(译林版)四年级英语上册教案 Unit6

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第一篇:(译林版)四年级英语上册教案 Unit6

Unit 6 At a snack bar


译林版四上Unit 6 At a snack bar(Story time)


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2.能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like? I’d like… What about you? Anything else?




1.能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2.能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like? I’d like… What about you? Anything else?



1.能初步区分a glass of和a cup of 的区别





Step 1 Greeting &Warming up


T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Gu.T: Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you, too.2.Sing a song 《What would you like?》

T: Well done!You sing beautifully!I have some questions for you.Q1: What food can you hear in the song? 出示单词food

S: Dumplings, noodles, rice, hamburgers, hot dogs, French Fries, bread, pies.T: Good!And where can we buy them?

S: At a supermarket/snack bar…

T: Yes, maybe at a snack bar.(出示快餐店, 并通过出示相同发音的单词,教读snack 和bar)

Today we’ll learn Unit 6 At a snack bar揭题

Step 2 Presentation1、Play a game

T: We can buy many food and drinks at the snack bar.出示单词drinks

Let’s see what they are!

T: When you see the pictures or the words, say the words loudly.But if you see the food presents, say “Yummy, Yummy” loudly.T:(出示ppt,展示食物和饮料图片单词)

S: a cake/a hot dog/Yummy!/an ice-cream/a pie/Yummy!/noodles/juice/milk/Yummy/a sweet/a hamburger/Yummy/an egg/coffee/Yummy/a sandwich


2、Guess and learn the new words(遮图片,剪影,首字母,听声音)

T: Good job!Now, we’ve got some presents.There’re some food and drinks in them.Guess!Look at Picture1.S: It’s a cup of coffee.(生选择,师点击礼品盒)

T: Great!(板书,贴图,带读 a cup of coffee)并询问Would you like a cup of coffee?

S: It’s a glass of milk.(生选择,师点击礼品盒)

T: Good!(板书a glass of milk,贴图,带读a glass of milk)

用实物区别a cup of &a glass ofT: How to say this?教授a glass of juice

S: It’s a hamburger!

T: Bingo!Can you spell it?(板书a hamburger,贴图,带读a hamburger并询问would you like a hamburger? What about you?)

S: It’s a sandwich.T: Well done!(板书a sandwich,贴图,带读a sandwich)

T: How about Picture 3.Listen!(录吃面条声音)

S:(引导)They’re noodles.T: Clever!(板书noodles,贴图,带读noodles, Tips: 注意可数名词和不可数名词。

举例:a hamburger, some rice, some noodles 询问新句型 What would you like?)

S: I’d like …(出示I’d like…)


3.Work in pairs

T: What would you like?(看着黑板进行师生对话练习)

S: I’d like …

T: What about you ?


T: Anything else?

S: …

T: Now, we have some food and drinks here, talk about them in pairs.S: …(生展示)


Step 3 Story time

1.Watch and answer.T: You did a good job!And our friends are at the snack bar, too.Who are they?

Let’s watch and answer!

S: Helen, Mike and Mr Green.T: Yes!And we can also see a waitress here.2.Listen and tick.T: Look, there are many food and drinks here.They are…

What would they like? Let’s listen and tick.T: What would Mike like?(引导)He would like …

What would Helen like?She would like…(听力验证)

What would Dad like?He would like…

3.Listen and read

T: Read the three sentences: I’d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.I’d like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.A hamburger,noodles and a glass of milk, please.Tips:几个相同种类的词语并列出现时,除最后一项外,其余都读成升调。

4.Read the text


T: OK.Now we have read the story together.Now open your books, turn to Page 38, and read the story in roles, four students a group.【设计意图】通过不同形式的朗读,让学生熟练掌握课文,为下一步表演奠定基础。

5.Try to fill

Mike, Helen and their father_____ at the snack bar.They would ______ some food and

drinks.Mike would like a glass of _______ and a _________.Helen would like some______.Mr Brown would like a _______ and a cup of ________.核对答案,齐说

Step 4 Show time

1.Go to the snack bar.a.T: You did a good job.Now, let’s go to the snack bar, OK? Look!Here is the menu.If you are a waitress or a waiter, how can you say?(带着学生看黑板复习问句)

Some of you can answer like this: I’d like… A/Some…, please.b.T: Who wants to work with me?(教师示范)

c.Work in 3

d.Show it.请小组上台表演,带上角色帽子


T: Look at these food and drinks.Milk is healthy, but hamburger is a kind of junk food.How about eggs…?(将食物分类)

Attention here: We should “Eat well, eat healthy.”合理饮食,健康饮食!

Step5: Homework

1.Read and imitate the story.听录音,朗读并模仿对话。

2.Invite your friends to enjoy the food at the weekends.Try to use the sentences we learnt today.周末邀请你的小伙伴一起分享食物,试着用今天所学的句型交流哦。

3.Write down the food you can name, try to divide them in different ways.写下你学过的食物类单词,试试用不同的方法来给它们的分类吧。


Unit 6 At the snack bar

—What would you like?

— I’d like…

Food: a hamburgera sandwicha hot dog(图片)some noodlesa piean ice cream Drinks: a cup of coffee(图片)a glass of milka glass of juice—What about you?/ Anything else? — A/ Some…, please.— Here you are.— Thank you.



单 元:Unit6 课 题 :Meet My Family 课 时: 四课时 教学内容:Period1 A Let’s learn Let’s play 教学目标 知识与技能:

1.知识目标: 能够听、说、认读单词:family、parents、uncle、aunt、baby brother,并能用“This is my„.He/She has„.He/She likes„.He/She is„.”等英语正确、流利地介绍自己的家庭成员。


Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:


使学生掌握单词:family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother并能在情景中运用。教学难点:

能用英语正确、流利地介绍自己的家庭。教学准备: Some pictures 教学过程: Step1 Greetings

2、教师出示单词卡片,孩子抢答。教师在黑板上画出family tree,3、教师出示课件(自己的家庭照片),用This is my„.She/He is.„进行介绍和描述。

4、孩子把自己的照片放在投影上,尝试用This is my„.She/He is.„进行介绍和描述。Step2 Presentation

1、教师出示课件说:“Do you know this is my family? 教师把family这个单词贴在黑板上family tree的顶端。教师:I have a big family.How many people in my family?。再问:How many people

in your family.鼓励孩子回答。This is my mother.This is my father.They are my parents.教师带读,学生练词。教师把parents贴在family tree上相应的位置。教师指自己的家庭成员说:“This is my uncle.This is my aunt。”并把两个单词贴在family tree上,说:“My uncle is my father’s or mother’s brother.My aunt is my father’s or my mother’s sister.”

2、播放配套课件:教师说:“This is Amy’s family.How many people in Amy’s family.Who are they? ”指课件中的单词认读。


4、进行Group work的练习,先让一个孩子拿着自己的家庭照片放在投影上,介绍和描述家庭成员。Step3 Practice

1、Listen to a song Come and see my family2、听一听,画一画

学生相互描述自己的家庭成员,同组同学根据描述画出来。看看描述的是否准确 Step4 Production.1.Group work 2.Good to know.教师介绍C部分Good to know的内容,学生跟说mom, mommy, dad, daddy, papa.教师让学生了解这些都是口语。

边看视频边学唱《Come and see my family 》 Step5.Homework 学生做配套练习。

板书设计: Unit6 Meet My Family This is my„.教学反思:


单 元:Unit6 课 题 :Meet My Family 课 时: 四课时 教学内容:Period2 A Let’s talk Let’s count 教学目标 知识与技能:


2.能听、说、认读本课句型How many people are there in your family ?并能进行替换练习。


Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interesting at English, they like to do action., and they feel happy for communicating.教学重点:

熟练掌握句型How many „„are there?的用法并能在实践中运用。教学难点:

理解Let’s talk中句子的含义,并能进行初步的运用 教学准备:Some pictures 教学过程:

Step1 Greetings and revision Sing the song(上节课扩展练习的中的歌曲)单词抢答: 教师出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答

教师少拿一张卡片,让孩子猜猜。“How many cards in my hand?” Step2 Presentation 教师出示上一课Let’s learn部分的课件。说:“This is Amy’s family.How many people are there in my family? Who are they?”

教师分别请几名学生拿着自己的家庭照片提问:How many people are there in my family? Who are they?”大家试着猜一猜,用句子:”There are „people in the picture.They are my„.”来回答。

教师让学生猜一猜自己的照片:(把照片在孩子面前晃一下)问:How many people are there in my family?。学生说:“There are 6 people in your family.”教师说:“My family 教师提问一些学生How many people are there in the picture?将答案写在黑板上,再请孩子用My family has „ members.的句型说一说。

教师指着人数较少的家庭说:“That’s only 3”

教师和学生一起总结:问:“How many apples are there on the tree?”引导学生回答。Step3 Practice

1、Who are they? 教师快速出示Amy 的家庭成员照片,让孩子猜猜Who are they?

2、猜一猜 Step4 Production 1.Let’s count.教师先做好示范和要求,然后让学生两人一组练习。2.Make a survey.How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Step4.Homework 学生做配套练习。

板书设计: Unit6 Meet My Family How many people are there in your family?

Who are they?

My family has „members 教学反思:


单 元:Unit6 课 题 :Meet My Family 课 时: 四课时 教学内容:Period3 B Let's learn Let’s play 教学目标 知识与技能:

单词nurse, doctor, farmer, driver的拼写。过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:


熟练掌握四个单词的拼写。单词nurse, doctor, farmer, driver的拼写。教学难点:

单词的正确拼、读、写。I’m going to be a„ 教学准备:Some cards 教学过程: Step1 Warm up

口语练习:How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What are they? 让学生改编B部分的chant, 然后表演出来。

Listen and act 看一看,传一传

各组的第一个孩子看卡片,向后耳语传单词,最后一个学生说出来,看看那个小组传得最快最准。Step2 Presentation

教师出示Read and write部分的课件,问“What can you see?”学生根据情况说出家庭成员的单词。

教师出示词卡,孩子抢答单词,指导每个词读音时提醒学生注意每个单词的最后尾音(mother father sister brother)




教师贴出图片,问:“Can you spell these words?”学生回答并拼出单词。教师把家庭成员的单词写在黑板上的四线三格中。


教师出示Write and say部分的内容,让学生看图独立完成短文。

通过Read and write部分的动画来学习本部分的内容。

学生小组为单位,模仿Write and say部分表演,拿出自己的家庭照片,介绍自己的家庭。Step3 Practice


将全班分成两组,教师发给每个学生一张字母卡片,不常用的字母(如Q,Z)可以一人多拿几张,游戏开始,2.字母组词。Step4 Production

做Let’s check练习:教师播放录音,让学生 Step5: Homework.做配套练习。

板书设计: Unit6 Meet My Family How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What are they? 教学反思:


单 元:Unit6 课 题 :Meet My Family 课 时: 四课时 教学内容:Period4 B Let's talk read and write 教学目标 知识与技能:

(1)能听、说、读新授单词,baseball player, driver, farmer, doctor, nurse.(2)能综合运用句型:What's your...?She/ He is a...She/He is...She/He likes...(3)能说Let’s do 部分内容,并且能够做出相应的动作。过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:


掌握5个单词的读音,特别是baseball player和 driver。教学难点:

掌握句型:What's your...?She/ He is a...She/He is...教学准备:school things 教学过程: Step 1: Warm-up(1)Sing the song with the actions: finger family [设计意图]通过学生喜欢和本课时有关的简单易唱的歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,学生开心地进入今天的课堂。

(2)after the song, change some some words: Change daddy finger to father finger.Change mommy finger to motherr finger.Change brother finger to uncle finger.Change sister finger to aunt finger.Change baby finger to brother finger.[设计意图]改歌词是为了本课时要出现的人物做铺垫。(3)出示本课时课题:Meet my family Step 2: Lead-in(1)T: Look at the board.There is a family tree.Whose family tree is it? 拿出 Chen Jie的头像贴到Family tree 的右下角。This is Chen Jie's family tree.引导学生说出:This is Chen Jie's mother ,father, aunt ,uncle and brother [设计意图]通过黑板上的写有Chen Jie家庭成员的单词来导出今天要学的新单词

Step 3: Presentation and practice(1)ppt show mother's picture and ask: What's her mother? 并在ppt上标注了中文(她妈妈是干什么的)以便学生更好得理解这句话的意思。She's a nurse.(从学生知道的单词入手)

① Practice this sentence groups by groups(注意学生的发音)② T: Look at her, is she tall? Ss: No, She isn't.She's short.T: Look at her face 引导学生说出 She's beautiful.③ ppt 中出现一个画板,引导学生说出:She likes painting.如果学生回答art也可以。

④ Practice the sentences together: What's her mother? She's a nurse.She's short and beautiful.She likes painting.(因为nurse这个单词以前出现过所以在教授新知时不是一个单词出现,而是以句子为单位呈现的。)③

(2)Chen Jie's mother is a nurse.What's her father? Here is a riddle for you.He helps sick people.He works in a hospital.(在hospital 的后面加上了医院的标志以便学生更容易猜出)① Teach: He's a doctor.② Practice the sentence two lines by two lines ③ T: Look at him, is he short? Ss:No,he isn't.He's tall and thin.④ ppt 中出现一幅有关实验的图片,引导学生说出 He likes science.⑤ Practice the sentences together: What's her father? He's a doctor.He's tall and thin.He likes science.(3)Let's chant Make a new chant(换成妈妈的头像)Father,father, _____ , _______, He's your father.___'s your ______? What's your father? What's your _____? My father is a doctor.My _____ is a ______.[设计意图]本课时的重点句型是What's your father? 设计这个chant是为了将之前的What's her father?转换成What's your father?(4)Show them the rules drive---driver teach---teacher write---writer sing---singer dance---dancer clean---cleaner read---reader work---worker play---player(7)Show them the picture of a football Show them the picture of a footbal player.Show them the picture of a baseball Can you play baseball? No Chen Jie's brother can teach us.He's a baseball player.Teach the new word: baseball player He's ______.He likes ________.(8)Look back to the board(让学生看着黑板上的图片回忆刚才学过的有关职业的单词)(9)Game : I say you do(10)Let's do(11)将已经准备好的有关本课时的重点句型让学生念了之后贴到黑板上,并进行对话操练。

What's your father? My father is a doctor.He's tall.He likes sports.Step 4: Consolidation(1)Pair work(学生根据自己的实际情况问答)A: What's your __________ ?

B: My __________ is a _________.He/ She is _________..He/ She likes ___________.(2)My dream(老师的梦想)T: When I was a child.I have a dream.My dream is to be a teacher in the future.What are you going to be in the future? I am going to be a/an _____.Write down your dream.Say out your dream, and put it into the wish bottle.(3)情感教育:Please study hard and you can realize your dream.希望同学们能够努力学习实现自己的梦想。Step5Homework 做本课时配套练习。

板书设计: Unit6 Meet My Family A: What's your __________ ?

B: My __________ is a _________.He/ She is _________..He/ She likes ___________.课后反思:

第三篇:译林版牛津小学英语3A Unit6

教学内容 3A Unit 6



1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green,orange 2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your„,并且能用It’s来回答。3.进一步巩固Look at the/my/your„和表达赞扬的话 4.培养学生听说读写的英语综合运用能力 教学重点

1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow, green,orange

2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your„,并且能用It’s来回答。教学难点

1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词red, yellow, green,orange

2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your„,并且能用It’s来回答。教学疑点

如何在这节课中把各种颜色的单词串联在整个教学过程中,怎么处理Story time这一部分,如果有色盲怎么处理这一课? 教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, class.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you.2.Say rhymes T: I like English.Do you like English? S: Yes I do.T:Let’ say some rhymes to begin our class.Let’s learn

A cat and a dog Five little monkeys

Are you Mike? 通过这两首小诗让学生进入课堂学习气氛中。如果学生已经忘记了可以适当的提醒或者是跟老师一起说。

Step 2 Warm up and prensention 1.Free talk T: Hello, class.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you.T: I like monkeys.What do you like? S: I like pandas(lions/foxes/cats…)

T: They are lovely/cute.(对学生的回答做出相应的回答)T:I like spring.Do you like winter? S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.I like… T: I like spring.Because it’s green.2.教授单词green,并且导题

a.教师出示春天的图片,并出示单词green 教读单词green,注意渗透ee的读音/i:/ green, tree, bee 教读句子(让学生自己试着去读):Spring is green.The trees are green.The bees are dancing.b.导题

T:I like spring.I like green.There are many colours in different seasons.I love these colours.Let’s learn them.Today we’ll learn Unit 6 Colours.教师出示课题Unit 6 Colours T:Please read with me “colours”.并且拼读课题colours.3.教授课文Story time a.教师出示Yang Ling的图片

T:Hello, boys and girls.Look at this girl.Who’s she? S: She’s Yang Ling.T: Look at Yang Ling.She’s giving a magic show.Look at her skirt.S: It’ nice.It’s great.How nice.Great.复习第五单元赞扬别人的对话。b.看动画,回答问题,教授句型和单词

T:Let’s watch Yang Ling’s magic show.Before we watch it, I want to give you a question.给学生问题:What colour is Yang Ling’s skirt at the beginning(在开始)? It’s

.教师出示What colour,并且教读 T:Please read with Miss Zhang.(这个句型是本课的重点,所以提前处理)


T:Do you catch the answer? What colour is Yang Ling’s skirt at the beginning(在开始)? S:It’s orange.(2)教师出示单词orange,并且教读 T:Look,it’s orange.小组拼读单词 开火车拼读单词

全班说句子:It’s orange.教师出示橙色的物品的图片,让学生造句:Look at the„It’s orange.反复说orange,在无形中巩固第一幅图的课文内容。思考题:Which season is orange?

is orange.(3)听录音,回答问题,巩固green T:Yang Ling has question.Can you answer it? 教师出示Yang Ling 和问题: What colour is my skirt now? 教师出示now,并且教授单词 T:Who can try? 读单词:个别读,小组读

教师出示句子:What colour is my skirt now? 读句子:个别读,小组读,全班读 T:Now, let’s listen to the tape T: Do you have the answer now? S:It’s green.Learning tips: There are many things with the word‘green’ Can you read them? green card 绿卡

green-eyed 眼红、嫉妒 green hand 新手

(3)看图,回答问题 T:What colour is it now? S:It’s redyellow.有的学生想不到把这两个颜色用and连接 Learning tips: red and yellow 红黄相间 a色+b色

ab相间 Some words with red red sky 彩霞

a yellow dog 忘恩负义的人 出示国旗:

Our national flag : The stars are yellow,the flag is red.(4)跟录音读课文

T:Let’s read after the tape.让学生跟读录音。


T:Let’s read it togther.(6)Finish the exercises 出示课文图片

Look at my skirt.What colour is my skirt now? It’s orange.It’s green.What colour is it now? It’s red and yellow.每组读一幅图课文,再全班一起读。

Step 3 Consolidation 1.出示句型:

A: Look at the…

B: It’ nice.It’s great.How nice.Great.A: What colour is the… B: It’s…


Step 4 Homework 1.Read the dialogue after class 2.Find the things:red green yellow orange


3.Read the dialogue after class Find the things:red green yellow orange

板书设计 Unit 6 Colours A: Look at the…

B: It’ nice.It’s great.How nice.Great.green

orange A: What colour is the…


yellow B: It’s…



1.能熟练地听懂、会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green,orange。能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词black, blue, brown,white 2.能熟练运用日常交际用语What colour is the/my/your„来并且能用It’s来回答。3.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 教学重点

1.能熟练地听懂、会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green,orange。能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词black, blue, brown,white 2.能熟练听懂What colour is the/my/your„,并且能用It’s来回答。3.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 教学难点

1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词black, blue, brown,white 2.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 教学疑点 让学生了解三原色 教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, class.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you.2.Warm up a.复习上节课的单词和重点句型

教师出示不同颜色的物品,让学生说颜色red, yellow, green,orange T:Last lesson,we learnt some colours.Let’s review them.教师先出示颜色单词,拼读单词 教师再出示句型:What colour is it? 让学生回答问题:It’s„ 两组问,两组答。T:What colour is it?(1)教师出示绿色的树 T:What colour is the tree? S:It’s green.教师出示一些绿色的物品,让学生做对话:

What colour is the… It’s green.T:Which season is green? S:It’s spring.T:Let’s say a rhyme.Spring is green.The trees are green.The bees are dancing.I like green.(2)教师出示橙色的物品 例如出示一件橙色的外套 T:What colour is the coat? S:It’s orange.生生之间对话练习。

T:Which season is orange? It’s autumn.利用颜色都可以说一个Rhyme Orange,orange.It’s orange.Autumn is orange.I like orange.(3)巩固red T:Look at this colour.So hot!(教师做出扇风)Can you guess which season is red? S:It’s summer.T:Yes.Summer is so hot.Summer is red.Let’s say a rhyme.Summer is so hot.Summer is red.I like red.(4)巩固yellow 教师出示中国国旗:

T:What colour are the stars? S:They are yellow.(如果学生不会说可以提醒)T:Lets’s a rhyme.Yellow,yellow.I like yellow.The stars are yellow.I love China.(学生不会读China,可以教读)

Step 2 Presentation 1.Review-Story time T:I love these colours.Do you like the colours,too? S:Yes,I do.教师出示人物图片: Liu Tao, Wang Bing, Su Hai,Yang Ling.T:Who’s he/she?

S:He’s/She’s…He’s/She’s my friend.最后出示Yang Ling.T:Yang Ling is giving a magic show.(1)Read Story time

T:Now,let’s read after the tape / together.跟读录音,纠正语音语调。(2)角色扮演

利用光盘上的功能进行角色扮演。(3)Retell-Story time Yang Ling is wearing(穿着)a nice skirt.It’s orange.First(首先),the colour turns(变成)to green.At last(最后), the colour turns(变成)to red and yellow.教师出示wearing,并且教读

T:What colour are you wearing today? 教师出示today,并且教读 S:(colours)2.Learning the song-Colour song a.Watch the song b.Explain the sentences c.Sing with the teacher d.Sing together 3.教授新单词: white,black, brown,blue a.教授单词white(教师出示春夏秋季节的的图片)T:Look,spring is green.Summer is red.Autumn is orange.What colour is winter? S:It’s white.(1)教师出示单词white,并且教读

(2)教师出示白色的物品图片,work is pairs.T:What colour is the„? S:It’s white.flower


toy bear

chair(3)Say a rhyme T:Let’s say a rhyme.White, white.I like white.White, white.Winter is white.b.教授单词:black T:Now,I have a question.出示panda的图片:What colour is the panda? S:It’s white and black.(1)教师出示单词black,并且教读单词

(2)教师出示黑色的物品的图片,work in pairs.jeep

skirt(3)教师出示斑马的图片: T: What colour is the zebra? S:It’s white and black.(4)Say a rhyme T:I have a rhyme here.Please look at the rhyme.Can you read it? Black,black.The panda is white and black.Black, black.The zebra is white and black.c.教授单词brown和blue(1)教授单词brown Brain storm 让学生猜猜怎么调出棕色 T: :____+______=brown black

green 教师出示单词brown,并且教读 多种方法操练brown 教师出示各种棕色的图片,work in pairs What colour is the …? It’s brown.(2)教授单词blue T:There are three-primary colours.教师出示RYB,让学生猜包含哪几种颜色 R:red


B:? 教师出示单词blue,并且教授

Step 3 Consolidation 1.出示颜色图片和单词 R:red


B:blue red+ yellow =orange

blue+yellow =green red+yellow+blue=black 2.Summmary 出示本课所有的重点,一起读。总结本课所学的内容,让学生知道需要掌握哪些内容。

Step 4 Homework 1.Sing the song after class.2.Copy the words after class 3.Recite Story time 作业:

1.Sing the song after class.2.Copy the words after class 3.Recite Story time


Unit 6 Colours




yellow A: What colour is the…

white black B: It’s…





1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8个颜色类单词

2.能准确使用Look at my„ It’s „.What colour is my „? It’s „

3.正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。教学重点

1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8个颜色类单词

2.能准确使用Look at my„ It’s „.What colour is my „? It’s „

3.正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。教学难点

正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。教学疑点 如何让孩子提高阅读的兴趣,提高学习英语的积极性? 教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT,鸡蛋 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, class.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you.2.Say a rhyme and sing a song Nice clothes

Colour song 3.Free talk T:I like white.What colour do you like? S:I like…

Step 2 Warm up 1.复习颜色

a.让学生用多媒体来给黑白的彩虹涂色,复习颜色black,white,red,orange,yellow,green,blue T:Look ,here is the rainbow.What colour is this rainbow now?(PPT出示句型和单词rainbow)S:It’s black and white.教师出示单词black and white.but,there are some colours missing? Can you find the colours.让学生用多媒体来给黑白的彩虹涂色,并且出示单词red,orange,yellow,green,blue b.复习单词brown T:Do we need brown? 直接出示单词brown,并且拼读 2.复习Story time a.导入

T:The colours are in our life everywhere.I like these colours.Look,our clothes are so colourful.Look at my skirt.My skirt is black.教师出示Look at my„(服饰)My„(服饰)is„(颜色)并且读句型。然后让学生根据自己的服饰进行练习。b.Yang Ling is giving us a magic show.Let’s read it togrther.跟录音读,全班读。3.Cartoon time.a.介绍故事人物

T:Loo,our friends are coming.Who are they? S:They are(学生不会说就提醒)Bobby and Sam.b.故事情节介绍

T:They are gonging shopping.出示问题:What shop is it?(它是什么店)Let’s watch the cartoon together.(看动画)T(再次出示问题): What shop is it? Ss: It’s an egg shop.T(出示鸡蛋):Look ,this is an egg.教师出示egg,教读单词。(1)Read one by one(2)Read together(3)Read with the teaacher b.对话单词和句子的理解 T:What is Sam asking(问)? 再看动画,然后出示句型:Would you like „? 解释并且教读句型

T:What is the cock saying? Learning tips: or 出示单词or,解释并且教读单词(两者以上的选择才能用or)c.让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么? d.Read after the tape e.Read together.f.Retell In the


and Sam are going to an/a


like an egg.The cock(公鸡)ask them which(哪一种)

(colours/shapes<形状>)of the eggs they would like? How interesting(有趣)the shop is!让学生试着跟老师读这段文字,让学生学会复述故事,不会说的也可以尝试用汉语去说。

Step 3 Homework 1.Read Cartoon time after class 2.Try to tell the story time to your parents 作业:

1.Read Cartoon time after class 2.Try to tell the story time to your parents


Unit 6 Colours




yellow A: What colour is the…

white black B: It’s…





1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8个颜色类单词

2.能准确使用Look at my„ It’s „.What colour is my „? It’s „ 3.能熟练掌握字母Rr Ss Tt的听说读写能力 4.熟练地诵读歌谣“Colour song”

5.通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力 教学重点 1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8个颜色类单词

2.能准确使用Look at my„ It’s „.What colour is my „? It’s „ 3.能熟练掌握字母Rr Ss Tt的听说读写能力 教学难点 通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力 教学疑点 在这节课中需要重点讲解句型Would you like „? Yes,please.吗?学生能全部理解吗? 教学准备 卡片,PPT 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, class.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you.2.Say rhymes and sing songs a.Zip,zip,zip

通过这两首小诗让学生 b.Put on your coat c.Nice clothes


c.Look at the moon 通过这两首小诗复习句型 d.My lovely doll Look at„和What can you

see?为接下来的复习做准备。Step 2 Warm up 1.Play a game——Puzzles(1)There are some clothes.Can you find them.在方框中找出相应的单词,并且拼写完整。skirt



jacket 1 b s k i r t a d 2 T-s h i r t c 3 h j i e f c a p 4 m j a c k e t n 1.skirt

2.T-shirt 3.cap


2.I’m a good painter!What is RYB? R red

Y yellow

B blue What is RGB? R red

G green

B blue 分别出示单词red ,yellow, blue,green,并且拼读单词。

通过这一环节,让学生再次复习颜色,增加颜色单词复习的趣味性。blue+yellow = green red+ yellow = orange

red+yellow+blue=black 分别出示单词:orange

black,并且拼读单词。(4)Brain storm Why can’t the pandas take photos?


T:They are all clours.I have another colour here.It’s the chocolates colour.What colour is this chocolate? 教师出示What colour is this „? 学生跟读 Ss:It’s brown.直接出示brown,并且拼读单词,注意渗透ow组合发音 4.Checkout time T:Open your books.Please turn to Page 43.Listen to the tape.Try to colour and say,please.教师出示句型This is a

It’s …

5.Play a game----Fun time T:Let’s have a fun.Look,this is a big turntable.教师出示光盘

T:There are four clothes.What’s this? Ss:It’s a …


T:The hand will go around the turntable.When it stops,please try to ansewer Miss Zhang’s question.教师出示转盘问题,再次出示句型:What colour is this…? eg: S1: What colour is this T-shirt? S2:It’s red.个别对话连词后,可以男生女生进行对话,可以邀请学生来操作大转盘,提高学生参与课堂的积极性。

6.Sing a song----Colour song.7.Letters learning.结束完歌曲演唱后,比比那一组字母听得妙,记得牢,写得好。a.听写字母

b.写出字母左邻右舍 c.四线三格写字母

在学生做完每个练习后,教师都要做出相应的评价,教师要对于字母从哪里开始起笔都要严格规定。Step 3 Consolidation 1.完成补充习题

听力题不仅仅局限于补充习题教参上的要求,还可以让学生对于每道题目说说自己的理解,发挥自己的想象力,编小故事。不会说的就用汉语表达,尽量用英语说。2.完成同步探究部分练习题目比较难,教师耐心讲解。3.Ticking time 讲解两项要求,让学生自己评价。

Step 4 Homework 1.课后继续完成补充习题





A: What colour is the…

B: It’s…


Unit 6 Colours




white blue green black brown






Story time是课文或对话教学,通过情景对话,着重训练学生的听说技能,提高会话能力,同时呈现新的单词、句型、功能和话题。Fun time是以图为主,并安排了动手操作,更具有趣味性和互动性。Cartoon time 是课外阅读的拓展环节,也渗透下一个单元的知识,既培养和锻炼学生的阅读能力也有单元间过渡的作用。Sound time 通过例词和绕口令,引导学生了解字母在单词中的读音,简单的拼读规则和句子重度、连读、节奏、语调等现象。Song/Rhyme time通过歌曲或者童谣进一步帮助学生巩固所学的内容,培养听说和思维能力。Checkout time是一个单元的自我检测板块,学生自己检测是否灵活运用所学重点句型,查漏补缺。
























Unit 1 The King’s new clothes(The 1st period)



(1)学习故事中的单词rich, clever, foolish, soft, light, wear(2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解故事的内容。



















1.Learn the new words and phrases by yourselves.long long ago 很久以前 king 国王

one day 某一天magic clothes 魔法衣

clever people 聪明人foolish people 愚蠢的人 through 穿过 shout 大喊point at 指向wear 穿着

【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Teach “king”.Teacher draws a picture about the king.Step 2.Presentation & Practice Listen and read — to learn “beautiful”, “clothes” T: What does the king like?(播放动画)引导Ss: He likes new clothes.(teach “magic clothes”)2.Talk about the background T: Do you know the story? Who can tell me the name of the story? Chinese is OK.(The King’s New Clothes)T: The story is written by Andersen in 1837.In the story, the king’s clothes are new.But the story is very, very old.Let’s go back to 1837 and meet the rich king.(PPT: 时光穿梭,音乐)2.Paragraph 1and 2 1)Look and learn T: I’m the king.I am very rich.I like new clothes very much!(PPT: mirror)Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful? Mirror: I don’t think so!to S1/S2: Can you make clothes for me? T: Who can make new clothes for me?(teach “make ? for ?”学生跟读)板书

2)Read like a king(板书)3)Read and underline T: Who can make new clothes for him? T: But they can.Why? Please read and underline.(学生自读)Ss read and underline.引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them.3.Paragraph 3 PPT: 音效:织布机

T: What kind of clothes are they? Look!(拿出新衣)T: What does the king think of the new clothes? T: Can he see the clothes?(No!)Does he like the new clothes? Why? But he says “Oh, yes.They are soft and light.” Because he thinks clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them.How to read it well? Listen and imitate.(转载自:www.xiexiebang.com 教 师联盟 网:译林版小学六年级英语上册教案)T: You are the king.4.Paragraph 4 1)Learn the text T: What do the people think of the clothes?(出示人群和男孩的图片)Let’s read!(出示图片4文字)T:(拿出人群的图片)What do they think?(They are beautiful!)T: Do all the people think they are beautiful?(No)Then who?(The boy.)What does he say?(出示图片5,文字)(引导学生朗读文本)Here’s a new word.(teach “wearing”, pear, bear, wear, wearing)Ha!Ha!The king isn’t wearing any clothes.2)Mini Theatre T: Now let’s go to the Mini Theatre and act the period.一位学生扮演

国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图4 的文字。Step 3.Production 1.Talk about the characters 2.Read the story.1)Read and repeat T: What a lovely king!Boys and girls, you learn so well!It’s time to read after the tape!Try to learn the pronunciation and the intonation.2)Read by themselves T: Read by yourselves.3.Act the story T: You can read very well.And you know them well now.Why don’t we act the story!Rules: Four students a group.If you read well, you can get one star.If you can read without the books, you can get two stars.And if you can do the gestures, you can get three stars.(Ss practice and act)4.1)Who do you want to be? T: 引导学生总结Welcome back!Today we learned the story The King’s New Clothes.If you were in the story, who do you want to be?(音效:时光穿梭)T: Remember!Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them!Can you see them?(No./ Yes.)T: Remember!Be honest!Be yourself!作业设计:

1.Design an ending for the story.The king is back home,? 2.Read more English stories from the bookshops and the Internet.板书设计:


Unit 1 The King’s new clothes(The 2nd period)




2.在理解故事的基础上,结合fun time中的句型,会正确表达并能声情并茂的表演这个故事。















【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk.2.Check the preparation of the sentences.Step 2.Presentation & Practice 1.T: Who can repeat picture 1? S: I.can try.板书:Long long ago,there was a king.One day,two men visited the king.T:Look carefully,can you find the sentences grammar? S:Yes.is(过去式)was visit(过去式)visited T:Why do they use was/visited? S:Long long ago /one day 2.T: Repeat the other pictures and find the grammar in your groups 3.学生自己观察,再小组讨论,尝试总结过去式。

①be动词am/is-was,are-were ②一般动词+ed ③以e结尾的动词+d 4.随堂小测试

5.T:Now,you have learn the text.Let’s have fun time 出示图片和句型I like new clothes.Who can make?for me? Ask one to try Work in groups and act Step 3.Production 1.Prepare for repeat fun time in groups 2.try to continue the story


1.Remember the part of grammar words past 2.Independent about the king’s new clothes this story 板书设计:


Unit 1 The King’s new clothes(The 3rd period)




(2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解Fun time中故事的内容。


















标注Fun time中不认识的单词,并通过查字典写音标和中文,能初步朗读。

foxeachmountainsay sentence hard next have to 【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk: 译林版小学六年级英语上册教案篇二:2014年秋学期译林版六年级上册教案 1 3 译林版小学六年级英语上册教案篇三:译林牛津版六年级上册英语教案

六年级同步 第三周 Teaching Plan Unit 2 What a day!Analysis of Material: Unit2 mainly includes six parts: story time(important part), grammar time(important part and difficult time), fun time, sound time, cartoon time and checkout time.In the story time, there are some important words, phrases and expression that need to learn by heart.The grammar part is the important and difficult part of unit1.It is about past tense and it needs Ss to master the usage of past tense well.学生在校学习进度分析:通过了解全班11个同学,一半以上的学生完成了story time, grammar time, fun time 和sound time,也就是已经学完第二单元的重难点部分,所以这节课的主要任务就是引导学生进行趣味复习和练习题操练,目的是巩固第二单元的重难点。

Teaching Contents: 1.Check the homework and have a dictation;2.List, teach and add some important phrases and expression to Ss in the story part, and consolidate them by doing exercises;3.Review and learn the grammar-past tense and list some new words with their past tense;4.Guide Ss to learn to make short sentences.Teaching Aims: 1.To supervise Ss’ studying after class by checking their homework timely;2.The learning of phrases and expression is to master some certain usage and to guide Ss to make more sentences;3.Past tense is one of the most important grammars in the English study.Therefore, the learning of past tense is to guide Ss to make right sentences.Teach Ss to master the usage of past tense by doing exercises;4.Guiding Ss to make short sentences one by one can practice Ss’ own thought and creation.Important Points and Difficult Points: 1.Master the new words, phrases and expression;2.Master the usage of past tense.Students Analysis: 本节课学生在采取趣味抢答游戏复习单词、短语等环节积极性很高,注意力集中。练习题的完成也是速度和质量并行。但是语法环节仍然存在着不熟悉的动词的过去时,这需要加大课下练习和操练力度。Teaching Steps: Step 1: Check the Homework before Class T: First let’s have a dictation and I’ll check them.Now, let’s begin.(In this part, teacher read the English words, and Ss write them down in the paper.Then, teacher check them.)Purpose: Checking Ss’ homework timely can help Ss to remember what they have learnt and supervise their studying after class.Step 2: Story Time and Phrases Presentation(important point)T: After Words Part, let’s come to the Story Time.Now, I’ll ask some Ss to recite the text.Who wants to try first? Ss: ……

T: Then, try to find all the verbs and write down their past tense.Let me see who can find the most.(Ss begin to find verbs and write down their past tense.And at the same time, the teacher walks through the Ss and check their answers.Then, show the answers in the PPT.)T: Ok.How many verbs do you find? Ss: Nine.T: Well done!Let’s learn them together.is-was;go-went;become-became;fly-flew;bring-brought;are-were;can-could;rain-rained.Now, I’ll give you five minutes to read and remember them.Ss: ……

T: Let’s play a link game(连连看游戏)now.Look at the PPT.Ss: Yes.(Then, the teacher practices the verb’s past tense by a link game.)T: Then, let’s review the important phrases and expression in the text.1.询问天气:How’ the weather today? = What’s the weather like today? 回答:It is sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.由一般现在时改为一般过去时:

询问天气:How’ the weather yesterday? = What’s the weather like yesterday? 回答:It was sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.2.by+交通工具:by bike/bus/car 3.该吃早饭/午饭/晚饭了。:It’s time for breakfast/lunch/super.吃早饭/午饭/晚饭: have/eat breakfast/lunch/super 4……

(In this process, the teacher will guide students to review them by asking questions or letting Ss make the sentences.)T: Then open your exercise book and page 9 and 10 to do the exercises Four and Six.(Ss begin to do exercises.Teacher checks the answer one by one and explain some important ones.)Purpose: To make Ss master more important phrases and help them to do exercises.Step 3: Grammar Review(important and difficult point)T: Past tense is an important grammar point.So let’s review past tense once again.First, open your book and page 18 and 19.Find all the verbs and write down their past tense.Let me see who can find the most.(Ss begin to find verbs and write down their past tense.And at the same time, the teacher walks through the Ss and check their answers.Then, show the answers in the PPT.)T: Ok.How many verbs do you find? Ss: Eight.T: Well done!Let’s learn them together.do-did;is-was;see-saw;fly-flew;bring-brought;become-became;can-could;go-went;take-took.Now, I’ll give you five minutes to read and remember them.Ss: ……

T: Let’s play a turntable game(大转盘游戏)now.Look at the PPT.Look at the English word and give me its past tense.Are you ready? Ss: Yes.(Then, the teacher practices the verb’s past tense by a Bingo game.)T: Well done!Now, look at the PPT and let’s make sentences together.The children ______(看)a kite show that day.Write the answer in your paper.Ss: saw.T: Good!Then, Let’s page 11 and 12 in the exercises book and do some exercises about past tense.Ss: …

(Ss begin to do exercises.Teacher checks the answer one by one and explain some important ones.)Purpose: In order to improve Ss’ understanding and usage of past tense by practicing again and again and doing more exercises.Step 4: Fun Time(First, the teacher shows some pictures in the PPT.)T: Hello, everybody.Look at the PPT.Now, we play a funny game.First, everybody chooses any number and make sentences by yourself.Understand? Ss: Yes.Ss1: I choose No.2.T: Ok.So, you can begin your sentence.Ss1: It was sunny.She flew a kite in the park.T: Well done!Who wants to be the second one? Ss2: … Ss3:….…… Ss11:…

Purpose: In order to motivate Ss’s interest in learning English.Step 4: Sound and Song Time T: Look at the PPT and tell me how to spell this word.Ss: ear.T: Next one? Ss: hear.….T: Yeah, very good.Now, let’s have a relax and listen to a song and sing after the radio together.(The teacher plays the song of “Rain, rain go away”.)Purpose: In order to increase the Ss’ interest by listening to English song.Step 6: Summary 1.Check the homework;2.Review the important phrases and expression;3.Review the usage of past tense;4.Review the pronunciation of ear;5.Listen to an English song and have a relax.Homework: 1.Write down the new words for two times and learn them by heart;2.Do the exercises of Grammar Part in the exercises book.Teaching Reflection: 本节中,主要以复习第二单元的重难点(包括单词、短语、一般过去时的用法)为主。在复习的过程中,由于学生是第二遍学习,可能会产生对已学知识的轻微的厌倦心理,所以这就要求老师在组织复习的过程中,要能最大程度地调动学生的积极性和参与度,而经实践证明,课堂上的趣味游戏能够最大程度,最长时间的调动学生学习的热情;此外,模块性的做练习题也是巩固知识的有效方法,所

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