
时间:2019-05-13 19:25:35下载本文作者:会员上传



1==学校分类:public school公立学校private school私立学校religious school教会学校




3==新生报到会,一般由Admission office的Counselor来向新生介绍,新生入学及入学后大致过程:register/enroll(登记、报到)一般会到student union office,opening ceremony

开学典礼orientation meeting(介绍会)指学校综合情况orientation week(初到校)适应周lecture(教师作的)讲演,报告tutorial(学生发言的)讨论课

4==选课:选择级别:fundamental/elementary , intermediate , advanced

选课的时间,日期Time and date申请人:applicant, enrolment,admission office

5==课程分类:Optional course选修课Required course必修课Day course白天的课Evening course晚上的课

6=考试:Final exam期终考试middle exam期中考试make up补考test测验quiz测验

oral test口试draw on / in sight of / draw nearly考试临近

delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend考试延期或取消


clinic诊所mental hospital精神病医院 send for a doctor请医生see a doctor看病

have an operation动手术make an appointment预约take one's blood pressure量血压

surgeon外科医生 psychiatrist/shrink心理医生 physician/internist内科医生

oculist/eye doctor眼科医生dentist牙医feel one's pulse量脉搏

tablet药片have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧 have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛 symptom症状flu流感feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷 have/catch a cold感冒

have a sore throat嗓子痛have a toothache牙痛 vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐cold cure感冒药 take one's temperature量体温pills药丸medication药物injection注射



a.classified ads分类广告help and wanted section供求关系栏

b.bulletin board公告栏


2==make a phone call

Is the position still available?工作职位还仍然空缺吗?

3==resume个人简历fill out= fill in = fill up填表格

certification学历证, ID身份证, qualification资历, recommendation letter推荐信


job vacancy有空缺职位,letter of application求职信,resume简历,resume包括:basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料,academic background教育背景offer聘用信work overtime加班allowance津贴annual income年收入sick leave病假promotion升职

work experience工作经验certificates证书ask for a raise加钱wage周薪salary日薪bonus奖金


department store百货公司Shopping centre/shopping mall购物中心shop assistant/clerk店


for free免费out of stock脱销Bargain便宜货Exchange/return找零special offer/ on sale打折 a clearance sale清仓甩卖supplies生活用品price tag价格签bargain便宜货sport’s goods体育用品 clothing store服装店supermarket超市cart手推车cashier收银员appliance家用电costume服装

formal dress/casual dress正式着装/休闲服uniform制服suit西装down-jacket羽绒服 large/medium/small大号中号小号style/size/color款式、大小、颜色


英语四级培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet1820/ 英语四级一对一咨询qq:1613508081




Campus life 校园生活(短对话及长对话重点)


assignment term paper essays(小论文,曾经的听写答案)

thesis(毕业论文)composition 作文

textbook教科书/reference book参考书 / assigned books 指定书目


be through with sth 结束,完成(四级四次考到)

due 到期(最新考点2013年06月)Y

ou've known from month the report is duetoday.have sb's hands full with sth 忙于做某事(两次考到)

narrow down thetopic 细化题目(两次考到)



原句: Do you havethe seminar schedule with you?(你有研讨会的日程表么?)optionalcourse/elective(选修课)

evening/day course(晚间/白天课程 09-12词汇)




hardly/ barely stay awake(无法保持清醒。四级三次考到,最新10-6考点)tutoring service 一对一辅导课程


advancedphysics(高级物理)data processing(数据处理)


Biology 生物 Statistics统计学课程

Psychological counseling 心理咨询





postgraduate(多次考到,研究生)Doctoral Degree(博士学位)


graduate school(研究生院)

Job hunting 求职(长对话重点)



short list 候选人名单 job vacancy 职位空缺

英语四级培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet1820/ 英语四级一对一咨询qq:1613508081

英语四级培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet1820/ 英语四级一对一咨询qq:1613508081

job applicant candidate 候选人(多次考到)

apply for application(2008/09/10四级考点)



lay off/be laid off(解雇,09-12四级考点;13年12月六级考点)

recommendation 推荐 letter of recommendation/reference(六级考点,推荐信)I'd like afull-time position with more responsibility(2013-06)benefits(package)(福利,福利计划,两次考到)

paid vacation(带薪假期)

social security(社会保险)phased retirement(08-12 阶段性退休)


finance /trade / accountancy / administration / consultancy / sales例句重现:四级


I heard aboutyour promotion, you must be thrilled.(我听说你升职了,你开心死了吧)

Not really, thenew office is huge, but the work load has doubled.(也不见得,新办公室挺大的,但是工作量也翻倍了)


It enables himto apply theory to practice 能够让他把理论应用于实际Getting alongwell with colleagues 与同事和睦相处


Send in awritten application as soon as possible 尽快发来书面申请2011-6

what does theman say contribute the success of the business?



What positionin the company appeals to you most? 职位最吸引你的是什么?2012-12 he is tied up in meetings.他忙于开会

2013-12 so you know Sam had turned down the job offer?


2012-12 The head technician in the lad tried to persuade the hospital administration to replace it.2013-06 There is a penalty clause.(罚金条款)

2013-12 Apparently the bus company will be laying off its employees if they can’t reach an agreement.新内容:减肥与健康(自09年起至10年12月多次出现)

gym 健身房 terrific figure 魔鬼身材


overweight=outof shape 胖(多次考点)

dieting 节食 lose weight 减肥 slim 苗条

have a largerwaist 腰有些肥(可以指人也可以指服装)

physical training 身体锻炼

weight-lifting 举重

英语四级培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet1820/ 英语四级一对一咨询qq:1613508081


SectionI/II 住宿、家乡、度假、介绍活动:who/when/what/where Section II/IV 新生入学、图书馆、研究、讲课 健康场景


clinic诊所,physician内科医生,oculist/eye doctor眼科医生,surgeon外科医生,dentist牙医,vet兽医,see a doctor看病,send for a doctor请医生,make an appointment预约


symptom症状,have/catch a cold感冒,have a sore throat嗓子痛,stomachache胃痛,fever发烧,cough咳嗽,headache头痛,toothache牙痛,have a runny nose流鼻涕,depression沮丧,消沉,vomit/throw up/呕吐,dizzy头晕,feel chilly觉得发冷,phlegm痰


liver trouble肝炎,pneumonia肺炎,flu流感,allergy过敏症,twisted扭伤的,asthma哮喘,diabetics糖尿病患者,cramps抽筋,diarrhea腹泻,have a stuffed nose鼻子不通,cholera霍乱,stiff neck脖子发僵,yellow fever黄热病,hay fever枯草热


pills药丸,tablet药片,capsule胶囊,mixture合剂,eye drops眼药水,syrup糖浆,pad药棉块,vitamin维他命,penicillin盘尼西林,antibiotic抗生素,ointment药膏,medication药物,aspirin阿司匹林,cold cure感冒药,sweating medicine发汗药,febrifuge退烧药


bandage绷带,syringe注射器,stethoscope听诊器,injection注射,preventive injection预防针,gauze纱布,case history病历,extract拔牙,take one’s temperature量体温,feel one’s pulse量脉搏,take one’s blood pressure量血压,give a prescription开药方,have an operation 动手术


行政区划:Province, state, county

优点和缺点:cost of living,crime,pace of life,interesting,boring/dull 主要产业: manufacturing, processing, farming, sheep and cattle farming, fishing, fish farming, wine-making, transportation, printing ,electronics 天气和气候:highest/lowest temperature,-20°C=minus twenty degrees Celsius/Centigrade,wet and windy, cold and wet, rainy, cloudy, flood, drought 语言:language,accent, dialect


enrolment 注册 selective/elective/option 选修课 required course/compulsory course 必修课 course arrangement 课程安排 application form 申请表 letter of recommendation 推荐信 program 某一专业的课程总称 school 学院 graduate school 研究生院 undergraduate 本科

postgraduate 研究生 school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院 score 成绩 credit 学分 degrees 学位 assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估 handout 上课老师发的印刷品 assignment 作业 presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言 project 需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题

paper/thesis/dissertation 论文/硕士论文/博士论文 essay 短论文 journal 周记/每周要做的作业 participation 出勤 lecture 老师的讲课 tutorial 助教的辅导 TA(Teaching Assistant)助教 office hour 教授与学生面谈的时间 coordinator 课程协调人/班主任 professor 教授 associate professor副教授 assistant professor 助理教授 lecturer 讲师 dean 系主任 counselor 辅导老师 adviser 导师 mentor 导师 president 校长 chancellor 名誉校长 faculty 教职员工的总称 research 研究 deadline 最后期限 poll(民意)调查 survey 调查 hypothesis 假设

statistics 统计 statistically valid 统计学上有效的 data/datum 数据 investigation 调查

quantitative 数量的/定量的 significant difference 显著的差异 interview 访谈 respondents/interviewee 回答调查问题者/被访谈的人 questionnaire 调查问卷

multiple choice questions 选择题 analyze data 分析数据 results 结果 conclusion 结论

interpretation 解释/阐释 opinion 观点


conservation 保护,保存 acid 酸,酸的carbon 碳 petroleum 石油ozone 臭氧 ooze 渗出,渗出物 radiation 辐射greenhouse 温室solar 太阳的phenomenon 现象 deterioration 恶化

extinction 灭绝 drought 干旱 recurrent 反复发生的inundate 淹没 embankment 筑堤 sediment 沉积(物)delta 三角洲alluvial 冲积的 dust-storm 沙尘暴 barren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的 attributable 归因于deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)log 原木,日志 伐木vegetation 植物,植被habitat 栖息地ecosystem 生态系统 demographic 人口统计的 counterbalance 使平衡,弥补 mechanism 机理,机制 precipitation 陡降,降水 circulation 流通,循环 meteorology 气象(学)volcano 火山 eruption 喷发 granite 花岗岩 Celsius 摄氏的 Fahrenheit 华氏的 latitude 纬度glacier 冰川 dump 倾倒,倾销contaminate 弄脏 recycle 回收再利用 irreversible 不可逆的reclaim 开垦,改造 contentious 有争议的 prioritize 优先考虑

课题研究场景 部分学科名称:

literature文学 philosophy哲学,history历史 art艺术 sociology社会学 linguistics语言学

psychology心理学 engineering工程学 architecture建筑学 business商务 law法学 economics经济学 finance金融学 accounting会计学 banking银行学 biochemistry生物化学 研究方法

research deadline 研究的最后期限 poll的(民意)调查 survey调查 hypothesis假设 statistics统计 statistically valid统计学上有效的 data/datum数据 investigation 调查 quantitative数量的/定量的 significant difference 显著的差异 interview 访谈 respondents/interviewee的回答调查问题者/被访谈的人 questionnaire调查问卷 multiple choice question选择题 analyze data分析数据 results结果 conclusion结论 interpretation解释/阐释

入学场景 教学

research 研究,deadline 最后期限,poll(民意)调查,survey 调查,hypothesis 假设,statistics 统计,statistically valid 统计学上有效的,data/datum 数据,investigation 调查,quantitative 数量的/定量的,significant difference 显著的差异,interview 访谈,respondents/interviewee 回答调查问题者/被访谈的人,questionnaire 调查问卷,multiple choice questions 选择题,analyze/analyze data 分析数据,results 结果,conclusion 结论,interpretation 解释/阐释 设施

facilities设施,divisions/departments系,campus校园, Common Room/House公共休息室,canteen食堂,dining hall食堂,cafeteria自助餐厅,accommodation住宿,dorm/dormitory宿舍,parking lot/area停车场,car park停车场, parking regulations 停车规定,shopping mall购物中心,teaching building, 教学楼/教室楼,lecture theatre阶梯教室,Administration/Admin Office管理/行政办公室,laboratory/lab实验室,Student Union, society, club, auditorium会堂,礼堂,lounge, gymnasium/gym体育馆,playground, locker room更衣室,library, the School of Law法学院,law faculty法律系/学院,New Students Enrolments新生报道处,Recreation Center娱乐室,student union 学生会,society 学生社团,club 学生俱乐部 教职员工

dean系主任,院长,student/school counselor辅导老师,adviser /tutor/mentor导师,lecturer 讲师,professor 教授,assistant professor 助理教授,associate professor副教授,TA(Teaching Assistant)助教,Principal/President校长,chancellor名誉校长,faculty教职员总称,lecturer上课的老师,coordinator课程协调人/班主任,Support Tutor指导老师,Director of Studies督学, lecture 老师的讲课,tutorial 助教的辅导,office hour 教授与学生面谈的时间,dorm mate /roommate/flat mate/housemate 合租一间宿舍/公寓/房屋的人 学生常遇见问题及建议

deadlines截至日期,attendance出勤率,homesickness想家,financial财务的,too high expectations期望值太高,plagiarism作弊,language, shy, living with students from his own country, wrong courses选错了专业,technical terms/vocabulary科技术语/词汇.student account 银行中的学生账户,current account 现金账户,chequebook/checkbook 支票本,withdraw cash 取钱,deposit money in a band 存钱 选课

enrolment 注册,selective/elective/option 选修课required course/compulsory course 必修课,course arrangement 课程安排application form 申请表,letter of recommendation 推荐信,programme/program 某一专业的课程总称,school 学院,graduate school 研究生院,undergraduate 本科,postgraduate 研究生,school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院,score 成绩,credit 学分,degrees 学位,assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估,handout 上课老师发的印刷品,assignment 作业presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言,project 需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题,paper/thesis/dissertation 论文/硕士论文/博士论文,essay 短论文,journal 周记/每周要做的作业,participation 出勤basic course基础课、specialized course专业课、required course必修课、optional/selective course选修课、full-time course、part-time course、a modular course。此外还有一些学科专业术语:Literature文学、philosophy哲学、history 历史、art 艺术、sociology社会学、linguistics语言学、psychology心理学、engineering工程学、architecture建筑学、business商务、law法学、economics经济学、fiancé金融学、accounting会计学、banking银行学、biochemistry生物化学、Social pedagogy社会教育学、hotel management酒店管理、mass media大众传媒、nursing护理专业、course arrangement课程安排、application form申请表;此外,除了不同专业外,选课场景还包括对语言的选择,相关词汇如下:Portuguese葡萄牙语、Italian意大利语、Russian俄语、Arabic阿拉伯语、mandarin(standard Chinese)普通话、Cantonese广东话、Spanish西班牙语、French法语、German德语,选择语言的级别包括:fundamental初级的、intermediate中级的、advanced高级的


房子类型:flat, apartment, dormitory(dorm), student hotel, youth hostel,basement 房子家电或设施:balcony bedroom, kitchen, stove, fridge, microwave oven, washing machine, air-condition, electric fans, radiator, electric stoves,vacuum cleaner,water heater 床上用品:Pillow, pillow case, bed linen, sheet, mattress, blanket, towel 房子位置:Road(rd.), street(st.)租金和帐单:rent ,deposit,telephone bill, gas bill ,water/electricity bill

旅游场景 目的地

cities, mountains, deserts沙漠,hilly areas丘陵地带,wetlands沼泽地,bush land灌木丛,tropical rain forests热带雨林,resorts胜地,beaches, coastal areas沿海地区, 乡村(village)、瀑布(water fall)river, lake, 交通工具

public transport公共交通,private transport私人交通,car, airplane, ferry渡船,underground/subway/tube/Metro地铁,river cruise巡游,boat trips, 费用及支付方式

book the room(make a reservation)订房间, currency货币,Canadian dollars加元,Australian dollars, Pounds镑, Japanese Yen日元 ,credit card信用卡(Visa维萨卡, MasterCard万事达, American Express美国运通)语言

French法语, Cantonese粤语, Mandarin普通话, Russian俄语, Italian意大利语, German德语, Portuguese葡萄牙, Japanese日语, Arabic阿拉伯语 景点

hotsprings温泉,fountain泉水,喷泉,beaches海滩,spotlight tour聚光灯旅行,four-wheel drive四驱车,crocodile cruise, waterfalls瀑布,castle城堡,museum 博物馆,art gallery 画廊 活动

swimming, diving潜水,跳水,Scuba Diving器械潜水,surfing冲浪,water skiing滑水,hang gliding悬挂滑翔,water polo水球, skiing 滑雪,hiking 徒步旅行,bag-packer 肩背大包进行自助旅行的人,hitch-hike 搭便车旅行。注意事项

snakes, stingers刺痛人的东西,sharks鲨鱼,box jellyfish水母的一种,certain plants某些植物, 携带物品

beach towel大浴巾,telescopes望远镜,walking boots步行靴,socks袜子,sunscreen太阳镜, long trousers长裤, 夹克衫(jacket), 急救箱(first-aidkit)、手电筒(torch)旅行社

travel agency 旅行社,flight number 航班号,take off 起飞,land 降落,motel 汽车旅馆,hostel 青年旅社,book the ticket 订票,passport 护照,visa 签证,credit card 信用卡,driving license/license 驾照,expire v.驾照、护照等过期,check in 办理登机手续,souvenir 纪念品,


1.学校场景课程 attend / have/miss a lecture 上课/缺课optional/selective/elective course 选修课 required/compulsory course 必修课day course 白天的课evening course 晚上的课curriculum课程curriculum schedule课程表credit学分 audit a course旁听 introductory course 初级课程intermediate course中级课程advanced course高级课程seminar研讨会,专题讨论课(研讨班)score分数

confused/puzzled迷惑不解 impressive 印象深刻的fascinating/fabulous精彩的 inspiring/stimulating激励的boring/dull枯燥的 figure out明白 it doesn’t make sense/it makes sense 不理解/理解distraction使人分心的事物 concentrate集中精神 discourage泄气

科目或专业history 历史geography地理 chemistry 化学physics物理 biology生物literature 文学linguistics 语言学philosophy哲学 psychology心理学 economics 经济学engineering工程学 architecture 建筑学accounting会计学 archaeology 考古学anthropology人类学 astronomy 天文学major in主修

考试/作业final exam 期终考试middle exam 期中考试 quiz小测make up the exam补考assignment/assign作业(eg.He assigned the students a few books to read.)draft草稿term paper期末论文essay/thesis论文project课题survey/research调查

学校中的人 president 校长dean 院长professor 教授lecturer 讲师supervisor/advisor 导师teaching assistant助教visiting professor客座教授doctor 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士

freshman 大一新生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生senior 大四学生teaching assistant 助教

图书馆 lend / borrow/check out借书return还书reference book参考书overdue过期renewal/renewfine 罚金 librarian图书管理员reading room 阅览室latest issue 最新的一期subscribe to 订阅shelf书架publishing house 出版社

课余生活go on a field trip 校外考察旅行 camping露营 the Students’ Union学生会 dormitory(dorm)宿舍 band乐队chorus/choral group合唱队 final 决赛semi-final半决赛extracurricular activities课外活动play bridge打桥牌score a goal进球,得分championship冠军赛

semester/term学期tuition学费scholarship奖学金diploma文凭bachelor’s degree学士学位master’s degree硕士学位doctor’s degree博士学位private school 私立学校religious school 教会学校drop out of school退学 application form申请表recommendation letter推荐信

save a seat for sbsubmit…to…(hand in)student recreation center 学生休闲中心student union学生会lecture theatre大教室/阶梯教室absent from 缺席 ask for a leave请假paper论文handout上课老师分发的材料 cafeteria 学校自助食堂canteen食堂(dining hall)distributepamphlet分发小册子mess混乱a good reputationscholarship奖学金undergraduate本科dean系主任faculty教职员工总称/ 5 1

sit in on 旁听read books thoroughly读书读得很透skim through浏览book review书评

well-deserved 当之无愧make it成功cheat作弊campus校园facility校园设施

registration注册a valid student identification card有效的学生证GPA: grade point average平均积分点

loan贷款interest rates利息apply for financial aiddeadline(cutoff date)截止日期think highly of sb高度赞扬

2. 职场工作

job hunting 找工作search/look for a job找工作want ads 招聘广告to recruit staff招聘员工position职位academic background 教育背景resume(C.V.)简历application申请(apply for)application letter求职信(job)interview 面试(arrange for an interview)interviewee 面试者interviewer 面试官 confident有信心的experienced 有经验的qualify for 有资格(His skills qualify him for the job.)qualification 资历 competent胜任unemployment rate失业率lose one’s job 失业fire/lay off/dismiss/sack解雇quit/resign辞职work overtime 加班job offer一个工作机会

client客户 secretary秘书(secretarial work)schedule 日程安排 morning shift 早班night shift晚班 in charge of负责headquarter 总部branch分公司take over 接管appointment任命 sick leave病假negotiate/negotiation谈判bid 投标 contract合同compromise妥协,让步meet each other half way 相互妥协promotion升职contribution贡献annual leave 年假 health insurance 医疗保险make ends meet 收支平衡allowance 津贴bonus 奖金、分红paid vacation 带薪假期probation 试用期internship 实习welfare福利 customers’ complaints顾客投诉candidate求职申请人slim chance机会很小 qualified合格的,能胜任的 vacancy空缺职位(vacant position)(vacancy available)administrative work行政工作 secretarial work文秘工作accommodation住宿

purchase order 订单express mail 快件pension sb off强迫退休﹙并发给退休金﹚,workload 工作量;contract合同, article 条款 finalize a contract(定合同), sign a contract签订合同


information desk 问讯处 fare 车票license 驾照rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 overtake 超车one way street 单行道 blockgive sb a ridecrossroad 十字路口,fine 罚款, signal信号,信号灯

over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fast way / express way / high way 高速公路free way 免费高速公路ring road 环线 subway(美)/ underground(英)地铁 underpass人行地道overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥


mobile phone 手机 pay phone 公用电话telephone box/booth 电话亭 extension 分机put~ through 接通hold on 不要挂断,稍等take/leave a message 留言hang up / get off 挂断


plane / craft 飞机book 订票 timetable 时间表 destination 目的地 one way ticket 单程票

round trip ticket 来回票 non-stop / direct flight 直航transfer / lay over / stop over 转机

first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济 舱

confirm the flight 确认航班check in 登记 boarding card 登机牌

security check(security checkpoint)安检see off 送行 board 登机 take off 起飞

departure 离港safety / sect belt 安全带 land 着陆flight 航班 change money兑换钱币 exchange rate 兑换率exchange current兑换钱币small change零钱



live on campus 住校live off campus 住校外vacant空的(empty)sign alease租约deposit押金for sale 可销售的房子for rent / lease 可出租的房子 lease 租约

location 位置 suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心

condition 住房条件furnished 配家具 unfurnished 无装修

leaking 漏水 environment 环境landlord 房东 land lady 房东太太

roommate 室友 spacious宽敞的好的室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的7.医院场景

mental hospital精神病院 head nurse护士长

see a doctor 去医院看医生send for a doctor 让医生出诊discharge from hospital出院(be released from hospital)

health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生dentist 牙医

make an appointment 预约 emergency 急诊 ambulance救护车 check up / exam 检查diagnose 诊断

catch a cold感冒suffer from/have influenza(flu)流感headache 头痛sore throat嗓子痛 dizzy头晕cough咳嗽 rash红疹bleed流血 allergic to sth对…过敏(allergy)bruise瘀伤,青肿

fever发烧toothache牙疼stomachache 胃疼pass out晕倒itching痒pick up infection受到感染 surgery手术 prescribe 开药方prescription药方 pill / tablet 药片 painkiller止痛片aspirin阿司匹林


make a reservation 预订房间 confirm a reservation 确认预订book a room

cancel a reservation 取消预订fully booked / full up / full 客满

porter 行旅员 tips 小费 reception 前台 check in 登记入住check outreceptionist

single room 单人房double room 一张大床的双人房 make beds整理床铺

twin room 两张单人床的双人房 suite 套房bathroom toilet / w.c closet restroom 厕所


post / send / mail 寄 letter / mail 信express mail快件parcel包裹(package)

registered mail 挂号信 regular mail平信address

airmail 航空信 airmail rate overweight 超重postage 邮资dimension尺寸seal密封 collect parcel收取包裹email 电子邮件 reply 回复 forward 转发insured parcel保价包裹

cc(carbon copy)抄送bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送

subject 主题 attach 附件attachment


eat out 出去吃 take away 外带 fast food 快餐

book a table 订位子waiter / waitress 服务员waitress

menu 菜单 order 点菜 appetizer 开胃菜 main course 主食

dessert 餐后甜点 bill 账单 service charge 服务费 change 找零

tips 小费 keep the change 不用找零了 non-smoking section 无烟区 parking lot停车场 parking meter 停车计时器


购物:refund 退款, replacement 替代品, receipt 收据, salon沙龙, appointment预约, purchase购买, credit抵用券, brand牌子, fit合身, match, suitable, fashion时尚, , promotion促销, make a complaint 投诉, consumer 消费者, goodwill商誉,信誉, exchange, label, price tag, on clearance 清仓促销, on sale促销, stylish新式的,时髦的waist腰围,shrink缩水, stained玷污的,染色的(stain污点),cracked破裂的;开裂的,(crack裂口,裂缝)chipped 有缺口的, chip缺口, torn撕毁了的,撕碎了的晚会opening ceremony, house-warming party, throw a party for sb

家电维修:manual说明书;fix up, repair, invest a new model(buy a new model), have sth fixed,kitchen garden菜园

courageous, terribly depressed, upset, tough, selfish,unbearable, thrilled

12. 医疗健康(健身)

physical training体格锻炼;体育锻炼, weightlifting 举重, overweight 超重 obese 肥胖的 be/ go on a diet节食 lose

weight减肥 gain weight增重 pass out晕倒diet pills减肥药丸 low-fat低脂 contact lenses隐形眼镜 laser eye surgery 激光手术vision(eyesight)视力 write a prescription开处方 eyestrain眼睛疲劳 eyeball眼球


air pollutionwear a face maskexhaust smokeglobal warminggreenhouse effect



You bet!

I bet …..I wouldn’t miss it for the world.无论如何我也决不错过

What on earth do…………..?You’re telling me!

You can count on me.how come……….?




校园: department, school, law school, research paper, term paper, reading list, reading report, lecture, undergraduate, graduate, post graduate, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, course, credit, tuition, scholarship, cafeteria 公司: interview, post, position, apply for, resume, working experience bank: deposit, draw, interest, check, bankbook, open an account, exchange, money exchange, rate of exchange, currency, deposit savings 邮局: letter, stamp, envelope, postage, ordinary mail, express mail, zip code, money order, package, parcel, registered letter, airmail, mail a letter 火车站: platform, waiting-room, inquiry office, baggage office, ticket office, one-way ticket, return ticket 机场: plane, waiting lounge, information office, duty-free shop, boarding pass/ticket, first class, business class, economy class, air ticket, airfare, direct flight, non-stop flight, stopover, domestic flight, international flight, flight No.280, air hostess, No Smoking sign, seatbelt, take off, land, gate number, departure, arrival,coach, go through the customs 餐厅: menu, waiter, waitress, main dish, appetizer, dessert, the first course, ready to order, a table for four, underdone, well-done, half-done, over-done, tender, have the bill, reserve a table, beef, mutton, pork, steak, chicken, salad, cabbage, potato, tomato, knife, fork, spoon, tray, sea food, hamburger, drinks, apple pie 旅馆: single room with bath, double room, suite, presidential suite, lobby, check in, check out, room number, receptionist, make a reservation 图书馆: borrow a book, return a book, overdue, renew, catalog, fine, librarian, back issue, current issue, reference book, magazine, journal, bookshelf 医院: prescribe some medicines, run a fever, have a running nose, nose congestion, take the temperature, scratchy throat, sore throat, cough, pills, tablets, headache, stomach, dizzy, flu, catch a cold, worn out
























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