
时间:2019-05-13 01:15:04下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit 5First aid


1.The lung is an o________________and so is the heart.2.He tried to kill himself by taking p_________________.3.He has gone to the hospital for special t__________________.4.I was only m_______________interested in the story I read in the newspaper.5.Her ankle s_____________after the fall.6.Her foot was very s_________________after the accident.7.I can't s______________________toothpaste out of the tube.8.What is the typical s______________________of SARS?

9.Would you like me to_________________your shirt for you?

10.She is suffring from a lung i___________________.11.He(颁发)a silver cup to the winner.12.Did you attend your uncle's wedding_____________________(仪式)

13.He is a_____________________(勇敢的)soldier.14.The _______________(压力)of the water can turn this wheel.15.We have to write an_________________(文章)about the film we saw yesterday.16.You should have your own ____________________(毛巾).17.Have you worked out your ____________________(方案)?

18.I saw an___________________(救护车)passing by.19.I'm_____________________(自豪)of my son.20._______________________(祝贺)to you on your success!

21.An a________________ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.22.R_______________is energy, often in waves of heat or light that comes from a particular source.23.A b_______________ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.24.If there is p________________on someone to do something, someone is trying to persuade them to do it.25.An o______________is a part of your body that has particular purpose or function, for example your heart.26.Fever is a_________________(征兆)of many illnesses.27.The bell rang, the naughty boy ______________(挤)his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.28.The streets in the centre of the city were___________(塞)up with traffic because of an accident.29.The storm did a lot of ______________(毁坏)to the building and crops in Hunan province.30.A bee has stung my hand and it is __________________(膨胀)up.二.短语翻译












1.He suddenly__________________________________(昨晚他突然病了).2.Sunglasses can________________________________ the sun' s rays(保护我们的眼睛免受......).3.You may ________________________(烫伤)by hot liquids.4.These burns are not serious and they should____________-____________


5.First degree burns _____________________when they are pressed(变成白色).参考答案:

Unit 5.一。1.organ2.poison3.treatment4.mildly5.swelled6.swollen






二。1.prevent sb from doing sth2.sense of touch3.squeeze out4.in place

5.over and over again6.carry out7.put one’s hands on8.a number of

9.be proud of10.cut off

三。1.fell ill last night2.protect our eyes from3.get burnt

4.feel better within a day or two5.turn white


高二英语必修5单词和词汇巩固练习Unit 1 Great scientists

一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.This new e _______________for the car works well.2.She has a strong c_________________.3.The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s______________farming.4.The doctor had my eyes e_____________for weakening.5.The meeting c________________at eight o'clock.6.They were d _______________ in their attempt(企图)to reach the top of the mountain.7.The little brave girl e _________________ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯).8.He was a____________________in the book.9.He b ____________________ me for my negligence(疏忽大意).10.I think you are too s_________________ on the boy.11.He finished his work in a__________________(积极的)way.12.We must try to _________________(分析)the causes of the strike.13.He became____________________(狂热的)about classical music.14.He has______________________(完成)the whole job already.15.In the factory the workers______________(纺成线)wool into thread.16.Be c_________________when you cross the street.17.You should not r_________________the invitation from your old friend.18.What is your v__________________on Chinese education? 19.The police are watching the man's m_________________secretly.20.The class needs a s__________________teacher.21.Kindness is one of the prime minister's __________________(特征).22.Britain_________________(议定)a trade agreement with China.23.Don't ________________(暴露)your skin to the sun or you will be burned.24.The ________________(贵重的)culture relics will be on show in Guangzhou Art Museum in October.高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

25.The famous Korean play actor got an________(热情的)reception in Hong Kong.26.The most important thing is not to admit ________________(失败)-27.Water and salt are _____________(吸收)into our blood stream everyday.28.If a doctor or a medical treatment c__________someone's illness, they make the people well again.29.A v_________________is a kind of germ that can cause disease.30.If you a_____________something, you consider it carefully or use some methods in order to fully understand it.二.短语翻译

1.蒸汽机_____________________ 2.提出 _____________________ 3.得出结论____________________ 4.也,另外___________________ 5.将……和……连接起来______________________ 6.对……严格的________________________ 7.有意义_________________________ 8.通向,导致_________________________ 9.态度,观点________________________ 10.继续工作__________________________



______________ ___________these reasons, he said nothing.2.我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。

Our English teacher_____________ __________ ___________us.3.让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲

Let's _____________the lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.4.他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。

His careless driving _________ ____________the serious traffic accident.5.他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。

He _____________food and clothing __________the Red Cross.高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

参考答案: Unit One 一。1.engine 2.character 3.scientific 4.examined 5.concluded 6.defended 7.exposed 8.absorbed 9.blamed 10.severe 11.positive 12.analyse 13.enthusiastic 14.completed 15.spin 16.cautious 17.reject 18.view 19.movement 20.strict 21.characteristics 22.concluded 23.expose 24.valuable 25.enthusiastic 26.defeat 27.absorbed 28.cures 29.virus 30.analyse 二。1.steam engine 2.put forward 3.draw a conclusion 4.in addiction 5.link…to 6.be strict with 7.make sense 8.lead to 9.point of view work on 三。1.Apart from 2.is strict with 3.attend 4.led to 5.contributed to 一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.The common interests u_________________the two countries.2.The class ___________________of(组成)56 members.3.Our class is d_______________into two groups during the discussion.4.What he said in the meeting p______________________all of us.5.The bad ______________(影响)of the flood is that no people are deard to swim in that river.6.The c_______________of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village.7.Her beautiful singing drew the a_____________of the professor.8.The film“Hero”has much a________________for the youth.9.The habit of c____________________stamps benifit him a lot.10.The_________________(工业)area of this area made more pollution to the air compared with agricultural area.11.If something is done for your c_____________, it is done in a way that is suitable or useful for you.12.An a_____________is something that people can go for interest or enjoyment, for example a famous building.13.A p_______________is a question, game or toy which you have to think about 高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

carefully in order to answer it correctly.14.U______________is a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police, the army, etc.15.Most advertisements work through________________(暗示).16.We are_____________(感到激动)to hear a wonderful piece of news that the people lived in the mainland can go to visit Taiwan in the near future.17.The second Children's Palace of Guangzhou sits in _________________(极好的)location by the side of Pearl River.18.The government is__________(辩论)the new adjustment of Guangzhou's district.19.Some parents considered that some of their children's friends to be a bad________________(影响)to their children.20.There are plans to______________(建造)a new road bridge across the river to ease the traffic problems in this area.二.短语翻译

1.将……分成_____________________ 2.英国国旗_________________________ 3.省去;漏掉_______________________ 4.令人吃惊的是____________________ 5.脱离_________________________


1.Why you debate this wonderful opportunity so carefully is a ______(困惑)to me.2.The ________ _______ ________tigers(老虎保护工程)will be launched after the meeting.3.She is good at ____________flowers(插花).4.If you continue working like that, your body will________ _________(垮下来).5.Their____________(婚礼)will__________ _____________(举行)in May.6.这道数学题把小明给难住了,无论他怎么努力也无法计算出正确的答案.This maths problem ___________Xiaoming.No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't _________ ___________ the right answe 7.世界上最著名的教堂之一西敏寺是英国的旅游胜地。


Westminster Abbey, ________is one of the most famous churches in the world, is the ___________ ______________ of Britain, 8.陈水扁想把台湾从中国分裂出去的企图永远不可能得逞。

Chen Shuibian's attempt to __________Taiwan ________ ___________China could not be achieved forever.9.未来,地铁将会逐步取代公共汽车成为人们的主要交通工具。

The underground will_______ _______ _______ _______the bus to become the main vehicle for the people in the future.10.国际社会正在讨论关于如何惩治伊拉克前总统萨达姆(Sadamm)。

The international society ______ _________ ________ the punishment for the former Iraqi president Sadam.11.初升的朝阳看起来很美但是西下的夕阳看起来更美。

The_________sun looks beautiful and the sun________ in the west looks even more beautiful.12.十年以后他们第二次来广州,发现广州变化很大。

Ten years later they came to Guangzhou ______ _____ _____ ________ and found Guangzhou greatly changed.13.小李环顾四周,发现有一个人正把手插入一个乘客的口袋里。

Xiao Li _________ _________and caught a man _________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.14.在我四周的范围内,除了沙漠以外没有任何的东西,只能看见一棵树。

For miles around me, there was nothing but a desert, with a single tree ______ _________.15.在我们搬近新房子以前,我们准备(请人)安装电话。

Before we______ _______ the new house, we are going to get our telephone __________..16.我们没有必要再浪费时间讨论去哪儿度假了,因为计划已取消了.There is ______ __________ that we'll waste time discussing where to go for our holiday, for the plan has been ____________.17.绍兴被人称作中国的威尼斯。

Shaoxing is __________ _____________ as China's “Venice”.18.很使我感到高兴的是,父亲给我买了一台电脑作为生日礼物。


__________ to my joy, Father bought me a computer _______ a birthday gift 19.托尼踢足球时,他的腿受伤了。

Tonny ________one of his legs _______when playing football.20.今天下午教室里竟然一个人也没有,真是奇怪。

_______ _______ __________that there shouldn't have been any student in the classroom.参考答案: Unit 2 一。1.united 2.consists 3.divided 4.puzzled 5.influence 6.convenience 7.attention 8.attraction 9.collecting 10.industrial 11.convenience 12.attraction 13.puzzle 14.uniform 15.suggestion 16.thrilled 17.splendid 18.debating 19.influence 20.constract 二。1.divide…into 2.The Union Jack 3.leave out 4.to one’s surprise 5.break away from 三。1.puzzle 2.project of protecting 3.arranging 4.break down 5.wedding take place 6.puzzle;work out 7.which;tourist attraction 8.break away from 9.take the place of 10.are debating about 11.rising;setting 12.for the second time 13.looked around;putting 14.in sight 15.moved to;installed 16.no need;cancelled 17.referred to 18.Much;as 19.had hurt 20.It was strange Unit 3 Life in the future

一、单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.She r_____________me that I hadn't written to mother.2.We have s____________experiences, but your end result is quite different.3.Liu Huan is a w________________singer.4.The t_________________of goods by air is very expensive.5.There is no such car in the s___________________area.6.As is known,it takes years to m________________a new language.7.Why is the driver f___________________his lights at me? 8.The flowers died for 1________________of water.9.Everyone who enters the chemical factory must wear a m_____________.高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

10.His head a_________________, which stopped him from going to the party.11.It's said that she is a girl of e_______________beauty.12.Good glasses can a____________________you to read.13.I got this job through an employment a______________________.14.The little boy s____________________along at his mother' s side.15.This suggestion r___________________careful thought.16.The teacher is in a bad m____________________today.17.He has built an e_______________________house.18.James can i__________________his father's speech perfectly.19.The new plane goes at an a___________________speed.20.You can't i_________________Jack living on the lonely island alone.21.Your i__________of a person or thing is what you think they are like, usually after having seen or heard them.21.A s__________is a place where people have come to live and have built homes.23.Your p_______________things belong only to you, or may only be used by you.24.If you describe something as e____________, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising.25.We are______________(乐观的)that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the near future.26.He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has had no ________________(先前的)experience of this kind of job.27.All the passengers are______________(需要)to show their passports when they leave the country.28.After a big






Hunan to __________________(协助)in rebuilding the disaster area.29.The government decided to explore the ____________(周围的)countryside to build a new industrial park.30.The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was _______(不断的)hit by war.二.短语翻译

1.拿起,接受,继续________________________________ 高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

2.结果,由于……的结果_______________________________ 3.缺乏,缺少_______________________________________ 4.立刻,马上_________________________________________ 5.横扫,掠过__________________________________________ 6.寻找____________________________________________ 7.帮助;援助____________________________________ 8.光年_________________________________________ 9.变成_______________________________________ 10.以……为依据___________________________________


1.Suddenly the driver began to ___________ _____________(加速)2.His leaving ___________ ______________(增加了)our difficulty.3.Who________ _______________(究竟)is the man you spoke to? 4.I __________seen him __________ _______________(不再).5.We still need ____________ ___________(另外五个)students to finish the work.6.餐厅里响起了那首动听的歌,它使我回想起我快乐的童年。

The fair-sounding song playing in the restaurant __________ me_______my happy childhood.7.人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋。

Man cannot ________new oceans unless he has ________ to lose sight of the shore.8.拿起扫帚把地上的纸屑和碎玻璃打扫干净,行吗? Get a broom and ______ ________the bits of paper and broken glasses on the floor, will you? 9.这本书会提供一些好的消息来源帮助你做出最好的选择。

This book will provide you some good source of information to ______ you _____ making the best choice.10.一些公司把新闻媒体用作他们为自己的产品做广告的工具。

Some companies used the press as a vehicle for _____________ their products.11.由于大雾天气的影响,今天广州新白云国际机场的全部航班都必须取消。

Today all flight at the New Baiyu International Airport of Guangzhou have to be cancelled, _____ _____ _______ _________foggy weather.高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!


A study shows that people who ______ __________ the massacre of Nanjing still struggle with anxiety and painful flashback from the war.13.谁都不愿意别人怀疑自己的话。

One does not like to have his word ____________.14.第一本为把英语作为外语教学用而写的教科书是在十六世纪出版的。

The first text book written for teaching English as a foreign language _______ __________ in the 16th century.15.现在才去清理受到这么严重污染的河流可能已经太迟了。

Having suffered such heavy pollution already, it may be now too late to ______ __________ the river.参考答案: Unit 3.一。1.reminded 2.similar 3.well-known 4.transportation 5.surrounding 6.master 7.flashing 8.lack 9.mask 10.ached 11.extraordinary 12.assist 13.agency 14.skipped 15.requires 16.mood 17.enormous 18.imitate 19.amusing 20.imagine 21.impression 22.settlement 23.private 24.extraordinary 25.optimistic 26.previous 28.assist 29.surrounding 30.constantly 二。1.take up 2.as a result of 3.lack of 4.in no way 5.sweep up 6.search for 7.assist in 8.light year 9.change …into 10.base on

三。1.speed up 2.added to 3.on earth 4.haven’t any more 5.five;more 6.reminded;of 7.discover;courage 8.sweep up 9.assist in 10.advertising 11.as a result of 12.went through 13.doubted 14.came out 15.clean up Unit 4 Making the news 一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.After graduation he took an o______________as a teacher in the city.2.The a______________offered by the manager is difficult for him to finish.3.An expert is a man who is engaged in p______________ business.4.All his c______________who work with him in the same factory are all ready to help others.高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

5.You should c_____________on your work when you study.6.In the__________(案子)of Ma Haitao, he was treated unfairly.7.We also can a__________________knowledge during playing.8.He hit me on the head with a ball d_____________which made me very angry.9.He felt g________________after he stole some money from the old couple.10.His________________(简练)introduction of the product got great interest of the people.11.He worked as a e________________in that newspaper.12.She graduated from English d__________________of Beijing University.13.Don't just say almost, nearly..., what we need is a____________number.14.My shoes are so dirty that they need to be P______________.15.I can't understand your meaning, can you give me a little h____________.16.Before marrying, they always made an a ___________ in that park.17.If I've hurt your feelings, it was quite without_______________(有意).18.Her father will never a_____________(同意)of her marriage to you.19.I don't want a _______________(否定的)answer to my question.20.In harvest time, he has to______________(雇佣)more people to work for him.21.A p_____________is a type of job that required advanced education or training.22.If you have an a__________with someone, you have arranged to see them at a particular time, usually in connection with their work.23.An i___________that you have is an idea or plan of what you are going to do.24.Your o______________________is your job.25.Industrial development is being_______________(集中)in the west of China.26.He had to rewrite his essay, because his teacher said it needed some ___________________(润饰)in language.27.The little boy cried_____________(故意地)to draw his mother's attention.28.An __________(精确的)instrument is able to give you information that is correct to a detailed level.29.Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an _________(获得的)taste and are not in born.30.The busy mother feels really _________(内疚的)at forgetting her daughter's birthday again.高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!


1.全神贯注于_________________________________ 2.因……指责或控告___________________________________ 3.为了(做……)_______________________________________ 4.填(表)___________________________________________ 5.依靠;依赖_________________________________________ 6.传递______________________________________________ 7.开始工作________________________________________ 8.最终;最后___________________________________________ 9.从事于____________________________________________ 10.被用在……上(中)____________________________________


1.We should_____________(保卫)ourselves against the coming flood.2.They found that cave__________________(意外地).3.It's necessary for young people to receive_________ _________(正规教育)4.They are all________ ____________that idea(反对).5.You should concentrate yourselves on the class and avoid ________ ________.6.消费者利益保护委员会的创立旨在保护顾客的权益,使其免受奸商的欺诈。

The Consumer Council exists to__________ the customers' right and interests ___________ unscrupulous traders.7.那个著名的教授被指控偷取学生的理念并将它们发表。

The famous professor has been __________ _________ stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.8.政府今年所做的事情对所有的广州市民都很有利。

What the government has done this year will be of________ _______ all the citizens living in Guangzhou.9.经理决定今年冬天公司的全体员工去安徽的黄山游玩。

The manager has decided all the _______ of the company will go on a ________ to the Yellow Mountain in Anhui province this winter.10.那个女记者冒着生命的危险为凤凰卫视报道了伊拉克的情况。

The woman reporter ________ _______ _______ to cover the situation in Iraq 高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

for Phoenix TV.11.如果你想开一家餐馆,最好向Mary请教,她对这行的诀窍很清楚。

If you want to open a restaurant, you should ask Mary's advice.She knows all the __________of the trade.12.我看到报纸上说失业情况有所改善,但事实上完全弄错了——失业率仍在上升。

I read in the newspaper that the____________figures had improved but it has got hold of the wrong end of the stick--unemployment is still ___________.13.人类都有这样的一个天性,就是不到失去的时候都不懂得珍惜自己所拥有的东西.Such is human nature that many people don't _______ the things they process until they have lost them.14.他们刚赶到机场飞机就起飞了。

___________ had they got to the airport __________the plane took off.15.只有当你掌握了良好的语法知识的时候,你才能写出正确的文章。

Only when you have acquired a good ________ of grammar can you write _______.参考答案: Unit 4 一。1.occupation 2.assignment 3.professional 4.colleague 5.concentrate 6.case 7.acquire 8.deliberately 9.guilty 10.concise 11.editor

12.department 13.accurate 14.polish 15.hint 16.appointment 17.intention 18.approve 19.negative 20.employ 21.profession 22.appointment 23.intention 24.occupation 25.concentrated 26.polishing 27.deliberately 28.accurate 29.acquired 30.guilty

二。1.Concentrate …on 2.accuse…of 3.so as to 4.fill in 5.depend on 6.pass on 7.set to work 8.last of all 9.work on 10.be used on 三。1.defend 2.by accident/chance 3.normal education 4.opposite to 5.losing mind 6.defend;against 7.accused of 8.benefit to 9.employees;visit 10.risked her life 11.tricks 12.unemloyment 13.value 14.Hardly;when 15.knowledge;correctly Unit 5 First aid 一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.The lung is an o________________and so is the heart.高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

2.He tried to kill himself by taking p_________________.3.He has gone to the hospital for special t__________________.4.I was only m_______________interested in the story I read in the newspaper.5.Her ankle s_____________after the fall.6.Her foot was very s_________________after the accident.7.I can't s______________________toothpaste out of the tube.8.What is the typical s______________________of SARS? 9.Would you like me to_________________your shirt for you? 10.She is suffring from a lung i___________________.11.He(颁发)a silver cup to the winner.12.Did you attend your uncle's wedding_____________________(仪式)13.He is a_____________________(勇敢的)soldier.14.The _______________(压力)of the water can turn this wheel.15.We have to write an_________________(文章)about the film we saw yesterday.16.You should have your own ____________________(毛巾).17.Have you worked out your ____________________(方案)? 18.I saw an___________________(救护车)passing by.19.I'm_____________________(自豪)of my son.20._______________________(祝贺)to you on your success!21.An a________________ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.22.R_______________is energy, often in waves of heat or light that comes from a particular source.23.A b_______________ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.24.If there is p________________on someone to do something, someone is trying to persuade them to do it.25.An o______________is a part of your body that has particular purpose or function, for example your heart.26.Fever is a _________________(征兆)of many illnesses.27.The bell rang, the naughty boy ______________(挤)his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.28.The streets in the centre of the city were___________(塞)up with traffic 高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

because of an accident.29.The storm did a lot of ______________(毁坏)to the building and crops in Hunan province.30.A bee has stung my hand and it is __________________(膨胀)up.二.短语翻译

1.阻止(某人)做……___________________________ 2.触感________________________________ 3.挤出;榨出____________________________ 4。在适当的位置______________________________ 5.反复,多次____________________________ 6.开展,执行___________________________________ 7.找到___________________________________ 8.许多,大量______________________________ 9.自豪_________________________________ 10.砍掉,砍伐____________________________


1.He suddenly________ _________ __________ _______(昨晚他突然病了).2.Sunglasses can_______ ________ ________ _________ the sun' s rays(保护我们的眼睛免受......).3.You may __________ ______________(烫伤)by hot liquids.4.These burns are not serious and they should______ ______-______ ______ ________ _______ ___________(一天之内就会好许多)。

5.First degree burns __________ ___________when they are pressed(变成白色).参考答案: Unit 5.一。1.organ 2.poison 3.treatment 4.mildly 5.swelled 6.swollen 7.squeeze 8.symptom 9.iron 10.infection 11.presented 12.ceremory 13.brave 14.pressure 15.essay 16.towel 17.scheme 18.ambulance 19.proud 20.Congratulations 21.ambulance 22.Radiation 23.bandage 24.pressure 25.organ 26.symptom 27.squeezed 28.choked 29.damage 高中数学网(www.xiexiebang.com),海量高考资源免费下载!

30.swelling 二。1.prevent sb from doing sth 2.sense of touch 3.squeeze out 4.in place 5.over and over again 6.carry out 7.put one’s hands on 8.a number of 9.be proud of 10.cut off 三。1.fell ill last night 2.protect our eyes from 3.get burnt 4.feel better within a day or two 5.turn white



高二英语必修5单词和词汇巩固练习Unit 1 Great scientists

一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.This new e _______________for the car works well.2.She has a strong c_________________.3.The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s______________farming.4.The doctor had my eyes e_____________for weakening.5.The meeting c________________at eight o'clock.6.They were d _______________ in their attempt(企图)to reach the top of the mountain.7.The little brave girl e _________________ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯).8.He was a____________________in the book.9.He b ____________________ me for my negligence(疏忽大意).10.I think you are too s_________________ on the boy.11.He finished his work in a__________________(积极的)way.12.We must try to _________________(分析)the causes of the strike.13.He became____________________(狂热的)about classical music.14.He has______________________(完成)the whole job already.15.In the factory the workers______________(纺成线)wool into thread.16.Be c_________________when you cross the street.17.You should not r_________________the invitation from your old friend.18.What is your v__________________on Chinese education? 19.The police are watching the man's m_________________secretly.20.The class needs a s__________________teacher.21.Kindness is one of the prime minister's __________________(特征).22.Britain_________________(议定)a trade agreement with China.23.Don't ________________(暴露)your skin to the sun or you will be burned.24.The ________________(贵重的)culture relics will be on show in Guangzhou Art Museum in October.25.The famous Korean play actor got an________(热情的)reception in Hong Kong.26.The most important thing is not to admit ________________(失败)-27.Water and salt are _____________(吸收)into our blood stream everyday.28.If a doctor or a medical treatment c__________someone's illness, they make the people well again.29.A v_________________is a kind of germ that can cause disease.30.If you a_____________something, you consider it carefully or use some methods in order to fully understand it.二.短语翻译

1.蒸汽机_____________________ 2.提出 _____________________ 3.得出结论____________________ 4.也,另外___________________ 5.将……和……连接起来______________________ 6.对……严格的________________________ 7.有意义_________________________ 8.通向,导致_________________________ 9.态度,观点________________________ 10.继续工作__________________________



______________ ___________these reasons, he said nothing.2.我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。

Our English teacher_____________ __________ ___________us.3.让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲

Let's _____________the lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.4.他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。

His careless driving _________ ____________the serious traffic accident.5.他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。

He _____________food and clothing __________the Red Cross.参考答案: Unit One 一。1.engine 2.character 3.scientific 4.examined 5.concluded 6.defended 7.exposed 8.absorbed 9.blamed 10.severe 11.positive 12.analyse 13.enthusiastic 14.completed 15.spin 16.cautious 17.reject 18.view 19.movement 20.strict 21.characteristics 22.concluded 23.expose 24.valuable 25.enthusiastic 26.defeat 27.absorbed 28.cures 29.virus 30.analyse 二。1.steam engine 2.put forward 3.draw a conclusion 4.in addiction 5.link…to 6.be strict with 7.make sense 8.lead to 9.point of view work on 三。1.Apart from 2.is strict with 3.attend 4.led to 5.contributed to 高二英语必修5单词和词汇巩固练习Unit 2 The United Kingdom 一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.The common interests u_________________the two countries.2.The class ___________________of(组成)56 members.3.Our class is d_______________into two groups during the discussion.4.What he said in the meeting p______________________all of us.5.The bad ______________(影响)of the flood is that no people are deard to swim in that river.6.The c_______________of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village.7.Her beautiful singing drew the a_____________of the professor.8.The film“Hero”has much a________________for the youth.9.The habit of c____________________stamps benifit him a lot.10.The_________________(工业)area of this area made more pollution to the air compared with agricultural area.11.If something is done for your c_____________, it is done in a way that is suitable or useful for you.12.An a_____________is something that people can go for interest or enjoyment, for example a famous building.13.A p_______________is a question, game or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly.14.U______________is a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police, the army, etc.15.Most advertisements work through________________(暗示).16.We are_____________(感到激动)to hear a wonderful piece of news that the people lived in the mainland can go to visit Taiwan in the near future.17.The second Children's Palace of Guangzhou sits in _________________(极好的)location by the side of Pearl River.18.The government is__________(辩论)the new adjustment of Guangzhou's district.19.Some parents considered that some of their children's friends to be a bad________________(影响)to their children.20.There are plans to______________(建造)a new road bridge across the river to ease the traffic problems in this area.二.短语翻译

1.将……分成_____________________ 2.英国国旗_________________________ 3.省去;漏掉_______________________ 4.令人吃惊的是____________________ 5.脱离_________________________


1.Why you debate this wonderful opportunity so carefully is a ______(困惑)to me.2.The ________ _______ ________tigers(老虎保护工程)will be launched after the meeting.3.She is good at ____________flowers(插花).4.If you continue working like that, your body will________ _________(垮下来).5.Their____________(婚礼)will__________ _____________(举行)in May.6.这道数学题把小明给难住了,无论他怎么努力也无法计算出正确的答案.This maths problem ___________Xiaoming.No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't _________ ___________ the right answe 7.世界上最著名的教堂之一西敏寺是英国的旅游胜地。

Westminster Abbey, ________is one of the most famous churches in the world, is the ___________ ______________ of Britain, 8.陈水扁想把台湾从中国分裂出去的企图永远不可能得逞。

Chen Shuibian's attempt to __________Taiwan ________ ___________China could not be achieved forever.9.未来,地铁将会逐步取代公共汽车成为人们的主要交通工具。

The underground will_______ _______ _______ _______the bus to become the main vehicle for the people in the future.10.国际社会正在讨论关于如何惩治伊拉克前总统萨达姆(Sadamm)。

The international society ______ _________ ________ the punishment for the former Iraqi president Sadam.11.初升的朝阳看起来很美但是西下的夕阳看起来更美。

The_________sun looks beautiful and the sun________ in the west looks even more beautiful.12.十年以后他们第二次来广州,发现广州变化很大。

Ten years later they came to Guangzhou ______ _____ _____ ________ and found Guangzhou greatly changed.13.小李环顾四周,发现有一个人正把手插入一个乘客的口袋里。

Xiao Li _________ _________and caught a man _________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.14.在我四周的范围内,除了沙漠以外没有任何的东西,只能看见一棵树。

For miles around me, there was nothing but a desert, with a single tree ______ _________.15.在我们搬近新房子以前,我们准备(请人)安装电话。

Before we______ _______ the new house, we are going to get our telephone __________..16.我们没有必要再浪费时间讨论去哪儿度假了,因为计划已取消了.There is ______ __________ that we'll waste time discussing where to go for our holiday, for the plan has been ____________.17.绍兴被人称作中国的威尼斯。

Shaoxing is __________ _____________ as China's “Venice”.18.很使我感到高兴的是,父亲给我买了一台电脑作为生日礼物。

__________ to my joy, Father bought me a computer _______ a birthday gift 19.托尼踢足球时,他的腿受伤了。

Tonny ________one of his legs _______when playing football.20.今天下午教室里竟然一个人也没有,真是奇怪。

_______ _______ __________that there shouldn't have been any student in the classroom.参考答案: Unit 2 一。1.united 2.consists 3.divided 4.puzzled 5.influence 6.convenience 7.attention 8.attraction 9.collecting 10.industrial 11.convenience 12.attraction 13.puzzle 14.uniform 15.suggestion 16.thrilled 17.splendid 18.debating 19.influence 20.constract 二。1.divide…into 2.The Union Jack 3.leave out 4.to one’s surprise 5.break away from 三。1.puzzle 2.project of protecting 3.arranging 4.break down 5.wedding take place 6.puzzle;work out 7.which;tourist attraction 8.break away from 9.take the place of 10.are debating about 11.rising;setting 12.for the second time 13.looked around;putting 14.in sight 15.moved to;installed 16.no need;cancelled 17.referred to 18.Much;as 19.had hurt 20.It was strange 高二英语必修5单词和词汇巩固练习Unit 3 Life in the future

一、单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.She r_____________me that I hadn't written to mother.2.We have s____________experiences, but your end result is quite different.3.Liu Huan is a w________________singer.4.The t_________________of goods by air is very expensive.5.There is no such car in the s___________________area.6.As is known,it takes years to m________________a new language.7.Why is the driver f___________________his lights at me? 8.The flowers died for 1________________of water.9.Everyone who enters the chemical factory must wear a m_____________.10.His head a_________________, which stopped him from going to the party.11.It's said that she is a girl of e_______________beauty.12.Good glasses can a____________________you to read.13.I got this job through an employment a______________________.14.The little boy s____________________along at his mother' s side.15.This suggestion r___________________careful thought.16.The teacher is in a bad m____________________today.17.He has built an e_______________________house.18.James can i__________________his father's speech perfectly.19.The new plane goes at an a___________________speed.20.You can't i_________________Jack living on the lonely island alone.21.Your i__________of a person or thing is what you think they are like, usually after having seen or heard them.21.A s__________is a place where people have come to live and have built homes.23.Your p_______________things belong only to you, or may only be used by you.24.If you describe something as e____________, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising.25.We are______________(乐观的)that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the near future.26.He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has had no ________________(先前的)experience of this kind of job.27.All the passengers are______________(需要)to show their passports when they leave the country.28.After a big






Hunan to __________________(协助)in rebuilding the disaster area.29.The government decided to explore the ____________(周围的)countryside to build a new industrial park.30.The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was _______(不断的)hit by war.二.短语翻译

1.拿起,接受,继续________________________________ 2.结果,由于……的结果_______________________________ 3.缺乏,缺少_______________________________________ 4.立刻,马上_________________________________________ 5.横扫,掠过__________________________________________ 6.寻找____________________________________________ 7.帮助;援助____________________________________ 8.光年_________________________________________ 9.变成_______________________________________ 10.以……为依据___________________________________


1.Suddenly the driver began to ___________ _____________(加速)2.His leaving ___________ ______________(增加了)our difficulty.3.Who________ _______________(究竟)is the man you spoke to? 4.I __________seen him __________ _______________(不再).5.We still need ____________ ___________(另外五个)students to finish the work.6.餐厅里响起了那首动听的歌,它使我回想起我快乐的童年。

The fair-sounding song playing in the restaurant __________ me_______my happy childhood.7.人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋。

Man cannot ________new oceans unless he has ________ to lose sight of the shore.8.拿起扫帚把地上的纸屑和碎玻璃打扫干净,行吗? Get a broom and ______ ________the bits of paper and broken glasses on the floor, will you? 9.这本书会提供一些好的消息来源帮助你做出最好的选择。

This book will provide you some good source of information to ______ you _____ making the best choice.10.一些公司把新闻媒体用作他们为自己的产品做广告的工具。

Some companies used the press as a vehicle for _____________ their products.11.由于大雾天气的影响,今天广州新白云国际机场的全部航班都必须取消。

Today all flight at the New Baiyu International Airport of Guangzhou have to be cancelled, _____ _____ _______ _________foggy weather.12.一项研究表明经历过南京大屠杀的人们仍然在焦虑和战争的痛苦记忆中扎。

A study shows that people who ______ __________ the massacre of Nanjing still struggle with anxiety and painful flashback from the war.13.谁都不愿意别人怀疑自己的话。

One does not like to have his word ____________.14.第一本为把英语作为外语教学用而写的教科书是在十六世纪出版的。

The first text book written for teaching English as a foreign language _______ __________ in the 16th century.15.现在才去清理受到这么严重污染的河流可能已经太迟了。

Having suffered such heavy pollution already, it may be now too late to ______ __________ the river.参考答案: Unit 3.一。1.reminded 2.similar 3.well-known 4.transportation 5.surrounding 6.master 7.flashing 8.lack 9.mask 10.ached 11.extraordinary 12.assist 13.agency 14.skipped 15.requires 16.mood 17.enormous 18.imitate 19.amusing 20.imagine 21.impression 22.settlement 23.private 24.extraordinary 25.optimistic 26.previous 28.assist 29.surrounding 30.constantly

二。1.take up 2.as a result of 3.lack of 4.in no way 5.sweep up 6.search for 7.assist in 8.light year 9.change …into 10.base on

三。1.speed up 2.added to 3.on earth 4.haven’t any more 5.five;more 6.reminded;of 7.discover;courage 8.sweep up 9.assist in 10.advertising 11.as a result of 12.went through 13.doubted 14.came out 15.clean up 高二英语必修5单词和词汇巩固练习Unit 4 Making the news 一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.After graduation he took an o______________as a teacher in the city.2.The a______________offered by the manager is difficult for him to finish.3.An expert is a man who is engaged in p______________ business.4.All his c______________who work with him in the same factory are all ready to help others.5.You should c_____________on your work when you study.6.In the__________(案子)of Ma Haitao, he was treated unfairly.7.We also can a__________________knowledge during playing.8.He hit me on the head with a ball d_____________which made me very angry.9.He felt g________________after he stole some money from the old couple.10.His________________(简练)introduction of the product got great interest of the people.11.He worked as a e________________in that newspaper.12.She graduated from English d__________________of Beijing University.13.Don't just say almost, nearly..., what we need is a____________number.14.My shoes are so dirty that they need to be P______________.15.I can't understand your meaning, can you give me a little h____________.16.Before marrying, they always made an a ___________ in that park.17.If I've hurt your feelings, it was quite without_______________(有意).18.Her father will never a_____________(同意)of her marriage to you.19.I don't want a _______________(否定的)answer to my question.20.In harvest time, he has to______________(雇佣)more people to work for him.21.A p_____________is a type of job that required advanced education or training.22.If you have an a__________with someone, you have arranged to see them at a particular time, usually in connection with their work.23.An i___________that you have is an idea or plan of what you are going to do.24.Your o______________________is your job.25.Industrial development is being_______________(集中)in the west of China.26.He had to rewrite his essay, because his teacher said it needed some ___________________(润饰)in language.27.The little boy cried_____________(故意地)to draw his mother's attention.28.An __________(精确的)instrument is able to give you information that is correct to a detailed level.29.Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an _________(获得的)taste and are not in born.30.The busy mother feels really _________(内疚的)at forgetting her daughter's birthday again.二.短语翻译

1.全神贯注于_________________________________ 2.因……指责或控告___________________________________ 3.为了(做……)_______________________________________ 4.填(表)___________________________________________ 5.依靠;依赖_________________________________________ 6.传递______________________________________________ 7.开始工作________________________________________ 8.最终;最后___________________________________________ 9.从事于____________________________________________ 10.被用在……上(中)____________________________________


1.We should_____________(保卫)ourselves against the coming flood.2.They found that cave__________________(意外地).3.It's necessary for young people to receive_________ _________(正规教育)4.They are all________ ____________that idea(反对).5.You should concentrate yourselves on the class and avoid ________ ________.6.消费者利益保护委员会的创立旨在保护顾客的权益,使其免受奸商的欺诈。

The Consumer Council exists to__________ the customers' right and interests ___________ unscrupulous traders.7.那个著名的教授被指控偷取学生的理念并将它们发表。

The famous professor has been __________ _________ stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.8.政府今年所做的事情对所有的广州市民都很有利。

What the government has done this year will be of________ _______ all the citizens living in Guangzhou.9.经理决定今年冬天公司的全体员工去安徽的黄山游玩。

The manager has decided all the _______ of the company will go on a ________ to the Yellow Mountain in Anhui province this winter.10.那个女记者冒着生命的危险为凤凰卫视报道了伊拉克的情况。

The woman reporter ________ _______ _______ to cover the situation in Iraq for Phoenix TV.11.如果你想开一家餐馆,最好向Mary请教,她对这行的诀窍很清楚。

If you want to open a restaurant, you should ask Mary's advice.She knows all the __________of the trade.12.我看到报纸上说失业情况有所改善,但事实上完全弄错了——失业率仍在上升。I read in the newspaper that the____________figures had improved but it has got hold of the wrong end of the stick--unemployment is still ___________.13.人类都有这样的一个天性,就是不到失去的时候都不懂得珍惜自己所拥有的东西.Such is human nature that many people don't _______ the things they process until they have lost them.14.他们刚赶到机场飞机就起飞了。

___________ had they got to the airport __________the plane took off.15.只有当你掌握了良好的语法知识的时候,你才能写出正确的文章。

Only when you have acquired a good ________ of grammar can you write _______.参考答案: Unit 4 一。1.occupation 2.assignment 3.professional 4.colleague 5.concentrate 6.case 7.acquire 8.deliberately 9.guilty 10.concise 11.editor

12.department 13.accurate 14.polish 15.hint 16.appointment 17.intention 18.approve 19.negative 20.employ 21.profession 22.appointment 23.intention 24.occupation 25.concentrated 26.polishing 27.deliberately 28.accurate 29.acquired 30.guilty

二。1.Concentrate …on 2.accuse…of 3.so as to 4.fill in 5.depend on 6.pass on 7.set to work 8.last of all 9.work on 10.be used on 三。1.defend 2.by accident/chance 3.normal education 4.opposite to 5.losing mind 6.defend;against 7.accused of 8.benefit to 9.employees;visit 10.risked her life 11.tricks 12.unemloyment 13.value 14.Hardly;when 15.knowledge;correctly 高二英语必修5单词和词汇巩固练习Unit 5 First aid 一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.The lung is an o________________and so is the heart.2.He tried to kill himself by taking p_________________.3.He has gone to the hospital for special t__________________.4.I was only m_______________interested in the story I read in the newspaper.5.Her ankle s_____________after the fall.6.Her foot was very s_________________after the accident.7.I can't s______________________toothpaste out of the tube.8.What is the typical s______________________of SARS? 9.Would you like me to_________________your shirt for you? 10.She is suffring from a lung i___________________.11.He(颁发)a silver cup to the winner.12.Did you attend your uncle's wedding_____________________(仪式)13.He is a_____________________(勇敢的)soldier.14.The _______________(压力)of the water can turn this wheel.15.We have to write an_________________(文章)about the film we saw yesterday.16.You should have your own ____________________(毛巾).17.Have you worked out your ____________________(方案)? 18.I saw an___________________(救护车)passing by.19.I'm_____________________(自豪)of my son.20._______________________(祝贺)to you on your success!21.An a________________ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.22.R_______________is energy, often in waves of heat or light that comes from a particular source.23.A b_______________ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.24.If there is p________________on someone to do something, someone is trying to persuade them to do it.25.An o______________is a part of your body that has particular purpose or function, for example your heart.26.Fever is a _________________(征兆)of many illnesses.27.The bell rang, the naughty boy ______________(挤)his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.28.The streets in the centre of the city were___________(塞)up with traffic because of an accident.29.The storm did a lot of ______________(毁坏)to the building and crops in Hunan province.30.A bee has stung my hand and it is __________________(膨胀)up.二.短语翻译

1.阻止(某人)做……___________________________ 2.触感________________________________ 3.挤出;榨出____________________________ 4。在适当的位置______________________________ 5.反复,多次____________________________ 6.开展,执行___________________________________ 7.找到___________________________________ 8.许多,大量______________________________ 9.自豪_________________________________ 10.砍掉,砍伐____________________________


1.He suddenly________ _________ __________ _______(昨晚他突然病了).2.Sunglasses can_______ ________ ________ _________ the sun' s rays(保护我们的眼睛免受......).3.You may __________ ______________(烫伤)by hot liquids.4.These burns are not serious and they should______ ______-______ ______ ________ _______ ___________(一天之内就会好许多)。

5.First degree burns __________ ___________when they are pressed(变成白色).参考答案: Unit 5.一。1.organ 2.poison 3.treatment 4.mildly 5.swelled 6.swollen 7.squeeze 8.symptom 9.iron 10.infection 11.presented 12.ceremory 13.brave 14.pressure 15.essay 16.towel 17.scheme 18.ambulance 19.proud 20.Congratulations 21.ambulance 22.Radiation 23.bandage 24.pressure 25.organ 26.symptom 27.squeezed 28.choked 29.damage 30.swelling 二。1.prevent sb from doing sth 2.sense of touch 3.squeeze out 4.in place 5.over and over again 6.carry out 7.put one’s hands on 8.a number of 9.be proud of 10.cut off 三。1.fell ill last night 2.protect our eyes from 3.get burnt 4.feel better within a day or two 5.turn white 高二英语book6 单词和词汇巩固练习Unit 1 Art 一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.The word “honesty” is an a____________ noun.2.Which do you like better, his paintings or s______________? 3.There are many art g_____________ in New York.4.They are put on an e______________ of French paintings next week.5.An a________________ country is always ready to start a war 6.His a_______ is to be a successful writer.7.You’ll soon be c____________ that she is right , though you think not now.8.The prisoners a___________ to escape, but failed.9.The keys are in the p________________ of the boss.10.She was the f__________ of everyone’s attention at the party.11.In the picture the tree is the s______________ of live while the snake stands for evil.12.He has lost his b____________ in the God.13.The expert p________ that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future.14.He made a r__________ drawing of a horse.(他画了一匹栩栩如生的马)15.I’m afraid I have never been much of a ________________(学者).16.You look r_______________(可笑的)in those tight jeans.17.The professor made a ______________ speech.(可能引起争议的)18.Was Johnson _________(同时代的)with Shakespeare ? 19.Would you please let me know your p_______________ address(固定地址)? 二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。

---------------------------focus on feel like look through in the flesh break away from scores of lead to a great deal

in possession of consequently convince of full of on the other hand bunch---------------------------1.When she wore the dress, Jane ___________ a princess.2.They are _____________ urgent problems at present.3.The thief managed to _____________________the policeman.4.Your explanation has _______ me _____ a clear understanding.5.I was _________________ a magazine in the bedroom when she called me.6.You can’t be __________________¬¬¬¬__ the house until all the papers have been sign.7.I got up late and ___________ I was late for my plane for Beijing.8.I have __________ CDs at home.Would you like to come and enjoy some.9.The film star looks thinner ________________ than in the photograph.10.We should value it , because it has cost us ____________.11.He hurried home, ________ fear.12.We could’nt _____________ him _____ his mistake.13.On one hand I valued his friendship, but ________________________ I disliked his self-pride and selfishness.三.句子翻译。

1.“福斯特先生从未去过中国, 所以对中国了解得很少。”

Mr.Foster has never been to China.______________, he knows very little about it.2.他劝我应该学法律。

He ________________me that I should study law.3.她有丰富的教学经验。

She has ___ _______ ________ _____ teaching experience.4.足球比赛的比分是四比一。

The ________ in the football game was 4-1.5.我们有相同的宗教信仰。We share the same ______.Unit 2 Poems 一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)

1.If you taste some seawater, you will find it s_________-2.We must consider a problem in all it’s a___________.3.She lives in a charming c_________ in the countryside.4.Li Shizhen’s Bencaogangmu has been t_____________ into many languages.5.Most girls like wearing a d__________ ring.6.Her face become red with__________(生气), and she couldn’t say anything.7.The deep ________(悲伤)she felt was obvious in the expression of her face.8.A voice came from _______(黑暗), but she couldn’t see anyone.9.My friends were wearing two or three sweaters for extra _________(温暖).10.If you are easy to get lost, you’d better take a ________(指南针)with you.11.No word can c_______ my thanks to you at the moment.12.We have learned a new sentence p_______ in this unit.13.The ______(背诵)habit must be formed when you are young.14.An _______(合适)method must be found to deal with such situation.15._______(分析)the difficult sentences helps to understand the text well.16.The music is written in a _______(节奏)of three beats to a bar.17.I’m ________(等待)their reply.18 The songs of birds ______(唤醒)me.19.Don’t take it seriously, he was only ______(开玩笑)20..English is a _______(分支)of Germanic family of languages.二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。

---------------------------run away take one’s eye off make up of make sense stay up

inspire run out of be popular with at least by chance go over take it easy---------------------------1.We should often _______ what we have learned, or we will forget it later.2.As a matter of fact, not all the theories ________.3.Without saying anything, that boy _______quickly.4.It’s bad for your health if you often ______ too late.5.The little boy didn’t _________ the toy.6.Until now, we still haven’t know what kind of thing _________it.7.That beautiful song _________ the teenagers.8.Whatever the result may be, _______ we should try our best to do it.9.Perhaps everyone can make a serious mistake_______.10.If we continue to destroy and waste the natural resources like this, we will ______it sooner or later 11.______, it isn’t so bad as you expected.12.His noble example ________ the rest of us to work harder.Unit 3 A healthy life 一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)

1.The accident is d_____ to your careless driving.2.My children have become hopelessly a_________ to television.3.She found it necessary to a__________ her child to getting up early.4.He was a_______ of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.5.With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of s_____.6.M______ health is as important as physical health.7.Now that I am p________,I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy.8.So I did the wrong thing!Well, nobody is _________(完美的)9.My father has q_____ smoking.10.The door opened _______(自动地)as we approached.11.Some ______(年青人)have got into the habit of taking drugs.12.In spite of the heavy rain, she m________ to get there on time.二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。

---------------------------addicted to due to ashamed of decide on be accustomed to manage to at risk remind benefit from leave out get close to a great deal deal with---------------------------1.His father has become _________________ drugs.2.I’m sorry for_______ the important point in your speech

3.His grandfather has _______________ life in the mountains from his childhood.4.I benefited from my teacher’s advice

5.How do you______________ to carry such a heavy box? 6.These pictures ______ me of my school days.7.I have ________________ buying a bike for my brother’s birthday.8.You will be _________ , if you go on board in such bad weather.9.His success is entirely _______ his hard work.三.句子翻译。


Her worldwide fame is __________his support.2.她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的好习惯。

She found it necessary to________ her child _________getting up early.3.尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得很清楚。in spite of She can’t see very well_________ her glasses.4.今天好热啊, 我想去游泳。

It’s so hot today.I______________ going swimming.5.那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯。

The girl has____________ the habit of playing with her hair while reading.6.她一怀孕就戒了烟。

She __________smoking when she got pregnant.Unit 4 Global warming I.单词拼写

1.A _______(广泛传播的)flu epidemic affected eighteen western states.2.There has been serious _______(分歧)between the two political over the question.3.He couldn’t stand terrible English ________(气候).4.The population had ________(减少)from about 8,300,000 in 1845 to less than 6,600,000in 1851.5.The _______(平均数)of 3, 6and 9 is 6.6.A child who can remember 3000 English words at the age of 3 would be called an unusual p_______.7.The food was enough in q______, but not very good in quality, 8.Though he is less than one year old, he is strong enough to walk s______.9.The tsunamis(海啸)smashing into India Ocean coastlines, which killed 125,000 people in 12 different countries was a terrible c________.10.In c_____ of a terrible earthquake the whole city was destroyed.II.词组活用

1.If she could _______ the condition there, we could take her.2.They were ______ their military strength for a drive against the city.3.Your support will certainly ______ in our cause.4.On the one hand, you accept her presents;______, you are rude to the whole family.What really is your attitude to them.5.You have made a few mistakes, but _____ you have done well.Unit 5 I.单词拼写

1.The story ______(使兴奋)the little boy very much.2.On hot days we often go _____(洗澡)in the river.3.I can’t _____(评价)his ability without seeing his work.4.I got into a _____(惊慌)when I found the door was locked.5.The studied the German market to find the _____(可能性)there for investment.6.It was a cold, wet day and the children were b_____.7.It’s many years since Mount Vesuvius e_______.8.He drew f______ animals with two heads and large wings.9.I’m a______ to get home to open my presents.10.They had to c_____ tomorrow’s football match because of the bad weather.II.词组活用

1._______ most woman, she was indeed very fortunate.2.I’ll __________ to arrive on time.3.He ___________ the list and chose one immediately.4.With these words, the speaker _________ towards the exit of the hall.5.You are _______ in trusting him.Keys : Uint 1 一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)

1.abstrcat 2.sculptures 3.gallerys 4.exhibition 5.aggressive 6.aim 7.convinced

8.attempted 9.possession 10.focus 11.symbol 12.belief 13.predict 14.realistic 15.schoolar 16.rediculous 17.controversial 18.contemporary 19.permanent 二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。

1.felt like 2,focusing on 3.break away from 4.led to 5.looking through 6.in possession of 7.consequently 8.scores of 9.in the flesh 10.a great deal 11.full of 12.convinced 13.on the other hand 三.句子翻译。

1.Consequently 2.convinced 3.a great deal of 4.score 5.religion Unit 2


1.salty 2.aspects 3.cottage 4.translated 5,diamond 6.anger 7.sorrow 8.darkness 9.warmth





14.appropriate 15.Analyzing 16.rhytm 17.awaiting 18.awoke 19.teasing 20.branch 二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空

1.go over 2.make sense 3.ran away 4.stay up 5.take his eye off 6.is made up of 7.is popular with 8.at least 9.by chance 10.run out of 11.Take it easy 12.inspired Unit 3 一单词拼写 1.due 2.addicted




6.Mental 7.pregrant 8.perfect 9.quit 10.automatically 11.adolescents 12.managed 二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。

1.addicted to 2.leaving out 3.been accustomed to 4.a great deal 5.manage to 6.remind 7.decided on 8.at risk 9.due to 三.句子翻译。

1.due to 2.accustom to 3.in spite of 4.feel like 5.got into 6.quitted Unit 4 Global warming I.单词拼写

1.widespread 2.disagreement 3.climate 4.decrease 5.average 6.phenomenon 7.quantity 8.steadily 9.catastrophe 10.consequence II.词组活用

1.put up with 2.building up 3.make a difference 4.on the other hand 5.on the whole Unit 5 I.单词拼写

1.exited 2.bathing 3.evaluate 4.panic 5.potential 6.bored 7.erupted 8.fantastic 9.anxious 10.cancel II.词组活用

1.Compared with 2.make an effort 3.glanced through 4.made his way 5.taking a risk



Unit 1 Great scientists

一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.This new e _______________for the car works well.2.She has a strong c_________________.3.The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s______________farming.4.The doctor had my eyes e_____________for weakening.5.The meeting c________________at eight o'clock.6.They were d _______________ in their attempt(企图)to reach the top of the mountain.7.The little brave girl e _________________ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯).8.He was a____________________in the book.9.He b ____________________ me for my negligence(疏忽大意).10.I think you are too s_________________ on the boy.11.He finished his work in a__________________(积极的)way.12.We must try to _________________(分析)the causes of the strike.13.He became____________________(狂热的)about classical music.14.He has______________________(完成)the whole job already.15.In the factory the workers______________(纺成线)wool into thread.16.Be c_________________when you cross the street.17.You should not r_________________the invitation from your old friend.18.What is your v__________________on Chinese education? 19.The police are watching the man's m_________________secretly.20.The class needs a s__________________teacher.21.Kindness is one of the prime minister's __________________(特征).22.Britain_________________(议定)a trade agreement with China.23.Don't ________________(暴露)your skin to the sun or you will be burned.24.The ________________(贵重的)culture relics will be on show in Guangzhou Art Museum in October.25.The famous Korean play actor got an________(热情的)reception in Hong Kong.26.The most important thing is not to admit ________________(失败)-27.Water and salt are _____________(吸收)into our blood stream everyday.28.If a doctor or a medical treatment c__________someone's illness, they make the

people well again.29.A v_________________is a kind of germ that can cause disease.30.If you a_____________something, you consider it carefully or use some methods in order to fully understand it.二.短语翻译

1.蒸汽机_____________________ 2.提出

_____________________ 3.得出结论____________________

4.也,另外___________________ 5.将……和……连接起来______________________ 6.对……严格的________________________ 7.有意义_________________________ 8.通向,导致_________________________ 9.态度,观点________________________ 10.继续工作__________________________



______________ ___________these reasons, he said nothing.2.我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。

Our English teacher_____________ __________ ___________us.3.让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲

Let's _____________the lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.4.他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。

His careless driving _________ ____________the serious traffic accident.5.他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。

He _____________food and clothing __________the Red Cross.Unit 2 The United Kingdom 一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.The common interests u_________________the two countries.2.The class ___________________of(组成)56 members.3.Our class is d_______________into two groups during the discussion.4.What he said in the meeting p______________________all of us.5.The bad ______________(影响)of the flood is that no people are deard to swim in that river.6.The c_______________of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village.7.Her beautiful singing drew the a_____________of the professor.8.The film“Hero”has much a________________for the youth.9.The habit of c____________________stamps benifit him a lot.10.The_________________(工业)area of this area made more pollution to the air compared with agricultural area.11.If something is done for your c_____________, it is done in a way that is suitable or useful for you.12.An a_____________is something that people can go for interest or enjoyment, for example a famous building.13.A p_______________is a question, game or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly.14.U______________is a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police, the army, etc.15.Most advertisements work through________________(暗示).16.We are_____________(感到激动)to hear a wonderful piece of news that the people lived

in the mainland can go to visit Taiwan in the near future.17.The second Children's Palace of Guangzhou sits in _________________(极好的)location by the side of Pearl River.18.The government is__________(辩论)the new adjustment of Guangzhou's district.19.Some parents considered that some of their children's friends to be a bad________________(影响)to their children.20.There are plans to______________(建造)a new road bridge across the river to ease the traffic problems in this area.二.短语翻译

1.将……分成_____________________ 2.英国国旗_________________________ 3.省去;漏掉_______________________ 4.令人吃惊的是____________________ 5.脱离_________________________


1.Why you debate this wonderful opportunity so carefully is a ______(困惑)to me.2.The ________ _______ ________tigers(老虎保护工程)will be launched after the meeting.3.She is good at ____________flowers(插花).4.If you continue working like that, your body will________ _________(垮下来).5.Their____________(婚礼)will__________ _____________(举行)in May.6.这道数学题把小明给难住了,无论他怎么努力也无法计算出正确的答案.This maths problem ___________Xiaoming.No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't _________ ___________ the right answe 7.世界上最著名的教堂之一西敏寺是英国的旅游胜地。

Westminster Abbey, ________is one of the most famous churches in the world, is the ___________ ______________ of Britain, 8.陈水扁想把台湾从中国分裂出去的企图永远不可能得逞。

Chen Shuibian's attempt to __________Taiwan ________ ___________China could not be achieved forever.9.未来,地铁将会逐步取代公共汽车成为人们的主要交通工具。

The underground will_______ _______ _______ _______the bus to become the main vehicle for the people in the future.10.国际社会正在讨论关于如何惩治伊拉克前总统萨达姆(Sadamm)。

The international society ______ _________ ________ the punishment for the former Iraqi president Sadam.11.初升的朝阳看起来很美但是西下的夕阳看起来更美。

The_________sun looks beautiful and the sun________ in the west looks even more beautiful.12.十年以后他们


Xiao Li _________ _________and caught a man _________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.14.在我四周的范围内,除了沙漠以外没有任何的东西,只能看见一棵树。

For miles around me, there was nothing but a desert, with a single tree ______ _________.15.在我们搬近新房子以前,我们准备(请人)安装电话。

Before we______ _______ the new house, we are going to get our telephone __________..16.我们没有必要再浪费时间讨论去哪儿度假了,因为计划已取消了.There is ______ __________ that we'll waste time discussing where to go for our holiday, for the plan has been ____________.17.绍兴被人称作中国的威尼斯。

Shaoxing is __________ _____________ as China's “Venice”.18.很使我感到高兴的是,父亲给我买了一台电脑作为生日礼物。

__________ to my joy, Father bought me a computer _______ a birthday gift 19.托尼踢足球时,他的腿受伤了。

Tonny ________one of his legs _______when playing football.20.今天下午教室里竟然一个人也没有,真是奇怪。

_______ _______ __________that there shouldn't have been any student in the classroom.Unit 3 Life in the future

一、单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.She r_____________me that I hadn't written to mother.2.We have s____________experiences, but your end result is quite different.3.Liu Huan is a w________________singer.4.The t_________________of goods by air is very expensive.5.There is no such car in the s___________________area.6.As is known,it takes years to m________________a new language.7.Why is the driver f___________________his lights at me? 8.The flowers died for 1________________of water.9.Everyone who enters the chemical factory must wear a m_____________.10.His head a_________________, which stopped him from going to the party.11.It's said that she is a girl of e_______________beauty.12.Good glasses can a____________________you to read.13.I got this job through an employment a______________________.14.The little boy s____________________along at his mother' s side.15.This suggestion r___________________careful thought.16.The teacher is in a bad m____________________today.17.He has built an e_______________________house.18.James can i__________________his father's speech perfectly.19.The new plane goes at an a___________________speed.20.You can't i_________________Jack living on the lonely island alone.21.Your i__________of a person or thing is what you think they are like, usually after having seen or heard them.

21.A s__________is a place where people have come to live and have built homes.23.Your p_______________things belong only to you, or may only be used by you.24.If you describe something as e____________, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising.25.We are______________(乐观的)that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the

near future.26.He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has had no

________________(先前的)experience of this kind of job.27.All the passengers are______________(需要)to show their passports when they

leave the country.28.After a big flood, thousands of volunteers went to Hunan to

__________________(协助)in rebuilding the disaster area.29.The government decided to explore the ____________(周围的)countryside to

build a new industrial park.30.The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was _______(不断的)hit by war.二.短语翻译

1.拿起,接受,继续________________________________ 2.结果,由于……的结果_______________________________ 3.缺乏,缺少_______________________________________ 4.立刻,马上_________________________________________ 5.横扫,掠过__________________________________________ 6.寻找____________________________________________ 7.帮助;援助____________________________________ 8.光年_________________________________________ 9.变成_______________________________________ 10.以……为依据___________________________________


1.Suddenly the driver began to ___________ _____________(加速)2.His leaving ___________ ______________(增加了)our difficulty.3.Who________ _______________(究竟)is the man you spoke to? 4.I __________seen him __________ _______________(不再).5.We still need ____________ ___________(另外五个)students to finish the work.6.餐厅里响起了那首动听的歌,它使我回想起我快乐的童年。

The fair-sounding song playing in the restaurant __________ me_______my happy childhood.7.人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋。

Man cannot ________new oceans unless he has ________ to lose sight of the shore.8.拿起扫帚把地上的纸屑和碎玻璃打扫干净,行吗? Get a broom and ______ ________the bits of paper and broken glasses on the floor, will you? 9.这本书会提供一些好的消息来源帮助你做出最好的选择。

This book will provide you some good source of information to ______ you _____ making the

best choice.10.一些公司把新闻媒体用作他们为自己的产品做广告的工具。

Some companies used the press as a vehicle for _____________ their products.11.由于大雾天气的影响,今天广州新白云国际机场的全部航班都必须取消。

Today all flight at the New Baiyu International Airport of Guangzhou have to be cancelled, _____ _____ _______ _________foggy weather.12.一项研究表明经历过南京大屠杀的人们仍然在焦虑和战争的痛苦记忆中扎。

A study shows that people who ______

__________ the massacre of Nanjing still struggle with anxiety and painful flashback from the war.13.谁都不愿意别人怀疑自己的话。

One does not like to have his word ____________.14.

23.An i___________that you have is an idea or plan of what you are going to do.24.Your o______________________is your job.25.Industrial development is being_______________(集中)in the west of China.26.He had to rewrite his essay, because his teacher said it needed some ___________________(润饰)in language.27.The little boy cried_____________(故意地)to draw his mother's attention.28.An __________(精确的)instrument is able to give you information that is correct to a detailed level.29.Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an _________(获得的)taste and are not in born.30.The busy mother feels really _________(内疚的)at forgetting her daughter's birthday again.二.短语翻译

1.全神贯注于_________________________________ 2.因……指责或控告___________________________________ 3.为了(做……)_______________________________________ 4.填(表)___________________________________________ 5.依靠;依赖_________________________________________ 6.传递______________________________________________ 7.开始工作________________________________________ 8.最终;最后___________________________________________ 9.从事于____________________________________________ 10.被用在……上(中)____________________________________


1.We should_____________(保卫)ourselves against the coming flood.2.They found that cave__________________(意外地).3.It's necessary for young people to receive_________ _________(正规教育)4.They are all________ ____________that idea(反对).5.You should concentrate yourselves on the class and avoid ________ ________.6.消费者利益保护委员会的创立旨在保护顾客的权益,使其免受奸商的欺诈。

The Consumer Council exists to__________ the customers' right and interests ___________ unscrupulous traders.7.那个著名的教授被指控偷取学生的理念并将它们发表。

The famous professor has been __________ _________ stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.8.政府今年所做的事情对所有的广州市民都很有利。

What the government has done this year will be of________ _______ all the citizens living in Guangzhou.9.经理决定今年冬天公司的全体员工去安徽的黄山游玩。

The manager has decided all the _______ of the company will go on a ________ to the Yellow Mountain in Anhui province this winter.10.那个女记者冒着生命的危险为凤凰卫视报道了伊拉克的情况。

The woman reporter ________ _______ _______ to cover the situation in Iraq for

Phoenix TV.11.如果你想开一家餐馆,最好向Mary请教,她对这行的诀窍很清楚。

If you want to open a restaurant, you should ask Mary's advice.She knows all the __________of the trade.12.我看到报纸上说失业情况有所改善,但事实上完全弄错了——失业率仍在上升。

I read in the newspaper that the____________figures had improved but it has got hold of the wrong end of the stick--unemployment is still ___________.13.人类都有这样的一个天性,就是不到失去的时候都不懂得珍惜自己所拥有的东西.Such is human nature that many people don't _______ the things they process until they have lost them.14.他们刚赶到机场飞机就起飞了。

___________ had they got to the airport __________the plane took off.15.只有当你掌握了良好的语法知识的时候,你才能写出正确的文章。

Only when you have acquired a good ________ of grammar can you write _______.Unit 5 First aid

一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.The lung is an o________________and so is the heart.2.He tried to kill himself by taking p_________________.3.He has gone to the hospital for special t__________________.4.I was only m_______________interested in the story I read in the newspaper.5.Her ankle s_____________after the fall.6.Her foot was very s_________________after the accident.7.I can't s______________________toothpaste out of the tube.8.What is the typical s______________________of SARS? 9.Would you like me to_________________your shirt for you? 10.She is suffring from a lung i___________________.11.He

(颁发)a silver cup to the winner.12.Did you attend your uncle's wedding_____________________(仪式)13.He is a_____________________(勇敢的)soldier.14.The _______________(压力)of the water can turn this wheel.15.We have to write an_________________(文章)about the film we saw yesterday.16.You should have your own ____________________(毛巾).17.Have you worked out your ____________________(方案)? 18.I saw an___________________(救护车)passing by.19.I'm_____________________(自豪)of my son.20._______________________(祝贺)to you on your success!21.An a________________ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.22.R_______________is energy, often in waves of heat or light that comes from a particular source.23.A b_______________ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.24.If there is p________________on someone to do something, someone is trying to

persuade them to do it.25.An o______________is a part of your body that has particular purpose or function, for example your heart.26.Fever is a _________________(征兆)of many illnesses.27.The bell rang, the naughty boy ______________(挤)his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.28.The streets in the centre of the city were___________(塞)up with traffic because of an accident.29.The storm did a lot of ______________(毁坏)to the building and crops in Hunan province.30.A bee has stung my hand and it is __________________(膨胀)up.二.短语翻译

1.阻止(某人)做……___________________________ 2.触感________________________________ 3.挤出;榨出____________________________ 4。在适当的位置______________________________ 5.反复,多次____________________________ 6.开展,执行___________________________________ 7.找到___________________________________ 8.许多,大量______________________________ 9.自豪_________________________________ 10.砍掉,砍伐____________________________


1.He suddenly________ _________ __________ _______(昨晚他突然病了).2.Sunglasses can_______ ________ ________ _________ the sun' s rays(保护我们的眼睛免受......).3.You may __________ ______________(烫伤)by hot liquids.4.These burns are not serious and they should______ ______-______ ______ ________ _______ ___________(一天之内就会好许多)。

5.First degree burns __________ ___________when they are pressed(变成白色).

参考答案: Unit One 一。1.engine 2.character 3.scientific 4.examined 5.concluded 6.defended 7.exposed 8.absorbed 9.blamed 10.severe 11.positive 12.analyse 13.enthusiastic 14.completed 15.spin 16.cautious 17.reject 18.view 19.movement 20.strict 21.characteristics 22.concluded 23.expose 24.valuable 25.enthusiastic 26.defeat 27.absorbed 28.cures 29.virus 30.analyse 二。1.steam engine 2.put forward 3.draw a conclusion 4.in addiction


6.be strict with 7.make sense 8.lead to 9.point of view work on 三。1.Apart from 2.is strict with 3.attend 4.led to 5.contributed to

参考答案: Unit 2 一。1.united 2.consists 3.divided 4.puzzled 5.influence 6.convenience 7.attention 8.attraction 9.collecting 10.industrial 11.convenience 12.attraction 13.puzzle 14.uniform 15.suggestion 16.thrilled 17.splendid 18.debating 19.influence 20.constract 二。1.divide…into 2.The Union Jack 3.leave out 4.to one’s surprise 5.break away from 三。1.puzzle 2.project of protecting 3.arranging 4.break down 5.wedding take place 6.puzzle;work out 7.which;tourist attraction 8.break away from 9.take the place of 10.are debating about 11.rising;setting 12.for the second time 13.looked around;putting 14.in sight 15.moved to;installed 16.no need;cancelled 17.referred to 18.Much;as

19.had hurt 20.It was strange

参考答案: Unit 3.一。1.reminded 2.similar 3.well-known 4.transportation 5.surrounding 6.master 7.flashing 8.lack 9.mask 10.ached 11.extraordinary 12.assist 13.agency 14.skipped 15.requires 16.mood 17.enormous 18.imitate 19.amusing 20.imagine 21.impression 22.settlement 23.private

24.extraordinary 25.optimistic 26.previous 28.assist 29.surrounding 30.constantly

二。1.take up 2.as a result of 3.lack of 4.in no way 5.sweep up 6.search for 7.assist in 8.light year 9.change …into 10.base on

三。1.speed up 2.added


3.on earth 4.haven’t any more 5.five;more 6.reminded;of 7.discover;courage 8.sweep up 9.assist in 10.advertising 11.as a result of 12.went through 13.doubted 14.came out 15.clean up

参考答案: Unit 4 一。1.occupation 2.assignment 3.professional 4.colleague 5.concentrate 6.case 7.acquire 8.deliberately 9.guilty 10.concise 11.editor

12.department 13.accurate 14.polish 15.hint 16.appointment 17.intention 18.approve 19.negative 20.employ 21.profession 22.appointment

23.intention 24.occupation 25.concentrated 26.polishing 27.deliberately 28.accurate 29.acquired 30.guilty

二。1.Concentrate …on

2.accuse…of 3.so as to 4.fill in 5.depend on 6.pass on 7.set to work 8.last of all 9.work on 10.be used on 三。1.defend 2.by accident/chance 3.normal education 4.opposite to 5.losing mind 6.defend;against 7.accused of 8.benefit to 9.employees;visit 10.risked her life 11.tricks 12.unemloyment 13.value

14.Hardly;when 15.knowledge;correctly

参考答案: Unit 5.一。1.organ 2.poison 3.treatment 4.mildly 5.swelled 6.swollen 7.squeeze 8.symptom 9.iron 10.infection 11.presented 12.ceremory 13.brave 14.pressure 15.essay 16.towel 17.scheme 18.ambulance 19.proud 20.Congratulations 21.ambulance 22.Radiation 23.bandage 24.pressure 25.organ 26.symptom 27.squeezed 28.choked 29.damage 30.swelling 二。1.prevent sb from doing sth 2.sense of touch 3.squeeze out 4.in place 5.over and over again 6.carry out 7.put one’s hands on 8.a number of 9.be proud of 10.cut off 三。1.fell ill last night 2.protect our eyes from 3.get burnt 4.feel better within a day or two 5.turn white


Unit 1 Great scientists


1.This new e _______________for the car works well.2.The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s______________ farming.3.The doctor had my eyes e _____________for weakening.4.The meeting c________________ at eight o'clock.5.They were d _______________ in their attempt(企图)to reach the top of the mountain.6.The little brave girl e _________________ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯)。

7.He was a____________________ in the book.8.He b ____________________ me for my negligence(疏忽大意)。

9.I think you are too s_________________ on the boy.10.He finished his work in a p__________________ way.11.We must try to a________________the causes of the strike.12.He became e__________________ about classical music.13.He has c____________________the whole job already.14.Be c_________________ when you cross the street.15.You should not r_________________ the invitation from your old friend.16.The class needs a s__________________ teacher.17.Kindness is one of the prime minister's c __________________.二、短语翻译












______________ ___________these reasons,he said nothing.2.我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。

Our English teacher_____________ __________ ___________us.3.让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲

Let's _________the lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.4.他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。

His careless driving _________ ____________the serious traffic accident.5.他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。

He _____________food and clothing __________the Red Cross.Unit 2 The United Kingdom 词汇专项练习


1.The common interests u_________________ the two countries.2.The class ___________________of(组成)56 members.3.Our class is d_______________ into two groups during the discussion.4.What he said in the meeting p______________________ all of us.5.The bad ______________(影响)of the flood is that no people are dared to swim in that river.6.The c_______________ of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village.7.Her beautiful singing drew the a_____________ of the professor.8.The film “Hero” has much a________________ for the youth.9.The habit of c____________________ stamps benefit him a lot.10.U______________ is a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police,the army,etc.二、短语翻译






1.If you continue working like that,your body will________ _______(垮下来)。

2.Their____________(婚礼)will__________ _____________(举行)in May.3.这道数学题把小明给难住了,无论他怎么努力也无法计算出正确的答案。

This maths problem ___________Xiaoming.No matter how hard he tried,he couldn't _________ ___________ the right answer


Chen Shuibian's attempt to __________Taiwan ________ ___________China could not be achieved forever.5.未来,地铁将会逐步取代公共汽车成为人们的主要交通工具。

The underground will_______ _______ _______ _______the bus to become the main vehicle for the people in the future.6.我们没有必要再浪费时间讨论去哪儿度假了,因为计划已取消了。

There is ______ __________ that we'll waste time discussing where to go for our holiday,for the plan has been cancelled.7.很使我感到高兴的是,父亲给我买了一台电脑作为生日礼物。

__________ to my joy,Father bought me a computer _______ a birthday gift


Tonny ________one of his legs _______when playing football.9.今天下午教室里竟然一个人也没有,真是奇怪。

_______ _______ __________that there shouldn't have been any student in the classroom.Unit 3 Life in the future I.Vocabulary 1.Two men are a______________the police in their enquires.2.You will be r_______________to assist Mrs Smith in preparing a report.3.Take two of the t_________________three times daily before meals.4.Decide what you want to do, don‟t just i________________ others.5.A new factory is to be l______________________ in the city center.6.His first speech as president made a strong i_________________ on his audience.7.Applicants for the job must have p________________ experience.8.He‟s c_______________disturbing me.9.I r____________her how much the fare was.II.Useful Phrases 1.接受_______________________ 2.立刻,马上__________________ 3.消失,看不见__________________ 4.打扫,横扫___________________ 5.突然看见____________________ 6.有可能______________________ III.Complete the following sentences according to the texts.1.___________ ___________(担心)the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.2.As a result, I ___________ ___________(遭受)“time lag”.3.This ___________ ___________ ___________(与…相似)the “jet lag” you get when flying.4.I found later that their leaves __________ the house __________(给…提供)much –needed oxygen.5.They are purple or blue and the colour changes ___________ ___________(取决于,依赖于)their mood.6.Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the ___________ ___________(缺乏)fresh air.Part 4 Multiple Choice 1.Soon we lost sight of that famous astronomer _________ himself LiQiang.A.called

B.calling C.to call D.call 2.______________ from the heart trouble for years, he has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.A.Suffered B.Suffering

C.Having suffered D.Being suffered 3.Though ________ money, his parents managed to send him to school.A.lacked

B lacking of

C.lack of D.lacking 4.One island and two lakes _______________ the country.A.make up B.makes up of C.is made up of D.consists of

5.___________ in her skirt, the little girl tried to make herself ___________ at the party.A.Dressed;notice B.Dressing;noticed C.Dressed;noticed D.Dressing;noticing

6.He is the only one of the students who _________________ a winner of scholarship for three years.A.is


C.have been

D.had been 7.She was glad to have a comfortable chair ________________.A.sit

B.to sit

C.sitting D.to sit in

8.The university wants its undergraduates to _______ a regional language, if time permits A.take up

B.take after

C.take on

D.take over 9.Generally speaking, when_______ according to the directions, the medicine has no side effect.A.taken


C.to take

D.to be taken 10.Information has been published_______ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.A.which



D.when 11.In the traffic accident, his father came close to________.A.be killed

B.being killed


D.killing 12.There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _______ trouble.A.making

B.to make

C.to have made

D.having made

Unit 4 Making the news 词汇专项练习


1.After graduation he took an o______________ as a teacher in the city.2.An expert is a man who is engaged in p______________ business.3.All his c______________ who work with him in the same factory are all ready to help others.4.You should c_____________ on your work when you study.5.We also can a__________________ knowledge during playing.6.He hit me on the head with a ball d_____________ which made me very angry.7.He felt g________________ after he stole some money from the old couple.8.He worked as a e________________ in that newspaper.9.She graduated from English d__________________ of Beijing University.10.Don't just say almost,nearly……,what we need is a____________ number.11.Before marrying,they always made an a ___________ in that park.12.Her father will never a_____________of her marriage to you.二、短语翻译








1.They found that cave_________ _________(意外地, 偶然地)。

2.They are all________ ____________that idea(反对)。

3.You should concentrate yourselves on the class and avoid ________ ________.4.The famous professor has been __________ _________(指控)stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.5.What the government has done this year will be of________ _______(对… 有益)all the citizens living in Guangzhou.6.___________ had they got to the airport __________(一…就)the plane took off.Unit 5 First aid 词汇专项练习


1.The lung is an o________________ and so is the heart.2.He tried to kill himself by taking p_________________.3.He has gone to the hospital for special t__________________.4.I was only m_______________ interested in the story I read in the newspaper.5.Her ankle s_____________ after the fall.6.Her foot was very s_________________ after the accident.7.I can't s______________________ toothpaste out of the tube.8.What is the typical s______________________ of SARS?

9.She is suffering from a lung i___________________.10.He p________ a silver cup to the winner.11.Did you attend your uncle's wedding c__________________.12.An a________________ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.13.A b_______________ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.14.The streets in the centre of the city were c__________up with traffic because of an accident.15.The storm did a lot of d______________ to the building and crops in Hunan province.二、短语翻译












1.He suddenly________ _________ __________ _______(昨晚他突然病了)。

2.Sunglasses can_______ ________ ________ _________ the sun' s rays(保护我们的眼睛免受……)。

3.You may __________ ______________(烫伤)by hot liquids.4.First degree burns __________ ___________when they are pressed(变成白色)。


一、1.engine 2.character 3.scientific 4.examined 5.concluded

6.defended 7.exposed 8.absorbed 9.blamed 10.severe

11.positive 12.analyse 13.enthusiastic 14.completed 15.spin

16.cautious 17.reject 18.view 19.movement 20.strict 21.characteristics

22.concluded 23.expose 24.valuable 25.enthusiastic 26.defeat

27.absorbed 28.cures 29.virus 30.analyse

二、1.steam engine 2.put forward 3.draw a conclusion 4.in addiction


6.be strict with 7.make sense 8.lead to 9.point of view work on

三、1.Apart from 2.is strict with 3.attend 4.led to 5.contributed to 参考答案2:

一、1.united 2.consists 3.divided 4.puzzled 5.influence

6.convenience 7.attention 8.attraction 9.collecting 10.industrial

11.convenience 12.attraction 13.puzzle 14.uniform 15.suggestion

16.thrilled 17.splendid 18.debating 19.influence 20.construct

二、1.divide…into 2.The Union Jack 3.leave out

4.to one„s surprise 5.break away from

三、1.puzzle 2.project of protecting 3.arranging 4.break down

5.wedding take place 6.puzzle ; work out 7.which; tourist attraction

8.break away from 9.take the place of 10.are debating about

11.rising; setting 12.for the second time 13.looked around; putting

14.in sight 15.moved to; installed 16.no need; cancelled

17.referred to 18.Much; as 19.had hurt 20.It was strange Unit 3 Life in the future 参考答案3 Part 1






6.impression 7.previous


9.reminded Part 2

1.take up 2.in no time 3.lose sight of

4.sweep up 5.catch sight of 6.It is likely that Part 3

1.Worried about

2.suffered from

3.is similar to

4.provided;with 5.depending on

6.Confused;lack of Part 4 Multiple Choice 1-5 BCDAC 6-10 ADAAC 11-12 BB Unit 4参考答案4:

一、1.occupation 2.professional


4.concentrate 5.acquire

6.deliberately 7.guilty


9.department 10.accurate



二、1.Concentrate …on

2.accuse…of 3.so as to 4.depend on

5.pass on

6.work on

三、1.by accident/chance 2.opposite to 3.defend ; against

4.accused of 5.benefit to 6.Hardly; when

Unit 5









9.infection 10.presented

11.ceremory 12.ambulance 13.bandage

14.choked 15.damage

二、1.prevent sb from doing sth 2.sense of touch 3.squeeze out 4.in place

5.over and over again 6.carry out 7.put one„s hands on

8.a number of 9.be proud of 10.cut off

三、1.fell ill last night 2.protect our eyes from

3.get burnt

4.turn white



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