
时间:2019-05-13 12:20:06下载本文作者:会员上传



1.She was ```promote```last year.2.His handling```highly praised.3.Make sure you`re home by midnight.4.A child’s character is …environment.5.The company wentout of businessbecause it ….6.The government…seem… in theorybut I doubt…

7.He tried hard to live up to.expectations.8.It is reported that the on the verge of

9.The government plans seem… in theorybut I doubt…

10.The design is worthless..allpracticalpurposes.11.This experienced editor is….reducethe misprints…

12.My grandfather was acareerteacher;…….13.His failureresulted from...14.Over nine-tenths...belong to...15.These children look on...as....16.Student must have access to……

17.It was so kind……via…..18.Lack of emplolyment……vulnerable…..19.The shop…..wrapped it……

20.Don’t forget to mark your……

21.Listen to both enlightened.22.The plan for a regardless of.23.When I said no ```aggressive.24.My work hours are almost identical to```

25.The origin of the universetranscend…

26.Who willundertakethe job ……?

27.Only about a thousand …… witness ….28.weanticipategreat pleasure …….29.Nothing cancompensatethe young…….30.The audience hold their breath as…tightrope.31.They’ve been guzzling beer all evening.32.There is some old,smelly stuff in… refrigerator.33.we owe loyalty to our motherland.34.The witness proved that …medium.




The train shook back and forth,its wheels making a loud noise.Outside the windows the freezing cold of winter ruled.The train was filled with cold,tired passengers.Suddenly a little boy 35 his way through the grown-up’s legs and sat down by the window.He was all alone among the unfriendly grown-ups.What a brave child,I thought.His father 36 to stay by the door behind us.The train began to move slowly into a tunnel(隧道).Then something very 37 happened suddenly.The serious little boy slid(滑)down from the seat and leaned(斜靠)his hand on my knee.For a moment, I thought that he wanted to 38 me and returned to his father, so I helped him to stand up.But instead he leaned forward and held his head 39 towards mine.He wanted to say something to me , I thought.I lowered my head to receive the 40.Wrong again!What I received was a loud kiss on the face.The boy quietly returned to his seat, leaned back and continued looking out of the window.I was so surprised.What just happened? A child kissed an 41 grown-up on the train.How could anybody want to kiss such a man that had so much beard(胡子)?Nervous and a little surprised, we smiled at the father.42 he saw our questioning looks as he got ready for his stop, he offered a clue(some information).“He’s so happy to be alive,” the father said,”“He has been very sick.” Father and son 43 into the crowd moving toward the exit.Then doors closed and the train went on.On my face I could still 44 the child’s kiss----a kiss that has started some soul—search(深思)inside me.How many grown-ups go around kissing each other 45 the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the special right of 46 ? The little kisser has taught us a sweet but serious lesson----You don’t let yourself die before your heart stops!35.A.lost B.moved C.fought D.pushed 36.A.preferred B.chose C.agreed D.hoped 37.A.interesting B.strange C.funny D.exciting 38.A.kiss B.beat C.pass D.ask 39.A.up B.on C.back D.out 40.A.news B.idea C.message D.thought 41.A.unsafe B.unimportant C.unfamiliar D.unfriendly 42.A.Before B.When C.Unless D.Since 43.A.disappeared B.ran C.looked D.came 44.A.touch B.smell C.have D.feel 45.A.in B.about C.for D.after 46.A.hope B.kiss C.death D.life

35答案:D push one’s way 为固定搭配,意为:挤出一条路。由上文内容可知道,这个小男孩在大人们中间挤出了一条路。

36答案:B chose to„选择„.prefer to意为更喜欢,此处明显与句意不符。37答案:B strange意为 奇怪的 根据上下文意思,显然不是很有趣,而且A C都是有趣的意思,排除,D意为 激动的。

38答案:C 文中意思为:作者以为小男孩直接走过他,可没想到是kiss他,所以 A项排除,B D都与题意不符。

39答案:A hold one’s head up„固定短语 抬起头来看„.40答案:C message 意为 信息。此处是作者收到了小男孩的所传递的信息 message,B D为想法,A为消息。

41答案:C.考察点:形容词的辨析:unsafe:不安全的;unimportant:不重要的;Unfamiliar:不熟悉的;unfriendly:不友好的。本故事是发生在严冬的火车车厢中,作者与小男孩是初次见面,是乘客的关系,但小男孩却吻了作者。根据句意可排除B,D,而unsafe也未体现,只有“不熟悉的”符合题意。42答案:B.考察点:连词的辨析:before:在„..之前,用于时间状语从句,when:①当„.时候,用于时间状语从句;②:这时;unless:除非,常用于not„unless中,用于条件状语从句中;since:①:自从,用于时间状语从句中;②:因为,用于原因状语从句中。he saw our questioning looks as he got ready for his stop句意为:当他准备下车时,这时他看到了我们的疑惑的表情。其中as译为“当„时”,stop译为“车站”。所以选C.43答案:A.考察点:动词词意的辨析:disappeared into:消失在„中,.ran into:偶遇,跑进;.looked into:浏览;.came into:进来。本句意为:爸爸与儿子消失在人群中,moving toward the exit.是动词分词短语后置做定语来修饰the crowd,完整句为who are moving toward the exit,所以选A。


45答案:C.考察点:介词辨析:in:①在„里;②:用„语言,如in English;③穿„衣服,如 in a red hat;about:关于„;for:为了„;after:在„之后。本句意为:多少过往的成年人(行人)会因为活着快乐而吻彼此呢?所以选C。







It was 1st January, the first day of the year and a holiday for me.What luck!I started by thinking of getting the bank work out of the way.The bank person, an elderly gentleman with a white beard, was, as usual, curt[简略的] to my polite “Happy New Year.” He nodded and I sat in front of him.那天是1月1日,新年的第一天,也是我的假日。真幸运!我开始盘算到银行去把工作办妥。


Minutes passed and nothing happened.几分钟过去了,什么事情也没发生。

Then very hesitantly[犹豫地] I put my form and booklet[小册子] in front of him.He was busy filling up entries in his register.After a few minutes he took my form and from his cabinet he took out a very thick file from which he started filling in my details.I sat there wondering why we had computerized banking if we were still filling in forms and registers.然后,我万分犹豫地把自己的表格和小册子放到他面前。他正忙着往登记簿里录入条目。过了几分钟,他拿起我的表格,从文件柜里抽出一本厚厚的档案文件,开始登记我的信息。我坐在那里,不禁疑惑既然我们要人工填写表格和登记簿,那还要电脑化的银行业务来干嘛呢。

After waiting for a few more minutes, in which I showed all signs of being impatient, I asked him if my work was done.The moment I uttered[说] the words, I felt as if a bombshell[炸弹] had fallen on him.He shouted, “Nothing is done, it will take time!”


Just then I saw his morning cup of tea which had been lying there for the last ten minutes, untouched.The tea had turned almost cold while he was doing his work.Suddenly I felt what this man, who had been working at this counter for the last God-knows-how-many years, must be feeling when customers like me come who are always in a hurry to get their work done.We do not even feel the need to thank them for being there.He must be feeling so agitated[激动的] that “here comes another person who will push me for doing his work first.”


On an instinct I told him, “Sir, you please have your tea, I am not in a hurry.” This man, who I had been seeing for the last few years, suddenly looked up at me and for the first time we had eye contact—he had never made eye contact earlier.I saw a different person there, another human being who was as hard-pressed[处于强大压力的] for time as I always am.我本能地对他说:“先生,请您先喝一口茶吧,我不赶时间。”这位过去几年来我已经见过无数次的先生突然抬头看着我,这是我们第一次目光接触——之前他从未正眼看过我。我看到了一个截然不同的人,另一个和我一样为时间饱受压力的人。

I saw both of us sailing in the same boat[(与某人)同舟共济].I felt that he was also missing the small things in life like a hot cup of tea or lying in a warm bed for a few more minutes like me.He gave me a rare smile and said, “It is an everyday affair with me;you are not in a hurry but somebody else will come who will be in a hurry.”


He really touched my heart with his wise words.I felt that we had all put shields on our

hearts like we put gloves on our hands;we are scared to show our heart and reveal too much of ourselves.I felt that all this time I thought of him as a robot, someone who was there for my convenience, but today I suddenly felt a strange communion[(思想感情的)交融] with him.I vowed to be more empathetic[移情作用的] and friendly with people who help me with my work and be thankful that they are there for me.他那睿智的话语触动了我的心。我觉得我们总是给内心罩上防护盾,就像给双手戴上手套那样;我们害怕显露自己的内心或曝露太多自我。这些年来我总把他看作一个机器人,一个为我提供便利的存在,但今天我突然感到与他产生了一种奇妙的情感交融。我发誓日后定当更加替他人着想,对协助我的工作的人更加友好,并为他们出现在我的身边而心怀感激。


2007I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains.The sun was setting when my car ___31___(break)down near a remote and poor village.Cursing my misfortune,I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to ___32___ should have the honor of receiving me ___33___ a guest in their house.Finally,I accepted the offer of an old woman who lived alone in a little house.While she was getting me ___34___(settle)into a tiny but clean room,the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to ___35___ small town some 20 kilometres away___36___there was a garage.I had noticed three hens running free in my hostess„s courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table.___37___ villagers brought me goat‟s cheese and hone.We drank together and talked ___38___(merry)till far into the night.When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village,I wanted to reward the old woman ___39___the trouble I had caused ___40___.2008Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people„s daily life.___31___ these proverbs there are often interesting stories.For example,the proverb,“plucking up a crop ___32___(help)it grow”,is based on the following story.It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty(960—1279)was very anxious to help ___33___rice crop grow up quickly.He was thinking about ___34___ day and night.But the crop was growing much slower than he expected.One day,he came up with an idea ___35___ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.He did so the next day.He was very tired ___36___ doing this for a whole day,___37___ he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” ___38___(high)。

His son heard about this and went to see the crop.Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither.This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ___39___(nature)course.Being too anxious to help an event develop often ___40___(result)in the contrary to our intention.2009 Jane was walking round the department store.She remembered how difficult ___31___ was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.She wished that he was as easy ___32___(please)as her mother, who was always delighted with perfume.Besides, shopping at this time of the year was not ___33___ pleasant experience:people stepped on your feet or ___34___(push)you with their elbows(肘部), hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.Jane paused in front of a counter ___35___ some attractive ties were on display.“They are real silk,” the assistant tried to attract her.“Worth double the price.” But Jane knew from past experience that her ___36___(choose)of ties hardly ever pleased her father.Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered.She found some good quality pipes ___37___ sale.She did not hesitate for long: although her father smokeda pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a present which was bound to please ___38___.When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already ___39___ table having supper.Her mother was excited.“Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane ___40___(inform).2010Ayoung man, while traveling through a desert, came across a spring of clear water.______31____water was sweet.He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to elder _______32____ had been his teacher.After a four-day journey, the young man_____33___.(present)the water to the old man.His teacher took a deep drink,smiled____34_____(warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.The young man went home____35______a happy heart.After the student left, the teacher let __36___student taste the water.He spit it out, __37___(say)it was awful.Apparently, it was no longer fresh because of the old leather container.He asked his teacher,” Sir, the water was awful.Why did you pretend to like ___38____?”

The teacher replied,” You tasted the water.I tasted the gift.The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love.Nothing could be ___39___(sweet).”

We understand this lesson best ____40___ we receive gifts of love from children.Whether it is a cheap pipe on a diamond necklace, the proper response is appreciation.We love the idea within the gift rather than the thing.











At the age of forty-five, my usually well-ordered life became full of changes.After twenty-two years of working in a plan to use less staff the unemployment of over one hundred people.I being one of them.My once secure future became.However, I was not a single parent,the family did not depend only on my income(收入).My motto(格言)has always been “Change is good, change is progress, “ but when it40my livelihood, I had to change it to,”41change and make the most of it." From the beginning, Ito look on this matter not asluck, but as a welcome opportunity.I refused to become sorry;new and different.Having a positive attitude made all the in the way I pursued(追求)the future.First, I decided to46to college and graduate many years later than I should have.Doing this at my age took more than a little Not being a graduate hadheld me back in my career in the bank, but now it was a personal goal I longed to I went to evening classes, and became an adult50.In the class, I became more and more confident.During this time, I that no matter what life throws in our way, personal growth never stops.The second thing I did to improve my inner self was to reevaluate(重新评估)my life.It used to be filled with endless and meaningless events.But now, my heart and life are completely around people I53.changes in my life.Revisiting the past made for the future.I realize that I have accepted the change, and am making the most of it.36.A.factoryB.companyC.bankD.school

37.A.set asideB.led toC.made upD.took off
















53.A.care forB.join inC.stand forD.look at



[解题导语] 生活中充满了变数,作者通过自己的经历告诉我们要接受并善于利用这些改变。

36.解析:选C。根据第三段中的in my career in the bank 可知,作者曾在一家银行工作。

37.解析:选B。失业是裁员带来的结果,故选led to(引起,导致)。


39.解析:选A。由句意可知 the family did not depend on my income 是 I was not a single parent 的结果,故用so。


41.解析:选B。根据文章最后一句中的 I have accepted the change 可以看出,作者的人生格言变成:接受并充分利用改变。


43.解析:选C。注意前后句not…but…构成的对比,作者并没有把发生的事看作“不幸(bad luck)”,而是把它当作一次良机。

44.解析:选B。后一分句与become sorry 意思相反,故选 instead, 表示“取而代之的事”。

45.解析:选A。有一种积极的态度在作者追求未来生活的道路上起了很大的作用。make all the difference 的意思是“起大作用,大有作为”。

46.解析:选C。根据本句提到的graduate many years later than I should have 可知,作者决定“返回(return)”大学,完成早该完成的学业。

47.解析:选D。下文的With a lot of determination 提示,像作者这样的年龄作出这样的决定是需要很大的“勇气(courage)”的。





52.解析:选D。根据reevaluate 和最后一段的Revisiting the past 可以判断,作者完善自我的第二件事实重新评估“过去的(past)”生活。

53.解析:选A。现在作者的心和生活完全是围绕着自己所“关心(care for)”的人。

54.解析:选B。通读全文可以看出,作者已经把失业看成了人生的另一次机遇,失业让作者的生活发生了一些积极的改变。第三段的Having a positive attitude 也是提示。

55.解析:选C。make room for 意思是“为……腾出空间”。作者通过回顾过去为未来作了更充分的准备。



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