冀教版2014英语八年级下册导学案lesson6 Stories about Spring

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第一篇:冀教版2014英语八年级下册导学案lesson6 Stories about Spring

Unit 1 Spring Is Coming!

Lesson 6:Stories about Spring



1.It was __________(snow)yesterday.2.We won’t see _______(some)flowers until May.3.Many _________(family)like to go sightseeing in spring.4.Do you know the writer _______(name)Guo Jingming? 预习自测题。




1.低的;浅的 ___________2.低于;在……下面____________



II 翻译短语。

1.直到……才_________________2.在周末 __________________

3.不得不_____________________4.和……一样 _________________



III 请根据汉意写出下列重点句子并背诵。1.天气有点狂暴。

It’s _______________ wild.2.我们可能直到五月或六月才能看到花儿。

We probably _______ see any flowers _______ May or June.5.We often play in ______(we)shorts in summer.V.单项填空

1.Listeninf is just as ______ as speaking in language learning.A.importantB.more important

C.most importantD.the most important

2.I have _____ friends, so I am lonely.A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little

3.I didn’t go to bed ________ it was 12 o’clock last night.A.unlessB.afterC.untilD.as

4.---When did you arrive there?

---______ the afternoon of October1.A.InB.AtC.OnD.For

训练案 请完成同步练习册上的相关练习。

学习反思 同学们,请将学习中不能解决的疑难问题写下来,供小组解决。



Lesson 45:Wang Mei’s First E-mail

共8课时,第5课时 学习目标:

1.掌握的词汇:till yet problem advantage disadvantage 2.识别的词汇:chat


⑵固定句型:①ask/tell sb.to do sth.ask/tell sb.to do sth.②怎样使用right now



① May I sto Li Ming, please.② Can I take a mfor you?

③ Li Ming won’t be at home teight o’clock.④ Who athe phone? ⑤ Don’t worry;he’ll be back soon.⑥ What are the aof chatting on the Internet.二、预习自测


1.收到你朋友的电子邮件__________ 2.给你的笔友发信息_________3接电话_________ 4.等一会儿_________ 5别担心_________6.在网上交谈 _________7她最喜欢的节目_________8.一个好主意_________9.几秒钟_________

10.一个电子邮件地址 _________

三、重、难点点拨(知识拓展)1.I’mHe is not here.=He is not in.=He is not at home.=He is out.right now: at this moment / now

right now: at once / immediately立刻;马上

eg:我们马上出发.We set off______________________________.2.He ht o’clock.not…until….=not…till….直到…..才….from…till…./from….until…(时间上)从…时候到…时候

eg:The mother waited_____ morning_____ night for her son to comeback那位母亲从早上到晚上一直在等她的儿子回来.wait a moment : wait a minute wait for sb./ wait for sth.等待… ①他正在等公共汽车。

He is _______ _________ the bus.②比得正在等他的朋友.Peter was______ _______ his friend.③他正在公共汽车站等.He is________ __________the bus station.● 生成问题(解决学生预习中出现或新出现的问题)

四、当堂检测 ⑴巩固基础 完成句子:

1.Wait a moment.I have to______(接)the phone.2.Brian often____________(收信)e-mails from his friends in China.3.There are no________(问题)for the workers to finish the building intime.4.Could you take a ________(消息)for me, Jim?(2)选择填空

1.The teacher asked me ____ talk with others in class.A.not toB.don’tC.to notD.not 2.My mother made me ____ for her here.A.waitedB.waitC.to waitD.waiting 3.My cousin told me to ___ English.A.taught himselfB.teach myselfC.taught myselfD.teach himself 4.I am sure you will succeed _____.A.in the endB.by the endC.on the endD.to the end 5.Can I take a message Kate?A.withB.fromC.giveD.for

6.-----I called you again and again last night but there was no.----I went shopping with my mother.A.answerB.askC.requestD.information 7.He won’t be backtwelve o’clock.A.atB.tillC.toD.from





学校:XXX中学备课组:八年级英语组主备人: XXX审核:XXX年级:班级:组名:姓名:

Lesson 46:Mothers and Fathers Are Special

共8课时,第6课时 学习目标:


⑵如何用not all of … “并非所有……都” 表示部分否定



1.hero(复数)__________2.mouse(复数)____________________ 3.fail(反义词)_________4.advantage(反义词)____________5.chat(现在分词)________ 6.write(过去分词)___________________ 7.one(序数词)___________ 8.two(序数词)_________________


连线 把下列节日与其相应的日期连在一起1.Children’s Daya.the second Sunday in May2.Women’s Dayb.June First

3.Mother’s Dayc.the Third Sunday of June4.Father’s Dayd.March twelfth5.Tree planting Daye.January First6.New Year’s Dayf.March eighth

三、重、难点点拨(知识拓展)1.alive and living(活着的,活的)

区别:alive只用作表语(只放在be动词后)living既可用作表语也可用作前置定语 例句:The caught fish is alive/living.被抓到的鱼还是活着的。

2.Not all of them celebrate it in May.=Some of them celebrate it in other months.not all of … “并非所有……都” 表示部分否定 例句: Not all the birds can fly.=Some birds can’t fly.3.And fathers can do whatever they want!whatever关系代词“无论什么,不管什么 eg: Whatever I do, I do it for you.无论我做什么,我都是为你好。注意:whatever=no matter what

用whatever造个句子________________________________________ 4.hero------heroes(特殊复数形式)

以o结尾的单词只有hero, negro(黑人), tomato, potato这4个名词复数要加es, 别的都加s.(2人2菜原则)给出下列名词的复数形式:

tomato ________________potato_______________________ photo____________________

radio_______________zoo_______________ 5.since“自……以来/以后”


eg : I have been there many times since I was young.自从我小的时候就已经去过那里很多次了。6.take care of= look after “照顾,照看”

take good care of = look after well好好照顾,好好照看例句:父母们应该好好得照顾他们的孩子。


四、当堂检测 ⑴巩固基础 : 短语翻译:

1.母亲节 2.父亲节3.照顾

4.做一顿特别的早餐5.做他们想做的任何事 ____________________________ 6.向你妈妈说声“谢谢” ____________________________ ⑵拓展提高:

Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese given.(根据中文意思用适当形式填空)

1.I think they are_______________________.(英雄)2.Children like__________________.(糖果)

3.The girl only_________________(关心)about clothes.4.They have been here _________________(自从)1995.5.____________the weather is like, he will go there.(无论怎么样)6.In the accident(事故)only she was ______________(活着的), the others were dead.7.The





________________ ______________(照顾)Jim for three years.五、课堂小结




课题Lesson 55What Is Good for Our Health?【学习目标】1.Newwords:health.person.ago.habit.enough.Clean.spend2.Sentences:(1)Good habits are important for good health.Ⅲ.单项选择。

(2)I often spend time with my family.1.Don’3.Important and difficult points: A.carefullyenoughB.enough carefully

(1).….be good for….C.careful enoughD.enough careful

(2).spend….onspend….(in)doing….(3).enough A.some habitB.some habitsC.any habitsD.any habit

【知识链接与探究】 1 Good habits are important for good health.A.isB.areC.wasD.were

.be good for 意为“对……有好处” e.g: Doing eye-exercise is good for your eyes.4.Please at 8:00 in the morning.其反义词为“be bad for”意为“对……有害处”e g:Eating too much is bad for your health.A.wake me upB.wake me upC.wake meD.wake I up 拓展:1).be good to 后常接某人,意为对某人友好,反义短语:be bad to s b对某人不友好 our health.e.g.:The teacher is good to his student这位老师对他的学生很好。A.is;forB.are;forC.is;toD.are;to

2).be good at在…..方面擅长,介词at后常跟名词,代词或动名词。同义词组:do well in.。Ⅳ.根据汉语完成句子。

e.g.: He is good at playing chess.他擅长下棋。The boy does well in English.这个男孩擅长英语。1.我们经常去超市买食物。

2.I often spend time with my family.food.spend, cost, take与pay四个词都表示“花费”.2.他们昨天去钓鱼了。

spend主语是人,常用结构有:spend timemoney on sth.doing sth;e.g.: He often spends much time on English.或 He often spends much time in learning English.3.我一天刷三次牙。

他经常在英语上花费很多时间。I brush my teeth

pay 的主语是人,多用于买某物花费多少钱。常与for连用.,pay…for 意为“花费….买….” 4.他每天花很多时间做家庭作业。

e.g: My friend paid ten yuan for a new pen.我朋友花费10元钱买了一只新钢笔。his homework

cost主语是物;e.g: The sweater cost me 120 yuan.这件毛衣花了我120元。5.他们同时都跳了起来。

take常用于it takes sb.some time to do sth.结构。They began to dancee.g: It takes me 2 hours to do my homework everyday.我每天花2小时做家庭作业。6英语很难,但我从来没有放弃。


enough作副词时,修饰形容词或副词要后置。如: Don’He is old enough.I have enough time.Ⅴ.句型转换。

【课堂练习与检测】 1.at,I,in up,6:30,morning,the week often.(连词成句)



5.一天三次6.太多的 7.在晚上?

8做家庭作业 9同时10.很久以前3.She did her homework half an hour ago.(改为一般疑问)

Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。.4.It is good for you to eat more vegetables(同义句转换)

Eating more vegetables you..把规范修炼成一种习惯,把认真内化成一种性格



【Learning aims:】

1.New words: worried , surely, melt, plant, grow, throw, snowball,snowman.2.Sentence:(1)Does Danny know all the seasons at the end of the story?(2)I don’t know how to write this report..3.Important and difficult points:(1)at the end of

(2)how to write this report


1.Does Danny know all the seasons at the end of the story?在故事的最后丹尼知道所有的季节了吗?

at the end of 在……的末尾

e.g.:He always comes to see me at the end oftheweek.他常常在周末来看我。2.I don’t know how to write this report.我不知道怎样写报告。

how to write this report是由疑问副词how加上动词不定式短语构成,在句中作know 的宾语。

e.g.:Do you know when to visit the Great Wall?

拓展延伸:动词tell, ask, show, wonder, learn等后也可以跟“疑问词+动词不定式短语”作宾语,疑问

词可以是who, what, which, when, how,或why。

e.g.:Could you tell me how to ask for helpin English?She showed me how to water the flowers.【课堂练习与检测】:


1、I’m ________(担心)about your health.2、The sun soon ________(融化)the ice.3、These ________(植物)are growing well.4、Don’t __________(扔)any food to the animals in the zoo.5、I like to make ________(雪人)。

6、He likes to throw _________(雪球)。

7、But________(当然,确信)you do,Danny.8、New plants begin to _________(生长)。


I don’t know _________________ ________ the questions 2.你喜欢什么时候去海滩?

When do you ________ __________ go to the beach? 3.我喜欢堆雪人。

I like to __________ __________.4.你在等什么?

What ________ you __________ ___________? 4.那个小男孩看上去很焦虑。The little boy _______ __________.III、单项选择


1、Danny, why do you look ______.A.worryB.worriedC.worriesD.to worry()

2、Can you tell me how ______ to the zoo?

A.goB.to goC.goesD.went


3、He likes to wear shorts and eat ice cream _____ summer.A.inB.onC.withD.for.()

4、Who are waiting _________?


5、Let’s _______ to theJiuquanpark.A.to goB.goC.goesD.went.()6.I don’t know ________ about the seasons.A.somethingB.anythingC.someoneD.nobody()7.Are you going to_______ home?



1.Danny needs help.(变为一般疑问句)__________ Danny ______help?

对划线部分提问)_________________ you like todo?

对划线部分提问)_______ _______ she going to do?

4.Jenny went to the library last night(变为一般疑问句)。________ Jenny______ to the library last night? 2.He had a good time yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)______ he _______ a good time yesterday?

【能力提升】 V、阅读理解。

I have a good friend ,we call him Mike, He comes from Canada.He speaks English and French.He is the same age as I.We areboth 13 years old.He often goes to the English Corner(英语角),He likes it a lot.,He has a small family.His parents are both teachers.They work in the same school.They all live inGansu, China.They all like China very much.()1.Where is Mike from?

A.CanadaB.EnglandC.ChinaD.Japan()2.How old is Mike? A.10B.13C.14D.15

()3.What do Mike’s parents do?

A.They are office workersB.They are teachers C.They are driversD.They are cooks()4.What language do Mike speak?

A.ChineseB.JapaneseC.English and FrenchD.German()5.Which city does Mike’s family live in? A.HangzhouB.BeijingC.ShanghaiD.Gansu


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