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Google, the Internet search-engine company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor.The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives.Aleem Walji works for Google.org--the part of the company that gives money to good causes.He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious diseases are developing.In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, Google.org will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats.Google.org’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow.Walji says microfinance(小额信贷)is generally small, short-term loans that create few jobs.Instead, he says Google.org wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth.Google.org will also give money to help two climate-change programs
announced earlier this year.One of these programs studies ways is to make renewable(再生的)energy less costly than coal-based energy.The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars.The creators of Google have promised to give Google.org about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year.Aleem Walji says this amount may increase in the future.36.The purpose of Google’s investments is to ________.A)help poor people
B)develop new technology
C)expand its own business
D)increase the power of information
37.According to Aleem Walji, the company’s first project is to ________.A)set up a new system to warn people of infectious diseases
B)find out where infectious diseases develop
C)identify the causes of infectious diseases
D)cure patients of infectious diseases
38.What kind of businesses will benefit from Google.org’s second project?
A)large enterprises
B)cross-national companies
C)foreign-funded corporations
D)small and medium-sized businesses
39.From the fourth paragraph, we learn that Google’s money is also invested to
help ________.A)start more research programs
B)make more advanced electric cars
C)develop renewable and coal-based energy
D)conduct studies related to climate changes
40.From the last paragraph we learn that the investments by Google.org come from ________.A)Google’s profits and stock value
B)some international IT companies
C)the company’s own interests
D)local commercial banks
By almost any measure, there is a boom in Internet-based instruction.In just a few years, 34 percent of American universities have begun offering some form of distance learning(DL), and among the larger schools, it’s closer to 90 percent.If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven’t heard of the University of Phoenix.It grants degrees entirely on the basis of online instruction.It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.While the kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usually signifies a course in which the instructors post syllabi(课程大纲), reading
assignments, and schedules on Websites, and students send in their assignments by e-mail.Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.The attraction for students might at first seem obvious.Primarily, there’s the convenience promised by courses on the Net: you can do the work, as they say, in your pajamas(睡衣).But figures indicate that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the course.While drop-out rates for all freshmen at American
universities is around 20 percent, the rate for online students is 35 percent.In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.Clearly, from the schools’ perspective, there’s a lot of money to be saved.Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in servers and networks to support collaborative software, most DL courses can run on existing or minimally upgraded(升级)systems.The more students who enroll in a course but don’t come to campus, the more the school saves on keeping the lights on in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers, and maintaining parking lots.And, while there’s evidence that instructors must work harder to run a DL course for a variety of reasons, they won’t be paid any more, and might well be paid less.In times of economic crisis.Americans turn to their families for support.If the Great Depression is any guide, we may see a drop in our skyhigh divorce rate.But this won’t necessarily represent an increase in happy marriages.In the long run, the Depression weakened American families, and the current crisis will probably do the same.We tend to think of the Depression as a time when families pulled together to survive huge job losses, By 1932,when nearly one-quarter of the workforce was
unemployed, the divorce rate had declined by around 25% from 1929.But this doesn't mean people were suddenly happier with their marriages.Rather, with incomes
decreasing and insecure jobs, unhappy couples often couldn't afford to divorce.They feared neither spouse could manage alone.Today, given the job losses of the past year, fewer unhappy couples will risk starting separate households.Furthermore, the housing market meltdown will make it more difficult for them to finance their separations by selling their homes.After financial disasters family members also tend to do whatever they can to help each other and their communities, A 1940 book.The Unemployed Man and His Family, described a family in which the husband initially reacted to losing his job “with tireless search for work.”He was always active, looking for odd jobs to do.The problem is that such an impulse is hard to sustain across the country.many similar families were unable to maintain the initial boost in morale.For some, the hardships of life without steady work eventually overwhelmed their attempts to keep their families together.The divorce rate rose again during the rest of the decade as the recovery took hold.Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment.Today’s economic crisis could well generate a similar number of couples whose relationships have been irreparably(无法弥补地)ruined.So it’s only when the
economy is healthy again that we’ll begin to see just how many broken families have been created.57.In the initial stage, the current economic crisis is likely to __________.A)tear many troubled families apartB)contribute to enduring family ties
C)bring about a drop in the divorce rateD)cause a lot of conflicts in the family
58.In the Great Depression many unhappy couples close to stick together because
A)starting a new family would be hardB)they expected things would turn better
C)they wanted to better protect their kidsD)living separately would be too costly
59.In addition to job losses.What stands in the way of unhappy couples getting a divorce?
A)Mounting family debtsB)A sense of insecurity
C)Difficulty in getting a loanD)Falling housing prices
60.What will the current economic crisis eventually do to some married couples?
A)It will force them to pull their efforts together
B)It will undermine their mutual understanding
C)It will help strengthen their emotional bonds
D)It will irreparably damage their relationship
61.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A)The economic recovery will see a higher divorce rate
B)Few couples can stand the test of economic hardships
C)A stable family is the best protection against poverty.D)Money is the foundation of many a happy marriage
2.数个简单句如果连接成长句,必须依靠连词。连词有两种:并列连词(and, or, but, so)和连接从句的各类连词。
They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.以上是2006年第50题。该句出现4个动词,分别是teach, earn, make和involve,说明包含四个简单句。这四个简单句又分别由and, but和which三个连词连接起来,只要能解读三个连词的逻辑意义,整个句子的意思就不难解读。
2.根据搭配。所谓搭配,就是通过上下文中和该词意义联系最密切的词来识别该词的具体含义。例如2004年考过develop the idea这个说法。这里的develop不能简单地译为“发展”或“培养”,必须依据其宾语idea,重新将判断其含义,比如可译为“产生”或“形成”等。
1.熟词僻义。例如07年49题,“political stories”,很多同学想当然地译成“政治故事”,实际上,大家根据上下文理解一下,就会发现,这里的“story”不可能解释为“故事”,而是上文“news”的一个同意替换。
2.专有名词。复习过的同学应该知道,05年的翻译题中曾出现过专有名词the Old Continent,continent一词常用来指代“欧洲大陆”。与此类似的一些常识还包括:Canadian Constitution指加拿大宪法;the New World是美洲大陆的代名词;native American不是指美国本土居民,而是美洲的土著印地安人;the States是the United States的简称;the Big Apple是纽约的代称等。
3.常考难词。例如:“intellectual”,这是一个典型的常考词,曾经在历年的考研试卷中出现过至少20次。这个词除了在最早的90年考察过“智力”这一最常用意思外,在后来的题目中则分别考查了“知识”、“知识分子”等非常用意思。例如:在03年的62题中,“intellectual enquiry”翻译为“知识探究”;06考到“define him as an intellectual”本句中出现的“intellectual”作“知识分子”解;07年“intellectual equipment”中 “intellectual”义为“知识”。这样反复出现的高频词题型,我们考生在平时的复习过程中需要给予这样的小词以足够的关注。
3.语序问题。例如,汉语习惯先说事实,再表态;而英语习惯先表态,再说事实。这样,翻译的时候就需要注意语序的问题。举个很简单的例子,英语说Nice to meet you.汉语则习惯说“见到你很高兴。”“见到你”是事实,“很高兴”是表态。
Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we can not help considering whether or not we are forming the powers which will secure this ability.(2009,翻译 49)
In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful;groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.(2005年 翻译 47)
There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.(2001,翻译 46)
另一个建议与PPT文档有关。如果你必须使用幻灯片,务必记得要大量运用图像资源。这种做法同样有科学依据,它就是研究人员所称的“图优效应”(Picture Superiority Effect):听到或读到一组事实三天后,大多数人会记得大约10%的信息。而添加一张照片或图片后,记忆率将跃升至65%。
“She’s a child,” she told my father.“She’s not any older than seventeen, not possibly.She wears glasses.She’s very thin.She’s not an idiot, that’s not why they were getting rid of her, but she is mentally deranged, maybe, or on the borderline.”
My mother said, “Don’t go over there.”
Nevertheless I went.I did not take Owen because he would tell.I thought I would knock on the door and ask, in a very polite way, if it was all right for me to read the newspapers on the porch.But before I got to the steps the door opened and Madeleine came out with a stove-lid lifter in her hand.She might have been lifting a stove-lid when she heard me, she might not have picked it up on purpose, but I could not see it as anything but a weapon.“What are you come spyin’ around here for? What are you come spyin’ around my house for? You better get out of here.” She started down the steps.Her short hair was not combed, she was wearing a ragged print dress on her flat young body.Her violence seemed calculated, theatrical;you wanted to stay to watch it, as if it were a show, and yet there was no doubt, either, when she raised the stove-lifter over her head, that she would crack it down on my skull if she felt like it—that is, if she felt the scene demanded it.I wished I could take this scene back to tell at home.Stories of Madeleine were being passes up and down the road.Something had annoyed her in the store and she had thrown a box of Kotex at Charlie Buckle.(Lucky she wasn’t holding a can of corn syrup!)Uncle Benny lived under a hailstorm of abuse, you could hear it from the road.“Got yourself a Tartar there, didn’t you, Benny?” people would say, and he would chuckle and nod, abashed, as if receiving congratulations.After a while he started telling stories himself.She had thrown the kettle through the window because there wasn’t any water in it.She had taken the scissors and cut up his green suit, which he had only worn once, at his wedding;he didn’t not know what she had against it.She had said she would set fire to the house, because he had brought her the wrong brand of cigarettes.Early in the spring, before the snow was all gone, he came one day to say that Madeleine had left.