初一下 期末词组总结

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第一篇:初一下 期末词组总结

1.take photos 2.wait for 3.have a good time 4.put on 5.look at 6.get ready for 7.sweep away 8.revise for 9.have a picnic 10.walk up 11.look forward to 12.do some sightseeing 13.get to/ from to 14.go sightseeing 15.go cyclying 16.go shopping

go swimming

go fishing 17.go out 18.get warm 19.be good at 20.take around 21.think about 22.be born 23.be strict with sb 24.go back 25.go for a ride 26.pick up 27.look arouond 28.change into 29.go away 30.gp through 31.do some shopping 32.play with 33.a lot =very much 34.at home

at work at the moment at the age of

35.say good night to sb 36.a few

37.all the year round 38.in the future

39.heavy rain and strong winds 40.once upon a time 41.on holiday 42.talk to

43.lie in the sun 44.go home 45.leave work 46.run for

47.have afternoon tea

48.have dinner/lunch/breakfast 49.go to the opera 50.watch a ballet

watch TV 51.get up 52.get dressed 53.start lesson 54.call home 55.visit friends 56.clean the house 57.cook the meal

58.learn a gragon dance 59.make lanterns 60.sweep the floor 61.decorate…with..62.paint…red 63.at midnight 64.for a few days 65.a kind of

66.buy some clothes 67.check email

68.do his/your/my/her/our/their homework 69.get up early

70.revise for one’s homework 71.stay in bed 72.at the weekend

73.on Saturday morning 74.in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

75.listen to the radion

listen to music 76.what about you?

77.play table tennis with some friends 78.walk up

79.learn English 80.make friends 81.lie on the beach

82.enjoy the sun and the sea 83.use book

84.send their homework to their teachers by email

85.write on the blackboard with chalk 86.three days a week 87.in the east of

in the north of

in the west of

in the south od 88.be from

89.be famous for 90.1000 metres long 91.near the sea 93.on the coast 94.in spring/summer/autumn/winter 95.leave for 96.in front of 97.by bike=by bicycle ride a bike by bus=take a bus by subway=take subway by taxi by train=take the train 98.in the world 99.one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数100.buy a ticket 101.at the bus stop 102.millions of 103.lots of things to do 104.a big living room with a TV 105.walk in the forest 106.pick some flowers 107.look around 108.knock on/at 109.push the door 110.look inside 111.enter the house 112.count three bowls 113.be hungry 114.rush out of the house 115.be tired 116.be asleep 117.in pieces 118.at first 119.point at 120.out of bed 121.return to 122.travel by train 123.a writer of plays and poems 124.be married

get married 125.move to

126.in English/in Chinese

127.one of the most famous writes in the world.128.think of 129.last night

130.a few days ago 131.orbit the earth

132.38 years old=38 –year-old 133.ll years later 134.want to be 135.wave to

136.lots of national heroes 137.at the airport 138.go for a ride 139.come with me 140.come back

141.listen to a concert 142.come back

143.read the newpaper 144.write some postcards 145.send emails 146.fly home 句型

1.It’s +形容词+for sb to do sth

2.it takes sb sometimes to do sth.It took sb sometimes to do sth.3.look forward to doing sth.4.want to do sth want sb to do sth.decide to do sth need to do sth

Would you like to do sth

5.be good at doing sth/sth 6.get reday for doing sth/sth 7….long 8….years old

9.give sb sth=give sth to sb

bring sb sth =bring sth to sb send sb sth=send sth to sb 10.be married=get married 11.like doing sth.12.be interested in doing sth

Be interested in sth 13.arrive in/at

get to


14.take,carry,bring, 15.speak,tell,told,say

16.go to bed, be asleep=fall asleep 17.but, and, so, because, with, or 1.He ______(take)photos now.2.She ________(get)ready for the Spring Festivals.3.____ you ____(write)postcard now? Yes, ____ _____.4._____ they _____(shop)at 6 o’clock? 5.Look!He _______(run)for the trains.1.This pen is _______(red)than that one.2.Which one is _____(big), A or B?

3.This chair is ______(comfortable)than that one.4.I have two pens.One is smaller and the other is _______.


初一(下)词组大全 Unit 7& Unit 8 Unit 7 Topic 1 1. 计划庆祝它 2. 为我举办生日晚会 3. 今天星期几?星期四。4. 今天几号?5月8日。5. 所有其余的 6. 在1970年6月 7. 在1996年10月22日 8. 2008年 9. 1900年

10.1999年12月20日(2种)11.1949年10月1日(2种)12.你给康康的生日礼物 13.你的礼物的形状 14.我猜到它了。15.看一看

16.它看起来像什么? 17.它看起来像朵花。18.刚才(2种)19.它是什么形状? 20.它有多长? 21.它有多宽? 22.我们用它来做什么? 23.用它来学习(2种)24.一定是英语学习机 25.做一顿特别的晚餐

26.买漂亮的浅蓝色的连衣裙给她 27.给她一个惊喜 28.做生日蛋糕 29.为她母亲买蜡烛 30.做生日贺卡 31.大扫除 32.唱歌

Unit 7 Topic 2 1. 在晚会上 2. 弹钢琴 3. 唱一些歌 4. 其它什么 5. 跳迪斯科 6. 表演芭蕾

7. 过得很愉快(2种)8. 弹吉它

9. 当然(3种)10.把它做得很好 11.有点会做它 12.骑自行车 13.开车

14.打篮球/踢足球 15.讲英语

16.把这些花拿到晚会去 17.为我数它们 18.那么多花 19.爬树

20.一点都不会游泳 21.画画 22.看英语书 23.唱日文歌 24.做飞机模型 25.到了课外活动时间 26.放风筝 27.一年前 28.有点会跳舞 29.喜欢进行球类运动 30.擅长踢足球(2种)31.篮球打得好(2种)32.两年前 33.伤到他的右腿 34.和她的父母住在伦敦 35.在五岁时

36.她的眼睛出了问题(2种)37.生活对她来说很艰辛 38.在她母亲的帮助下(2种)39.写很多字 40.开始写书 41.一个聪明的女孩

42.你认为他怎么样(2种)? 43.照相(2种)

Unit 7 Topic 3

1. 朗诵中文诗

2. 表演魔术 3. 表演功夫

4. 轮到你了。5. 怎么啦?(3种)6. 没坐到椅子 7. 摔倒了 8. 伤到你自己 9. 看你的手 10.去洗它们 11.立刻(2种)12.请这边走。13.站起来 14.玩游戏 15.回家 16.昨晚(2种)17.在大约10点30分 18.在那时 19.那么迟回来 20.玩电子游戏 21.去看电影(2种)22.对我说谎(2种)23.告诉我实话 24.电影很迟结束 25.谈论它直到12点 26.在夜晚 27.抢椅子游戏 28.我是获胜者 29.我失败了 30.上个星期二 31.为某人举办生日晚会 32.买很多食物和饮料给我们 33.带许多礼物给他 34.我们每一个人 35.亲手做贺卡 36.蛋糕上有13支蜡烛 37.围坐在蛋糕旁 38.默默地许愿 39.吹灭蜡烛 40.一口气

41.在我家举办一个很棒的晚会 42.来参加我的晚会 43.有趣

44.谢谢你的生日贺卡 45.最美好的祝愿 46.吃很丰盛的一餐

Unit 8 Topic 1 1.今天天气怎样?(2种)下雪.2.在春/夏/秋/冬 3.它是放风筝的好季节.4.去游泳


6.堆雪人 7.最喜欢的活动

8.你最喜欢的季节是什么?(2种)9.我最喜欢秋天.(2种)10.学游泳 11.去年 12.很难说 13.地面都白了 14.一整天

15.和我的父母一起散步 16.温度是多少? 17.高/低温

18.在0℃和15℃之间 19.暑假就要来临 20.计划去度假(2种)21.最好做某事/最好不做某事 22.在不同的地区 23.在英国 24.雨水很多 25.带上雨伞 26.出去 27.在美国

28.是去那儿的最好时间 29.记住穿上暖和的衣服 30.在中国的在部分地区 31.阳光灿烂 32.戴上眼镜 33.突然下雨 34.后来 35.变晴 36.与…不同 37.与…相同 38.改变很多 39.天气预报 40.在世界上 41.三月春天归来 42.变暖和 43.雨下得很大 44.夏天过后是秋天 45.收获季节 46.忙于收割 47.树叶从树上落下 48.从十二月持续到二月 49.风刮得很大 2 50.复苏

51.一个很棒的季节 52.在早春 53.去野餐

Unit 8 Topic 2 1.谈论他们的假期计划 2.去澳大利亚 3.那儿的天气 4.周游全国 5.回到古巴 6.想念父母 7.与朋友相聚 8.下个月

9.与老朋友一起庆祝 10.参观名胜

11.一个假期的好计划 12.去云南度假

13.告诉我一些有关云南的事 14.想知道 15.任何时候都能去 16.春城 17.一整年 18.什么地方 19.听起来有趣 20.随身携带 21.最好带相机 22.一付太阳镜 23.等等 24.长城 25.故宫博物院 26.泰山 27.故事书 28.不同的国家 29.不同的风俗 30.在其它国家旅行 31.那些国家的风俗 32.进入某人家 33.脱掉鞋子 34.湿头发出门 35.在印度尼西亚 36.用脚指向任何东西 37.用左手吃饭 38.在穆斯林国家 39.不要摸小孩的头

40.用手指做OK手势 41.准时或稍迟一点 42.用白色的纸包红包 43.把某物递给老年人


45.在五一长假期间 46.对某人友好 47.来自纽约的问候 48.前天 49.到达这儿 50.周游全城

51.参观纽约的唐人街 52.代我向你父母问好 53.挣钱 54.每个月 55.那么迟去睡觉 56.在电视上看足球赛 57.购物 58.在暑假期间

Unit 8 Topic 3

1.春节 2.吃水饺 3.表演舞龙舞狮 4.许多国家的人们 5.庆祝圣诞 6.吃火鸡和土豆 7.圣诞蛋糕 8.互赠礼物 9.元霄节

10.在农历一月十五 11.春节结束 12.在这天

13.吃元霄以求好运 14.看灯展 15.猜灯谜 16.感恩节

17.十一月的第四个星期四 18.美国家庭 19.聚在一起吃大餐 20.有趣的节日 21.在你们的地区 22.什么特殊食物 23.在那天 24.新年除夕 25.举办晚会 26.迎接新年 27.在复活节 28.做复活节蛋 29.愚人节 30.开朋友的玩笑 31.母亲节


33.用送贺卡和其它礼物来表示对母亲的爱 34.教师节 35.给老师贺卡或花 36.中秋节 37.吃月饼 38.赏月 39.圣诞快乐!40.新年快乐!41.最重要的节日 42.在许多国家 43.忙于为它做准备 44.打扫房间

45.寄圣诞贺卡给他们的朋友 46.用彩灯装扮圣诞树 47.在平安夜

48.在12月24日的夜晚 49.去教堂

50.把长筒袜挂在壁炉旁 51.在他们的床尾 52.在圣诞节的早晨 53.很早起床

54.打开长筒袜里的礼物 55.那天的晚些时候 56.举办一个聚会 57.享用大餐 58.互相问候 59.圣诞活动 60.用苹果做游戏 61.给邻居糖果

62.他们是圆的,象征着一年一年的轮回.63.吃十二个葡萄以期盼新年好运 64.一些犹太人

65.吃涂有蜂蜜的苹果期盼甜蜜的一年 66.庆祝春节是一件大事 67.开始准备节日 68.准备美味的食物


70.聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐 71.在春节除夕 72.熬夜

73.在午夜吃饺子以求好运 74.在阴历新年的第一天 75.问候父母

76.从他们那儿拿压岁钱 77.穿恐怖的衣服

78.脸涂成白色,嘴涂成黑色像鬼一样79.敲邻居的门 80.请客还是捣乱

81.告诉我有关你最喜欢的节日 82.国际劳动节(2种)83.享受七天长假 84.龙舟节

85.在农历五月初五 86.举行龙舟赛 87.吃粽子

88.中华人民共和国国庆节 89.全国 90.中国的生日 91.中国的首都

92.去天安门广场看升旗 93.许多中国家庭 94.把灶神的画像烧掉 95.期盼好运 96.挂上新的灶神像 97.在墙上 98.对…是必须的 99.拜访朋友和亲戚 100.在春节期间 101.在半夜

Unit 7 Topic 1 1)plan to celebrate it 2)have a birthday party for me 3)What day is it today? It’s Thursday.4)What’s the date today? It’s May 8th.5)all the rest 6)in June, 1970 7)on October 22nd,1996 8)two thousand and eight 9)nineteen hundred 10)December twentieth , nineteen ninety-nine / the twentieth of December , nineteen ninety-nine 11)October first, nineteen forty-nine / the first of October , nineteen forty-nine 12)your present for Kangkang’s birthday 13)the shape of your present 14)I get it.15)have a look 16)What does it look like? 17)It looks like a flower.18)just now / a moment ago 19)What shape is it? 20)How long is it? 21)How wide is it? 22)What do we use it for? 23)use it to study / use it for studying 24)must be an English Learning Machine 25)cook a special dinner 26)buy a beautiful light blue dress for her 27)give her a surprise 28)make a birthday cake 29)buy some candles for her mother 30)make a birthday card 31)do some cleaning 32)sing a song Unit 7 Topic 2 1)at the party 2)play the piano 3)sing some songs 4)what else 5)dance the disco 6)perform ballet 7)have a good time/ enjoy oneself 8)play the guitar

9)Of course / Sure / Certainly 10)do it well 11)do it a little 12)ride a bike 13)drive a car

14)play basketball / play soccer 15)speak English

16)take these flowers to the party 17)count them for me 18)so many flowers 19)climb trees 20)can’t swim at all 21)draw pictures 22)read English books 23)sing Japanese songs 24)make model planes

25)It’s time for outdoor activities.26)fly a kite 27)one year ago 28)dance a little

29)like playing ball games

30)be good at soccer / be good at playing soccer 31)do well in basketball/do well in playing


32)two years ago 33)hurt his right leg

34)live in London with her parents 35)at the age of five

36)There was something wrong with her eyes.Something was wrong with her eyes.37)Life was very hard for her.38)with her mother’s help/

with the help of her mother 39)write many words 40)begin to write books 41)A Smart Girl

42)What do you think of him?

How do you like him? 43)take pictures / take photos

Unit 7 Topic 3

1)recite a Chinese poem 2)perform magic tricks 3)perform kung fu 4)

It’s your turn.5)What’s the matter? What’s wrong? What happened? 6)miss the chair 7)fall down 8)hurt yourself 9)look at your hands 10)wash them 11)at once / right now 12)This way, please.13)stand up 14)play a game 15)come back home 16)last night / yesterday evening 17)at about half past ten 18)at that time 19)come back so late 20)play video games 21)go to the movies / see a movie 22)lie to me /tell me a lie 23)tell me the truth 24)movie ended late 25)talk about it until twelve o’clock 26)at night 27)Musical Chairs game 28)I’m the winner!29)I lost the game.30)last Tuesday 31)have a birthday party for sb.32)buy lots of food and drinks for us 33)bring many presents for him 34)each of us 35)make the cards by hand 36)a birthday cake with 13 candles on it 37)sit around the cake 38)make a silent wish 39)blow out the candles 40)in one breath 41)have a wonderful party in my home 42)come to my party 43)be fuuny 44)Thank you for your birthday card.45)Best wishes.46)have a big dinner Unit 8 Topic 1

1.What’s the weather like today? / How is the

weather? It’s snowy.2.in spring / summer/ fall / winter 3.It’s a good season for flying kites.4.go swimming

5.It’s a good time to climb hills.6.make snowmen 7.favorite activity

8.What’s your favorite season? / Which season do

you like best?

9.My favorite season is fall./ I like fall best.10.learn to swim 11.last year 12.It’s hard to say.13.The ground is all white.14.all day

15.take a walk with my parents 16.What’s the temperature?

17.the high temperature/ the low temperature 18.between 0℃ and 15℃ 19.Summer holidays are coming.20.plan to go for holidays

21.had better do sth / had better not do sth 22.in different areas 23.in England 24.It rains a lot.25.take an umbrella 26.go out 27.in America

28.It’s the best time to go there.29.remember to wear warm clothes 30.in most parts of China 31.The sun shines brightly.32.wear sunglasses 33.It rains suddenly.34.later on 35.get fine 36.be different from 37.the same as 38.change a lot 39.the weather report 40.in the world

41.Spring returns in March.42.get warm 6 43.It rains heavily.44.Fall comes after summer.45.the harvest season 46.be busy harvesting 47.The leaves fall from the trees.48.last from December to February 19, 2004 49.The wind blows strongly.50.come back to life 51.a wonderful season 52.in early spring 53.go for a picnic Unit 8 Topic 2 1.talk about their holiday plans 2.go to Australia 3.the weather there 4.travel around the country 5.go back to Cuba 6.miss my parents 7.get together with friends 8.next month 9.celebrate it with my old friends 10.visit some places of interest 11.a good plan for the holidays 12.go to Yunan for holidays 13.tell me sth about Yunan 14.would like to know 15.can go anytime 16.the Spring City 17.all the year round 18.what place(s)19.sound really interesting 20.take with me 21.had better take a camera 22.a pair of sunglasses 23.and so on 24.the Great Wall 25.the Palace Museum 26.Mount Tai 27.story books 28.different countries 29.different customs 30.travel in other countries 31.the customs of those countries 32.enter someone’s home

33.take off your shoes 34.go out with their hair wet 35.in Indonesia

36.point to anything with your foot 37.eat with your left hand 38.in Muslim countries

39.Don’t touch a child on the head.40.make the OK sign with your fingers 41.be on time or a little late 42.wrap lucky money in white paper 43.pass sth to old people 44.with both hands

45.during the May Day holiday 46.be friendly to sb

47.Greetings from New York!48.the day before yesterday 49.get here

50.travel around the city 51.visit Chinatown in New York 52.Please give my love to your parents.53.make money 54.per month 55.go to bed so late

56.watch soccer games on TV 57.go shopping

58.during the summer holidays

Unit 8 Topic 3

1.Spring Festival 2.eat dumplings

3.perform lion and dragon dances 4.people in many countries 5.celebrate Christmas 6.eat turkey and potatoes 7.Christmas cakes 8.give each other presents 9.Lantern Festival 10.on lunar January 15th 11.the end of Spring Festival 12.on this day

13.eat sweet dumplings for good luck 14.watch a lantern show 15.guess riddles 16.Thanksgiving

17.the fourth Thursday in November 18.families in the USA 19.get together for a big dinner 20.interesting festivals 21.in your area 22.what special food 23.on that day 24.New Year’s Eve 25.have parties 26.welcome the new year 27.on Easter Day 28.make Easter eggs 29.April Fool’s Day 30.play tricks on their friends 31.Mother’s Day 32.the second Sunday in May 33.show their love to their mothers by giving cards and other presents 34.Teachers’ Day 35.give cards or flowers to their teachers 36.Mid-autumn Festival 37.eat mooncakes 38.enjoy the bright full moon 39.Merry Christmas!40.Happy New Year!41.the most important festival 42.in many countries 43.be busy preparing for it 44.clean the houses 45.give Christmas cards to their friends 46.decorate Christmas trees with colorful lights 47.on Christmas Eve 48.on the night of December 24th 49.go to church 50.put up stocking by the fireplaces 51.at the end of their beds 52.on the morning of Christmas Day 53.get up very early 54.open the presents in the stockings 55.later that day 56.have a big get-together 57.enjoy a big dinner 58.greet each other 59.Christmas activities 60.play games with apples

61.give neighbors sweets 62.They are round, like years.63.eat twelve grapes for good luck in the new year 64.some Jewish people

65.eat apples with honey for a sweet new year 66.Celebrating Spring Festival is a big event.67.start preparing for the festival 68.prepare delicious food 69.the whole family

70.get together for a big dinner 71.on the eve of the festival 72.stay up

73.enjoy dumplings at midnight for good luck 74.on the first day of the lunar new year 75.greet parents

76.get lucky money from them 77.wear scary clothes

78.color our faces white and mouths black like


79.knock on our neighbors’ doors 80.Trick or treat!

81.tell me sth about your favorite festival 82.International Labor Day =May Day 83.enjoy a seven-day holiday 84.Dragon Boat Festival 85.on lunar May 5th 86.hold dragon boat races 87.eat rice dumplings

88.the National Day of the PRC 89.the whole country 90.the birthday of China 91.the capital of China

92.go to Tian’anmen Square to watch the national

flag go up

93.many Chinese families

94.burn the old picture of Zao Shen, the kitchen


95.to get good luck

96.put up a new picture of Zao Shen 97.on the wall 98.be a must for

99.visit friends and relatives 100.during Spring Festival 101.at midnight


一.选择题:What a ban line!I can’t ________you clearly.A listenB listen toC hearD see

2The Smiths ___________sitting at the table.A isB amC areD be

3On Spring Festival everyone __________ on their new clothes.A hasB haveC havingD are having

4Tony is using his computer __________ her email.A checkB to checkC doD to enjoy

5----Would you like to go to cinema with me?

----_________,A That’s rightB That’s all rightC Thank youD Yes, I’d love to.6I _________ a teacher in the future.A will beB is beC is beingD will is

7Wales has _________ population of about 3 million.A aB anC theD /

8This English newspaper is very easy for the students because there are ________ new words in it.A fewB a fewC littleD a little

9They are friendly _______ us.A toB atC withD in

10Look!The boy _________ over there.A is singingB is going to singC singsD singing

11My classmates listen to our teacher ________.A carefulB quietlyC carelessD loudly

12No one is _______ Mary in the class.A so tallest asB as taller asC so high asD so tall as

13It takes ________ time to get there by train.A too manyB too muchC very muchD much too

14There is a busy street __________ lots of stores.A inB onC atD with

15He ________ his hometown after he graduated from Qinghua University.A came backB went backC returnedD returned to

16Bill’s mother often tells him ________spend too much time playing computer games.A not toB be notC don’tD doesn’t

17----When will you reach Beijing?

----We’ll __________ there on March 10th.The girl spend ten days __________ to ski.A learnB to learnC learningD learnt

19He will wait _________ the bus stop this afternoon.A inB atC forD to

20We enjoy the party ________.A manyB someC a lot ofD a lot

21I ________ the picture, but I can’t ________ any birds

A look;seeB see;lookC look at;seeD see;look at

22Look at the man.He __________ the bus.A runs forB is runsC is runningD is running for

23Thank you for _______ us.A helpB to helpC helpingD helps

24My mother _________ noodles, but my father _________.A likes;doesn’tB don’t like;do C likes;didn’tD didn’t like;do

25My uncle enjoys ___________ TV after supper.A watchingB watchedC watchesD to watch

26There is going to _______ a football match next Saturday.A haveB hasC beD be

27They hope it is going to be _______.A windsB windC windyD to wind

28The boy _______ his homework on time every day.A do doesB does not doC doD do not do

29One of my friends _________ a foreigner.A amB isC areD be

30Hurry up!The bus __________ soon.A leavesB is leavingC going to leaveD leave

31He tries to stop his wife from making ______ with those women.A a friendB friendlyC friendsD friendship

32I think we will _________ ourselves at his birthday party next Sunday.A loveB enjoyC keepD like

33They are going ti watch a football game __________ this Friday.A onB inC atD /

34I am going to revise _________ my test.A withB toC forD because

35We have some problems ____________there on time.A gettingB to getC comingD get

36Our life will be ________ better in the 22th century.A lessB muchC fetD more

37It’s going to be ________ tomorrow.A rainB rainyC rainsD raining

38----I hope you ________ my party next weekend.----Ok.I _______.A to come to;willB come to;will

C can comeD can come to;can

39What _______ weather it is!

A a fineB a badC the badD bad

40----________ will the meeting begin?

----In half an hour.A How longB How oftenC How manyD How soon

41In winter, temperature usually _______ zero.A falls underB falls belowC in falling underD will fall below

42We _________ to the park if it is fine tomorrow.A will goB have goneC goD is coing

43What do you think of the young man __________ a good looking face?

A onB inC withD of

44________ my free time, Ilike listening to music.A InB AtC OnD About

45China is very________ the Great Wall and pandas.A famous asB ready toC famous forD ready for

46__________ the population of Beijing>

A WhatB How many isC What’sD How much is

47Tom is __________ of the two boys.A youngerB youngC the youngestD the younger

48___________ you read, ___________ you will be.A The more;the happier;B The much;the happier

C More;happierD Much;happy

49They are busy __________ their work now.A doingB to doC with doingD do

50The country has __________.A a small populationB a little population

C a much populationD a more population

51Her voice sounds ___________.A beautifulB beautifullyC goodD well

52I find __________ important to learn English well.A thisB thatC itD one

53It’s clever __________ him to do that.A forB withC ofD about

54You need _________ a present for Tom’s birthday.A buyB to buyC buyingD buys

55“Is the math problem __________?”“Yes, I can work is out _____________.”

A easy;easilyB easy;easyC easily;easyD easily;easily

56I waited for him _________ ten last night.A toB untilC forD at

57You mustn’t eat anything __________ you see the doctor.A becauseB ifC whenD until

58The baby is too young to ___________.A put onB wearC get dressedD put on himself

59Here __________ some pictures __________ our trip __________ Shanghai.A is;of;toB are;of;toC is;with;toD are;with;of

60----________ is it from your home to the cinema?

----About twenty minutes’ walk.A How longB How oftenC How farD How soon

61_________ of the two women is my teacher.A The olderB OlderC The oldD The oldest

62One of the two sisters is more friendly than ___________.A that oneB anotherC the otherD others

63She _________ no time to have breakfast.A hasB hadC wasD were

64Quincy is a town ___________ the east coast of America.A inB atC onD with

65__________ I’ll go back to my hometown.I missed it very much.A SometimesB One dayC Some timeD Some times

66Fish cannot live ___________ water.A withB hasC withoutD doesn’t have

67Our teacher is strict __________ us__________ our study.A with;withB with;inC in;withD in;in

68His brother was born _____ May, 1982.A inB atC toD on

69Bill Gates is the _______ of theMicrosoft.A founderB finderC foundD find

70We should be _________ foreign friends.A friendsB friendlyC friendlyD friend to

71There _________ so many people in the street.A isB areC haveD has

72He was born _________ May 18th ,1999.A inB onC toD at

73My brother often ________ me stories in the evenings.A tellsB speakC talksD say

74There was no one there, so Lucy entered ________ the house.A toB intoC /D in

75He went shopping ___________ some food.A forB buyC take

76He hurried ___________ the shop __________ some food.A to;buyB up;buyC to;to buyD to;bought

77----Have your read this book?

----Yes.I ________ it two weeks ago.A am readingB have readC will readD read

78She ________ like the two big beds.A don’tB didn’tC wasn’t

79----Do you know _________ tomorrow?

----At 8’clock.A when did she comeB when she came

C when will she comeD when she will come

80Last Sunday he _________ to the theatre.A by bikeB by his bikeC on a bikeD rode a bike

81I can’t understand this passage _________ there are no new words in it.A ifB becauseC thoughD and

82Some monkeys are sitting _________ the tree.A onB inC atD of

83The old woman ________ at the age of 80.A deathB deadC dieD with

84How long did you it ________ you finish your homework.A takeB spendC tookD spent

85He with his friends ________ going to the USA.A amB isC areD be

86It often _______ here in autumn.A rainB will rainC rainsD is raining


1It’s six o’clock now.The Greens ______________(have)dinner at home.2He ___________(real)likes learning English.3I don’t enjoy ___________(dance).4Red ____________(mean)good luck in China.5Look!The people _____________(swim)in the river.6Christmas is an important ____________(west)festival.7He often __________(do)his homework after dinner, but now he ___________(do)it because he wants __________(watch)a football matches.8How _________ your parents _________(go)to work?

9__________ she __________(go)to Beijing tomorrow.10Are these ____________(knife)yours?

11He often helps me __________(do)my homework.12Everyone is our class __________(like)to learn English.13There __________(be)a basketball match in our school next week.14----What will the weather be like tomorrow?

----It will be _________(wind).I will stay at home and do some __________(clean).He is getting ________(dress)now.The ___________(hard)you are, the ____________(much)you get.The Chinese boy speaks English ___________(well).My sister learns English ___________(quick).Daming runs _____________(fast)in our school.Dick sings ____________(well).Alice sings ___________(well)than John.But Mary sings

____________(well)in her class.We ____________(not have)a TV ten years ago.She spent two weeks ___________(write)the story.It took me one hour _______(finish)my homework..












































大众版 1(By, Doris Yang.)

My Friend

My best friend is Zoey.Let me tell you something about her.First of all, she is of medium height and lovely.She likes travelling very much.For example, last week, she went to the farm.She said it was great!She went to the farm and saw a lot of animals.She also milked a cow.And, she took a lot of photos and bought some gifts.She also brought me a very lovely gift.I love it very much.be friend.大众版 2(By, Doris Yang.)

June 27th

Last weekend, I went to a farm with my best friend, Zoey.She’s a beautiful girl.We went camping in a village.The farmer showed us around there.And we picked some apples and ate them.They were delicious.We also went fishing.The air was so clean.day, wasn’tit?

大众版 3(日记)By, Doris Yang.June 27th

I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room.And in the afternoon, I stayed at home and studied for a test.In the evening, I watched the soccer game with my father.Next day, I went to the beach with my friend Zoey.She’s of medium height.And she has long black hair.We also went swimming in the sea.We had a good time!What a busy weekend I had!


A Happy Day

---By Cassiel

I had a happy day.Yesterday I went to the farm with my friend, Jenny.She has long black hair and big eyes.She doesn’t wear glasses.She usually wears school uniform.She is good at playing the violin.So she joins the school music club.I like her because she is really fun and interesting.In her free time, she often tells lots of jokes to me.Yesterday we went there by bus.It only took us half an hour to get there.We went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.I took some photos about the farm.It was very interesting.Then I picked some apples and took them home.about farming.How happy a day this is!

升级版 2

My Friend

---By Yubo

I have a lot of friends, but my best friend is Eric.He and I are in the same class.He is thin.And he is of medium height.He has short black hair and he doesn’twear glasses.He has bright eyes.He has an oval face.He usually wears sports shoes.I like him because he is handsome.He also is warm-hearted.Last weekend, he and I went to the library.We took the bus.When we got on the bus, we found two seats.We sat down.Just at that time, an old woman got on the bus slowly, but there were no seat.When Eric saw it , he stood up and gave his seat to her.Though he had to stand all the way, he said, he was very happy.How fantastic Eric is!

升级版 3

My School Trip

----By Anne

On the weekend, my school went on a school trip to a farm.It was a rainy day.We went there by bus.In the bus, I sat beside my best friend, Shadell.She has long hair and big eyes.She’s of medium height.Well, she is a good girl.The ride was quite long, it’s about 1 hour.At the farm, we saw lots of animals, like pigs, sheep, cows and so on.The donkeys were kind of noisy, they were always going, heehaw, heehaw.We also saw lots ofplants, like grapes, cotton and strawberries.In the afternoon, Shadell and I talked with the farmer.The farmer told us a lot about farming, it was quite interesting.still a fun trip.

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