
时间:2019-05-14 10:59:12下载本文作者:会员上传



1.(have)a birthday party for my brother.

(swim)club.(good).’s5.7.9.(be)good with boys and girls.(story).(be)all my pencils and pens.(play)volleyball this afternoon?(swim)star. 10.--Can you go to England in 2013?11.--Do you know Natalie Toit?--Yeah.12.13.(study)English.


(music).(real)want to join our music club? . .!His 21.16.Jack’s father and mother are.(have)breakfast at this time.(tooth)are very nice.He brushes them well every day.(play)the piano very much.

(dress)?--At eight forty.

(get)up on weekends? 20.. 22.23.24.What a to watch TV show!(go)to bed at twelve O’clock. . .(I)homework in the evening.(get)home very early at noon.


(eat)ice-cream very much.


(hour)to get to the train station.


(go)to work every day?,she leave home for her office.

(bridge)are too old.The villagers want two new ones.(cross)the river.(write)a story in English.


40.(thank)for your help and I know how to do it.

(take)to get to school?(1eave)school early.

44.She gets up early,45.46.47..

48.You can’t run(quick).It is not safe. 49.Don’t talk(loud)here. 50.It’s too(noise)outside.I can’t do my homework.(have)to be in bed by ten o’clock.

(sing)the song in English every day.(sit)here!


51.52.53.Look at the sign(标志):’t forget59.Yang Rui(not fight)with each other in the classroom.

(clean)the classroom after class.

(friend)to all the students.

57.(practice)playing the guitar every day.(1isten)to music at nine o’clock every day.

60.(interest)and cute. 61.(animal)in the zoo. 62.63.Let’s(African),not Australia.(1eg)and small ears(耳朵).

(go)to the park and see some flowers(花).

(play)volleyball on the playground.(shop)with me?I want to buy a new dress.

(water)flowers in the garden.

64.65.66.Tom usually has dinner at six.It’s six o’clock now.67.68.Judy is in China now,69.--Where is Tom?70.71.--They are watching the races. .

. .

72.Don’t talk too loudly.My father 73.We can’t go out now.It’s74.75.(watch)football matches on TV.

76.77.It’s(relax)to me.

. .

.,but it’s very hot.

78.--What’s the weather like today?79.It’s winter in France.The weather is80.81.Alice is an American,82.I teach you and then you can do it83.84.85.I’m having a great time.


(play)with the dog.(see)the movies.

86.(mountain). 87.. 88.,I have to run quickly. 粉丝). .

(1ook)like my sister very much..

(art)like her father.(glass).(different).

89.90.91.My friend,Tina,92.93.94.Zhao Wei’s two95.97..



100.Most men don’t like to go《喜羊羊和灰太狼》)(be)20.(tomato)on the table.

104.,I went to London for the Olympics(奥运会)in August,2012.



(are)many visitors in Huangshan last May Day.(farm)working there.(go)to Shanghai.

109.The little boy is crying(哭110.111.112.

113.114.115.(do)his homework at home.

(enjoy)themselves in the party last Sunday.(speak)English every day.


(have)a busy day last weekend.

116.(excite)movie yesterday. 117.完成句子 1.She always(起床)at 6:30 a.m.


打架)your classmates.

2.Mr Wang often goes to the bus station3.Tom,don’t always4.I often 5.7.118.(淋浴)before I go to bed.(既干净又整洁).

(吃早餐)every day.(新规则).

6.It’s good for us to 8.My new Chinese teacher made some 9.We can’t make too much noise10.You must 11.I think red can bring 13.He 14.You should(穿校服)at schoo1.


(洗手)before meals.(好运气)to me.

12.You can’t(在外面吃).It’s dirty for you.

(看起来漂亮)because wears a new hat.

(洗盘子)after dinner.(一个好主意)!

(在公园里).They are exercising.

16.There are many people 17.--Can youwith me?没问题).

18.My mother(做饭)in the kitchen. 19.散步)in the park. 戴眼镜)everyday? 在右边)of the street.

(在路上).It’s dangerous.


20.21.There is a school 23.25.Hao Lin 26.22.The two boys are playing 在门后面),so you can’t see it.

24.(看电影)Painted SkinⅡ《画皮Ⅱ》yesterday.

别担心),we can help you with your homework.

(许多礼物)on my birthday.27.(上周). 28.I wish I can get 29.(在银行隔壁).30.Many people are(害怕)snakes. 31.总的说来),look at the picture,the girls are happy.32.最后),you don’t have to help him.




解此类型的试题可遵循以下步骤: 1.明确所给词的词性







(1).名词的单数形式转换成复数形式(规则变化)①一般情况下直接在单数名词之后加-s变为复数名词。例如:desk→ desks , key →keys , monkey →monkeys , boy →boys等

②以-x,-s,-ch ,-sh ,结尾的单数名词变为复数名词时,在单数名词之后加-es。例如:fox→ foxes , boss →bosses , bus →buses, class → classes, dress → dresses, witness → witnesses, address → addresses, beach → beaches, coach → coaches , couch → couches ,inch → inches ,sandwich → sandwiches , church → churches ,watch → watches ,match → matches ,speech →speeches ,witch → witches ,dish →dishes ,brush →brushes ,goldfish →goldfish, fish→ fishes , toothbrush →toothbrushes等。


zoo → zoos, radio → radios, photo → photos, piano → pianos, kilo → kilos, mango → mangos, bamboo → bamboos, kangaroo → kangaroos。加-es的有:

tomato→ tomatoes, potato → potatoes, dodo → dodoes/s, hero → heroes。


例如:family → families, lady →ladies,baby → babies , copy→ copies, body→ bodies, century →centuries, diary→ diaries, dictionary→ dictionaries, factory→ factories, library→ libraries, battery →batteries, documentary → documentaries, buddy →buddies, ability →abilities, country →countries, butterfly →butterflies, enemy →enemies, memory→ memories, balcony→ balconies, laboratory→ laboratories, beauty→ beauties, charity→ charities, comedy→ comedies, industry→ industries, quality→ qualities, reply→ replies, difficulty→ difficulties, theory→ theories, mystery→ mysteries, hobby→ hobbies,story→ stories, city→ cities, laundry→ laundries, activity→ activities等。

⑤以f或 fe结尾的单数名词变为复数名词时,先变f或 fe为v,再加-es。

例如:half→ halves, knife→ knives, wife→ wives, leaf→ leaves, shelf→ shelves, herself→ themselves, scarf→ scarfs / scarves, wolf→ wolves等。


Look!There are some ___(bird)flying in the sky.分析:所给的词bird是可数名词的单数形式,根据主谓一致可知,应填名词的复数形式,bird的复数形式是birds,因此应填birds.考例2:[2005年泰州市]

Your present is in one of the ____.Can you guess?(box)

分析:所给的词box是可数名词的单数形式,根据习惯表达 “one of the +可数名词复数”可知,应填名词的复数形式,box的复数形式是boxes,因此应填boxes。


Newspaper reports say that some more ___(country)have become E.U.(欧盟)members this year.分析:所给的词country是可数名词的单数形式,根据主谓一致可知,应用可数名词的复数形式,因此应填countries。


The earthquake rocked the cities in the north of Algeria.Many people lost their ____.(life)



foot→ feet, tooth→ teeth, child→ children, man→ men, woman→ women, policeman→ policemen, policewoman→ policewomen, Frenchman→ Frenchmen, snowman→ snowmen, businessman → businessmen, Englishman→ Englishmen, gentleman→ gentlemen, salesman→ salesmen, mouse→ mice/mouses(鼠标),sheep→ sheep, Chinese→ Chinese, Japanese→ Japanese, fish→ fish等。


It’s good for us to brush our ____(tooth)after meals.分析:所给的词tooth是可数名词的单数形式,根据




Chocolate is usually _____ favorite food.(child)分析:所给的词child是可数名词的单数形式,根据句意“巧可力是孩子们最喜爱的食物”可知,所填的词在句中作定语,应用复数名词的所有格作定语,child的复数形式的所有格为children’s,因此应填children’s。


Tomorrow is ___(father)Day.What will you do for your dad? 分析:所给的词father是可数名词的单数形式,根据句意可知,“父亲节”为Father’s Day,因此应填Father’s。注意:母亲节为Mother’s Day,妇女节为Women’s Day,儿童节为Children’s Day,教师节为Teachers’ Day。


名词转换成形容词有以下几种情况:(1).名词+y → 形容词

例如:rain→ rainy, wind→ windy, cloud→ cloudy, sun→ sunny, snow→ snowy, fog→ foggy, mist→ misty, health→ healthy, luck→ lucky, unluck→ unlucky, noise→ noisy ,fun → funny, thirst→ thirsty等。(2).名词+ful→形容词

例如:care→ careful, thank→ thankful, help→ helpful, use→ useful, wonder→ wonderful, color→ colorful, pain→ painful, success→ successful等。(3).名词+n→形容词

例如:America→ American, Russia→ Russian, India→ Indian, Australia→ Australian, Canada→ Canadian, Italy→ Italian等。

(4).名词+ ern→形容词

例如:east→ eastern, west→ western, north→ northern, south→ southern等。(5).名词 +ous→形容词

例如:danger→ dangerous, fame→ famous等。

注意:friend→ friendly, wool→ woolen, difference→ different, difficulty→ difficult, importance→ important, pride→ proud, person→ personal, safety→ safe, confidence→ confident等。


What a ____(rain)day!We have to stay at home.分析:所给的词rain在此处应理解为名词,根据句意可知,所填的词在句中作定语,修饰day,应用形容词,rain的形容词为rainy,因此应填rainy。


Too much homework is really ____(pain)to students.分析:所给的词pain为名词,根据句意可知,所填的词在句中作表语,应用形容词,pain的形容词为 painful,即应填painful。


success→ successfully, care→ carefully, care→ carelessly, health→ healthily, noise→ noisily等。考例:[2005年泰州市]

They played so ___ that they lost the football match.(care)




基数词变为序数词时,一般情况下在基数词之后加-th。例如:four → fourth但是,特殊的基数词变为序数词可用以下口诀来帮助记忆:一、二、三单独记,八去t,九去e,五和十二记仔细,f来把ve替,ty变成 tie,后面再加th。即:

one→ first, two→ second, three→ third, eight→ eighth, nine→ ninth, five→ fifth, twelve→ twelfth, twenty→ twentieth, thirty→ thirtieth, forty→ fortieth, fifty→ fiftieth, sixty→ sixtieth, seventy→ seventieth, eighty→ eightieth, ninety→ ninetieth等。考例1:[2005年镇江市]

The ___(eight)lesson is not so easy as the ninth lesson, I think.分析:所给的词eight为基数词,根据习惯表达“第八课”应用序数词,eight的序数词为 eighth,即应填eighth。


We will have the ___ celebration for the return of Hong Kong.(nine)



The students from America live on the ____ floor.(nine)



Liu Xiang got the ___(one)in his competition of the 2004Olympic Games.分析:(略)应填first。


考例:[2005年淮安市] Two ___(three)of the boys in my class are in the school football team.分析:所给的词three是基数词,根据句意可知,本题是考查分数词的表达,分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。当分子大于1时,表示分母的序数词应用复数形式,因此应用three的序数词third的复数形式thirds,即应填thirds。


1.考查人称代词主宾格之间的转换 中考中不常出现。



Yesterday I was doing some shopping in the supermarket when I met a friend of ___(my).分析:所给的词my为形容词性物主代词,根据句意可知,应用名词性物主代词作介词of的宾语,即应填my的名词性物主代词 mine。

3.考查人称代词转换成自身代词 考例1:[2005年泰州市] The clever girl could teach ____ English when she was ten.(she)分析:所给的词she为人称代词主格,根据习惯表达teach oneself sth.可知,应用自身代词作宾语,即应填she的自身代词herself。


Thanks to space satellites, the world __(it)is becoming a much smaller place.分析:所给的词it为人称代词,根据句意可知,应用自身代词作主语的同位语,即应填it 的自身代词itself。

4.考查人称代词转换成物主代词 考例1:[2005年镇江市]

My schoolbag is different from ____(he).Mine is newer.分析:所给的词he为人称代词主格,根据句意可知,应用名词性物主代词作介词from的宾语,即应填his。

考例2:[2005年扬州市] Our way of learning English is a lot better than ___.(they)分析:(略)应填theirs。

考例3:[2005年淮安市] _____(we)city, Huai’an ,is Zhou Enlan’s hometown.We are proud of him.分析:(略)应填Our。


This is my dictionary.Where is ___(you)?





①一般单音节的形容词在词尾加-er/-est 例如:black→ blacker / est, bright→ brighter / est

此外还有:cheap, clear, clean, clever, cold, cool, dear, dark, deep, fast, few, full, great, green, hard, high, kind, light, long, low, near, new, old, poor ,quick, quiet, rich, short, slow, small, steep, strong, sweet, tall, thick, yellow, young, warm, weak等。

②以字母e结尾的形容词,只须在词尾加-r/-st。例如:blue→ bluer/st, large→ larger/st 此外还有:able, huge, late, nice, fine, free, white, wide, simple, safe, strange, polite, purple等。

③以重读闭音节结尾的形容词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,要先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er /-est。例如:big→ bigger /est, fat→ fatter /est 此外还有:dim, red, thin, sad, wet, hot, glad等。

④以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词,先把y变为i,再加-er/-est。例如:angry →angrier/ est, easy→ easier /est

此外还有:busy, happy, heavy, empty, noisy, lucky, hungry, dirty, early, ready, sunny, windy, lazy, tidy, healthy, rainy, snowy, dry, unhappy, unlucky, pretty等。

⑤多音节形容词和部分双音节形容词以及由分词转化来的形容词,须在词前加more/most。例如:beautiful→ more/most beautiful, tired →more/most tired此外还有:careful, interesting, difficult, different, dangerous, expensive, famous, important, interested, helpful, modern, useful, wonderful, worried, amazing, boring, serious等。

⑥有些形容词的比较级和最高级的构成,既可以在词为加-er/ est,又可以在词前加more/most。例如:clever, common, polite, quiet, peasant, simple等。


bad→ worse→ worst

good→ better→ best

much/many→ more→ most

little→ less→ least 考例1:[2005年镇江市]

Our team was much ___(strong)than theirs.We won the game at last.分析:所给的词strong为形容词,根据句意可知,应用形容词的比较级,即应填strong 的比较级stronger。


The more exercise you take, the ___ you’ll be.(health)



Houses in some cities now are much ____ than before.(expensive)分析:(略)应填more expensive。

2.考查形容词转换成副词 形容词+ly→副词

bad→ badly, bright→ brightly, certain→ certainly, careful→ carefully, careless→ carelessly, clear→ clearly, clean→ cleanly, loud→ loudly, polite→ politely, quick→ quickly, quiet→ quietly, real→ really, sad→ sadly, safe→ safely slow→ slowly, strong→ strongly, usual→ usually, wide→ widely, angry→ angrily, heavy→ heavily, easy→ easily, happy→ happily, silent→ silently, lucky→ luckily, sudden→ suddenly, busy→ busily,exact→ exactly, neat→ neatly, noisy→ noisily, successful→ successfully, terrible→ terribly, true→ truly等。

注意:early→ early, fast→ fast, good→ well等。考例:[2005年扬州市] Be careful, or you won’t work out the physics problem ____.(easy)分析:所给的词easy为形容词,根据句意可知,应用副词修饰动词work out,因此应填easy的副词 easily。

3.考查形容词转换成名词 参见“名词转换为形容词”

注意:ill→ illness

foreign→ foreigner

high→ height true→ truth

考例:[2005年南京市] When he saw the boy was in danger, Edison rushed out and carried him to __(safe).分析:所给的词safe为形容词,根据句意可知,应用名词作介词to的宾语,即应填safe的名词 safety。





例如:fast→ faster/ est, hard→ harder /est, long→ longer /est, loud→ louder/ est, high→ higher/ est, soon → sonner/ est 注意:early→ earlier /est ②多音节副词和部分双音节副词,须在词前加more/most。例如:

angrily→ more/most angrily 此外还有:quietly, quickly, sadly, slowly, widely, suddenly, happily, politely, clearly, often, carefully, carelessly, luckily等。


well→ better→ best, badly→ worse→ worst, far→ farther[further]/farthest[furthest] 考例:[2005年南京市]

Mike and I started to learn painting at the same time, but now he can paint much ____(good)than I.分析:所给的词good为形容词,根据句意可知,应用副词的比较级,即应填good的副词 well的比较better。

2.考查副词转换成形容词 中考中不常出现。

六.对动词的考查 1.考查动词转换成名词


work→ worker, teach→ teacher, keep→ keeper, paint→ painter, sell→ seller, speak→ speaker, wait→ waiter, clean→ cleaner, play→ player, surf→ surfer, sing→ singer, own→ owner等。


manage→ manager, write→ writer, dance→ dancer, dive→ diver,strike→ striker等。

注意:run→ runner, swim→ swimmer, travel→ traveler, win→ winner, rob→ robber, cook→ cook等。(3).动词+or→名词

visit→ visitor, invent→ inventor(4).动词+(t)ion→名词

invent→ invention, operate→ operation, discuss→ discussion, pollute→ pollution,(5).动词+ing→名词

park→ parking, mean→ meaning,surf→ surfing, train→ training, shop→ shopping, meet→ meeting, turn→ turning, cross→ crossing, begin→ beginning, build→ building, clean→ cleaning, draw→ drawing, paint→ painting, swim→ swimming, wash→ washing等。注意:rob→ robbery, please→ pleasure, die→ death, think→ thought, know→ knowledge, appear→ appearance, disappear→ disappearance, dry→ drought, fly→ flight等。


Some foreign ___(visit)from England came to our school last week.分析:所给的visit为动词,根据句意可知,应用名

词作主语,即应填visit的名词复数 visitors.考例2:[2005年镇江市]

Paul is the best basketball ____(play)on school team.分析:(略)应填player。

考例3:[2005年徐州市] We feel sorry that Chen Yifei, a famous ___(paint), died when he was fifty-nine.分析:(略)应填painter。

After the study trip, Sally became ____(interest)in the culture of China.分析:(略)应填interested。


Lily told us a ____(surprise)piece of news.分析:所给的surprise为动词,其形容词为surprising和 surprised两种形式,前者在句中一般作定语或表语,说明人或事物的特性;后者在句中一般作表语,说明人对其他人或事物的感觉。根据句意可知,应填surprising。考例4:[2005年淮安市]

Every child has a dream.My life dream is to be a pop ____(sing).分析:(略)应填singer。



interest→ interesting, surprise→ surprising, excite→ exciting, miss→ missing, relax→ relaxing, amaze→ amazing, move→ moving, follow→ following等。(2).动词+(e)d→形容词

close→ closed, hurry→ hurried, worry→

worried, crowd→ crowded, please→ pleased, interest→ interested, surprise→ surprised, frighten→ frightened, use→ used, break→ broken等。

注意:please→ pleasant, enjoy→ enjoyable, fill→ full, die→ dead, sleep→ asleep, wake→ awake, forget→ forgetful, open→ open等。

考例1:[2005年扬州市] No matter how long Yin Xuemei has been ___, her spirit of protecting students from danger will always live on.(die)分析:所给的die为动词,根据句意可知,应用形容词作表语,即应填die的形容词 dead。

考例2:[2005年泰州市] You may be ___ if you are in trouble and have no one to help you.(worry)分析:(略)应填worried。

考例3:[2005年宿迁市] I think English is very useful.Are you ___(interest)in it? 分析:所给的interest为动词,根据习惯表达be interested in…可知,应填interest的形容词 interested。



His sister sings well.She has a ____(please)voice.分析:(略)应填pleasant。



1.You and I________(be)OK.2.-________(she)key is green.3.What _______(be)your name?4.________(I)name is Jack.5.This is _______(I)father.6.Are those _______(he)friends?7.________(be)these your two sisters? 8.My grandparents are my _________(father)parents.9.Thanks for ________(you)family photo.10.They are my _________(brother).11._________(this)are my aunts.12.My aunt has two ________(son)。13.________(his)is my cousin.14.Are ________(that)your grandparents? 15.Those _______(be)my friends.16.They are his___________(son).17._______(those)is a pencil.18._______(her)is his sister.19.Li lei is ________(he)cousin.20._________(he)are my grandparents My aunt is __________(they)daughter.21.Tom _______(are)my friend.22.Those are their _______(photo).23.Can you help _______(me)? 24.Let’s ask _______(he)。25.I don’t know _______(they).26.She’s carrying a big box.Let’s help ________(she).27.Let ________(he)get on the bus.句型转换

1.I am Tina.(同意句子)________________________Tina.2.He is my teacher.(变否定)He _______ my teacher.3.His name is Tom.(对Tom提问)__________________ his name?

4.Are you Mr.Green?(作肯定回答)_______, _________________.5.My name is Jim Green.(同意句子)_______________ Jim Green.6.He is my father.(否定句)He ________ my father.7.Her phone number is 557-668。(对划线提问)_______ ________________ phone


8.That is my book.(否定句)That _____________ my book.9.划线提问)______________ this?

10.Is this your computer?(否定回答)________,__________________.11.Are these your brothers?(改为单数句)________________ your _______?

12.That is my sister.(改为复数句)_______ ________ my __________.13.These are books in English.(对划线提问)_______ ________ these in English?


1.Bob is ______ brother.A.heB.you CsheD.his

2._______ two photos are Linda’s.A.ThatB.ThoseC.ThisD./

3.Here is my family ________.A.a pictureB.photosC.photoD.a photo.4.Thanks for my ________.A.forB.aboutC.inD.of

5.Theseare my _________..A.parentsB.grandparentC.auntD.friend.6.—— Is that your mother ?

—— _______.That is my aunt.A.No, it is B.No, it isn’tC.Yes, it is.D.Yes, it isn’t.7.My mother’s mother is my __________.A.auntB.sisterC.grandmotherD.mother

8.This _____ my brother and these ______ my friends.A.is, isB.is, are C.are, is

9.This is a photo _______ my father.A.onB.forC.atD.of

10.Are your keys _______ the floor.A.onB.inC.under

11.Here is a little dog _______ you.A.for B.in C.on D.of

12.——______is Jenny? ——She is in her room.A.WhoB.When C.Where

13.Is he ______ English boy?A.aB./C.an

14.My hats and coats are _______.A.on the bedB.under deskC.in room

根据汉语完成句子咱们打网球吧。_________ play _________.我弟弟没有足球。My brother __________________ a football.你有篮球吗? ______ you __________________ ________? 我们在同一所学校。We _______in ______________ school.5.这是一张我全家的照片。Thisis ______________ my _________.6.我需要一些铅笔。I ______________pencils.7.Tom 在哪里?他在房间里。________ Tom? _______ is _______ his ________.8.我不知道。












20.那是我的外祖父母。________ are my ______________

21.这是我的三张家庭照片。Here _______ ________ _________ _________ my family.22.这两个女孩是我表姐。These _________ _________ _________ my cousins.23.我的父母在下一幅照片中。My parents _______ ________ _______ ________ photo.24.这不是我的字典。

25.那不是我的钢笔。那是他的。That _______ my _______.That’s _______.26.这些书不是我的,而是她的。These _________ aren’t ________.They are ________.27.请打495-3636找汤姆。Please _______ Tom ________ 495-3636.28.那是一串钥匙。That’s ________ _________ _________ ________.29.我丢失了一些书,我必须找到它们。I lost _______ ________,I ________ find them.30.Frank 在学校的图书馆吗?______ Frank _______ _______ _______ __________?


Teacher: Hello,Grace!1._______ these your pencils?

Grace: No, 2._______ Bob’s.Teacher: And 3.________ this is his green pen?

Grace: No, it isn’t.The blue pen is 4._______.Teacher: 5._______ about this dictionary?

Grace: It’s Helen’s.And the green pen is 6.______ , too.Teacher: And the eraser? Is that 7._______ ?

Grace: 8._______ , it isn’t.It’s mine.Teacher: 9.________ for your help, Grace.Grace: You are 10.__________.根据所给次词的适当形式填空。


Jack Brown, an office _______, lives in Whashington.When he was 23 years old, he______ a million dollars, but he wasn’t happy at all.When his college friends________ for their jobs, he didn’t have to.Jack decided to keep_______ a simple life as everyone else.He______ 10,000 dollars of his money to a charity to help poor children live a _______ life.Up to now Jack_______ some children from poor countries all over the world , by ______ them each 200 dollars a month.The money ______ for the children’s study, food , clothes and medicine.Today he is 36.He still wars cheap shoes and clothes and ______ a small car only, but he is very happy.根据语境,用适当的句补全对话

A: Hello, Wang Lin.How beautiful your new bike is!

B: ____________________

A: Where is it made ?

B: It is made in Shanghai.A: I also want to buy one.___________________

B: In Minsheng Department Store.And there are many different colors._________________ A: I like green best._______________________

B: About 150 yuan.A: Mm, the price is okey.Well would you like to go to the shop with me next Sunday?



1.他喜欢能随着唱的音乐。He likes music that I _______ _______ _______ ______.2.这首歌使我想起了我的学校生活。This song _______ me ________ _____ my school life.3.如果你不知道单词怎样拼写,你最好查字典。

If you don’t know how ____ _______ the ________, you’d better ________ ____ ________ in the dictionary.4.没有我的允许,你不能离开。You can’t leave _______ ________ ______________.5.人类应该把动物当做朋友。Humans should ________ _______ _________ _____ friends.6.他说那个女孩很容易相处。He says the girl is easy ______ _____ ________ _________.7.我想我们应该被允许穿我们自己的衣服。I think we should _____ ______ ______ wear

____ ______ _______.8.你们应该保持教室干净。You _______ _______ the classroom ______.9.昨天他拒绝练习读英语。Yesterday he _________ _____ _______ ________ English.10.我喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐。I prefer ________ _______ ____ ______ music.11.你不能叫醒假装睡着的人。You can’t _______ ____ a person who _____ pretending ______

______ asleep.12.如果我是你,我会吃坚果代替。If I ______ you ,I _______ eat nut _________

13.我不能忍受太吵闹的音乐。I can’t ______ music that is _______ _______.14.知道如何询问信息是重要的。_________ ______ to ask for ___________ is ___________.15.如果你有一百万你会做什么?What ______ you do , if you ______ a ________ dollars.



1.They also do _________(good)at home.2.Nancy feels _________(sleep)in the afternoon.3.He never go _________(go)to work by car.4.We _________(watch)TV late late night.5.Wang Bing goes to school _________(early).6.Can you read it _________(slow)? 7.Look,Helen is dancing _________(beautiful).8.My father sings _________(bad).9.My sister sits _________(quiet)there.10.You can speak _________(loud).11.Listen!They are singing _________(happy).12.Your sister is short and _________(weakly).13.What does he _________(usual)do on Sundays.14.The woman was very _________.She was crying _________(sad).15.The lion become _________.He shouted _________(angry).16.The mouse _________(bite)the door yesterday.17.Bill _________(wake)his sister up this morning.18.I’m _________(real)good at English.19.They walk to the classroom _________(quick).20.My father let me _________(go)first.



1、The girl with her parents______________(shop)now.2、He_______ always ___________(talk)in class.We don’t like him.3、My mother _____________(come)in a few days.How soon _________you ________(come)?

4、It was 2:00.Neither Jim nor I ____________(do)housework..5、Lucy __________(read)a book when he came in.She ___________(do)her homework at this time yesterday.6、Not only Tom but also Lucy ____________(watch)TV when I came in.7、While they _____________(talk), their teacher came into the classroom.8、What ________ your mother _________(do)at this time yesterday?

9、Either he or Lucy __________(read)at 7:00 yesterday morning.10、There _______(be)a football match next week.11、Look at the clouds!It _______________(rain).12、Next year, she ____________(be)32 years old.13、I __________(help)you as soon as I _________(be)free tomorrow.14、You __________(not, go)home until you ________(finish)_________(read)the book this afternoon..15、No matter when you ________(come)tomorrow, I will wait for you.16、Whatever you ______(do)tomorrow, I _________(help)you.17、I don’t know if she______(come)tomorrow.If she________(come), I _______(be)happy.18、I want to know when he __________(call)me tomorrow afternoon..When he

________(call)me , please help me answer it.19、Could you tell me what he _________(do)next month?

20、He said that he _________(help)his father with his work next year.21、Lucy said the sun _________(go)round the earth..MrWang told me that light________(travel)much faster than sound.22、Jim ________ever _______(see)the film.He ______(see)it a year ago.23、My mother ________(be)there twice.When ______he ________(go)there? In 1990.24、_______ you _______(do)your homework? Not yet.25、How soon _________ you ________(come)here ? In a week.26、How long _____she _______(buy)the book? For a year.27、He ___________(borrow)the book since he _______(come)here.28、His grandparents ______(die)two years ago.They ____________(die)for two years.There is a dog __________(lie)on the road.The dog _____________(die)for an hour.Now the dog____________(die).The dog is ___________(Jim and Tom).The dog’s _________(die)made them very sad.They __________(die)in a minute.29.He __________ ever _______(be)there.I _________(see)the film three times.Jim ______________(study)Chinese for many years.Lilei __________(do)his homework since he __________(come)here._______ you already ________(have)your breakfast ?

30、How long _______you _____________(leave)Boston ? Since two weeks ago.How long may I _______(borrow)the book? The film ___________(begin)for three hours.The factory ___________(open)since 1990.Jim ______________(arrive)here for a week.My brother __________(join)the army since he______(leave)school.The little baby __________ _(fall)asleep for an hour.Jim _____________(become)a soldier for two years.31.He ____________(leave)by the time we ___________(get)here last night.She ____________(finish)the work by the end of the last month.He said that he ___________(be)there twice.After I ____________(do)my homework , I went home.I _________(have)breakfast before he came here.Jim _______________(not, find)his pen until last year.32、You’d better ____________(not, go)now.33、He used to________(have)a walk after supper, __________ he?

He is used to __________(walk)after supper.The pen is used to _________(write).34、He needn’t ____________(have)a rest.He needs ___________(have)a rest.He doesn’t need ______(sit)down..The radio needs _______ _____________(repair).35、He let me _________(go)home.He had me _______(cry).I made him ______(stand).My computer _________(not, work).I will have it ___________(repair).36、I heard him _________(cry).She saw Jim __________(fall)off the tree.I hear Lucy __________(help)me tomorrow.37、She is busy _________(do)her homework now.The homework is worth ________(do).I feel like-_________(help)her.I enjoy _________(help)others.She hasn’t finish ___________(do)it.38、Let’s keep _________(practise)________(speak)English.39、We should make a contribution to __________(protect)the environment.40、The teacher came into the room , the students stopped _________(talk).We are all tired.Let’s stop_________(have)a rest.41、After a short rest, he went on __________(do)his homework.After he finished his homework, he went on _________(clean)the room..42、He asked me ______________(not, call)him.I told him ___________(be)careful.He taught me _________(study)Chinese.I want him ________(help)me __________(study)math.He hoped __________(have)a rest.I wish him_________(go)home.He allowed me __________(sit)down.He allowed_________(smoke)here.43、I found_______(that, it)difficult ________(study)French.I decided ________(give)up

__________(study)it.44、I would like _______(help)you.I plan _________(help)you.45、Could you tell me how ________(go)home? I don’t know where _______(go).I want to know whom ________(help).I want to know _______________(住在哪儿).46、He went home _________(help)his mother.47、I have no chair_________(坐).She has no paper ___________(写).There are long beaches _________(散步).I am looking for a room ________(居住).I have nothing ___________(担心).She has nothing __________(做).I have ___________(一些吃的).48、There are many people ____________(play)majiang.49、They go from house to house , ________(sing)Christmas song.It is ____________(possible)for an ordinary plan to fly to the moon.50、Do you like to break things when you are _________(happy)?

51、My shoes ___________(wear)out.I want to buy a new pair.52、The food______(smell)_________(good).The pen ___________(write)_________(good).53、The book _____________(read)by him now.The pen __________ already__________(sell).________the clock_________(mend)just now?The door must ___________(not, close)now.He saw me_________(fall)off the tree.I was seen _________(fall)off the tree.Jim is often made _________(cry).54.He wishes that he __________(can , fly).He hopes that he __________(can , fly).55.If I ________(be)you , I __________(go)there.56.If he __________(take)the money away , we would be angry.57.I _________(hit)him if he hit me.58.If it __________(not ,rain)tomorrow , we would go shopping.If it ____________(not ,rain)tomorrow , we will go shopping.二: 定语从句

1.The man ______ talked to you just now is an engineer.A.whoB.whichC.whereD.when

2.I still remember the days _______ we studied together.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.when

3.Mr.Smith will never forget the days __________ he spent with his students.A.whenB.whichC.duringD.on whichA.whatB.whichC.thatD.whereI will never forget the room _____ I live.A.whatB.in whichC.thatD.where5.A child _____ parents are dead is called an orphan.A.whichB.whoseC.whereD.with

6.Finally, the thief handed everything _____ he had stolen to the police


7.The doctor _____ is leaving for Africa next month.A.the nurse is talking to himB.whom the nurse is talkingC.the nurse is talking toD.Who the nurse is talking

8.She heard a terrible noise,_____ brought her heart into her mouth.A.itB.whichC.thisD.that

11.Please pass me the dictionary _______ cover is black.A.whichB.itsC.whoseD.of which 13.That’s the Science Museum________ we visited last year.A.whereB.to whichC.whichD.in which 14.The man and the horse ________ fell into the river were drowned(淹死).A.whichB.whoC.thatD.whom17.Is this pen_____ you bought yeterday ?

A.thatB.the oneC.thatD.who



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