Canton Tower--广州塔英文介绍

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第一篇:Canton Tower--广州塔英文介绍

Canton Tower

Canton Tower, also known as Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower, is a tower near Chigang Pagoda, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong.It is one of the world’s most spectacular new buildings, which was topped-out in 2009 and became operational in 2010.The tower is designed by Dutch Barbara couples.The designers' aim was to design a free-form tower with a rich and human-like identity that would represent Guangzhou as a dynamic and exciting city.They also wanted it would look as if ‘in movement’ and ‘alive’.The result is the tower, very slender and tall, that bears similarities with the figure of a female.Then it earned the nickname: ‘Tiny-waist’.The interior of the tower is divided into several zones.'A' zone begins from a climb tower hall on the second floor.There is an outdoor observation deck on this floor, which is the best place to watch the Guangzhou tower body structure.The third floor is the banquet hall and multifunctional ’conference rooms, and it is suitable for parties and a big meeting.‘B’ area is a 3d and 4d cinema.Between ‘C’ and ‘D’ zones is spider-man road, it is the world's longest spiral aerial ladder.There are 1096 steps, about one km, and each level has three pieces of transparent glass.Standing on it will be very unforgettable.103 to 106 layers are dining rooms.There are two of the world's highest revolving restaurants.The food is very fresh and delicious.107 and 108 layers have two sightseeing halls, which are cloud and starry sky themed respectively.Tourists can have a bird's-eye view of the beautiful scenery of both the Guangzhou New City and the Pearl River.It is amazing and exciting.On the 450-meter-high rooftop of Canton Tower, there is the world’s highest Ferris wheel.Visitors can take the world’s highest Ferris wheel to take the panoramic views of Guangzhou and feel as if the sky and clouds are at fingertips.In a word, Canton tower is a large urban infrastructure with sightseeing tours, radio and television transmission, entertainment and urban window functions.It is a landmark building in Guangzhou.















作为广州的标志性建筑,广州塔(广州塔)位于海珠区,在南岸的珠江,陈维岛屿面临向北。与 1,968 英尺(600 米)的高度,这是最高的电视塔,在中国,第三个世界最高。塔一直是广州必看的风景名胜。从山顶上,你们可以鸟瞰整个城市。

这座塔还指出以其独特的设计。设计师马克 · 赫默尔灵感的女性的髋关节,骨头,然后他创建纤细的腰身,中间的塔,就像一个淑女曲折她的腰在后面看。在最细的部份,直径是大约 32 码(30 米)。这座塔已成为一个新的城市地标和广州八个新景点之一。不管游客有珠江游船或只是漫步其银行,他们可以看到雄伟的塔。特别是在晚上,塔看起来像灿烂的礼服,多彩灯火。

广州塔可以分为五个区根据高度,即区 E、D、C、B A.游客可以体验不同的乐趣,在塔里面。E 区

E,包括天线,区从 1 开始,233 英尺(376 米)。它包含最优秀集合内塔的娱乐项目。“488 瞭望”,根据吉尼斯世界纪录,最高的室外观景台位于顶部 1,601 英尺(488 米)。游客有广州市的全景。它是一个精彩的网站,用于摄影狂热者赶上日出,月光下,满天星斗的天空,和城市全景的喘不过气来的时刻。

天空降 100 英尺自由落体,开始在 1,591 英尺(485 米),是最高的世界的心跳停止垂直自由落体。如果你想要的激动人心的体验,它提供了两种风格: 传统“坐下降”和“站掉”自由落体。你可以有机会摆脱你的压力、焦虑和无聊。

泡沫电车是游客最受欢迎的活动之一。有轨电车已围绕塔 16 水晶观光小木屋。它的转速在 1,492 英尺(455 米)处的塔主要体顶部附近。以其辉煌的城市全景视图,泡沫电车被认为是一个浪漫的地方,为使求婚。

在第 109 和 110 层是工程奇迹之旅大厅,可以保护广州塔从飓风和地震。广州塔第 108 和第 107 层分别位于星观景台,观景台云。星级观景台是最高的地方,室内观光。游客可以享受蓝天、白云和星夜与世界在他们脚下。还有一个空间邮局在哪里,你可以买纪念品或明信片发送给您的朋友或家人。D 区

从 1,095 到 1,165 英尺(334-355 米)的身高,D 区有“蜘蛛行走”,世界最长的螺旋楼梯。有 1,096 楼梯攀爬塔的周围从 551 脚到 1,095 英尺(168-334 米)高。整个走廊是约 1,093 码(1000 米)长。游客可以看到不同的场景中所有方向的城市。整个地板是透明的测试人们的勇气。它带来游客的徘徊在空间就像蜘蛛侠一样的惊人的体验。蜘蛛走还使游客去接近塔的微小部分。C 区也是一个观光网站,从 482 到 551 英尺(147-168 米)。B 区

B 区之间 275 和 380 英尺(84-116 米),主要指出对于它的视频节目。从 17 到 22 层楼,还有大的未来派金翼 4d 电影院。它有一个 4 D 和两个 3D 放映厅,可容纳超过 270 人电影查看。这些影院配备最先进的设施,提供令人兴奋的查看。A 区

A 区是从 105 英尺(32 米)到地面水平。在这个区域,游客可以享受 360 度全景的珠江从二楼的露天广场。广场是拍摄广阔的珠江风景最好的地方之一。在河畔咖啡厅,游客可以享受凉爽的微风从河里,与家人和朋友欣赏美丽的风景。它也是一个不错的选择,在 CHOPSTIX 餐厅,提供游客传统粤菜和西式食物吃晚饭。一个大型的宴会大厅,供婚礼仪式和经营娱乐场所。同时,游客可以买纪念品或礼品商店里。


Canton Tower Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Today I am a tour guide with you.You can call me xie.Now please look up, this is Canton Tower.And we are going to visit today.Canton TowerAs the landmark of Guangzhou, the Canton Tower(Guangzhou Tower)lies in Haizhu District, at the south bank of the Pearl River, facing Haixinsha Island to the north.With a height of 1,968 feet(600 meters), it is the highest TV tower in China and the third highest in the world.The tower has been a must-see scenic spot in Guangzhou.From the top, visitors have a birds-eye view of the whole city.The tower is also noted for its unique design.Mark Hemel, the designer, was inspired by the bones of the female hip joint, and then he created a slim waist in the middle of the tower just as a fair lady twists her waist while looking behind.At the thinnest part, the diameter is about 32 yards(30 meters).The tower has become a new city landmark and one of the Eight New Sights of Guangzhou.No matter visitors have a Pearl River cruise or just wander along its bank, they can see the majestic tower.Especially at night, the tower seems like a resplendent dress, ablaze with colorful lights.Canton Tower can be divided into five zones according to the height, namely Zone E, D, C, B and A.Visitors can experience different joy inside the tower.Zone E

Zone E, including the antenna, starts at 1, 233 feet(376 meters).It contains the most excellent collection of entertainments in the tower.The “488 Lookout”, the highest outdoor observation deck according to the Guinness World Records, is located at the top at 1, 601 feet(488 meters).Visitors have a panoramic view of Guangzhou City.It is a wonderful site for the photography zealot to catch the breathless moments of the sunrise, the moonlight, the starry sky, and the city panorama.The Sky Drop 100-foot freefall, starting at 1,591 feet(485 meters), is the highest heart-stopping vertical free fall in the world.If you want a thrilling experience, it offers two styles: a traditional “Sitting Drop” and a free-fall “Standing Drop”.You can have an opportunity to get rid of your stress, anxiety and boredom.Bubble Tram is one of the most popular activities for visitors.The tram has 16 crystal sightseeing cabins revolving around the tower.It spins around the top of the main body of the tower at 1,492 feet(455 meters).With its splendid panoramic city view, the Bubble Tram is regarded as a romantic place for making a marriage proposal.At the 109th and 110th floors is the Engineering Marvel Tour Hall, which can protect Canton Tower from hurricanes and earthquakes.Star Observation Deck and Cloud Observation Deck are situated respectively on the 108th and 107th floors of Canton Tower.The Star Observation Deck is the highest place for indoor sightseeing.Visitors can enjoy the blue sky, white clouds and starry night with the world beneath their feet.There is a Space Post Office where you can buy souvenirs or postcards to send to your friends or families.Zone D With a height from 1,095 to 1,165 feet(334 – 355 meters), Zone D has the “Spider Walk”, the longest spiral staircase in the world.There are 1,096 stairs climbing up around the tower from 551 feet to 1,095 feet(168 – 334 meters)high.The whole walkway is about 1,093 yards(1,000 meters)long.Visitors can see different scenes of the city in all directions.The entire floor is transparent to test people’s courage.It brings visitors the amazing experience of wandering in space just like a spider-man.The Spider Walk also enables visitors to get close to the slimmest section of the tower.Zone C is also a sightseeing site, from 482 to 551 feet(147 – 168 meters).Zone B Zone B, between 275 and 380 feet(84-116 meters), is mainly noted for its video show.From the 17th to 22nd floors, there is a large futuristic Jinyi 4D cinema.It has one 4D and two 3D screening halls and can accommodate more than 270 people for film viewing.Equipped with the most advanced facilities, these cinemas offer exciting viewing.Zone A Zone A is from 105 feet(32 meters)to ground-level.In this zone, visitors can enjoy 360-degree views of the Pearl River from the Outdoor Plaza on the second floor.The plaza is one of the best places to shoot the vast Pearl River scenery.In the Riverside Café, visitors can enjoy the cool breeze from the river and appreciate the beautiful scenery with family and friends.It is also a good choice to have dinner in the CHOPSTIX Restaurant, which provides visitors traditional Cantonese and western-style food.A large banquet hall is available for wedding ceremonies and business entertainment.Meanwhile, visitors can buy souvenirs or gifts in the shops.Well, now is the free time, you can take pictures.










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