
时间:2019-05-14 17:22:21下载本文作者:会员上传


【高中不再分文理 ,2014年启动试点,2017年全面推进,2020年基本形成】 国务院《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》9月3日正式出台,立即引起广泛关注。新高考将不分文理科,考生总成绩由统一高考的语文、数学、外语3个科目成绩和高中学业水平考试3个科目成绩组成。计入总成绩的高中学业水平考试科目,由考生根据报考高校要求和自身特长,在思想政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物等科目中自主选择。上海市将按照国务院实施意见,结合实际,制定上海市深化高等学校考试招生制度改革方案。目前,方案正在加紧修改完善,并将按规定程序报批。一旦方案获批,将及时公布,并做好方案解读和咨询服务。

In the future, students should learn all nine subjects and take tests before the gaokao, and they can choose any three elective subjects if their scores are satisfactory.Colleges will then admit students on the basis of the scores of the three subjects, as well as their test results in Chinese, math and English.以后学生将学习全部9个科目并在高考前参加这些科目的考试,学生可选取分数最满意的三个科目计入高考成绩。大学招生将根据这三个科目的分数加上语文、数学和英语三科的分数。

新高考将实行“文理不分科”,英文表达是cancel the division of students into different tracks in high school。“文科生”可表达为students on the liberal-arts track;“理科生”可表达为students following the science track。

高考总成绩将实行“3+3”,由test results in Chinese, math and English(语文、数学、英语3科的成绩)和考生自主选择的3个高中学业水平考试科目成绩组成。考生在高考前将参加全部9个文理科目的高中学业水平考试,然后从中选择分数最满意的3个科目计入高考成绩。

Education Vice-Minister Du Yubo said at a news conference in Beijing that by 2017 the gap between provinces and regions with the lowest college enrollment rate and the national average should be no more than 4 percentage points.The news conference introduced details of reform measures in the education system, including exams and recruitment.Narrowing the regional gap in college enrollment and ensuring that students from across the country have equal access to higher education is one of the focuses of the reform.Du said the government has been taking measures to narrow the gap.By implementing a preferential enrollment policy that requires colleges to recruit more

students from central and western regions, 200,000 students from these regions have been recruited since 2008, Du said.He also said that last year, the lowest college enrollment rate among all provinces and regions in China was 70 percent, or 6 percentage points lower than the national average, while the gap in 2007 was 17 percentage points.Rural students have gained greater access to good universities, with the implementation of a policy to improve their chances of being admitted by such universities.The policy, which took effect in 2012, covers 832 impoverished counties nationwide.“This year, 50,000 rural students were admitted to good universities, marking an 11.4 percent increase from last year,” Du said.To achieve the goal set for 2017, Du said, the ministry will continue implementing the

preferential-enrollment policies, while fully considering regional differences when drawing up each year's recruitment plan.The ministry will also consider many other factors, including the number of students, education resources and the graduates' employment prospects.Chu Zhaohui, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences, said the preferential policy “promoted education equity to some extent”, but still needs to be improved.Chu said some problems have arisen, such as the children of some officials in these regions taking advantage of the policy to gain admission to good universities.“One way to get rid of these problems is to reduce the administrative power in enrollment and to allow universities to have a bigger say in what kind of students and talent they would like to recruit,” he said.With the purpose of promoting education equity and selecting talent in a more scientific way, education reform includes measures such as canceling the division of students into different tracks in high school.Previously, students were asked to follow a science or a liberal-arts track according to their interests and needs.Currently, students on both tracks should learn Chinese, math and English.But in addition, those following the science track should learn physics, chemistry and biology, while

students on the liberal-arts track should learn history, geography and politics, which will be tested in the national college entrance exams, or gaokao.In the future, students should learn all nine subjects and take tests before the gaokao, and they can choose any three elective subjects if their scores are satisfactory.Colleges will then admit students on the basis of the scores of the three subjects, as well as their test results in Chinese, math and English.



II.Guided Writing(25分)

Directions: Write an English composition in 120–150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.学校即将举办“读书节”,目前正广泛征集“读书节”宣传册图片。假设你是该校学生潘阳,你已找到以下三幅图片,决定给读书节组委会写一封信,推荐其中一幅,你的信须包括以下内容:










写好重头戏理由之后,在尾段我们无需过多笔墨,基本上通过三句话就可以收尾了。也就是总结加升华,由于这是一篇征集建议的书信体文章,所以需要最后有一句客套话,考生可以通过Looking forward to your reply或者I will appreciate it very much if you can take my suggestions into consideration进行文章自然收尾。这样整篇文章便达到了内容统一,结构完整,说理充分了


Dear Sir/ Madam,Since the Reading Festival is around the corner, I’m writing to recommend a picture which can be used in the brochure to remind the students of the pleasure of reading.In the picture, three students are sitting at the table, discussing heatedly what they have just read.It seems that they have had a lot of fun through the discussion.Though it is admitted that reading is mostly a personal activity which needs quietness and concentration, as far as I’m concerned, it can also be a sharing experience when the same book is being appreciated.Just imagine that you have read a terrific detective story with fascinating and intricate plots.You are so amazed by the genius of the writer and you can’t help sharing it with your classmates or best friends, who turn out to have been deeply impressed as well.The moment you mention the book, the passion and enthusiam about the story will explode which can never be gained on your own.My ideal atmosphere of reading is just like that, through which you can not only appreciate the content by yourself, but also have the pleasure of sharing the plots or opinions with your peers, which will ultimately enhance your understanding of the book.To sum up, the reason of my recommendation is quite simple and apparent that reading, instead of being dull and isolating, can be full of particiation and common interest.I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestion into consideration and I’m looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Pan Yang


[顶] k哥考研英语阅读34分必杀技之---关注观点








And this process need not be left to the unconscious.Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams.As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream.Visualize how you would like it to end instead;the next time it occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course.With

much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.(2005年passage3)

34.Cartwright seems to suggest that ________.A)waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams

B)visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control

C)dreams should be left to their natural progression

D)dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious



首先看一下题干:卡特莱特似乎在暗示________.问题是在问文中人物的观点,因此这个题干直接就把我们带到了段落的第二句:Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams.(卡特莱特认为人们可以练习有意识地控制噩梦的重演)believe就是题干中suggest的同意表述。如果我们牢记观点对应观点的法则,这个题很容易选出D选项---梦可能并不完全的是无意识的。而如果仔细阅读后面的内容你会发现其他选项有极强的迷惑性。

A)waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams.及时的醒来对于摆脱噩梦非常重要。

文中有谈到 try to wake up just enough to control its course,但只是说到这个事实,Cartwright没有对这个事实的性质做出评价,所以essential是错误点。

B)visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control


文中谈到的是Visualize how you would like it to end instead;

想象一下噩梦是怎么结束的,而不是想象噩梦本身。1所以bad dream成为错误点。

C)dreams should be left to their natural progression




But some observers are skeptical, “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says Troy Duster, a New York University sociologist.He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back.Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial DNA, which a passed down only from mothers.This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four

generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.28.Skeptical observers believe that ancestry testing fails to _____.A)trace distant ancestors

B)rebuild reliable bloodlines

C)fully use genetic information

D)achieve the claimed accuracy

依然先看一下题干:持怀疑态度的观察家认为家谱检测未能_____.问题同样是在问文中人物的观点,因此这个题干直接就把我们带到了段落的第一句But some observers are skeptical, “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says Troy Duster, a New York

University sociologist.但有些观察家对此表示怀疑的。纽约大学的社会学家特洛伊.达斯特说,“声称自己在做家谱测试的人正在吹嘘一种虚假的精确性。”同样道理believe就是题干中的says,这个社会学家就是怀疑者中的一个,他的观点代表的就是怀疑者的观点,因此我们很清晰可以看出D选项---达到(检测者)所声称的精确度,为对刚才那句话的同意替换,是正确答案。我们要是以后面的内容作为选择依据我们将被迷惑项搞得痛苦不堪,尤其是选项C。


A)trace distant ancestors


文中说most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage只考虑了单线的祖先,而不是说找不到年代久远的祖先,轻松排除。

B)rebuild reliable bloodlines


文中说This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two


最后看看C选项,这个选项在教育部的考试分析中我们可以看到这个选项时是错选率最高的,在错选答案中占到了89% 3也就是这个题做错的同学几乎都是错选的这个选项。

Fail to C)fully use genetic information


文章中Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage只考虑了单线的祖先;This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors,这种测试只能告知不完全的血统谱系;几乎所有的线索都指向了答案C。但先仔细对比一下这两种说法:

1)Fully use genetic information;2)use full genetic information;




第四篇:何凯文 2014寒假英语复习计划

何凯文 2014寒假英语复习计划












第一种: 根据音标记单词
















在这本书的后面有66个句子,这66个句子每个句子都是非常经典的考研英语句子。学习这些句子有三个好处: 其一:每个句子中都有核心的考研英语词汇,这样就有了第三套记忆系统了(排查词表,必考词汇,句子中单词)这样三个系统交相辉映,必定会是五彩纷呈,便于记忆的!















1月7日早晨6时55分,邵逸夫在香港家中安详离世,享年107岁。邵逸夫祖籍浙江宁波。邵逸夫是TVB荣誉主席,邵氏兄弟电影公司的创办人之一,香港上海商会成员,香港著名的电影制作者。多年来,邵逸夫捐助数以百亿计款项,为内地、香港两地建设教育医疗设施等。邵逸夫英文名“Run Run”的由来有不同版本。坊间一直认为他当年在南洋打拼,经常抱着菲林奔走于各大戏院,故取此名,有跑腿的意思;但有指这传闻出自周润发的一个玩笑,并不正确。根据黄霑的《数风云人物》引述邵逸夫的解释,英文名其实是利用他的本名“仁楞”的国语发音来拼成。

Run Run Shaw, one of the pioneers of 20th century Chinese film, died peacefully in the company of his family at his home on Tuesday morning.He was 107.His death was a profound loss for Hong Kong’s film and TV industry.Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive CY Leung commended his great contribution to the local entertainment industry and his charity work.“Run Run Shaw has for a long time promoted the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, his philanthropy also has spread from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland and beyond.He is an elder that we very much respect.” Leung said.Shaw, born in 1907 in Zhejiang Province, entered the entertainment industry with his

brother in the 1920s.He created a media empire in Asia spanning movies to television.He co-founded the Shaw Brothers film studio, which churned out nearly 1,000 movies as it popularized the kung fu genre that would go on to have an impact on Hollywood.“Mr.Shaw’s company made many Chinese films.Because of him, the level of movie

production at that time had been improved a lot.” Ng See Yuen, chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers, said.Shaw was also the founder of Hong Kong’s dominant TV station, Television Broadcasts, or TVB, which is still one of the major forces of content production and talent management in the region.Shaw was not only one of the most influential figures in Asia’s entertainment industry, but also a well-known philanthropist.Over the years, he has donated billions of Hong Kong

Dollars to charities, schools and hospitals.He established an international award, the Shaw Prize, for scientists in areas covering astronomy, mathematics, and life and medical science.The press called it the “Nobel Prize of the East”.Shaw’s funeral will be a private event, to be attended only by family members.Many will surely miss the man known for generosity and eye for entertainment.



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