所谓的对于考试的题型不熟悉,乍一听,感觉好像这个问题很简单,实际上这是托福口语培训教学里面的一个大问题,很多的老师在讲解提醒的时候只是一味的解释题型并不去认真的追究到底问什么ETS出这个题型,如果在讲解提醒的时候告诉学生问什么出这个题型,学生会对考试的理解深刻很多,另外很多的老师在讲解题型的时候感觉题型就是按照托福官方指南(Official Guide for TOEFL)里面题型的介绍的英文读一遍或者简单的翻译一遍,殊不知这样子做对于学生后来对于托福口语题型的理解造成很大的困惑。
那么怎样才能够避免这个问题?笔者多年的经验告诉我们在讲解题型的时候要放慢速度,比如说第一题和第二题在讲解的时候要告诉学生第一题出题的思路是要求学生在15秒的准备之后可以用自己的语言在45秒钟之内讲清楚自己的一个观点。第二题是让学生在两个选择当中选择一个出来之后在解释清楚自己的观点。(现在的托福口语实际上已经很大的变化,限于篇幅不能在这里继续讨论)如果只是这么讲,这两道题会让学生丈二和尚摸不着头脑,因为学生会问第一我该说什么?第二我怎么说?笔者自己的上百个一对一的托福口语学生(上大班的学生因为交流不够多并没有足够多的信息去证明笔者的观点,但是笔者每年教授近百位的一对一的学生因为每个人都建立有档案可以跟踪学生的学习进步情况,更可以让笔者了解学生口语成绩的提高,或者说因为什么提高,怎样才是让一个学生在最短时间最快速,最大程度的提高一个中国学生托福口语成绩的方法,因为笔者的长期实践,甚至会出现学生的口语和听力倒挂的情况,就是说学生的听力成绩为个位数但是口语却考到了20分的情况,这就说明口语教学方法的成功,或者说是找到了学生真正地问题)。这些学生在上课的时候最集中的问题就是上过了大班但是根本不知道托福口语一二题是什么,主要原因就是在班里面教师只是在讲自己认为重要的东西,教师因为个人教学经验不充足导致上课的速度无法掌握所以出现快速的推进12题,可是中国的学生恰恰是12题目最有可能拿到满分。因此,教师一定要不断地上课,不断在上课当中学习怎么控制托福口语12题的讲题速度。原则就是一个,一定要让学生明白两点。第一托福口语的答题思路。第二,托福口语中话题发展(topic development)的重要性。
个人都可以讲得很清楚观点理由和细节,但是最简单的事情也最难,往往一个班级里面不管班级的人数多少能够真的在讲解当中,在计时器的模式之下可以讲一道题目就可以按照观点理由细节讲出来的学生几乎没有!是几乎没有!为什么几乎没有,是因为学生没有经过充分的准备,脑子里面几乎是一片空白的情况之下讲的东西之间根本没有任何的联系,这种情况下录音如果是在真是的考试里面,就只能停留在两分水平,再也无法提高自己的成绩,即使是一些学生可以考到三分,也是比较低的三分。在这种情况下如果一个老师不知道继续进行下去,那么这个学生的口语成绩一定不会高于23分,因为学生的并不知道怎么提高,正是因为笔者找到了怎么讲解12题目的这个方法,所以笔者的很多托福口语学生可以成功跨越23分,一直向上达到24以上的成绩。那么,重点就是一定要在讲解的时候让学生录音,甚至让学生把自己想说的话写下来,之后教师一定要指出学生在逻辑上的错误(logic problems),也就是所说的话题的发展的问题,通常情况的问题是学生说的理由和他的观点没有任何的关系,或者说他说的细节不够具体,或者是他说的细节并不是和理由相关的就是跑题了。这对老师的要求就极其高,但是如果这样教学的话学生就可以自己意识到自己讲的东西逻辑不够清晰,在老师的带领之下学生会渐渐的意识到自己应该怎么练习。如果一个老师可以在教学的时候用笔者刚才所提到的方法,他就可以很好的控制上课的速度,让学生能够在一个自己真实的节奏下面,由老师引导,一步步的了解托福口语12题所考察的方向,不仅仅提高了自己口语水平,也同时很快速的提高了学生的口语成绩。
所以一定让学生进一步明白第二点,就是托福的口语12题一定要在说的注意自己的逻辑,就是话题的发展(topic development)。这个可以通过不断地让学生交作业来完成。绝大多数的托福口语老师在教学之后学生的成绩没有明显的提高,或者,一些水平特别高的学生其实困惑的12题,因为3456题到了某一个点之后仅仅是听听力和复述的问题,但是也恳请刚开始代课的托福口语老师不要就以为是这么简单的问题,3456题还是有很高要求的复述,尤其是4,6题,任何一个学生想考出4,6题的满分,都必须要有非常好的复述能力,有些题目甚至是老师都讲不清楚。但是12题是一个学生的水平越高,越不知道怎么准备,因为在一个学生清楚的理解了观点理由和细节的逻辑关系之后,真正痛苦的才刚刚开始,就是怎么样在讲的时候不跑题并且一定要是非常切题的细节。这个必须在非常严格的一篇篇写答案并且老师必须非常认真的改正(通过让学生提交写的答案和录音来完成)。笔者认为一个合格的郑州托福口语培训老师在上课的时候如果是以两个小时为一个单位,那么在上大课的时候应该至少有4次也就是8个小时的时间来讲解托福口语的12题,这个原则同样适用于大班的教学,也同样适用于一对一的教学,但是一对一的教学是分散的并不是连续性的上八个小时。
3、4题的准备时间是30 秒,回答时间则是60秒;最后两道题目的准备时间是20秒,回答时间为60秒。大部分考生都反映口语部分的准备时间利用效率低、做答仓促。
如第1、2中的题目属于日常话题,这两道题本身难度比较小,所以特别需要注意的就是时间的分配问题,在这45秒钟里,一般用5~6秒完成top ic sentence, 接下来的40秒应以每一个detail或者example不超过3~4句话的规律完成该话题,也就是说大致20秒完成一个detail或example的表述。如果考生能在考前进行充分的准备,锻炼自己的口语思维,积累常用的de tails或examples,考试时就会从容许多。
其次,考生要对6道题目的评分标准和题目本身的要求有具体的认识,并根据自己的基础在托福口语考试前针对iBT Speak ing的6种类型做集中训练。
关于评分标准,OG(Official Guide官方指南)上都有详细的说明,ETS以下列3点作为自己的评分准则:
1.Delivery: How clear your speech is.Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns.2.Language Use: How effectively you use gram mar and vocabulary to convey your ideas.Raters will be looking to see how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.3.Topic Development: How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas.Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.在托福口语备考中,考生必须尽量做到使自己的语言流畅、清晰、易懂,并且能够熟练使用口语词汇。其中环球托福认为“流畅”要求考生要以较流畅的语速表述自己的观点,其实也是提醒考生必须有效利用时间。通常内容越丰富、信息量越大,越容易得高分。最后,环球托福祝你考试顺利!
托福口语第三题形式:阅读+听力+应答托福口语第三题阅读:时间: 40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题(75至100words)(大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)
时间: 准备时间:30s;陈述时间:60s
TIPS: 注意逻辑组织:开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree,然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。
1、“The school has implemented a new policy that...due to....And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement.The first reason s/he gives is that....And the second one is based on the fact that....”
2、From the reading material, we know that(the college)is going to...Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons..One reason is that…….Another is…
(万一有时间)So that's all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion.(尽量记,听为主)
3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…….(选择方案型:听选择的原因。1.Firstly, the man/woman states that…….2.And then he/she states that…….)
(提出建议型:听建议的利弊。1.Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue.He/she states that…….2.On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question.He/she points out that…….)(编辑:陈佳)
(1)In the reading material,(2)There is a/an announcement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词)
(3)The university/college is going to****(稍稍展开下)
(4)In the listening material, two students discuss about the***(填入关键词)
(1)The man/woman is against/supporting the***
(2)He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about***
(3)He or She thinks the*** is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following reasons:
(4)The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…….理由展开部分的模版:
(1)First, he thinks/says****;Also, he points out that****
(2)Firstly, the man/woman states that…….;And then he/she states that…….(3)支持+反对
Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue.He/she states that…….On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question.He/she points out that…….5、范例: Bus Service Elimination Planned
Important Points(字数102)
The university plans to eliminate the bus service because it is too expensive to run and too few students use it.(一句话概括阅读材料的内容)The man disagrees with the university plan.(谈话人态度)He believes the reason few students take the bus is that the route goes to
neighborhoods where students do not live.If the routes were changed, many more students would ride the bus.(两句话讲谈话人的第一个观点:校车路线。注意改路线的建议是采用虚拟语气来表述的)The man disagrees with the way the university plans to use the money it saves on the bus service.Building more parking lots on campus will encourage more students to drive on
campus.This would increase noise and traffic on campus.(谈话人第二个观点:增加停车场。首先讲谈话人观点:Disagree with the way…然后将后果讲后果)"
The man in the scene said he wanted to keep the bus service for the better being of students on campus, because there is some students who can not afford the car, therefore they use the free bus service even though it isn’t that much.The problem with bus service right now is going through wrong neighbour where it is too expensive for students to live, so what they should do is just change the course of bus.And that will take of the problem.Also, they should encourage more students to use the bus service instead of discourage them.Or()if they us the money that they use for bus service to increase the space of the parking lot for the students, which will add to the noise of the campus and will be more congested for all the people who already parking over there.自我测评标准:Self-Assessment Checklist:
1.I noted the main points of the reading passage.2.I noted the main points of the listening
passage.3.I read the question carefully.4.I used careful planning to outline my response.5.I began with an overall topic statement.6.I used b supporting ideas.7.I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.第三题:In this set of materials, the reading passage describes a notice(the title of the reading passage)and the listening passage is a discussion by two students on_________(summarize each passage with one sentence)
According to the reading passage, the notice explains(discusses)__________
In the listening passage, the students discuss the notice__________
第四题:In this set of materials, the reading passage describes________and the listening passage is a lecture by a professor on________
According to the reading passage ________
In the listening passage, the professor discusses____________
第五题:In this listening material, the woman(man)has a problem________(main points from the listening material).The man(woman)gives him or her two suggestion.One is __________As far as I am concerned, I think __________is better.First, because__________Also, ____________.第六题
In this listening material, the professor describes(explains)______________________(main points from the listening material)
task3 校园事物议论题
The announcement from the university newspaper says the school is going to add computer classes in the evening.There are two reasons.Firstly, the students numbers are increasing rapidly, Secondly there are limited seats in the computer lab.The man disagrees with this new policy.He has two reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that the students have full classes in the daytime, and they want to live personal life in the evening.The second reason is the school must pay the professors extra money for working beyond the regular hours, with that money the school can afford additional computers to meet all the students’ requirement.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.1.2
The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to close the art gallery and redecorate it into office building.There are two reasons.Firstly, art majors take advantage of the art gallery only occasionally.Secondly, less than half of the students visit the exhibition.The man disagrees with this new policy.He has two reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is art majors take the chance of exhibiting in the art gallery seriously, they won’t send works to the exhibition until everything is perfect.The second reason is the school publicity of the exhibition is late and inaccurate.There were quite a few time when the school newspaper would introduce the information of new exhibition.1.3
The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to build off campus apartment.There are two benefits.Firstly, it can save limited campus areas and leave more space for students’ activities.Secondly, it increases students’ daily communications with local community.The woman disagrees with this new policy.She has two reasons for holding her opinion.The first reason is that if the students don’t live on campus, they will drive to campus, thus they need more parking spaces.The second reason is by doing this, the students will lose the chance to participate in the school activities, after all, school activities are more important than social contact.So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.1.4
The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to postpone the school union election.There are two reasons.Firstly, many students are involved with finals and graduations in May.Secondly, new students are coming in September, they can vote for their favorite candidates.The man disagrees with this new policy.He has two reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that in September, they are equally busy, they have to select new courses, talk to professors and find new apartment.The second reason is the first year students’ No 1 issue is becoming familiar with the new environment, they are not familiar with the election candidates.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.1.5
The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to renovate the
students’ dormitory.Because the lodging rate of students’ dormitory has dropped 20 percent since last year, and many students keep moving out of the dormitory.The woman disagrees with this new policy.She has two reasons for holding her opinion.The first reason is that the whole
renovations will last 2 years, and during this time, it will make a lot of noise, thus the students will be driven to move out.The second reason is the dormitory fee will increase soon after the
dormitory is built because of the worker salary, new materials and new furniture.So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.1.6
The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to implement online library service.There are several purposes.By doing this, registered students can log into their personal accounts and view digital versions of book online.The man agrees with this new policy.He has three reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that by doing this, the school doesn’t need to spend millions of money rebuilding the library.The second reason is it is cheaper and faster than the traditional one.The third reason is there are new desk tops in the living room of dormitories , thus the students can access to the reference without any procedure and trouble.So that’s why the man agrees with the new policy.1.7
The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to expand its
broadcasting.There are two benefits.Firstly, by doing this, more students would enjoy listening to the school radio.Secondly, the school can make more money by casting commercial
advertisement.The woman agrees with this new policy.She has two reasons for holding her
opinion.The first reason is that by doing this, it can not only broadcast the academic news but also diversify the channel of information, which can help us find job.The second reason is once the school makes money from the commercial, this money will be used to do research and set up the scholarship.So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.1.9
The announcement from university newspaper says that the university has decided best
undergraduate students can attend the course of graduate school and their credits can be taken into grad study in order to encourage more students to learn the grad course in this college.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that if the undergraduate students take part in the seminar class, the class will be so large and harmful to everyone.The second reason is the students should change a university to study further, thus they can know new teachers and classmates and have a new experience.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.2.0
The announcement from university newspaper says that the university is going to improve the cafeteria.There are two policys.Firstly, the old cafeteria will improve their quality through bringing in another cafeteria.Secondly, the university will force the cafeteria to improve the quality in limited days.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that there is no room for another cafeteria.The second reason is the time is so short for the cafeteria to improve the quality.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.2.1
The announcement from university newspaper says that the university is going to set up computer classes in the evening.There are several reasons.Firstly, there are two many students who choose the computer classes in the morning.Secondly, the computers are not enough.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that many students may not choose the evening class, because they are busy in the
activities, such as going to club and social activities.The second reason is it must pay the teacher
extra wage, and it is better to buy more computers.The third reason is the computer room is large enough to place more computers.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.2.2 activity of protecting environment
The letter from professor says that the university should terminate recycle program, because the students do not pay attention to it and it’s a waste of money.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that the university did not emphasize this program and the students didn’t know where the recycle sites were.The second reason is this program is supported by the city government, not the school, so this policy won’t save money for the university.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.2.3 computer class
The letter from professor says that the university should set up the computer classes and teach more computer knowledge, because he didn’t master the computer skills when he graduated from the university 25 yeas ago.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that it is common to use computer, even in English class, so it is possible that almost everyone has master the computer skills and it’s a waste of money for the university to set up the class.The second reason is students who don’t master computer skills can learn them in the computer training organization after graduation.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.
人无完人,金无足赤。学生尽管不爱学习,但是在他身上总归有一些优点值得我们称道。在平日的学习和生活中,班主任应不失时机地找出学生身上潜藏的优点与潜能,以一些著名人物的小故事鼓励他,引导他对学习的态度发生变化。当不爱学习的同学在班级工作中作出贡献的时候,班主任要不失时机地进行表扬,并给予奖励。让他在班上获得信心。同时,激励机制的存在,也会让学生之间产生攀比心理,在竞争中,让学生的热情点燃学生的热情。二. 行为习惯差。
一般来说,衡量一个人英语口头表达能力主要看以下几个方面:(1)语言的准确性(accuracy)和得体性(appropriateness);(2)语音(pronunciation)、的语调(intonation)是否正确,口齿是否清楚;(3)话语组织(discourse management)是否合理;(4)口语表达的流利程度(fluency);(5)语法(grammar)是否正确,用词是否恰当,语言是否符合英语表达习惯。这些是衡量英语会话能力的主要标准,针对这些标准,要提高英语口头表达能力,就要采取相应的训练方法,方法恰当了,就能起到事半功倍的效果。