
时间:2019-05-13 11:25:58下载本文作者:会员上传


Friendship blind date in mind 旁白: Friendship is very pretty.In the school had a lot of people chasing her.Because her request was so high that she is twenty eight years old but not married ,The mother of Friendship is very anxious ,so she find someone ,arranged several blind dates.Friendship was helpless that began her journey of blind date.Part 1 旁白;Fame and wealth love the Friendship at the first sight for her pretty.名利:I am not only governor of Fujian Provinces , but also the Honorary President of Tsing hua University.My father is the minister of National Defense ,and my mother is the vice president of Beijing University of Finance.My friends are all the star at finance ,politics ,IT bound and so on.旁白:Finished he lift of his leg.友谊:I am really envy your power.(感叹)名利: Just so so ,Just so so.This is nothing.In fact ,I am also very meaning of.Although I am usually very busy ,but at the spare time I read book ,listen music ,do sports and so on.友谊:.That is grate.Do you know ,I like that sentence best : furthest distance in Oh The the world ,not the life and death ,but when I stand in front of you ,you don’t know that I love you.Oh.The following sentence I just forget ,Dou you know ? 名利:Oh , let me think ,let me think ,sorry ,I know that sentence before ,I don’t know why I suddenly forget.友谊:Oh ,It doesn’t matter.旁白;At this time ,a waiter go through at the side ,the waiter accidently hit the Fame and Wealth。侍者:I am sorry sir ,I am very sorry.名利:What are you doing now ? It is really bad ,who is the manager ,call him come here right now。旁白:Waiter has been an apology, Friendship helped pleased,Fame but still Buyiburao Friendship: Forget it Forget it, he did not mean it Fame: Look at your face, even if the 旁白: There is no doubt, friendship, fame and fortune fish this fall through the blind PART2 旁白 The second and friendship is a wealthy son of a blind date, his favorite for the endless beauty of friendship Brought in a bottle of 1989 Bordeaux red wine 友谊 It looks like you great deal of research on wine 富 That is, of course, from childhood accustomed to seeing these.You know, our family, but multinational companies opened in France, UK, USA and so on are subsidiary.University when I was studying in the UK it Having looked triumphant 友谊:Oh, surely you are welcomed by the women are very welcome to 富:While this, but I'm a very special situation of people 旁白:At this point, a woman dressed in jewels came

女:oh,Darling, long time no see you, how do not come to me, and I miss you too 富:Sorry, you got the wrong person now.I do not know you 旁白 He has been a wink to that woman,Then the woman reluctantly gone。At this point, the waiter brought the wine, wealth, accidentally knocked over the wine waiter who spilled into the 富 How you do things so that the waiter does not care(旁

白 Said the money from the wallet out)Take that, the money enough to buy you a new 旁白 In this way, the friendship has fizzled out a second blind date PART3 旁白 And friendship is the blind date understanding of the powerless 理解 You usually have any hobbies 友谊 Like to see some books, listen to some music 理解 Man I love books like interpersonal 友谊 So, then what are your thoughts after reading, among people think what is most important 理解 I think it is respect and understanding.Because everyone is equal.Whether it is powerful or not, there is wealth or not, we all should be equal treatment of them and understand them, and to the true intentions to make friends with them At this point the poor waiter again.The waiter was accidentally tripped, the water spread to the body 友谊 Are you all right, you have to be hot to 理解 it”tOK, water is not hot.But this gentleman fell down, do not know if I have hurt 服务生 Right, all right.I accidentally knocked over his water bottle.Thank you, care about you 旁白 Thus, in such a good atmosphere, friendship and dating a few times and understanding, the two finally came together.Since then, the friendship and understanding with the


Section1(In Cafe, Kate sat on the deck to drink coffee alone, this time JoJo and Silence carry shopping bags, hand in hand into the cafe with talking and laughing.)Kate: Here, Here, I’m here.Jojo: Yes.Kate: you look so nice.Jojo: Oh, thank you.What’s going on? Kate: I’m fine.Jojo: By the way,have you see Serena’s group lately? Kate:No,What happened? Jojo: No,just Silence and I were shopping and we talked about them.Kate: Oh, I heard that they are fighting ,and then parted ways.Silence: Yes,recently I have cotten close to Nana and jone.Jojo: Wow, I can’t believed it.How good friend they were before.Section2 In the dinning hall,four friends go to have lunch.Jone:what do we do tonight? Jone:I want watch movie.Serena do you want to go? Serena: I am so tired I want go to the bathroom.NaNa:hurry up~hurry up~ Jone: she is so boring,what should we do~ Jone:Jack? NaNa and Emily: Who is Jack? Jone:Jack?i know you!why are you calling? You told me you have broken up!I don’t want see you again!all right? NaNa and Emily:who? Jone:Jack!her ex boyfried!Serean:what did you do!Did you answer my phone? Jone:yes!i do ,Jack that bad guy,he called just now!he is so bad!Serean:this is my thing ,please mind your own buniness!NaNa and Emily:what’t wrong? Jone:what are you doing!Serean:I will never forgive you!

Emily:Serean where are you going.Serean:don’t touch me ,fuck off,bitch Emily:what?what are you saying? Serean:I say you are a bitch.Emily: don’t bet others like a dog.Serena:Jone and NaNA have already told me thae you have been having an affair with my former boyfriend!Emily:so what ,don’t forget that you have broken up with him Serean:you know I still love him!Emily:I’m sorry,Serean,I have falling love with him too!i know it’s my fault,please forgive me!Serean:NO!

NaNa:you do a wrong thing Jone:I don’t know!i hit her? NaNa: What happen to you? Jone: what should I do? Section3 Serena sat at the cafe where they used to go to often.Kate: Hi, miss.what can I do for you? Kate: Oh, Serena.How are you? Serena: I’m fine.Is this your part-time job here? Kate: Yeah.It’s long time to see you? Serena: I miss you so much.Kate: Me too, how many people are in your group? Serena: Only me!Kate: Only you? Ok...What would you like? Juice or coffee? Serena: Coffee!Kate: Ok, when I am free, I’ll talk to you!Serena: ok!Kate: Goodbye.Serena: Goodbye.Among the college students in new semester.Nana: The school is beautiful!Jone: Just-so-so, ok? Nana: We are pretty amazing!Jone: You are so lucky!Nana: Before four of us agree to… Jone: Em.let’s see our new dormitory.JoJo: Do you have…this time? Kate: A boyfriend? Oh my god!JoJo: Hi, Emily, Emily, come here.Do you want to join a party? A music party!So fantastic!Kate: Boom shake lake!Emily: Ok, goodbye.Kate/JoJo: Goodbye Section4 Serena went to the high school where they study there,she sat in the stool that she used to sit,and look at blackboard.At this time,the door of the classroom was shaved by someone.Serena:Who’s there? Somebody there? Emily:It’s me.Jone:Are you ok? Emily/Serena/Jone:Fighting!

Emily/Serena/Jone/Nana:Yeah,we are winner.










Qu Yuan(about before 304Songs of the South, breaking the “Book of Songs” manifestations, greatly enriching the performance of poetry, the Poetry of Ancient China opened up a new horizon.successors will therefore “Songs of the South” and “The Book of Songs” and called “Wind, showmanship.” “Wind, show” Poetry is the history of realism and romanticism two fine traditions sources.Meanwhile, a representative of Qu Yuan Chu also affects the formation of Han Fu.In the history of China, Qu Yuan is a most people admire and love poet.According to “Qi added harmonic mind” and “Geography of the Sui Dynasty” set, Qu Yuan May 5 for the Lunar Jiang himself.Chinese Folk Festival May 5 packet Ancients, dragon-boat race on the custom of people from the right to commemorate Qu Yuan M , Qu Yuan was also classified as the world “four celebrity culture,” one by the World Peace Council and the people of the world the solemn commemoration

QuYuan walked towards a bank of MiLo laying his long hair down to the full length.His face was pale like a lief.A fisherman saw him and asked:“aren't you the Prime Minister ”san lv“?Why do you come here.Why your condition is so bad?”Qu said:“The people in the whole world are turbidy like polluted water.But I am so clean.Besides, They are drunk ,but I am awake.Because of this reason ,I got expulsion as the punishment given by the king.The fisherman said:”If someone is a great man ,he will stand by the whole world people supporting their opinion.even it isn't truth.Now that ,the people in the whole world are turbidy like poplluted

Qu Yuan, a Chinese literary history of the greatest and most distinguished Romantic poet, called him after the work is “Songs of the South.” Masterpiece is the “Lament”, which is the longest of Qu Yuan a lyric poem, a total of three hundred seventy-three, two thousand seven hundred and seventy seven words of the poem describes the poet to practice their own political views are being attack and persecution, must express their inner pain, faithful to the people and the feelings of the motherland.Qu Yuan in the long journey of exile, the spirit and life suffered devastation and suffering is imagined.One day he is Singing River, encountered a fishing hermit, hermit to see him looking haggard haggard, advised him “Do not rigidly stick to”, “easy-going number”, and the bigwigs were in cahoots.Yuan said: “I would rather go to Xiang River flows buried in the belly of the fish;security can Haohao of white, and almost dust mask secular?” Year seven to eight tests, was the capital of Chu Chi broken, the spirit of the poet has been a great blow, seeing the difficulty of breaking the country, but can not use his power, he was so frightened that in extreme disappointment and pain, the poet came to the east of the Yangtze River Miluo, bouldering and drowned.He died about sixty years old, it is the Lunar May tenth.Two thousand years of age, which in the course of history can not be considered just a moment, but despite the drain, dusk to dawn-to, the image of the poet Qu Yuan, but still remain in people's heart.Today, Dragon Boat Festival every day, people are still in the river in the dragon boat racing, the dumplings, multicolored silk tie to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan, see the works of the poet and the spirit is eternal it!

该文章转载自无忧考网:http://www.xiexiebang.competence, Jin Chu court soon to be appreciated, has left office only,三闾doctor, but the political reform that has not been able to achieve the final grade has been cut exile.Was subsequently informed that all Ying QIN Bing Chu break, like a bolt from the blue, very sad, we came to the riverside Perot, picked up a stone, jump for Jiang himself.“Qu Yuan's spirit,” a stretch of more than 2,000 years, inspiring generations of Chinese people, this is a spiritual treasure of the Chinese nation, no matter when and where, for us is always an educational and inspiring.


梁:Where is my Yingtai?(在机场张望,手在额头,眺望)(场边上)此时,背景音乐 少女时代的Gee祝英台上场 彰显笑点 英台请注意表演(带墨镜,行李,走到场中央,摆造型)




梁: I love you so much and I’ll miss you so much.祝:I love you, too!Don’t worry.BoBo, I only love you in this world.I’ll marry you as soon as I’m back.Wait for me just for two years.梁: I’ll kiss you across the Pacific Ocean.祝:I’ll kiss you from the other side.Wait for me.BoBo,this time I really should be going.依依不舍 背景音乐《答应不爱你》响起,两人分别逐步后退(梁做出伤心传)

第二场景: 英母喜爱马文才 英父痛批贪婪心


英父: 怒气转身No matter what you Say, it is useless.The child's weddingcould not be so hasty(仓促的).英母:but dearling ,Mawencai was so cool and so rich, There is no doubt that this is matched(相匹配的)for marriage.And ……..被英父打断

英父: I told you many times, we could notdecideying tai’s wedding.英母:darling….(转身面向观众)The Furthest Distance in The World Is not between life and death.But when I stand in front of you ,Yet you do not known he is so handsome.The furthest distance in the world Is not between poor and rich, but when I stand in front of you, Yet you can not see his love to ying tai.父:no matter what yousay …..旁白:马文才,is coming ~(大声)(父母整理衣服,匆忙坐下)(马文才上,拿折扇)

马:哇~,who is the man(看着镜子),heisso handsome,ok, everybody,it is me(扇子),I am马文才(跟着一小弟,在场中央向观众介绍自己)


父:You are the Ma Wencai?(语气,不屑,不喜欢)

马:yes,A good man is me, I am.....Ma Wencai(扇子,造型)

英母:oh,That was you,come in,sit down please!

马:aunt, I love yingtai so much,you know.I want to make it,here are my gifts,100 bottles of Guojiao1573.(场中央)

英母:After drinking 1573, the legs are not painful, waist not sour.跳江南style.马:three Benz and a big house in the seaside and so on.I hope you will like them!

母:there is no doubt that yingtai must be yours , you are so handsome.父: NO way!大怒指着马

马:that’s why?

英父:I will ask you some questions ,listen ….马:OK

英父:Do you know the Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory and three represents the eight honors and Eight Disgraces

马:I don’t know.英父:Do you know how big the sun is, the moon is round?

马:I don’t know.英父:Do you know 黄岩island and 钓鱼island belong to China马:I don’t know.父:Do you know why the thunder, see lightning first, then hear the sound 马:ye, This I know.。。(激动,举手)


马:It is because the eyearein front of the ear,haha

Fu:fuck you,It is because light travels faster than sound(用扇子打他的头)

英父:Do you see yourself? you look like a pig who know nothing?(转向英母)You ask me to Take yingtaito marry him how I can trust him ?英母:I have no words.马:but aunt have accepted my 3 million dollars and gifts.父:money ?You think money can buy everything?True love is priceless!Only 3 million dollar….only 3 million dollar….only 3 million dollar….(逐渐反应过味来)3 million?3 million!!Why didn't you tell me earlier(朝向英母,怒吼),I fuck you too too。。

父:(转身,讨好)OKOKYou give me 3 million dollarand yingtai belongs to you

马:Hey, money is really a good stuff

第三场景:马文才逼迫 祝英台越洋提分手 梁山伯闻此心伤悲


梁: Oh, honey, I miss you so much, miss you every minute every second.Oh my dear.Are you listening to me?

祝:(高兴的说)Yeah.(马文才怒视之,祝被迫改变语气)Liang Shanbo.I’m calling to tell you that I loved you.But I think you’d better find a better girl.梁: What? Pardon?

祝: Because I’ll get married.Myparents had taken me to marry Ma WencaiHe is so handsome, just like 刘德华.So rich, even richer than比尔盖茨.And he is good at 葵花宝典。I love his money and I love his body.梁: What are you talking about?

祝:shanbo, If life deceives(欺骗)you, don't be sad, don't be impatient!believe me.everything will pass, and all these things will become a kind of memory.(放背景音乐《好久不见》)


梁:(流着泪喊着英台的名字,后来擦干眼泪说):英台,do not leave me.It can not be true, I will learn English and I must go to America.(梁拿出书,苦读)

旁白:From the beam Shangbo finally understand the importance of English, reading English every day

梁:(摇头苦读)I have a dream.even though I face the difficulties of today and tomorrow,It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and lives out the true meaning of its creed.I have a dream that one day I will go toAmerica and find 英台.It is a dream that deeply rooted in my heart.In my heart.(深情的说)英台,英台,I know it is not true, I know you still love me.旁白:After hard study, 梁 making great progress in English, so he decided to go to the United States of America

马和英台一起唱两个小蜜蜂(这时梁上)(这个可改成有意思的英文儿童舞蹈,我听说《head shoulder》很有意思)






马:You....You.Is too mean.梁:fuck,what time is it,youstill use武术,You are out(拿着枪,在嘴前吹了几下)You, get out of here.马:my life is more important and I have to go now.英父(英父出):Oh, no , you can not go , your money haven't given to me


英台:(跑向梁)山伯山伯,how are you?

梁: I am fine.yingtai ,Wherever you go, whatever you say, I’ll always stay with you.I only know I was born to love you.祝: I know I know andI love you too.I love you just like The mouse like rice.梁: Really?

祝: ye













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