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 Task response(任务回应)

 Coherence and Cohesion(一致与连接) Lexical Resource(词汇资源)

 Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法范围与正确性)竞争对手

 Competitor

 Opponent  Rival Adversary Lexical Resource

 Flexibility: 同义替换

 Precision:精确;核心词汇

 Less common lexical items: 含义较为深刻的词汇  Damage undermine  Problem重要的 dilemma

 Significant 同义替换的 “记”与 “不记”

 不记

 Vital

 逻辑关系词  Essential 段落间逻辑  Critical Crucial 起:first

 of great  承:moreover, besides,importance 转:however, but, Key 合:in sum decisive


 The young

 The youthcynical youth  Teenagers adolescent  Young adult The juvenile老年人

 The old

 The elderly Senior citizen  The advanced The aged员工

 Staff  Workers Employees  clerks产生,造成 Produce  Generate  Create

 contender 特征 特点

 Character  Characteristic

s  Trait  Feature Attribute  quality 结果

 Result

 Consequence  Outcome  aftermath 缺少

 Lack of v. Short a. Deficiency n. Insufficiency

n. Scarce a.标准,基准

 Standard Criterion Canon

 Benchmark 可行的,可操作的 Operational Usable Workable  Feasible  Practical

 Trigger

 Engender

 pose


 Deal with

 Solve

 Cope with

 Resolve

 Settle

 Tackle

 handle


 Use

 Utilize utility

 Employ

 Exploit

 harness


 Support

 Sponsor

 Back up

 Subsidize subsidy

 Finance


 Improve

 Promote

 Advance


 Strengthen

 facilitate



 Change

 Transform

 Alter

 Shift

 convert


 Emphasis emphasize

 Underline

 Highlight

 Underscore

 Draw attention to

 Take sth seriously 忽视,轻视  Ignore  Neglect  Overlook  Underestimate Take sth lightlyPrecision 10个大的名词  Dilemma  Strategy  Infrastructure:基础设施  Mindset: 思维模式  Compromise: 妥协;折中  Paradox: 矛盾  Synergy: n.协同作用  Inequality: 不平等  Hierarch: 等级class status Democracy: 民主10个大的动词  Collaborate: 协作  Manipulate: 操作  Optimize: 使最优化  Compensate: 补偿  Withstand: 抵挡  Undermine: 破坏  Jeopardize:威胁;危害  Impede: 妨碍  Aggravate: 恶化;加重  Exaggerate:夸张 10个大的形容词  Prosperous 繁荣的  Sustainable development 可持续的  Optimistic: 乐观的 pessimistic 悲观的 Potential: 潜在的,可能的  Inevitable: 必然的;不可避免的  Sophisticated: 复杂的;精致的  Plausible: 似乎合理的  Detrimental: 有害的  Devastating: 毁灭性的;惊艳的  Overwhelming : 势不可挡的 Less common lexical items  10个带连字符的合成词  Win-win 双赢的 Eco-friendly 环保的

 Multi-cultural 多元文化的 Eye-catching 引人注目的 Market-oriented 以市场为导向的 Thought-provoking 发人深省的 State-of-the-art 最新型的,最尖端的 Know-how n.专门技能,实践知识

 Self-esteem 自尊


 Mirror: n.镜子 v.反映

 Many of today’s social problems are not new but mirror similar dilemmas from the

past. Mask: n.面具 v.掩饰

 High test scores mask many students’ inability to communicate effectively in a

second language. Harbor: n.海港;港口 v.持有,怀有

 我们不应该对我们不了解的文化怀有偏见和怀疑

 We should not harbor prejudice or suspicion to cultures we do not understand. Bridge: n.桥 v.使连接;缩小

 为了缩小贫富差距政府必须提高社会福利。

 Governments must improve social welfare in order to bridge the gap between rich

and poor. Shape: n.形状 v.塑造

 University education should shape the mind and broaden horizons. Tailor: n.裁剪 v.使适合,定制

 Each country needs to tailor a solution which meets their own particular situation. Harness: n.马具 v.利用

 By harnessing solar and wind energy, we can help our earth become more “green”. Curb: n.勒马索 v.控制,约束

 In order to curb students’ appetite for computer games, parents and schools should

come up with healthy alternatives.拉丁文

 Vice versa

 Language influences culture and vice versa. Per se 本身,自身

 This does not mean that online games, per se, is a problem. De facto 实际上,事实上

 English is the de facto international language, and people with good English skills

can communicate with the world. Status quo n.现状

 Less industrious people are merely content with the status quo.短语

 造成问题

 create/ pose/ cause the problem

 解决问题

 address/ fix/ tackle/ cope with/ deal with the problem

 对某事产生影响

 have an effect/ influence/ impact on sth. The popularity of mobile phones has a great effect on people’s daily life. have negative/ positive effects/ impacts on 产生正面(负面)影响

 have a serious impact on 严重影响到

 have a direct impact on 直接影响到

 have the greatest impact on 产生最大的影响

 起到关键作用

 Play a critical/ key role in sth. 有责任去做某事

 Have a responsibility to do sth

 为某事做出贡献

 Make contribution to sth. 政府有责任为控制房价作出有价值的贡献。

 The government should have a responsibility to make a worthwhile contribution to

curbing the housing price. 努力去做某事

 Make an effort to do sth. 不遗余力去做某事

 Spare no effort to do sth. 采取有效的措施做某事

 Take effective measures to do sth. 采取切实的行动做某事

 Take concrete actions to do sth. Make the most of 充分利用

 Be addicted to sth. 上瘾,沉迷于

 Be obsessed with

 Give priority to sth.把……放在优先位置

 The authorities concerned are supposed to give top priority to making the most of

renewal energies. 提高公众的……意识

 Raise the public’s awareness of

 The government should raise the public’s awareness of conserving water. Be compatible with 可和谐共存的;相容的 Economic development can be compatible with environmental protection. Be complementary to 相辅相成,相互补充

 Radio and TV, in many circumstances, are not competitive but complementary to

each other, and serve different people for various purposes.分词的使用




 I look up. I find the moon bright. Looking up, I find the moon bright;

 Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned. Even when I walk in a party of no more than three, I can always be certain of

learning from those who I am with. Even when walking in a party of no more than three I can always be certain of

learning from those who I am with. One reviews what one has learned. And one will gain new insights. Thus, one is fit to be a teacher. One reviews what one has learned. And one will gain new insights. Thus, one is fit to be a teacher. Reviewing what one has learned and gaining new insights, one is fit to be a teacher. ① Teenagers are usually pressed by their schoolwork. ② They are also encouraged by their peers. ③ Under such circumstances, they resort to smoking. ④ But sometimes they feel a little guilty. 第一步:挑出主句,其余句子去掉主语

  第三步:合并调整

 ① Teenagers are usually pressed by their schoolwork. ② They are also encouraged by their peers. ③ They resort to smoking. ④ But sometimes they feel a little guilty. teenagers resort to smoking, sometimes feeling a little guilty. 2.–ing变化

 , the student applied Beijing University.(单个ing)

 College students, ignoring their studies, spent too much time in CS.   The student, higher, and to avoid pressures from job markets,applied Beijing University.(平行ing)

  Not hoping for the best, he applied Bagdad University.(否定ing)

 , one is fit to be a teacher.  Is one, reviewing what he has learned and learning a new, fit to be a teacher?(问句


 

 How can you, not being I yourself, know that I don’t know ?

   Who, being young and fresh, does not long for success?

 He who has seen the vastness of an ocean will never content himself with a pool of

water.  提高档次:

  I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind

and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life.Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight;silence would teach him the joys of sound. 我一直认为:如果一个人在人生中的早期有一段时间失明失聪,这将是一件非常美


 I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were sent to

Pandora, a planet in Avatar, for a few days at some time during his early campus life.Primitive forest would make him more appreciative of environment;Navi, the residents there,would teach him the joys of cooperation. 我一直认为:如果一个人在大学生活初期能有机会去电影《阿凡达》中的潘多拉星


 I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were given free

access to Museum forever.Historic relics would make him more familiar with the creature's evolution;Rough and archaic equipments displayed in Museum would teach him the joys of the application of modern science and technology. 我一直认为:如果每一个人能永远免费去参观博物馆,这将是一件非常好的事情。




I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being had the chance to experience setback caused by competition.Failure would make him appreciative of the great importance of collaboration;helplessness would teach him thespirit of teamwork.



The university’s branch campuses in suburban areasIn recent years more and more universities have built up their branch campuses in suburban areas.Now it is very difficult to find a university without a branch campus.Maybe no one can tell clearly when the first branch campus came out。

But the reasons behind this phenomenon are obvious.Among these reasons, the enrollment expansion of universities plays a very vital role.As more and more freshmen are remitted to universities, the original facilities, including classrooms, apartments, dining houses, laboratories and the like, are not enough any more.What’s more, the land in the suburb is relatively low in price, which is affordable for most universities.Besides, the quiet environment in suburban areas is more suitable for students to study。

As a college student, I think, it is necessary and beneficial for many universities to build up a branch campus.However the building of branch campuses brings some problems.For one thing, the students in some branch campuses cannot enjoy good enough facilities and the teachers due to limited resources.For another it leads to less direct communications among teachers and students.Therefore the university should take a full account before it decides to build up a branch campus。How should college students relieve pressure?

Today’s college students face many pressures, mainly from parents’ expectation, study, economy, employment and all kinds of competition.Although pressure, to some extent, can provide motivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative affect.Pressure can destroy a student’s confidence.More seriously it might make some students lose control of their emotions and behaviors。

Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn how to relieve pressure.First, we should have a right evaluation of ourselves, so it’s to make use of advantages and avoid disadvantages.Second, we should set a clear aim of struggle.The aim can give us motivation and make us become active.Third, attending collective activities is an effective way to relieve pressure.Finally, if you find pressure is nearly beyond your control, you’d better turn to professional psychological guidance。

As to me, my pressure is mainly from future employment.In order to reduce upset, I ask my parents to help me analyze my advantages and disadvantages and produce more practical job objection.So my employment pressure has been relieved greatly.Now I become very confident in my future, and I do believe I can get an ideal job after my graduation。

Students’ Pursuit for Famous Brands

Nowadays many college students like to pursue famous brands.From clothes to mobile phones, even study articles like electronic dictionaries and pens, they are inclined to buy famous brands.Moreover, many students from poor families begin to follow this consumption trend as well.This phenomenon has aroused wide attention。

The following reasons can account for college students’ preference for famous brands.Above all, in many college students’ eyes, a famous brand is a symbol of sophistication and taste.They expect others to admire their high class and good taste.What’s more, in modern society, famous brands to some extent are equal to fashion, which has a great attraction to young college students.Besides, parents’ spoiling their children helps form their bad consumption habit。

As far as I am concerned, it is irrational for college students to pursue famous brands.After all, most of famous brands are far beyond their consumption ability.Besides, it is not famous brands but a person’s noble character that really makes him high class.Therefore, college students should attach more importance to cultivating a good character rather than pursuing famous brands。



We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge


Knowledge is power, especially scientific and technological knowledge.Science and technology are the motive power of the social development.Without them human society could never have developed from primitive society to modern society.Therefore, to conquer and transform nature, we must master scientific knowledge.However, social knowledge is also essential.Without it we can not understand society and don't know the law of the social development.As a result we are unable to tovern society.Therefore, besides scientific knowledge we need to master social science, philosophy, politics, history, aesthetics, etc, so that we can know society from all perspectives and form a correct world outlook.To meet new challenges in he 21st century, we university students should lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as possible so that we will become qualified successors of the socialist cause.




 命题趋势

从题型上看,2000年之前,四级作文主要考议论文,从2000年起作文命题指导思想开始变化,开始考更能体现考生实力的记叙文、描写文以及书信演讲类应用文。自2000年1月至2006年6月十三次考试中除2006年1月“Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?”2003年1月“It Pays to Be Honest”及2000年6月“Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?”外,其他九次皆为 说明文、记叙描写文或应用文。最后这两类文章是考查考生英语表达基本功的最佳方式,因此近年来成为出现频率最高的题型。


 题材类型



In my opinion„„I ' m of the opinion that„„I think„„I argue for(against)„„I have three main reasons for my opinion„„


Similarly„„on the contrary„„in contrast„„contrary to„„prefer A to B„„

Compare with A„„B has the following advantages„„I like A more for the following reasons„„

(3)不同观点比较题 ——常用表达有:

Different people have different opinions„„some people insist that„,while others maintain„„



 写作要求








 出题热点



Key words: convenience;convenient;bring us much convenience2、效率-------相对时间内量最大

Key words: efficient;efficiency;save/waste time3、节省和浪费-----针对大学生生活习惯

Key words: diligent;economical;thrifty;save space;metro/subway/tube;



Key words: independence;dependant;cooperation;team spirit;compete;


physical;psychological;mental;healthy;mentally unhealthy;

sociable;popular;party animal5、娱乐-----新发明

Key words:recreation;entertainment;relaxation;

amusement park;leisure time;kill the time;

pleasure, autonomous, tired6、环境

Key words:environment;pollution;poisonous;contaminated;separated wastes;recycle7、身体健康

Key words: disease;energetic;dynamic8、风险

Key words:risk;hazard;danger;threaten9、经验-----------谚语,抽象话题

Key words:social;sophisticated;skillful10、人道、正义、公平

Key words:humane;fair;justice;fair;help;love



1. 观点论证型



 表明观点,提出论点; 论证观点,以事实和数据为依据例证论点; 得出结论或表明个人看法和做法。


 第一部分:总结描述,用一两句话概括、描述当今社会存在的某种观点,并做

 简单的扩展——主题句+扩展句 第二部分:列出论据,说明观点成立的理由——主题句+举例 第三部分:表明自己的观点并结束全文。结尾部分一定要总结自己的观点。类型范例

Nowadays, „„is a common thing / has become more and more popular.For example, „„.There are different attitudes towards it.Some people believe that„„ / some people have the idea that „„;while other people view differently, they contend that„„.And some others„„.In my opinion / As far as I am concerned / From my point of view, I prefer„„.Personally speaking, I would rather„„.As long as / With the development of„„, we’ll certainly that„„ in the end.2. 利弊选择型



 主题:分析问题事实存在是否有讨论的必要性

 开头段:点明主题,指出争论焦点 中心段1:阐述提纲中列举的一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明 结构:主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 中心段2:阐述提纲中列举的另一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明


 结论段:表明自己的观点,结束全文


These days we often hear that„„.It is common that„„.People hold different views about„„.Some people believe / have the idea that „„.They say that„„.They point out that„„.For example„„.But on the contrary, other people disagree with them.They firmly believe that„„.They argue that„„.In my own opinion, the former / latter opinion holds more weight.For one thing, „„.For another, „„.Last but not the least, „„.3. 现象解释型



写作步骤1 文字描述型可以将文章分为三段,指出现象;解释原因;分析优劣褒贬,最后明确主旨,并且给出建议。

 第一部分:描述现象,引起话题; 第二部分:对现象进行细致分析,结实现象发生或变化的原因; 第三部分:针对现象做出评论,表明自己的态度、观点或做法以及如何在日常



(1)Everybody knows that„

(2)It is true that„




(6)One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is„ The chief reason is that„ To take„for an example„ Among the most convincing reasons given, one should be mentioned„

(7)There are several causes for this significant growth in„:First„Secondly„


(8)Different people observes it in different ways.写作步骤2 图表说明型是现象解释性作文的变体。在此类作文中,题目提供的主题信息由图表来呈现,表现某一现象的细节、变化或发展趋势,要求考生对所给信息进行分析,然后描述,说明现象存在和变化的原因,预测发展趋势,并且在此过程中阐述个人看法。

 第一部分:描述图表中数据的主要趋势,对数据进行分析比较,总结归纳图表 内容所呈现的主要特征; 第二部分:对现象和变化进行细致的分析,解释现象发生或变化的原因;

 第三部分:针对现象和变化做出结论。


(1)It has increased by three times as compared with that of 1998.(2)There is an increase of 20% in total this year.(3)The table shows that it is decreased twice than that of the year 1996.(4)Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent.(5)The number is 5 times as much as that of 1995.(6)It has decreased almost two and half times, compare with„


From the chart / graph / table / figure, we can clearly see that„„.Obviously that„„.In

my mind, there are three reasons can explain this phenomenon.To begin with / The main reason is„„.What is more / In addition that„„.Thirdly / Lastly / Apart from that„„.As a result / In short„„.Considering all these„„.For one thing„„.For another„„.In conclusion / In brief / To sum up„„.4. 途径点评型




 明确所要讨论的主题

 开头段:阐述为什么要讨论该主题,其重要性以及作用 中心段1:分析主题讨论问题的原因

 中心段2:讨论解决问题所必须的条件或具备的因素

 结论段:得出结论,重申问题的重要性



With the improvement of„„, there are„„.For example, „„.So it is high time„„.The reasons are: First / At first / To begin with„„.Secondly / The second / In addition / Furthermore / Besides, „„.Lastly / Finally / Last but not least„„.But how to„„?In my opinion, I think / as far as I am concerned„„.On the one hand„„.On the other hand„„.Therefore, I believe„„.









⑴According to the chart/graph/ table/ picture, it is clear that 图表/画内容总概括.⑵The chart/graph/ table/picture shows.⑶Many reasons contribute to 现象概括.⑷To begin with, 原因一.⑸进一步阐述原因一.⑹Moreover, 原因二.⑺In addition, 原因三.⑻As a result, 段落总结句.⑼As to me, I think 我的观点/态度/建议.⑽ First of all, 理由一.⑾ Besides, 理由二.⑿To conclude, 模板二


⑴From the chart/graph/ table/picture, we learn that nowadays, 总述社会现象/事实现象, which has aroused the great /common concern.⑵what impresses me most is.⑶That are many reasons accounting for.⑷First of all,原因一.⑸进一步阐述原因一.⑹ What is more, 原因二.⑺ For example, 举例说明原因二.⑻ In addition, 原因三.⑼As far as I am concerned, 我的观点.⑽For one thing/On one hand 理由一.⑾ For another/ On the other hand,.⑿Thus/In brief/Taking above mentioned factors into consideration, I may reasonably conclude that….常用句型

⑴As is described in the chart/graph/table/picture, in the past few decades, there have arisen sharp increase in…如图中所示,在过去的几十年中,……急剧增长。

⑵The chart/graph/table/picture describes that the figure declines/falls smoothly/markedly, it indicates that…


⑶In the chart/graph/table/picture, we can seen that there was a slight/ marked fluctuation.It reveals that…


⑷Recently, the problems of …has become the focus of the public concern.近来,…问题引起公众极大的关注。

⑸There may be a combination of factors which contribute to/ are responsible for/ explain… …可能是好几个因素造成的结果。

⑹There may be several possible reasons for which will be demonstrated below.可能有几个原因导致了我们下面所要阐述的问题。

⑺It’s no easy /simple task to offer the reasons for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factors.要解释该现象产生的原因并不容易,因为其中涉及到很多复杂的因素。

⑻ Among all the important/convincing reasons for…,one should be emphasized… 在所有重要/有力的原因中,我们应当重点关注…




⑴It is well-known that 相关背景, but nowadays 总述不良现象或问题.⑵现象具体表现一.⑶现象的具体表现二.⑷It should be paid attention to that 该现象 is causing great harm/该现象 is caused for many reasons.⑸On one hand, ⑹On the other hand,.⑺Therefore, it is high time that ⑻First of all, 解决方法一.⑼进一步阐述方法一.⑽Secondly/In addition, 解决方法二.⑾Thirdly/Besides/Morever.解决方法三.⑿Only in this way can we解决问题.模板二


⑴There has been a discussion recently about 事实现象.⑵ It is obvious that 危害一/作用一.⑶ Additionally, 危害二/作用二.⑷So how to 解决问题is worth paying attention to.⑸On one hand/ Firstly, 解决方法一.⑹进一步阐述方法二⑺On the other hand/Secondly,解决方法二.⑻For example,支持该方法的例子.⑼In addition/ Thirdly, 解决方法三.⑽In fact, more than three ways can be adopted.⑾As for me, 我的思考或看法.⑿All in all, 总结全文.常用句型

⑴It is important that effective actions should be taken to prevent the situation.⑵There is little doubt that serious attention must be called to…

⑶There is no immediate solution to the problem of…,but …might be helpful/ but the general awareness of the necessity of…might be the first step.⑷In order to make our world a better place in which we live, we should make great efforts to… ⑸To conclude, we can see the best way is…

⑹Following these methods may not guarantee the success in solution to…, but the payoff will be worth the effort.3对比选择型



⑴Different people have different views on看法/问题.⑵Somme prefer 一种看法观点.⑶Others tend to.⑷As for me, I agree to the first/ second opinion.⑸Of course, 我不赞同的观点的合理性.⑹For example, 支持其合理性的例子.⑺But 我不赞同的观点的不足.⑻The following reason can account for your preference.⑼The main reason is that 支持观点的理由一.⑽ A good example to illustrate is that 支持理由一的例子.⑾In addition/ What’s more,支持观点的理由二.⑿For the foregoing, 重申观点.模板二


⑴When it comes to事物/问题, different people will offer different opinions.⑵Some people take it for granted that 观点一.⑶In their opinion, 观点一的理由一.⑷Besides, 观点一的理由二.⑸However, others hold that观点二.⑹They maintain that 观点二的理由一.⑺And 观点二的理由二.⑻Weighing up these two arguments, I am for 观点一/观点二.⑼ On one hand, 理由一.⑽ On the other hand, ⑾ For instance, 举例说明理由二.⑿ Therefore, as stated above, 常用句式

⑴ There is a general discussion nowadays on the problem of …Some argue that …,but others set forth a totally different argument about the issue.⑵ In response to the problem, some people believe…,in their minds,…Other maintain that…, in their eyes,…

⑶ Personally, I side with the former/ latter opinion.⑷ In conclusion, it is clear that



⑴ It is true that 普遍的观点.⑵ However, 不同的观点/现象.⑶ I think,我的观点.⑷ 理由或其他论据 can be listed as follows.⑸ Firstly,论据一.⑹ Secondly, 论据二.⑺ For example, 支持论据二的事例.⑻ Thirdly, 论据

三.⑼ A case in point is 支持论据三的事例.⑽ There is no doubt that 重申观点.⑾ Therefore, 与该观点相符的做法.⑿ In a word, 总结全文.模板二


⑴ Many people believe that 社会现象/事实.⑵The truth is deep and profound.⑶ As we all know,具体表现一.⑷ In addition, 具体表现二.⑸ There are numerous examples supporting this argument.⑹ A case in point is 阐述第一个例子⑺ For another example, 引出并说明第二个例子.⑻ Moreover, 阐述第三个例子.⑼All mentioned above that tells us that重申观点.⑽ But(One thing we have to notice is that)提出个人建议.⑾ In short,总结全文.常用句式

⑴ It is well known that …plays an important part in…

⑵ It is believed that …

⑶ There are many reasons explaining …

⑷ From what has been mentioned above, we may safely come to the conclusion that …




Dear ___________,⑴ I am delighted to learn that _________.⑵ It____________.⑶ In my opinion, ________.⑷ On one hand,_________.⑸ On the other hand,_________.⑹ As to ________, I suggest ___________.⑺ If__________.⑻ It is unnecessary for you to _____________.⑼ In addition, ________________.⑽ I am sure _______________.⑾ Please inform me _________________.⑿ I amlooking forward to __________.Sincerely yours,Signature


⑴ I would like to suggest that …/ I am writing with my suggestion that…

⑵ You have asked me for my advice with regard to …and I will try to make some conducive suggestions.⑶ If I were you, I would…

⑷ As you may agree that...⑸ I hope you will find these suggestions helpful/ practical/ useful.⑹ I hope you will take my suggestions into consideration.⑺ I would be happy to see improvements in this regard.⑻ I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details.⑵倡议书模板


Dear________,⑴ I am writing this letter to call on ____________to ____________.⑵ As some of you may know,___________.⑶ In fact,___________.⑷It is necessary for us to___________.⑸ On one hand,__________.⑹ On the other hand, ______________.⑺ However,___________________.⑻So it is high

time_____________________.⑼ Firstly, ________________.⑽Secondly, _______________.⑾ If you are willing to ____________, please ______________.⑿ Join us in the action and extend ________into a spirit that dares any possible difficulties.Thank you.⑶求职信模板


Dear_______,⑴ I am applying for the position of _________advertised in _________.⑵ I major in

_____.⑶ My training in ________definitely meet your qualifications.⑷ My complete resume is attached.⑸ I will graduate on____________ from_________.⑹ In addition to the required courses of this program, I have_________.⑺ I also have some experience in ___________.⑻ I believe my training and experience _________________.⑼ You will find me to be ________________⑽ I hope that you will consider me for your position.⑾ May I have a personal interview at your convenience? ⑿ I can be reached by telephone __________.Sincerely yours,Signature


⑴ I am writing to apply for the post of …advertised in …

⑵ In reply to your advertisement in…, I beg to apply for the post …in your company.⑶ I feel I have the qualifications and experiences needed for the position of …

⑷ I shall bring with me the full details of my testimonials as you request.⑸ I hope I may be granted an interview when I can explain my qualification more fully.⑹ It seems that my experience, together with my education, has given me ideal preparation to assume the role of…in your firm.



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