
时间:2019-05-15 14:41:35下载本文作者:会员上传


English Learning Report

Although,I have learned English for few years when I am a student, but focus the most time and energy on preparing for English exam, so that I didn’t grasp how to use English really.In my opinion, there are several reasons as following.Firstly, I can’t stick to learning English by myself.To tell the truth, I spent little time learning English unless there is an English examination.Secondly, I have no opportunity to talk with other people in English, and it’s seemed that there is no use of English in my life except passing the examination before.However, during the 2 years study, I found that I have great interest in English again.I learned many English study methods.There is a popular saying “Rome wasn't built in a day.” It is true and Rome was not built in a night as well.Likewise, we should stick to learn English and practice English everyday.English study is a long process, which one cannot expect success for merely one night.In order to study English well, I think the best and the most effective way is to practice every day.For instance, speak loud and try to be heard and then modify the pronunciation and intonation.In the meantime, do some exercise such as grammar exercise and practice writing skill is an efficient method.I know that English learning is a very difficult task for most people, because we don’t live in a environment where we are forced to speak or write English.I have a lot of difficulties in the progress of my English study.For example, I know limited vocabulary.Once I read English story, I find I couldn’t understand what the story is about since my vocabulary is poor.What’s more, I have some problems in English pronunciation.In order to overcome those problems, I study English with my son who is a grade three primary student and studies English when he is three years old.I often remember words with my son together when he is doing his homework.We speak simple English in our daily life to improve oral English.And I usually take my son to the cinema to see English cartoon movie, like The Smurf and Finding Demo and so on.I have kept a diary in English.I just write down what I do,what I see and what I think of every day.I try my best to express myself with simple words.In this way I have

improved my writing ability a lot.On the other hand,this diary writing has also helped me to form the habit to think in English I stick to study English in this way day after day and I learn a lot, improve a lot.As a result, I think the best way to learn English is by communicating with others using the language itself and not just learn from the book.I’m sure if someone live in an environment such as a foreign country and is forced to speak and write English everyday then English will improve dramatically.Although we must agree that we need to read and write English from the book in order to get the foundations that we need for basic communication.To sum up, my English learning method are as follows:

I think the best way to learn English is to read more, listen to it more, write more and practice more and use English as much as possible.It is also a good way to listen to music to learn English or try some stories.I think that can all help improve with English.English is not as difficult as I imagined.The most important thing is that I have great interest in English.If I understand an English word or a simple English dialogue, I will feel very proud of myself.And every time I discover my progress in English study, I feel very satisfied.English is becoming more and more important under the trend of globalization.It is emergent for us to study English well.


English Learning Report Although,I have learned English for few years when I am a student, but focus the most time and energy on preparing for English exam, so that I didn’t grasp how to use English really.In my opinion, there are several reasons as following.Firstly, I can’t stick to learning English by myself.To tell the truth, I spent little time learning English unless there is an English examination.Secondly, I have no opportunity to talk with other people in English, and it’s seemed that there is no use of English in my life except passing the examination before.However, during the 2 years study, I found that I have great interest in English again.I learned many English study methods.There is a popular saying “Rome wasn't built in a day.” It is true and Rome was not built in a night as well.Likewise, we should stick to learn English and practice English everyday.English study is a long process, which one cannot expect success for merely one night.In order to study English well, I think the best and the most effective way is to practice every day.For instance, speak loud and try to be heard and then modify the pronunciation and intonation.In the meantime, do some exercise such as grammar exercise and practice writing skill is an efficient method.I know that English learning is a very difficult task for most people, because we don’t live in a environment where we are forced to speak or write English.I have a lot of difficulties in the progress of my English study.For example, I know limited vocabulary.Once I read English story, I find I couldn’t understand what the story is about since my vocabulary is poor.What’s more, I have some problems in English pronunciation.In order to overcome those problems, I study English with my son who is a grade three primary student and studies English when he is three years old.I often remember words with my son together when he is doing his homework.We speak simple English in our daily life to improve oral English.And I usually take my son to the cinema to see English cartoon movie, like The Smurf and Finding Demo and so on.I have kept a diary in English.I just write down what I do,what I see and what I think of every day.I try my best to express myself with simple words.In this way I have improved my writing ability a lot.On the other hand,this diary writing has also helped me to form the habit to think in English I stick to study English in this way day after day and I learn a lot, improve a lot.As a result, I think the best way to learn English is by communicating with others using the language itself and not just learn from the book.I’m sure if someone live in an environment such as a foreign country and is forced to speak and write English everyday then English will improve dramatically.Although we must agree that we need to read and write English from the book in order to get the foundations that we need for basic communication.To sum up, my English learning method are as follows: I think the best way to learn English is to read more, listen to it more, write more and practice more and use English as much as possible.It is also a good way to listen to music to learn English or try some stories.I think that can all help improve with English.English is not as difficult as I imagined.The most important thing is that I have great interest in English.If I understand an English word or a simple English dialogue, I will feel very proud of myself.And every time I discover my progress in English study, I feel very satisfied.English is becoming more and more important under the trend of globalization.It is emergent for us to study English well.


Spoken English Learning

After so many spoken English course of study,I learned a lot of knowledge from the teacher.I summarized into the following points.First and foremost,i know if you want to improve your spoken English quickly,You must overcome your fear of speaking English, opening your mouth and chatting with others.At first, you may stutter and embarrassed but this is very normal.Only thing you need to do is keep to do it and you are not far away from fluent oral English.Because you stepped out of the most difficult step.Secondly,you must often expose yourself to the English environment.Though you can not understand what they say,don't worry about it.You just make your life ofen filled English,so it can increase language sense unconsciously.Thirdly,you must keep every once in a while to write an article,may be three days or aweek.After a period of time, you can check and modify the article you wrote before.After several times of modification, not only your article will be more perfect, and your writing skill will be improved.Fourth, if you want to other and could keeping talk,you can think six aspects are what,who,how,where,why,if.This is a good way to seek the thing you want to express.Let you become more and more like to speak English.The last but not least.Never say my English is very poor.If you always say that,then your heart will think you English is very poor.so you will have no confidence to learn English.Taking all the factors into consideration,we could know if you want to speak English fluently,you have to insist on down.Insist on listening, speaking, reading and writing.Only in this way can we achieve our goals.

































怕人嘲笑是毫无必要的,这种心理上的挫败感需要自己去克服它。要明白,老外知道你是外国人,你能流畅地用英语表达意思,谁会关心你到底犯了多少语法错误呢?有一个美国朋友就跟我说:“Frank,你的英语不错啊,什么都能表达,我都听得懂;我的中文可是远远不如你的英文啊。”呵呵,你想想是不是这个道理,如果老外的中文不如你的英文,你比他强多了,他有什么资格嘲笑你?放弃这个害人的想法吧,你所要的是和外国人沟通,你即不是在海外出生长大的,也不是英语老师,你为什么一定要说一口地道无误的伦敦音呢?Fluency is more important than accuracy!














As the saying goes, studying English for use and using English for study.This is my philosophy and theory, established in my English teaching experience.When faced with my students first time, I have a little nervousness.But after I put my teaching method into use, which my foreign teacher taught me in my training class, I have a feel of success.The teaching method is studying English for use and using English for study.After basic study, I divided my class into several group, and I asked my students to play a role, by using the content in the lesson.By playing game, the students understand the lesson.My homework was not to recite the word and the text.My way was to ask them write down the English game, based on the text.In this way, my students liked English, liked my lesson.All of them thought English was very fun, very easy.As a result, most of them gained the grade over 90, and the class lined in the first in the school.Studying English for use and using English for study is not only my way , but also you way.It is the way of both teachers and students.It is the way for everyone.That is all, thanks.



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