凯文英语中心,凯文老师,李安 人定胜天,还是心存敬畏 《少年派的奇幻漂流》 中英文

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第一篇:凯文英语中心,凯文老师,李安 人定胜天,还是心存敬畏 《少年派的奇幻漂流》 中英文

李安 人定胜天,还是心存敬畏 《少年派的奇幻漂流》 2012年11月2日,李安在北京为媒体放映了新片《少年派的奇幻漂流》中20分钟的片段,主要是壮观悦目的场面戏,比如惊心动魄的海上风暴和沉船,或者成群飞鱼穿梭划过救生艇上的少年和老虎。



电影和小说的英文原名叫“Life of Pi”,派的一生,但中国人很容易拼成“屁的一生”。名字的确是片中主角背了一辈子的麻烦。少年生长在印度法属殖民地旁迪切里。父亲第一个生意伙伴曾是南印度的游泳冠军,1930年代在巴黎上过两年学,对巴黎从低端到高档的泳池了如指掌。父亲不会水,但最爱听这个叔叔聊巴黎泳池,于是叔叔嘴里的天堂级泳池Piscine Molitor直接成了少年的名字。

Piscine是法语的“泳池”,但这个字的发音几乎等于英语里进行时态的“小便(Pissing)”,这自然成了学校同学对少年最脱口而出的奚落。少年于是给自己改名叫“派”,圆周率 父亲经营动物园。与世界上大多数人相比,少年派有着独特的成长环境,所以他对世界的认知也不那么平常。












《少年派的奇幻漂流》是10年前的畅销书,中学老师都让学生看后作各种讨论。李安说,美国相信人是得天独厚、世界独强,它又是个年轻国家,追寻自由,觉得什么都是人力可以克服的。主掌世界的好莱坞电影,剧情发展总是让人看着舒服,天遂人愿成了主流电影理所当然的思路。“可我觉得时候也到了,像我们成长在中国,不太信这套,什么人定胜天——人对老天爷是要有敬畏的。这书正好是个机会,让我觉得在这方面可以有发挥。” 李安也爱上了3D这种全新媒介。与卡梅隆不一样,他觉得3D尤其适合表现舞台,因为有了纵深,3D拍摄的场面调度完全是舞台式的。“只要钱够,我想拍下去。我有好奇心。2D可能从1960年代到现在没什么新的东西,该知道的都知道了。”李安说。


《Life of Pi》的观后感:1)哪个故事不重要,重要的如何和心中的老虎(欲望和恐惧)共存。智者会放弃驯服它,能避免被它吞噬,反而从它吸取生命力,2)哪个宗教不重要,重要的是在困境下保持信念和希望,相信你所有的遭遇,必有其道理,3)不能期待完美结局,甚至不必珍重告别,但是需要能够放下。

IS there anything Ang Lee can't do?

The pithy answer might be: Large, angry, green men.Yes, Lee's “Hulk” was not well received.But in his incredibly varied filmography, Lee has steadily steered films that could very well have turned disastrous into box-office hits and Oscar bait.Combining martial arts with drama? “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” became the highest grossing foreign language film ever, more than double any previous foreign film.A film about gay cowboys?

“Brokeback Mountain” was nominated for eight Oscars, winning three, including best director.Few filmmakers have been so drawn to such delicate material where even slight shifts in tone or execution could mean the difference

between a hit or a flop.That couldn't be truer for Lee's new film, “Life of Pi,” a supreme balancing act for a filmmaker accustomed to working on tightropes.In an interview the day after “Life of Pi” premiered at the New York Film Festival, Lee sat down with obvious relief.Asked how he was doing, Lee exhaled: “Better than I thought.”

The first screening had gone well: the 3-D “Life of Pi” was greeted as a success and immediately added to the Oscar race.For even Lee,knowing which side of the sword a film of his will fall isn't clear until the first audience sees it.“I've been holding this anxiety for a long time.It's an expensive

movie,” said Lee.“It's really like the irrational number of pi.For a long time it felt that wayand matters of God and faith are far from typical blockbuster fodder.For those reasons and others, the project went through several directors, including Alfonso Cuaron, M Night Shyamalan and Jean-Pierre Jeunet.Lee, then, was a kind of savior, one of few directors capable of

corralling all the difficult elements of ”Life of Pi.“ His imprimatur helps carry it, given that the cast is one of unknowns(Sharma, only 17 when cast, hadn't previously acted), digital creations(a combination of real tigers and digital effects were used)and international actors(Irrfan Khan and Gerard Depardieu).Elizabeth Gabler, president of Fox 2000 Pictures, calls the filma huge gamble.”Why do I dare, a Chinese director, do Jane Austen when I still speak pidgin English?“ Lee said, referring to his 1995 film ”Sense and

Sensibility.“ ”It's still a leap of faith, you're taking a risk.Every movie is unknown.If it's known, then no studio would lose money.“

Lee was born and raised in Taiwan, where he initially pursued acting.Artistic endeavor in 1960s and 1970s Taiwan, he says, was considered a low profession, not the choice of his father.Lee emigrated from Taiwan to attend college at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and then film school at New York

University.The 58-year-old still lives in the New York area with his wife

and two sons.His first three films, all in Mandarin and revolving around Chinese families, were followed by ”Sense and Sensibility,“ his Hollywood arrival.But it was 1997's ”The Ice Storm,“ an adaptation of Rick Moody's novel about a Connecticut family's disaster in the swinging 1970s, that Lee says changed his perception of filmmaking.”A movie is really provocation,“ says Lee.”It's not a message, it's not a statement.“

”Life of Pi" was certainly full of lessons and trials.Lee spent a year making a 70-minute pre-visual animation of the middle chunk of the film set at sea to hone his skills.


1月7日早晨6时55分,邵逸夫在香港家中安详离世,享年107岁。邵逸夫祖籍浙江宁波。邵逸夫是TVB荣誉主席,邵氏兄弟电影公司的创办人之一,香港上海商会成员,香港著名的电影制作者。多年来,邵逸夫捐助数以百亿计款项,为内地、香港两地建设教育医疗设施等。邵逸夫英文名“Run Run”的由来有不同版本。坊间一直认为他当年在南洋打拼,经常抱着菲林奔走于各大戏院,故取此名,有跑腿的意思;但有指这传闻出自周润发的一个玩笑,并不正确。根据黄霑的《数风云人物》引述邵逸夫的解释,英文名其实是利用他的本名“仁楞”的国语发音来拼成。

Run Run Shaw, one of the pioneers of 20th century Chinese film, died peacefully in the company of his family at his home on Tuesday morning.He was 107.His death was a profound loss for Hong Kong’s film and TV industry.Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive CY Leung commended his great contribution to the local entertainment industry and his charity work.“Run Run Shaw has for a long time promoted the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, his philanthropy also has spread from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland and beyond.He is an elder that we very much respect.” Leung said.Shaw, born in 1907 in Zhejiang Province, entered the entertainment industry with his

brother in the 1920s.He created a media empire in Asia spanning movies to television.He co-founded the Shaw Brothers film studio, which churned out nearly 1,000 movies as it popularized the kung fu genre that would go on to have an impact on Hollywood.“Mr.Shaw’s company made many Chinese films.Because of him, the level of movie

production at that time had been improved a lot.” Ng See Yuen, chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers, said.Shaw was also the founder of Hong Kong’s dominant TV station, Television Broadcasts, or TVB, which is still one of the major forces of content production and talent management in the region.Shaw was not only one of the most influential figures in Asia’s entertainment industry, but also a well-known philanthropist.Over the years, he has donated billions of Hong Kong

Dollars to charities, schools and hospitals.He established an international award, the Shaw Prize, for scientists in areas covering astronomy, mathematics, and life and medical science.The press called it the “Nobel Prize of the East”.Shaw’s funeral will be a private event, to be attended only by family members.Many will surely miss the man known for generosity and eye for entertainment.



Though well prepared, China's movie market watchers are still stunned by the

unprecedented opening of “Transformers: Age of Extinction”, estimated to have grossed some 200 million yuan(32.2 million U.S.dollars)on the first screening day.Michael Bay, who successfully directed the last three “ Transformers,” embraced a lot of Chinese characters this time.As well as mega cities like Hong Kong, Beijing and Guangzhou, the picturesque county of Wulong in southwest China’s Chongqing City serves as a location in the film.The blockbuster features several Chinese stars, including actress Li

Bingbing.Meanwhile, Chinese brands are also represented by the likes of dairy product company Yili and automaker Guangzhou Automobile Group.The movie's audience was 64 percent male and 58 percent were 25 years of age and over, who awarded it an A-CinemaScore.Only 17 percent of critics on Rotten Tomatoes, however, think highly of the film.The film features an entirely new cast of human characters and is the first in the series to feature the Dinobots.Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Leadfoot, and Brains.The film was released on June 27, 2014, in IMAX and 3D.Since its release, the movie has received negative reviews from critics;criticizing the plot, script, direction and acting, but praising the action scenes and visual effects and Wahlberg and Tucci's performances.
















II.Guided Writing(25分)

Directions: Write an English composition in 120–150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.学校即将举办“读书节”,目前正广泛征集“读书节”宣传册图片。假设你是该校学生潘阳,你已找到以下三幅图片,决定给读书节组委会写一封信,推荐其中一幅,你的信须包括以下内容:










写好重头戏理由之后,在尾段我们无需过多笔墨,基本上通过三句话就可以收尾了。也就是总结加升华,由于这是一篇征集建议的书信体文章,所以需要最后有一句客套话,考生可以通过Looking forward to your reply或者I will appreciate it very much if you can take my suggestions into consideration进行文章自然收尾。这样整篇文章便达到了内容统一,结构完整,说理充分了


Dear Sir/ Madam,Since the Reading Festival is around the corner, I’m writing to recommend a picture which can be used in the brochure to remind the students of the pleasure of reading.In the picture, three students are sitting at the table, discussing heatedly what they have just read.It seems that they have had a lot of fun through the discussion.Though it is admitted that reading is mostly a personal activity which needs quietness and concentration, as far as I’m concerned, it can also be a sharing experience when the same book is being appreciated.Just imagine that you have read a terrific detective story with fascinating and intricate plots.You are so amazed by the genius of the writer and you can’t help sharing it with your classmates or best friends, who turn out to have been deeply impressed as well.The moment you mention the book, the passion and enthusiam about the story will explode which can never be gained on your own.My ideal atmosphere of reading is just like that, through which you can not only appreciate the content by yourself, but also have the pleasure of sharing the plots or opinions with your peers, which will ultimately enhance your understanding of the book.To sum up, the reason of my recommendation is quite simple and apparent that reading, instead of being dull and isolating, can be full of particiation and common interest.I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestion into consideration and I’m looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Pan Yang

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下载凯文英语中心,凯文老师,李安 人定胜天,还是心存敬畏 《少年派的奇幻漂流》 中英文.doc


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