
时间:2019-05-13 02:53:02下载本文作者:会员上传



26.My best friend Tom is ______ honest boy.You can believe him.A aB anC theD /

27.My little brother gets up at 6 o’clock, then he cleans ______ own bedroom.A hisB heC himD himself

28.At ten he went back to the hotel trying to prepare ______ the next day’s meetings.A atB ofC fromD for

29.Making real cards is _____ than making e-cards.A interestingB more interestingC the most interestingD much interesting

30.When you are learning English, you should use it, _____ you will lose it.A butB orC thenD and

31.–Will you please stay here for another week?

-Sorry, I _____.I’ll have to go to an important meeting.A mustn’tB needn’tC can’tD won’t

32.Jack is _____ to make money to support his parents.A old enoughB enough oldC young enoughD enough young

33.Which of the following word matches the sound /fi:l/?

A failB feelC fillD fair

34.There’s no difference between the two words.I don’t know _____ to choose.A howB whatC whichD where

35.Twenty people were killed after the typhoon “Feite” _____ the area.A tool placeB cameC hitD happened

36.Surfing the Net is already _____ small children.They learn many things on the Net.A famous forB familiar toC busy withD interested in

37._____ sad news it is!We must try our best to help the workers out of danger.A What aB WhatC How aD How

38.Parents, attention please!It’s very crowded here._____ your kids.A Look atB Look forC Look upD Look after

39.I will call you as soon as I _____ the tickets for the football match.A will getB gotC am gettingD get

40.Mike wasn’t at home yesterday.He _____ to help with Jenny’s English.A was askedB askedC is askingD is asked

41.By the end of 2010, China _____ a number of great international events such as the Olympic Games, the World Expo and the Asia Games.A have heldB heldC had heldD will hold

42.“______ exercise every day, my child.It’s good for your health.” Father said.A TakingB To takeC TakeD Takes

43.I don’t know ________.A where can we buy the ticketsB how much it costs to fly to Hainan

C what is he waiting forD why was he late for school this mirning

44.– How was your visit to Tibet?

-_______.The scenery is amazing!

A It was wonderfulB It was hard to sayC I didn’t enjoy itD It was unpleasant

45.–I’ll be away on holiday.Would you mind looking after my cat?

-Not at all.___________.A I have no timeB I’d rather notC You can leaveD I’d be happy to选词

university in it.A university town is ___46___ where there is no clear separation between the university buildings and the rest of the city.The ___47___ of Cambridge has its shops, market place and so on, but most of it is university--colleges, faculties, libraries, clubs and other places for university staff and students.The town was there first.Cambridge became a center of learning in the thirteenth century.Many students were too poor to ___48___ lodgings(住所).Colleges were opened ___49___ students could live cheaply.This was the beginning of the present college system.live in college for the whole of their course; the number is too great.Many of them live in

lodgings ___50___ and move into college for their final year.But every student is a member of his college from the beginning.He must eat a number of meals in the college dining hall each week.Students are not ___51___ to keep cars in Cambridge, so nearly all of them use bicycles.Do not try to ___52___ through Cambridge during the five minutes between lectures, as you will find crowds of people on bicycles hurrying in all ___53__.If you are in Cambridge any morning at five minutes to the hour(the time lectures start),you know you are in a university town.Stop in some safe place and wait.词转

54.Tom is so _____ that his mother isn’t satisfied with him.(care)

55.Mr.Black lives on the _____ floor in that building.(five)

56.Hainan Island attracts large numbers of _____ each year.(visit)

57.Doctors did their best to _____ the sick boy.(safe)

58.Do you remember getting some _____ for her last week?(medical)

59.I’d like two seats on today’s northwest ______ to Paris, please.(fly)

60.Our living room is twice the _____ of the kitchen.(long)

61.We turned all the lights off so as not to waste ______.(electric)


62.The policeman made the young man move his car.(改否定)

The policeman ______ ______ the young man move his car.63.My aunt seldom goes to the restaurant with her husband.(改为反义疑问句)

My aunt seldom goes to the restaurant with her husband, _______ _ _______?

64.The new cinema is only five minutes’ walk from my flat.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ is the new cinema from your flat?

65.We can’t work out the difficult Maths problem if you don’thelp us.(同义句)

We can’t work out the difficult Maths problem ______ your _____.66.Are there any new markets in Asia? The sales manager wants to know.(合并为一句)The sales manager wants to know _____ there _____ any new markets in Asia.67.CCTV has held a charity show to raise money for the people in the disaster.(改被动)

A charity show has _____ _____ to raise money for the people in the disaster.68.got, year, my, first, three, computer, family, our, ago(连词成句)



Clothing is a language.It tells us about individual people: their personality, their age, their place in society and so on.If we want to know more about society, we can look at traditional clothing.The continent of Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress.You often find three colours — red, gold and green in the clothing.The first color stands for the blood of millions of people who suffered as slaves(奴隶);the second is for the rich resources of the African earth;and the third represents the grasslands of home.The patterns on the clothing also have a meaning.A common pattern is in the form of a cross “×”, which stands for “unity”.Another pattern is a rectangular(长方形的)box, which represents “strength”.Because clothing has a strong social meaning, people are very careful in choosing what to wear.It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothing, or to wear clothes in the wrong way.For instance, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband(腰带)differently according to the importance of the social event.Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life.African designs are famous for loose(宽松的)clothing.The climate, with the hot sun and wide temperature ranges(变化), requires that the clothes are comfortable for daily life.Although many people wear western clothes, particularly in the big cities in Africa,traditional dress is very highly valued(评价).This is because it has deep cultural meanings.69.Clothing tells us everything except their ______.A ageB place in societyC personalityD weight

70.According to the passage, red ______.Arepresents the setting sunB stands for African unity

C is chosen because it is a bright colorD is a reminder(暗示)of the sad history in Africa

71.______ stands for wealth.A GreenB GoldC YellowD Black

72.Traditional dress should also be practical(实用)because ________.A it has deep cultural meaningsB people wear it in the big cities

C it needs to protect people from the climateD it needs to keep people dry in the rainy season

73.According to the passage, which sentence is NOT RIGHT? ________

A African dress has deep cultural meanings.B Africa has a long history and a rich culture.C The rectangular box in the pattern represents “strength”.D People in the big cities in Africa prefer to wear western clothes.74.The passage is mainly about ______ in Afraic.A the history of clothesB modern fashion styles

C the meanings of traditional dressD the materials used in traditional dress


Mrs.Miller raised a lot of ducks in the lake behind her home.She took good care of them every day.Each duck ___75___ an egg every day.She sold them to the market to earn money and then buy some medicine for her mother.Once a young man called Jack went to the village.He wanted to fish in the lake.He tried his horse to a big tree and sat on a rock.All the morning he fished ___76___.He became angry and thought the ducks frightened the fish away.He brought out a gun and shot one.___77___ were so frightened that they swam away quickly.Mrs.Miller heard it and hurried to the __78___.She saw the dead duck on the water and understood all at once.She knew the young man, whose father was the head of the police station in the town.The young man didn’t mind and went on fishing.“Look ___79__ you’ve done!” said Mrs.Miller.“What’s the matter?” asked the young man.“I had twenty ducks and only one could dance when it heard music,” said Mrs.Miller.“The king likes all kinds of rare(稀有的)animals, you know.So I’ll tell him about it next week.I’m sure he’ll tell me to send the duck to him.Now I have to tell him that you’ve ___80__ it!”

The young man was afraid of the king would learn about it.He asked Mrs.Miller to keep the secret for him and paid off her a lot of money.75.A layB laidC liedD lain

76.A somethingB anythingC nothingD everything

77.A The otherB OtherC AnotherD The others

78.A lakeB villageC marketD police station

79.A whichB whyC whenD what

80.A eatenB takenC killedD made


How many of you drink Cola? Nearly everybody.Did you know that cola started out not as a soft drink b___81__ as a cure(疗法)for headache back in the late 1800's? John S.Pamberton, a drugist(药剂师)from Atlanta, had experimented for many months trying to find a cure for the c___82___ headache.He worked in his back yard, mixing and heating different combinations of oils and flavors(香料)until he found one that seems promising.Pamberton bottled the mixture and began s___83___ it in drugstores as a concentrated syrup(糖浆)that the customer had to mix with water before drinking.The invention of Cola came about quite by accident.One day, a p___84___ came into a drugstore complaining of a headache and asked for a bottle of cola syrup.He wanted to take it right away.So he asked a shop assistant to mix the medicine while he waited.The shop assistant, i___85__ of walking to the other end of the store to get water, suggested mixing the syrup with soda water(苏打水).The patient agreed, and after drinking it, he explained how good it tasted.Then the shop assistant started selling the mixture and it became p___86___.Today this kind of Cola is sold in most countries around the world.And a __87____ it is no longer the medicine to kill headache, it can still make people feel comfortable and full of energy.







(一)默写(15分)1.荡胸生层云。(《望岳》)2.,病树前头万木春。(《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》 3.昨夜雨疏风骤。(《如梦令》 4.关河梦断何处?。(《诉衷情》)5.,止增笑耳。(《狼》







爱 莲 说



8.上文作者是(朝代)的(人名)。(2 分)9.用现代汉语翻译下面的句子,注意加点词的含义。(3分)








A 不要馋不要寒冷就足够了,何必要有所图谋吃好的穿好的呢? B不谗不寒就足够了,何必贪图要吃好的穿好的呢? C不值得不谗和不寒,何必贪图吃好的穿好的呢?

D不值得不谗和不寒,何必要有所图谋吃好的穿好的呢? 13.作者认为若要“子子孙孙常享温饱”,就必须“”。(2分)14.作者的写作目的是勉谕儿辈。(3分)





2但是,对载人航天来说,对太空环境仅有理论上的分析是远远不够的,人类不能贸然○进入这个完全陌生的环境,将动物送入高空和轨道进行飞行试验是必由之路。.........31946年12月和1947年1月,移居美国的布劳恩两次用V-2火箭将孢子和果蝇等生 ○物送入180千米的高空。1948年6月又将一只叫阿尔伯特的恒河猴送到60千米高空。





15.第○2段中“这个完全陌生的环境”指的是 ,人类不敢贸然进入这个环境的原因是 和。(3分)

16.第○8段主要运用了 和 的说明方法,作用是(4分)

















过去的时光难忘怀、难忘怀 妈妈曾给我多少吻、多少吻

吻干我脸上的泪花 温暖我那幼小的心 妈妈的吻、甜蜜的吻 ……



11“因为——雨欣落泪了啊,雨欣的泪水就是天使的眼泪,待会,天使把眼泪带走了,也○就带走了雨欣的痛苦啊。”老师继续说道:“大家还不知道吧,天使很忙,每天,因为很多孩子遭受不幸而到处奔波。我们不能让天使太累了,也不能让天使停顿得太久,因为天使停顿太久会耽误它去安慰下一个不幸的孩子。” 12“啊!多么神奇的天使。○”孩子们啧啧称叹。









































17.(3分)不能。(1分)“据不完全统计”说明了“在加加林上天以前,苏联共进行 31次高空动物飞行实验和7次动物轨道飞行试验”这个统计数据可能并不是最完整准确的。删去后与客观事实不符,它体现说明文语言的准确性。(2分)


(二)(21分)20.(2分)寡 21.(6分)肖像(1分)动作(1分)具体、生动地写出了雨欣当时的紧张无助的心情,(2分)引出下文老师为她准备小诗、鼓励她朗诵的情节(2分)

22.(3分)不能因为我的哭泣耽误了天使去爱其他的孩子 23.(6分)












(1)1.John F.Kennedy was elected _____President of the United States when he was in ____forties.A.the, the.B./,his.C.a,the.D./,the.2.---What do you think of the film?----Oh, I’ve never seen ______.A.the better one.B.a better one.C.the best one.D.a best one.3.If people ______ cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _______.A.keep;to live in.B.will keep;to live in.C.keep;to live.D.will keep;to live 4 ―She’s not a dancing teacher, is she?’―_______‖A.Yes, and she isn’t.B.Yes, but she was.C.No, but she isn’t.D.No, but she was.5.The tie doesn’t _____ this suit while the coat _____ you well.A.go with,suit.B.go with,fits.C.fits,go with.D.fit,suits.6.----I’ve got to go now.----Must you? I _____ you could stay for dinner with us.A.think.B.thought.C.have thought.D.am thinking.7.Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______ with his old one.A.comparing.B.compares.C.to compare.D.compared.8.The teachers are doing what they _______ their stuaits.A.can to teach.B.can teach.C can teaching.D.can to teaching.9.Liaocheng, Shangdong Pro.Is a beautiful city, ______ 11 pay a three-day visit.A.which.B.where.C.to which.D.in which.10.---They all agree _____George.Has the project been passed?---Who ____ George can make the final decision?A.except.;expect.B.except;besides.C.but;but.D.besides;but.11._____ at the news that I didn’t know what to say to comfort her.A.So sad she looked.B.So sad did she look.C.So sadly she looked.D.So sadly did she look 12.Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _____ the shocking end.A.give away.B.give out.C.give up.D.give off.13.she is quite a different ______ she was five years ago.A.from.B.to.C.than.D.with.14.I still remember _____ to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.A.to take.B.being taken.C.to be taken.D.taking 15.---Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.---_______.A.I’d love to.B.I’m with you on that.C.It’s up to you.D.It’s my pleasure.II.完形填空:(20分)People do not analyze(分析)every problem that they meet.Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a problem.They often accept the opinions or ideas trial(试验)and , when all of these the person with a the person must recoginze that there is a problem.For example, Sam’s bicycle is that there is a problem with his bicycle.Next the person the problem.Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must Now the person must look for刹车suggestions for a possible solution.使。。松)the brakes;comes the thinker suddenly sees something in Sam, for hits on the has solved the problem.()16.A.serious.B.usual.C.similar.D.common.()17.A.knowing.B.thinking.C.understanding.D.help.()18.A.Besides.B.Instead.C.Otherwise.D.However.()19.A.fail.B.work.C.change.D.succeed.()20.A.First.B.Usual.C.In generl.D.Most importantly()21.A.explain.B.prove.C.show.D.see.()22.A.judge.B.find.C.describe.D.face.()23.A.check.B.determine.C.correct.D.recover.()24.A.possible.B.exact.C.real.D.special.()25.A.hope.B.argues.C.decides.D.suggests.()26.A.In other words.B.Once in a while.C.First of all.D.At this time.()27.A.look forB.talk to.C.agree with.D.depend on.()28.A.discussing.B.settling down.C.comparing with.D.studying.()29.A.extra.B.enough.C.several.D.countless.()30.A.Take.B.Give.C.Bring.D.Set.()31.A.suggestion.B.conclusion.C.decision.D.discovery.()32.A.unexpectedly.B.late.C.clearly.D.often.()33.A.simple.B.different.C.quick.D.sudden.()34.A.luckily.B.easily.C.clearly.D.at once.()35.A.clean.B.tighten.C.loosen.D.remove.IV.短文填空:(10分)

Many people think the more time is s________(51), the more work will be done.So students have to spend the whole day doing school work e_________(52)the three meals.They always work b________(53)at school and at home.Modern students usually have many h________(54).They love music and sports.They like

reading and watching TV.But a two-day weekend is often f_________(55)with too much homework.What can they do? Many students have to do their homework all day.Some of them don’t do their homework u________(56)Sunday night.So they have to finish much homework carelessly in a short time and the homework often m_________(57)teachers very angry.Things always get w________(58)without right ideas.Too much homework makes

students l_________(59)interest in learning.It’s also bad for their health.Such a condition should be changed to give students both pleasure and k_________(60).Please give students more free time.V短文改错:(10分)

After five years away in my hometown, I find that the neighborhood which I used to living in has changed a lot.The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop across the street from our middle school were gone There exist now a park that has a small river runningthrough.The factory at the corner of Friendship Street andZhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and sports center has been built in their place.The market at the corner ofFriendship Street and XinHua Road has been given way toa supermaket.Besides the bookstore next to our middleschool is still there.VI 书面表达:(15分)



1. 为何倾听:表示尊重,增进理解;

2. 谁来倾听:家长倾听孩子(理解孩子,消除代沟);老师倾听学生(了解学生);同学


3. 怎样倾听请联系自己定内容,列举两三点。

参考词汇:respect, generation gap, understanding.Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is ―Being a good listener.‖



__________________ Thank you for listening!


1.He is a man of ______ and had ______ interesting _____ in his life.A.much experience;a lot of;experiences B.many experiences;much;experience C.much experience;much;experience D.many experiences;a lot of;experience 2.As his English is ____, he could not make himself ______.A.so poor;understanding B.excellent;understood C.too poor;understood D.very bad;understand 3.We all made Mr.Huang ______ head of our team.A.theB.aC.oneD.不填 4.---There are not any other hotels in our city.---Well then, this one will _________.A.liveB.makeC.stayD.do 5.----I forgot to put the milk in the fridge.-----Oh, my god!It must have gone______.A.dirtyB.badlyC.deliciousD.bad 6.If there were no examinations, we should have _______ at school.A.much happiest timeB.a more happier timeC.a much happier time D.the happiest time 7.The boy wanted to ride in the street, but his mother told him _______.A.not toB.not to doC.not do itD.do not to 8.-----Is _______here?----No,Bob and Mary have asked for leave.A.anybodyB.everybodyC.somebodyD.nobody 9.Can you tell me ________ ? A.who is that gentlemanB.that gentleman is who C.who that gentleman isD.whom is that gentleman 10.---How many of the books have you read ?---___ at all.A.NotB.NoC.No oneD.None 11.It’ll be four weeks _________we meet each other again.A.as soon asB.sinceC.beforeD.while 12.The government has ________ a children hospital in our hometown.A.put upB.set upC.built upD.founded 13.---Will you stay for lunch ?---Sorry, _______.My brother is coming to see me.A.I mustn’tB.I can’tC.I needn’tD.I won’t 14.---Sorry, I forgot to post the letter for you.---Never mind, _____ it myself this afternoon.A.I’m going to postB.I’d better to postC.I’ll postD.I’d rather post 15.Mr.Smith _____ the novel“Harry Porter” last week but I don’t know whether he has finished it.A.readB.was readingC.had readD.has read


Suppose you are going to Boston, and youthe city before.If someoneyou about the interesting places in the city, you you don’t have a idea of where these places are or of how to fond them However, has a map of the city and shows you the main roads and buildings.you may say, ― Oh, now I.I can find my way with trouble at all.‖and you havethem, but you can’t see anymathsyou find way.Explore what goes on in maths, andworked out.16.A.are going to visitB.once visitedC.have never visitedD.have ever visited 17.A.answersB.showsC.meetsD.tells 18.A.beginB.likeC.learnD.keep 19.A.cleverB.clearC.strangeD.wrong 20.A.ifB.thoughC.whetherD.since 21.A.thinkB.believeC.seeD.remember 22.A.notB.noC.someD.much

23.A.ofB.toC.outD.around 24.A.in answersB.in problemsC.in questionsD.in the city 25.A.thingsB.answersC.knowledgeD.news 26.A.thought overB.heard aboutC.written downD.talked with 27.A.withB.forC.ofD.to 28.A.helpB.to helpC.helpsD.helping 29.A.walk upB.take your placeC.try your bestD.look up 30.A.―road or map‖B.―map and road‖C.―map road‖D.― road map‖(3)1.I knewJohn Lennon, but not famous one.A./, aB.a, theC./, theD.the, a2.There are only twoA.woman, shoeB.women, shoeC.woman, shoes’D.women, shoes;3.– She looks very young.–A.teenB.nineteenC.teensD.twentieth 4.If there were no examinations, we should haveat school.A.the happiest timeB.a more happier time C.much happiest time D.a much happier time 5.There arechairs in the living-room.A.dark three very comfortable blueB.three very blue comfortable darkC.three very comfortable dark blueD.very comfortable three dark blue 6.More than one person to attend the important meeting.A.has invitedB.has been invitedC.have invitedD.have been invited 7.Jenny hopes that Mr.Smith will suggest a good way to have her written Englishin a short period.A.improvedB.improvingC.to improve8.We’A.onC.ofD.in 9.Not only________ interested in football but_________ beginning to show an interest in it.A.the teacher himself is, all his students areB.the teacher himself is, are all his studentsC.is the teacher himself, are all his studentsD.is the teacher himself, all his students are 10.–How did you find the film?-_____________.A.I hope so.B.WonderfulC.We were late for it.D.Just in time.11.She can’t help _______the house because she’s busy making a cake.A.to cleanB.cleaningC.cleanedD.being cleaned 12.–-I heard the phone ringing in the flat above yours.–-You _______their phone ringing.They haven’t got a phone yet.A.Wouldn’t hearB.wouldn’t have heard.C.didn’t hearD.couldn’t have heard 13.He made another window _______more fresh air.A.getB.gettingC.to getD.be getting 14.– He is a brave man.–Yes, I wish I _______his courage.A.haveB.hadC.will haveD.can have 15.–Alice, you feed the bird today, _______? – But I fed it yesterday.A.do youB.don’t youC.didn’t youD.will you 16.-What do you mean ___saying ―The boy is overgrowing‖?-I mean that he is tall ___his age.A.by, forB.as to forC.about , withD.by ,to17.The country life he was used to _______greatly since 1992.A.changeB.has changedC.changingD.have changed 18.He doesn’t come back.Can you guess_______?A.what’s the troubleB.how’s the trouble C.what the trouble isD.how the trouble is 19.–Will you go to her birthday party?-No, _______invited to.A.ifB.whenC.even thoughD.until 20.They can’t be quarreling now, ______ they?A.canB.mayC.are D.will


with aAs I entered, I found a very old woman bent

was so badly bent by some sadness that her facethe table top.I sat down away.life? Why does God let people live so long past their youth?"As I thought another aged lady entered the shop and sat down with her.Soon the two of them were childhood days.They talked of how little the shop had changed in 70with laughter.watching a picture of myself.I was a dirty shirt.She was well dressed in white, her worried about getting old.She was old, her.As I left the shop , I my foolish question about God letting people live past(敏感)to life than I was.Age hadher spirit.21.A.warm upB.cool offC.freeze myselfD.enjoy myself 22.A.oldB.modernC.prettyD.ugly 23.A underB.belowC.overD.above 24.A headB chestC neckD back 25.A connectedB touchedC hitD joined 26.A tablesB milesC kilometersD inches 27.A forB offC away fromD out of 28.A speakingB talking aboutC discussingD debating 29.A sadlyB happilyC upD again 30.A newspaperB windowC mirrorD TV 31.A dressingB wearingC putting onD having on 32.A handB neckC armD head 33.A happyB surprisedC poorD sad 34.A periodsB piecesC pointsD masses35.A unhappyB oldC wonderfulD fresh 36.A sharingB spendingC killingD sparing 37.A reallyB mostlyC publiclyD secretly 38.A pleasingB hurtingC leavingD punishing 39.A realizedB wonderedC gave upD thought of 40.A.changedB.bentC.raisedD.taken 阅读下面短文,England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west i__________(56)is only about three hundred miles a________(57).But for a small country it has a surprising range of climates.People who have n__________(58)visited England, or who have visited only one part of it, often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country.E__________(59)for the summer months of June to September, this is probably true of the north of England and Midlands.In the south, however, the climate is much pleasant.One result is that when people retire from a job in the south they often prefer to m__________(60)down to the milder(温暖一些的)south.Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the southwest, which consists of the countries of Devon and Cornwall.The w__________(61)Gulf Stream flows across the North Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and makes the coastal regions of the southwest quite warm.Palm trees, bamboo and many plants grow w__________(62)in the southwest of England.Flowers and vegetables ripen(成熟)as much as a month earlier than t________(63)elsewhere.Farmers in the area obtain(得到)a higher price for their vegetables and flowers because they are ready earlier.In winter there may b__________(64)several feet of snow in other parts of England but there will probably be no snow at all in the southwest.This may be w__________(65)the southwest is one of England's most popular holiday areas.五、短文改错:10%

Money is used to buy which people need.Most of the money today is made frommetal or paper.But people used to using all kinds of things like money.In China cloth and silvers were used.The first metal coin were made in China.They were round and have a hole in the center.Late the Chinese thought of ways to improvemoney.They began to use paper money.Money has a interesting history from the days of shell money till today.六、词汇:5%

76.She didn’t want to talk so she p_________ asleep.77.Miss Li is a teacher of rich e_______ , who is well received by her students.78.Who do you think is the best d_______ in China, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige or Feng Xiaogang?79.The film r __________ him of what he had seen in China.80.They came here two hours earlier than e_________.(1)I:选择题:1-5 B B C D B6-10 B D A C C11-15 B A C B B II完形填空:16-20 C B D A A21-25 D B B A C26-30 D B D C A31-35 A A B D A IV 短文填空:51 spent 52 except 53 both 54 hobbies 55 filled 56 until 57 makes 58 worse59 lose60 knowledge V 短文改错:61 in—from62 living-live63 older-old64 were-are65 excist—excists66 /67 sports 前加a68 their—its69 去掉been70 Besides—But VI书面表达:(参考)Good afternoon, everyone!The top of my speech today is ―Being a good listener.‖ Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding and improve interpersonal relationship Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap.Teachers should listen more to their students, ans place themselves in a good relationship with their students.Students ahould listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed.What I want to stress is that we should listen attentively to each other.Show your respect and never stop others while they are talking.Show your interest in their talk with a smile.In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.(2)1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A.9.B 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.A.20.B 21.C 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.D 29.B 30.A








56.it57.across 58.never59.Except60.move










小学英语(单考)1 答题卡




(honest boy.All of us like him.A.aB.anC.oneD.the

()2.-----Whose ruler is it?

-----Maybe it’s.A.YongxianB.Yongxian’sC.YongxiansD.Yongxians’(A.five, secondB.fifth, twoC.fifth , secondD.five, two

()4.WhereA.is;comeB.does;comeC.does;fromD.is;from()5.Is there.A.something interestingB.interesting something

C.anything interestingD.interesting anything()6.I saw herthe afternoon of May 8th 2014.A.inB.onC.atD.with()7 your sister playing football?

A.Do , likeB.Does, likeC.Is, likeD.Does, likes

()8.There badminton match tomorrow.A.is going to haveB.is going to be

C.will haveD.ishave

(A.are, doingB.do, doC.is , doD.are, do

(the pupils' exercise from 8 : 00 to 12 :00 last night.A.marksB.is going to markC.markedD.mark()11.----Must we hand in the exercise now?A.No, you don’t.B.No, you aren’t.C.No, you needn’t.D.No, you can’t(making toys.A.inB.onC.atD.with

()13.There some water in the bottle.A.areB.amC.beD.is

()14.My father doesn’t like hamburgers.My mother doesn't like them.A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.to

(that animals.A.atB.toC.ofD.with

(is a teacher.A.the otherB.otherC.anotherD.others


(to us.A.friendB.friendlyC.friendsD.friendship

(A.manyB.a lotC.fewD.much()20.----May I speak to Leo?

A.Yes, I amB.speakingC.Yes, say pleaseD.Yea, you can



2.We needn’t help Tom.He can do it by hup with us, I’m sure.4.Mikeis myuHe’s my father’s brother

5.Ken's school is near his home.B)根据句意和中文提示,写出句子所缺单词。(10分)up at 6:30 every day..tmy school.

b(出生)in Guangdong.


1.Mike studies 2.He ________(watch)TV and__________(read)an interesting book last Sunday.3.If it ________(rain)tomorrow, I ________(not go)to the zoo.____(city)in China.四、按要求改写句子(10分)

1.The news is exciting.(改成感叹句)

______________ ______________ the news is!对划线部分提问)

__________to school!3.We ate some delicious food last night.(改为一般疑问句)

___________ you_________delicious food last night?4.The new classroom is very bright.(改为反意疑问句)

The new classroom is very bright._________________?


Mary is from the US.She’s now in Beijing she came to China.So she tries to learn and speak it.She oftenChinese with her classmates.But they don’t

It’s a Friday afternoon.Mary wants her classmates understand her.She’s very worried.Then she has an idea.She takes out her pen piece of paper.She drawsa panda, and a giraffe on it.Her classmatesthe picture.They know Mary wants to go to the zoo.So they tell()1.A.toB.byC.withD.for()2.A.speakingB.speaksC.spokeD.speak()3.A.ifB.becauseC.soD.after()4.A.to goB.goC.goesD.going()5.A.whenB.whyC.whereD.how()6.A.didn’tB.weren’tC.aren’tD.don’t()7.A.butB.orC.andD.nor()8.A.aB.anC.theD./()9.A.atB.upC.forD.in()10.A.meB.himC.youD.her



John likes chocolates very much, but his mother doesn’t give him any.His mother thinks chocolates are bad for his teeth.But John has a very nice grandfather.The old man loves his grandson very much and sometimes he buys John some chocolates.Then his mother lets him eat them, because she wants to make the old man happy.One Sunday evening, it is John’s seventh birthday.He says “Please, God, make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.” His mother says, “God can’t hear you.Don’t shout.”

“I know,” says the clever boy with a smile.“But grandfather is in the next room, and he can hear me.”()1.John likes _______ very much.A.reading booksB.his fatherC.his motherD.chocolates()2.Why doesn’t John’s mother give him any chocolates?A.Because chocolates are bad for his teeth.B.Because she doesn’t like him.C.Because chocolates are good for his teeth.D.Because his grandfather doesn’t let him eat any.()3.What day is John’s seventh birthday?

A.Monday.B.Tuesday.C.Saturday.D.Sunday.()4.Who will probably(可能)give John chocolates at last?

A.His grandfather.B.His mother.C.God.D.No one.()5.What do you think of John?

A.He’s very bad.B.He’s very good.C.He’s very foolish.D.He’s very clever.(B)

To be safe in your daily life, you need to know many things.Here are some of them.Always be careful about what’s around you.You shouldn’t walk alone(独自)outside at night.Make sure where the police stations are.If anything dangerous happens, you can find them easily.Carry your bag in the front of your body;do not put it on your back.When a bus is full of people, it is easy for other people to take away the things in the bag on your back.If someone is after you and you don’t know him or her, go across the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he or she is after you.Next, don’t go home right now.You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift(电梯).If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop just a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves.This stops other people from following you.On the bus, don’t sit alone.Sit behind the driver or with other people.Don’t sleep.()6.What should you know if you have to walk alone at night ?

A.Where the police station is.B.Where the nearest house is.C.Who is dangerousD.What dangerous there is.()7.Where should you put your bag on a crowded bus ?

A.Behind the driverB.On my backC.In front of my bodyD.On a seat()8.Which is safer when someone is after you on your way home ?

A.Going into a lift.B.Going home

C.Telling the person you know him/her.D.Staying in the street.()9.Where should you sit if you take a bus to a place far away ?

A.Behind the driver.B.Away from other people.C.far from the driverD.Close to the door.()10.Why does the writer write this passage?

A.To help us find dangerous people.B.To tell us how to be safe in our daily life.C.To stop people from doing bad thingsD.To show it’s dangerous outside.七、作文(10分)



小学英语(单考)1 答案








1.gets.2.intime.3.closeto4.wasborn.5.three times day C)根据括号内的词提示,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1.harder2.watchedread3.rainswon’t go4.are sing;dancing 5.cities6.fifth7.dug


1.How exciting2.How does go3.Did eat any4.isn’t is






I like summer.It is my favourite season.In summer the trees are green and the flowers are beautiful.In summer I can have outdoor sports.I can swim in the river or swimming pool.I can play ball games on the playground.In summer I can travel and go sightseeing.I can climb mountains, too.In summer I can do a lot

of things to enjoy myself.












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