
时间:2019-05-13 13:02:34下载本文作者:会员上传



























中华人民共和国海关 进出境自用物品



















16.运输方式:水路运输;铁路运输;汽车运输;航空运输;邮政运输; 其它运输(须注明具体方式)。










24.进/出境日期:运输工具进/出境的日期,无实际进出境的填申报日期。25.包装种类:选择以下一种内包装填报。木箱;纸箱;桶装;散装;托盘;包; 其它。




29.受托方名称及海关代码(身份证件号码):委托代理公司申请的,填报代理公司名称及海关代码;委托他人申请的,填报受托人姓名和身份证件号码。以下内容按装箱清单、发票填写: 30.项号:物品序列号。







JG41 Instructions: 1.Applicant’s Name:(Chinese and/or English): The name as indicated on the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.2.Sex: The sex as indicated on the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.3.Nationality: The nationality as indicated on the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.4.Date of Birth: The date of birth as indicated on the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.5.Organization and Customs Code: Standard full Chinese name of the organization in China and its 10-digit Customs code.6.Address: The address in China.7.Passport/Pass No.: The number of the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.8.Residence Permit No.: The number of the Residence Permit valid for over one year or the number of the Temporary Residence Permit for Overseas Chinese or Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macau or the registration number of residence for Taiwan residents.9.ID No.: The number of the ID of Resident Representative Office of Foreign(Regional)Enterprises, Employment Permit for Foreigners and Foreign Expert Certificate, etc..10.Permit No.of Article: Indicate the serial number of permit issued by competent authorities approving the importation/exportation of restricted and prohibited article(s).Leave this item blank if no such articles are involved.11.Telephone: Telephone number in China.Complete the following information with reference to the Bill of Lading.12.Entry/Exit: Indicate entry, exit and other.If “other” is selected, reasons such as “scrapped” shall be stated.13.Entry/Exit Port: The name of the Customs port within China’s Customs territory where the actual importation or exportation of relevant articles is effected 14.Departure/Destination Country/Region: Departure country/region refers to the original starting country/region from which the import

goods are directly consigned to China’s Customs Territory.Destination country/region refers to the country/region to which the export goods are directly consigned from China’s Customs territory.In case there is no actual importation or exportation, fill in “China” in this item.Give the corresponding name in Chinese for the departure/destination country/region in conformity with 《Country/Region Code》 prescribed by China Customs.15.Port of Loading/Delivery: The port of loading refers to the last overseas port where the import goods are loaded before their arrival in China’s Customs Territory.The port of delivery refers to the final foreign destination port to which the export goods are consigned.In case there is no actual importation or exportation, fill in “within China’s Customs territory” in this item.Give the corresponding name in Chinese for the port in conformity with “Port and Route Code” prescribed by China Customs.16.Means of Transport: Transport via water;rail;road;air mail;or other(to be specified).Note: For those inward or outward express parcels by non-mail, give the actual means of transport such as “air”.As for articles for official use carried by inward or outward passengers, indicate “other”.17.Carrie’s name: For water transport, give the number or English name of the vessel.For rail transport, give the carriage number or the transit receipt number.For road transport, give the license plate number of the

cross-border vehicle running in China.For air transport, no record is needed.For mail consignment, give the number of the mail parcel form.And, for “other”, give the specific means of transport.18.Voyage/Flight No.: For water transport, give the voyage number of the vessel.For rail transport, give the date of entry or exit of the territory.For road transport, give the numeric eight-digit date of entry or exit of the cross-border vehicle.For air transport, no record is needed.For mail consignment, give the date of entry or exit of the territory.No entry of this item is needed for various other means of transport.19.B/L No.: For water transport, give the B/L No..If there is a house B/L, give the import or export B/L No.plus “*” plus house B/L No..For rail transport, give the waybill No..For road transport, no entry is needed.For air transport, give “MAWB No.plus “__”(underline)plus HAWB No.”.Give MAWB No.if HAWB is not available.For mail consignment, give the number of the mail parcel form.No entry of this item is needed for various other means of transport.20.Number of pieces: Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock/Station Receipt.21.Gross Weight(kg): Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock/Station Receipt.The unit of measurement is kilogram.Indicate “1” for the weight less than one kilogram.22.Remarks: Other explanations necessary for the Customs.23.Status of Applicant: Select one of the following:

Resident personnel;long-term non-resident;permanent settler to China;member of Chinese diplomatic missions and others 24.Date of Entry/Exit: Give the date of entry or exit of the territory of the carrier.In case there is no actual entry or exit, give the date of declaration.25.Type of Package: Indicate one of the following packages: wooden case, carton, barrel, bulk, pallet, bag or other.26.Volume: Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock Receipt.The unit of measurement is cubic metre.27.Number of TEU: The number of standard containers(“0” for bulk cargo;“1” for one twenty-foot container and “2” for one forty-foot container, and so on.)28.Number of Inside Package: The number of inside packing cases such as cartons.29.Name of the Party Entrusted and Customs Code(ID No.): The name and Customs code of the agency entrusted to make the declaration or the name and ID No.of the person entrusted to make the declaration.Complete the following information with reference to the packing list and invoice.30.Item No.: The Serial number of the article.31.Tariff Code: Complete this item with the classification according to the 《Classification and Nomenclature of Import Customs Tariff on Inward Passenger’s Luggage and Postal Items for Personal Use》.32.Descriptions: The standard Chinese commercial name of the article.Automobiles are required to be declared as “brand(e.g.Jetta, Camry etc.)+ exhaust capacity(measured by “cc”)+ type(e.g.cross country vehicle, sedan car, etc.)+ VIN.As for used automobiles, indicate “used” before the brand whereas for new ones, no indication is needed.33.Specifications/Model: For the common TV set, the screen size shall be declared, for the refrigerator, its capacity measured by litre, and for the automobile, its model such as “E320” or “750I” etc..34.Quantity: Declare the actual quantity of the article(s)being applied for.For example: “1 set” of computer mainframe, “20 discs” of CDs, “5 pieces” of furniture, etc..35.Unit: Give the quantity of unit in accordance with the official measuring system.36.Currency: Complete the item in conformity with the currency applied in the invoice.37.Total Value: The total value of the article.38.Applicant’s Signature: Signed by the applicant in conformity with the signature as shown on the valid certificate for entering or leaving the territory.39.The official seal of the applicant’s organization.40.Date of Application: The date of submission of this form to the Customs.41.Page(s)Attached: The total pages of the attachment.If there is

no attachment, indicate “0”.












15.装货/指运港:装货港指进口物品在运抵我国关境前的最后一个境外装运港;指运港指出口物品运往境外的最终目的港。无实际进出境的,本栏目填报“中国境内”。请按海关规定的《港口航线代码表》选择填报相应的港口中文名称。16.运输方式:水路运输;铁路运输;汽车运输;航空运输;邮政运输; 其它运输(须注明具体方式)。






25.包装种类:选择以下一种内包装填报。木箱;纸箱;桶装;散装;托盘;包; 其它。26.体积:按提货单或场站收据填写,计量单位为立方米。


以下内容按装箱清单、发票填写: 30.项号:物品序列号。






JG41 Instructions:

1.Applicant’s Name:(Chinese and/or English): The name as indicated on the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.2.Sex: The sex as indicated on the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.3.Nationality: The nationality as indicated on the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.4.Date of Birth: The date of birth as indicated on the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.5.Organization and Customs Code: Standard full Chinese name of the organization in China and its 10-digit Customs code.6.Address: The address in China.7.Passport/Pass No.: The number of the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.8.Residence Permit No.: The number of the Residence Permit valid for over one year or the number of the Temporary Residence Permit for Overseas Chinese or Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macau or the registration number of residence for Taiwan residents.9.ID No.: The number of the ID of Resident Representative Office of Foreign(Regional)Enterprises, Employment Permit for Foreigners and Foreign Expert Certificate, etc..10.Permit No.of Article: Indicate the serial number of permit issued by competent authorities approving the importation/exportation of restricted and prohibited article(s).Leave this item blank if no such articles are involved.11.Telephone: Telephone number in China.Complete the following information with reference to the Bill of Lading.12.Entry/Exit: Indicate entry, exit and other.If “other” is selected, reasons such as “scrapped” shall be stated.13.Entry/Exit Port: The name of the Customs port within China’s Customs territory where the actual importation or exportation of relevant articles is effected 14.Departure/Destination Country/Region: Departure country/region refers to the original starting country/region from which the import goods are directly consigned to China’s Customs Territory.Destination country/region refers to the country/region to which the export goods are directly consigned from China’s Customs territory.In case there is no actual importation or exportation, fill in “China” in this item.Give the corresponding name in Chinese for the departure/destination country/region in conformity with 《Country/Region Code》 prescribed by China Customs.15.Port of Loading/Delivery: The port of loading refers to the last overseas port where the import goods are loaded before their arrival in China’s Customs Territory.The port of delivery refers to the final foreign destination port to which the export goods are consigned.In case there is no actual importation or exportation, fill in “within China’s Customs territory” in this item.Give the corresponding name in Chinese for the port in conformity with “Port and Route Code” prescribed by China Customs.16.Means of Transport: Transport via water;rail;road;air mail;or other(to be specified).Note: For those inward or outward express parcels by non-mail, give the actual means of transport such as “air”.As for articles for official use carried by inward or outward passengers, indicate “other”.17.Carrie’s name: For water transport, give the number or English name of the vessel.For rail transport, give the carriage number or the transit receipt number.For road transport, give the license plate number of the cross-border vehicle running in China.For air transport, no record is needed.For mail consignment, give the number of the mail parcel form.And, for “other”, give the specific means of transport.18.Voyage/Flight No.: For water transport, give the voyage number of the vessel.For rail transport, give the date of entry or exit of the territory.For road transport, give the numeric eight-digit date of entry or exit of the cross-border vehicle.For air transport, no record is needed.For mail consignment, give the date of entry or exit of the territory.No entry of this item is needed for various other means of transport.19.B/L No.: For water transport, give the B/L No..If there is a house B/L, give the import or export B/L No.plus “*” plus house B/L No..For rail transport, give the waybill No..For road transport, no entry is needed.For air transport, give “MAWB No.plus “__”(underline)plus HAWB No.”.Give MAWB No.if HAWB is not available.For mail consignment, give the number of the mail parcel form.No entry of this item is needed for various other means of transport.20.Number of pieces: Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock/Station Receipt.21.Gross Weight(kg): Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock/Station Receipt.The unit of measurement is kilogram.Indicate “1” for the weight less than one kilogram.22.Remarks: Other explanations necessary for the Customs.23.Status of Applicant: Select one of the following: Resident personnel;long-term non-resident;permanent settler to China;member of Chinese diplomatic missions and others 24.Date of Entry/Exit: Give the date of entry or exit of the territory of the carrier.In case there is no actual entry or exit, give the date of declaration.25.Type of Package: Indicate one of the following packages: wooden case, carton, barrel, bulk, pallet, bag or other.26.Volume: Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock Receipt.The unit of measurement is cubic metre.27.Number of TEU: The number of standard containers(“0” for bulk cargo;“1” for one twenty-foot container and “2” for one forty-foot container, and so on.)28.Number of Inside Package: The number of inside packing cases such as cartons.29.Name of the Party Entrusted and Customs Code(ID No.): The name and Customs code of the agency entrusted to make the declaration or the name and ID No.of the person entrusted to make the declaration.Complete the following information with reference to the packing list and invoice.30.Item No.: The Serial number of the article.31.Tariff Code: Complete this item with the classification according to the 《Classification and Nomenclature of Import Customs Tariff on Inward Passenger’s Luggage and Postal Items for Personal Use》.32.Descriptions: The standard Chinese commercial name of the article.Automobiles are required to be declared as “brand(e.g.Jetta, Camry etc.)+ exhaust capacity(measured by “cc”)+ type(e.g.cross country vehicle, sedan car, etc.)+ VIN.As for used automobiles, indicate “used” before the brand whereas for new ones, no indication is needed.33.Specifications/Model: For the common TV set, the screen size shall be declared, for the refrigerator, its capacity measured by litre, and for the automobile, its model such as “E320” or “750I” etc..34.Quantity: Declare the actual quantity of the article(s)being applied for.For example: “1 set” of computer mainframe, “20 discs” of CDs, “5 pieces” of furniture, etc..35.Unit: Give the quantity of unit in accordance with the official measuring system.36.Currency: Complete the item in conformity with the currency applied in the invoice.37.Total Value: The total value of the article.38.Applicant’s Signature: Signed by the applicant in conformity with the signature as shown on the valid certificate for entering or leaving the territory.39.The official seal of the applicant’s organization.40.Date of Application: The date of submission of this form to the Customs.41.Page(s)Attached: The total pages of the attachment.If there is no attachment, indicate “0”.


中华人民共和国海关 进出境公用物品

























以下内容按装箱清单、发票填写: 21.项号:物品序列号。









1.Organization Name & Customs Code: The name of the organization and its 10-digit code approved and recorded for file by China Customs.2.Permit No.of Article: Indicate the serial number of permit issued by competent

authorities approving the importation/exportation of restricted and prohibited article(s).Leave this item blank if no such articles are involved.3.Telephone: Telephone number in China.Complete the following information with reference to the Bill of Lading.4.Entry/Exit: Indicate entry, exit and other.If “other” is selected, reasons such as “scrapped” shall be stated.5.Entry/Exit Port: The name of the Customs port within China’s Customs territory where the actual importation or exportation of relevant articles is effected 6.Departure/Destination Country/Region: Departure country/region refers to the original starting country/region from which the import goods are directly consigned to China’s Customs Territory.Destination country/region refers to the country/region to which the export goods are directly consigned from China’s Customs territory.In case there is no actual importation or exportation, fill in “China” in this item.Give the corresponding name in Chinese for the departure/destination country/region in conformity with 《Country/Region Code》 prescribed by China Customs.7.Port of Loading/Delivery: The port of loading refers to the last overseas port where the import goods are loaded before their arrival in China’s Customs Territory.The port of delivery refers to the final foreign destination port to which the export goods are consigned.In case there is no actual importation or exportation, fill in “within China’s Customs territory” in this item.Give the corresponding name in Chinese for the port in conformity with “Port and Route Code” prescribed by China Customs.8.Means of Transport: Transport via water;rail;road;air mail;or other(to be specified).Note: For those inward or outward express parcels by non-mail, give the actual means of transport such as “air”.As for articles for official use carried by inward or outward passengers, indicate “other”.9.Carrie’s name: For water transport, give the number or English name of the vessel.For rail transport, give the carriage number or the transit receipt number.For road transport, give the license plate number of the cross-border vehicle running in China.For air transport, no record is needed.For mail consignment, give the number of the mail parcel form.And, for “other”, give the specific means of transport.As for the office appliances carried by inward/outward passengers, indicate the means of transport that the passenger takes.10.Voyage/Flight No.: For water transport, give the voyage number of the vessel.For rail transport, give the date of entry or exit of the territory.For road transport, give the numeric eight-digit date of entry or exit of the cross-border vehicle.For air transport, no record is needed.For mail consignment, give the date of entry or exit of the territory.As for the office appliances carried by inward/outward passengers, indicate the means of transport that the passenger takes.No entry of this item is needed for various other means of transport.11.B/L No.: For water transport, give the B/L No..If there is a house B/L, give the import or export B/L No.plus “*” plus house B/L No..For rail transport, give the waybill No..For road transport, no entry is needed.For air transport, give “MAWB No.plus “__”(underline)plus HAWB No.”.Give MAWB No.if HAWB is

not available.For mail consignment, give the number of the mail parcel form.No entry of this item is needed for various other means of transport.12.Number of pieces: Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock Receipt.13.Gross Weight(kg): Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock Receipt.The unit of measurement is kilogram.Indicate “1” for the weight less than one kilogram.14.Remarks: Other explanations necessary for the Customs.15.Date of Entry/Exit: Give the date of entry or exit of the territory of the carrier.In case there is no actual entry or exit, give the date of declaration.16.Type of Package: Indicate one of the following packages: wooden case, carton, barrel, bulk, pallet, bag or other.17.Volume: Give the number of pieces as shown in the B/L or Dock Receipt.The unit of measurement is cubic metre.18.Number of TEU: The number of standard containers(“0” for bulk cargo, “1” for one twenty-foot container and “2” for one forty-foot container, and so on.)19.Number of Inside Package: The number of inside packing cases such as cartons.20.Name of the Party Entrusted and Customs Code(ID No.): The name and Customs code of the agency entrusted to make the declaration or the name and ID No.of the person entrusted to make the declaration.Complete the following information with reference to the packing list and invoice.21.Item No.: The Serial number of the article.22.Tariff Code: Complete this item with the 8-digit tariff code of the article for

official use according to《Customs Tariff Nomenclature for Imports and Exports of the P.R.C.》

23.Descriptions: The standard Chinese commercial name of the article.Automobiles are required to be declared as “brand(e.g.Jetta, Camry etc.)+ exhaust capacity(measured by “cc”)+ type(e.g.cross country vehicle, sedan car, etc.)+ VIN.As for used automobiles, indicate “used” before the brand whereas for new ones, no indication is needed.24.Specifications/Model: For the common TV set, the screen size shall be declared, for the refrigerator, its capacity measured by litre, and for the automobile, its model such as “E320” or “750I” etc..25.Quantity: Give the quantity as shown in the invoice.26.Unit: Give the quantity of unit in accordance with the official measuring system.27.Currency: Complete the item in conformity with the currency applied in the invoice.28.Total Value: The total value of the article in conformity with that on the invoice.29.Signature of Chief Representative: Signed by the Chief Representative in conformity with the signature specimen recorded with the Customs.30.Seal of Organization: The seal of the organization in conformity with the seal specimen recorded with the Customs.31.Date of Application: The date of submission of this application form to the Customs.32.Page(s)Attached: The total pages of the attachment, not including the page of

the application form.If there is no attachment, indicate “0”.



【发布文号】署监2[1993]1378号 【发布日期】1993-10-28 【生效日期】1993-10-28 【失效日期】

【所属类别】国家法律法规 【文件来源】中国法院网










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