1.Make a dialogue about the cheating in the exam including following questions: What is the aim of cheating in the exam?
How to prevent this phenomenon ?.2.Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries.Make a dialogue including following questions:
Why do some students study abroad?
How to face this phenomenon in reasonable way?
3.Make a dialogue about healthy lifestyle including following questions: What is the healthy lifestyle in your mind?
How to have a healthy lifestyle?
4.Make a dialogue about TV commercial including following questions:What are the advantages and disadvantages of TV commercial?
How to take advantage of it?
5.Make a dialogue about natural disaster including following questions:What can we do in face of natural disaster?
How to deal with the chaos after a disaster?
1.The awareness of time
In the current competitive society, time is money.Time is treated as if it were something almost real.We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it;we also charge of it.It is a precious resource and many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime.1.Why do many people cherish time?
2.What is considered to be a waste of time?
3.How to make full use of time in our study?
2.Environmental protection
In most part of the world, people don’t have consciousness about protection of the environment.They are interested in developing the economy at the sacrifice of the natural world.Consequently, the world is badly damaged and man is faced with many natural disasters.It is high time that people take measures to protect the environment.1.Why are most countries not concerned about environmental awareness?
2.What are the main causes of pollution?
3.What measures can we take to protect our environment?
3.Pros and cons of mixed marriages
People often harbor reservations about a mixed marriage because racial and cultural differences may complicate the marriage life.However, still many people have harmonious and happy marriages across nations.1.Would you mind marrying a person from a different culture or nation? Why or why not?
2.How to deal with the cultural difference in the interracial marriage?
3.What factors do you think may lead to the failure in one’s marriage?
4.Spoiling children
In most of the families, there is the only child.Parents pour all their love, energy and money to their children and try their best to satisfy their children’s needs.As a result, too much love is converted into spoiling, and spoiling children has become a serious social problem.1.Why do parents spoil their children? Please analyze reasons.2.What are the negative influences of the spoiled children on the society?
3.How to stop spoiling children for parents’ part?
5.What’s in a name?
The name is a signal that distinguishes a person from another.However, names have not merely identified people but also described them.Names often suggest or convey parents’ expectatons and dreams to their children.1.What’s in your name?
2.Do you think a person’s name is important? Why or why not?
3.How many factors should parents consider when giving a name to a baby?
6.Relax or overwork
Life is more demanding today than it ever has been.There are greater pressures at work, and people often feel very tired.Relax and paly are the useful ways to outlet one’s negative emotions.How to achieve a balance between life and work is a lesson we must learn.1.What causes stress?
2.How to lighten stress?
3.How to achieve a balance between life and work?
7.Success in life
Everybody yearns for personal success in this society.But the cruel truth is that not everyone can be successful.The road to success is full of thorns, and only those who have a stong will and stick to their goal can ultimately arrive at their destination.1.What are the factors contributing to success in one’s life?
2.What is your attitude toward failure?
3.Have you ever given up on something that you wish you had stuck to? What was it?
8.What if I could live again!
Life is so valuable that almost everyone wants to live again.If one has made some mistakes and is regretful for something, he or she will desire to live twice to mend his or her errors;if one lives very happily, he or she still will yearn for living again.1.What was the most important event in your life?
2.What was your worst memory?
3.What was the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you?
9.Illness and remedies
People wish to be healthy to enjoy their work and life, but to be a human, it is determined to get sick sometimes.How to cure illness and maintain fit are people’s major concern in their life.1.What kind of diet do you often keep?
2.How to live a healthy life?
3.What physical problems do you have and how to cope with them?
10.Accepting and declining invitations
People live in a society, and communication among them is very essential.We often participate in many social activities and make acquaintances and friends.1.What is your definiton of “friends”?
2.If you don’t want to attend a party that your friend invites you to, what will you do?
3.What do you think of interpersonal relationship in people’s life?
11.Asking for and giving advice
Peolple often come across difficulties and harsh problems in their work and life.At that time, they often cannot make decisions by themslves and always resort to others for advice.As friends, people usually offer advice and suggestion to help their friends overcome their difficulties.1.If you come across problems, who is the first perosn you want to ask for advice?
2.If the advie your friend has provided doesn’t seem good to you, how to turn down his or her advice without hurting his or her feeling?
3.Do you think the advice from others sometimes may hinder a person’s decision?
12.Compare two ways of living
People often have different ways of living.For example, some concentrate on work, while others play crazily as if it is the last moment of life.The way of living reflects a person’s attitude towards life.1.Living in the city or living in the country, which one do you prefer?
2.Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of living in the city or the country?
3.As a student, living in the college dorm on campus or renting an apartment outside the campus, which one do you prefer?
3、话语的长短: 考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少
4、语言范围: 考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围
1.背诵指定段落(Unit 1-5 Overview)朗读课文(Unit 1-5 Text A)2.3-minute Speech Topics
1、How can parents and children improve their mutual understanding?
In the society today, one evident problem is the lack of communication and mutual understanding between the parents and their children.School leavers at sixteen, divorce, running away from home, homeless teens, these appears often, not only in China, but in countries especially like the USA and UK.Parents may be too work-oriented to give their children emotional attention,instead, many chose to bombard their children with material goods.Children being children, they need affections, like all living things, without the emotional nutrients they would whither and die.Humans are the same, their mentality may breakdown if they were stripped of affection.Communication is important, because if you don't say what you are thinking, people aren't telepathic creatures, they don't know what each other are thinking.Speaking out one's thoughts are usually the quickest way to solve this problem.But a lack of self-esteem may prevent such speeches between families, also formalities may also be an obstacle.2、3、After several months campus life, can you sum up the similarities and differences between college and high school life?
4、The life and study between high school and college are completely different.First, the study.one has half day free every week,and every day one gets up very early and stays up late at night in the high school.however in the college We nearly have four work days every week,and we have much free times,but this does not mean that the university life is boring and time wasting.In university one has some other very important things to do besides study, which plays a very crucial role in the college life.also the college study is not so boring.it covers a winder range in study which is not involved in the high school study.Second,the life.people often says that university
is like a small society which is accurate.one can touch and learn interpersonal relationship here.The university also has many activities and opportunities and stages for one to show himself.what one thinks everyday is no longer only the study and scores but also how to get along with your roommates , classmates,teachers and other friends.College life is much more colorful and richer at one's rest time one can play basketball and ping pang and so on.in a word, college is a small society and it is the first step you enter into society and it is excellent and full of challenge.just enjoy it!
5、If your class is going to have a Christmas Party and the budget is 500 Yuan, can you make a shopping list, and tell us how you will prepare for it.First we will rent a classroom in advance,which can provide a place for us to hold this party.Of course it is for free.Second I will have a big shopping.Drinks fruits and candy is needed.And they will cost me 300 Yuan.We should also buy some decoration such as balloons flowers and so on.This items may cost me 100 yuan.The rest of 100 Yuan should be used in buying Christmas card6、7、Have you formed your own learning style? Can you introduce your learning style to us?
8、What study habits seem to be common among successful students, can you
sum up them for us?
9、What kind of person do you like? Or we can say, you appreciate what kinds of personalities?
10、What’s your point of view on those students who are often late for class? What kinds of suggestion can you give to teachers and students? 8.What kind of recreational activities do you usually do after class? Can you list 5 of them and tell us some of their influence on you.9.From which channels do you know the latest news? Can you list 3 of them and do some comparison.10.Do you think mastering a foreign language is a great help to your work and study? Why or why not? 11.What’s your view on Campus Cheating? 12.Tell us about an ambition you have in life.13.How important do you think it is to be fashionable in your appearance? Why or why not? 14.If you could go to any foreign country for a long holiday, where would you go? Tell us the reason of your choice and you plan.15.How do you prepare for the coming final exams?
学 校:巨戈庄小学 执笔人:王洪涛 巨戈庄小学期末工作总结
(1)备课:突出备学生、备教法,体现学生活动,体现学科间整合,在“详实”上下功夫。认真反思、总结工作中的得失,把反思作为自己专 业成长的有效途径。学校开学初对教师的教案进行了一次初步检查,9月底对全体教师的教案进行了细致的检查,学期末对全体教师教案的质量和总量进行了最后一次检查,并对每一份教案做了优缺点的点评,意在发扬优点,弥补不足。同时将检查结果纳入到了月考核之中。通过检查,发现了教师的教案中的不少闪过点,在规定的时间内,每位老师都及时的上交了教案。而且,每一本教案都做到了课时齐全,项目完整,过程详细。
3、作业的布臵过于笼统。根据教案中的不足,我有针对性的进行了点评,希望教师能以后避免。(2)上课:利用好课堂40分种,向40分种要实效,要质量。课堂中力求把新的教学理念贯穿到教学中,在“激趣”上做文章,充分调动学生学习积极性、主动性,发挥课堂最大效益。开学初,教导处以推门课的形式听取了部分教师的课。10月9日到11月5日期间,学校组织了青年教师“人人献课”活动。献课教师18名,自己申报时间、班级,以及讲课内容。学 校按照教师申报,集中编排,组织听课。听课后,组织教师评课,并上交当堂课的教案、说课稿及反思一份。通过听课,发现了很多年轻教师教学中的闪光点,听课小组一致认为,讲课的18位青年教师专业基本功扎实,备课认真,多媒体课件制作精美,使用合理,充分利用现代化教学手段辅助教学。课堂结构都比较严谨。孙成艳老师讲课紧扣教材,讲解清楚,落实到位,教态和蔼;刘俊杰老师用心准备,合理的使用电教媒体,使学生巧妙记忆单词和英语句子,成长较快;闫长华老师讲解条理清晰,重难点阐述清楚,课件制作很好;杨家瑞老师教态大方,内容连贯性好,举例丰富,讲解到位;王炳婕老师基本功扎实,准备充分,学生积极主动,课堂组织较好;刘孟杰讲课有激情,不仅合理设计了作文教学的要点,而且板书了重点内容;柴京津老师虽然上的是一年级的课,但是驾驭课堂能力较强,课堂气氛活跃,活动形式多样。总之,这几位青年教师从专业知识、教学经验到教态都成长较快,都有各自的亮点。
其次,部分教师教学过程的组织缺乏严密性,具体表现在知识的连贯 性和过渡语的运用处理不够。知识的输出应是自然的、流畅的、系统的,而不是生硬的、跳跃性的、孤立零散的,课堂内容之间的衔接要紧凑,过渡要自然,时间分配要合理,更要帮助学生构建知识体系,引导学生去分析知识的来龙去脉和形成过程,提高学生运用所学知识解决问题的能力。
针对这些情况,我都跟相关教师做了反馈,相信以后教师会杜绝此类 情况的发生。
4、加强教师业务培训学习,组织教师参加继续教育的培训学习。本学期我校参加四周期培训的教师有10人,其中校级骨干教师4人,分别是韩远香、王振兰、贾从艳、闫长华;265骨干教师2人,分别是刘孟杰和段晓 倩老师。同时,学校组织教师双周进行校本教研学习,以《中小学职业道德规范手册》为范本。通过学习,不断提高教师自身业务素质,坚持记读书笔记,写学习体会或心得,并积极参加教研组活动学习。
三、看图说话: 根据各单元C部分所提供的情景图, 说出5幅图画内容。
1.Hello,I’m „.What’s your name?
2.Look at my coat.3.What colour is it?(this pen, that box„)
4.Let’s go to the zoo(by bike).(Let’s go to the park by bus„)
5.A cup of tea?(A glass of milk? A glass of juice?„)
6.Turn on the light, please.(Open the door, please.Close the window,please„.)
五、读课文中的对话,老师指定一个单元“learn to say”或读一段儿歌5%
1)I am …I am from… My…is/ are.…
2)He is...He is from...His...is/are...3)She is...She is from...Her...is/are...