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when where why how 作状语domake him clean the classroom

make 使得make+n/prondoneI shout to make myself heard

adjmake the classroom clean

nmake him monitor1、can’t helpdoing情不自禁


2、turn back 掉转头

3、only+状语 位于句首是主谓部分倒装(类似初中变的一般疑问句)谓+主+谓

4、prevent sb(from)doing

Stop sb(from)doing阻止某人做某事

Keep sb from doing5、come to sb 走向某人

6、sight n 风景 景色v 视力out of sight看不见

7、readyadj =willing 愿意unwilling

give my best regards to your parent1、enthusiastic adj 热心的 热情的 对……狂热

be enthusiastic about/for/over2、amazingeg.a satisfying expression

amazeda satisfied expression


embarrasseddisappointed3、a piece of information/news4、visit a website登陆网站surfe the Internet网上冲浪

5、brilliant adj6、reading comprehension7、instructionsfollow sb’s instructionsinstruct vt8、with this method =in this way =by this means=in this manner用这种方法

9、sb be bored with10、attitude to/towardsth/doingTell me your attitude to English/learening Englishhave apositive积极attitude to /towards

hegative消极attitude to /towards11、behave vtbehaviour12、the previous day昨天previous to n/doing

Preverious to learning for France a lot about it


English Notes

Book 1 Unit 1 1.add up 合计;加起来

add up to 总计达;总共有(多少)add A to B 给B加上A add to 增添;增加

add + that从句/直接引语 补充说,继续说 2.ignore(v.忽视,对…不理睬,不顾)ignorant(adj.不知的,无知的)ignorance(n.无知,愚昧)be ignorant of/about sth.= be in ignorance 对某事不了解近义: take no notice of / pay no attention to 3.calm: 形容水面平静,人的情绪不激动 calm(them/it/....)down quiet: 不吵闹,心里没有烦恼 still: 一动不动,静止 silent: 沉默,不讲话

4.have got to=have to/must have you got to...? haven’got to;don’t have to 5.be concerned about/for=be worried about 为…担心

be concerned with 与...有关;涉及

as far as sb is concerned=in one’s opinion 我认为 with concern 关切地 concerning prep.有关的 6.go through 1)经历,经受(不好的事)experience 2)仔细检查,审查

3)浏览,翻阅look through go的其它短语:

go after 追赶 go by 走过 go ahead 前进 go along 向前进,一起去go on 继续go over 复习go in for 爱好,从事 through的其它短语:

come through安然度过 look through浏览,翻阅

pass through穿过,通过get through 完成,穿越,通过,接通电话

注:through本身有从头到尾的意思 7.set down 1)写下,记下write down 2)制定,规定

3)将…停下来让乘客下车 set的其它短语:

set aside 不顾,把…放在一边 set forward 提出,促进set

back 使推迟set about doing sth.着手做某事set off 动身,出发

set out to do sth.出发,着手set up竖起,创设,开办 8.a TV series 电视剧

a series of 一连串的,一系列的,一套的 9.be outdoors(≠indoors)in the open air 10.spellbound adj.入迷的

11.on purpose 故意地 do sth.on purpose 反义:by chance/accident 偶然

do sth with/for the purpose of 怀着...的目的 12.in order to do/ in order not to do(句首,句末)to do(句首,句末)

so as to do(不可位于句首,只能放句末)13.at dusk ≠at dawn thundering adj.雷鸣般的

14.be good to;be bad to;be +adj.+ to point 分数;point to 指向;point at 指着 15.not...until 直到...才 until/till 直到

get it repaired get sth.done 让...被做=have sth.done upset sb.使...不安

16.cheat in the exam 作弊 cheat sb.欺骗某人 cheat sb.(out)of sth.骗某人某物 cheat sb.into doing sth.骗


17.should have done 本来应该做某事(而实际没做,含有责备的意味)

should not have done本来不该做某事(而实际已做)18.make a list of 列清单 在单上:on the list reason n.理由,原因

(1)构成句型 The reason why...is that...(2)构成短语the reason for sth/to dothe(some)reason There’s no reason for that.那事没有什么理由 19.feeling感到 feelings 情感

be afraid to do sth 害怕去做...be afraid of doing 害怕某事发生/sb/sth 20.hide:hide-and-hide 捉迷藏

hide away(1)躲藏 hide away in the forest(2)藏 hide away sth;hide sth away 21.It is...(被强调)that...be/get/grow crazy about 对...狂热be crazy to do sth 做某事是不理智的

22.do with 与...有联系 处理=deal with 区别:do with→what deal with→how


have something to with与...有些关系=be concerned with have a lot to do with 与...有很大关系 have nothing to do with 与...没有关系 23.there was a time 有一段...的时间 there was a time when 这/那时发生了...24.take along 随身携带 by oneself独自;靠自己

25.far+adj./adv./比较级(加深程度)much too+adj.too much+不可数名词 26.happen to 碰巧 sb happen to do sth It happens/happened+that clause 27.dare(用法跟need相似)(1)(2)情态动词,常用于否定句(dare not)疑问句(dare提前)实意动词,后常与不定式连用,但在dares,dared后或是在否定句中的to可以省略(3)I dare say.我想,我以为=as far as I'm concerned 28.It/This is the first/second...time that+主语+have/has done It/This was the first/second/third...time+主语+had done 29.Look...through...透过...看...look through 浏览 It's no pleasure/use doing 做...没乐趣

30.face to face面对面地(在句中作状语)face-to-face面


heart to heart 坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地 back to back 背对背地 step by step逐步地side by side并排地 one by one一个一个地 arm in arm臂挽臂地 hand in hand 手拉手地

31.suffer 遭受,蒙受(后接痛苦pain,惩罚punishment, 损失loss,寒冷,饥饿,疾病等名词)suffer from…一般不用于被动语态 suffering n.痛苦,苦难 sufferer n.受苦者,受难者 32.recover vt.recover sth(strength/consciousness/one`s sight)恢复...recover oneself 清醒过来,恢复将康

vi.sb recover(from illnesse/loss)某人(从...中)恢复过来

33.gossip about get/be tired of sb/sth/doing be tired out 精疲力尽

33.do a survey /surveys(调查)




total 全体的,全部的,意味着总额,总量,总数,强调把一切计算在内

complete圆满的,完整的,指各个部分完整,充足 35.power 体力,智力,能力/ 统治,政权/ 动力,电力 power用途最广,用于各种身心的,隐藏的,外显的力 strength体力,是内部的能力,在身体组织内存在的力 force 指活动的力,是Strength所展示出来的力,外部的力,势力,暴力

ability完成某事的能力 energy经历,之人内在的活力

36.settle vi.定居/ 使处于舒适的位置 vt.结束,解决/ 决定,确定,安排好 settle短语:

settle down 舒适坐下,定居,安静下来 settle down to sth.定下来心做某事 settle in/into sth.适应 settle on sth.决定某事/某物 settle up 付清,结算,结账

37.get tired of 厌烦,厌倦(精神上的讨厌)Be/feel/tired of sb./sth.厌烦某人/某事

Be/feel/tired of doing sth.厌烦做某事

Be tired with/from由于„而疲倦(体力上的疲劳)Unit 2 1.later adj.晚来的(late的比较级)adv.后来地 latter adj.(位置上后面的)the latter(one)the former(one)2.even if=even though 是连词词组,用来引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管、即使”,表转折:though,although,but 3.I’d like sth 4.That child come up to me.Come up to vi.走近come up 被提出 come up with 想出,发现 come across 偶然遇到 come ture 实现

5.over+时间 over the pass years over class/work 6.actually=in fact=as a matter of fact 7.be based on 以...为根据 base A on B A be based on B被动

base还可以用作名词,意为“底部,基础” at the base of 8.present 当前的,现在的(作前置定语)adj.the present situation present做adj.还有“出席的”的意思

at present;now;at this time;at this moment 9.make(good/full/no....)use of 使用

Every minute should be made good use of.make up 编写,编造,和解 make-up 化妆 make up of 由...构成 10.the number of/a number of 从意义上判断

the number of “...的数目”,接可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数

a number of 许多,大量(后接复数名词),谓语动词用复数 a great/large/small number of 11.be fluent in 12.such as&for example 全部列举 that is/namely for example:一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,与所给例子用逗号隔开

13.The job was done.The job was difficult.The job(which/that was)done was difficult.14.standard(1)adj.标准的,第一流的 standard side(2)n.标准,水平,规范(可数)

reach/meet standard 符合标准 on a standard 根据某一标准

15.no such thing as...没有...这一回事

such...as...像...一样,诸如...之类的 such that 如此...以致

16.expect sb to do sth sb be expected to do sth expect+that从句 认为/预想...expect sb/sth sb expect to do sth 某人希望做某事

I expect so.我想是这样 I expect not.I don’t expect so.17.play a part(role)in(1)参加某运动=take part in play an active part(2)对某事有影响,对某事起作用 18.recognize 辨认,认出 recognize his voise 承认,公认recognize sth/sb as sth/sb 19.way to do way of doing(in)the way...的方,...的方式(in)the way+that从句(in)the way+in which 从句(in)the way+从句

20.command(1)命令(2)vt.command sb(not)to do command that sb(should)do 命令某人(不)做某事 21.request(1)n.请求(2)vt.request sth(from sb)请求(从某人)得到某物 request sb(not)to do sth 请求某人(不做)某事 request that sb(should)do 请求...Unit 3

1.transport 作n.时,意思还有“(旅客或货物)运输”、运送等 vt.意为“运输,运送(货物,人,物等)” transport sb/sth to swh 2.prefer(preferred,preferring)prefer sth(to sth)prefer doing sth=prefer to do sth prefer not to do sth prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth prefer sb(not)to do sth 宁愿某人做某事 perfer that sb(should)do 宁愿,更喜欢 3.dream n.V.Dreamed/dreamt dream a...dream(vt.)dream of/about sth(vi)梦见,梦想 dream that...4.persuade vt.说服;劝服

persuade sb(not)to do sth =sb out of doing sth persuade sb into doing sth persuade sb(of sth)使某人相信(某事)persuade sb that+从句


5.get/make+宾语+宾语补足语(-ing/done/to do/adj.)6.finally,at last,in the end的区别:《学案》 Finally强调活动过程的最后

7.It is /was...(被强调部分)that/who+剩余部分【be动词固定,that/who】

8.on schedule=on time 准时,按照计划

ahead of schedule 先于预定时间 behind schedule schedule v 安排,计划,预定 9.insist:坚持认为,坚持主张 insist on/upon doing sth 坚持做 insist that 坚持说

insist that sb(should)do sth 坚持主张,坚持要求 insist on one’s doing 其它感官动词用法跟see一样:look at,hear,listen to,watch,notice,feel,observe 10.care about;be concerned about 忧虑,关心 care for sb/sth like look after 喜欢,照顾 care n.take care, take care of with care 小心地 adv.11.sb find it +adj.to do sth sth be familial to sbbe familialwith 熟悉 12.determined adj.坚决的,有决心的 be determined to do sth

determine v.决心,下定决心,确定

1)determine to do sth 2)determine+从句

13.change one’s mind make up one’s mind to do keep/bear...in mind记住 read one’s mind 直言不讳 give/put one’s mind on 专心于

mind doing mind one’s doing 14.sth +be +adj.+ to +动

15.give in to 向...屈服 give sth on 上交 give up 放弃,戒掉

give up sth /give up doing sth 16.reliable adj.可靠的 rely vi.rely on 17.encourage encourage sb to do sth encourage sb in sth encouraging(adj.)encouraged(adj.)encouragement discourage vt.discourage sb from doing sth 18.view n.[c]自然美景,风景[u]视野,视域 in view adv.看得见 There is no one in view.[u]观点,见解 in one’s view=in one’s opinion one’s view(s)on/about 其它搭配:get/have a good view of sth 对sth一览无余 19.find it +形+to do sth funny 滑稽的 do sth for fun

have fun=enjoy oneself=have a good time make fun of sb=laugh at sb get changed 换好衣服 get dressed 穿上衣服 change可做名词,做“零钱”讲 change A for B 20.be put put up①举起,拾起=raise②挂起,张贴③建造,搭起=build④提供住宿put sb up 21.in company with 陪伴某人 lay 下蛋 lie-lied 说谎

22.give in(sth to sb)give up 放弃,认输 give out 精疲力尽,分配

give away 捐赠,泄漏 give off 发出光、气味 23put up our tent put away 把...收起来,存放 put back 放回原处 put one’s heart to 全神贯注于 put down 放下,写下,镇压 put out 扑灭,伸出 put an end to 使...结束 24.At first...,and then...The former...,the latter...The one...,the other(one)...Unit 4 1.trip:指带有目的的旅行 例如:business trip


2.attitude towards sth/doing sth 关于...态度 3.burst n.a burst of laughter/applause burst into+n.≠burst out+doing...突然...起来 burst into tears/laughter 4.as if=as though 1)as if 似乎,好像 2)as if 在表语从句中=that 5.be at an end=come to an end 结束 by the end of 直到...的最后(完成时)put an end to(介词)+n./doing 结束sth 6.believe sb 相信某人所说的话 believe in sb =trust 7.shock n.打击,震惊,震动 a shock to sb Vt.使震惊,使惊愕 shocking adj.shocked be shocked to sb 8.trap vt.trapped trapped 困住,陷入绝境 u.陷阱 set a trap(for)设...陷阱

fall into a trap 掉入陷阱,be caught in a trap 中了圈套 trapped adj.被困住的 a trapped person trap sb into doing last for 持续...9.all...not...=not all...部分否定

当all,both及every的合成词与not连用时,表部分否定 完全否定要用no,never,nowhere,nore(单数,复数都行),neither,nothing,nobody等 10.bury(vt.)A.埋藏,埋葬B.蒙住

陷入...;专心于...be buried in/bury oneself in The+adj.表一类人或物(复数意义)

11.to:在境外,表方向 in:在境内,表范围内 on:与境界相壤

12.ruin借喻 destroy 彻底毁坏,很难完全修复 damage 价值、用途降低或外表损坏

13.give one’s congratulations to sb(for sth)congratulate sb on sth 14.judging from/by(句首)从...判断 judge the case 15.be proud of proudly(adv.)prise(n.)be proud to do sth be proud that...take prise in sth /doing sth 16.honour 1)v.honour sb(with sth)2)n.show honour to sb 向...表示敬意 an honour to...对...是光荣的人或事

It’s one’s honour to do sth my thanks to sb for sth Unit 5 1.generously ①慷慨的,大方的 +doing sth/with sth be generous to sb with sth ② 宽宏大量的,宽厚的+to sb

2.devote vt.致力于,专心从事

devote oneself / one’s energy(time,effort,money)to(介词)sth/doing sth把...专于

devote adj.①深爱的②投入的 或be devoted to sb/sth 专心致力于...to是介词

3.found(组织)建筑 build founder foundation 基础 found(founded,founded)the foundation of mankind前无冠词,不可数名词 guidance(n.)guide(v.)4.legal adj.legally agv.反义词illegal ①与法律有关的a legal adviser ② 合法的 be legal to do sth fee(vs)fare be hopeful about sth 5.youth ①v.青年时期 ②c.年轻人 ③ the youth 复数含义 violence violent blow up the balloon/bridge 6.be willing to do sth 反:unwilling a strong will 很强的意志力 be willing to do sth 愿意做某事

Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成(地点状语从句)

at will 任意地,随意地

receive 收到 accept 接受 fairly 相当地=very

7.turn to 介词短语 ① 求助于,转向 turn to sb for help turn down 把(音量)调低 turn up 出现

8.fight ① n.打架,战斗 ② v.fight for 为...而战 fight against 与...作斗争 fight with 同...并肩作战 9.prison 表示蹲监狱时,其前面不用冠词 be in prison 在狱中,被监禁(状态)反:be out of prison 出狱

put...in prison=send...to prison(动作)=throw...to prison 类

:bed,church,class,college,hospital,school,university,market be...away 有...远(指距离,时间)

10.as...as+主语+can /could=as...as+possible 某些动词(see,find,witness)等“见证,目睹”主语有时不是人而是物、时间、地点 拟人用法,使句子生动 11.stage ①阶段,时期(at,in)② 舞台(on)

stage 阶段,时期 situation:形容情况(强调周围环境)in the ___ position:位置,形势(强调人的立场)in the ___ case: in the ___ 11.reward for(doing)sth(做)某事的报酬/奖励

a reward for...a reward of +具体的钱数 reward sb for(doing)sth v.reward sb with sth


Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.out of trouble have trouble(in)doing sth/with sth 14.lose one’s heart to sb 爱上,喜欢上 lose one’s weight lose one’s way 15.imagine+(one’s)doing should do 应该做 should have done 本应该...16.asleep是表语形容词,意为“睡着的” fall asleep be asleep sleep是动词或名词,意为“睡觉” sleeepy是形容词,意为“困乏的,欲睡的”

stop(prevent/keep)sb(from)doing sth =sb be stopped(prevented/kept)from doing sth 17.degree:n ①学位:get a degree ② 度,度数 10 degrees ③ 程度,等级

18.强调 : do,does,did后面的动词要原形 be in power 当权,执政(状态)

the first time 引导时间状语从句,“第一次...”(类似用法:the last time,the moment,the minttue,every time...)for the first time 第一次

19.reward n.报酬,奖金 award n.奖品,奖项 award sb sth in reward 作为报酬/答 get nothing in reward

vt.酬谢,给人报答 reward sb with sth /for(doing)sth



1.undertake to do 同意,答应做样;要求,请求

2.fulfil oneself 充分发挥才能 What if we fail/failed/should

3.have a good analysis offail?(虚拟语气)

对„作好的分析 What if you read this letter for

in the last analysis 归根结底 me?你能给我读一下这封信吗?

4.within oneself = within one’s 17.make a(some/any/big/little/no)

power 在某人能力范围之内 difference 有影响;有作用

5.be curious about sth.18.quote one’s words引用某人的话

对某事好奇 19.It takes sth.to do

be curious to do做某事需要„

渴望做,有好奇心做„ It takes sb.some time/money to

6.be supposed to do 应该做„ do sth.7.debate sth.with sb.20.Nothing in life is to be

与某人争论某事 feared.It is only to be

debate about/on(doing)sth.understood.——Marie Curie

讨论(做)某事 be to do 结构

1表示“应该,必须”之意,上句be under debate 正在讨论中 ○

8.go by 从旁边经过 取此用法。

9.seek for/after 寻找 Eg.No one is to leave the

seek one’s fortuneclassroom during classes.2表示按计划安排做某事 外出闯荡,碰运气 ○

seek out 挑选出来His daughter is to be married

10.be/get engaged to sb.soon.3用于if从句表示主语想做某事 与某人订婚(状态)○

engage oneself to doEg.In such dry weather, the

自愿做某事 flowers will have to be watered

be engaged in(doing)sth= if they are to survive.4有时表示“可能性”或“注定” engage oneself in(doing)sth.○

忙于„从事于„If you continue to do like that,11.do research on/in/into sth.you are to fail.做某方面的研究 21.be on fire for(doing)sth.12.dream of/about sth.对„有热情,激情

梦想做某事 21.There is no point in doing sth.13.build/come up with a theory 做某事没有作用或意义

创立一个理论 22.“一感二听三让四看五注意半帮

14.turn out 结果是,证明是 助”

turn out(to be)+n./adj.feel,listen/sound,make/let/have,turn out that„ look/see/watch/observe,notice

15.use up vt.都可以加不带to的不定式,即直接加

run out(of)vi.用完,用尽 do,“半帮助” 即help(to)do, to 可

16.what if +陈述语气的句子 以省略。

如果„将会怎样;即使„又能怎 23.imagine doing 想象做„

师父教你学英语 语不惊人死不休 1

1许诺,承诺 24.promise ○

make/break a promise2成功的希望,良好的前兆○

抽象不可数名词,前面不加冠词 Eg.He is a student of promise.25.I didn’t expect to survive that long.that= so= this adv.这么 26.warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事

remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事

Warn sb.that + clausewarn sb.against sth.警告某人提防„

warn sb.not to do= warn sb.against doing警告某人不要做„Warning(s)n.警告;(引申)前车之鉴

Eg.He is a warning to people who drink much.receive warning事先得到警告性的消息 without warning


27.be to blame/let 某人应该受责备

/出租(特殊用法)28.only to „表示出乎意料So as to 不放句首 29.be at a loss不知所措

30.only +介词短语/时间副词/状语从

句时位于句首,主句要半倒装。Only修饰主语时句子不倒装。Eg.Only you can understand me.Only at that time/then did I

realize that I was wrong.31.do/carry out/perform an

experiment 做实验

32.talk/reason sb.into doing

sth.= persuade sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事

Talk/reason sb.out of doing


Persuade sb.not to do sth.说服某人不做某事

33.focus on sth = focus one’s

attention/thoughts on sth集中注意力在某事上Bring„into focus

把„集中在焦点上 34.be diagnosed with„被诊断出患了„病

35.some=about =around 大约Eg.Some student is looking for you.某个学生在找你。(说话人不认识)

36.hit sb in the face 打某人脸Save one’s face给某人个面子Lose one’s face 丢面子Face to face 面对面Face up to 大胆面对

Face the music担起责任,接受批评Face sth=be faced with sth 面对 37.the reason for = the cause of„„的原因

38.inform sb of sth 告知某人某事Inform + 宾语从句

Sb is reformed of sth/that从句 39.realate to 谈及,涉及到

realate to sb/sth 理解同情„Realate sth to/with sth把„„联系起来

Be realated to„ 和„有关系Be realated by blood 有血缘关系 40.present sth to sb=present sb

with sth 送某人某物

Be present at sp.出席,在场Eg.I bought the book for a

present(as a gift).41.make an effort to do sth/on sth为做某事而努力

Spare/make no effort to do sth尽力/不遗余力做某事

42.be concerned with/about sth对某事负责;与之有牵连;担心„

Show great concern for/about sb表示极大关心

43.look up to 尊敬;钦佩Look down upon 看不起

44.分词完成式在句中只作状语。Eg.Having been hit,he was sent to hospital.The wallet(B)the other day was mine.A.having been stolen B.stolen 45.make one’s way to 走向„Let alone 更不用说 46.steal sth from sb/sp不能说steal sb/spRob sb/sp of sth不能说rob sth


48.关于“采访”(比较)interview sb;cover sth give an interview to sb= have an interview with sb 会见,接见某人

49.adapt(oneself)to„适应,习惯Be adapted to 适应,习惯

50.It/That is/was the first/secondtime that+主语+have/has/had done 51.be/become/get addicated to„沉溺于„

52.一个及物动词后面跟两个that引导的并列的宾语从句时,第一个that可省略,第二个不能省。53.prefer(preferred;preferred)Prefer sth/to do/doingPrefer A to B

Prefer sb(not)to do

Prefer to do rather than doPrefer+that宾语从句,从句谓动用shhould do ,should不能省。54.a piece of furniture [u]一套家具

55.design sth for sbBe designed for„Have designs on/against sth对„别有用心;有不良企图By design= on purpose故意 56.It is convenient for sb to do sthSth is convenient for/to„不能用人做主语

57.take an example from 从中举例Set an example for sb


Take examples from„以„为借鉴 58.impress sth on/upon sb使某人铭记某事

Impress sth on/upon one’s mind(不加s)/memory把某事深深记在心里

Be impressed by/at/with sth被某事深深打动

seem + adj./to do/介词短语/p.p/that从句/as if从句

60.be of(+adj.)+抽象名词

=be+(adv.)+adj.Eg.be of(great)importance=be



中be of„结构可作表语或后置定语。

61.in the case of 就„来说

1Given„位于句首,62.○意为“鉴于”,此处given为adj.2Allow for 顾及,考虑到○



Eg.Allowing for finding a room to

live in ,we set out early.63.have to do with sth和„有关 64.at first glance 乍一看

65.sb be in charge of sth=sth be in the charge of sb负 责,管理 Sb be in charge of sb=look after sb照顾某人

66.make the most/best of 充分利用;充分展示;重视

67.narrowly missed doing


Eg.He narrowly missed hitting the child standing nearby.68.when it comes to 提及,言及„ 69.under the lead of 在„的领导下Under the wings of在„的庇护下With the help of 在„的帮助下 70.catch/get a glimpse of/at„瞥见,看了一眼

Give a glimpse of sth


71.treat sb for sth=cure sb of sth治愈„

72.require sb to do sth要求某人做某事 Require sth of sb 对某人有„要求

Require doing=require to be done类似用法的词有want,need

73.not in the least=not at all一点也不,绝不Last but not least最后的但同样重要的74.die of 死于内因(饥老病寒悲)Die from 死于外因Die for 为„而死Die young 英年早逝Die happy 含笑而死

Die away(声音,光)消失,风停下Die down(火)熄灭,(草木)枯萎Die out 灭绝

75.lack(vt.)sth 缺乏Be lacking(adj.)inLack(n.)of

76.have an empty feeling in my stomach头脑一片空白 77.for the moment 暂时,目前At the moment 现在For a moment=after a while过一会儿

In a moment=at once立刻 78.in case of +n./pron./doing假如,万一

In case 可和句子连用,用于句首或句末Eg.In case something important happens,please call me.79.in this/that case在这/那种情况下

In any case 无论如何

In no case 绝不,位于句首时半倒装As is often the case„这是常有的事

80.in/out of harmony with„ 与„(不)协调

81.on the point of doing when„正做„时突然„


状语相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,意为“一„就„”;Eg.Upon arriving in Beijing,he sent me an E-mail.2the minute/the moment/the○

second/the instant充当连词加句子,“一„就„”;


instantly 连词,“一„就”; 4Hardly/Scarcely+过去完成时○


No sooner„than„



a lot/a bit/a little/a great deal+adj.比较级

84.have a good knowledge of掌握„;对„熟悉

Have no knowledge of对„一无所知

To one’s knowledge 据„所知Without one’s knowledge在某人不知情的情况下

85.in the mass大体上,总体上说The mass of„ 大部分,大多数 86.insist表“坚持说/认为”时,从



用(should)do.Insist on/upon doing

87.ever since=since 自从„以后




Eg.It is about 3 years since he


It is 3 years since he(got)


It is 3 years since he was

married.离婚 88.go about(doing)sth=get down to

(doing)sth 开始/着手做某事 89.be worth +n./doing

Be worthy of sth/being doneBe worthy to do/to be doneIt is worthwhile(for sb)to do sth 90.以下情况不能用if表示“是否”: 1whether与or not 连用;○


Eg.I’m not interested in whether he will come.3后接不定式○

Eg.We haven’t decided whether to go out this afternoon.91.Would you be so kind as to give me a hand?

Be so kind/good as to 劳驾 92.except 一般等于except for,但若强调前后有对比,性质有变化,则用except fpr.93.take account of=take„into consideration 把„考虑在内On one’s account为了某人的缘故On account of 由于,因为

On no account=by no means绝不 94.burst into +n.Burst out doing突然„起来

95.break into 破门而入

Break away from 脱离(政党或组织),打破陈规陋习

Break up 结束,分手,拆散Break down 抛锚,垮掉,分解

Break in 插话,破门而入

Break out(战争,火灾)突然爆发Break off 打断,折断

96.more A than B 与其说B不如说AMore than +n.不仅仅,不只是+num.=over多于,超过+adj./v.=very非常No more than+n./num.仅仅反义词 no less than 多达No more„than 和„一样不Not moer than 至多,不超过反义词 not less than 至少Not more„than 不比„更„







could/would/might do,一般不用should.98.would rather do„than do„Would do„rather than do„ 99.It is(high/about)time that + should do 或+过去式 100.表示“将来”:

be going to 个人主观计划,打算;有迹象表明要发生某事 will 无计划,纯粹的将来;说话时的临时决定

be to 客观安排,计划;条件句中表示“想要”

be about to 马上就要发生,与明确的表将来的时间状语连用

101.It is no use/good doing sthIt is useless doing sth

102.give up on sb 对某人不再抱希


103.appeal to sb to do 呼吁某人做Appeal for sth 呼吁某事 104.不定代词加but:

nothing but 仅仅,只不过Anything but 决不,根本不Something of a+n.算得上,堪称


Anything+like 完全像,全然,几

乎(用于否定句疑问句条件句)Something+like 类似,大约(肯



1丝毫不像=not at all like○

2绝对不=absolutely not○


better than

106.as it happens/happened令人惊奇的是;恰恰 107.not a bit 一点也不

Not a little 很,非常 108.or so 大约

Or else 否则

Or rather 确切地说 Other than 除了

Safe and sound 安然无恙

109.set off for sp.=set out to sp出发去某地

110.more than one„many a „

every„and(every)„each „and each„no„and no„





所以嘛,学英语不能懒(虽然我已经懒了很久了„),六个字单词语法句子,记单词记语法记句子,突然发现,其实一个字就可以搞定英语了,没错,还是它:记啊。Come on!声明:以上内容纯属虚构,仅供参考。




1.---Would you like to _________ us in celebrating John’s return from America tonight?---I’d like to, but I have to _________ a meeting.A.join;attendB.attend;joinC.take part in;attendD.join;join in

2.In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than.A.that used to be B.what it is used toC.what it was used toD.what it used to be

3.Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s the best jobs are.A.whereB.whatC.whenD.why

4.John as well as his brothers, to the party.A.have goneB.had goneC.has goneD.go

5.It wasn’t until nearly a month laterI received th manager’s reply.A.sinceB.whenC.asD.that

6.After two hours of swimming, Smith and John came towas called Bird-island.A.the place whereB.the place whatC.whatD.that

7.She reached the top of the hill and stoppedon a big rock by the side of the path.A.to have restedB.restingC.to restD.rest

8.It is generally believed that teaching isit is a science.A.as art much asB.much an art asC.as an art much asD.as much an art as

9.At this time tomorrow over the Atlantic.A.we’re going to flyB.we’ll be flyingC.we’ll flyD.we’re to fly

10.– Do you know why they organized the club?--No, to know about it.A.nor I wantB.nor do I wantC.I nor wantD.I want either

11.The windows are too small enough light and fresh air into the room.A.to admitB.to be admittedC.for admittingD.for being admitted

12.As is known to all, the letters PLA the People’s Liberation Army.A.stands forB.acts forC.act forD.stand for

13.Jerry has studied very hard andto pass the examination.A.plansB.promisesC.deservesD.decides

14.As we all know, the 2008 Olympic Games _____ in Beijing.That’s _____Mr.Smith is looking forward to visiting China now.A.will be held;becauseB.are held;whyC.are to be held;whyD.were to be held;because

15.The two girls competeeach other the highest mark.A.with;forB.with;inC.against;inD.in;for

16.Magazines _____ out of the library.A.are not allowed to takeB.are not allowed taking

C.are not allowed to be takenD.are not allowed to be taking

17.My sister, who is _____ a red sweater now, _____ a foreigner for three years.A.having on;has marriedB.dressed in;has got married

C.wearing;has been married to

D.putting on;has married with 1

18.-Don’t you think it necessaryhe should not be sent to Miami but to New York ?

--I agree, but the problem ishe has refused to.A.what;thatB.that;thatC.what, whatD.that;what

19.This is her only request that the room ______ after being used.A.be cleanedB.is cleanedC.will be cleanedD.would be cleaned

20.Kathy a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.A.picked upB.took upC.made upD.turned up


The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world.There are two kinds of Olympic

Games—the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games.Both of them are heldevery year a regular basis.All have reached thestandard for their event will be as competitors.A special village is built for the competitors to live in, a main reception building, severalfor competitions, and a as well.It is a great to host the Olympic Games.It’s justmuch a competition to host the Olympics as to win the Olympic medal.The olive wreath has beenby medals.But it’s still about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw further.三、根据汉语意思完成句子(共10个空,每空填一个单词,每空1分,满分10分)

1.谁负责管理这个部门。Who isthis department?


Women areallowed, butin every event.3.汤姆和他的朋友们经常参加我们的讨论。

Tom his friends oftenour discussion.4.我们和她计价还价。We herthe price.5.运动员们一个接着一个地离开了奥运村。

the athletes left the Olympic village.四、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Not so long ago, if you avoided drinking water during a workout(训练), you were considered tough(坚强的).Today Even if you don’t sweat(出汗)much or if there is aexpertsOnly a few years ago, many coaches(教练— they thought it was 27 for them to rinse(漱口)their mouths, 28swallowing anything might slow them down.Now, there’s plenty of water on the side-lines for athletes to drink.The

These new practices shouldn’recreational(消遣的you every fifteen minutes.In some types of exercise — or two of water with the workout.Don’t drink any more, experts say — continuous hot-weather exercise, a(n)can sweat and breathe away 1.8 kilograms of an hour.Drinking water does two things: restores some weight and allows you to sweating so the 消化).21.A.discover













34.A.as well as






40.A.warmB.advise B.hungry B.children B.essential B.lessons B.discouraged B.unnecessary B.and B.forever B.promises B.limited B.parents B.start B.on the other hand B.breathing B.easy B.coach B.energy B.keep B.strong C.agree C.hot C.water C.impolite C.days C.rescued C.difficult C.therefore C.usually C.stops C.lost C.players C.give up C.for example C.swallowing C.pleasant C.athlete C.oxygen C.end C.cool D.fear D.tired D.exercise D.brave D.activities D.saved D.right D.though D.sometimes D.guides D.remained D.doctors D.begin with D.such as D.drinking D.everyday D.expert D.water D.escape D.safe



The Greatest Show on Earth

The Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world.Every hundred or more countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport.As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are gold medals and glory.But there is honor ,too,for al1 who compete,win or lose.That is in the spirit of the Olympics-to take part is what matters.

The Olympic Games a1ways start in a bright color and action.The teams of all the nations parade in the opening ceremony and march round the track.The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.For it was in Greece that the Olympics began.The team of the country where the

Games are being held-the host country-marches in last.The runner with the Olympic torch(火炬)then enters the stadium and lights the flame.A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath(宣誓)on behalf of all the competitors.The judges and officials also take an oath.After the sportsmen march out of the stadium, the host country puts on a wonderful display.The competitions begin the next day.There are usually more than twenty sports in the Games.The rule is that there must be at least fifteen.The main events are in track and field, but it is a few days before these sports start.Each day the competitors take part in a different sport-riding, shooting, swimming, and cross-country running.Points are gained for each event.Medals are awarded for the individual winners and for national teams.More and more women are taking part in the games.They first competed in 1900, in tennis and go1f,which are no longer held in the Olympics.Women's swimming events were introduced in 1912,But it was not until 1928 that there were any track and field events for they compete in all but half a dozen of the sports.In horse riding, shooting,and boat racing, they may compete in the same events as the men.

41.Why is there honor for the losers as well as for the winners?

A.Because what really matters is to take part in the Olympic Games.B.Because failure is the mother of success.C.Because losers need encouragement.D.Because losers and winner should be equally treated.42.Which of the following is a long-established practice in the opening ceremony?

A.Runners enter the stadium with torches.B.Each team puts on a wonderfu1 display.

C.Sportsmen and sportswomen wear magnificent clothes.D.The Greek team marches in first.

43.Who takes the Olympic oath?

A.A sportsman from the host country.B.A judge from a foreign country.

C.An officer from the host country.D.A Greek sportsman.44.What are the most important events in the Olympic Games?

A.The horse-riding events.B.The track and field events.C.The swimming events.D.The boat-racing events.45.When did women start taking part in the Olympic Games?

A.Inl912B.In 1928C.In 1900D.In 1924


The Story of Diego Maradona(马拉多纳)

The story of Diego Maradona, the Argentinian(阿根廷)football player, is the story of rise and fall of a poor man who became a world star, but paid the price of fame(名誉).He is now at the end of a career(职业生涯)which saw him as the bright star of World Cup Football.In the 1990s,this career has come into the poor performance on the field, drug-taking, speaking ill of football officials, being forbidden and finally facing court(法庭)action in which he has had the defend charges(指控)of shooting at several reporters.Maradona was born in the poor area of Furito in Buenos Aires.Early in his life, he was able to realize a dream of most poor boys, the dream that is the is through success in sport.Sport in the world around is an activity open to all people, no matter what their background(背景)is.Diego Maradona was one of eight children.The games of football played in the dirty street outside his small white storeyed home in Furito were to provide(提供)him with a passport(护照)out of the small home.Today, poorly dressed boys still run and kick balls around the street from which a hero traveled to become one of the world’s great football artists.Football expert(专家)Francis Corneo found Diego’s gift.He says that the young played ―a natural‖ and there was nothing he could teach him.He had never seen anyone played like him in his thirty years’ life.46.In the second paragraph of this passage, what does the underlined word ―poverty-trap‖ mean?

A.The position in society.B.Extremely poor condition in one’s life.C.Poor living conditions which are hard to escape from.D.Becoming wealthy in the future.47.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Maradona’s performance is not as good as before on the field.B.He will be brought in an action against his bad deed.C.He showed no respect for some football officials.D.Francis Corneo found a gift and gave it to Maradona.48.Sport is an activity open to all people, no matter what their background is.The sentence tells us_________.A.everybody enjoys sport and could turn a dream into reality

B.through sport everybody may be successful and become a famous star in the world no matter how poor he used to be

C.if one wants to be a famous sport star, he must have special background

D.people from working-class families will never get international success

49.We can infer from the passage that_________.A.Maradona will face a possible term if found guilty(有罪的)on the shooting charges

B.background is very important for sportC.Maradona is as famous as a football star before

D.Maradona is doing so well in playing football that he can’t be knocked out

50.Where does Diego Maradona come from?

A.Europe.B.Africa.C.Argentina.D.North America.C

George and Carol were medical students at the same college, and like many other college students, they enjoyed playing jokes on people.Both of them smoked, but they knew that their professor was strongly against it, because smoking was dangerous to one’s health.One day they decided to play joke on their professor.At one of their medical lectures there was always a skeleton(骨骼)in the room so that the professor could show the students different bones in the human body.That afternoon, Carol told George to put a cigarette in the mouth of the skeleton that was to be used to the next lecture.When the professor came in, he began talking and then noticed the cigarette.He went up to the skeleton, took the cigarette out of its mouth and said, ―You really should giveLook what it is doing to you!‖

51.What do the professor’s words mean?

A.It’s only a joke to put a cigarette into a skeleton’s mouth.B.He would persuade the skeleton to give up smoking.C.Smoking is really dangerous, it may even cause death.D.Students should not learn from the skeleton to smoke

52.To which did the professor really say these words?

A.To George and Carol onlyB.To the Skeleton which he call ―old boy ‖

C.Only to himselfD.To all the students who attended this lecture

53.Which of the following is true to the story?

A.The professor got angry on seeing the skeleton smoking.B.The professor never let it pass to make his opinion known.C.The skeleton was played a joke on by George and Carol.D.George and Carol decided to give up smoking

54.The underlined word ― ___________.A.the talkingB.the lectureC.the skeleton(骨骼)D.smoking

55.What do you think of the professor?

A.Serious but funnyB.Honest and foolish

C.Kind and politeD.Hard to get along with

1-5ADACD6-10 CCDBB11-15 ADCCA16-20 CCBAA

21-25CADBD26-30 BDACA31-35 CDBCB36-40 ACDBC

41-45 ADABC46-50 CDBAC51-55 DADCC

二、课文填空: fourth, on, athletes, standard, admitted, stadiums,gymnasium,honour, as, replaced

三、补全句子in charge of;not only, play an important part;together with, takes part in/goes in for;bargained with, about/over;One after another


高一英语补考题 班级----姓名------


1.The little village which lies ________the railway for 20 miles is ____________the

great man was born.A.off;whereB.at;whenC.to;howD.by;why 2.He hurriedly left, and the rest of the work ______ left to me.A.isB.areC.wasD.were

3.A new hospital _______when we got there.A.was buildingB.has been builtC.was being builtD.was built

4.The northerners are fond of wheat ________the southerners like rice.A.whileB.butC.howeverD.stillBad habits are easily _______ while good ones are hard to develop.A.kept upB.caught upC.drawn upD.picked up 6.If you continue driving like this, you will ________disability.A.end up with B.put up with C.come up withD.catch up with 7.The church clock _______ eleven when I reached the village.A.hitB.beatC.strikeD.struck

8.When he heard the news, he hurried home, ______ the book ______ on the desk.A.leaving;lying openB.to leave;lying open C.left;lying openD.leaving;lying opened 9.________ it is to jump into the pool in summer!

A.What fun B.What a funC.How funD.How a fun 10.At last they _______an agreement _______ it.A.reached;on B.concluded;at C.arrived at;about D.come to;in

11.Not until all the fish died in the river_______how serious the pollution was.A.did the villagers realize C.realized the villagersD.didn’t the villagers realizeB.the villagers realized

12.The 2000 Olympic Games ________ in Sydney, a city of Australia.A.were taken placeB.was heldC.were held D.had been held 13.They decided to go home before their money ____________.A.was runB.ran out ofC.ran outD.used 14.----You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?

----____________.How I wish to go there!

A.Yes, I have B.Yes;I haven’t C.No, I have D.No, I haven’t

15.Though he was _____ in the leg, the soldier went on firing at the enemy.A.injuredB.hurtC.woundedD.killed16,---How did your interview go?

-----I couldn’t feel _______ about it!I seemed to find an answer for all of the questions.A.worseB.worstC.betterD.best

17._______AAs much as I’’m concerned,it doesn’t matter whether I can defeat John in the match.B As far as I’m concerningCAs long as I’m concerningD As far as I’m concerned 18, ______ in the market, the thief was put into prison.A.Catching stealingB.Caught stealingC.Being caught to stealD.Be caught stealing 19,---Do you watch TV in the evening?

-----I’d rather read than watch TV, The programme seem ______ all the time.A.to get worseB.to have got worseC.getting worseD.to be getting worse

20.You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had ______

A.brought upB.to bring upC.bringing upD.to have brought up 21.He suggests a best way ______ process from keeping_______.A.preventing;raisingB.to stop;riseC.to prevent;raisingD.to stop;rising 22.People _______ young trees on the mountain.A.don’t allow to cut downB.don’t allow to keep away C.are not allowed to keep awayD.are not allowed to cut down 23.When a fire happens, the electricity should ______ first.A.be cut downB.cut downC.be cut offD.cut off 24.----Are you satisfied with what he did?------No, It couldn’t have been ______

A.worseB.betterC.so badD.the worst

25.------Don’t _____ to me again _____your low position in the government.-----OK.I promise never.A complain;ofB complaint;aboutC apologize;ofD advise;on26.--------Do you know “_____”means “to explain something very simply”?Yes.We can also say “in a word” 27.A in a shortB for briefC on conclusion D in a nutshell

----Could you tell me the way to the zoo? 28.----A.to be going----Follow me, I happen ______ there, too.Johnson, come and look at the sea.It is beautiful, isn’t it?B.to goC.to have beenD.to have gone29.The question ________ next year has something important to do with our A.Yes, it is-----_______ If only I lived here by the sea.B.That’s rightC.Thank youD.Absolutely

30.He was so busy because he had ________ letters to answer.A.to discuss daily life.B.discussedC.to be discussedD.being discussed二A a mass单词拼写(每小题B a large numbers of 1分共10分)

C massD a great deal of1.At the same time we are taking measures to _______(2.It was _________(3.He ______ 绝对)impossible for him to go abroad yesterday.保护)wild resource.4.The _______(抱怨)to the water that his meat was cold.5.A scientist must produce _______((污染的)water is not fit to drink.6.Many people are concerned about the pollution of ______(证据)in support of a theory.7.环境).8.I havenI must post this letter;it’s ______(9.According to the weather _______(’t the ________(力气)to lift the table.紧急的).10.The earth三.书面表达(共’s _______(预报)it will be sunny tomorrow.20分)大气)is densest at sea level.以My Dream为题写一段话。



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