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剑桥商务英语考试时间为每年5月、11月各开考一次,报名时间于考试前两个半月开始 考试费BEC1:360元人民币;BEC2:450元人民币;BEC3:580元人民币









收费标准: 三级口译:360元笔译:300元








2011年专四作文题及参考例文 PART VI WRITING

[45 MIN] SECTION A COMPOSITION [35 MIN] Recently government agencies in some big cities have been studying the possibility of putting a “pollution tax” on private cars.The amount of tax private car owners would have to pay would depend on the emission levels, i.e.engine or vehicle size.This has caused quite a stir among the public.Some regard it as an effective way to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city.But others don't think so.What is your opinion? Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should Private Car Owners be Taxed for Pollution? You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING

[10 MIN] Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: During the summer vacation you would like to invite your best friend to your home town.Write a note to him/her, extending your invitation and telling him/her how to get to your home town.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.2010年专业四级作文





[35 MIN]

It was recently reported in a newspaper that six students who shared a dorm at a local university hired a cleaner to do laundry and cleaning once a week.And each of them paid her 60 yuan a month.This has led to a heated debate as to whether college students should hire cleaners.Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

Should College Students Hire Cleaners?

You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state clearly what your view is.In the second part, support your view with appropriate reasons.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B


[10 MIN]

Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:

Your good friend, John, is thinking of organizing an end-of-the-term party.Write him a note telling him that you like his idea and offer to help him.You have to be specific about how you can help him.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.2009年专业四级作文 PART VI WRITING [45 MINI] SECTION A COMPOSITION [35 MIN] Tourism is a booming business in China.However, some people worry that too many tourists may bring harm to the environment, while others don't think so.What is your opinion? Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment? You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN]Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Lily, your roommate, is looking for a part-time job in the coming summer vacation.You saw an ad for a private English tutor for a schoolboy.Write her a note, telling her what the job is and strongly recommending it to her.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.2008年专业四级作文

PART VI WRITING(45 MIN)SECTION A COMPOSITION(35 MIN)December 5th is International Volunteers Day.Since 1985, when the United Nations announced the special day, tens of millions of people around the world have volunteered to help those in need.China now has 4.5 million registered volunteers who have provided more than 4.5 billion hours of volunteer work.What can you gain from volunteering? Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Benefits of Volunteering You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING(10 MIN)Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Jane, your classmate, is thinking of subscribing to an English-language newspaper.And you would like to recommend one to her.Write a note, telling her which newspaper it is and describing two features of the paper.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.参考例文(大作文)08年

Volunteering means being willing to help people in need and make contributions to society for no financial rewards.Needless to say, volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society.Yet, despite the fact that volunteers are not paid for what they have done, serving as a volunteer, I believe, is also beneficial to the volunteers themselves.First, volunteering helps volunteers improve their interpersonal skills.They can understand people better and have better skills to motivate others and to deal with difficult situations in collaboration with people of different personalities in their volunteering work.Besides, volunteering serves as a good opportunity for volunteers to apply their knowledge to practical problems.This is especially useful for student volunteers.For instance, students volunteering to assist foreign guests on big occasions like Canton Fair can not only practice their oral English, but also have first hand experience on the latest development of their field.Finally, volunteering satisfies one's psychological need for respect and self-fulfillment, and it gives the volunteer a sense of achievement.In a word, volunteering helps to improve one's interpersonal skills, apply one's knowledge to practice, and give the volunteer a sense of self-fulfillment.It is of great benefits to the society, but it benefits the volunteer even greater.09年

In recent years, China has witnessed rapid growth in tourism.It is true that tourism can play an important role in booming the national economy, but I am afraid that too much tourism may cause grave harm or bring about risks and disasters to the environment.There are many ways in which tourism brings about bad effects to the environment.One of the examples is that in order to attract tourists, large patches of woods were eliminated to build accommodation facilities as well as artificial scenic spots.This unavoidably destroys the natural beauty of the scenic spots.Worse still, it breaks the ecological balance of these areas, resulting in the shortage of farmland, water and animals.Moreover, with large numbers of tourists flooding into the scenic spots every year, they have produced all kinds of garbage everywhere, placing much pressure on environment protection.All in all, too much tourism brings harm to the environment in many ways.So it is unwise to sacrifice the environment for the unreasonably rapid growth of tourism, and there should be a balance between tourism development and environment protection.10年

College Students Should not Hire Cleaners Recently, there is a widespread concern over college students’ ways of consumption, what amazes us most is some students even hire cleaners for their daily cleaning.From my point of view, hiring cleaners is not appropriate at all.Firstly, the time saved by hiring cleaners is not spent on studies as they have claimed to.College students are not always busy with important things that need take time saved by cleaners.It’s better to do some cleaning rather than keep on watching movies or playing games in the spare time.Secondly, hiring cleaners costs money which may add to the already heavy burden of the parents.Parents are doing their cleaning while they are affording our tuition and other expenses on campus.Never can we have our cleaning done by using their hard-earned money when we are not financially independent.Lastly, hiring cleaners may undermine our capacity for self-sufficiency.One of the purposes for us to stay on campus instead of at home is to train our self-help skills, which will be of great importance to our future life.Therefore, doing cleaning on our own would be an essential part of skill practice.As an old Chinese saying goes, he who fulfills his duty in everyday matters will fulfill his big ambition on great occasions.It will make a big difference if we can start from cleaning our room as our first accomplishment.11年

With the development of society, many people can afford a car.As the number of the cars is rising, we are facing some problems.One big problem is the pollution caused by the use of cars.In order to solve this problem, government agencies in some big cities recently suggest that a “pollution tax” should be put on private cars in order to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city.For my part, I agree to this viewpoint, and my reasons are as follows:

To begin with, cars contribute to the environmental pollution.For example, a lot of big cities in China are now plagued by serious air pollution.Then it is the responsibility of these private car owners to pay for the pollution and they should be taxed.The purpose of collecting environmental pollution tax is to raise the fund, and then utilize the tax revenue lever to protect our environment.Secondly, it is a good way to raise people’s environmental awareness by putting a pollution tax on private cars.If people suffer from the financial loss when making a decision, they will think more about their decision.Then they will consider more when deciding to buy a private car.Consequently, the increase rate of the number of the private cars can be controlled.In a word, it is a very good and necessary attempt to use the means of taxation to treat the pollution.Of course, it must be kept in mind that all people, including the private car owners, should try their best to protect the environment.参考范文(小)

11年 便条写作 April 20, 2008 Dear my friend, The summer vacation is coming next month.I hope you will visit our home town and stay with us.It's very beautiful here with everything in bloom now.If possible, you can come here by the train No.1010, which will arrive here at 18:00.I am looking forward to seeing you as soon as possible.Sincerely,10年

April 16, 2011 Dear John, I am very excited that you have got such an amazing idea of organizing an end-of-the-term party.After a whole term’s hard studying, it is time for us to enjoy ourselves.It will be my pleasure to help you decorate the place where the party is to be held.Yours, Fangfang

09年 Dear Lily,I know you're looking for a part-time job in the coming summer vacation.And I have just seen an ad for a private English tutor for a schoolboy on the campus.Since you're good at English and like teaching, I think this job is very suitable for you.It will help you both earn some money and practice yourselves.So please think about it.Yours, Fangfang Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the issue that should english majors study math.Some people hold that all of students should study math, others do not agree.As for me, I agree with the later opinion.WIth university budgets cut , more and more universities choose to cancel math education.Providing math as part of education helps develop intelligence that leads to greater success in school and in life.Every student in the nation should have an education in math until they prepare to work.Universities should do everything they can to spread the importance of math.And advance the resort of math education as part of the core.Giving a student opportunity to study accounting can promote his or her later success in society.Reseachers have found that students involved in math likely to succeed in society.Math is not only a skill, but also a culture in a word ,non english majors study english in college is benefit to their life and future.They should study Math in college.




二、8:30-9:05听力(Mini-lecture结束后收卷+Interview+News broadcast)




六、10:00-11:00 翻译结束后收卷。

七、11:00-11:45 作文收卷,考试结束。




看到很多想考英语专业八级的同学,先介绍一下英语专业八级考试吧.英语专业八级考试,简称TEM8(TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS,GRADE 8),是由高等学校外语 专业教学指导委员会测试组负责实施:组 长: 邹 申(上外)组 员: 钟美荪(北外)陈建平(广外)秦秀白(华南理工)朱永生(复旦)李绍山(解放军外院)文秋芳(南京大学)

注意:英语专业四级/八级考试只是针对于英语专业学生,证书分为优秀,良好,及格.不及格 只有一次补考机会,补考成绩只有及格与不及格.关于参考书,真的想考的同学,我在整理一下目录吧.高校英语专业八级考试大纲


本考试的目的是检查大纲的执行情况,特别是大纲所规定的八级水严所要达到的综合 语言技能和交际能力,藉以促进大纲的进一步贯彻,提高教学质量。


本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试的范围包 括大纲所规定的听、读、写、译四个方面的技能。由于大规模口试的条件目前尚不具备,所以有关“说”的技能暂缓测试。


英语专业八级考试于每年3月份举行。由英语专业学生八级考试命题小组负责命题与实 施。


为了较好地考核学生运用语言技能的综合能力,既照顾到科学性、客观性,又照顾到 可行性及高级英语水平测试的特点,本考试的形式采取客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项 技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方法。从总体上来说,客观试题占总分的百分之四十,主观试题占总分的百分之六十。客观试题与主观试题在各项试题中的具体分布见“考试内 容一览表。”


本考试包括五个部分:听力理解,校对与改错,阅读理解,翻译,写作。该五部分分 成两份试卷。试卷一(PaperOne)包括前三部分;试卷二(PaperTwo)包括后两部分。

I.听力理解(PartI:Listening Comprehension)



(b)能听懂VOA或BBC节目中有关政治、经济、文化教育、科技等方面的记者现场报道。(c)能听懂有关政治、经济、历史、文化教育、语言文学、科普方面的一般讲座及讲座后的 答问。







以上各项目均由五道选择题组成。每道选择题后有15秒间隙。要求学生从试卷所给的 四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。录音语速为每分钟140--170词。

SectionD:Note-taking and Gap-filling

本项目是由一个700词左右的讲座组成。要求学生边听边做笔记,然后作填空练习。考 试时间约20分钟,其中听录音时间约5分钟,答题时间为15分钟。







(a)能读懂一般英美报刊杂志上的社论、政治和书评,既能理解其主旨和大意,又能分辨出 其中的事实与细节。




SectionA:Reading Comprehension

A项由数段短文组成,其后共有选择题15道,要求学生根据短文的内容,隐含意义及文 件特征在30分钟内完成试题。短文共长2,5000词左右。


B项测试学生的速读能力,由数段短文组成,短文后共有10道选择题。短文共约3,00 0个词。要求学生运用速读及跳读的技巧在10分钟内根据短文内容完成试题。



汉译英项目要求应试者运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊杂志上的论述文和国 情介绍,以及一般文学作品的节录。速度为每小时约250汉字。译文必须忠实原意,语言通 顺。

英译汉项目要求应试者运用英译汉的理论和技巧,翻译英、美报刊杂志上有关政治、经济、历史、文化等方面的论述文以及文学原著的节录。速度为每小时约250词。译文要求忠实 原意,语言流畅。











学生应能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇300词左右的说明文或议论文。该作文必须语言 通顺,用词得体,结构合理,文体恰当,具有说服力。







这家很不错,记得用联通3G手机或4G,大部分都有信号。8:30-9:05听力(Mini-lecture结束后收卷+Interview+News broadcast)




六、10:00-11:00 翻译结束后收卷。

七、11:00-11:45 作文收卷,考试结束。




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    2014年英语专业四级考试大纲 英语专业四级考试(TEM-4,Test for English Majors-4),全称为全国高校英语专业四级考试。自1991年起由中国大陆教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专......


    专业四级 文字 一般为大学本科英语专业二年级的学生需要在二年级下学期(5月份前后举行)。考试类型分为:听写,听力理解,完型填空,语法与词汇,阅读理解,作文和便条。 英语专业四级(TEM......


    英语专业四级考试流程 英语专业四级(TEM4) 考试日期:2013年4月20日 考试时间:8:30——10:45(中途无休息) 考试流程: 8:15进场,监考老师检查准考证,身份证,学生证。(考试正式开始15分钟......


    2012年英语专业2010级 英语专业四级模拟考试流程 英语专业四级(TEM4) 考试日期:2012年4月21日 考试时间:8:30——10:45(中途无休息) 考试流程: 8:15进场,监考老师检查准考证,身份证,学......




    英语专业八级考试靠前准备 英语专业八级考试是一项要求较高的限时考试,但是通过对历年试题的分析,我们不难看出其出题的思路还是有一定的规律可循的,尤其是翻译部分、无论是汉......


    英语专业四级考试 求助编辑百科名片 英语专业四级考试(TEM-4,Test for English Majors-4),全称为全国高校英语专业四级考试。自1991年起由中国大陆教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学......


    全国英语专业四级口语考试仍然采用录音口试,将于笔试一周后举行。根据大纲要求,口试内容将分解为三项: (1) 复述故事(听两遍故事后复述3分种); (2) 即席讲话(根据所给的题目准备3分钟后......