
时间:2019-05-13 11:00:48下载本文作者:会员上传


外企面试英语实战攻略人物介绍: Cindy是应届毕业的大学生,她成功通过校园招聘的笔试环节,来到梦寐以求的这家外企面试,这是她的第二轮面试,与人力资源部总监Caroline的对话就此展开。


Caroline: Nice to meet you, Cindy.I’m Caroline, HRD of the company.Please have a seat.Caroline: 很高兴认识你Cindy。我是人力资源总监Caroline,请坐。Cindy: Nice to meet you, Ms.Caroline.Cindy: 你好Caroline女士。


Caroline: From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed

excellently in school.What I want to know is why you think you’re right for this job.Caroline: 从你的简历,我可以看出你在校时很优秀。我想知道为什么你认为你适合这份工作。

Cindy: I am always interested in news coming from your industry, and I’m deeply impressed by your company’s sales performance.To have risen 200-percent in the domestic market over just the past three years is an incredible feat.I also admire and agree with the employee developmental values that the company has adopted.I find that my personal goals and ideas about business operations fit perfectly with the companys goals and mission statement.Cindy: 我一直关注你们行业的新闻,公司在过去三年里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我留下了很深的印象。同时我也很喜欢贵公司培养员工的企业文化。我觉得我的个人发展目标、商业理念和公司的目标完全吻合。

Caroline: So you are well aware of our company.It appears that you have done your fair share of research.Caroline: 你对我们公司很了解,看来你提前做了很多功课啊。

Cindy: Yes, in addition to judging whether I am the right fit for C&C, I believe that its also crucial for me to know if this company is right for me.Ive been impressed by the service provided here by everyone from

the receptionist to the assistant.I am confident that I will have a very rewarding and successful career here.Cindy: 是的,除了判断我是否符合C&C的要求外,了解公司是否适合我也很关键。从前台到助理的接待都给我留下了深刻印象,我觉得我在这儿能开创有价值而且成功的事业。


Caroline: Commitment to the company and the team is very important to us here.Caroline: 在我们这里,对公司以及团队的责任是非常重要的。

Cindy: I am very responsible.Whenever I have been assigned to complete a certain task, my teacher and classmates could always count on me to achieve the stated task.There is also no need to remind me of what I should do.I enjoy intermingling and doing things with others.Cindy: 我很有责任心,如果让我负责一件事,老师和同学们都会很放心。而且我用不着别人提醒我该做什么。我喜欢与人相处,以及和别人一起做事情。场景四:个人职业发展计划。

Caroline: So what are your career objectives? And how do you perceive your own development if you were to assume this position?

Caroline: 那你的事业目标是什么?如果你获得了这个职位,你对自己的发展有什么想法?

Cindy: I expect to have a good opportunity to put all of my knowledge into practice.I am a doer and I can contribute a great deal to the company.I hope that within five years, I could lead an energetic and productive marketing team.Cindy: 我希望得到很好的实战机会。我是个实干者,我能为公司贡献很多。我希望在五年内,我能够领导一支有活力及高效率的市场团队。


Caroline: As a fresh graduate, what do you think is the most essential factor to establishing and maintaining a good relationship with your future boss?

Caroline: 你现在刚刚毕业,你认为和你未来的老板能够建立并保持良好关系的最主要因素是什么?

Cindy: All the supervisors have rich experience.So first of all I will obey the demands of the supervisors.Secondly, I will ask their advice and maintain an open mind.Thirdly, when there are questions, I will communicate in-depth with my supervisors to achieve a functional and proper solution.Cindy: 领导都是工作经验很丰富的人。首先我要服从领导的工作安排。第二呢,要虚心求教。第三,万一碰到疑问,我会及时跟领导深入沟通,找到一个合理的解决方案。


Caroline: Good, then do you have any question about our company? Caroline: 好的,对于公司,你有什么问题吗?

Cindy: Could you tell me something about your training program? Cindy: 能否介绍一下你们的培训制度?

Caroline: In brief, we offer both in-house and off-site training to our AP or U.S.headquarters.We have a few daylong training sessions for topics like business writing skills and software training.These sessions are available to everyone who applies.We also have a variety of other programs based on each work function.Our program is essentially a job-rotation program, and we believe it is more effective than traditional on-the-job training.Caroline: 简单来说,我们既有在岗培训,也有去亚太总部或美国总部专门培训。我们采用整日课程来进行商务写作和软件操作一类的培训。每个人都可以申请参加。我们还针对各个职能安排了多种多样的课程。我们的课程主要是轮岗,我们相信这比传统的在职培训要有效的多。

Cindy: It sounds attractive!

Cindy: 听上去真的很吸引人啊!


Caroline: Lastly, what’s your main consideration in your current job hunt?

Caroline: 最后,你选择工作时主要考虑哪个方面?

Cindy: Potential growth opportunity.If a potential job does offer me an opportunity to grow and mature, I will find it very easy to devote my career

to executing my responsibilities at the highest level.I believe that your company will be a perfect place for me to grow and develop!

Cindy: 潜在的发展机会。如果一个工作能够让我有发展和成熟的机会,我就会更容易地全身心投入去完成我的职责。我相信贵公司将是我成长和发展的良好平台!


Caroline: I also hope to have the chance to get to know you better in the future.Caroline: 好的,我也希望有机会更加详细地了解你。

Cindy: Thank you for your time.I am looking forward to the next interview.Cindy: 谢谢您的时间。我期待着下一次面试的通知。




















1.RGDS: Regards

2.TKS: Thanks

3.ASAP: As soon as possible 越快越好

4.BTW: By the way 顺便说一下

5.FW: Forward

6.COD: Code of conduct 公司行为规范准则

7.EG: For example

8.FYI: For you information 意思是不关你的事,你看一下就好了

9.ETC: Estimated time of complete 预计完成时间

10.ETS: Estimated time of shipping 预计船期

11.NG: No good 不合格

12.CC: Carbon copy 抄送

13.Stand up meeting 非正式的短会,比如说三两个人站在过道中间讨论一下事情,老外喜欢这样干;

14.Conference Call 电话会议

15.Aggressive 这是领导表扬和批评人用的:“小×,你最近可是很不aggressive啊!”于是,俺是每天很aggressive地上班,很aggressive地下班。

16.Add Sb To loop 这就是说要把谁给绕到圈子里去,有的事知道的人少,这就很不好,应该让多些人知道,于是就把他绕到圈子里去。

17.Involve 跟上面的意思一样,就是上面的是邮件里面说的,这个是用话说的。需要谁来搀和一下了,就把谁给involve进来。

18.Broadcast 这是外企发通知用的,比如“嘿,听说了吗?broadcast说了,食堂要涨价了,原来6块,现在6块6了!”

19.Team 这是公司里每一个小队,比如开会时别的部门的领导问:“你是哪个team的?”我就回答说:“我是XX小队长那个team的呀。”

20.Push 做工作嘛,困难大了就要推呀,反正这工作来了,就得推这个,推那个,一个推一个。

21.Expat 外籍雇员;

22.Hangout 下班不回家;

23.Boardroom 会议室,一般没人用meeting room

24.Book 订机票,订酒店

25.Beverage Bar 大公司喝水休息的地方

26.Coffee/Tea Break 大公司工作时间内的小休;

27.Reserve 秘书经常干的活,定餐位;

28.Jet-lack 越洋出差用得上这个词,意为时差造成的不适;

29.Inters 实习生

30.Probation 新员工试用期:3 months’ probation

31.Operator/Receptionist 前台/接线员

32.Deadline 完成某项目的最后期限;

33.Kick-off 启动某个项目,原指足球赛开踢;

34.Stand Tree “I stand tree this time.”这次我请客。

35.Go Dutch 各付各帐,所谓的AA制说法是中国的发明,老外听不懂;

36.Handover 工作交接;

37.Cell 对手机比较地道的说法,“Call my cell if you can't find me in the office.” 说 mobile phone比较土,说hand phone就土掉渣了;

38.Manuel 工作手册,指南

39.Expense 费用,出差要报销的也是expense;

40.Budget 预算,每个项目不论大小,包括出去聚餐,都要事先算budget;

41.Pain in the ass 办公室口头禅,意指老也没办法解决的麻烦事;

42.Outing 忙碌了一段时间,或一个重要项目完成后,老板带大家出去疯一次,当然是公费,一般是星期五方一天假,再加上周末两天;用travel 或 tour 相当不地道,很土;

43.Project 使用频率最高的词之一,很多非外企也爱用它,我朋友的公司开会时也爱说“我们来讨论一下这个破街。”

44.Fall guy 替罪羊,公司里避免不了;

45.Face music 挨骂,被上司训斥;

46.Kick somebody's ass 老板训人;

47.Go by book 按规章办事

48.Day in and day out 日复一日;

49.First-aid 指公司内的医药箱;

50.Routine 例行事务

51.Screw up 弄砸事情,常用纯口语,正式一点的说法是“You did it wrong.”公司里面一般说“You screw it up.” screw这个词单独用在口语里,相当于国语里面的“操”和“干”,当然原意是指钻钉螺丝,名词指螺丝刀;

52.Creative / creativity 创造性思维,老外最推崇这一点;

53.Petty cash 出差或办事前,跟财务领取的备用金,这个词组很有用;

54.Sign off 签发,可以指文件,也可以指正式认可某件事的开始执行;

55.Stationery 文具,很有用的一个词;

56.In charge / follow up / responsible for 这三个说法的意思都是“负责”,但用法不一样;in charge 表示对一个部门,一项有一定重要性的事务负责,也可以对人,与权力相关;follow up 表示具体跟进某事,与事情的重要性,与人,与权力无关,responsible for 的程度介乎前两种表达之间;

57.Credit 不是信用卡那个信用的意思,指员工在公司内积累的口碑,信任度和价值,“Good job, this will add your credit in the company.”这句话的意思是老板以后会更重视你,因为你这件事干得好。

58.Reputation 名声,口碑,不论好坏;

59.Lay off 解雇;

60.Extension 分机,常简作:ext#

61.Approach 报告,会议中常用此词,尽量达到的意思,中文确切表达此词有难度;

62.Presentation 简报,一般用ppt来做;

63.Proposal 未经确认通过的提议,待讨论的方案;

64.Package 包裹,所谓“一揽子计划”就由此而来,比如你去某公司interview,最后让你提问,比较地道的说法是“What's the package?”问的是你们能给的待遇乱七八糟加起来有些什么?

65.Harassment 骚扰

66.Headquarters 总公司,总部

67.LO :liaison office 当地国家的分部;

68.Recognize 认可,recognized supplier,指认可的供应商;

69.On shifts 轮班;

70.Driver 推动者,“The development will drive this case.”这个项目由开发部主导。



1、关于介绍自己的:Could you say something about yourself? Could you sell yourself within a few minutes?


2、关于应聘动机的:Why do you wannawork for us? What makes you come here today?

面试官看看你对公司是否有所了解。请充满信心,不要说是来试试的(you really wanna take a try?),如果能事先将公司信息整理好并梳理一下和自己的职业技能相结合来介绍,则可谓Perfect Response。

3、关于你的弱点:What do you think is your greatest weakness? May I know it? 注意后面那句是客气的,千万别说No。客观地评价一下自己确实存在但对工作并不重要的缺点,将采取什么样的办法来克服或弥补自己的缺点。

4、关于你过去的工作:How do you like your last job? Why did ya leave your last job? 面试官想通过你对过去的工作的看法,了解你对今后的工作态度。谈谈过去的工作特点和你所负责的主要任务,但要突出过去的工作趋于平淡且失去挑战性,你可以在更艰巨的任务和岗位中发挥能力。同时面试官极有可能问你以前的同事和上司的一些问题,切记不要把责任归咎到别人身上。

例句 :i love my last job and really learned a lot from it。but i need a new platform bigger space to make my career successful5、反问的机会:Ok, now if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.“Nope, I have none, thanks!”这样的回答就完全错了。抓住这个机会,把事先准备好的问题和盘托出,多了解一些关于公司发展、职位要求、员工培训、员工晋升、员工福利等方面的问题。

例句:i learned that your company has been tremendous growth in recent years。i'd like to know how you made such a sucess。












Let me introduce myself./ Let me do some introduction.让我来介绍一下自己。Which aspect do you want to know about me?

或者 What do you want to know about myself? 您想知道我哪方面的情况?


1.I noticed that you advertised a job in this morning’s paper.我看到你们在今早的报纸上刊登的招聘广告。

2.I’m coming for your advertisement for ….我是来应聘你们广告上的……职位的。

3.I have applied for the position of ….我申请了贵公司的……职位。


1.I worked in the accounting section of a manufacturer of electrical products.我曾在电子产品制造商的会计组工作。

2.I haven’t done anything like that before.我以前没有做过这种工作。

3.I think I’m quite fit for this job.我觉得我很适合做zhe fen工作。

4.I used to work as a.....我以前做...。

5.I’m quite familiar with.....我做过很多....工作。

6.I want a job with a vacation every year.我想找个每年都能度假的工作。

7.I was thinking of a job in.....我打算到....找份工作。


免费体验美国外教口语课程 易格英语外企面试英语贴士 —————————————————————————————————————





通常情况下,英文面试的时候穿正装,打领带,但具体穿着也和你申请的工作有关。在你面试前你应该了解公司文化,知道穿什么最恰当。面试的时候,避免一些不自然的小动作。积极这种态度应该体—————————————————————————————————————————————— 全球筛选优秀外教 真人在线视频互动上课 易格英语http://

免费体验美国外教口语课程 易格英语外企面试英语贴士 ————————————————————————————————————— 现在英文面试过程中的方方面面。重中之重是,无论如何不要迟到。

—————————————————————————————————————————————— 全球筛选优秀外教 真人在线视频互动上课 易格英语http://


一. 自我介绍

My name is zhouwei.I graduated from Chongqing Technology And Business University with my major in Economics.I would like so much to apply for the 职位(比如marketing management trainee)position that you offer.With my four year Language learning,I can now speak fluently English,and I was the minister of Propaganda Department.During that time I gained lots of experience of working with other people,Which I can explain to you in detail later on.I like 职位(比如marketing)so much.I likeCommunicating with other people.For the moment,I would like so much to have the trainee program that you offer and work out a project to help Shanda Entertainment in about 1-2 years time.二. 经典提问回答。

1. Why should we hire you?

回答:I believe I am your ideal choice because I know that for a 职业(比如marketing management trainee)should have criteria like working under pressure,team work,careful,creative and rational decisional-making.I think I am this kind of person.I have a degree in marketing and my past experience is very similar to this job.And especially I can work under pressure.2.I know it is not an end of my study as I graduated from school,actually,I am so Willing to enter another large school to continue my study and devote my service to it.I will certainly learn through practice and try my best to adapt to the new environment in the shortest time.It is for sure that I will face the challenge and I will be a successful part of many projects teams.I am confident that I will learn to work very well very quickly just what I did to my major.3.What are you greatest advantage and disadvantage?

So let me start from my weakness.I guess my greatest weakness would be(假装考虑)。I am sometimes a little bit impatient.I want to finish everything as quick as possible,and I prefer quick action.I know this is on one hand good for efficiency,but on the other hand,we have to listen to the opinions coming from all aspects.I am aware of it now and I am on my way to change myself to be a little bit more considerate.Actually, I am doing plans every time I am starting a project, but now I will listen more opinions coming fromevery aspects and it really helps me a lot.Well ,talking about my strength.I believe the biggest one is my commitment to quality.I strongly believe in doing things correctly ,not just one hundred percent,but one hundred and twenty.I don’t like work on those things that I can not work out a high quality result.Once I decide on one task,I will great effort In it and I know I can do very well.4.why do you want to join our company?

I think the history of the company can reflect a lot of important characteristics of your company.Let me take a glance back to the history.When I read books on it,I really get attracted by the way your campany developed.I know it was first set up in(某个行业)and itMerged with(融入)××(公司名字)

Your company ‘s last action on(对××的作用)。。(假装思考)really strengthen my hope wo join your companybecause I know it has great perspective.Well ,history can forecast the future,your company’s background inspires me a lot about my own career planning.或者

I know your company has a very good reputation in the industry;it ranks the third不一定是第三)in the field of(在某个范围内)and the fifth in the field of.It was set up in the year 1099.it has a promising perspective(观点)。I know your acompany’s culture is *****(上网看),which I appreciate so much.It is just what I need in a company and my personal career plan andyour company’s developmentStrategy match very well.I am sure this is my right choice.5.Where do you see yourself in five years?

In the near future ,I would like to move into a marketing management position in five years.And eventually ,I would like to develop a new project that can be the next growing point.This is my long term vision.The main thing right now is to learn as much as possible and try to apply it in my new position.I think your company Offer a great platform for me and it is sure a perfect choice to join your company.6.what motivates you?(你的动力是什么)

I am motivated by the creedthat I am successful if I can successfully use my ability.I believe that everyone has his own talent and once he realized it,he will Achieve much more than he could imagine.I feel alwayscontent if I could do mybest to apply my ability to something that I consider important.So that is another reason that why I hope to get this chance because I believe what motivates me is very beneficial to my job.7.What is your hobby?(业余爱好)

I like sports very much.Mostly after work,I like playing basketball very much with my friends.It helps to build my team work sense too.I love NBA,do you?Huston Rockets Is great in the last several games………………

8.How do you work under the pressure(你如何在压力下工作)?

Well,I don’t mind working under pressure.I know every job has its own pressure.I know your company has much pressure on time because we have to finish the audit right on time.I am prepared for that.Every time when I am facing pressure,I will try mybest regardless of the situation ,and sure I have my own way to release my pressure through other ways.9.What would you do on the first day on your job?

I think it is very important to get a goodin the very first day.I will first get a big picture of my working environment and learn as much as possible,like I will know as much colleagues as possible,I will talk to them,I will read the manual and get instructions from my supervisor.On the other hand,I know a very important duty of this position is to take orders form our clients in Europe,so I will try to get familiar with the trade and shipping procedure in Europe as quick as possible…………

三. 分组讨论

1. 首先抓紧时间认识同一小组的人

2. 显示领导力和调和矛盾 抓紧主要矛盾的句子

Ok,everyone,there are always two sides to everything,and we need to figure out which is more important.Well,I think we can finally find a solution to this…………

Anyway,out point of view is not so far apart,We should be able to resolve this problem.Well,let’s listen to Miss A ,what do you think of this?

What if we let Mr.B tell us something about his opinion?

How aboutwe make avote on this……

OK,let’s move to the next point…

We are almost out of time,so let me make a summary.



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