
时间:2019-05-13 04:01:57下载本文作者:会员上传




【押题1】 A few years ago, I had a job that almost destroyed me.My1was that I loved my job too much and couldn’t get of it.Working for the President was better than any otherthat I’d ever had.In the morning, I couldn’t to get to the office.At night, I left it unwillingly.Part of my mind at work even when I was atwith my kids at night.Not 枯萎seeing little of my wife or my two sons.I lost contact with my old friends.I evento lose contact with myself.Then one evening, Ihome to tell the boys I wouldn’t make it back in time to say good night.I’d already missed fivethis week.Sam, the younger of the two, said that was I got home.I explained that I’d be back so late that he would have gone to sleep he can’t exactly what happened to me at that moment.Yet I suddenly knew I had tomy job.After I said in public that I had quit my job, I received a number of Most were sympathetic, but a few of my correspondents were They wrote to tell me angrily that I shouldn’t think myself virtuous(有道德的).work was virtuous;leaving an important job to spend more time with my family was not.1.A.happiness B.diseaseC.problemD.fight

2.A.littleB.allC.enough D.part B.invitation C.job D.trouble

4.A.hope C.stop D.wait

5.A.remained B.held C.blocked D.settled

6.A.lunch B.home D.breakfast

7.A.really B.likely C.surprisingly D.usually

8.A.parents B.teachers D.friends

9.A.began B.wanted C.chose D.proved

10.A.wrote B.phoned C.ran D.drove

11.A.bedtimes B.kisses C.nightsD.calls

12.A.bad B.OK C.great D.easy

13.A.however B.whenever C.whatever D.wherever well B.on purpose time D.long before

15.A.agreed B.insisted C.managed D.refused

16.A.find B.feel C.require D.explain

17.A.value B.leave C.keep D.take

18.A.papers B.notes C.letters D.reports

19.A.angry B.sad C.pleasedD.excited

20.A.Timeless B.Hard C.Valuable D.Important






6.B根据后文的 with my kids at night 可知是晚上在家和孩子们在一起的时候。


8.C根据后文的 seeing little of my wife or my two sons 可知作者与家人开始失去联络。











19.A根据 They wrote to tell me angrily … 的语境可知有些人对作者辞职一事非常生气。


【押题2】 The Cat in the Hat takes place on a cold, wet day with two bored siblings awaiting their mother’s.Instead of their mother, enter the house.He begins unsteadily balancing a fish bowl on the tip of his umbrella while kids and their pet fish worry and worry.But readers around the world and laughed over the Cat and the Hat and his crazy antics.''The Cat makes his own rules and defines his own idea of kids,'' says Dr.Seuss expert Philip Nel.''It’s fun to watch the Cat break the rulesyou don’t suffer the Theodore Seuss Geisel, known to fansDr.Seuss, wrote The Cat in the Hat.It was first about who should be able to keep the pearl—t laughed.Geisel liked to have fun and make people laugh but he had areason for writing The Cat in the Hat.Geisel wanted to write a book that would teach read.In 1954, a Life magazine article argued that kids couldn’t read because the books were John Hersey, the Pulitzer-prize winning author of the article,Geisel write a story that ''first graders wouldn’t be able to

To write the book, Geisel had to stick to a beginning reader’s word list.Geisel says that he came with the title by looking for the first two words on the that rhymed.And so The Cat in the Hat was born!But it wasn’t an easy book to write.It took Geisel one-and-half years to complete.1.A.return B.visit C.turn D.reward

2.A.a hat B.a dog C.a person D.a cat

3.A.jumping B.weighing C.balancing D.putting

4.A.laughed B.jumped C.cried D.shouted

5.A.amazement B.pleasure

6.A.intending to B.appealing to C.consisting of D.calling for

7.A.though C.because D.but

8.A.consequences B.result C.cause D.reason C.for

10.A.gentle B.quiet C.lovely D.naughty

11.A.consulted B.argued C.agreed D.indicated

12.A.secretly B.loudly C.silently D.hardly

13.A.selfish B.funny C.serious D.private B.adults C.women

15.A.adjusted to B.produced to C.made to D.used to

16.A.satisfying B.tiring C.interesting D.boring

17.A.ordered B.suggested C.required D.desired

18.A.give in about C.put down D.look for

19.A.out B.down D.up B.newspaper C.list D.magazine

【试题解析】1.A根据后文“Instead of their mother,2enters the house.”可知,孩子们是在等妈妈的归来。

2.D根据第一段最后一句“laughed over the Cat and the Hat and his crazy antics.”可知是一只猫进来了。


4.A根据and laughed判断是全世界的读者都在“一直笑”。




8.Aconsequences “后果”。

9.Bbe known as“被认为是”。文中指Theodore Seuss Geisel被爱好者们认为是“苏博士”。

10.D根据下文的Theodore Seuss Geisel藏假珍珠导致主人和客人争执的事件看知当时的他是“淘气的”。


12.Asecretly “背地里”。

13.Cserious和have fun相对应。


15.Dused to在此作定语,意为“被用来做……的”


17.BJohn Hersey作为朋友只能是“建议”。

18.Cput down “放下”

19.Dcome up with “提出,想起”。

20.C根据前文提示“a beginning reader’s word list”。

【押题3】 Stepping out of the hospital, my heart was filled with sadness and regret.My former best friend, Faith, had just

She was only 16.last breath, we, who were soto her, gathered around her side,to hold back our tears andher.Everyone wanted to give her their lastbut people were just so choked up.After that moment of deep drawers, I suddenly discovered anletter with the title “My Last Words”.I opened it slowly, checked the date and began to read the letter.The happy girl we had been with wasnot as optimistic as we thought.She kept until she couldn't hold it in any more.But she had a beautiful imagination and great ambition.In herletter, she mentioned her dreams, her family and her shock in finding thedeeds undone.I amthat she would have reached her goals and achieved her dreamsonly God could have given her some more time.There is a saying that says fate is fair to everybody.But I just can't help rejecting thatfinal dreams.It is time thather from reaching her biggest moment.Why didtreat her so unfairly?

Life is so short and precious that everyone shouldit.Fate is not fair, which has become a motivation for me.I have become bent on continuing my dreams and amnever to give up.I will no longer waste or complain.I am going to get right down to work with all my away B.passed away C.gone by D.walked away

2.A.Unfortunately B.Unreasonably C.Suddenly D.Truly

3.A.thankful B.polite C.dear D.thoughtful

4.A.failing B.tending C.trying D.deciding

5.A.educate B.comfort C.leave D.impress

6.A.words B.joys C.instructions D.wishes

7.A.silence B.thought C.feeling D.sorrow

8.A.unopened B.unfinished C.untouched D.unlocked

9.A.obviously B.actually C.simply D.slightly

10.A.still B.modest C.calm D.silent

11.A.first C.last D.former

12.A.letter B.saying C.disease D.belief

13.A.afraid B.eager C.anxious D.sure

14.A.because B.when C.though D.if

15.A.speech B.topic D.belief

16.A.forbade B.protected C.stopped D.held

17.A.history B.fate C.fact D.illness

18.A.value B.mind C.share D.offer

19.A.made B.told C.determined D.taught

20.A.resource B.strength D.time

【试题解析】1.Bpassed away“去世”。







8.A由下文“I opened it slowly”可以推出该空表示“没有被打开的”。

9.Bactually “实际上”。

10.D“she couldn’t hold it any more”暗示该空表示“保持沉默,不透露病情”,因此silent。

11.C第8空后面的My Last Words暗示该空应填last。




15.D由文章大意可知“fate is fair to everybody”是一种信念。

16.Cstop sb.from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”。







Lillian Hanson, a college student, expects to graduate in about two years.What makes Mrs.Hanson different from her classmates is

her37673 years old.She has been studying at college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years.When Lillian Hanson graduated from high school, she went to the377to borrow money for further education.The banker gave her378encouragement.He didn't think that a country girl should borrow money to go to college.He thought she should be379doing housework or should work on the farm.380Lillian Hanson went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to college.Mrs.Hanson381forgot the dream of getting higher education.When the children had grown up, she382again and succeeded.In the class on her first day, when she introduced herself and383why she was there and what her aims were, all the other students384to give her a warm welcome.Mrs.Hanson finds that the385part of going back to school at her age is sitting in class for long periods of time.However, she often says she will stick to her dream no matter how difficult it is.376.A.ageB.interestC.accent

378.A.muchB.noC.a little the office





384.A.stood upB.ran awayC.broke out






379【解析】选B。语境理解与逻辑推理。根据上一句银行经理的观念:一个乡下女孩不应该借钱去上大学。又设空处有at home,故可推知设空处所在句的句意为:他认为她应该在家做家务或在农场干活。




383【解析】选C.。语境理解与逻辑推理。由设空处后的宾语从句why she was there and what her aims were可推知设空处的句子的句意为“在班里的第一天,她自我介绍,并向同学解释说他为什上学及她的目标是什么……”





(五)Section Ⅰ Use of English


Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on Answer Sheet 1.Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative person who is 1 only among those with whom he is acquainted.When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous, 2 embarrassed.You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to 3 the truth of this.Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner.Hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive.4 , there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, 5 broken, makes the offender immediately the object of 6.It has been known as a fact that the British has a 7 for the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it 8.Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom 9 forecast and hence becomes a source of interest and 10 to everyone.This may be so.11 a British cannot have much 12 in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong 13 a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts!The man in the street seems to be as accurate-or as inaccurate-as the weathermen in his 14.Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references 15 weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day.Very often conversational greetings are 16 by comments on the weather.“Nice day, isn't it?” “Beautiful!” may well be heard instead of “Good morning, how are you?” 17 the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage.18 he wants to start a conversation with a British but is 19 to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather.It is a safe subject which will 20 an answer from even the most reserved of the British.1.[A] relaxed

[B] frustrated

[C] amused

[D] exhausted

2.[A] yet

[B] otherwise

[C] even

[D] so

3.[A] experience

[B] witness

[C] watch

[D] undergo

4.[A] Deliberately [B] Consequently [C] Frequently [D] Apparently

5.[A] unless

[B] once

[C] while

[D] as

6.[A] suspicion

[B] opposition

[C] criticism

[D] praise

7.[A] emotion

[B] fancy

[C] likeliness

[D] judgment

8.[A] at length

[B] to a great extent [C] from his heart [D] by all means

9.[A] follows

[B] predicts

[C] defies

[D] supports

10.[A] dedication

[B] compassion

[C] contemplation [D] speculation

11.[A] Still

[B] Also

[C] Certainly

[D] Fundamentally

12.[A] faith

[B] reliance

[C] honor

[D] credit

13.[A] if

[B] once

[C] when

[D] whereas

14.[A] propositions [B] predictions

[C] approval

[D] defiance

15.[A] about

[B] on

[C] in

[D] to

16.[A] started

[B] conducted

[C] replaced

[D] proposed

17.[A] Since

[B] Although

[C] However

[D] Only if

18.[A] Even if

[B] Because

[C] If

[D] For

19.[A] at a loss

[B] at last

[C] in groups

[D] on the occasion

20.[A] stimulate

[B] constitute

[C] furnish

[D] provoke

Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Directions:

Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D].Mark your answers on Answer Sheet 1.Text 1

Readers of our Christmas issue were invited to nominate the wisest fool of the past 50 years.They responded magnificently, though often predictably.But this was not a popularity contest, or an unpopularity one.Except Jack Kennedy, every eligible president of the United States was nominated, along with every important political leader of the rest of the world.Alan Greenspan was a popular choice, but surprisingly few businessmen were proposed.Donald Trump, Kenneth Lay, Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branson and Lord Conrad Black were those most often mentioned.Even fewer women were nominated, though Diana, Princess of Wales, was a strong contender.Piers Allen of Malta nominated Ronald Reagan, explaining, “A joke-cracking, afternoon-napping, intellectual lightweight whose memory could, in times of crisis, always be relied upon, but only to fail.Although foolish enough to announce, live on radio, that he would be bombing Russia in five minutes and take advice from his wife's astrologer(占星家), he was also wise enough to have survived union leadership and two terms as governor of California to reach the presidency of the United States and end the cold war favourably for the West.Any other wise fools making it to the White House will be hard pressed to fill his cowboy boots.”

Richard Spencer(address not supplied)chose Yasser Arafat, whose foolishness was in “never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity”.“While appearing to his people as a strong leader who could stand up to the Israelis, Arafat was unable to(or simply chose not to)seize the historical moment and forge a compromise solution that would benefit the lot of the Palestinians.Had he been wise enough to make a deal with Israel when the going was good, he likely would have been buried as a bona fide(真正的)world leader in a sovereign state of Palestine.”

Denis Papathanasiou of Hoboken, New Jersey, nominated Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra, baseball player for the New York Yankees(1946-63).“Mr Berra hardly qualifies as an intellectual: he is famous for such remarks as 'You don't look so hot yourself'(in response to a comment that he looked cool in his summer suit), 'What? You mean right now?(when asked for the time of day), and 'I take a two-hour nap, from one o'clock to four.' On second glance, however, his utterances depict a certain honest Zen-like(类似禅宗)wisdom: If you don't know where you're going, you'll wind up somewhere else? It was hard to have a conversation with anyone-there were so many people talking.Those qualities have inspired a miniature popular cult(崇拜)of books and seminars.Not bad for a humble baseball player of modest education.”

Mr Papathanasiou takes first prize.21.Dennis Papathasiou's comment suggests.[A] Lawrence Berra is no doubt a confused character.[B] It is hard to have a conversation with Lawrence Berra.[C] It is wrong to underestimate a person of modest education.[D] The baseball player is philosophical about life.22.What is NOT true of Ronald Reagan?

[A] He was a trade union leader before assuming the governorship of California.[B] He threatened to bomb the Soviet Union on the advise of an astrologer.[C] He projected an image of tough guy when he was the U.S.president.[D] His memory could only be relied on in times of crisis.23.The possible reason to drop the U.S.presidents from the contest is that.[A] The magazine deliberately disregarded popularity in the contest [B] most of the readers endorsed Dennis Papathanasiou's choice [C] The editors decided that they were not strong contenders [D] The purpose of the contest was to outwit the readers

24.Richard Spencer's comment implies that the Palestinian leader.[A] should have declared the formation of a Palestinian state [B] failed to identify a historical opportunity when it arose [C] failed to live up to his image as a strong leader

[D] should have been flexible in his approach to dealing with the Israelis

25.The word “humble”(Line 9, Para.4)denotes.[A] self-importance in bearing [B] modesty in behavior [C] a free of care character [D] easy-goingness in manners

Text 2

The aging process may not be the result of a rigid genetic program that in itself dictates longevity.On the contrary, what we see as maximum life span may simply be the complex and indirect result of multiple traits in the organism that are internally tied to normal development.In other words, it is not that the body is somehow pre-programmed to acquire gray hair, wrinkles, or diminished metabolic(新陈代谢的)functions.Rather, these signs of aging are simply telltale side effects of activities of the organism.Consider the analogy of an “aging car”.Suppose a distinctive “species” of automobile were designed to burn fuel at a fixed temperature with an efficient rate of combustion(燃烧).That specific rate of combustion is required for appropriate acceleration, cruising speed, fuel mileage(油耗), and so on.But, when the car functions in this way over a period of time, the car also, of necessity, produces certain emission by-products that, over time, begin to clog the cylinders, reduce automotive efficiency, and lead to the breakdown and final collapse of the machine.In the case of the human “car”, it could be the burning oxygen in normal metabolism generates harmful by-products in free radicals that prove toxic to the organism.What we see here may be a basic trade-off: oxygen is essential for life yet harmful to our eventual well-being.In this view, the human “car” is not intentionally designed to accumulate toxic emissions in order to collapse.But there seems to be no way for the car to function at optimum levels without the destructive by-products.But suppose we could find some special “fuel additive” that eliminates toxic emissions.Would we then have an “immortal” car? Probably not.Changing the fuel used in your car won't prevent accidents, nor would any fuel additive prevent rusting or the wearing down of springs and

shock absorbers.The human “car” analogy, of course, is misleading, because an organism, unlike a manufactured object, has a capacity for repair and self-generation, at least up to certain point.The whole question about why we grow old is finding out why that capacity for self-repair ultimately seems unable to keep up with the damage rate: in short, why aging and death seem to be universal.26.From the passage, we learn that.[A] the aging process becomes quicker as people live longer

[B] one's life span has nothing to do with his genetic constitution

[C] aging may not be caused by the body's genetic program

[D] normal development dictates the maximum age of a person

27.The example of the “aging car” is used to make the point that.[A] aging is actually a by-product of the life process

[B] any car may break down or collapse over time

[C] no car can function at optimum levels due to inferior fuel

[D] efficient rate of combustion is most important to the car

28.A “basic trade-off”(Line 3, Para.3)is a process.[A] by which old cars are traded off for new ones

[B] by which any organism depends on others for oxygen

[C] through which an organism gets rid of harmful substances

[D] in which any use carries with it an inherent side effect

29.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[A] Aging would never take place if we developed a special fuel additive.[B] We would live forever if we developed a magic medicine for longevity.[C] Longevity is determined by diverse kinds of factors.[D] Nothing can be done to prolong a life when it comes to its natural end.30.The “human car” analogy is faulty in the way that.[A] unlike a person, a car does not have a life span

[B] a human being has a self-repairing capacity

[C] no can is expected to last longer than a life

[D] a car cannot be restored to its original state once damaged

Text 3

The most effective attacks against globalization are usually not those related to economics.Instead, they are social, ethical and, above all, cultural.These arguments surfaced amid the protests in Seattle in 1999 and more recently in Davos, Bangkok and Prague.They say this: the disappearance of national borders and the establishment of a world interconnected by markets will deal a death blow to regional and national cultures, and to the traditions, customs, myths and mores that determine each country's or region's cultural identity.Since most of the world is incapable of resisting the invasion of cultural products from developed countries that inevitably trails the great transnational corporations, North American culture will ultimately impose itself, standardizing the world and annihilating its richness of diverse cultures.In this manner, all other peoples, and not just the small and weak ones, will lose their identity, their soul, and will become no more than 21st-century colonies modeled after the cultural norms of a new imperialism that, in addition to ruling over the planet with its capital, military might and scientific knowledge, will

impose on others its language and its ways of thinking, believing, enjoying and dreaming.Even though I believe this cultural argument against globalization is unacceptable, we should recognize that deep within it lies an unquestionable truth.This century, the world in which we will live will be less picturesque and filled with less local color than the one we left behind.The festivals, attire(穿着), customs, ceremonies, rites and beliefs that in the past gave humanity its culturally and racially variety are progressively disappearing or confining themselves to minority sectors, while the bulk of society abandons them and adopts others more suited to the reality of our time.All countries of the earth experience this process, some more quickly than others, but it is not due to globalization.Rather, it is due to modernization, of which the former is effect, not cause.It is possible to lament, certainly, that this process occurs, and to feel nostalgia(恋旧)for the past ways of life that, particularly from our comfortable vantage point of the present, seem full of amusement, originality and color.But this process is unavoidable.In theory, perhaps, a country could keep this identity, but only if-like certain remote tribes in Africa or the Amazon-it decides to live in total isolation, cutting off all exchange with other nations and practicing self瞫ufficiency.A cultural identity preserved in this form would take that society black to prehistoric standards of living.It is true that modernization makes many forms of traditional life disappear.But at the same time, it opens opportunities and constitutes an important step forward for a society as a whole.That is why, when given the option to choose freely, peoples, sometimes counter to what their leaders or intellectual traditionalists would like, opt for modernization without the slightest ambiguity.31.Which of the following is the argument against globalization?

[A] The world will become a globalized economic entity.[B] Cultural identities in some countries will be compromised.[C] Transnational corporations will take advantage of the poor countries.[D] Poor countries will be dominated by the powerful ones.32.According to the author,.[A] globalization will enrich cultural diversity

[B] countries should strive to reserve their unique customs and practices

[C] modernization will succeed in some countries but not in others

[D] the world will be culturally less diversified because of globalization

33.The author would agree with which of the following statements?

[A] A country should try to retain its cultural identity in its modernization drive.[B] Cultural identity may work against the aspiration for modernization.[C] People should understand what may contribute to modernization.[D] It's impossible for a country to modernize and keep its cultural identity intact.34.The author main purpose is to.[A] discuss globalization and cultural identity

[B] refute the cultural argument against globalization

[C] explain why modernization is inevitable

[D] discuss the consequences of globalization

35.The author mentions the remote tribes in Africa and the Amazon to illustrate.[A] the resistance that people put up against globalization

[B] the marginalization brought forth by globalization

[C] the importance of self-reliance and self-sufficiency

[D] the insurmountable difficulty of retaining cultural identity

Text 4

What our society suffers from most today is the absence of consensus about what it and life in it ought to be.Such consensus cannot be gained from society's present stage, or from fantasies about what it ought to be, for that the present is too close and too diversified, and the future too uncertain, to make believable claims about it.A consensus in the present hence can be achieved only through a shared understanding of the past, as Homer's epics(史诗)informed those who lived centuries later what it meant to be Greek, and by what images and ideals they were to live their lives and organize their societies.Most societies derive consensus from a long history, a language all their own, a common religion, common ancestry.The myths by which they live are based on all of these.But the United States is a country of immigrants, coming from a great variety of nations.Lately, it has been emphasized that an asocial(反社会的), narcissistic(自恋)personality has become characteristic of Americans, and that it is this type of personality that prevents us from achieving consensus that would counteract a tendency to withdraw into private worlds.In his study of narcissism, Christopher Lasch says that modern man, “tortured by self-consciousness, turns to new therapies not to free himself of his personal worries but to find meaning and purpose in life, to find something to live for”.There is widespread distress because national morale has declined, and we have lost an earlier sense of national vision and purpose.Contrary to rigid religions or political beliefs, as are found in totalitarian(极权主义的)societies, our culture is one of great individual differences, at least in principle and in theory.But this leads to disunity, even chaos.Americans believe in the value of diversity, but just because ours is a society based on individual diversity, it needs consensus about some dominating ideas more than societies based on uniform origin of their citizens.Hence, if we are to have consensus, it must be based on a myth-a vision-about a common experience, a conquest that made us Americans, as the myth about the conquest of Troy formed the Greeks.Only a common myth can offer relief from the fear that life is without meaning or purpose.Myths permit us to examine our place in the world by comparing it to a shared idea.Myths are shared fantasies that form the tie that binds the individual to other members of his group.Such myths help to fight off feelings of isolation, guilt, anxiety, and purposelessness-in short, they combat isolation and the breakdown of social standards and values.36.In the author's view, the greatest trouble with the US society lies in the.[A] lack of serious disagreement over the organizations of social life

[B] non-existence of unanimity on the forms the society should take

[C] general denying of its conformity with what it was unexpected to be

[D] public negation of the consensus on how to conduct social reforms

37.Homer's epics mentioned intend to exemplify the fact that.[A] the present is varying too fast to be caught up easily

[B] the future may be so indefinite as to be unpredictable

[C] the past can help to shape a consensus in the present

[D] the past determines social moralities for later generations

38.The asocial personality of Americans results from.[A] the multiracial composition of the US society

[B] the absence of a common religion and ancestry

[C] the want of shared myths they possess in life

[D] the obstruction of achieving a general agreement

39.It can be inferred from the text that Christopher Lasch is most probably.[A] an earnest nationalist [B] an advanced psychologist

[C] a radical reformer [D] a social historian

40.The author concludes that only shared myths can help Americans to.[A] bring about the uniformity of their culture

[B] diminish their great individual differences

[C] avoid the sense of being isolated and anxious

[D] regain the feelings of social values and morale

Section Ⅲ Writing


You are scheduled to head for a job interview tomorrow afternoon.However, you have just been informed that there will be an important lecture then, and you can't excuse yourself.So write a letter to the interviewer:

1)Express your apology;

2)Explain the reason why you can't meet the appointment;

3)Request your appointment be scheduled for another time;

4)Make sure that you are mostly polite in writing the letter.Write your letter with no less than 100 words.Write it neatly on Answer Sheet 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the address.银行校园招聘考试英语部分专项训练及答案详解



Section Ⅰ Use of English

1.[答案] A形容词辨析。)relaxed意为 “放松的,不受拘束的”;B)frustrated意为“失败的”;C)amused意为“开心的”;D)exhausted意为“疲惫的”。只有A是正确的选项,表明英国人只有和认识的人在一起才会不受拘束。

2.[答案] C副词辨析。此句意思是: “当有陌生人在场时,他会紧张,甚至局促不安。”根据句意应选C。

3.[答案] B动词辨析。A)experience意为 “经历”;B)witness意为“目击”;C)watch意为“观看”;D)undergo意为“经历,遭受”。只有witness 能与the truth of this搭配。

4.[答案] D副词辨析。空格后的句子显然是对前面的内容进行总结,故选D,意为 “显然”。A)Deliberately意为“故意地”;B)Consequently意为“因此”;C)Frequently意为“经常地”。

5.[答案] B连词辨析。此句的意思为: “(行为准则)一旦打破”。故B正确。

6.[答案] C名词辨析。此句的意思为: “冒犯者立即遭到批评。”A)suspicion意为“怀疑”;B)opposition意为“敌对”;C)criticism意为“批评”;D)praise意为“赞扬”。故C正确。

7.[答案] B短语辨析。have a fancy for意为 “喜欢,入迷”,是习惯用语。

8.[答案] A短语辨析。此句意思是: “如果有机会,他会详细地谈论它。”A)at length意为“详细地”;B)to a great extent意为“很大程度上”;C)from his heart意为“从他的心里”;D)by all means意为“尽一切办法”。根据句意A正确。

9.[答案] A动词辨析。此句的意思是: “一些人认为其原因是英国的天气很少和预报的一致。” A)follows意为“遵循,跟随”;B)predicts意为“预报”;C)defies意为“违抗”;D)supports意为“支持”。由句意可知A正确。

10.[答案] D名词辨析。此句意思为: “因此(天气)成了兴趣的来源,每个人都去猜测它。”A)dedication意为“奉献”; B)compassion意为“同情”;C)contemplation意为“思考”;D)speculation“猜测”。故D正确。

11.[答案] C副词辨析。空格后句子的大意是:英国人不可能对天气预报有多大的信心。根据上下文和句意可知C正确。

12.[答案] A名词搭配辨析。have faith in表示 “相信, 信任”这是习惯用语,其他三个选项都不能和这两个词同时连用。故A正确。

13.[答案] C连词辨析。此句的意思是: “当大西洋上空的云给全国各地都带来雨水的时候。”故C正确。

14.[答案] B名词辨析。此句意思为: “在街上的那个人似乎和天气预报一样准确或者不准确。” A)propositions意为“建议”;B)predictions意为“预报”;C)approval意为“赞成”;D)defiance意为“挑战”。由此可知 B正确。

15.[答案] D介词搭配。references与to连用,意思为 “提及,涉及”。故D正确。

16.[答案] C动词辨析。该句的意思是: “互相问候经常会被对天气的评论所代替。” A)started意为“开始”;B)conducted意为“指挥,引导” C)replaced意为“代替”D)proposed意为“建议”。显然C正确。

17.[答案] B连词辨析。此句表达一种转折关系,显然B正确。

18.[答案] C名词辨析。此句的意思为: “如果他想和一个英国人开始交谈……。”因此C正确。

19.[答案] A短语辨析。只有at a loss 可以接不定式,因此应选A。at a loss意为 “不知所措,困惑”。

20.[答案] D动词辨析。这句话的主语是subject, 宾语是answer, 因此只能选择provoke 作谓语动词。故D正确。

Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Text 1

文章概要:某杂志邀请读者评选近五十年来最聪明的傻瓜。有人提名里根,有人提名阿拉法特,Denis Papathanasiou 提名棒球选手Lawrence,理由是他在接受采访时,常常是看似答非所问的回答却包含着诚实的禅宗智慧。

21.[答案] D细节题。答案的依据在第四段里。Denis认为 Lawrence在接受采访时常常似答非所问,但是话里却包含诚实的禅宗智慧。故D正确。

22.[答案] B判断题。里根总统虽然曾在广播中宣布要在五分钟内轰炸俄罗斯,但这是个玩笑,并不是根据某个占星家的建议所作的决定。故B正确。

23.[答案] A细节理解题。答案的依据在第一段的第三句里,表明这次推选并不是看谁最受欢迎。故A正确。

24.[答案] D细节理解题。在文章的第三段里,Richard说Arafat没能够抓住历史的契机,由此可判断D正确。

25.[答案] B词意理解题。humble 意思是 “谦虚的,谦逊的”,显然B正确。

Text 2


26.[答案] C细节理解题。作者在文章的一开始就说,衰老的过程可能不是基因程序的结果。故C正确,因为其它三项内容文章根本就没有涉及。

27.[答案] A细节理解题。作者在第二段以汽车为例,说明汽车用久了也会彻底损坏。由此可推断A正确。

28.[答案] D细节理解题。作者在第三段里解释了有用的东西也会有内在的副作用。故D正确。

29.[答案] C判断题。文章最后一段实际上排除了B和C项。因为衰老和死亡是必然的。作者把人与汽车进行比较,汽车的 “寿命”是由各种因素决定的,因此人的寿命也是如此。故C正确。

30.[答案] B细节理解题。作者在最后一段倒数第二句里说,把人和车类比容易让人误解,因为生物体有自我修复和自生的能力,至少在某种程度上是如此。故B正确。

Text 3


31.[答案] B细节理解题。作者在第一段说明,反全球化的人认为在全球化的过程中,随着国界的消失,市场把世界连接成一体,国家和地区的文化特征受到沉重的打击。因此B正确。

32.[答案] D细节理解题。作者在第二段里指出,我们生活的世界将越来越少地方特色,这是一个毫无疑问的事实。故D正确。

33.[答案] D细节理解题。作者在第三段里说,放弃传统的东西去采纳适合我们时代的东西是所有国家正在经历的过程。故D正确。

34.[答案] B主旨题。作者虽然承认我们现在生活的世界是比以前少了地方特色,但他指出全球化是果不是因。故B正确。

35.[答案] D细节理解题。作者在第三段倒数第二句里说,理论上讲一个国家是可以完全保持自己的特色,但必须像非洲或亚马逊河某个偏远的部落一样,过着与世隔绝、自给自足的史前生活。因此D正确。

Text 4


36.[答案] B细节理解题。B项中的 unanimity on the forms the society should take(社会应是什么样式)实际上是对consensus 的解释,故B为正确答案。

37.[答案] C细节理解题。作者在第一段以Homer餾 Epics(荷马史诗)为例说明神


38.[答案] A细节理解题。作者说明社会的共识来自共同的历史、语言、信仰、祖先等,而美国是一个移民国家,无此基础,因此美国人形成了反社会的个性。由此可判断A说法正确。B、C两项只是局部原因。D项说法笼统、模糊。

39.[答案] D推断题。作者在第二段里谈到narcissism 的起源,Lasch 对它的研究以及他对美国人目前的心态与过去的比较等,这些表明他是一位社会历史学家。故D正确。其余三项皆无依据。

40.[答案] C细节理解题。作者在第三段后半部分谈到神话即古代传下来的故事,尤指有关于一个民族早期历史的观念或信仰等。作者最后说,这些神话有助于驱除隔绝、内疚、焦虑和失落感。由此可知C为正确答案。

Section Ⅲ Writing

Dear Sir,My name is Li Ming.We met last Tuesday afternoon.It is very kind of you to offer me a job interview this Thursday afternoon(December 20).But I am very sorry to write to you and tell you that I can't meet the appointment.My supervisor has rescheduled his lecture to Thursday afternoon, so I won't be able to excuse myself then.I'll be very grateful if you could kindly schedule my job interview to anytime Friday afternoon.You see, I've been looking forward to the interview.Please spare a little time of yours to send me a message or give me a call and inform me of your decision.Sincerely yours,Li Ming

第四篇:英语提高 (完形填空练习)


It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes, Thehas been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual(智力的)growth bysituation that has designed for thechildren.There can be little doubt that and take their place in life sooner.However, to take these create serious problems.I observed a number of children who were taken out of a special class and placed in aclass.In the special class, they showed little ability to use their own judgment, relyingon their teachers’ directions.In the regular class, having no worry about ke(http://)eping up, they began to reflect9on many problems, some of which were not on the school program.Many are concerned that gifted children become lose interest in learning.However this.Some top students do feel bored in class, but why they so goes far beyond the work they have in school.Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious.The gifted child whop is bored is an1.A.principleB.theoryC.argumentsD.classification







9.A, directlyB.cleverlyC.voluntarilyD.quickly





华柏校区:88726999 库充校区:88963718 小榄校区:22269296三乡华丰校区:89989158三乡平东校区:89989151




Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cats are worried that they will fight.A recent research has found a new recipe of success.According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young(less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly.Two-thirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.However, it wasn’t all sweetness and light.There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while argression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes.One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals were just opposite.For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression, while a dog doing the samesignals submission.In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behaviour.They are learning how to talk each other’s language.It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk ‘dog’, and dogs can learn how to talk ‘Cat’.What’s interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence.They can learn how to read each other’s body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in common than we previously suspected.Once familiar with each other’s presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa.They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom(梳理)each other.The significance of the research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets ─ to people who don’t get along, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers.If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.31.The underlined word swimmingly in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.A.earlyB.sweetlyC.quicklyD.smoothly

32.Some cats and dogs may fight when ______.A.they are cold to each other

B.they look away from each other

C.they misunderstood each other’s signals

D.they are introduced at an early age

33.What is found surprising about cats and dogs?

A.They eat and sleep each other.B.They observe each other’s behaviors.C.They learn to speak each other’s language.D.They know something from each other’s voices.34.It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs ______.A.have common interests

B.are less different than was thought

C.have a common body language

D.are less intelligent than was expected

35.What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?

A.We should learn to live in h(http://)armony.B.We should know more about animals.C.We should live in peace with animals.D.We should learn more body languages.三:读写任务


When Sam first got to his boarding school with his parents, he was very happy.He thought he would be able(http://)to go home every weekend.When he was told he would not, he started crying because the thought of not seeing his parents was driving him crazy.He was given uniforms and all other things that he would need for the term.He started crying when it was time for his parents to leave.He was then taken to the dorm, where he saw other children happy.He tried as much as he could to fit in but could not because his mind was at home.He started feeling homesick(想家)安定wanted to go homes as soon as possible.He got sick soon because he could not eat the school food.He could not concentrate in the classroom.All he could think was being at home with his family.He had no mobile phone or other means to get in touch with his parents.He was angry and felt lonely.He thought his parents hated him and that was why they left him in a boarding school.[写作内容]









第三部分 英语 Part 1 1.Attempt to balance the budget were so successful that analysts projecting a-----of $2 million over four years.A.price B.surplus C.check D.penalty 2.If you have any information regarding the identity of the man-----left his car parked in the lot overnight, please contact the security department.A.who B.whom C.whose D.which 3.Experience suggests that small, integrated organizations can operate-----in critical situations than large firm can.A.efficiently B.more efficient C.efficiency D.more efficiently 4.After ten years spent trying-----to become the number-one west coast service provider, the corporation finally succeeded.A.high B.down C.hard D.soon 5.Many oil companies are now making alternative energy-----in an effort to remain competitive in future energy markets.A.payments B.contributions C.donations


6.The newspaper identified the journalist-----wrote the anonymous editorial predicting a stock market crash.A.which B.whose C.who D.whom 7.The government agency looks control of the oil industry in a desperate attempt to-----the wildly fluctuating market prices.A.acquire B.stabilize C.assemble D.translate 9.Out of all the people----to speak at the meeting, only one advocated changing the firm’s current financial policies.A.chose B.were choosing C.chosen D.had chosen 10.----how much the price of our shares rises, we may be able to offer shareholders a larger return on their investments.A.Depending on B.Resulting from C.Leading to D.Relying on 11.After much deliberation, the bank clerk-----agreed to offer Ms.Johnson a loan in spite of her poor credit history.A.steadily B.reluctantly C.comfortably D.inevitably 12.The writing in the article must be as-----as possible so that all readers can understand the complex issue.A.clear B.clearer


C.clearest D.clearly 13.The-----of another sudden stock market crash keeps many middle-class citizens from investigating their money.A.encounter B.prospect C.conclusion D.refusal 14.Ms.McMahon would like to speak with-----attended the annual accounting seminar in Phoenix last weekend.A.anyone B.however C.everybody D.whoever 15.The repairperson could not find the specific problem-----had caused the computer to B.whom C.what D.that 16.According to the sales director, Ms.Elms is-----to one of our subsidiaries to collaborate with its sales team.A.delivering B.visiting C.transferring D.replacing 17.We need to conduct extensive background research on the firms from-----we received bids.A.which B.where C.that D.when 18.The director decided to delegate some of the work to a subcontractor after his employees-----help with the project.给人改变未来的力量

A.inquired B.requested C.asked D.insisted 19.Employees-----to transfer to the new branch office will receive reimbursements for all moving expense, as well as a B.directed C.directing D.direction 20.Support structure under the Main St Bridge has corroded-----faster than the bridge’s designer had predicted.A.a lot too C.very D.real 21.The team manager charged Michelle Palamides with the task of-----the department’s webpage for the company’s new B.designing design D.designed 22.Dr.Calerin’s efforts could lead to the development of a treatment for cancer, but they have received-----media attention.A.least B.a few C.little D.fewer 23.Ms.Arroya says that when workshop-----begins to slow down, it may be time to hire more workers.A.product B.producer C.produce D.productivity


24.An investigation by the committee uncovered-----instances in which the institution’s resources had been misused.A.none B.any D.much 25.Ms.Hartfield will make an excellent executive because, when confronted with a problem, she knows-----what course of action to take.A.hastily B.urgently C.abruptly D.instantly 26.The advertisement for the security guard position says that applicants must be able to remain-----for six hours straight.A.alert B.observable C.discovered D.obvious 27.It will take at least two weeks for the board members to review-----work on the budget proposals.A.ours B.we C.our 28.Surprisingly, the nation’s high rate of unemployment has only affected-----stock prices in the technology market so far.A.a little B.a few C.most of D.much of 29.Though they are not possess the best technology, never underestimate the-----of a determined manager working with motivated staff members.A.price B.grade


C.value D.cost 30.The management believes that-----all of the damaged goods will cost more than hiring a contractor to repair them.A.replacements B.replaces C.replaced D.replacing 31.To reduce confusion and inefficiency,-----office supplies should now be ordered through the new online system.A.none B.every C.most of D.all 32.Once we begin-----these files according to their content and date, our computer network drive will seem less confusing.A.organize B.organized C.organizing D.organizes 33.This position requires someone who is-----of making complex decisions in a high-pressure environment.A.qualified B.skillful C.powerful D.capable 34.Ms.Adams is hoping that the committee officers will consider-----request for a new computer system soon.A.herself B.she C.her D.hers 35.Contests that promise cash prizes for winners are often used by employer to-----their workers.给人改变未来的力量

A.predict B.transfer C.discharge D.motivate 36.Once Mr.Sato finishes showing the-----around the facility, the interview process will begin.A.applicators B.applications C.appliances D.applicants 37.The chapter on reimbursements in the employee handbook advises-----to report any travel expenses to the financial department.A.our C.we D.ourselves 38.You are cordially invited to a formal-----being held in honor of the company’s new vice president.A.receipt B.receiving C.receiver D.reception 39.Team members must understand that the project they have-----will demand all of their time and energy.A.removed B.completed C.undertaken D.overheard 40.Anyone who wishes to join the senior marketing team should be-----that we work longer hours than most other members of the firm.A.known B.aware C.careful D.noticeable


·Part Two Directions: read the texts that follow, and mark the letter(A)(B)(C)(D).Passage 1 Questions 41-43 refer to the following notice.Welcome to get that job!___41___ a job can be a complicated and tiring process.Sometimes you don’t know where to start looking, let alone how to persuade a company that you are the best person for the job!This site is full of activities and quizzes to build on your knowledge of career-related vocabulary and offer some tips on things like ___42___ put together a good C.V.or do well in an interview.You can work your way through this side step by step, from “Job Search” to “Interviews” ——just click on “what’s next?” on the right of the page each time you have completed an activity.Or you can go straight to whichever units are of most interest to you ___43___ using the links at the top of page.Happy job hunting!

41、A.Find B.Found C.Finding D.Finds

42、 B.when C.that to

43、A.because B.for Passage 2 Questions 44-46 refer to the following notice.Protect Your Network, and Your Business!A security breach can result in lost productivity and compromised data.It can damage your reputation and have a negative impact ___44___ profitability.___45___your small business from external or internal threats with security integrated in the integration allows you to safeguard your assets without diverting ___46___ resources.A Celtic Self-Defending Network can help a small business and medium-sized business:-Protect company resources-Secure customer information-Identify both internal and external threats-Prevent threats before they spread 44.A.about B.on C.for D.behind


45.A.Protect B.Prevent C.Proceed D.Proclaim B.consecutive C.impressed D.valuable Passage 3 Questions 47-49 refer to the following letter.Richard Brown, President Document Makers Salem, ,MA 34588 Dear Mr.Brown: As someone who ___47___ with your company for over 3 years, we were very disappointed to see the documents you produced for our latest Drivers Co.publicity campaign.As our written agreement stipulated, we expected full color leaflets with explanatory texts, but instead, we found that black and white photos had been included in the prepared leaflets.I think you will agree that a ___48___ problem exists.We would like you to send out a ___49___ to provide us with the promised color coverage, or provide us with a refund.Yours truly, Thomas R.Smith Director

47、A.are working B.will work C.worked D.has worked

48、A.unemployment C.communication D.payment

49、 B.photographer C.photograph D.photographic Passage 4 Questions 50-52 refer to the following article.Business writing ______ from the chatty, conversational style often found in email messages to a familiar co-worker, to the more formal, legalistic style found in contracts.In the ______ of memos, email messages, and letters, a style between these two extremes is appropriate.Always remember, writing that is too formal can alienate readers, and an overly obvious attempt to be causal and informal may strike the reader as insincere or unprofessional.In business writing, as in all writing, knowing ______ audience is critical.51、A.donates B.varies C.suffers D.affects


52、A.major B.majority C.minor D.almost

53、 B.yourself C.yours D.your ·Part Three Directions: read the texts that follow, and mark the letter(A)(B)(C)(D).Passage 1 Questions 53-56 refer to the following notice.Westwood hotel As part of our commitment to provide the best service to our guests, routine maintenance on the water delivery system and pumps is scheduled to take place for the following date and time: Tuesday, January 7th 9:00a.m.-2:00 p.m.During the above period, water supply in the hotel may be stopped temporarily.After the maintenenance work is performed, the water may become discolored due to the sediment in the supply system.If this happens, please run the water for a while until it becomes clear again.If the water does not run clear after 3 minutes, please inform us of this problem, and then our maintenance personnel will take an immediate action.(please note that decolorization itself does not pose a risk to health.)In addition, the water pressure may fluctuate during the period of maintenance.Thus, we would appreciate it if you could shut off all the faucets in the tub and sink securely before leaving the room to prevent possible flooding.If you would like to have more information on this ,please feel free to call the front desk.We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.We wish you a very pleasant stay with us here at westwood.53、Why will there be interruptions in the water supply? A.The water delivery system in the hotel is broken.B.The water has been found to be contaminated.C.A scheduled maintenance work will be carried out.D.A new water delivery system will be installed.54.When are the hotel guests asked to contact the staff? A.If no hot water is coming out of the faucet B.If the water continues to be discolored C.If the water pressure is too low D.If the sediment is not visible in the water


55.Which of the following is NOT said in this notice? A.The water may run slowly at times.B.The discolored water is not hazardous to health.C.The water will be tested for contamination.D.The guests can call the front desk if they are not sure of this scheduled work.56.What are the guests asked to do? A.Close all the faucets tightly before they leave.B.Clean the sediments in the tubs and sinks.C.Allow the maintenance staff to access their rooms.D.Avoid using the tub and sink until after 2:00 p.m.Passage 2 Questions 57-61 refer to the following notice and E-mail massage.Notes from the meeting 10:00-10:45 Tony Higginson introduced our company to the distributor.10:45-11:30 John Green gave out samples of our new snack line.(Break for lunch)12:30-1:15 Nancy Cook gave the current nationwide sales statistics.1:15-2:30 Lois Peterson showed marketing statistics.The presentation of Kellogg Inc.2:45-3:30 Emillie Green showed a list of her company’s contacts.3:30-4:15 Ron Evans introduced market segments.To :Emillie Green From: Tony Higginson Date: November 26 Subject: Business agreement Dear Ms.Emillie Green, Thank you for meeting with us the other day.It was a very productive meeting and I think that we will be able to do business together.I’m glad to know that your distribution company, Kellogg Inc., is interested in distributing our products to the Asian market.We have long felt that our snack items would have a good market in Asia, but had not found a suitable distributor until now.I feel that Kellogg knows the Asian market very well and will suit our needs.I was impressed with Mr.Ron Evans’s vow to sell our product to grocery chains, specialty stores and food service companies.I have attached a contract for you to


look over.Please sign it and send it back to me by the end of next week.It’s a basic business agreement between our two companies.I look forward to receiving the distribution agreement from you.After the two agreements are signed, we would like to meet with you once more to confirm our future business relationship.I will contact you once I receive the distribution agreement to schedule another meeting.Regards, Tony Higginson 57.Why was the meeting held? A.To review costs for distribution costs B.To train salespeople C.To talk about opening a grocery chain D.To discuss distributing products 58.Who would be the best person to provide the product’s sales information? A.Emillie Green B.Ron Evans C.Nancy Cook D.Lois Peterson 59.What is the main purpose of Mr.Tony Higginson’s email to Ms.Emillie Green? A.To send a business agreement B.To go over the sales market C.To plan a business trip to Asia D.To send a distribution plan 60.What has Ron Evans promised to do? A.Sign an agreement B.Buy the product from grocery chains C.Sell the product to various outlets D.Introduce market segments 61.What will happen next week? A.Mr.Ron Evans will sell the product to specialty stores.B.Ms.Emillie Green will meet with Mr.Tony Higginson again.C.Mr.Tony Higginson will receive a signed contract.D.Mr.Tony Higginson will send a distribution agreement to be signed.Passage 3


Questions 62-63 refer to the following invitation.SMART Technologies Inc.We invite you to be present for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Friday, May 25 at 3:00 in the evening at the Austin Hotel & Convention Center.A light meal will be served from 5:30 p.m.until 6:30 p.m.Please respond to Ms.Barbara Campbell at 604-622-5521 by May 10 to indicate your presence at the meeting.402-814 Richards Street Vancouver, BC V6B 3A7 Phone: 604-622-5504 Toll-free:1-888-226-7337 62.To what event are recipients being invited? A.A free investment seminar B.A yearly meeting C.A demonstration D.A trade convention 63.What are recipients asked to do? A.Call Ms.Barbara Campbell B.Send an e-mail to Ms.Barbara Campbell C.Give a presentation D.Reserve a hotel room Passage 4 Questions 64-66 refer to the following Job notice.Youth Council of Arlington The Youth Council of Arlington is an association dedicated to improving the lives of young people through education in leadership skills, personal growth, and economic independence.Director of Finance The successful candidate will enjoy challenges and know how to solve problems effectively.In addition, he or she will have a recognized accounting certificate, over ten years of a related experience for the not-for-profit sector, and a strong understanding of teamwork.给人改变未来的力量

To apply, please forward a resume to the Executive Director immediately.While we thank the candidates for their interest, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.We regret we are unable to accept any telephone inquiries.Send to: 1325 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia, 22209 64.What is the stated purpose of this organization? A.To raise money for school trips B.To help local youth lead productive lives C.To renovate the community center D.To provide training in accounting practices 65.What does the job involve? A.Working as a cashier B.Teaching economics class C.Hiring an Account Manager D.Managing fiscal operation 66.What is NOT mentioned as a requirement for the position? A.Being a certified accountant B.Being able to work well with others C.Being able to address large groups of people D.Being an experienced worker in the field Passage 5 Questions 67-69 refer to the following announcement.Alaska Airlines Passengers can check in for their flights at the ticket counter or the departure gate.Passengers may check their luggage at the skycap desk or the ticket counter six hours prior to departure.Spare luggage tags may also be purchased at these locations.To determine the best time to check in for your flight, please refer to the real time flight arrival and departure information.The departure gate opens for check-in and boarding pass distribution only one hour prior to the scheduled departure time.At twenty minutes before departure, passengers can check in only at the departure gate.Passengers checking in less than 15 minutes before their plane is schedules to depart might be denied boarding.给人改变未来的力量

Visit the convenience store, the Dream Fly, for refreshments, books, and periodicals.We may offer recorded books for your listening pleasure while in the skies.67.For whom was this announcement made? A.Pilots and copilots B.Flight attendants C.Airline passengers D.Baggage handlers 68.What is the earliest time at which luggage can be checked? A.Fifteen minutes before departure B.Twenty minutes before departure C.One hour before departure D.Six hours before departure 69.What is NOT listed as available for purchase at the Dream Fly? A.soft drink B.A luggage tag C.newspaper D.A monthly magazine Passage 6 Questions 70-72 refer to the following advertisement.DAILY NEWS TODAY is seeking full-time Administrative Assistants for our Advertising Department.Proofreading administrative reports and editing business documents will be the most important and frequent tasks of the position.The job also involves answering phones, taking orders for advertisements and analyzing reports.Other duties will include organizing mailing, updating database, Internet research, photocopying, making travel arrangements, and day-to-day office tasks.The candidates must have excellent organizational skills.Multitasking and computer skills are a must.The successful candidates must be able to use word processing software to create documents with two or more columns of text.It is absolutely crucial that the candidates are able to speak German fluently.Previous office experience preferred but not essential.We offer a competitive wage and benefits package, including health and dental insurance coverage, paid holidays, and paid time off.给人改变未来的力量

Interested candidates should fax or mail resume and a cover letter to: Danny Walker(Mr.)Dept: Human Resource Management DAILY NEWS TODAY One Bethesda Metro Center(7400 Wisconsin Ave), Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Fax: 301-657-1453 No phone calls please 70.What is the main responsibility of the job? A.Proofreading reports such as leave, travel, budget expenditure and revenue projections.B.Updating the department web page C.Maintaining Internet connectivity D.Organizing Incoming resumes from candidates 71.What is NOT mentioned as a requirement for the job? A.Planning a business trip B.Computer skills with word processing software C.Good organizational skills D.The ability to speak German 72.How can potential employees apply for DAILY NEWS TODAY? A.By telephone B.By e-mail C.By fax D.By visiting its headquarters Passage 7 Questions 73-75 refer to the following memorandum.To : Cisco Systems employees From: Stella Joyce, Event Planning Committee Date: Friday, October 18 Subject: the 7th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day Each year, on System Administrator Appreciation Day, we pause to recognize many contributions that have made by our system administrators during the year.This year’s System Administrator Appreciation will be held on December 10 and not December

给人改变未来的力量 as announced earlier.The Event Planning Committee is looking for your help to make this year’s celebration the best yet.We are looking for ways to increase employee involvement in the event.For instance, would you like to help schedule the event program or bring food? Would you have time to set up decorations? Or perhaps you’d be willing to help by wiping off the tables, disposing of garbage, storing leftover food and removing decoration after the event.As informational session will be held on Thursday, November 24 in room 208.If you would like to volunteer to help out at the 7th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day, please contact Ms.Becky Walls at 504-2961.If you are unable to attend the meeting but, have ideas you would like to share, please e-mail me at is NOT mentioned as an activity for volunteers? A.Determining the order of events B.Decorating a room C.Buying gifts for employees D.Helping clean up 74.What are recipient asked to do if they can not attend the meeting? A.Read a summary of the meeting B.Email Stella Joyce with their suggestions C.Drop by the human resources department D.Call the Event Planning Committee office 75.When will the planning meeting be held? A.October 18 B.November 24 C.December 5 D.December 10 Passage 8 Questions 76-80 refer to the following two letters.Dear Customer Service Representative, Hello.I purchased a Microtech Microwave Oven(Model 37)at your shop a few weeks ago.About a week ago I noticed a-hair-line crack in the glass of the door.Yesterday I checked the crack and noticed that it has expanded.给人改变未来的力量

The microwave oven has a full two-year unconditional warranty.There’s one problem.I don’t remember at the moment where I am keeping the warranty.I have patronized your store for many years, and have never had any trouble with any products before.The microwave oven is working well, but I’m concerned about the crack.I’m afraid that electromagnetic waves are leaking through the crack, and that these may be injurious to my daughter’s health.I haven’t noticed anything unusual yet, but I don’t want to take any chances.She spends a considerable amount of time playing in the kitchen near the microwave oven.I hope you don’t think I’m exaggerating my concerns.I feel my situation warrants special consideration.I have unplugged the microwave oven, and have decided not to use it.I don’t know what caused the glass of the door to crack.I used the microwave oven in accordance with the instructions in the manual.Would it be possible for you to replace the microwave oven? I would appreciate it.Yours truly, Nora Peletz Dear Ms.Peletz, Hi.Thank you very much for the letter in which you informed me about your predicament.You mentioned in the letter that there is a crack in the glass of the door, and that you have decided not to use the microwave oven.I apologize for the inconvenience.I have already arranged for a replacement to be delivered to your house.When would be a good time it to be delivered? Our normal delivery hours are Monday through Saturday from 9:00 6:00 P.M.however, we can deliver it whenever it’s convenient for you.In case you are wondering, you will not have to pay for the replacement.Please accept a complimentary gift in token of our gratitude to you.We appreciate your patronage, and forward to serving you in the future.Yours sincerely, Sasha Pavorotti, Manager 76.What is the purpose of the first letter? A.To claim compensation for injury B.To get some documents reissued C.To request a new appliance D.To acknowledge receipt of an order


77.Why is Ms.Peletz concerned about the problem she found? A.She thinks she may have short-circuited the appliance.B.She thinks the item she ordered has been delivered to the wrong place.C.The product was the first item she bought at the store in many years.D.She thinks there could be a health risk.78.Which of the following is true? A.Nora Peletz attempted to repair the door of the microwave oven.B.The appliance is under warranty.C.The customer is asking the owner of the store to reissue the warranty.D.Nora Peletz is worried about patronage.79.What will be done to help Ms.Peletz out of her predicament? A.She will be given a substitute item.B.A gift certificate will be sent to her.C.An inspection will be carried out.D.The appliance will be repaired.80.What would Ms.Pavarotti like to know? A.Whether her offer is acceptable to Ms.Peletz B.Whether her shop can check the machine C.When a delivery can be made D.How her shop should compensate Ms.Peletz for damage Passage 9 Questions 81-84 refer to the following article.K-Star Tournament to Begin Andrew Cresson, the owner of the computer game company, K-star, announced today that his firm will be sponsoring a video game tournament as part of a series of its promotional activities for its latest product lines.To be held in Hong Kong on May 5, the event will introduce a wide selection of new games for contestants to play, including stimulated reality games, sports games, and cartoon character games.The top four contestants in each round will compete in finals shown live on a large screen.Robert Ko, a sales representative at K-star, observed;” this may be the most anticipated product launch.”

Rewards for winning the computer game tournament will include free products and free plane tickets to cities like Tokyo, Seoul and Jakarta.In addition, the first


prize winner in each category will win the opportunity to help designers create a new game.Interested individuals may register to participate by filling out on-line applications, visiting a retail outlet where K-star products are sold, or contacting our automated phone service.Players must register in advance of the tournament.Audience tickets, however, may be purchased on site on the day of the event.Reporter, David Ma, Beijing, April 16 81.What is the purpose of holding the tournament? A.To recruit members for a club B.To attract new employees C.To promote a product line D.To entertain business executives 82.Who will be competing in the tournament? A.Professional athletes B.Animated film-makers C.Computer game players D.Software designers 83.Where will the tournament take place? A.In Seoul B.In Beijing C.In Tokyo D.In Hong Kong 84.How is it NOT possible for people to sign up to register? A.By going to the event B.By going to certain stores C.Over the phone D.By visiting a web site Passage 10 Questions 85-87 refer to the following information.If you are a college graduate who dream of a career in health care, the premed program of the Ohio State University can help you.A majority of students choosing our program hope to become medical physicians, but others are planning careers as a veterinarian, dentist, or optometrist.The Premed Program:


*comprises nine courses.*offers part-time and full-time schedules.*awards a certificate to the student completing at least seven classes.To enroll in the program, you must already have a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of a “B” average and have a strong interest in the health professions.Applicants have passed at least one college-level science course in chemistry, biology or microbiology.Finally, students have a strong desire to change career paths and be willing to engage in the rigorous science program.If you meet these requirements, call us at 917-406-5535 today!85.What position do most students in the program hope to obtain? A.dentists B.optometrists C.veterinarians D.doctors 86.What is NOT required for the program eligibility? A.a bachelor’s degree with at least a “B” average B.completion of a chemistry or biology class while in college C.a desire to begin rigorous science coursework in medical school ability to attend the program as a full time student 87.How many courses must a student pass to receive a certificate? A.five B.six D.nine Passage 11 Questions 88-89 refer to the following memorandum.Memo To: All employees From: Jane Mckinley Date: Monday, 29 March 2007 Subject: Computer maintenance We will be performing routine maintenance on the computer system this Friday, March 2, starting at 6 A.M.We will be restarting the main computer which will result in a brief loss of services at some points during the one-hour maintenance.A brief message will appear on screen five minutes before the maintenance occurs.It instructs computer users to save all data and exit all programs.After the maintenance is completed, users may resume working.88.What will happen this Friday? A.Computer services will be interrupted temporarily.B.New computers will be installed.给人改变未来的力量

C.Maintenance workers will take a break at 6 A.M.D.There will be a computer competition held this Friday.89.According to the memo, what should computer users do where the message appears on screen? A.Send an e-mail to the computer help desk B.Save their current work C.Restart their computers D.Turn off their computers Passage 12 Questions 90-94 refer to the following application and memorandum.WALKER AND POWELL, INC.APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PLEASE ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS WRITE IN INK OR TYPE ·NAME(LAST, FIRST)Hamilton Scott ·DATE March 7 ·HAVE YOU EVER USED AN ALIAS? No.IF “YES”, WHICH ALIAS? ·HOME ADDRESS 334 Cornell Ave Woodward, Wisconsin 65092 ·SOCIAL SECURITY NO.363-45-7821 ·TELEPHONE NO.323-6504 ·IS THIS YOUR FIRST TIME TO APPLY FOR A POSITION WITH OUR FIRM? IF “NO”, PLEASE INDICATE THE POSITION AND THE YEAR IN WHICH YOU APPLIED.Yes ·WHICH POSITION DO YOU WITH TO APPLY FOR? Computer programmer ·DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS PELATED TO THE POSITION FOR WHICH YOU WISH TO APPLY? I majored in computer science at Evanston College.I was in charge of software production for a local firm for three years, and had five people working under me.ARE ANY OF YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS CURRENTLY WORKING IN OUR FIRM? No.IF “YES”, WHAT IS THE PERSON’S NAME? ______________ ·LIST THE SCHOOLS THAT YOU HAVE ATTENDED SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL.NAME OF SCHOOL Truman High School NAME OF SCHOOL Evanston College NAME OF SCHOOL ________________


·WHEN CAN YOU BEGIN WORKING? I have to give my employer about two weeks’ notice of my intention to quit.SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Scott Hamilton Memo TO: Dennis Hopper FROM: Lois Lane DATE: April 4 RE: Applications Dear Mr.Dennis Hopper, Thanks for sending me the applications.We seem to be getting more applications from better-qualified applicants each year.After reviewing the applications and conducting interviews, I’ve come to the conclusion that the applicant, Scott Hamilton, would fit in well with the employees at our company.He has management experience and has supervised workers.He studied computer science in school, and I feel his skills and knowledge could benefit our company greatly.I strongly recommend him for the position.90.What qualifications does the applicant claim to have? A.Experience with computers in public school B.Supervisory experience related to computers CTraining in marketing D.Knowledge of computer security systems 91.When can Scott Hamilton commence working? A.Approximately 14 days after submitting a letter of resignation B.About 2 weeks after he filled out the job application C.Immediately D.A couple of weeks after he quits his job 92.Which of the following is NOT true? A.The applicant does not have relatives who are working for the firm.B.Scott Hamilton was an undergraduate student.C.The company is seeking business with the local government.D.Scott Hamilton has some knowledge of software production.93.Why was the memorandum written? A.To inform of employment


B.To promote promising workers C.To make an announcement D.To state an opinion 94.What can be inferred from the memorandum? A.The company is seeking someone to take over Mr.Dennis Hopper’s position.B.Computer skills helped Mr.Dennis Hopper to get promoted.C.Ms.Lois Lane is not authorized to make a decision.D.Mr.Hamilton has not been interviewed yet.Passage 13 Questions 95-97 refer to the following advertisement.The Bell Conference Center is the place especially for corporate seminars.We offer meeting rooms in a variety of sizes with computer and audio-visual equipment.Banquet rooms and gourmet catering services are available.In addition, enjoy the services of on-site assistants to help you organize your event.The center also includes 250 recently renovated guest suites equipped with phone and fax machines for overnight business stays.For more extended visits, there are 10 apartments with kitchens.Guests may dine in one of our restaurants or relax by the pool.Located near Washington, D.C., the Bell Conference Center is easy to get to by bus and only minutes from Dulles International Airport.For more information, please contact Mr.Basil Jonkers at 877-522-6301.95.Who is this advertisement meant for? A.Tourists B.Epicures C.Computer technicians D.Meeting planners 96.What is stated about the guest suites? A.They have computers.B.It is located near the restaurant.C.They all have fully equipped kitchens.D.They have been remodeled.97.What is NOT mentioned as a feature of the Bell Conference Center? A.Pool B.Banquet room


C.Health club D.Meeting room Passage 14 Questions refer to the following notice.Rothschild Industry Bank Privacy Policies Rothschild Industry Bank is committed to keeping customer information secure.However, certain circumstances require us to share account information with others to comply with laws, perform auditing procedures or satisfy customer services.The following are only some of situations that require us to share customer information: ·Tax laws require us to report certain account transactions to appropriate government agencies.·Banking regulations require us to contract an independent auditing firm to check the accuracy of accounts and confirm the integrity of our funds transfer procedures.·Some services, such as Automated Teller Machines, are conducted in our name by other companies.·We sometimes hire other companies to perform work because they can do so at a lower cost or more efficiently than we can.We never sell customer information for marketing purposes, and none of the organizations described above may do so.If you have questions or believe Rothschild Industry Bank, its partners or contractors have violated the privacy law, contact the Data Protection Office of the Government’s Department of Commerce at(432)555-3280.98.What is suggested by the examples in the notice? A.Banks share all account information with the government.B.Privacy laws do not apply to firms that operate banking machines.C.Other bank offer more individualized services than Rothschild Industry Bank does.D.Banks must hire other companies to check for account errors.99.What does the bank state about customer information? A.It is not shared with auditing firms.B.It is difficult to find or access.C.It is not sold to advertising companies.给人改变未来的力量

D.It is stored in the Customer Management Database.100.What are the customers advised to do if they find their information sold or shared? A.Contact a Government agency B.Check the accuracy of their account balance C.Write to an independent auditing firm D.Call the Rothschild Industry Bank’s call center


第三部分 英语 Part 1 1【答案】B。解析: 句子表示成功地消灭了财政赤字,从而获得收益,因此意为“黑字,盈余”。

2【答案】A。解析:本题为选择恰当的关系代词的问题。先行词the man表示人,关系从句没有主语,因此主格关系代词who为正确答案。

3【答案】D。解析: 对比较级+than结构进行提问的问题。空格处的单词既要和后面的than相呼应,同时又要修饰动词operate。

4【答案】C。解析:本题本选择修饰trying 的副词的问题。句子表示 “努力了10年,”因此C 意为“努力地”为正确答案。


6【答案】C。解析:空格后面直接接动词wrote,因此空格处为主格关系代词的位置。空格前的先行词为the journalist, 正确答案为C。

7【答案】B。解析: 句子表示“在价格波动厉害的时候稳定价格”。B为“使稳定,使稳固”为正确答案。


9【答案】C。解析:空格处为修饰people 的分词的位置。人们被选出来发言,因此空格处需填入表示被动意义的过去分词。

10【答案】A。解析:如果知道惯用表达depending on意为“根据”,就可以很容易地解答此题。



12【答案】A。解析: 此句结构为“as+原级+as possible”,在这里,句子表示“字要尽可能的清晰”,空格处应填入充当be动词补语的形容词。


14【答案】D。解析: 解答此题的关键是辨别代词anyone和复合关系词whoever.虽然两者都带有“任何人”的意思,但空格后面接动词attended, 因此能够引导从句的D为正确答案。

15【答案】D。解析: 通过分析句子结构,空格前为主语+动词+宾语的结构,因此空格以后的都必须为修饰先行词problem的关系代词从句。


17【答案】A。解析:通过选项可以知道此题为选择恰当的关系代词的问题。介词from 之前的结构为“主语+动词+宾语”,从而可以知道,from 后面的部分为修饰先行词firms 的关系代词从句。




21.【答案】B。解析:空格处为介词of 的宾语的位置,名词A和动名词B可能为正确答案。但是能够以名词短语the department's webpage 为宾语的只有动名词,故选B。

22.【答案】C。解析: 通过转折连词but 可以知道,前一句表示开发癌症治疗方法的内容,后面应该表示没能得到舆论关注这种相反的内容。因此空格需填入带有否定意义的限定词。

23.【答案】D。解析: 在when 引导的状语从句中,主语要表示“工厂生产力”时,才能和动词slow down 搭配使用,因此D为正确答案。

24.【答案】C。解析:可以放在复数名词前面的 and 和no 可能为正确答案。句子表示“没有探明任何情况”这种否定的意义,故选C。


26.【答案】A。解析:选择恰当的词汇填入动词remain 之后的补语的位置。Remain 后面主要接表示状态的形容词,作为招募警卫员的广告,填入空格为“警戒的”形容词最为恰当。



28.【答案】B。解析:空格后接复数名词prices, 可以和可数名词搭配使用的B和C可能为正确答案。分析句子可知,当其表示“几个的,少数的”句意自然,故选B。

29.【答案】C。解析:句子表示“经营者的价值”,故选C 30.【答案】D。解析:从空格开始到goods 截止的部分为that从句的主语,分析句子可以知道,all of the damaged goods 充当空格的宾语。

31.【答案】D。解析:通过选项可以知道此题为选择恰当的限定词的问题。句子表示“所有办公用品”,因而B和D可能会为正确答案。但是空格后接的office supplies 为复数名词,故选D。

32.【答案】C。解析:空格前有动词begin, 后面有宾语these files, 从而可以看出空格处需填入可以接宾语的不定式to do或动名词doing。

33.【答案】D。解析:如果知道意为“有能力做......”的词组 be capable of doing, 就可以很容易地解答问题。句子表示“具有能力做复杂的决策的人”,D为正确答案。

34.【答案】C。解析:通过选项可以得知,此题为选择恰当的代词的格的问题。35.【答案】D。解析:选项为各种动词,空格前直接就有to, 因此构成to+空格结构的to不定式。

36.【答案】D。解析:show A around B 用来表示“带领A参观B”。故选D。37.【答案】B。解析:此题为提问句型中宾语的问题。空格需要填入advises的宾语,故选宾格代词us。


39.【答案】C。解析: that从句中,从they开始到空格截止的部分为修饰the project 的结构,句子表示“他们负责的项目”,故选C。

40.【答案】B。解析:表示“知道的”意思的B放在这里最合适。Part 2 41.【答案】C。解析:非谓语的考查。Finding a job作主语,job在这个动宾结构中做宾语。

42.【答案】D。解析:跟在介词like后面,应选择一个作为宾语的名词表达方式。43.【答案】C。解析:by与动名词结合,表示“以„的方式”。In作介词是也有“按照,以„方式”,但通常与way 连用,例:in the way of„。

44.【答案】B。解析:固定搭配:have an impact on表示对„„造成影响。45.【答案】A。解析:protect business意为保护产业,与文中上下文意思相符。46.【答案】D。解析:词义辨析题。只有D符合,意为宝贵的、有价值的。47.【答案】D。解析:考查动词的时态。文中该句已说明“„for 3 years”,所以用现在完成时。



49.【答案】B。解析:冠词a后面跟名词,且结合上下文意思是派一个摄影师。50.【答案】B。解析:空格后出现from,应填入能和from搭配使用的不及物动词。Varies from表示“(根据„而)不同”。


52.【答案】 D。解析:对代词的考查。修饰audience这个名词,前面应用形容词性物主代词,选择your。

Part 3 53.【答案】C。解析:文章第一段说了要对供水系统和管道进行定期维护(routine maintenance on the water delivery system and pumps),所以宾馆内的供水会暂时中断(water supply in the hotel may be stopped temporarily)。因此选C,供水中断的原因是定期维护。

54.【答案】B。解析:文中第二段说“如果3分钟后水还没有变清(if the water continues to be discolored),请联系维修人员”。因此选B。


56.【答案】A。解析:文章在倒数第二段对客人的要求是:we would appreciate it if you could shut off all the faucets in the tub and sink securely before leaving the room to prevent possible flooding.(为了防止水溢出,请在出门前关掉浴盆和洗涤槽的水龙头)因此答案选A。

57.【答案】D。解析:会议记录是关于商品经销的内容,并且在邮件中提到向Kellogg经销公司提出业务合作的请求。To discuss distributing products为商讨产品流通问题。

58.【答案】C。解析:邮件以外的部分说到问题中的the product’s sales information(商品销售信息)和文章中的sales statistics(销售统计)是同义词组,因此可以得知Nancy Cook是提供销售信息的最佳人选。

59.【答案】A。解析:邮件的第一段中先说“非常有益的会议(a very productive meeting)”,然后提议“进行商业合作”。所以写信的目的是提议合作,并寄送具体的商业合作协议。

60.【答案】C。解析:在邮件的第二段定位Ron Evans及相关内容,然后与选项比较,得出C选项的内容。

61.【答案】C。解析:邮件后半部分说“please sign it and send it back to me by the end of next week.”因此可以推断Tony Higginson会收到一份签名的协议书。





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