
时间:2019-05-13 13:36:21下载本文作者:会员上传








































































































(1)媒体为了满足大众的好奇心(SATISFY THE CURIOSITY),所以过分注重公众人物的报道。比如说,名人的食品和生活方式等等。















What is the most important animal in your country?

What is the most important animal in your country? Why is the animal important? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.『分析』




Animals have the power to be iconic symbols for a country.Every country has its own symbolic animal, which is supposed to represent the values and ethics of that country.For example, Americans have enlisted the eagle as their national animal.The Germans represent themselves with the Black Bear.In China, however, our national animal is the Panda.The Panda is a great source of pride in China.It is an animal that is on the verge of extinction;however, it has had a long and great history.Scientists have traced this curious creature's roots back to the time of the dinosaurs, hundreds of thousands of years ago.Because of this long history, the Panda has lovingly been termed the “living fossil.” Today, scientists can study the panda and discover many interesting facts about the history of our planet and its habitats.Another reason why the Panda is the animal ambassador for China is that it represents peace and friendship.In ancient times, a flag with a panda on it would be raised at the border between two countries to represent peace, love, unity and respect between the two neighbors.In modern society, China often offers a panda to a friendly country as a sign of kinship.For example, China has presented both the United States and Japan with pandas.Finally, the history of pandas is profoundly intertwined with the history of China.In ancient times, emperors used to keep pandas as pets.These animals were seen as magical and mystical by all who knew them.Some emperors kept pandas to ward off evil spirits and also believed that they prevented natural disasters.Thus, the giant, black and white panda is the national symbol of China.These graceful animals are a joy to all who see them, and are a source of pride for the Chinese.The government is so concerned about keeping these animals in existence that it is spending millions of dollars trying to determine how to artificially inseminate the giant panda.Hopefully, they will succeed and this animal will be on earth for another million years.



Does a zoo have no useful purpose?官方网站:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A zoo has no useful purpose.Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.『分析』



Perhaps one of the most blameworthy factors that make some people raise the eyebrow to zoos and criticize that “A zoo has no useful purpose” is its exorbitant price to maintain.However, it is too hasty to say so, since most zoos have their significance, both educational and scientific.Modern zoos act as centers of education and are designed to make learning about animals an interesting and enjoyable experience.They provide visitors with the chance to see rare creatures, such as tigers, zebras, penguins, and giant pandas, which come from many different parts of the globe.Zoos also introduce people to their own local wildlife, offering a valuable learning experience in an increasingly urban world.At the same time, most zoos provide educational programs aimed at a wide range of ages.A visit to a zoo provides children an opportunity to see and touch animals other than household pets.For older schoolchildren, many zoos conduct classes or day trips that focus on different aspects of animal biology and the impact of humans on animal life.Modern zoos also have their scientific imports and can function as a sanctuary for endangered animals and therefore help maintaining ecosystems.In zoos scientists can create an animal population that can become self-sustaining in the wild.An example of a successful reintroduction to the wild is the Pe David's deer.This Asian deer was native to marshlands in northeast China before its habitat was destroyed more than 800 years ago and it became extinct in the wild.Since that time the species has been bred in zoos in China and later in Europe.In 1985 four Pe David's deer were released to the wild in a protected animal reserve in China, where they are now breeding successfully.On the other hand, some experts warn against placing too much reliance on zoos as biological “arks,” wherespecies can be protected regardless of environmental changes outside.Critics warn that zoos, like all humaninstitutions, are vulnerable to unforeseen events, such as disease, fires, and financial or social upheaval.Moresignificantly, the number of species that zoos can protect is strictly limited.Today's zoos are home to no more than

a few thousand species—only a fraction of the world's animal life.Zoos already have to perform a delicate balancing

act between large, crowd-attracting animals and threatened animals that have less visitor appeal.During the 21st

century, zoo experts will face even harder decisions about which species they can afford to save.




A foreign country you would like to visit

You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks.Which country would you like to visit?

Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.『分析』



The world is a vast and varied place.One could travel for a decade without seeing all of the sights the world has to offer.However, if I could travel anywhere in the world for two weeks, it would be Canada.Canada is a

very beautiful country and it has a varied culture.Also, I am considering going to university in Canada, so it would be good for me to see what it is like before application.Canada boasts that it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.In particular, Vancouver is very beautiful.The city is located right on the ocean, and there are enormous snow-tipped mountains surrounding the entire city.There are a multitude of beautiful parks to walk through, and very nice beaches.Vancouver, however, is not the only beautiful city in Canada.All across the country there are small, picturesque towns located on mountains and valleys.In general, Canada is an incredibly clean country, which also helps its beauty.Canada also has a widely varied culture.Most people say the cultural apex of the country is in Montreal.This is one of the oldest cities in Canada, first colonized by the French.As such, the French influence is still quite prevalent in this city, and over half of the people living there speak both English and French.The architecture in

Montreal is also quite beautiful.The final reason why I would love to spend a two-week vacation in Canada is because I am considering attending one of the universities there for my bachelor's degree.I think that it would be an excellent idea to go see the school, and perhaps even meet some of the professors that teach the courses I am interested in.It Would also be beneficial for me to meet other students.By doing this, I could find out how good the programs at the school are, and if it is worthwhile to move across the world for.




What natural resource that is disappearing needs to be saved?

Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water.Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved.Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.『分析』






The world's resources are incredibly important, and as the world's population grows higher and faster, it is difficult to hold on to these precious assets.While all resources have their own important uses, I believe that forests are the resource that we should be most concerned about preserving.Trees provide three important functions in the ecosystem.First, they transpire water into the air, creating clouds, and therefore, rain.Without trees, this cycle is interrupted, and rainfall is drastically reduced to minimal levels.Second, trees hold topsoil in place and soften the impact of water on the ground.This is of utmost importance in rain forests, where decomposition is rapid and because of this, the layer of topsoil might only be five to ten centimeters deep.Finally, trees are important to the ecosystem because they protect streams from debris and silt.If the trees were all removed, there would be nothing holding back this dirt from our rivers, destroying the aquatic environment.Trees also, of course, provide natural beauty to a country.This is very important for tourism, as many visitors enjoy going on long hikes through wooded areas, and taking in the beautiful scenery.If a country has no natural beauty, there will be little draw for tourists to come and visit.While cities can be exciting, most people are drawn to these natural jewels.Forested area is also the main habitat for a plethora of animal species.In fact, most of the extinction and endangerment of animals today can be attributed to habitat destruction.If we continue our trend in deforesting the world, we will soon find ourselves living in a barren wasteland, with no wildlife to keep us company.The effects of the extinction of even one species of animal is yet unknown.Breaking the food chain on even one level might have profound ripples through all life on earth.



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