
时间:2019-05-13 03:56:30下载本文作者:会员上传








I am writing to you to complain about…

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with/at…

I beg to call your attention to the fact that…

I wish to refer you to an incident which occurred…, calling for some remedial action.I very much regret to have to inform you that…

I am totally/completely disappointed/upset to find…

I find it awful/quite distressing that…

My experience in…on…(date)shocked me.I can hardly put up with it.There are some problems with the … that I wish to bring to attention.For one thing, there is…, For another, …..I can hardly stand/bear/tolerate/put up with it any more.To improve the situation/solve the above problem, it is advisable for you to take the following measures:…

I look forward to a day when we could really enjoy a more efficient service.I hope that the above situation will be improved as soon as possible.If it is not properly settled, I would ask you to give my money back, or I would complain to the Consumer’s Association.I request you to be kind enough to solve the problem as soon as possible.2、咨询信、请求信、说明信





I would like to inquire about some information concerning/regarding…I am writing in the hope that you can…

I am writing because I would like to…

Needless to say, your approval of my request will be beneficial not only to myself but to the company.Could you tell me what I have to do to…

It is sincerely requested that you…

My first question is that …

Should I need to send further materials, please let me know.If additional information is required, please advise me at your early

convenience.Should I send you copies of my qualification in advance?

I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.Please render me some valuable advice which is conducive to my final decision.I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.3、道歉信





I must apologize to you for…

I am very sorry that..I regret to inform you that I will not be able to…

I am afraid what I have done has caused many inconveniences to you.I sincerely hope you understand that I offended you quite unintentionally.I believe you can understand that I have not intended to hurt you.I owe you an apology.It is my fault.I am to blame for this unpleasant thing.Please pardon/excuse/forgive me.I sincerely hope that you will kindly accept my apologies.I will try my utmost not to make such a stupid mistake again.I trust the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes.I hope you will kindly forgive my lapse of attention.I am so sorry to have put you to/into so much trouble.4、感谢信





I am grateful/thankful to you for…

I am much obliged to you for your help.I shall always appreciate the assistance you have given me.I am writing to express my thanks to you for the many kindnesses you showed me when I was in hospital.It was most thoughtful and generous of you to send me such a beautiful and fancy gift.Thoughtful considerate considerable

It’s very kind of you to help us.I hope you can know how much I appreciate your hospitality and your many kindnesses to me.But for your help, I would not..If it had not been for your timely assistance, I am afraid that..Thanks from the bottom of my heart for…

With thanks from every one of us and best wishes to you.Again, I would like to express our warm thanks to you.I shall be pleased to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises.5、邀请信





I should be much pleased if you would come to our party on Friday the 15th at 6.I am pleased to invite you to participate in …to be held from…to….in..I feel it a great honor if you could..It is my pleasure/a great honor for me to invite you to…

We would be greatly honored if you could come…

I am writing to invite you to…

I am particularly anxious to have you join us.It’s a long time since I have had the pleasure of seeing you and I do hope you can come.We hope that you can come and look forward to seeing you.I will cover all the expenses involved.6、求职信





I have read your advertisement in…for a(position/post), and should be grateful if you could consider me favorably as an applicant for the position.I wish to apply for the post mentioned in your advertisement in yesterday’s newspaper.I wish to apply for a position with your company.I myself like the job very much and I think my personality is well suited to working as a …

Honest, trust-worthy, reliable, enthusiastic, diligent, bright, smart, careful, patient, responsible, efficient, productive, versatile, open-minded, optimistic.I am confident that my experience and ability will show you that I can fulfill the particular requirement of your position.Born in…in.., I graduated from….University majoring in …..I have been

working in…since my graduation, and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field.Upon graduation, I first worked as … The following job was ….And currently I am working for…

I intend to give up my present post in order to get a more challenging opportunity.With the kind of experience I have accumulated, I would expect a salary of not less than 4,000.I shall be very much obliged if you will offer me an opportunity for an interview.I am looking forward with great interest to hearing from you soon regarding my application.7、推荐信





I am very glad to recommend you a former student of mine, Mr./Miss… to be a candidate for…

I am writing to recommend…

I have great pleasure to provide a letter for recommendation for Mr./Miss…With reference to your advertised position, I have the pleasure to say that he is the just person you are looking for.He has proved to be industrious, responsible and skillful in carrying out his assignment.Besides being thoroughly honest and reliable he showed an unusual quickness and ability in…

I hope the above information will help you to know…

If you need any further information about his qualification, please do not hesitate to contact me.If further information about him/her is required, please do not hesitate to let me know/contact me

In view of his/her previous achievements in…, I am firmly convinced that Mr./Miss.., will make a successful graduate student/staff member.I would be most grateful if you would consider my recommendation and kindly offer him a…






I am writing to tell you how highly I think of…

I am writing because I appreciate very much what Mr./Miss…from your company has done.I am greatly impressed by…

What he has done shows that…

He deserves praise for what he has done.I am greatly inspired by…

It is your good service as well as excellent food that help you set up a world reputation.For this reason, I am writing to express my heartfelt thanks and hope that your company will have a brighter future.9、祝贺信





What exciting/thrilling news!

It’s good/sensational news.I was delighted/thrilled to hear/to receive the news that …

It’s the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.I congratulate you on/upon your success.Congratulations and all good/best wishes.Please accept my heartiest congratulations on…

Permit me to congratulate you…

We want you to know how happy we were when…

It gave me a great deal of pleasure to learn…

Wish you all the happiness in the world.I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life/career.All the luck in the world to you!

Best of luck to you!





一、假如你是Helen,要写一封感谢信给Julie,对她和她的丈夫昨日请你和你丈夫吃饭表示感谢,表示要回请他们,以答谢他们的盛情款待。Dear Julie:

Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday.The food not only looked and smelled fabulous but tasted great,and my husband and I enjoyed it very much.Therefore,we would like to invite you to dinner at 7 p.m.this Friday at the Northwest Chinese restaurant to return your kindness and hospitality.Please do come.Yours,Helen





3.联系方式 Dear Sir, I am writing you this letter to show my keen interest in the post of assistant manager which you advertised in yesterday’s China Daily.I have always been a top student in my specilized area, biochemistry.I took several other courses in my spare time and excelled in all of them due to my hard work.I am sure such courses as British and American literature culture, business management and statistics will lend me an edge in the fierce competition in the job market.In addition, I have been taking an active part in a variety of campus activities, during which my teamwork spirit has been enhanced and my interpersonal skills have also improved.I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with your company.Or, if you are too busy these days, you and contact me at 4543575 for further information.Thank you for your favorable consideration.Best wishes.Yours Sincerely ,Li Ming






如:1997年7月30日,英文为:July 30,1997(最为普遍); July 30th,1997; 30th July,1997等。1997不可写成97。

3、信内地址(Inside Address):




(1)写给亲人、亲戚和关系密切的朋友时,用Dear或My dear再加上表示亲属关系的称呼或直称其名(这里指名字,不是姓氏)。例如:My dear father,Dear Tom等。

(2)写给公务上的信函用Dear Madam,Dear Sir或Gentleman(Gentlemen)。注意:Dear纯属公务上往来的客气形式。Gentlemen总是以复数形式出现,前不加Dear,是Dear Sir的复数形式。

(3)写给收信人的信,也可用头衔、职位、职称、学位等再加姓氏或姓氏和名字。例如:Dear Prof.Tim Scales, Dear Dr.John Smith。

5、正文(Body of the Letter):



6、结束语(Complimentary Close):


(1)写给家人、亲戚,用Your loving grandfather,Lovingly yours,Lovingly等;

(2)写给熟人、朋友,用Yours cordially,Yours affectionately等;

(3)写业务信函用Truly yours(Yours truly),Faithfully yours(Yours faithfully)等;

(4)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently(Obediently yours),Yours respectfully(Respectfully yours)等。








例如:Encl:2 photos(内附两张照片)。如果福建附件不止一项,应写成Encl:或Encs。



英文书信一般由六部分组成。即:信头(Heading)、信内地址(Inside Address),称呼(Salutation),正文(Body of Letter)、结束语(Complimentary Close)、署名(Signature),有时在书信后面还有附言(Postscript)、附件(Enclosure),这得视具体情况而定。下面将分别说明。1.信头(Heading)

信头是指写信人的地址和写信日期,一般写在或打在第一面信纸的右上角,先写地址再写日期,地址的写法是从小到大,先写门牌号、路号,再写区名、市名、省名,最后写国名。时间的写法对英国人和美国人而言是不同的。英国人习惯按日、月、年的顺序写,而美国人习惯按月、日、年的顺序写。例如: 英式:1st October,1999 美式:October 1,1999 在使用前一种形式时,月和年之间的逗号可用可不用,但是在后一种形式中,必需要使用逗号。信头的写法有缩进式和齐头式。缩进式每行开头向右缩进一两个字母;齐头式左边对齐排列,如下所示: 缩进式 Wang Ming Dept.of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P.R.China 齐头式 Wang Ming Dept.of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P.R.China 2.信内地址(Inside Address)

信内地址要写出收信人的姓名和地址。一般给比较生疏的亲友的信和公事信件要写出信内地址,而熟悉朋友可以省去这一步骤。信内地址写出在日期下一两行的左上角,第一行写收信人的称呼姓名,然后写出地址。地质也是从小到大写出,分缩进式和齐头式两种。例如: 缩进式 The President Oxford University England 齐头式 Jiang Bin 64Heping Road P.R.China 3.称呼(Salutation)


(1)当给一位熟悉的人写信时可以用Dear 或是My Dear。在英国,My Dear 比Dear亲切,而在美国,Dear比My Dear 亲切。(2)当给一位你不知婚否的女性写信时,可以用Ms.……,这是指“……女士”。

(3)在给不熟悉的人写信时,可以用Dear sir, Dear Madam, Dear sirs, Gentleman 等等。4正文(Body of Letter)


I have received your letter of July Ist.7月1 日来信已经收悉。I have the pleasure to tell you that …….很高兴告诉你……。

I am very much delighted to receive your letter.非常高兴收到你的来信。It is my honor to inform you that ……很荣幸告诉你……。常用的结束套话有:

I am looking forward to hearing from you 盼早日回信。

Wish best regards.祝好。

Thank you for your help 感谢你的帮助!

Wish my best wishes for your success.祝你成功。Wishing you a happy holiday.祝假日愉快!

Hoping to hear from you soon.希望能尽快收到你的回信。5结束语(Complimentary Close)

结束语在正文之后隔一两行的偏右方开始写出。开头字母用大写,以后的字母用小写,最后一个词后面用逗句。常用的结束语有: 一般非正式的关系: Yours sincerely, Yours truly, Yours faithfully, Most sincerely, Faithfully yours, 亲密的关系: Love, Yours love, Yours Affectionately, With love, Lovingly yours, Yours ever, 上级和长者: Yours respectfully, Faithfully yours, 6署名(Signature)

在结束语的下方是签名,先手写出,再打出来。如果收信人不认识写出信人,可以在署名前用括号标出Mr.、Miss或Ms。在名称下面可注上头衔。如: Yours sincerely, Lucy Blake(手写)Lucy Blake(Miss)(打印)Sales Manager 7附言(Postscript),附件(Enclosure)

在信件正文写作时可能漏掉了某些事,或临时发生了某事需要补充时,可以在信下面左下方写出上P.S.如果随信有附件可在爱左下端注明。如: Enclosure:1.Invoice(发票)




Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter of June 4, enclosing anaccount of the organization and work of your Chamberof Commerce and Industry.We are very grateful for such a detailed account ofyour activities.This information is certain to helpincrease our future cooperation.Yours faithfully


1.Dear Mr/Ms,On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your NationalDay, please accept our heartiest congratulations.May the trade connections between our countries continueto develop with each passing day!

Yours faithfully

2.Dear Mr Minister

Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotionto Minister of Trade.I am delighted that many yearsservice you have given to your country should have beenrecognized and appreciated.We wish you success in your new post and look

forwardto closer cooperation with you in the development oftrade between our two countries.Sincerely


Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations onmy appointment.I wish also to thank you for the assistance you havegiven me in my work and look forward to bettercooperation in the future.Sincerely



Dear Mr/Ms,We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at the above address.Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend.Yours faithfully2、肯定答复

Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our corporation to

participate in the 1997 International Fair.We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.Mr Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance.Yours faithfully3、否定的答复

Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 1997 Internationl Fair.As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we shall not be able to come.We hope to see you on some future occasion.Yours faithfully









7)出国留学推荐信(Recommendation Letter for Studying Abroad)

随着我国出国留学生日年增多一般,大部分学生需要在出国前让自己的老师、导师或领导写一份出国推荐信,从而可以在信中告知对方学校申请人的学历、能力、为人处世等方面的情况。如果推荐信是写给对方某某人的,开头用 Dear…,如果是写给对方单位或学校的,则开头可以用To whom it may concern, 或To Whom It May Concern,(意为:有关负责人)。以下是一封出国留学推荐信:



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