初一下Unit12 总结

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第一篇:初一下Unit12 总结

初一下Unit12 总结姓名_____ 班级____

一 单元重点短语 1 go to the beachgo camping by the lake 3 get a surprise 4 move into…jump up and down 6 shout at… 7 shout to… 8 fly a kite 9 put up

10high school 11wake up 12run away

13stay up late…

14go boating/camping 15work as a/an…

16study for an English test 17two weeks ago

18make a firekeep us warm19cook food on the fire 20go to sleep early 21the next morning 22look out of … 23learn from… 24each othersee an interesting talk show 二 重点句型

(一)so+adj/adv …that+句子句型 如此…以至于…(so 不能用very代替)1 My mother was ___tired that she went to sleep so earlyA reallyBsoCvery(二)感叹句

句型一 What an interesting job they have!(job可数名词单数)What bad weather it is!(weather 不可数名词)What lovely girls they are!(girls复数)感叹句型二 How interesting the book is!How quickly he eats!____ beautiful butterfly this is!AWhat aBWhatCHow2 ______ hard Tony is working!AWhatBHowCWhat a

(三)动词不定式 一般形式 to do 否定形式 not to do 疑问词+ to doCould you ask him ____(call)me back?My mother told me ______(not swim)in the river 3 The guide tells us how ____(make)model planes.(四)感官动词

see /hear/ watch/ feel(看到/听到/观看/感到)

一 + sb./sth.doing sth.(动作正在进行,前面没有be)二 + sb./sth.do sth.(全过程)When I came into the classroom, I saw some students ____(read)English.2 Can you hear a boy ______(shout)now?(五)

scaryscared Interesinginterestedexctingexcited relaxingrelaxed tiringtired surprisingsurprised

第二篇:初一下Unit Six作文

Dear mom:

I’m glad to tell you that I’m getting very well with my host family.Mr.Brown’s house is just across the Bridge Street.What’s more, there are many public places around his house, such as a park, a hotel and so on.Then, I’d like to introduce Mr.Brown’s family.As many families, there are only three people in his family, including their daughter, Lisa, a 14-year-old girl, who is fond of reading books and going to movies.Their daughter, who wants to be an actress in the future, believes she may earn plenty of money and travel around the world if she becomes an actress.In addition, Mr.Brown who is a bank clerk, is crazy about playing the guitar and writing music, dreaming of being a musician.On the other hand, Mrs.Brown, a French woman, who is kind and patient, speaks English and French.As we get on well with each other, we went for a trip to the park last weekend.The weather was so clear and nice that we really enjoyed ourselves.Look at the photo taken in the park across from our house.In the photo, Mr.Brown was playing the guitar while Mrs.Brown was reading a book.In the meantime, Lisa and I was playing with the sand.Say “Hello” to dad, I miss him very much.Best wishes


Li Lin

第三篇:初一下Unit11 总结

初一下Unit11 总结姓名_____ 班级____

一 单元重点短语on the farmmilk cowsgrow riceride a horsefeed chickenspick applesin the countrysidevisit a fire stationall in all

10be interestesd in

11worry about= be worried about

12show sb.around…

13learn a lot about…

14take them home

15go fishing

16come out

17go on a trip

18along the way

19buy sth.for sb.20on the slow train

21not..at allget there

二 重点句型

(一)一般过去时be 和行为动词过去式A: How ____(be)your school trip last weekend? B: It ____(be)greatA: Where ____(be)you yesterday?B: I ____(be)at homeThere ____(be)many trees and flowers in the park last year.A: What ___ you ___(do)last Sunday? A;I ____(play)the piano with my classmates.5 A: ____ you _____(go)to the cinema yesterday? B: Yes I ____.A: Where ____ you _____(camp)on last school trip? B: I ___(camp)by the lake.7 A;Who ___ you ____(visit)the museum with?B: I visited with my grandparents

(二)anything something everything nothing复合不定代词

特点一 做主语时谓语动词用三单形式

特点二 形容词修饰复合不定代词,形容词后置

Something 用于肯定句anything 用于问句和否定句nothing 没有Jack, is there _____ in today’s newspaper? — No, nothing

A anything importantB something importantCimportant soemthingMony is important but it’s not ______A.somethingBeverythingCnothing.

第四篇:初一下Unit10 总结

初一下Unit10 总结姓名_____ 班级____

一 单元重点短语would like +nwould like to do sth.would like sb to do sth 2 take/have one’s order 3 what kind of …?what size bowl…?what size shoes ….? 5 a large/small/medium bowl of noodles 6 green teablack tea 7 orange juicearound the world= all over the world= in the world 9the number of +pl.10make a wish

11blow out the candlesblow them/it out12in/ at one go 13 get popularcut up the noodlescut them/it upcut down the treescut them/it down 15 a symbol of long lifebring good luck to the birthday person 17 something to eat/drink 二 重点句型

(一)would like(语气婉转)want1 A: Would you like some dumplings?

B: Yes, please/ Yes, I’d likeNo, thanks 2 A: Would you like to go to the movies?

B: Yes, I’d like/love toI’d like to, but I have to do my homework first.(二)there be 句型There ____(be)some orange juice in the cup._____(be)there any beef porridge in your restaurant?There is a busy street in my neighborhood.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)____________________________________________________________(三)饭店用语

-May I take your order? – YesWelcome to my restaurant.-How much are they – They’re 65 yuan.三 语法区别

(一)anysomeThere are some onions in the bag.(改为一般疑问句)______________________________________Sally has some good friends at shool(改为否定句)

______________________________________________特殊-Would you like ____(some/any)mutton noodles?-Yes, please(二)可数名词 和不可数名词

可数名词 使用时用复数或前面加a/an,可用一,二、三、、、等修饰不可数名词没有复数,用it代替名词作定语

一般情况 beef noodlesapple trees特殊three women teachers.

第五篇:初一下Unit 9 Its raining 教学设计

Unit 9

It’s raining!Section A 1a – 2d * 教师寄语:Save for a rainy day.未雨绸缪。【学习目标】:

1.学习常用天气词汇; 2.学会如何描述天气。

--How’s the weather in …?--It’s ….【体验学习】: I、预习交流

1.根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容; 2.根据音标拼读新单词并牢记;


1.乔叔叔 ___________________2.萨莉阿姨 ________________ 3.没问题 ___________________4.捎个口信 ________________ 5.你好我是里克。__________________________________ 6.你正在做什么?______________________________?

7.最近怎么样? ____________________________________? 8.你能让他给我回电话吗? _____________________________? 【课堂导学】: I、新课呈现 Step1 Free talk Try to speak out the names of weather you know.Step2 Presentation 1.Learn the new words about weather in 1a.2.Finish 1a.Then check the answers.3.Look at the picture in 1a and learn the drills:--How’s the weather in …?

--It’s ….Step3 Listening Listen and finish 1b.Check the answers.Step4 Pair work Practice the conversations in 1a.Then make your own conversations.Step5 Presentation 1.Look at the picture in 2a.2.Guess what the people are doing.Step6 Listening 1.Listen to the tape.Finish2a.2.Go through the sentences in 2b.3.Listen and finish 2b.Check the answers.Step7 Pair work 1.Ask and answer questions with your partner.2.Role-play the conversation in 2d.II、合作交流

Group work: 分析总结如何描述某人正在做什么,并模仿2d编写对话。

______________________________________________________ 【自主检测】: Ⅰ、看图写词


1.It’s a ________(阴天的)day today.2.It’s ________(下雨)today, so I can’t go to the zoo.3.-How is the weather in your city today?-It’s ________(晴朗的).4.It’s ______(有风的)today.I want to take a bus to school.5.It is _______(下雪)in our city.The kids are very happy because they can make snowmen(雪人).Ⅲ、对号入座

请用How’s或What’s填空。1._______ the weather today? 2._______ the weather like today? 【快乐链接】

形容词后缀-y snowrainy 有雨的

cloud – cloudy 多云的 wind – windy 刮风的sun – sunny 晴朗的 【学习体会】



Section A Grammar Focus-3b * 教师寄语:Save for a rainy day.未雨绸缪。【学习目标】:

1.总结归纳Section A部分知识重点; 2.学会运用Section A部分所学知识。【体验学习】: 预习交流

1.根据Grammar Focus, 归纳Section A部分知识重点; 2.自学课文,试着完成3a,3b的练习。【课堂导学】: I、新课呈现

Step1 Grammar Focus 1.Give a summary about it.2.Try to recite it.Step2 Presentation 1.Go through the sentences in 3a.Complete the conversations.2.Check the answers and practice the conversations.Step3 Group work 1.Look at the pictures in 3b.Try to fill in the chart.2.Work in groups.Ask and answer using the messages in the chart.II、合作交流

Group work: 总结归纳Section A部分知识重点。

1.描述天气的词汇: _____________________________________________ 2.描述天气的句子: _____________________________________________


________________________________________________________ 【自主检测】: Ⅰ、完美呈现





study 1.–How’s it __________?

--Great!2.It’s ___________ now.It’s very cold.3.–How __________ the weather in Shanghai today?

--It’s fine.4.–What is Tom doing?

--He is __________ math.5.It’s __________ outside now.You need to take an umbrella(雨伞).Ⅱ、最佳搭档

()1.How’s the weather?

A.No, it isn’t.()2.How’s it going?

B.This is Ben.()3.Who’s that speaking?

C.I’m watching TV.()4.What are you doing?

D.Snowy.()5.Is it rainy in Boston?


现在进行时的各种句式 句

式 构

成 肯定句

主语+ am/is/are + 动词-ing 形式… 否定句

主语+ am/is/are + not + 动词-ing 形式… 一般疑问句

Am/Is/Are + 主语+ 动词-ing 形式…? 特殊疑问句

特殊疑问词+ am/is/are +(主语)+-ing 形式…? 【学习体会】



Section B 1a – 2c * 教师寄语: It never rains but it pours.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。【学习目标】:



--How’s the weather in …?--It’s ….3.学会谈论某人正在做什么。

--What are you doing?

--I’m doing...4.阅读短文,摘录关键信息,提高阅读能力。【体验学习】: I、预习交流

1.根据图片和对话等,预测新课内容; 2.根据音标拼读新单词并牢记; 3.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官

1.寒冷的-温暖的________2.炎热的-凉爽的_______________ 3.干燥的-潮湿的_________4好极了-糟透了________________ 【课堂导学】: I、新课呈现 Step1 Revision

Review the words of weather.Step2 Presentation 1.Learn and remember the names of weather in 1a.Finish1a.2.Game: Quick action about the weather.eg: A: 寒冷的

3.Ask and answer questions.Finish1b.Step3 Listening 1.Go through the chart in 1c.2.Listen to the tape.Finish 1c&1d.Then check the answers.Step4 Pair work Role-play a conversation between Mary and Eric.Step5 Presentation 1.Look at pictures in 2a.Talk about the pictures in pairs.Finish 2a.2.Look at the postcards in 2b.Guess what they are talking about.3.Read through the letters quickly.Finish 2c.Check the answers.Step 6 Pair-work

Talk about your own summer vacation according to the chart in 2c.II、合作交流

Group work: 分析总结阅读技巧,并尝试根据2c中的表格复述文章。Notes: _____________________________________________________ 【自主检测】: I、完美呈现

1.In winter(冬季), it’s__________(寒冷的).2.I like spring(春季)because it’s ________(温暖的)and I can see lots of beautiful flowers.3.The weather here is ________(热的)and ________(干燥的).4.It’s ________(凉爽的)in autumn(秋季).Ⅱ、对号入座

A: Hi, Cindy.Where’s your brother now? B: 1.______ A: In the park? 2.______ B: No, it isn’t.It’s sunny.3.______ A: It’s terrible.It’s raining.B: 4.______ A: I’m reading a book but it’s boring.5.______ B: All right.A.Well, what are you doing now? B.He’s playing soccer in the park.C.Oh, tell your brother to call me when he gets back.D.Is it raining there now? E.What’s the weather like in your city?







Cloudy / Wind


AM Showers


AM Snow Showers

上午阵雪 AM T-Storms


AM Clouds / PM Sun

上午有云/下午后晴 Clouds Early / Clearing Late





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