
时间:2019-05-13 03:43:34下载本文作者:会员上传



Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth’s temperature to rise.They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding.What should governments do to help prevent global warming? Give reasons for your suggestions.The earth’s temperature is rapidly changing.As a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods.Scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, which is polluting the Earth’s atmosphere.This could become a disaster if governments do not act to help prevent global warming.They can act in three ways;by supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed.Firstly, governments can support research.For example, they should encourage companies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution.They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal.As well, they should sponsor conferences to discuss the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to the problem.Copyright joozone

Secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies can emit.Private companies should be rewarded for following these laws.They should also be punished for creating pollution.Finally, everybody is affected by global warming.Therefore, it is important that governments involve individuals in the problem solving process.For example they should encourage households to save as much energy as possible by using more efficient light bulbs or less hot water.They should also encourage the public to recycle, and this should be compulsory for everyone.Another way of saving energy is by public transport systems.Governments should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as possible for the public to save energy.In summary, it is clear that there are a lot of things that governments can do to prevent global warming.They should involve companies, support scientists and encourage individuals to protect the planet.参考译文:











第一步:认真审题,明确文体形式,确定文章主题; 第二步:围绕主题,选择材料。根据提纲,构思文章内容; 第三步:按照一定的顺序开始写作(提出问题——找原因,给论据——提出措施,进行总结),注意内容的连贯性以及逻辑性。模板:

Nowadays, there are more and more(问题).It is estimated that(举例).Why have there been so many(问题)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is that(原因一).Besides,(原因二).The third reason is(原因三).To sum up, the main cause is due to(总结).It is high time that something were done upon it.For one thing,(建议一).On the other hand,(建议二).All these measures will Certainly(结论).模板范文

Nowadays, there are more and more misunderstandings between parents and children which is so-called generation gap.It is estimated that 75% of parents often complain their children’s unreasonable behavior while children usually think their parents too old-fashioned.Why have there been so many misunderstandings between parents and children? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is that the two generations have grown up at different times, thus the disagreement often rises between them.Besides, due to having little in common to talk about, they are not willing to sit face to face.The third reason is with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster, both of them can’t spare enough time to exchange ideas.To sum up, the main cause is due to lack of communication and understanding each other.It is high time that something were done upon it.For one thing,children should respect their parents.On the other hand, parents also should show solicitude for their children.All these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap.【译文】


为什么在父母和孩子之间会出现这么多的误会?原因可能如下: 首先是两代人的成长年代不同,因此产生分歧。另外,由于几乎没有共同话题可以谈论,他们不愿意面对面地坐下来交流。第三个原因是现代生活的节奏越来越快,双方没有空闲 时间来交换看法。总之,主要原因是彼此之间缺乏沟通和理解。到了做些什么来解决这个问题的时候了。一方面,孩子应该尊重父母。另一方面,父母也

应该给予孩子关怀。通过这些措施一定会将代沟消除。对立观点型 答题模板

There is no consensus of opinions among people about_______(问题).Some people are for the view that(观点一).While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that _______ 观点二).As far as I am concerned, thelatter notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all, _______(论据一).Furthermore, _______ 论据二).Among all ofthe supporting evidences, one is the strongest.That is, _______(论据三).A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that_______(观点).模板范文

There is no consensus of opinions among people about whether young people shouldlive with their parents.Some people are for the view that they prefer to live with their parents.While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that they need independent life.As far asI am concerned, the latter notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are

obvious.First of all, we should make a living by ourselves and live independently.Furthermore, we can seek greater freedom and get a place of our own, in which wecan do whatever we want.Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest.That is, we have enough chances to face the society by ourselves, no matter whatkind of experience we will have.A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that living alone is necessary.译文:关于年轻人是否应该与父母一起生活的观点,人们没有达成一致。有些人持更喜欢与父母一起生活的观点。然而还有一些人持有相反的观点,坚定认为他们需要独立的生活。就我而言,后者的观点从多种意义上来说更可取一些。理由很明显。首先,我们应该独立谋生,独自生活。另外,我们可以获取更大的自由并拥有我们自己的 空间,做自己想做的事情。在所有的支持论据中,有一个是最有力的。那就是我们可以有足够的机会来独自面对社会,不管我们会拥有什么样的经历。根据以上所述很自然得出结论,那就是独立生活是有必要的。


四年后的约定 The Deal in Four Years Last night, my friends and I went back to the primary school.We walked around the school and talked about the funny things that happened at that time.We were going to college soon, so we would be apart soon, but we were happy about our future school life.Suddenly, an idea came across my mind, I said to my friends that we could make a deal about four years later, we would graduate at that time.My friends were so excited about it, they agreed with me.So we made the deal that four years later, we got together here.I started to think about what I would become four years later, maybe a teacher, or a businessman.The deal helps us to have a chance to keep in touch with each other.I am so looking forward to carrying out it.昨晚,我的朋友们和我一起回到了初中的校园。我们走了一圈校园,说起了在那个时候的趣事。我们很快就要上大学了,因此我们即将分离,但是我们对将来的校园生活感到高兴。突然,我的脑海中出现了一个主意,我对朋友说我们可以定一个四年后的约定,那时候我们也毕业了。朋友们很兴奋,同意我的想法。因此我们约定四年后,在这里相聚。我开始想象四年后的自己会变成什么样子,或许老师,或许商人。这个约定让我们有机会和彼此保持联系。我期待着实现这个约定。

早餐 Breakfast Today, the young generation likes to stay up, because after a day’s working, they will find fun at night, so they are getting home very late and then wake up late, too.As they are wake up so late, they will ignore their breakfast and wait for the lunch, today people will call the meal brunch, it means to eat things between breakfast and lunch time.The fact is that not eating breakfast is bad for our health, our body hasn’t take in things all the night, we need to take in some nutrition in the morning time, so the body can have the energy to work.Thinking about this, how a machine can work well without electricity, and the breakfast is the electricity.As breakfast is so important, we must have it on time, so our body can work well and keep healthy.今天,年轻一代喜欢熬夜,经过一天的工作以后,他们会在晚上出去寻找乐子,因此他们很晚才回家,然后也很晚才起来。由于他们很晚才起来,他们会忽略早餐,等待午餐,如今人们会把这种餐称为早午餐,意思是在处于早餐和午餐的时间之间吃东西。事实上,不吃早餐对我们的健康不好,我们的身体整夜都没有摄入食物,需要在早餐的时间摄入食物,这样我们的身体才有能量工作。想象一下,一台没有电的机器如何工作,而早餐就相当于电。由于早操是如此的重要,我们必须要按时进食,这样我们的身体才能好好工作,并保持健康。

回家真好 It Is Good to Go Home Last week, my friend asked me to visit his hometown with her, she told me that her hometown was very beautiful, so I asked for my parents’ permission, they agreed.We decided to stay for a week, leaving home for the first time made me so happy, I was like a bird, flying in the sky, breathing the free air.But when the forth day came, I started to miss my parents, especially when night came, the darkness made me feel lonely, I just wanted to be with my parents.Until then did I realized that home is sweet, my parents were the most adorable persons.It is good to get home for me.上周,我的朋友叫我和她一起去拜访她的家乡,她告诉我她的家乡很美丽,因此我征求了父母的意见,他们同意了。我们决定停留一周,第一次离开家让我很开心,我就像一只鸟儿,在天空中飞翔,呼吸着自由的空气。但是第四天的时候,我开始想念父母,特别是在夜晚来临的时候,黑暗让我觉得孤单,我只是想要和父母呆在一起。直到那时我才意识到家是甜蜜的,我的父母是最可爱的人。回家对于我来说真好。

我的家 My Home People always say home sweet home, there is no doubt that home is very important for everyone.Before I went to high school, I lived with my parents all the time, so I don’t have much idea about home.In my opinion, home was the place for me to live in.But when I went to the boarding school, I had to leave my home and live in the school.This was the first time for me to be far away from home.I missed home all the time, the longer time for I left, the more I missed my families.When I had the holiday, I rushed to home, I couldn’t wait to see my families.Now, I get the meaning of home, it is not just a place for me to live in, it is also my safe place.No matter where I go, or what kind of difficulty I meet, my family supports me all the time.人们总是说回到甜蜜的家,毫无疑问,对每个人来说,家是很重要的。在我上高中以前,我一直和父母住在一起,因此我对家的认识并不多。在我看来,家是我住的地方。但是当我去到寄宿学校,我不得不离开家,住在学校。这是我第一次远离家。我总是想念家,我离开的时间越长,就越想念家人。当我有假期了,我就跑回家,等不及要去见家人。如今,我懂得了家的意义,这不仅仅是我住的地方,也是我的安全地带。无论我去哪里,或者遇到什么困难,我的家人都会支持我。五

一位班主任的话 An Head Teacher’s Words Every year, when June 8th comes, it is such a big day for Chinese high school students, because they need to take part in the very important exam, which will decide their future colleges.At the same time, it is also means saying goodbye to the high school life for the students.In every class, students have great impression about their head teacher, even they graduate, they still can remember the head teacher.It is not easy to be a head teacher, he has to follow the students’ work all the time and most students hate him.So when the high school students graduate, a head teacher said thank you to his students for tolerating him for three years.These words are so touching, the students know his good purpose.Without the head teacher’s supervision, they would not go that far.每年,当6月8号到来的时候,对于中国的高中生来说是个大日子,因为他们需要参加一场很重要的考试,这将会决定他们未来的大学。同时,也意味着和高中生活说再见。在每个班级,学生对他们的班主任都会留下很深刻的印象,即使他们毕业,仍然能记得班主任。做班主任是不容易的,他不得不随时跟着学生的工作,而且,大部分学生不喜欢班主任。所以当学生高中毕业了,一位班主任说感谢他的学生忍受了他三年。这些话是多么感人啊,学生也知道班主任的好意。没有班主任的监督,他们就无法走得那么远。

美好青春 Being Young Is Good Last night, I went to my friend’s birthday party, I made some friends.We talked happily, one of my new friends showed us the pictures of the places he had been visited.We were so envious, all of us had the dream to go travel to many places, but none of us took the action.He told us that we were so young and had the energy to see the world.He told us to carry out the plan once we had the idea.What he told us is right, we are young and it is good to be young.In the old people’s eyes, we are so free and can go where we want.But most of the young people haven’t realized the right they have, they waste their youth and dare not to do what they want.昨晚,我去了朋友的生日派对,结交了一些朋友。我们聊得很愉快,其中一个新朋友向我们展示了他去过的地方的照片。我们很羡慕,我们都有梦想要去旅游很多地方,但是没有人采取行动。他告诉我们说我们是如此的年轻,有精力去看看这个世界。他告诉我们去实施计划一旦我们有想法。他对我们说的是对的,我们年轻,年轻就是好。在老人家的眼里,我们很自由,可以到处去。但是大部分年轻人都没有意识到他们拥有的权利,他们浪费了自己的青春,不敢做自己想做的事情。

责任大于山 Responsibility Comes First Early in the morning, I opened my computer and read the news.There was the news about a driver had the heart disease attack when he was driving the bus, there were more than 40 people in the bus.The driver stopped the bus off the road and then stopped his breath.I was so touched by the driver, in the emergency situation, he considered the passengers’ lives in the first place.It is his sense of responsibility that makes him to do it.The driver sets the good example to the public, he shows the importance of responsibility.No matter what we do, we should not forget about taking our responsibility.If people don’t take their own responsibility, then things will be out of order, the world will be in the mess.Responsibility always comes first.一大早,我就打开电脑看新闻。有一则消息是关于一个司机在开车时心脏病发作,车上有超过40个人。司机把车开在了路边,然后停止了呼吸。我被这位司机感动,在紧急的情况下,他把乘客的生命放在第一位。正是他的责任感让他这样做。司机给大众树立了好榜样,他展示了责任的重要性。无论我们做什么,都不应该忘记履行我们的职责。如果人们不这样做,事情就会出乱,世界就会陷入混乱。责任大于山。

赛琳娜威廉姆斯 Serena Williams If you are a fan of tennis match, then the name Serena Williams will not be forgotten.Serena William is the best female tennis player now, though she is more than 30, she is still competitive.Everybody knows Mariah Sharapova who has the beautiful face and the perfect body shape, while Serena is unlike her, she is not pretty and has muscle.Serena has a successful tennis career, she started her tennis career at the early age with her sister.Both of them won many championships, but as the time went by, they suffered from illness, which made them stopped to play tennis once.But Serena went back to play and became the top player again.Serena inspires so many people who want to give up, she improves that if we have the strong faith, we can achieve our goals.如果你是一名网球粉丝,然后赛琳娜威廉姆斯这个名字你一定不会忘记。赛琳娜威廉姆斯现役最好的女子网球选手,虽然她已经超过30岁了,但是她仍然具有竞争力。大家都知道玛利亚莎拉波娃拥有漂亮的脸蛋和完美的身材,然而赛琳娜外形不如莎拉波娃。赛琳娜的网球事业很成功,她在很早的时候就和姐姐开始了网球事业。她们都赢得了很多冠军,但是随着时间的流逝,她们都遭受了伤病,这使得她们一度停止打网球。但是赛琳娜重新回去打网球,再次成为顶尖球员。赛琳娜鼓励了无数想要放弃的人,她证明了如果我们有强烈的信念,就能实现目标。九

珍惜目前所有 Cherish What We Have Today, as I had nothing to do, so I opened my computer and found a movie to watch.I thought about the movie that my friend asked me to watch, it was called 13 Is Going on 30.The story told about a 13 years old girl wanted to be a woman, so that she could have the beautiful face and perfect body shape.She wanted to date any handsome guy she liked.Then the magical thing happened, she became 30 and she got everything.But she felt lost, because her life was totally messed.I had the same feeling with the girl when I was at her age, I wanted to grow up quickly.But now, when I look at that age, I think it is better to cherish what I had at that time.Every stage of life has its happiness, so there is no need to skip the stage.今天,由于我没有事情做,因此我打开电脑,寻找电影来看。我想到了我朋友叫我看的电影,叫《女孩梦三十》。这个故事讲述了一个13岁的女孩想要成为一名女人,这样她就能拥有美丽的脸庞和完美的身材。她想要和任何喜欢的英俊男孩约会。然后神奇的事情发生了,她变成了30岁的女人,并且拥有一切。但是她感到失落,因为她的生活很混乱。当我处在那个女孩年龄的时候,我和她有同样的感觉,我想要快点长大。但是如今,当我回望那个年纪,我觉得还是珍惜当时所拥有的比较好。每个年龄段都有它的快乐,因此没有必要去跨过那个阶段。

午后时光 Afternoon Time Today was Saturday, early in the morning, I woke up and stayed at home the whole morning to watch TV.After finishing my lunch, I had nothing to do, so I decided to call my friends out.I headed to the coffee shop which was near a square.There were a lot of people in the square, some women were dancing and singing, while some men were taking the chess.I walked into the coffee shop, chose a table which was near the window, so that I could see the outside scenery.When my friends came, we talked happily, we shared the things that happened during these days.Then all my pressure was relieved, I forgot about the annoyance on my study.At that moment, I was enjoying the time talking with my friends.I had the great time this afternoon.今天是星期六,一大早,我就起床了,整个上午,我都呆在家里看电视。在吃完午饭后,我没有什么事情去做,因此我决定叫我的朋友们出去。我前往一家广场附近的咖啡店。广场里有很多人,一些女人在唱歌和跳舞,然而一些男人在下象棋。我走进了咖啡店,选择了一张近窗口的桌子,这样我就能看到外面的风景。当我的朋友们来了以后,我们聊得很愉快,分享了在这段时间发生的事情。然后我所有的压力都得到了释放,我忘记了学习上的烦恼。在那个时刻,我享受着和朋友们聊天的时光。今天下午我度过了愉快的时光。





































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