
时间:2019-05-13 14:26:47下载本文作者:会员上传






二、课题组成员:张玉 张旭 张昊 张杰




这位中国人民解放军航天员大队的首飞航天员,以自己的壮举和英姿,赢得了每一位中国 人的尊敬,同时也让全世界为之瞩目。

































































































1965年3月18日 苏联发射了“上升2号”飞船,该飞船有两名航天员,别列亚耶夫空军上校和列昂诺夫空军中校。列昂诺夫在舱外空间环境中行走了12分钟,成为太空行走第一人。





1970年4月15日 阿波罗13号机组到达月球的远边,距离月球表面254公里,距离地球400171公里,创下了航天员太空飞行最远的纪录。






2005年7月4日,深度撞击号将要发射出一个重372公斤(820-lbs)的0铜质撞击舱,以每小时37,015公里(23,000 mph)的速度,撞击进入坦普尔1号彗星的岩石和冰的彗核。这是人类探测器首次撞击彗星,一是破解生命起源之谜,二是为了防止2036年阿波菲斯撞击地球而做试验。

2006年07月17日 21:15 美国发现号航天飞机在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心成功着陆。








宇宙大爆炸发生后,早期宇宙是极高温度和极高密度的均匀气体,随着宇宙的膨胀,宇宙的温度会降低,当温度降低到退耦温度(Td=0.26eV,相当于3000K)以下时,质子与电子会复合生成氢原子并放出光子。当大多数自由电子被质子俘获后,光子就可以自由地在宇宙中传播,即宇宙对光子变得透明了,这就是我们能够观察到的宇宙中最古老的光,它携带了宇宙大爆炸后遗留下来的信息。由于宇宙学红移,我们现在观察到大爆炸后遗留下来光子频率的极大值已经移动到了微波波段,这就是宇宙微波背景辐射(CMBR, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation)。

1992年,NASA曾发射过一颗宇宙背景探测者卫星(COBE)并观测到了宇宙微波背景辐射在不同方向上存在着微弱的温度涨落。为了进一步研究这种各向异性现象,今年NASA的威尔金森微波各向异性探测器(WMAP, Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe)第一次清晰地绘制了一张宇宙婴儿时期(大爆炸后不到38万年)的图像。这张清晰的早期宇宙图像标志着宇宙学进入了一个新的时代。








残存的关于暗能量存在性的怀疑以及宇宙组成的问题已经在WMAP卫星描绘出迄今最清晰的宇宙微波背景(CMB, cosmic microwave background)辐射地图后而烟消云散。CMB是宇宙中最早的光, 是当新生宇宙还是一团炽热的等离子球体时所发出的光辐射。这种微弱的微波辐射弥漫在我们的周围,就像远处一堵火墙(wall of fire)发出的热辐射一样。记录在这面火墙上的信息就是微小的温度涨落(和其他一些性质),这提供了宇宙组成的信息。












咦?谁把我的屏幕改成了一幅安静的天空?天空中还挂着一轮弯弯的明月。忽然,桌面闪出一个对话框,并显示出一行字:你好!我是月亮姐姐,今天我无聊极了,想和你聊聊天行吗?哈!不会吧,月亮姐姐?我忙回了:“你是天上的月亮吗?我电脑上的屏幕是你发的吧?”“是的,那可是我的照片,美吗?我想和你交朋友聊聊天”。聊天好啊!就这样聊啊聊着,我伸了个懒腰,又看了看天上:“今晚你值班吗?如果有的话,晚上能飞来我家跟我玩吗“?“不行的“,“为什么”?“天上仍是我们住有地方,也就是你们说的家,那儿有足够的一氧化碳让我们生活,而人间不适合我们生存”。“ 我明白了,我也不会再邀请你到我这做客了,你哪有吃饭吗?你吃了吗?肚子饿不饿?”月亮姐姐笑了笑说:“不饿,我们天上是不吃东西的,我也没尝过饿的滋味是什么,你呢?”“我刚吃完......咕噜--咕噜”,我还没说完,肚子就出卖我了,羞得我满脸通红。“哈!哈!哈!你的肚子可比你诚实多了,要不然你的肚子就不会这么抗议,这样吧,我请你吃天上佳肴,好不好?”“不是吧,你不是不吃的吗?怎么请客?”“等会儿你就知道了”顿时静了下来.我着急等着,手也不停打出:"月亮姐姐你在吗?"







Looking at dark sky at night for a while, you may see a red star.It has dazzling color.People call it “Mars”.In the solar system, beyond the third planet, the fourth one is “Mars”.It is a planet which is far away from Earth, about 2 hundred million kilometers on average.It is so charming that many scientists and people want to go there.Yes, distance lends enchantment to the view.Exploring space is not as easy as you might think.It is beyond your imagination.Scientists still make great contributions to exploring space and they also get good results.Space exploration is developing successfully.Scientists have made great progress with this project in only a few years’ time.In the past fifty years, people have launched many detectors into the unknown universe and planets.However, most of them ended with failure.These detectors still helped the scientists and people to know more about this science.The first time they launched the detectors to Mars was in 1960s.From then on, two super countries, America and the Soviet Union, started a competition to explore Mars.They never stopped launching detectors to Mars.Even if two thirds of them failed.However, it didn’t stop us from exploring space.Distance should not be an obstacle to exploring space.At the beginning of XX.NASA Launched two detectors to Mars, and both of them landed safty.They sent many useful information to Earth.It was really exciting news!Before that, a detector launched by Europe was lost in Universe.It was a shock to the scientific community, but they will never give up.As a matter of fact, the purpose of launching so many detectors to space is to find a planet with life and the basic element – water.The moon is far away from Earth, but it is the nearest star to Earth.People have been fascinated by the moon since ancient times until 1969 when astronauts from America landed on the moon.They found that the moon was just a satellite, without water, air, atmosphere and life, so people’s fantasies about moon were broken.The moon is a real “Wide-cold Palace”, it also has very bad weather, extremely cold at night and extremely hot during daytime.Nothing can subsist on the moon.When the astronauts landed on the moon, it was as if the distance went from 380 thousand kilometers to zero kilometers.All the beautiful fantasies and legends about moon were broken, so people now aim their eyes on Mars.They hope that one day the astronauts can step on Mars and realize our new dream.Since we know the truth of moon, it is not so tempting to us.But poems about the moon can still give us some yearning.Compare the beginnings of space travel with exploring space today.The exploration of space today is more useful.Many people are fond of Mars because among the nine planets in the solar system it is the most similar to Earth, so we call them “Brother Planets”.On Mars, there is a thin atmosphere lay and some oxygen.The detectors have found that there once exisited water.Due to the low gravity, the water all ran into space.The exploration of space is not only helping us know more about the unknown space, but also telling us a way to the new science and possibly a homeland.In other words, people may realize the dream of living on another planets.


Looking at dark sky at night for a while, you may see a red star.It has dazzling color.People call it “Mars”.In the solar system, beyond the third planet, the fourth one is “Mars”.It is a planet which is far away from Earth, about 2 hundred million kilometers on average.It is so charming that many scientists and people want to go there.Yes, distance lends enchantment to the view.Exploring space is not as easy as you might think.It is beyond your imagination.Scientists still make great contributions to exploring space and they also get good results.Space exploration is developing successfully.Scientists have made great progress with this project in only a few years’ time.In the past fifty years, people have launched many detectors into the unknown universe and planets.However, most of them ended with failure.These detectors still helped the scientists and people to know more about this science.The first time they launched the detectors to Mars was in 1960s.From then on, two super countries, America and the Soviet Union, started a competition to explore Mars.They never stopped launching detectors to Mars.Even if two thirds of them failed.However, it didn’t stop us from exploring space.Distance should not be an obstacle to exploring space.At the beginning of XX.NASA Launched two detectors to Mars, and both of them landed safty.They sent many useful information to Earth.It was really exciting news!Before that, a detector launched by Europe was lost in Universe.It was a shock to the scientific community, but they will never give up.As a matter of fact, the purpose of launching so many detectors to space is to find a planet with life and the basic element – water.The moon is far away from Earth, but it is the nearest star to Earth.People have been fascinated by the moon since ancient times until 1969 when astronauts from America landed on the moon.They found that the moon was just a satellite, without water, air, atmosphere and life, so people’s fantasies about moon were broken.The moon is a real “Wide-cold Palace”, it also has very bad weather, extremely cold at night and extremely hot during daytime.Nothing can subsist on the moon.When the astronauts landed on the moon, it was as if the distance went from 380 thousand kilometers to zero kilometers.All the beautiful fantasies and legends about moon were broken, so people now aim their eyes on Mars.They hope that one day the astronauts can step on Mars and realize our new dream.Since we know the truth of moon, it is not so tempting to us.But poems about the moon can still give us some yearning.Compare the beginnings of space travel with exploring space today.The exploration of space today is more useful.Many people are fond of Mars because among the nine planets in the solar system it is the most similar to Earth, so we call them “Brother Planets”.On Mars, there is a thin atmosphere lay and some oxygen.The detectors have found that there once exisited water.Due to the low gravity, the water all ran into space.The exploration of space is not only helping us know more about the unknown space, but also telling us a way to the new science and possibly a homeland.In other words, people may realize the dream of living on another planets.


Looking at dark sky at night for a while, you may see a red star.It has dazzling color.people call it “Mars”.In the solar system, beyond the third planet, the fourth one is “Mars”.It is a planet which is far away from Earth, about 2 hundred million kilometers on average.It is so charming that many scientists and people want to go there.Yes, distance lends enchantment to the view.Exploring space is not as easy as you might think.It is beyond your imagination.Scientists still make great contributions to exploring space and they also get good results.Space exploration is developing successfully.Scientists have made great progress with this project in only a few years’ time.In the past fifty years, people have launched many detectors into the unknown universe and planets.However, most of them ended with failure.These detectors still helped the scientists and people to know more about this science.The first time they launched the detectors to Mars was in 1960s.From then on, two super countries, America and the Soviet Union, started a competition to explore Mars.They never stopped launching detectors to Mars.Even if two thirds of them failed.However, it didn’t stop us from exploring space.Distance should not be an obstacle to exploring space.At the beginning of XX.NASA Launched two detectors to Mars, and both of them landed safty.They sent many useful information to Earth.It was really exciting news!Before that, a detector launched by Europe was lost in Universe.It was a shock to the scientific community, but they will never give up.As a matter of fact, the purpose of launching so many detectors to space is to find a planet with life and the basic element – water.The moon is far away from Earth, but it is the nearest star to Earth.people have been fascinated by the moon since ancient times until 1969 when astronauts from America landed on the moon.They found that the moon was just a satellite, without water, air, atmosphere and life, so people’s fantasies about moon were broken.The moon is a real “Wide-cold palace”, it also has very bad weather, extremely cold at night and extremely hot during daytime.Nothing can subsist on the moon.When the astronauts landed on the moon, it was as if the distance went from 380 thousand kilometers to zero kilometers.All the beautiful fantasies and legends about moon were broken, so people now aim their eyes on Mars.They hope that one day the astronauts can step on Mars and realize our new dream.Since we know the truth of moon, it is not so tempting to us.But poems about the moon can still give us some yearning.Compare the beginnings of space travel with exploring space today.The exploration of space today is more useful.Many people are fond of Mars because among the nine planets in the solar system it is the most similar to Earth, so we call them “Brother planets”.On Mars, there is a thin atmosphere lay and some oxygen.The detectors have found that there once exisited water.Due to the low gravity, the water all ran into space.The exploration of space is not only helping us know more about the unknown space, but also telling us a way to the new science and possibly a homeland.In other words, people may realize the dream of living on another planets.Even though we knew moon well now, it has many touching legends n ancient times.Chang’e is a beauty who ate the elixir and then flew to the moon, she lived in the “Wide-Cold palace”(Moon palce)with a jade rabbit.Wugang always cut down the sweet-scented osmanthus trees on moon as a punishment.Though these legends are not true, we can still store them in our memories.Why do we care so much about other planets? The reason is that the Earth is suffering many troubles.These troubles include: global warming, air pollution, water pollution, the population is quickly increasing, soil deterioration and decreasing natural resoures.The environment is not as good as it once was.All the troubles mentioned above are warnings us that we should pay more attention to the environment, and take care of our mother-Earth.Don’t make it suffer any more troubles.The reason is simple, we have only one Earth.Why not cherish it and make it more beautiful.Even Mars is the most similar to the Earth in the solar system, scientists have said that outer-space is not fit for human beings to live in at the moment.Because there is not enough of the necessary thing that we need in space.We can’t find the basic thing-water.On other planets, so we should assume the attitude, “looking for a horse while riding a donkey, but not looking for a horse while discarding a donkey.” Only remember that we have one Earth.It is our duty to protect and cherish it.In 1990, NASA launched a telescope called “Hubble” to the orbit of Earth.Without the affect of atmosphere, we can see the stars far away about 200 hundred million light-years.It is the farthest area we can see so far in the universe.people learnt a lot with the telescope, and NASA plans to launch a new telescope to space to take the place of “Hubble”.It is more modern.We can see longer distance with it.We hope that one day we can know all the secrets about the universe.October 26th, XX, in China, the “Divin Land 5” was launched to space successfully and after 21 hours it landed safty.It proved that we have the ability to conquer space.Now scientists in China have started a project to explore the moon.Soon detectors have been launched.We hope a good result.The Chinese scientists plant to launch “Divin land 6” to space next year.We hope that day can come soon.Now, we have full confidence in ourselves.However, before we explore space, we should take care of our only homeland, Earth.So that we have the right conditions to explore space and have a good result.What will human being’s future like? No one knows.please remember to cherish everything we own now.Don’t be regretful for the past!Looking back at the history, and looking into the future, so we can dominate our destiny.Distance lends enchantment to the view!All my friends, let’s make our world more beautiful!


Looking at dark sky at night for a while, you may see a red star.It has dazzling color.people call it “Mars”.In the solar system, beyond the third planet, the fourth one is “Mars”.It is a planet which is far away from Earth, about 2 hundred million kilometers on average.It is so charming that many scientists and people want to go there.Yes, distance lends enchantment to the view.

Exploring space is not as easy as you might think.It is beyond your imagination.Scientists still make great contributions to exploring space and they also get good results.Space exploration is developing successfully.Scientists have made great progress with this project in only a few years’ time.

In the past fifty years, people have launched many detectors into the unknown universe and planets.However, most of them ended with failure.These detectors still helped the scientists and people to know more about this science.The first time they launched the detectors to Mars was in 1960s.From then on, two super countries, America and the Soviet Union, started a competition to explore Mars.They never stopped launching detectors to Mars.Even if two thirds of them failed.However, it didn’t stop us from exploring space.

Distance should not be an obstacle to exploring space.At the beginning of XX.NASA Launched two detectors to Mars, and both of them landed safty.They sent many useful information to Earth.It was really exciting news!Before that, a detector launched by Europe was lost in Universe.It was a shock to the scientific community, but they will never give up.

As a matter of fact, the purpose of launching so many detectors to space is to find a planet with life and the basic element – water.

The moon is far away from Earth, but it is the nearest star to Earth.people have been fascinated by the moon since ancient times until 1969 when astronauts from America landed on the moon.They found that the moon was just a satellite, without water, air, atmosphere and life, so people’s fantasies about moon were broken.The moon is a real “Wide-cold palace”, it also has very bad weather, extremely cold at night and extremely hot during daytime.Nothing can subsist on the moon.When the astronauts landed on the moon, it was as if the distance went from 380 thousand kilometers to zero kilometers.All the beautiful fantasies and legends about moon were broken, so people now aim their eyes on Mars.They hope that one day the astronauts can step on Mars and realize our new dream.

Since we know the truth of moon, it is not so tempting to us.But poems about the moon can still give us some yearning.

Compare the beginnings of space travel with exploring space today.The exploration of space today is more useful.Many people are fond of Mars because among the nine planets in the solar system it is the most similar to Earth, so we call them “Brother planets”.On Mars, there is a thin atmosphere lay and some oxygen.The detectors have found that there once exisited water.Due to the low gravity, the water all ran into space.The exploration of space is not only helping us know more about the unknown space, but also telling us a way to the new science and possibly a homeland.In other words, people may realize the dream of living on another planets.

Even though we knew moon well now, it has many touching legends n ancient times.Chang’e is a beauty who ate the elixir and then flew to the moon, she lived in the “Wide-Cold palace”(Moon palce)with a jade rabbit.Wugang always cut down the sweet-scented osmanthus trees on moon as a punishment.Though these legends are not true, we can still store them in our memories.

Why do we care so much about other planets? The reason is that the Earth is suffering many troubles.These troubles include: global warming, air pollution, water pollution, the population is quickly increasing, soil deterioration and decreasing natural resoures.The environment is not as good as it once was.All the troubles mentioned above are warnings us that we should pay more attention to the environment, and take care of our mother-Earth.Don’t make it suffer any more troubles.The reason is simple, we have only one Earth.Why not cherish it and make it more beautiful.

Even Mars is the most similar to the Earth in the solar system, scientists have said that outer-space is not fit for human beings to live in at the moment.Because there is not enough of the necessary thing that we need in space.We can’t find the basic thing-water.On other planets, so we should assume the attitude, “looking for a horse while riding a donkey, but not looking for a horse while discarding a donkey.” Only remember that we have one Earth.It is our duty to protect and cherish it.

In 1990, NASA launched a telescope called “Hubble” to the orbit of Earth.Without the affect of atmosphere, we can see the stars far away about 200 hundred million light-years.It is the farthest area we can see so far in the universe.people learnt a lot with the telescope, and NASA plans to launch a new telescope to space to take the place of “Hubble”.It is more modern.We can see longer distance with it.We hope that one day we can know all the secrets about the universe.

October 26th, XX, in China, the “Divin Land 5” was launched to space successfully and after 21 hours it landed safty.It proved that we have the ability to conquer space.Now scientists in China have started a project to explore the moon.Soon detectors have been launched.We hope a good result.The Chinese scientists plant to launch “Divin land 6” to space next year.We hope that day can come soon.

Now, we have full confidence in ourselves.However, before we explore space, we should take care of our only homeland, Earth.So that we have the right conditions to explore space and have a good result.

What will human being’s future like? No one knows.please remember to cherish everything we own now.Don’t be regretful for the past!Looking back at the history, and looking into the future, so we can dominate our destiny.

Distance lends enchantment to the view!All my friends, let’s make our world more beautiful!



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