牛津小学英语3B教案——Unit 8 I’m hungry

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第一篇:牛津小学英语3B教案——Unit 8 I’m hungry

牛津小学英语3B教案——Unit 8 I’m hungry


本单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕“征询意见”编排的,What about …? 是表示“……怎么样?”的意思,用于征求别人意见。“What about”一般都是在一定的情景下才使用这个句子,如果离开了交际情景而直接说What about …?就会显得唐突。教材分别提供了“饿—买热狗”和“渴—买饮料”两个场景供教师教学日常交际用语。

本单元单词教学部分增加了a hot dog ,a sandwich, a pie ,some bread ,some rice ,soft drinks ,a bar of chocolate ,a carton of milk教材这样编排便于学生根据情景把单词与对话结合起来操练。


能正确地听、说、读、写字母Oo, Pp ,Qq.能听懂、会说以下饮料和食品类单词a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some bread ,some rice ,soft drinks ,a bar of chocolate ,a carton of milk ,能听懂、会说日常交际用语I’m hungry /thirsty.What would you like ? What about … Sounds good, /No ,I’d like ……Thank you/Thanks.并能熟练运用日常交际用语进行问答。

能理解并正确运用a bar of ,a carton of以及some.能初步理解不可数名词意义和用法。

会唱歌曲Hot cross buns!

其中教学重点同教学要求,教学难点同教学要求4:能理解并正确运用a bar of ,a carton of 以及some.3.教学理念:





5.课时安排: 共四课时。



第三课时C D

第四课时:E WB

The first period

Teaching Contents:

1.A 1-2 : I’m hungry.What would you like ? I’d like … Sounds good.2.B单词:a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some rice ,some bread

Teaching Aims:

Enable the Ss to understand and say : a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some bread ,some rice.Encourage the Ss to have good cooperation with one another and use the communicative sentences : I’m hungry.What would you like ? I’d like …Sounds good.Teaching Steps :

Step1 Free talk.Talk with Kitty.学生与售货员小猫Kitty交谈。

Free talk.T&Ss:What a nice …!Can I have a look ? A hamburger /…?(Yes ,please./No ,thank you.)

在此过程中,引导学生用Sounds good回答。

Learn to say : Sounds good.揭题:Unit 8 I’m hungry.Ss Learn to say : I’m hungry.(边说边做饥饿状)

Step 2 Presentation(1)

Let’s go to the supermarkets.去超市前必须说出一种食品或饮料或水果的名称。


e.g T: What would you like ?

S: A hamburger/…, please.Kitty : Here you are.S:Thank you.在此过程中,提示学生用I’d like说话。


What would you like ?

I’d like a cake ,please.Here you are.Thank you.a.Readafter the T

b.Ask and answer(T&Ss)

c.Group work.d.Pair work.(借助学生课前制作的食品图片,进行替换练习。)

e.Check.小组连锁操练: S1—S2—S3—S4

Chant : What, what, what would you like ?

I’d ,I’d ,I’d like a cake.Here,here ,here you are.Thank you ,thank you ,thank you very much.Step 3 Presentation(2)

Draw and guess.画食物图,由此进入新单词的学习。

Learn to say : a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some bread.some rice.Sing together

Do a survey.Group work.Ss以What would you like ?发问,进行统计。

Step 2 Homework.Read after the recorder.Step 5 Goodbye.Design:

Unit 8 I’m hungry

What would you like ?

I’d like a cake.图1—图2—图3—图4—图5。

Here you are.Thank you.Teaching Contents :

A3-4 : What about ?

B饮料类及食品类单词:a carton of milk ,soft drinks ,a bar of chocolate.To understand : a bar of ,a carton of ,some.The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance : what about …?

Teaching Steps:

Sing a song : “Hot cross buns.”

Listen and do.Kitty : I’m tall /fat /…/hungry.引出并教学“I’m thirsty.”(边说边作口渴状)

Questions :

a.If you’re hungry ,what would you like ?

Ss发散思维,说出想要吃的东西。(Learn :a bar of chocolate)

b.If you are thirsty ,what would you like ?教学 a carton of milk ,soft drinks.Step 2 Presentation.T&Ss practice :

e.g T: What would you like ?

S: I’d like a cup of tea.T: Here you are.What about some milk?

S:Yes ,please.Learn to say : What about ?


Listen to the tape and imitate.Read the dialogue.Act.Step 3 Task.任务: 点菜。


语言技能: Listening and speaking.语言知识:事物名称和交际用语What would you like ? What about …? I’d like…







Step 4 Goodbye.The third period

Teaching Contents :

C Look and say.D Look ,read and write.Teaching Aims :

The Ss can understand what they have learnt.The Ss can read and write “Oo, Pp, Qq.”

Teaching Steps :

Step1 Warm up

Greetings.Listen and do.Sing a song “Hot cross buns.”

Smell and guess.通过嗅觉来判断食物名称。

Step 2 Review.1.快看快说。





活动规则:老师手拿一摞图片,走到学生中间,学生和老师一起问:What would you like ? I’d like…有一名学生回答:并从教师手中得到一张图片。


Step 3 Presentation

Listen to the tape(A Learn to say)

Try to act.Look at the pictures.(C Look and say)

Discuss :What are they saying?

Pair work.Check ,Step 4 Look ,read and write.复习字母: Aa至Nn.(在游戏找“邻居”中复习。)




读单词:book ,pie ,quilt.Step 5 work :

Copy the letters : Oo ,Pp, Qq.The fourth period

Teaching Contents :

EFun house & Workbook.Teaching Aims :

Enable the Ss to understand and use the communicative words.Encourage the Ss to have good cooperation with one another.Teaching Steps :

Step1 Warm up

Sing the songs.Greetings.Free talk.Listen and do : Let’s fly /jump /run /walk /eat /drink/write/read /…/I’m hungry /I’m thirsty./…… Step 2 Presentation.1.Play a game : Draw and guess.a.Things for school.b.Things in a room.c.Food and drink.2.Read the words three times.Step3 Fun house.Listen and judge.Learn and do.Let’s cook some rice.Wash some rice.pour some water.Turn on the cooker.Have a rest : Sing and dance …Hot cross buns!

Step4 Play a game: 下棋。



Step 5 Do the workbook.Phonetic symbol :

Hot dog /hRt/ /dRg/a sandwich/5sAnwidV/pie/pai/bread /bred/

carton /5kB:t[n/chocolate/5tFRk[lit/sounds /saUndz/ rice /raIs/bar /bB:/



Unit 4 Time


本单元由五部分组成: A Learn to say ,B Look and learn , C Look and say ,D Look ,read and write , E Fun house.本单元Learn to say围绕“询问时间”这一功能项目按照时间顺序创设了一个个真实自然的场景,并由此展开了数词1-12的教学。本单元除要求学生比较熟练地掌握时刻表达法What’s the time? It's „o’clock以及数词1-12外,还出现了常用句型Shall we „? It’s time to„, You can „在加上Let’s„的复现,知识点较多,任务较重。在教学中教师应尽量利用情景帮助学生整体理解课文,把重点放在培养学生实际运用语言的能力上,而不要过多地讲解语言知识。


1、能正确地听、说、读,写单词one, two, three.2、能听懂、会说数词1-12。应特别注意正确掌握数词 3,7,11和12 的发音。3、能听懂、会说以下交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s „.,Shall we watch TV? It's time to „, You can „”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。4、能背诵歌谣Jack has a clock.三、教学重点:

1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词one, two, three.2、能听懂、会说数词1-12。应特别注意正确掌握数词 3,7,11和12 的发音。3、能听懂、会说以下交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s „.,Shall we watch TV? It's time to „,You can „”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。


1、能听懂、会说数词1-12。应特别注意掌握数词3,7,11,和12 的读音。2、能听懂、会说以下交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s „.,Shall we watch TV? It's time to „,You can „”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。



六、课时安排: 共四课时

第一课时: A Learn to say 中的部分内容以及B部分。

第二课时: A Learn to say 中的部分内容以及B部分E(1)。

第三课时: C Look and say : D Look , read and write;E

(3)Say a rhyme 第四课时: 活动课及做练习册。

The first period

一、教学内容:A Learn to say 图1,图3; B Look and learn 中的“1-7”。

二、教学目标:1.能听懂,会说数词1~7,及短语“ go to school , go home.”

2.能听懂,会说以下日常交际用语:What’s the time? It’s ~o’clock.三、教学过程:

Step1 Warm up 1.Greeting.2.Sing a song : Family song 3.Free talk.a.Duty report.b.师生交流(主要复习3A第四单元中的go to

school, go home 及其答语);(最好利用头饰进行表演)

Step2 Introduce new materials.1.学习七个数词:1~7。(将七个数词做成七条卡片鱼,进行“小猫钓鱼”游戏。教师按顺序钓出七个数词进行教学。)

A 学习单词:“one”师钓出“one” 并出示,示范发音,领读,检查学生朗读情况。B 同样方法学习“two~seven”(注意重点指导3,7的发音)2.介绍句型:What’s the time? It’s ~o’clock.教师出示挂钟图示(图1)并放铃声。T:What’s the time? 出示汉译指导朗读,练读。Ss: What’s the time? T: It’s seven o’clock.出示汉译指导朗读,练读。操练句型:(老师与全体学生,全体学生与老师,分组,同桌等形式。)A:What’s the time? B: It’s seven o’clock.A: Let’s go to school now.B: All right/OK.3.介绍句型:You can go home now.T 拔动指针指向4点钟。T:What’s the time? S1:It’s four.T: You can go home now.B出示句型卡片:You can go home now.及汉译指导读。C 操练(形式上注意点面结合)。

4.T 拔动指针询问时间复习3A 第四单元的句型。Step3 Have a rest : Sing ten Indian boys.Step4 Pl ay a game.“ Wolf ,wolf ,What’s the time?” Step5 Consolidation :

1.听录音,看挂图。2.Listen and repeat.3.Read after the tapeT.4.表演对话

六 Home work :




Unit 4 Time What’s the time ? It’s ~

Let’s go to school now.You can go home now.The second period


A Learn to say 图2,图4; B Look and learn 中的“8~12”。



2.能听懂,会说以下日常交际用语:Shall we watch TV? It's time to have lunch.三、教学过程:

Step1、Warm up

1.Greeting.2.Sing a song :Family song.3.Free talk : a.on duty


二、Introduce new materials

1.学习数词 :8-12。(1)学习数词“8”,继续做游戏“Wolf, wolf ,What’s the time?”当老师把指针指到8时,师示范发音,并指导发音。

(2)同样方法学习:9-12。2.介绍句型:It’s time to have lunch.在游戏“Wolf ,wolf ,What’s the time ?”中学习“ It’s time to have lunch.”

A 教师出示挂钟图示拔动指针指向12点钟。Ss:What’s the time ? Wolf: It’s 12.Wolf: It’s time to have lunch.(师做要吃饭的动作帮助理解It’s time to have lunch.)B 出示It’s time to have lunch j.句型卡片指导朗读。C 操练(形式上注意点面结合)3.介绍句型: Shall we watch TV? A T 拔动指针指向8点钟。

T:What’s the time? S1: It’s 8.T: Shall we watch TV?边说边拿遥控器,打开电视。帮助学生理解Shall we watch TV? B 出示句型卡片:Shall we watch TV ?及汉译指导读。C 操练(形式上注意点面结合)

三、Have a rest : Play a game.随音乐传手表,音乐停,持表人与同桌进行操练。

四、Consolidation.1.听录音,看挂图。2.Listen and repeat.3.Read after the tape.4.表演对话。

五、Practice :

1.Listen and draw.2.垂钓游戏。

六、Home work : 1.听磁带跟读A B部分5遍。2.自编对话。板书设计:

Unit 4

Time What’s the time?

It’s ~ It’s time to have lunch.Shall we watch TV?

The third period 教学内容:

C Look and say;D Look , read and write;E Say a rhyme.教学目的:

1.能正确地听,说,读,写单词one, two, three.2. 能背诵歌谣Jack has a clock.3. 能较熟练地在一定情景中运用以下交际用语。教学过程: Step1、Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Sing a song : Family song.3.Free talk.4.Say a rhyme : Jack has a clock.5.复习数词 1~12。

游戏——猜数字:一人在另一人身上写数字,大声说出,若对了可在另一人身上写。Step2、Look and say.1.指导学生看书上图:Think : What are they talking about ? 2.同桌讨论。3.集体评议。4.指导表演。

Step3、D Look ,read and write.1.学习“one, two, three.”

听发音,看口形,跟读。2.指导书写“one, two, three.” 3.生练读,写“one, two, three.” Step4.Say a rhyme.1.听录音。

2.Listen and repeat.3.Read after the tape 4.练读。5.指名读。Step5、Home work:

1、抄写“one, two, three”5 遍。

2、背诵“one, two, three”。

The fourth period

一、教学内容: 1.做练习册。

2.复习本单元句型与单词。3.E部分2 Make and play.二、教学目标:


三、教学过程: Step1、Warm up 1.Greeting.2.Sing a song : Family song 3.Free talk : a.On duty.b.出示钟图示,师拨动指针。

T:What’s the time? S: It’s ~(Let’s go to ~Shall we ~It’s time to ~You can ~)操练本单元句型。

Step2、Practice : 1.出示幻灯片:What’s the time? 2.Say the next number.3.Say the number.4.Make and play.Step3、Have a rest.1.Say a rhyme: “Jack has a clock.” 2.Listen and say the next number.Step4、听力练习。


Unit 4 Time.Step5、Homework:

1.预习下单元内容: 看图听录音

2.背歌谣“Jack has a clock.”


















6月15日---6月18日 复习Unit7-12 6月19日---6月24日 复习Unit1-6



1、衣服:cap帽子 hat礼帽 vest背心

2、食物:cake蛋糕 pie派 hot dog热狗

3、文具:book书 bag书包 tape胶带、修正带

4、交通工具:bus公共汽车 car汽车 bike自行车

5、人物:boy男孩 girl女孩 man男人

6、物品:desk书桌 bed床 clock钟 chair椅子 key钥匙 watch手表

7、数字:one一 two二 three三

8、乐器:guitar吉他 piano钢琴 violin小提琴、9、运动:run跑 swim游泳 jog慢跑


1、家庭成员:grandfather爷爷 grandmother奶奶 aunt阿姨 uncle叔叔 brother兄、弟 sister姐、妹 son儿子 daughter女儿

2、文具:storybook故事书 copybook抄写本 knife小刀 crayon蜡笔 stapler订书机

3、物品:computer电脑 radio收音机 camera照相机 toy train玩具火车

4、数字:five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 twenty-one二十一 twenty-two二十二 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 ninety-nine九十九

5、地点:a dining-room餐厅 a kitchen厨房 a bathroom卫生间 a sitting-room客厅

6、食物:a sandwich三明治 some bread一些面包 some rice一些米饭 soft drinks软饮料 a bar of chocolate一块巧克力 a carton of milk一盒牛奶

7、衣服:a belt皮带 shoes鞋子 trousers裤子 socks袜子

8、球类:volleyball排球 baseball棒球 basketball篮球

9、乐器:an accordion手风琴

10、运动:climb-go climbing爬山 skate-go skating滑冰 ski-go skiing滑雪 rowing划船 fishing钓鱼


come here过来 in the book在书里 on the desk在书桌上 in the desk在书桌里 on the chair在椅子上

in my pencil box在我的铅笔盒里 on your English book在你的英语书上 in your school bag在你的书包里 this knife这把小刀 that stapler那个订书机 in English用英语 come in进来

a nice telephone一个漂亮的电话 have a look看一看

my family photo我的家庭照片 I think我想 go to school去上学 get up起床 have lunch吃午饭 go home回家 watch TV看电视 go to bed去睡觉 go to the zoo去动物园 go to the cinema去电影院 go to the supermarket去超市 go to the park去公园 go to the Great Wall去长城 ten plus five十加五

seven plus thirteen七加十三 twenty minus twelve二十减十二 eighteen minus four十八减四 how many 多少 in the kitchen在厨房 in the dining-room在餐厅 how much多少钱 play the violin拉小提琴 play the piano弹钢琴 play the guitar弹吉他 play the accordion拉手风琴 play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 play baseball打棒球 play volleyball打排球



Teacher: Li Juan

M1U1 Looking and seeing

M1U1 Period 1

Date: Feb.17th

Teaching Contents: Page 2 Say a poem Function Targets:

1.Talking about ability

2.Say a poem to identify parts of the face.Language Targets:

Basic Aims: 1.Words: mirror, hair, brown, month, can’t, mask 2.Students: What can you see? I can/can’t see.Further Aims: 1.Can use the words and the patterns to practice.2.Can use the patterns to introduce the five senses.Emotional Targets: Develop their interest in learning English.Teaching Procedure: Step1.Pre-task Activities 1.Sing an English song.2.Daily Talk

Step2.While-task Activities Mirror T: What’s this? P: It’s a mirror.T: What can you see in a mirror? P: I can see me in the mirror.Practice: What can you see in the mirror? I can see hair, mouth nose, eyes…

T: Look in the mirror.My hair is black and curly.How about you? P: Look in the mirror.My hair is black.My eyes are big.T: Say sth.about your self in the mirror.Eg: My eyes are……

I can see-------------T: Look at the desk.What can you see on the desk?

I can’t see------------P: I can see two pens on the desk.T: What can’t you see on the desk?

P:I can’t see two bags on it.Then ask and answer with your partner.Step3.Post-task Activities Say a poem.1.Listen to the poem.2.Say a poem like it about yourself.Eg: Look in the mirror.What can you see?(I can see a girl/boy)Black/long hair Two big(bright)eyes.One nose.Two ears and a mouth I can see me.Step4.Homework 1.Listen to the tape.2.Recite the poem.M1U1 Period2


My noses are……

Teaching Contents: In the classroom Function Targets:

1.Talking about What can you see? 2.Usingt predicative adjectives of colour to describe things.Basic Aims: 1.Words: chair, ruler, rubber, bag, pen, blackboard, pink, white, red, orange.2.Structures: What can you see? What colour is it? It’s…… Further Aims: Can use the words we learnt to practice the patterns What can you see? I can/can’t see……What colour is it? Teaching Procedure Step1.Pre-task Activities 1.Daily Talk.2.Say a poem.Step2.While-task Activities 1.What can you see in the classroom? I can see……

T:.What can you see in the classroom? P: I can see a TV in the classroom.T: What colour is it? P: It’s a colour TV,T: What can you see in the classroom? P: I can see a radio in the classroom.T: What colour is it? P: It’s black.T: Where is the black radio? P: It’s on the teacher’s desk.T: Who can ask me about in the classroom? P: What can you see on the desk? T: I can see a pencil-box on the desk.P: What colour is it? T: It’s blue.2.Ask and answer with your partner.Can you see……in the classroom? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.1.T: Can you see a blackboard in the classroom?

P: Yes, I can.T: Can you see a cat in it?

P: No, I can’t I can’t see…… Ask and answer with your partner.Step3.Post-task Activities 1.Ask and answer on page 3.2.Listen to the tape.3.Do exercises.Step4.Homework: 1.Listen to the tape.2.Copy the words and sentences.M1U1 Period 3

Teaching Contents: Make and play.Function Targets: Students can retell how to make the spinner.Language Targets: Basic Aims: Words: draw, cut, toothpick, spin, spinner.Structures: What colour can you see? I can see…..Further Aims: Learn the sound of the letter Aa Teaching Procedure Step1.Pre-task Activities 1.Sing an English song.2.Daily Talk.Introduce your self and your desk mate.Eg: My name is……

I’m ten.I’m a pupil of…….I have……


I live in…… Step2.While-task Activities Sound:

Show the sentences: Jane can make paper aeroplanes.1.Show the word” aeroplane”

T: Read after me the new word.2.T:Read the sentences.3.T:Read the sound: 4.T:Say the words which pronounced Eg;name radio page cake grape, play, lake, game Make and play

Show a spinner.T: What’s this? P: It’s a spinner.T: Do you like the spinner? P: Yes, I do., T: Can you make a spinner? P: No I can’t,T: How to make it? Now let’s think it over.What do you need? P:I need a toothpick , paper, crayon and so on, T: Let’s make a spinner together.The first draw a circle.The second cut the circle.The third colour the circle.The fourth through the toothpick.The fifth spin the spinner.T: That’s OK.Let;s play.What colour can you see? P:I can see red.T: Please play and ask with your partner.Step3.Post-task Activities 1.Retell the procedure how to make a spinner.2.Read the text.Step4: Homework: 1.Make a spinner.2.Say how to make it.M1U1 Period 4


Teaching Contents: Is this your……?

Function Targets: Using possessive adjectives to show possession.Language Targets: Basic Aims: Structures: Is this your…? Yes, It is./ No, it isn’t.It’s my……

Further Aims: Can use the pattern: This is my……This is your……to introduce things.Teaching Procedure: Step1.Pre-task Activities 1.Daily Talk.T: What day is today?

What’s the date today?

How many days are there in a week?

What are they? 2.Ask and answer.T: What can you see in the picture? P:I can see an apple in the picture.T: What colour is it? P: It’s red.T: Can you see a pear in the picture? P: No, I can’t.T: What can you see pears? P:I can see pears in the shop.T: Please ask and answer about the picture.Step2.While-task Activities Look and learn: Is this your……? T: Let’s play a game.1.Put the pencil in the bag and say.T: This is my pencil.Is this your pencil? P: No, it isn’t.T: Is this your pencil, XX? P: No ,it isn’t.T: Who can ask me? P: Is this your pencil ,Miss Wang? T: Yes, it is.It’s my pencil.Practice in pairs.2.P1:takes out a ruler then ask s P2.P1:Is this your ruler, XX? P2:Yes,it is./ No, it isn’t.P3:Oh,it’s my ruler.2.Do exercises.Step3.Post-task Activities 1.Listen to the tape and repeat it.2.Play a guessing game in groups.Step4.Homework 1.Listen to the tape.2.Copy the sentences.M1U1 Period 4 Do the paper.Feb.21st

M1U2 Listening and hearing.Feb.24th

M1U2 Period1

Teaching Contents: Look and learn Language Targets:

Words: an aeroplane, a bus, a drill, a boat a cat a telephone hear.Structures: What can you hear? I can hear…… Teaching Procedure: Step1.Pre-task Activities 1.Say a poem.2.Daily Talk.T: What’s the date today?

What day is today?

What can you see in my hand?(pen)

What colour is it?

Is this your pen?

Where can you see the pen? Step2.While-task Activities Hear:

1.show ears.T:What can you do with your ears? P:I can hear with my ears.2.Listen and guess.T:What can you hear? P:I can see a bus.T:What can you hear? P:I can hear a telephone.T: What can you hear? P:I can hear an aeroplane.T:Show the word”an aeroplane”.Read the word Spell the word T:Please practice in pairs.(a bike/a telephone/a boat/a ship.a drill)3.The same to teach”a bus,a car,a boat,a drill,a telephone” Step3.Post-task Activities 1.Listen to the tape and read after it.2.Ask and answer with pictures.3.Do exercises.Step4.Homework 1.Copy the new words.2.Listen to the tape.M1U2 Period 2

Teaching Contents: Say a rhyme.Function Targets:

1.Students can sat the rhyme.2.Students can make new rhymes Language Targets: Master the rhyme.Teaching Procedure: Step1.Pre-task Activities 1.Say a poem.2.Daily Talk.Ask and answer.Feb.25th

T:What day is today?

What’s the date today?

What can you see on the desk?

What colour is it?

Is this is it?

Is this your ruler?

Whose ruler is this?

What can you hear?(a cat)

Can you hear a dog? Step2.While-task Activities


1.show T: Read and say the words pronounced P: Cake name plane date.2.Show the words: fat, jam, apple.a.T: Read the words.b.Show the sound c.T: Read it and say the other word pronounced P: ant map lamp.3.T: Read the sentences: The fat man like jam.Say a rhyme

1.T:Look at the slide and listen to the tape.2.T:What can you hear about the rhyme? P1:I can hear” Listen to the bird in the tree.Tweet!Tweet!” P2:I can hear” Listen to the dog in the street, Woof!Woof!” P3:I can hear” Listen to the cat on the roof.Miao!Miao!” P4:I can hear” Listen to the Dotty in her cage.Hello!Hello!” Step3.Post-task Activities 1.Read the rhyme.2.Repeat the thyme.3.Make a new rhyme.Eg: Listen to the bike, On the toad, Ling, ling ling Step4.Homework 1.Listen to the tape.2.Recite the rhyme.M1U2 Period 3

Teaching Contents: Make a telephone.What can you hear? Function Targets: Learn to make a telephone.Language Targets:

Words: paper, cups, dots, holes, join, string Structures: What can you hear? How to make a telephone? Teaching Procedure: Step1.Pre-task Activities 1.Rhyme act and say.2.Daily Talk.3.How to make a spinner?

Sat the steps.P: The first draw a circle.The second cut the circle.The third colour the circle.The fourth through the toothpick.The fifth spin the spinner.Step2.While-task Activities It’s a telephone.1.Show the paper telephone.Feb.26th

T: What’s this? P: Yes, I can.T: Can you see the telephone? P: Yes, I can.T: Where’s the paper telephone? P: It’s on the desk.T: Make a telephone, I need two paper cups and a string.Do you know how to make a telephone? T: Say: How to make a telephone.T: Can you make a telephone? P: Yes, I can.T: What can you do? Look,(draw to dots)Say: Draw two dots.T: Next, what can you do?

make two holes.Say and do.T: The last, what can you do?

Join the cups, Say and do.T: Make a telephone.I need two paper cups and a string.1.Draw two dots.2.Make two holes.3.Join the cups.Oh, it’s a telephone.Step3.Post-task Activities 1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Now let’s make a telephone call short dialogue.Eg: Hello, can you hear me? Yes, please.How are you? Step4.Homework 1.Make a paper telephone 2.Make a telephone call short dialogue.M1U2 Period 4

Teaching Contents: Look and tick What can Ming t hear? Function Targets:


1.Using modal verb can to talk about abilities.2.Asking yes/no Questions using modal verb can.Language Targets:

Words: an aeroplane, a drill, a telephone, a boat.Structures: What can Ming hear? He can hear…..Teaching Procedure: Step1.Pre-task Activities 1.Say a poem.2.Daily Talk.3.What can you hear? P:I can hear a bus.P:I can hear a boat.T: Can you hear a cat? P: Yes, I can.Step2.While-task Activities What can Ming hear? T: Who’s he? He’s Ming.Ming is a cat.T: Listen and guess.What can Ming hear? P: Ming can hear a dog.T: What can Ming hear?(drill)P: Ming can hear a drill.T: Who can ask the question? P: What can Ming hear? P: Ming can hear a bus.Ask and answer with your deskmate.What can Ming hear? Ming can hear…… Step3.Post-task Activities 1.Let’s play a guessing game.What can he/she hear? Eg: P:What can he hear? P: Can he hear a bus? P: Yes, he can hear a bus

Play the game in the group.Step4.Homework 1.Copy the words.2.Do exercises.M1U2 Period 5

Do the paper.Feb.28th

第五篇:上海牛津英语3B 复习教案


一 复习目标和内容


2能掌握本册中重点句型:What can you see? I can see ….What can you hear? I can hear ….Can Mingming hear …? Yes, he can hear….No, he can’t hear ….What do you like? I like ….Do you like ? Yes, I like ….No, I don’t like ….Do you like ? Yes, we like ….No, we don’t like ….What colour is/are …? It’s/They’re….Where is …? I don’t know./ Here it is.3复习以前学过的句型:What is it? It’s ….What are they? They’re….How old are you? I’m ….How old is he/she? He’s/She’s ….I am ….You are ….He is ….She is ….We are ….They are ….I have ….You have ….He has ….She has ….We have ….They have ….4能读懂简短的一段英语文字。

二 课时安排








一 复习听力注意事项




二 Listen and circle 1.A bed B beautiful C brown 2.A take B wolf C we 3.A where B who C how 4.A That’s OK.B All right.C Here she is.5.A How old is she? She is eight.B How old is he? He is two.6.A He is my little brother.His name is Mark.B He is my little brother.His name is Peter.三 Listen and write 1.r__ __f 2.skatebo__ __d 3.w__ve 4.r__ d__ __ 5.squ__ __ __ 6.aw __ __ 7.bl__ __ 8.Str__ __b__rry 9.h__ __ se 10.m__ rr__ __

四 Listen and judge(图片出示)一条长裙










五 Listen and answer.1.A He is eight.B She is nine.2.A I’m fine.B I’m nine.3.A She is Alice.B He is Sam.4.A His name is Ben.B Her name is Amy.六 Listen and write 1.This is _____ brother.That is ______ dog.May is ________ sister._____ is two.2.Let ____ go to school.We go to school ______ bus.3.Is this ______ book? Yes, ________ have a book.______ have a book, too._______ are picture books.第二课时


一 写出下列单词的反义词

1.big _______ 2.fat ________ 3.hard _________ 4.long ________ 5.smooth _________ 6.sweet ________ 7.tall _______ 8.white ________ 9.in _________ 10.left ________ 二 用am, is, are, have, has填空 1.I ______ a boy.2.Eddie ________ tall.He _______ a toy car.3.Here you _______, Kitty.4.______ it nice? No, it isn’t.5.The robot ________ a cold nose.6.What colour _______ the sky? It _____ blue.7.I _______ a blouse.You _______ a shirt.8.Who ________ she? She ______ May.9.It _______ a head, a body and six legs.10.She _______ a cat.He _______ a cat, too.They ________ cats.核对后小结:要熟记这几个单词的固定搭配。

三 写出同类词

1.strawberry ______________ ________________ 2.blouse ______________ ________________ 3.lorry _______________ ________________ 4.tiger _______________ ________________ 5.ball _______________ ________________ 6.raindrops _______________ _________________(重点检查拼写。)

四 选择题

(一)复习句型What is it? It’s ….What are they? They’re….I am ….You are ….He is ….She is ….We are ….They are ….I have ….You have ….He has ….She has ….We have ….They have ….(二)练习

1.Who’s she? She is ________ sister.A.I B.my C.A 1.What is this? It’s _______ orange.A.the B.a C.An 2.Who ________ a pineapple? A.have B.has C.Is 3.________ is a doctor and _______ mother is a teacher.A.Her…has B.She…her C.He…her 4.Bill ______ a pupil of Class Two.He ________ a good friend.A.has…has B.is…has C.is…is 5.Let me _______ a song for you.A.sing B.singing C./ 6.They _____ want grapes.A.are B.don’t C.Have 7.Jack is under ________ tree.A.the B./ C.An 8.What are these? They are _________.A.nest B.nests C.A nest 9.My teeth ______ white.A.is B.are C.Has



一 根据要求写单词

1.spring(同类词)—————— 2.wind(同类词)—————— 3.hot(反义词)—————— 4.dry(反义词)—————— 5.see(同义词)—————— 6.good(同义词)—————— 7.scarf(复数)—————— 8.leaf(复数)

—————— 9.clouds(单数)—————— 10.we(单数)


二 选择填空

(一)复习句型:This … is ….I like / don’t like ….What do you like? I like ….Do you like ? Yes, we like ….No, we don’t like ….(二)练习

1.______ bicycle is super.A.This B.These C.It 2.The butterfly is beautiful.I _______ it very much.A.Don’t like B.like C.Like 3.Do we like animals? No, _______ don’t.A.you B.I C.we 4.What do you like? ______ like toy cats.A.You B.I C.We 5.They are bad dolls.I ________ like dolls.A.don’t B.not C.not do

三 回答问题

1.What can you see in winter? I can see _______, _______ and ___________.2.What do you ________? I like ice-cream.3.It’s hot.The sun shines and shines.What season is it? It’s _________.4.Where is my umbrella? Here ______ ______.5.What is that? ________ a kite.6.How old ____ Eddie? He ____ ten.第四课时


一 正确抄写,注意大小写。1.正确抄写句子的格式是什么?

2.出示:where is my coat here it is 3.独立练习后核对。

二 阅读理解



It is Sunday.The sun is shining.Jack and Jane go to the People’s Park.There are many people in the park.Grandfathers and grandmothers like to walk near the lake.Jack and his friend like kites.They can fly the kite very high.Jane and her sister like to sing and dance.A few children like ball.They are very happy.()1.What’s the weather like today? A.Sunny B.Sunday C.Cloudy()2.Who likes to sing and dance? A.Jack and his friend B.Jane and her sister C.A few children()3.They enjoy _______ today.A.them B.a good time C.themselves


There are four seasons in a year.They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.Spring is warm.Plants grow and grow.We can see many beautiful flowers.Summer is hot and wet.We can eat a lot ice-cream.We can swim in summer.I like summer best.Autumn is cool.It’s not hot.Leaves fall and fall.We can fly kites.Winter is cold.The wind blows and blows.We can make a snowman.We can skate.1.There are twelve seasons in a year.()2.I like winter best.()3.We can see many flowers in spring.()4.Summer is hot and dry.()5.Winter is cool.We can skate.()6.We can make a snowman in winter.()7.Autumn is cool.It’s not hot.()

8.We can swim in winter.()

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