
时间:2019-05-12 23:56:04下载本文作者:会员上传


1)We have(take)pleasure in informing you that......兹欣告你方......2)We have the pleasure of informing you that......兹欣告你方.....3)We are pleased(glad)to inform you that......兹欣告你方......4)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have(the)pleasure in informing you that......续谈我方昨日函, 现告你方......5)We confirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that......我方确认近来双方往来电报/传真,并欣告......6)We confirm cables exchanged as per copies(cable confirmation)herewith attached.我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本.7)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in......business, and would like to establish business relationship with us.我方从...公司获悉,你方对...业务感兴趣且颇有经验,意欲与我方建立业务关系.8)Although no communication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business.虽然久未通讯,谅你方生意兴隆.9)Although we have not heard from you for quite some time, we hope your business is progressing satisfactorily.虽然好久没接到你方来信,谅业务进展顺利.10)We have pleasure in sending you our catalog, which gives full information about our various products.欣寄我方目录,提供我方各类产品的详细情况。

11)We are pleased to send you by parcel post a package containing...很高兴寄你一邮包内装...12)We have the pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your letter dated...欣获你方...月...日来信.13)We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of...谢谢你方...月...日来信.14)We have duly received your letter of...刚刚收悉你方...月...日来信.15)We thank you for your letter of...contents of which have been noted.谢谢你方...月...日来信,内容已悉.16)Refering to your letter of......we are pleased to....关于你方...月...日来信,我们很高兴...17)Reverting to your letter of...we wish to say that...再洽你方...月...日来信,令通知...18)In reply to your letter of...,we...兹复你方...月...日来函,我方...19)We wish to refer to your letter of...concerning


20)In compliance with the request in your letter of...we...按你方...月...日来函要求,我方...21)In connection with the question of supplying you with..., we are pleased to say that...关于向你方供应...的问题,欣告你方...22)Further to our letter of...we are pleased to...续我方...月...日函,我们很高兴...23)We received your letter dated...and are sorry for not having replied earlier as we wished to wait for more favorable news to give you.We are now pleased to....你方...月...日来函收悉,考虑到给贵方更佳的信息,我方没能早日答复,甚歉。现高兴地...24)We thank you for your letter of...and glad to note that you have received our catalogs.收到你方...月...日来信,非常感谢,欣悉你方已收到我方目录。

25)With reference to your letter of...addressed to our head office in Beijing which has been forwarded to us for attention and reply , we have pleasure in stating that...你方...月...日写给我北京总公司的信已交我方处理并答复,我们乐意表示...26)We received your letter of...It is gratifying to note that....你方...月...日来函收到。欣悉...27)We received your letter of...We are under the impression that...你方...月...日来函收悉,我们的印象是...28)We received your letter of...and are indebted to you for introducing us to...你方...月...日来信收悉,感谢你方将我公司介绍给...公司。

29)We owe your address to...我方从...获得你方地址。

30)We should be glad if you would let us know whether...如果贵方告知是否...,我们将很高兴。

31)May we have details of...? 我们可以得到...的详情吗?

32)We are sending you under separate cover...兹另封寄上...33)We attach for your information the copy of a letter received today from...附上今日收到的从...一信的复印件,供你方参考。

34)We have received an inquiry for...我们收到...的询盘。

35)We have been informed by......已通知我方。

36)In replay to your letter of...concerning...we are glad to be able to /story to have tell you that...兹复贵方...月...日有关...的来函,很高兴/抱歉告知贵方...37)We thank you for your letter of...informing us that...我们感激贵方...月...日的来函,惠告...38)You kindly enclosed with your letter of...particulars of..., for which we thank you.十分感激贵方随...月...日函附上的...39)Your letter of the...crossed ours of the same date.贵方...月...日函刚好错过我方同日信函。

40)We are surprised to learn from your letter of...that...从你方...月...日函惊讶地获悉...41)We must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter of...迟复贵方...月...日函,甚歉!

42)We thank you for your letter of...and have much pleasure in replying to your various questions as follows:...43)In reply to your letter/inquiry of..., we wish to inform you that...兹复贵方...月...日函/询盘,我们愿意告诉贵方...44)Further to our letter of...we wisth to informs you that...续谈我方...月...日函,欣告...45)We refer to our letter of...in which we asked you...参阅我方...月...日的信件,我们要求贵方...46)On...we wrote to you that......月...日我们函告贵方...47)Since writing to you on...we have ascertained that......月...日写信给贵方以来,我们已确定...48)In your letter of...you expressed interest in our...贵方在...月...日来函中表示对我方...有兴趣。

49)Some time ago you told us that...不久前,贵方告知我方...50)Since receipt of your letter of...we have been trying to find out more about...收到贵方...月...日信函后,我们一直设法得到更多关于...51)It is a long time since we have heard you about...收到你方关于...的信件后已过了很长的时间。

52)In reply to our inquiry we have been told by...that...兹复我方询盘,...已告我方...53)We would point out that...我方指出...54)For your information we would add that...我方要补充说明...供你参考。

55)As we informed you yesterday/by our letter dated...正如我方昨日/...月...日信函所通知的...56)According to information received from...根据从...得到消息,...57)We need hardly say that...我们几乎不须说...58)We hear on good authority that...我们从可靠的官方消息得知...59)As far as we know...正如我方所知...60)It appears that...看来...61)Please note that...请注意...62)We would mention, however, that...然而我们将提及...63)As you will see from the enclosed copy...正如你从随函附件中发现...64)Will you please wire us on receipt of this letter to let us know if...一俟收到此函,请电告我方是否...65)Would you kindly reply by return of the post to tell us whether...请速复告我方是否...66)We should be grateful if you would do your utmost to...如你方尽力去...不胜感激。

67)Under the circumstances it is essential that...在这种情况下,...是很必要的。

68)Will you please let us have for our information...请惠告...供我参考。

69)We note with regret that...我们遗憾地注意到...70)We are very sorry indeed to hear from your letter of...that...从贵方...月...日的信函中得知...,我们确实很遗憾。

71)We are sorry to tell you that...歉告你方...72)We are sorry not to be able to give you the information requested.恕不能提供所需信息。

73)We are very sorry not to be able to give you a definite reply in respect of the above matter.就上述事情,我方歉难给予肯定的答复。

74)We are very sorry for the inconvenience that may have caused you.对给你方带来的不便我方表示歉意。

75)We are very sorry that we cannot accept of your offer.我方歉难接受你方报价。

76)Please accept our apologies.请接受我方的道歉。

按你方的要求,现奉上...78)In accordance with your wishes...按你方的要求...79)We confirm our telegram of this morning as per enclosed copy.按所附文本,兹确认今晨我方发出的电报。

80)We note with interest the suggestion contained in your letter of...我方高兴地注意到你方...月...日信件中的...建议。81)We note your remarks concerning...我们注意到你方关于...的看法。

82)We should be glad to have your confirmation that...欣盼你方确认...83)We have received your fax/telegram of today's date, which reads as follows:


84)We wish to remind your of our letter of...in which we asked you to...我们提醒你方注意,我方...月...日函要求你方...85)We would remind you that we have not had a reply yet from you to our question.需提醒你方,我方尚未得到你方对...问题的答复。

86)We are sorry to remind you that...很遗憾,现提醒你方...87)As you will no doubt remember...你方无疑会记得...88)As to the question of...I agree with you that...就...问题,我同意你...89)We understand/have been informed that...我方清楚/我方已被告知...90)If that is the case...若是这样的话...91)As you are, no doubt, aware of/that...无疑你方会知道...92)We are quite willing to...我方很愿意...93)In view of these facts...鉴于这些事实...94)Unless we hear form you to the contrary...除非我方收到你方相反的通知...95)If we are not mistaken...如果我方没有错的话...96)According to our records/the information we have obtained...根据我方记载/根据我方已得到的信息...97)We wish to add...我们希望加上...98)As mentioned above...如上面所提到的...99)We quite understand that...我们很理解...100)We enclose...我方附上...101)For your information...供你方参考...



总结常用句型: Referring to previous contact: Thank you for your letter of/dated ….With reference to Further to In reply to

Stating the reason for writing: I am writing to enquire about …

to confirm that …

to apologise for/about…

in reply to your …

with reference to …

Ending a letter If you have any further questions, please contact me on … I look forward to hearing from you soon.in due course.in the near future.注意考试当中的格式问题

题目分类: 订单类 handling order 2 询问类 enquiry and reply 3 投诉类 complaint and apology 4 告知变化类 notice of changes 5 邀请类 invitations


称为 Dear ……/ 敬语 Yours……

Dear Sir or Madam----------Yours faithfully Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms Smith---------Yours sincerely Dear John-----------Best wishes(私人关系比较亲密)


We are writing to enquire about …写信是询问关于…… We are writing in connection with … 写信是关于 ……

We are interested in … and we would like to know … 我们对……感兴趣……我们想知道

asking if …感谢(某日)询问是否……的来信 Thank you for your letter of(date),enquiring about …感谢(某日)询问有关……的来信 We have received your letter of(date), enclosing …感谢(某日)的来信以及随信寄来的……

concerning …我们已收到(某日)关于……的来信

如果写信的开头或者是信中要提到某件事情: with reference to… 关于…… further to … 继……之后 with regard to … 关于……

I am writing in connection with … 我写信是为了……

A point in your letter gives us great concern that …我们很关心您信中提到的…… Regarding … 关于……


I am pleased to tell you that … 我很高兴的告诉你/通知你…… I am delighted to inform you …… I am happy to advise you …

We are pleased to inform you that We have pleasure in informing you that We have the pleasure to apprise you of We have the honour to inform you that(of)


I regret to tell you that … 很遗憾/很抱歉告诉你/通知你…… I am sorry to inform you … I am sorry to advise you that … We regret that … 我们很遗憾……

说明能做与不能做的事情 We are unable to … 我们不能…… We are able to … 我们能……

We have been forced to … 我们不得不…… 说明原因

This was owing to … 这是因为……(多半为坏消息)Due to … 这是由于 ……

As a result of … 这是……的结果

Because of … 这是因为……

请求采取行动,如果紧急的话,可以加上后面的词组 Please could you … as soon as possible 请你尽快……

We would be grateful if you could …without delay 如果你能尽快……,我们将不胜感激 We would appreciate it if you could … immediately… 如你能尽快…… 我们将不胜感激


We must apologize for … 我们必须为……表示我们的歉意 We apologize for … 我们必须为……道歉

We are extremely sorry for … 我们为……感到抱歉


We would like to know about/if … 我们想了解有关……

Please could you give us further detail about … 请给我们更多有关……的信息

We would be grateful if you could let us know about/if … 如果能告诉我们有关……,我们将不胜感激

We would appreciate it if you could inform us about/if … 如果能告诉我们有关……,我们将不胜感激


Unfortunately, 然后直接说不幸的事情发生了,比如,Unfortunately, we have not yet received your payment, we would be grateful if you could make the payment soon.提起注意(用在强烈抱怨中)

I should like to draw your attention to(the fact that)… 我想提请你们注意…… I should like to point out that … 我想指出……

I should like to remind you that … 我想提醒你们……

I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that …我希望没有必要提醒你们……



除非……,否则我们将不得不…… If …(not)…, we will be forced to … 如果……不……,我们将不得不…….(二)常用句型 普通结尾:

I look forward to receive your reply/order/products/etc.期待收到你的答复,定单,产品等 Looking forward to hearing from you.期待你的来信


I hope that this information will help you.期待这些消息会对你有所帮助。

Please contact me if you need any further information.如果需要更多的信息,请你与我联系 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are need any further information.如果需要更多,请随时联系我

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.有什么问题,请有我联络。Please let me know if you need any further information.如果需要更多的信息,请告诉我。道歉信结尾

Please accept our apologies once again.请接受我们的歉意

We hope that this has not caused you any in convenience.我们希望这不会给你造成不便。



Thank you for your letter/telephone call/telex/fax.很感激你的来信/来电/电传/传真。It was a pleasure to …(meet you at/on…)很荣幸在…… 时间/地点与你见面。It was good to …(see you again at/on…)很高兴在……时间/地点再次见到你。

(hear from you again)很高兴再次收到你的来信。

It was a pity that …(we did not have more time to talk at/on…)很遗憾我们上次没有更多的时间讨论……

I am sorry that …(I missed you when you visited my office)很遗憾你来我办公室时,我没能见到你。

如果需要,可以在上述四个形式之后加上说过或者没有说过的话,It was good to talk to you on the telephone today.I was sorry to hear that you had not been so well.今天能够在电话里和你交谈,真是太好了。听说你病了,我很难过。(It was pity that I missed you when you visited my office last week.I would have liked to have heard all your news.很遗憾,上周你来我办公室时,我没能见到你。我很乐意听到有关你们的任何消息。


要求提供消息:I was wondering if you could help me.我不知道你是否能帮我。

提供消息:I thought you might be interested to hear that … 我想你可能会对……感兴趣。抱怨:I am afraid we have a small problem.恐怕我们有个问题

告知坏消息:I am afraid I have some bad news.恐怕,有些坏消息。


I look forward to seeing you again next time I am in …我期待着下次我在…时,与你见面。If ever you are in London, please give me a ring or call in.来伦敦时,给我打电话或来我公司坐坐。

Please give my regard to Dianna Smith.请替我向Dianna问好。

Please pass my best wishes to Mr.Lund.I hope that he has now recovered from the flu.请向兰德先生问好。我希望他早日康复


















㈠ Dear mangers,I’m the Personnel Manger of the Blue Sky Bloc.Our bloc is going to hold a conference at Coastal Friendship Hotel in December from third to fourth.The conference is aimed at discussing about new personnel management mode and method and making a statement.I’m looking forward to attending the conference.Yours sincerelyZhangjianguoPersonnel Manger

㈡Li Ming


No.18 Nanjing Road

Mr Black

Dep.Of Business College

Leland Stanford Junior University


U.S.A Shanghai 200001 P.R.China December.9.2012

Dear Mr Black,Thank you for sending me the gift, a elegant photo album.I like it very much.Since I knew you would come to Shanghai to join my birthday party, I’ve been so pleased.If you’re planning to come to Shanghai , please inform me that the flight in advance and I’ll be there to meet you at the airport.Friendly yoursLi Ming

㈢ Dear sir(madam),I am writing to complaint about the dormitory problems ,which have affected our normal life.Firstly, eight people live in a dormitory ,too crowded.Secondly, it’s not handy to study without network in the dorm.Thirdly, we hope the dorm supervisor can delay turning off the lights, especially during the test period.Finally, we require to set an air conditioning in the dorm, for we can’t fall asleep because of the hot weather in summer.Could you please look into these and we’d really appreciate if you could solve all of the problems for us.Thanks.Yours cordiallyLi Hua

第四篇:商务信函写作 Payment

Relon Brand Company Limited

No.28Queen’s Road Hong Kong, China Email:xxy2016@163.com


Armanii Company No.36 Baker Street London,British.We have received your letter of11 this month, in which you suggested our accepting payment by D/A at 45 days for better cash flow and lower costs.Whilewe appreciate your trial order of $7,800for our goods, we very much regret that we are unable to entertain your request for payment under D/A terms as we generally ask for payment by Letter of Credit.In consideration of promoting business between us, we are, as an exceptional case, prepared to accept payment for your trial order on a D/P sight basis.Please understand that we can only make this concession under the circumstance, but this should not be taken as a precedence.Our products always find a good market in many counties in the world.We are confident that this product you have ordered will have a wonderful sales in your market.We hope that the above payment terms will be acceptable to you and look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully



Sales manager 题目 :要求:Your customer Mr.Smith is placing a trial order for $7,800, and asking for payment by D/A 45 days, for better cash flow and lower costs.Please write a reply to negotiate the most suitable payment terms.


Dear Mrs.Mary Lee, Thank you for your letter of 16 March.We are glad to to learn of the enquiries you have had from your old client for our tapestries.Over the years,we have strived to maintain the highest possible business standards while still keeping our products with high quality.From many of our clients,we have already had repeat orders,in some cases more than one.We offer mandala tapestries in twin and queen size,round with fringe and tassel.Our products can be used as beach sheet,beach throw,picnic throw,table cloth and tapestry,etc.For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as follows:

Fair Decor Tapestries Name of the goods Size Quantity Unit price Total price

(piece)Orange Blue Ombre Tapestry Twin 200 USD 25.00 USD 5,000.00 Green Turquoise Ombre Tapestry Twin 200 USD 25.00 USD 5,000.00 Purple Ombre Tapestry Queen 200 USD 28.00 USD 5,600.00 Blue Flower Ombre Tapestry Queen 200 USD 28.00 USD 5,600.00

USD 21,200.00 Prices in the list are all on F.O.B Shanghai basis in US dollars.Term: By L/C at sight Shipment: Within 15-21 days of receiving the L/C This quotation is subject to your reply reaching us before March 26..We feel you may be interested in some of our other products and enclose an illustrated catalog covering all the products we are handling.We trust that the above would be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your order.Any orders you place with us would be processed promptly.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours Faithfully, Shanghai Fair Decor Corp.Jane



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