
时间:2019-05-13 12:20:20下载本文作者:会员上传



1.Now Jim’s sister ___________(read)newspapers.2.He _____________(watch)TV at nine last night.3.He _____________(watch)TV last night.4.What ___________the twins ___________(do)then?

5.— ________Lily _________(draw)a cat when the teacher came in ?

— No, she _________

6.__________________you __________________(have)supper at that time? 7.Jack __________________(not read)a book at nine yesterday evening.8.Now Jim __________________(play)basketball on the playground(操场).9.What _____________ he _______________(do)at nine o’clock last night.10.They ___________________(listen)to the music at that time.11.When the teacher came in, the students ___________________(read)the text.12.We ___________________(watch)TV when suddenly the telephone rang.13.Her mother ____________(cook)while her father was watching TV.14.It rained ______(heavy),so he didn’t go to work yesterday.15.David fell _________(sleep)in class because he stayed up too late last night.16.I ______(complete)believe in you now.I think you are honest in the matter.17.__________________(使我吃惊的是),he got the first prize in the exam.18.To tell the ________(true), I don’t like the drinks in that café.19.They ____________(complete)building the bridge late next year.20.We are ____________at the _____________news.(surprise)

用either, also , too, as well 填空

①Tom can sing this song.I can sing it, _____.②Tom can sing this song, I can sing it _______.③Tom can sing this song, I can _______sing it.④Tom couldn’t sing this song, I couldn’t , _______.21.My parents don’t a_________(准许)me to hang out with my friends.22.Can you give me some a______(建议)? I need your help.23.Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child’s d _________(发展).24.Can you e _______(解释)to me how to do this math problem ?

25.To my s _______(吃惊), he can do everything that I can’t do.26.There was an _________(argue)happened between Tom and Jack last night.27.Why don’t you sit down and____________(communication)with your brother? 28.It’s crazy for Mothers to keep on ____________(compare)their kids with others.29.The teenagers have to work hard because of the _________(press)from their parents.30.My _________(old)brother is not very nice to me.He always refuses to let me watch my favourite TV show.31.Don’t forget ________(feed)my cat when I am away.32.CDs are played on a machine called a CD ________(play).33.Thanks for ________(buy)us the drinks and snacks.34.—Did you go to Mike’s party?—No.He didn’t ________(invitation)me.35.My parents and I ________(be)going on vacation.36.Would you like ______(clean)up the city parks? 37.Could you please______(give)out food at the food bank?

38.We can’t put off _______(make)a plan.39.Two weeks ________(be)enough for us.40.They ________(set)up a food bank next year.41.He spends about two hours_______(do)his homework.42.All the students will go out and play if it stops_______(rain)later.



1、The girl with her parents______________(shop)now.2、He_______ always ___________(talk)in class.We don’t like him.3、My mother _____________(come)in a few days.How soon _________you ________(come)?

4、It was 2:00.Neither Jim nor I ____________(do)housework..5、Lucy __________(read)a book when he came in.She ___________(do)her homework at this time yesterday.6、Not only Tom but also Lucy ____________(watch)TV when I came in.7、While they _____________(talk), their teacher came into the classroom.8、What ________ your mother _________(do)at this time yesterday?

9、Either he or Lucy __________(read)at 7:00 yesterday morning.10、There _______(be)a football match next week.11、Look at the clouds!It _______________(rain).12、Next year, she ____________(be)32 years old.13、I __________(help)you as soon as I _________(be)free tomorrow.14、You __________(not, go)home until you ________(finish)_________(read)the book this afternoon..15、No matter when you ________(come)tomorrow, I will wait for you.16、Whatever you ______(do)tomorrow, I _________(help)you.17、I don’t know if she______(come)tomorrow.If she________(come), I _______(be)happy.18、I want to know when he __________(call)me tomorrow afternoon..When he

________(call)me , please help me answer it.19、Could you tell me what he _________(do)next month?

20、He said that he _________(help)his father with his work next year.21、Lucy said the sun _________(go)round the earth..MrWang told me that light________(travel)much faster than sound.22、Jim ________ever _______(see)the film.He ______(see)it a year ago.23、My mother ________(be)there twice.When ______he ________(go)there? In 1990.24、_______ you _______(do)your homework? Not yet.25、How soon _________ you ________(come)here ? In a week.26、How long _____she _______(buy)the book? For a year.27、He ___________(borrow)the book since he _______(come)here.28、His grandparents ______(die)two years ago.They ____________(die)for two years.There is a dog __________(lie)on the road.The dog _____________(die)for an hour.Now the dog____________(die).The dog is ___________(Jim and Tom).The dog’s _________(die)made them very sad.They __________(die)in a minute.29.He __________ ever _______(be)there.I _________(see)the film three times.Jim ______________(study)Chinese for many years.Lilei __________(do)his homework since he __________(come)here._______ you already ________(have)your breakfast ?

30、How long _______you _____________(leave)Boston ? Since two weeks ago.How long may I _______(borrow)the book? The film ___________(begin)for three hours.The factory ___________(open)since 1990.Jim ______________(arrive)here for a week.My brother __________(join)the army since he______(leave)school.The little baby __________ _(fall)asleep for an hour.Jim _____________(become)a soldier for two years.31.He ____________(leave)by the time we ___________(get)here last night.She ____________(finish)the work by the end of the last month.He said that he ___________(be)there twice.After I ____________(do)my homework , I went home.I _________(have)breakfast before he came here.Jim _______________(not, find)his pen until last year.32、You’d better ____________(not, go)now.33、He used to________(have)a walk after supper, __________ he?

He is used to __________(walk)after supper.The pen is used to _________(write).34、He needn’t ____________(have)a rest.He needs ___________(have)a rest.He doesn’t need ______(sit)down..The radio needs _______ _____________(repair).35、He let me _________(go)home.He had me _______(cry).I made him ______(stand).My computer _________(not, work).I will have it ___________(repair).36、I heard him _________(cry).She saw Jim __________(fall)off the tree.I hear Lucy __________(help)me tomorrow.37、She is busy _________(do)her homework now.The homework is worth ________(do).I feel like-_________(help)her.I enjoy _________(help)others.She hasn’t finish ___________(do)it.38、Let’s keep _________(practise)________(speak)English.39、We should make a contribution to __________(protect)the environment.40、The teacher came into the room , the students stopped _________(talk).We are all tired.Let’s stop_________(have)a rest.41、After a short rest, he went on __________(do)his homework.After he finished his homework, he went on _________(clean)the room..42、He asked me ______________(not, call)him.I told him ___________(be)careful.He taught me _________(study)Chinese.I want him ________(help)me __________(study)math.He hoped __________(have)a rest.I wish him_________(go)home.He allowed me __________(sit)down.He allowed_________(smoke)here.43、I found_______(that, it)difficult ________(study)French.I decided ________(give)up

__________(study)it.44、I would like _______(help)you.I plan _________(help)you.45、Could you tell me how ________(go)home? I don’t know where _______(go).I want to know whom ________(help).I want to know _______________(住在哪儿).46、He went home _________(help)his mother.47、I have no chair_________(坐).She has no paper ___________(写).There are long beaches _________(散步).I am looking for a room ________(居住).I have nothing ___________(担心).She has nothing __________(做).I have ___________(一些吃的).48、There are many people ____________(play)majiang.49、They go from house to house , ________(sing)Christmas song.It is ____________(possible)for an ordinary plan to fly to the moon.50、Do you like to break things when you are _________(happy)?

51、My shoes ___________(wear)out.I want to buy a new pair.52、The food______(smell)_________(good).The pen ___________(write)_________(good).53、The book _____________(read)by him now.The pen __________ already__________(sell).________the clock_________(mend)just now?The door must ___________(not, close)now.He saw me_________(fall)off the tree.I was seen _________(fall)off the tree.Jim is often made _________(cry).54.He wishes that he __________(can , fly).He hopes that he __________(can , fly).55.If I ________(be)you , I __________(go)there.56.If he __________(take)the money away , we would be angry.57.I _________(hit)him if he hit me.58.If it __________(not ,rain)tomorrow , we would go shopping.If it ____________(not ,rain)tomorrow , we will go shopping.二: 定语从句

1.The man ______ talked to you just now is an engineer.A.whoB.whichC.whereD.when

2.I still remember the days _______ we studied together.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.when

3.Mr.Smith will never forget the days __________ he spent with his students.A.whenB.whichC.duringD.on whichA.whatB.whichC.thatD.whereI will never forget the room _____ I live.A.whatB.in whichC.thatD.where5.A child _____ parents are dead is called an orphan.A.whichB.whoseC.whereD.with

6.Finally, the thief handed everything _____ he had stolen to the police


7.The doctor _____ is leaving for Africa next month.A.the nurse is talking to himB.whom the nurse is talkingC.the nurse is talking toD.Who the nurse is talking

8.She heard a terrible noise,_____ brought her heart into her mouth.A.itB.whichC.thisD.that

11.Please pass me the dictionary _______ cover is black.A.whichB.itsC.whoseD.of which 13.That’s the Science Museum________ we visited last year.A.whereB.to whichC.whichD.in which 14.The man and the horse ________ fell into the river were drowned(淹死).A.whichB.whoC.thatD.whom17.Is this pen_____ you bought yeterday ?

A.thatB.the oneC.thatD.who



1、I’ll give the book to him as soon as he back(come).2、3、I don’t know whether Mother4、She on her coat and went out.(put)

5、“What are they doing?”“Theyready for the sports meeting.”(get)

6、him go and play basketball.(let)

7、I’m sorry to keep you

8、It(finish)his homework yesterday.9、If it an interesting film, we’ll see it tomorrow.(be)

10、They usually(do)their homework after supper.11、(sing)in the next room now? 12、13、Mr.Yu

14、They will have a trip(旅行)to the Great Wall if it15、(listen)to the radio in the morning.16、Tan: “Father, may I go out and play football?”Father: “(do)your homework?”

17、(hear)that a famous musician(音乐家)(音乐会)this Saturday evening.18、Our teacher told us if it(not snow)we would visit the Science Museum the next day.19、They often(play)football in the afternoon.20、-What’re you doing Dad?-I(mend)the radio.21、Let’s(carry)the boxes to the house.22、Yesterday she(want)very much to see the film, but she couldn’t(get)a ticket.23、I(write)to you as soon as I get to Shanghai.24、Mike(visit)several places since he came to Beijing.25、He(write)four letters to his wife every month.26、Don’t make any noise, Grandma(sleep).27、His aunt(do)some cooking when he came in.28、When they(reach)the station, the train had already left.29、There 30、We 少年时代)

31、Sometimes my father

32、They(have)an English evening next week.33、I’m very glad(hear)that.34、Wei Fang isn’t here.She(go)to the reading-room.35、The story

36、They(visit)the History Museum last week.37、Zhang Hong(make)many friends since she came to Paris.38、She(go)to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.39、Stay here, bag.Don’t go out.It40、41、The scientist(give)us a talk yesterday.42、My parents(live)in Beijing since 1949.43、Look!The young worker(show)the students around the factory now.44、They(build)a new bridge over the river next year.45、(clean)their classroom tomorrow.46、My father is very busy.He often 47、48、(have)a basketball match now.Let’s(watch).49、(work)in this factory for ten years.50、“What makes you(think)I’m a farmer?” the Frenchman asked.51、It’s not easy52、Have you finished

53、It(snow)hard now.You’d better

54、(go)to work by bus.55、Hurry up or we(be)late for class.56、Li Ping usually(watch)TV after supper.57、I don’t know how58、“you(hear)from your uncle recently?”

59、“Yes, I(get)a letter from him.” 60、61、I don’t think that it 62、Will you please 63、64、He kept me(wait)for him for a long time.65、66、Lucy.(do)67、68、(feel)thirsty.69、It’s time70、71、I’d like you(meet)my parents.72、Would you like(visit)the Summer Palace with me? 73、Go on 74、They are busy(clean)their classroom.75、(clean)once a week.


一. 用be动词的适当形式填空 1.I ______an English teacher now.2.She _______happy yesterday.3.They _______glad to see each other last month.4.Helen and Nancy______good friends.5.The little dog _______two years old this year.6.Look,there ______lots of grapes here.7.There ________a sign on the chair on Monday.8.Today ____the second of June.Yesterday _______the first of June.It_____Children’s Day.All the students ________very excited.二.句型转换

1.The children had a good time in the park.否定句:__________________________________________ 一般疑问句:________________________________________ 对划线部分提问:____________________________________ 2.There were about nine hundred people at the concert.否定句:__________________________________________ 一般疑问问句__________________________________ 对划线部分提问:__________________________________ 3.Ann did her homework yesterday evening.否定句:__________________________________________ 一般疑问句:______________________________________ 对划线部分提问:__________________________________ 4.Last week I read an English book.否定句:__________________________________________ 一般疑问句:______________________________________ 肯定/否定回答:____________________________________ 对划线部分提问:__________________________________ 5.My brother was in the park just now.否定句:__________________________________________ 一般疑问句:______________________________________ 对划线部分提问:__________________________________


1.Tom and Mary ___________(come)to China last month.2.Mike _________________(not go)to bed until 12 o'clock last night.So he ______(get)up late.3.Mary __________(read)English yesterday morning.4.Tom ___________(begin)to learn Chinese last year.5.My mother ______________(not do)housework yesterday.6.There ____________ a telephone call for you just now.(be)7.-When ______ you ______(come)to china?

-Last year.8._________(be)it cold in your city yesterday?

9.How many people _______(be)there in your class last term? 10.There ________(be)a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _________(have)no time to watch it.



1.I _______ at schoolnow.2.He ________ at the camp last week.3.We ________ students two years ago.4.They ________ on the farm a moment ago.5.Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year.6.I ______ an English teacher now.7.There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday.8.She _______ happy yesterday.9.They _______ glad to see each other last month.10.Helen and Nancy ________ good friends.11.Look, there ________ lots of grapes here.12.There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday.13.There ________ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.14.The mobile phone _______ on the sofa yesterday evening.15.The little dog _____ two years old this year.16.Today _____ the second of June.Yesterday ______ the first of June.It _____ Children’s Day.All the students ______ very excited.用行为动词的适当形式填空

1.He _________(live)in Wuxi two years ago.2.The cat ________(eat)a bird last night.3.We ___________(go)to school on Sunday.4.Jim’s mother _________(plant)trees now.5.We _______(have)a party last Halloween.6.It ______(be)Ben’s birthday last Friday.7.7.We all ______(have)a good time last night.8.Her father _______(read)a newspaper every day.9.They _________(make)a kite a week ago.10.He ________(jump)high on last Sports Day.11.Helen ________(milk)a cow now 12.Nancy _______(pick)up oranges on the farm last week.13.I ________(make)a model ship with Mike yesterday.14.They______(play)chess in the classroom last PE lesson.15.Look!The girls________(sing)and______(dance)at the party.16._____you_____(visit)your relatives last Spring Festival? 17.______he ______(fly)a kite on Sunday? Yes, he ______.18.What______she______(find)in the garden this morning? She _______(find)a beautiful butterfly.19.________they________(sweep)the floor last Sunday? No, they _____.20._____he___the flowers now? Yes, he___.(water)21.Listen!What____Lucy_____(do)? She________(listen)to the CD.句型转换

1.All the students were very excited.否定句:_________________________________ 一般疑问句:________________________肯、否回答:________________________ 2.They are in his pocket.否定句:______________________________ 一般疑问句:_____________________肯、否定回答:____________________________ 3.There was a car in front of the house just now.否定句:______________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________肯、否定回答:________________________ 4.Su Hai took some photos at the Sports day.否定句: ______________________________ 一般疑问句: __________________肯、否定回答:___________________________ 5.Nancy goes to school early.否定句:______________________________ 一般疑问句:__________________肯、否定回答:___________________________________ 6.He is singing some English songs.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句:__________________肯、否定回答:____________________________ 7.They played football in the playground.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________肯、否定回答:__________________________________ 8.Sue has breakfast at 7 in the morning.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________肯、否定回答:__________________________________ 9.I had to write some letters.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________肯、否定回答:__________________________________ 10.Tom and Bob are having apples at school.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________肯、否定回答:__________________________________



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