
时间:2019-05-13 04:26:26下载本文作者:会员上传







中外合作办学 国际本科



为 进一步推进我校国际化教育的发展,加强对外合作与交流,规范中外合作办学(联合培养项目)的管理,实现学校整体发展目标,根据国务院《中华人民共和国中外 合作办学条例》(以下简称《条例》)、教育部《中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例实施办法》(以下简称《实施办法》)及上海市教委的相关规定,结合我校实际 情况,特制定本办法。第一章总则




第四条与 我校进行中外合作办学的外国教育机构在其所在国家的教育水平或科研地位应高于或者相当于我校在国内的教育水平或科研地位。引进国外优质资源应立足于提高学 校的教育、教学质量,着重发展我国急需的新兴、幼稚学科以及空白学科,但不得举办实施军事、警察、政治等特殊性质教育的机构,或者与外国宗教组织、宗教机 构、宗教院校和宗教教职人员在国内从事合作办学活动。中外合作办学机构和项目不得进行宗教教育和开展宗教活动。















2.按照国家聘请外国专家的有关规定,对各中外合作办学机构和项目的外国专家和外籍管理人员的聘任进行审核,并办理相关聘任手续; 3.组织中外合作办学评估工作,每年3月1日前接受校内各中外合作办学机构和项目的办学报告,并报上级审批机关;跟踪了解中外合作办学机构和项目在国外的教学活动,并协调相关部门对其进行评估。

























地址:北京市朝阳区惠新东街12号 100029


地址:123 xxxx street, new york, wv 26426

party a: university of international business and economics

address: no.12 huixindongjie st., chaoyang, beijing;100029

party b: xxxx university

address: 123 xxxx street, new york, wv 26426

经友好协商,甲,乙双方就国际教育合作事宜达成以下协议.through friendly negotiations, party a and party b have reached the following agreement on issues of international education cooperation.一,合作双方

甲方是中国教育部直属211工程大学,是具有自主办学资质的高等教育机构,可与外国教育机构合作,开展教师交流,学生交换和留学预科教育和中外合作办学等国际教育交流合作.美国xxxx大学是xxxx性质大学,也是中国教育部承认学历的美国正规大学.i.the two parties

as one of 211 project universities directly subordinated to the ministry of education of p.r.china , party a is a higher educational institution having the qualification of running a school independently.the international education exchange and cooperation can cover such areas as cooperation with foreign educational institutions, teacher exchange, student exchange and programs of preparatory courses as well as running a school with foreign counterparts.xxxxxx university, xxxxxxinstitution of higher learning in the united states, is accredited by the higher learning commission of the north central association.as a regular university of u.s.a, its academic credentials have also been admitted by the chinese ministry of education.二,合作目的与宗旨

甲乙双方以互惠,互信,互利为原则,发挥各自的资源优势进行合作,以取得良好的经济和社会效益,提升各自的社会影响力.甲方提供教育平台和教育硬件,乙方引进美国优质的教育资源和先进的美国教育管理,双方合作开发中美两国教育市场.ii.purpose & aim

taking mutual trust, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit as the principle, both party a and party b shall cooperate on one's own resource advantages in order to reap favorable social and economic benefits, and promote one's own social influence power.party a shall offer the educational platform and educational hardware, and party b shall introduce high-quality educational resources and advanced ideas in educational administration from u.s.a.both sides shall tap the education market in both china and the u.s.cooperatively.三,合作内容及方式

甲乙双方合作,在甲方开办赴美留学的培训项目.赴美培训项目为非学历教育,引进全美大学通用的,可替代托福成绩的esl英语证书培训课程,目的是为了使留美学生到美国后,其英语水平能够达到与母语为英语的学生一起上课的要求.由甲方提供场所及教学设施,负责招生,乙方提供课程的全部师资,教材,教育教学软件和证书.招生人数少于xx人不得开班.iii.content & mode

both sides shall cooperate in launching a training program at party a for the student to study in the us.being a non-academic credential education program, the u.s.a training program shall introduce esl---english certificate training course, which is commonly recognized among american universities and can substitute toefl scores.its purpose is to ensure that the students acquire an english language proficiency level high enough for taking classes together with those native english speaking students after they go to the u.s.a.party a shall offer classrooms and teaching facilities and is responsible for recruiting new students, while party b shall provide the overall teaching materials, educational software, teachers of esl course as well as esl english certificate which is universally recognized among us universities.the new class shall not be started in case the enrollment is less than xx.四,甲乙双方的权利与义务




同意甲方以与美国xxxx大学合作的名义开展赴美留学英语培训项目.负责为甲方提供招生宣传资料和招生简章的主要内容.负责提供留美预科班的全部师资,教材,教学软件和全美大学通行的esl英语证书.并确保提供师资的质量,自愿接受甲方的教学监控.负责美方教师往返中国的机票和薪酬.负责美方教师在中国期间的人身意外和医疗保险.负责为参加赴美留学英语培训班学习的学生申请美国大学,并为美国大学录取.负责为赴美留学英语培训班的学生申请到美国大学给予国际学生最优厚的奖学金.负责为赴美留学英语培训班的学生提供赴美签证培训和代理赴美签证服务.iv.rights & obligations of both parties

(1)party a:

1.to be responsible for relevant formalities in launching, reporting and obtaining approval for the study in u.s.a training program of esl.2.to be responsible for offering teaching facilities and relevant services for the study in u.s.a training program of esl.3.to be responsible for the supervision and control of the teaching quality to ensure the smooth implementation of the program.should the teachers dispatched by party b not match the quality requirements, party a reserves the right to demand correction and change the teachers concerned.4.to be responsible for propagating and enrolling new students of the program.5.to be responsible for gathering tuition fees and dormitory charges from students.6.to be responsible for paying in full and in time the part of tuition fees due to party b according to the terms of this agreement.7.to take charge of teaching arrangement and managing students.8.to be responsible for arranging dormitory for us teachers and pay the living expenses as stipulated, i.e.rmb xxxx yuan in total per person per year, of which hotel expense is rmbxxxx yuan / year / person, board expenses for rmbxxxx/ year/ person.(ii)party b:

to agree for party a to launch the study in u.s.a training program of esl in the name of cooperating with xxxx university.to be responsible for offering the main content of the propaganda material and school admission brochure for party a.to be responsible for providing all the teachers of the study in u.s.a preparatory course program,teaching materials, teaching software and esl english certificate commonly recognized among us universities.to be responsible for the us teachers' plane tickets and salary to china.to be responsible for the us teachers' personal accident and medical insurance during their stay in china.to apply for students who participate in the program of studying in u.s.a training program of esl, and ensure that they are admitted by a us university.to be responsible for applying for the best scholarship which the us university can grant to international students for students in the program of studying at u.s.a training program of esl.to offer the necessary training and service of visa application to students in the program of studying in u.s.a training program of esl to facilitate their obtaining the us entry visa.五,收费和双方利益分配

学费: 培训,考试及证书费用为每人每期xxxx元人民币,报到注册时一次性交清.其中甲方分得xx%,乙方分得xx%;各自用于办学成本开支.学费由甲方统一收取,在每个学期开学后15个工作日内由甲方将乙方应分得部分划入乙方在北京的指定账户.教材费:由乙方以合理价格收取.学生住宿费:按甲方标准收取.ⅴ.charges and profits distribution

1.tuition fee: rmb xxxx yuan per student for the program, collected at the time of registration.party a shall get a proportion of xx% from the tuition and party b shall get xx%, each side shall use it to cover the respective education cost.all the tuition shall be collected by party a, and within 15 work days at the beginning of the each semester, party a shall transfer the part of tuition due to party b into the designated account of party b in beijing.2.textbook charge shall be collected by party b at reasonable price.3.dormitory shall be charged at the standard set by party a.六,合作期限

本协议自甲,乙双方签字之日起生效,有效期两年.协议到期前三个月,如双方一致认为可以继续合作,可正式续签书面协议.ⅵ.cooperation term

the agreement shall come into effect after being signed by both sides, and it shall last for two years since the signed date.if both sides consider it necessary to continue the cooperation, then an official written agreement of extension shall be signed three months before the expiration.七,协议的变更

本协议未尽事宜,或需变更,需经甲,乙双方共同协商,做出书面补充协议;补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力.ⅶ.change of the agreement

any change or affairs not stated in this agreement shall be covered by written supplemental agreement reached between both sides through negotiation.the supplemental agreement has the same legal effect as this agreement.八,协议的终止和不可抗力

本协议有效期满时,自动终止.由于政治原因,自然灾害,战争及其它不可预见因素,或对其发生及后果不能防止或避免的不可抗拒因素影响本协议的履行或不能按预定条件履行的,遇上述不可抗拒因素的一方应立即通知对方,并应在三十日内提供详情及有效证明文件.因不可抗力致使本协议中止时,签约双方互不承担经济责任.因不可抗力致使本协议中止时,签约双方应共同对参加本教育项目学习的学生做出妥善安排,并将学生的损失降到最低限度.本协议执行期间,任何一方如有不规范操作,违背协议约定,在对方提出三次整改要求后仍未改正的情况下,对方有权提出解除本协议.但甲,乙双方应继续履行各自职责,完成未完成的培训,不得侵犯已入学学生的合法权益.ⅷ.termination and force majeure

1.the agreement will be automatically terminated upon expiration.2.when unpredictable circumstances like political policy, natural disasters, war or other force majeure whose occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented, and which leads to the situation in which the agreement cannot be carried out or be implemented as planned, the party who suffers one of the above shall notify the counterpart without delay and provide details and valid supporting documents within thirty days.if the agreement has to terminate because of force majeure, neither side shall bear the economic responsibilities.in addition, both parties shall make proper arrangements for participants of the education program, and do their best to minimize the students'loss.3.during implementation of the agreement, if any party's improper conducts breach the agreement, and the said party makes no corrections after the counterpart's warning for three times, the counterpart shall have the right to suggest terminating the agreement.nevertheless, both sides have duties to complete the ongoing training and must not violate the legal rights and interests of the enrolled students.九,违约责任的认定和赔偿

签约的任何一方,不能按约定的时间,方式和要求履行本协议应承担的责任,义务,均视为违约.违约方因其违约行为造成本协议目标不能实现或给签约对方造成经济损失,均应承担相应的赔偿责任.违约方因其违约行为或因已方不当行为侵害了教育项目的学生合法权益,或社会相关方面合法权益,或违反了中国法律及政府法令,均应独自承担相应的法律责任.违约方因其违约行为或因已方不当行为引发与第三方纠纷,致使无责任的签约方被要求承担连带赔偿责任时,无责任的签约方有权要求有违约责任或实施不当行为的签约方赔偿相应的损失.ⅸ.establishment of breach responsibilities and indemnifications

1.it shall be regarded as breach if any side cannot implement the agreement and perform its own duties or responsibilities in accordance with the time, manner and requirements stipulated.2.if behaviors of the breach side cause the objective of the agreement not being realized or cause economic loss for the counterpart, the breach side shall bear the relevant compensation duties.3.if the breach behavior or improper behavior of the breach side violates the legal rights or interests of the students in this education program, or the relevant legal rights or interests of related organizations in the society, or the laws or government decrees of prc, the breach side shall undertake the related legal duties independently.4.if the breach behavior or improper behavior of the breach side causes dispute with a third party and involves the counterpart into the compensation affairs, the party who has no fault shall have the right to request the breach side(or the side which has improper behaviors)to indemnify the relevant loss.十,争议的解决

1, 在履行本协议的过程中,甲,乙双方欲告之对方的重要事项,以书面确认函的内容为准.2, 本协议在执行过程中如发生争议时,先由甲,乙双方协商解决.3,不能协商解决的争议,甲,乙双方可向有管辖权的人民法院起诉.ⅹ.dispute settlement

1.in the process of agreement implementation, notification of important matters by one party to the other shall be based on the content of the confirmation letter.2.any dispute in the implementation of the agreement shall first be resolved through negotiation by the two parties.3.as to disputes which cannot be solved through negotiation, both sides may appeal to the people's court with jurisdiction.十一,其它


the agreement is drawn up in both the chinese and the english languages in quadruplicate.party a and party b shall hold two copies respectively and each copy has equal legal effects.甲方:对外经济贸易大学 乙方:美国xxxx大学


XX年 月 日 XX年 月 日

party a: university of international business and economics

party b: xxxx university


representative(signature), XX, XX



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