generation 离散世代

disruptive selection 分裂选择 disturbance climax/disclimax 偏途顶级

divergent oscillation 趋异波动 dominance 优势度 dominant species 建群种 dominant species 优势种

dominant-submissive 支配—从属关系 dry desert 干荒漠

dynamic classification 动态分类系统 dynamic life table 动态生命表

dynamic-composite life table 动态混合生命表 Some special words in ecology(E)earth nucleus 地幔 earth's crust 地核

Ecological amplitude 生态幅 ecological density 生态密度 ecological dominance 生态优势 ecological environment 生态环境 ecological equivalent 生态等值种 ecological factor 生态因子 ecological force 生态力 ecological invasion 生态入侵 ecological natality 生态出生率 ecological release 生态释放


ecosystem development 生态系统的发育 Ecosystem ecology 生态系统生态学 ecosystem 生态系统

ecotone hypothesis 生态交错带假说 ecotype 生态型 ectotherm 外温动物 edge effect 边缘效应

eitolation phenomenon 黄化现象 emergy 能值 emigration 迁出

endogenous migration 内因性迁移 endotherm 内温动物

environment hormone 环境激素 environment 环境

equilibrium theory平衡理论

euphotic zone 透光带 euryecious 广栖的 euryhaline 广盐性的 euryhydric 广水性的 euryphagic 广食性的

eurythermal 广温性的 eurytopic species 广适种 eutrophication 富营养化

evergreen hardwood forest 常绿硬材林 Evolution ecology 进化生态学 evolution force 进化力

exogenous migration 外因性迁移 exploitive competition 利用竞争 exponetial growth 指数增长 Some special words in ecology(F)facultative parthenogenesis 孤雌生殖 facultative parthenogenesis 兼性孤雌生殖 facultative 兼性因素 family selection 家庭选择 farmland ecosystem 农田生态系统 fecundity schedule 生育力表 fecundity 生育力 feedback 反馈

feeding niches 取食生态位 filter food 滤食性生物 fine grained 细粒性分布 finite rate of increase 周限增长率

fitness 合适度

floristic-structural classification 植物区系—结构分类系统 fluctuation 波动 food chain 食物链 formation group 群系组 formation 群系 formation 植物群系

foundational niche 基础生态龛 freshwater ecology 淡水生态学 freshwater ecosystem 淡水生态系统 function response 功能反应 Some special words in ecology(G)gamete selection 配子选择 gaps 缺口

gaseous cycle 气体循环 geng pool 基因库

geographic variation 地理变异

geographical theory of speciation 物种形成 geometric growth 几何级数增长

geophytes(G)地下芽植物 global ecology 全球生态 gradient hypothesis 梯度假说

grain 粒性 grazer 牧食生物

grazing food chain 捕食食物链 greenhouse effect 温室效应 gregarization pheromone 聚集信息素 gross primary production 总初级生产力 group selection 群体选择 group selection 群体选择 group selection 群选择 growth form 生长型 guild 同资源团

Some special words in ecology(H)habal zone 深渊带 habitat 生境 heath 石楠群丛 height 高度

hemicryptophytes(He)地面芽植物 herbivore 植食 herbivores 植食动物

heterotrophic succession 异养演替 heterotrophs 异养生物 hibernation 冬眠

homeostasis 内稳态 homeostasis 自调节稳态 homeostatic organism 内稳态生物 homeostatic process 内稳定过程 human demography 人口统计学 Human ecology 人类生态学 humus 腐殖质

hydrarch succession 水生演替 hydrosere 水生演替系列 Some special words in ecology(I)immigration 迁入 importance value 重要值

individual converse rate 个体转化率 industrial melanism 工业黑化现象 inner capacity increase 内禀增长力 inner-environment 内环境

instantaneous rate of increase 瞬间增长率 intensity 强度

interference competition 干扰竞争 interference competition 干扰竞争 intermediate disturbance hypothesis 中度干扰假说

internal distribution pattern 内分布型 interspecfic relationship 种间关系 intertidal zone 潮间带

intraspecific relationship 种内关系 inversely density dependent 反密度制约 Island ecology 岛屿生态学 iteroparity 多次繁殖生物 iteroparous 多次生殖

Some special words in ecology(J--L)J Jordan's rule 约丹定律 K keystone species 关键种 kin selection 亲属选择 kin selection 亲属选择 k-strategists k-策略者 L land cover 土地覆盖 land use 土地利用

Landscape ecology 景观生态学

law of constant final yield 最后产量衡值法则 law of the minimum 最小因子法则

law of tolerance 耐受性法则 layer 层

leached layer 淋溶层 leaf area index 叶面积指数 leaf area index(LAS)叶面积指数 lentic ecosystem 静水生态系统 life cycle 生活周期 life expectancy 生命期望 life form spectrum 生活型谱 life form 生活型

life history strategy 生活史对策 life history 生活史 lifespan 生活年限 lifetime 寿命

limit of tolerance 忍受性限度 littoral zone 沿岸带

lotic ecosystem 流水生态系统 Some special words in ecology(M)macroclimate 大气候 macrofauna 大型生物 Marine ecology 海洋生态学 marine ecosystem 海洋生态系统

maximum natality 最大出生率

maximum sustained yield 最大持续生产量 megafauna 巨型生物 mexofauna 中型生物 microclimate 小气候 microcolony 微菌落 microcommunities 小群落 micro-ecosystem 微生态系统 micro-environment 微环境 microfauna 小型生物 microplankton 小型浮游生物 migration 迁徙 migration 迁移

modular organism 构件生物 modules 构件

Molecular ecology 分子生态学 monoclimax theory 单元演替顶级 monocultute 单种养殖 monogamy 单配偶制 monpohagous 单食性 monsoon forest 季风林 mortality curve 死亡曲线

mortality 死亡率 mosaic 镶嵌性

Some special words in ecology(N)natality 出生率

n-dimensional niche n维生态龛 negative feedback 负反馈

net primary production(GP)净初级生产力 neutrality controversy 中性说论战 niche compression 生态位压缩 niche separation 生态位分离 niche shift 生态位分离 niche 生态位

non-equilibrium theory 非平衡理论 non-homeostatic organism 非内稳态生物 Some special words in ecology(O)obiotic component 非生物成分 ocean-current 洋流 ohort life table 同群生命表 omnivores 杂食动物 open community 开放群落 open shrublands 稀疏灌丛

opportunist 机会主义者

ordination 排序 ornamentation 修饰

Some special words in ecology(P)panclimax 泛顶级 pantropical 泛热带区 parabiosphere 副生物圈 parasites 寄生生物 parasitoidism 拟寄生 parent material 母质层 parental care 亲代关怀 parental investment 亲本投资 patchiness 斑块性

per capita growth rate 每员增长率 perclimax 前顶级

peritrophic mycorrhizae 周边营养性菌根 phanerophytes(Ph)高位芽植物 phenotype 表现型

photoperiodism 光周期现象 phyplankton 浮游植物 physiognomy 外貌

Physiological ecology 生理生态学

physiological natality 生理出生率 phytochrom 色素

pioneer community 先锋群落 pjarapatric speciation 邻域性物种 plankon 浮游生物

Poission distribution 泊松分布 polyandry 一雌多雄制

polyclimax theory 多元顶级理论 polygamy 多配偶制 polygyny 一雄多雌制 polymorphism 多型现象 polyphagous 多食性的 Population ecology 种群生态学 population 种群

porosity 粒间空隙 positive feedback 正反馈 postclimax 超顶级 predation 捕食者 predator 捕食者

present reproductive value 当年繁殖价值 prevail climax 优势顶级 prey 猎物

prezygotic mechanism 合子前隔离 primary production 初级生产 primary succession 初级演替 primary succession 原生演替 principle of allocation 分配原理

principle of competitive exclusion 竞争互斥原理 production rate 生产率 production 生产量 productivity 生产力

progressive succession 进展演替 protogynous hermaphriodism 雌雄同体 pyramid of energy 能量金字塔 Some special words in ecology(R)radiation adaptation 趋异适应 random 随机分布 rare species 偶见种 reaction time lag 反应滞时 reactive species 反映性物种 realized natality 实际出生率 realized nick 实际生态龛 regressive succession 逆行演替 relative frequency 相对频度

relative reproductive value相对生殖值 reproduction effect 生殖成效 reproductive cost 繁殖成本 reproductive pattern 生殖格局 reproductive time lag 生殖滞时 reproductive value 生殖值

residual reproductive value 剩余繁殖价值 resilient stability 恢复稳定性 resistant stability 抵抗稳定性 Restoration ecology 恢复生态学 richness 丰度

r-k continuum of strategies r-k 策略连续系统 r-strategists r-策略者

Some special words in ecology(S)saprovores 食腐者

savanna woodland 热带稀树草原林地 scavenger 食腐者 sciophytes 阳性植物

scramble competition 利用竞争

scramble type of competition 分摊型竞争 secondary metabolites 次生代谢物质 secondary production 次级生产力

secondary succession 次生演替 secondary 次级演替 sedimentary cycle 沉积循环 selective fertilization 选择受精 self-destructive 自我破坏 semelparity 一次繁殖生物 semelparous 一次生殖 sex ratio 性比

sexual dimorphism 雌雄二形现象 sexual reproduction 有性生殖 sexual selection 性选择 sexual selection 性选择 shade plants 耐阴性植物

Shannon-Weiner index 香农—威纳指数 sieve selection hypothesis 筛选说 similarity 相似度

Simpson's diversity index 辛普森多样性指数 social group 社群 social hierarchy 社会等级

social-economic-natural complex ecosystem 社会--经济--自然复合系统 solar emergy 太阳能值 solar emjoules 太阳能焦耳

solar transformity 太阳能值转换率 spatial pattern 空间格局 special heterogeneity 空间异质性 speciation 物种形成

species area curve 物种面积曲线 species diversity 物种多样性

species evenness or equitability 种的均匀度 species heterogeneity 种的不齐性 species turnover rate 种的周转率 spore reproduction 孢子生殖 stability-resilience 稳定恢复力 stabilizing selection 稳定选择 standing crop 现存量 static life table 静态生命表 stenoecious 窄栖性的 stenohaline 窄盐性的 stenohydric 窄水性的 stenophagic 窄食性的 stenothermal 窄温性的

steppe and semideserty 干草原和半荒漠 stochastic model 随机模型 stratification 成层现象

subassociation 亚群丛组 subdominant 亚优势种 subformation 亚群系 succession 演替 succulent 肉质植物 succulent 肉质植物

summed dominance ratio(SDR)综合优势比 summer-green deciduous forest 夏绿落叶林 survivorship curve 存活曲线 sympatric speciation 同域性物种 Synecology 群落生态学 synusia 层片

Some special words in ecology(T)Terrestrial ecology 陆地生态学 territorial behavior 领域行为 territoriality 领域性

the-2/3 thinning law-2/3自疏法则 the effect of neighbours 邻接效应 therophytes(Th)一年生植物 thertnoperiodism 温周期现象

thorn forest and scrub 多刺森林和密灌丛 time-specific life table 特定时间生命表

torpor 蛰伏

total neutrality hypothesis 中性说 trophic level 营养级

trophic relationship 营养的联系 trophic relationship 营养联系 tundra and cold forest 苔原和冷森林 Some special words in ecology(U--Z)U uniform 均匀分布 unitary organism 单体生物 univoltine insects 一化性的昆虫 upper horizon 覆盖层 Urban ecology 城市生态学 V vegetation subtype 植被亚型 vegetation type group 植被型组 vegetation type 植被型 vegetative propagation 营养生殖 volume 体积 W water cycle 水循环 weight 重量

X xerarch succession 旱生演替 xerophytes 旱生植物 Z

zero net growth isoline(ZNGI)零增长线 zone of emergent vegetation 挺水植物带 zooplankton 浮游动物


§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §1.什么是斑块-廊道-基质模式?如何区分这三类景观结构单元? 2. 什么是景观的结构、功能和动态?它们之间的关系是什么? 3. 什么是景观连接度?它对景观功能的重要意义是什么? 4. 为什么要研究景观格局?研究景观格局主要方法有哪些? 5. 景观生态学与自然保护和土地规划及设计有何关系?景观生态学研究的重点? 举例说明如何利用景观生态学


7、岛屿生物地理学理论和方法促进生物多样性保护和自然资源管理。8.现代生态学的发展趋势及特点是什么? 9. 什么是环境?地球环境由哪几部分组成? 10. 种的生态幅及其制约因子有哪些主要规律? 11. 水分对生物有何影?生物如何适应? 12.什么是种群?与个体特征相比较,种群有那些重要的群体特征? 13.比较种群指数增长模型和逻辑斯缔增长模型,举例说明指数增长模型在人口预测上 的应用价值。14.何谓种内与种间关系? 种间关系有哪些基本类型? 15.生物密度效应的基本规律有哪两个? 其主要特征是什么? 16.什么是高斯假说与竞争排斥原理? 17.什么是生态位?试举例说明。简述群落演题学说 18. 分析我国陆地生态系统类型的纬向地带性更替规律。19. 分析我国陆地生态系统类型的经度地带性更替规律。20.极端气候事件有那些研究方法 21.简述土地利用/覆盖变化研究的主要内容及其热点问题 22.遥感常用的数据有什么,主要用途如何。遥感和GIS适合于研究什么问题.23.研究农业污染有什么意义,农业立体污染的概念如何。24 简述土地利用/覆盖变化研究的主要内容及其热点问题 25 全球变化对我国农业可能产生什么影响 26极端气候事件主要指什么?极端气候事件与全球变化有什么关系? 27 农业生态学的主要研究内容是什么? 28农业生态学的主要任务是什么? 29害虫防治的生态学实质是什么?害虫生态调控的原理依据是什么? 30简述污染物在环境中的迁移过程? 31 论述生态系统对污染的净化功能? 32全球CO2循环的过程 33温室气体主要有哪些?



















土木工程翻译实例----现场质量控制样件概述 On-site Quality Control Samples

The Specialist contractor shall erect the first area of each type of the Works and offer these to the Project Manager as on-site quality control samples.The standard of workmanship for the Works shall be to an agreed standard established by the construction of the On-site Quality Control Samples.The Project Manager shall review and comment on the On-site Quality Control Samples.Should the specialist contractor wish to continue with installation of any of the Works before the Project Manager has reviewed and commented on the On-site Quality Control Samples, he shall do so at his own risk.The Project Manager may require parts of the sample to be dismantled to allow inspection of concealed details.Upon acceptance, the on-site control samples shall remain as part of the installed permanent Works.The Project Manager shall reject workmanship that falls below the accepted standard and shall require the specialist contractor to remove it and re-install it to the acceptable standard.现场质量控制样件



Compliance with Standards

Unless otherwise described, all materials shall conform to the appropriate current European or British Standard Specifications.The Specialist contractor shall provide the Project

Manager, on request, with guarantees, or certificates of conformity, from the prime material manufacturers and suppliers proving that the materials to be used do in fact conform to such specifications.These guarantees or certificates shall also confirm that the materials are suitable and appropriate for their intended use within the Works and will satisfy this Contract Document.遵从规范


Sources of Materials

In accordance with the schedule of submissions, the Specialist contractor shall provide for the Project Manager’s review a list of the proposed materials and their sources.He shall also provide documents from the sources as evidence of their ability to carry out the tasks

expected of them, and written confirmation that the materials they are supplying are suitable and appropriate for their intended use and will satisfy this Contract Document.The Specialist contractor shall obtain the total quantity of each material from the same manufacturer.The Specialist contractor shall obtain materials from established and reputable

manufacturers, particularly those who are prepared to assist him with the design process, through to the fabrication and final installation on site.材料的来源 根据递交计划表,专业承包商应把含有提议使用材料的名称及其来源信息的列表递交项目经理审阅。专业承包商还应提供从材料供应商那里获得的相关文件以证明他们有能力完成其任务,以及书面确认用以证明这些材料在工程中的用途适当且合理,同时符合合同文件。





Bering Strait bridge


Technical challenges技术挑战

The route would lie just south of the Arctic Circle, subject to long, dark winters and extreme weather(average winter lows 20°C with possible lows approaching 50°C).Maintenance of any exposed roadway would be difficult and closures frequent.Even maintenance of enclosed roadways and pipelines could also be affected by winter weather.Ice breakup after each winter is violent and would destroy normal bridge piers.Specially shaped massive piers along the ocean floor would be needed to keep the bridge stable.The Confederation Bridge between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick addresses similar concerns on a much smaller scale.桥的路线正好位于北极圈的南端,它受到了漫长黑暗的冬季和极限天气的影响(冬天的平均温度低至20°C而且最低的温度甚至可能达到50°C)。任何暴露在外的路面部分的维护工作都是很困难进行的,所以不得不频繁地将其关闭。即使是关闭的路面和管线的维护也将受到冬季气候的影响。在冬天过后冰的消融也会是危险强烈的并且会对普通的桥墩造成毁灭性的破坏。这就需要沿着海床布置具有特殊形状的大桥墩以保证桥的稳定性。位于爱德华王子岛和新布朗斯威克之间的联邦大桥就面临着类似的问题,只不过它受影响的范围要小得多。

The United States and Canada use the British and now world standard gauge(4 feet, 8.5 inches wide)rails, while Russia uses Russian broad gauge(5 feet wide)tracks, a

break-of-gauge, and this would have to be addressed.A dual-gauge track network has been proposed, as those are used in some areas of Australia, whose rail network is split into different gauges.A cheaper solution is variable gauge axles or bogie exchange, as used at several places in the world already.美国和加拿大的铁路采用英国的也是现在的世界标准轨距(4英尺,8.5英寸宽),而俄罗斯的铁路采用俄罗斯宽轨距(5英尺宽),需要说明的是这样就形成了具有不同轨距的铁路。一个具有双轨距的铁路网方案被提了出来,这种方案正在澳大利亚某些地区使用,他们的铁路网就为存在不同的轨距。一个造价更低的解决方案就是使用变轨距车轮或转向车,这种方案已经在世界多个地方使用了。






2、垂直安全绳之设置,应依下列规定办理: a、安全绳之下端应有防止安全带锁扣自尾端脱落之设施。











1.The setup of horizontal safety rope should comply with the followingprovisions:

a.¢8.3 wire rope should be applied.Three U-shaped claspsshould be used one both

ends to tighten onto the stable places on the buildingor structure.b.Only one safety belt could be tied on the safety rope between two adjacentstrut rods.c.The number of safety belt allowed to be tied should be marked on the head ofthe

rope’s anchor.2.The setup of vertical safety rope should comply with the following provisions:

a.At lower end of the safety rope, there should be facilities to prevent the fastener of safety

belt from falling off from the caudal end.b.One safetyrope should only be used by on worker.c.When horizontal distance between the operation or climbing position of workers iswithin one meter, one safety rope should be shared by two workers.d.All the vertical safety rope should draw down to ground/completed floor.e.The followingstick in colors should be stuck onto safety belts or safety ropes after test todisplay test passing of current month.In this way, qualified safety belt aftertest would be easy to recognize.f.During operation in basket, safety belt must be tied onto the self-lock of the safetyrope;tying onto any places besides safety rope is prohibited.g.Builder should be equipped with tool box.Small accessories should be kept in the boxand fastened to rope when in use to prevent from being dropped from height andhitting people or objects.Material and supplies at the edge of construction area should not be placed at will;more than one meter’s distance from the edgeof the floor is considered safe location for placing;in this way, droppingcaused by wind or man and hitting people or objects could be avoided.h.when big objects such as glass or boxes are placed, safety protection measures must becarried out.For example, glass of big dimensions(above 2.4 square meters)should be placed onto the two sides of the glass shelf with symmetry, and boundand fastened with rope.Glass in boxes should be placed together at one placeas much as possible.Boxes of Glass should be well padded to prevent fromslant.Wood-blocks should be used to joint all boxes to prevent from collapse.i.First-aidbox should be placed at construction site.Workers should be given heat controlarticles in high temperature season.



194页:了解什么归入类别嵌入计算,它足以说明什么不是嵌入式设备的要求。嵌入的设备的寿命非常不同于通用机器的3 年的逐渐过时循环。有些设备是几乎一次性的:平均日本celluar电话在少于一年被替换。在oppsite极端,基础建设的设备例如电话交换机在30年的日程表贬值。这些寿命差异产生具体的影响,可升级性和向后兼容性。少量嵌入设备有升级要求。例如,积极汽车热衷者更改自己的车里的芯片,但是这些通常是只读光盘,不是处理器。大多数消费者项将被替换,不会升级。

Backward compatibility is seldom an embedded requirement,as software does not migrate from one device to another.An interesting exception is game consoles:to maintain compatibility,later console chips must be capable of being exactly as fast as the early versions despite changes in underlying process technology.In consoles,backward compatible is often implemented by putting a complete copy of the previous-generation console in one small corner of the next-generation die.Bacause many embedded designs need not be backward compatible with previous implementations,designers are free to switch designs with each product generation.Consequently,there is less emphasis on the distinction between architecture and implementation.If a new version of a chip is slightly incompatible but much better than its predecessors,designers may still be willing to use it.因为软件并不从一个设备迁移到另一个,向后兼容性很少是嵌入式的要求,一个有趣的例外是游戏控制台:要维护兼容性,尽管最新控制台芯片在基础工艺技术上有所改变,但是它一定是可胜任的是象早版本一样快速地确切。往往通过将上一代控制台的完整副本放在一个小角落里的下一代模向后兼容。因为许多嵌入式的设计需要,不能与以前实现向后的兼容,设计师可以自由切换的每一代产品的设计。因此,有少强调体系结构与实施之间的区别。如果稍有不兼容,但比其前任的芯片的新版本,设计师仍可能愿意使用它。



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