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introductiona letter of introduction一封介绍信

an introduction to the book书的简介

Can you introduce yourself to us?introduce sb.to sb.Our country has introduced many foreign(advanced)machines.我国已经引进了许多外国的(先进的)机器.professionalBeckham is a professional(amateur)football player.Beckham是一位职业的(业余的)足球运动员.institutioneducational institution 教育机构

Our school is an educational institution

gaingain = get 得到No pains , no gains

gain weight = get weight 增肥

lose weight 减肥

impactimpact = effect

have/make a great impact an sb./sth.对某人/某事产生深远的影响.effect n.The invention of TV makes a great effect on our life.affect v.The invention of TV affect our life greatly.surgeonphysician 内科医生

patientbe patient with 对……耐心的The doctors are patient with patients.fileindividual file 个人档案

traditionallytraditional adj.tradition n.There are a lot of traditional festivals in China.fashionin fashion 流行的out of fashion 落伍的follow the fashion 追求时尚

fashionable adj.时尚的fashionable cloth 时装

modelcar model车模

styleEveryone has a life style.the style of clothhairstyle

trendThe trend of our school is more and more students wear school uniforms.all walks of lifeThe members of club include people from all walks of life.try one’s bestWe should try our best to study English well.be involed inbe involed in = be busy with = take part in

All the students were involed in the sport meeting.Being a sailer involed leaving home for a long time.She involed in a murder.他涉嫌一桩谋杀

all throughOften , the impact on students stays all through their life.one’s life

grown-ups = adults

Last year he take up painting/golf/acting ect.(take up = take a interest in 对……感兴趣)

This file cabinet takes up too much room.He took up a job about doctor.(take up 从事)

Watching TV takes up too much of his spare time.(take up 浪费spare time 业余)

There are various vegetables in the vegetable garden.Children’s clothes vary in price from 10 yuan to 100 yuan.Our class students vary in age from fifteen to eighteen.Parts make up whole

Whole be made up of parts

Our class is made up of nineteen boys and seventeen girls.Ninteen boys and seventeen girls make up of our class.Grade One is made up of eight classes.Eight classes make up Grade One.The our teacher help me with my English.Knowledge is power.1.S + link v.+ P

This idea sounds good.2.S + vi.The sun rises.3.S + vt, + O

I love you.4.S + vt.+ O1 + O2

My mother bought me a birthday present.5.S + vt.+ O + O.C

You make me angry.



1.undertake to do 同意,答应做样;要求,请求

2.fulfil oneself 充分发挥才能 What if we fail/failed/should

3.have a good analysis offail?(虚拟语气)

对„作好的分析 What if you read this letter for

in the last analysis 归根结底 me?你能给我读一下这封信吗?

4.within oneself = within one’s 17.make a(some/any/big/little/no)

power 在某人能力范围之内 difference 有影响;有作用

5.be curious about sth.18.quote one’s words引用某人的话

对某事好奇 19.It takes sth.to do

be curious to do做某事需要„

渴望做,有好奇心做„ It takes sb.some time/money to

6.be supposed to do 应该做„ do sth.7.debate sth.with sb.20.Nothing in life is to be

与某人争论某事 feared.It is only to be

debate about/on(doing)sth.understood.——Marie Curie

讨论(做)某事 be to do 结构

1表示“应该,必须”之意,上句be under debate 正在讨论中 ○

8.go by 从旁边经过 取此用法。

9.seek for/after 寻找 Eg.No one is to leave the

seek one’s fortuneclassroom during classes.2表示按计划安排做某事 外出闯荡,碰运气 ○

seek out 挑选出来His daughter is to be married

10.be/get engaged to sb.soon.3用于if从句表示主语想做某事 与某人订婚(状态)○

engage oneself to doEg.In such dry weather, the

自愿做某事 flowers will have to be watered

be engaged in(doing)sth= if they are to survive.4有时表示“可能性”或“注定” engage oneself in(doing)sth.○

忙于„从事于„If you continue to do like that,11.do research on/in/into sth.you are to fail.做某方面的研究 21.be on fire for(doing)sth.12.dream of/about sth.对„有热情,激情

梦想做某事 21.There is no point in doing sth.13.build/come up with a theory 做某事没有作用或意义

创立一个理论 22.“一感二听三让四看五注意半帮

14.turn out 结果是,证明是 助”

turn out(to be)+n./adj.feel,listen/sound,make/let/have,turn out that„ look/see/watch/observe,notice

15.use up vt.都可以加不带to的不定式,即直接加

run out(of)vi.用完,用尽 do,“半帮助” 即help(to)do, to 可

16.what if +陈述语气的句子 以省略。

如果„将会怎样;即使„又能怎 23.imagine doing 想象做„

师父教你学英语 语不惊人死不休 1

1许诺,承诺 24.promise ○

make/break a promise2成功的希望,良好的前兆○

抽象不可数名词,前面不加冠词 Eg.He is a student of promise.25.I didn’t expect to survive that long.that= so= this adv.这么 26.warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事

remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事

Warn sb.that + clausewarn sb.against sth.警告某人提防„

warn sb.not to do= warn sb.against doing警告某人不要做„Warning(s)n.警告;(引申)前车之鉴

Eg.He is a warning to people who drink much.receive warning事先得到警告性的消息 without warning


27.be to blame/let 某人应该受责备

/出租(特殊用法)28.only to „表示出乎意料So as to 不放句首 29.be at a loss不知所措

30.only +介词短语/时间副词/状语从

句时位于句首,主句要半倒装。Only修饰主语时句子不倒装。Eg.Only you can understand me.Only at that time/then did I

realize that I was wrong.31.do/carry out/perform an

experiment 做实验

32.talk/reason sb.into doing

sth.= persuade sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事

Talk/reason sb.out of doing


Persuade sb.not to do sth.说服某人不做某事

33.focus on sth = focus one’s

attention/thoughts on sth集中注意力在某事上Bring„into focus

把„集中在焦点上 34.be diagnosed with„被诊断出患了„病

35.some=about =around 大约Eg.Some student is looking for you.某个学生在找你。(说话人不认识)

36.hit sb in the face 打某人脸Save one’s face给某人个面子Lose one’s face 丢面子Face to face 面对面Face up to 大胆面对

Face the music担起责任,接受批评Face sth=be faced with sth 面对 37.the reason for = the cause of„„的原因

38.inform sb of sth 告知某人某事Inform + 宾语从句

Sb is reformed of sth/that从句 39.realate to 谈及,涉及到

realate to sb/sth 理解同情„Realate sth to/with sth把„„联系起来

Be realated to„ 和„有关系Be realated by blood 有血缘关系 40.present sth to sb=present sb

with sth 送某人某物

Be present at sp.出席,在场Eg.I bought the book for a

present(as a gift).41.make an effort to do sth/on sth为做某事而努力

Spare/make no effort to do sth尽力/不遗余力做某事

42.be concerned with/about sth对某事负责;与之有牵连;担心„

Show great concern for/about sb表示极大关心

43.look up to 尊敬;钦佩Look down upon 看不起

44.分词完成式在句中只作状语。Eg.Having been hit,he was sent to hospital.The wallet(B)the other day was mine.A.having been stolen B.stolen 45.make one’s way to 走向„Let alone 更不用说 46.steal sth from sb/sp不能说steal sb/spRob sb/sp of sth不能说rob sth


48.关于“采访”(比较)interview sb;cover sth give an interview to sb= have an interview with sb 会见,接见某人

49.adapt(oneself)to„适应,习惯Be adapted to 适应,习惯

50.It/That is/was the first/secondtime that+主语+have/has/had done 51.be/become/get addicated to„沉溺于„

52.一个及物动词后面跟两个that引导的并列的宾语从句时,第一个that可省略,第二个不能省。53.prefer(preferred;preferred)Prefer sth/to do/doingPrefer A to B

Prefer sb(not)to do

Prefer to do rather than doPrefer+that宾语从句,从句谓动用shhould do ,should不能省。54.a piece of furniture [u]一套家具

55.design sth for sbBe designed for„Have designs on/against sth对„别有用心;有不良企图By design= on purpose故意 56.It is convenient for sb to do sthSth is convenient for/to„不能用人做主语

57.take an example from 从中举例Set an example for sb


Take examples from„以„为借鉴 58.impress sth on/upon sb使某人铭记某事

Impress sth on/upon one’s mind(不加s)/memory把某事深深记在心里

Be impressed by/at/with sth被某事深深打动

seem + adj./to do/介词短语/p.p/that从句/as if从句

60.be of(+adj.)+抽象名词

=be+(adv.)+adj.Eg.be of(great)importance=be



中be of„结构可作表语或后置定语。

61.in the case of 就„来说

1Given„位于句首,62.○意为“鉴于”,此处given为adj.2Allow for 顾及,考虑到○



Eg.Allowing for finding a room to

live in ,we set out early.63.have to do with sth和„有关 64.at first glance 乍一看

65.sb be in charge of sth=sth be in the charge of sb负 责,管理 Sb be in charge of sb=look after sb照顾某人

66.make the most/best of 充分利用;充分展示;重视

67.narrowly missed doing


Eg.He narrowly missed hitting the child standing nearby.68.when it comes to 提及,言及„ 69.under the lead of 在„的领导下Under the wings of在„的庇护下With the help of 在„的帮助下 70.catch/get a glimpse of/at„瞥见,看了一眼

Give a glimpse of sth


71.treat sb for sth=cure sb of sth治愈„

72.require sb to do sth要求某人做某事 Require sth of sb 对某人有„要求

Require doing=require to be done类似用法的词有want,need

73.not in the least=not at all一点也不,绝不Last but not least最后的但同样重要的74.die of 死于内因(饥老病寒悲)Die from 死于外因Die for 为„而死Die young 英年早逝Die happy 含笑而死

Die away(声音,光)消失,风停下Die down(火)熄灭,(草木)枯萎Die out 灭绝

75.lack(vt.)sth 缺乏Be lacking(adj.)inLack(n.)of

76.have an empty feeling in my stomach头脑一片空白 77.for the moment 暂时,目前At the moment 现在For a moment=after a while过一会儿

In a moment=at once立刻 78.in case of +n./pron./doing假如,万一

In case 可和句子连用,用于句首或句末Eg.In case something important happens,please call me.79.in this/that case在这/那种情况下

In any case 无论如何

In no case 绝不,位于句首时半倒装As is often the case„这是常有的事

80.in/out of harmony with„ 与„(不)协调

81.on the point of doing when„正做„时突然„


状语相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,意为“一„就„”;Eg.Upon arriving in Beijing,he sent me an E-mail.2the minute/the moment/the○

second/the instant充当连词加句子,“一„就„”;


instantly 连词,“一„就”; 4Hardly/Scarcely+过去完成时○


No sooner„than„



a lot/a bit/a little/a great deal+adj.比较级

84.have a good knowledge of掌握„;对„熟悉

Have no knowledge of对„一无所知

To one’s knowledge 据„所知Without one’s knowledge在某人不知情的情况下

85.in the mass大体上,总体上说The mass of„ 大部分,大多数 86.insist表“坚持说/认为”时,从



用(should)do.Insist on/upon doing

87.ever since=since 自从„以后




Eg.It is about 3 years since he


It is 3 years since he(got)


It is 3 years since he was

married.离婚 88.go about(doing)sth=get down to

(doing)sth 开始/着手做某事 89.be worth +n./doing

Be worthy of sth/being doneBe worthy to do/to be doneIt is worthwhile(for sb)to do sth 90.以下情况不能用if表示“是否”: 1whether与or not 连用;○


Eg.I’m not interested in whether he will come.3后接不定式○

Eg.We haven’t decided whether to go out this afternoon.91.Would you be so kind as to give me a hand?

Be so kind/good as to 劳驾 92.except 一般等于except for,但若强调前后有对比,性质有变化,则用except fpr.93.take account of=take„into consideration 把„考虑在内On one’s account为了某人的缘故On account of 由于,因为

On no account=by no means绝不 94.burst into +n.Burst out doing突然„起来

95.break into 破门而入

Break away from 脱离(政党或组织),打破陈规陋习

Break up 结束,分手,拆散Break down 抛锚,垮掉,分解

Break in 插话,破门而入

Break out(战争,火灾)突然爆发Break off 打断,折断

96.more A than B 与其说B不如说AMore than +n.不仅仅,不只是+num.=over多于,超过+adj./v.=very非常No more than+n./num.仅仅反义词 no less than 多达No more„than 和„一样不Not moer than 至多,不超过反义词 not less than 至少Not more„than 不比„更„







could/would/might do,一般不用should.98.would rather do„than do„Would do„rather than do„ 99.It is(high/about)time that + should do 或+过去式 100.表示“将来”:

be going to 个人主观计划,打算;有迹象表明要发生某事 will 无计划,纯粹的将来;说话时的临时决定

be to 客观安排,计划;条件句中表示“想要”

be about to 马上就要发生,与明确的表将来的时间状语连用

101.It is no use/good doing sthIt is useless doing sth

102.give up on sb 对某人不再抱希


103.appeal to sb to do 呼吁某人做Appeal for sth 呼吁某事 104.不定代词加but:

nothing but 仅仅,只不过Anything but 决不,根本不Something of a+n.算得上,堪称


Anything+like 完全像,全然,几

乎(用于否定句疑问句条件句)Something+like 类似,大约(肯



1丝毫不像=not at all like○

2绝对不=absolutely not○


better than

106.as it happens/happened令人惊奇的是;恰恰 107.not a bit 一点也不

Not a little 很,非常 108.or so 大约

Or else 否则

Or rather 确切地说 Other than 除了

Safe and sound 安然无恙

109.set off for sp.=set out to sp出发去某地

110.more than one„many a „

every„and(every)„each „and each„no„and no„





所以嘛,学英语不能懒(虽然我已经懒了很久了„),六个字单词语法句子,记单词记语法记句子,突然发现,其实一个字就可以搞定英语了,没错,还是它:记啊。Come on!声明:以上内容纯属虚构,仅供参考。



七年级英语笔记 第一课


1.聪明的smart=can always answer the teacher’s questions 2.高兴地cheerfull=always happy 3.勤勉的Hard-working=study hard 4.耐心的Patient =take time to help others 5.忘记Forget=didn’t remember 6.照顾Take care of =look after 7.保持不变Remain=still be 8.鼓励Encourage=give...a lot of hope 9.放弃Give up =stop trying to do someting 10.看起来像Look alike =look like each other 11.擅长Do well in =be good at 12.也As well=too 13.帮助某人做某事Help sb.do sth.=help sb.With sth.二.第一课重点词组搭配及用法:

1.跟某人谈论某事talk to sb.About sth.2.花费时间做某事take time to do sth.3.照顾Take care of 4.除、、、之外,也As well 5.讲笑话Tell jokes 6.使某人大笑Make sb.Laugh 7.擅长Be good at 8.充满Be full of 9.对某人要求严格Be strict about sth.10.给某人支持Give sb.Support 11.放弃Give up 12.与某人交朋友Make friends with sb 13.成功=be successful


句型:1.What do you think of Alice? 2.What doesdid he she look like? 3.What does did heshe do? 4.Why not plan a special Mother’s Day for her? 句子:5.Listen to a girl talking to her grandma about their relatives.听一位女孩跟她的奶奶谈论她们的亲戚。

6.she takes time to help her child.她花时间帮助她的孩子。

7.My grandma was a short woman with grey hair.我的奶奶是个身材矮小,头发花白的妇女。

8.She died two years ago and I miss her very much.她两年前去世了,我非常想念她。9.She often tells me jokes to make me laugh,but she never makes fun of others.她经常给我讲笑话使我笑,但是她从不取笑别人。10.She is good at Maths.她擅长数学。11.Never give up and you’ll be successful.永不放弃,你就会成功。12.Keep trying to do something.一直努力去做某事。

13.What do you think of Joyce,Alice?爱丽丝,你觉得乔伊思怎样?

14.It was about saving the Earth from aliens.它是关于抵御外星人,拯救地球的。15.The man in the black coat is our English teacher.那个穿黑色外套的男人是我们的英语老师。

16.The factory near my home is very noisy.我家附近的那家工厂噪音很大。

17.Oh dear!I fear I didn’t hear your idea clearly.噢,亲爱的!我担心我没有听清楚你的意见。

18.What does did heshe look like?她、他长什么样子? 19.What doesdid he she do ?她、他是做什么的?

20.Sometimes he has to work all day and all night, but he still finds time to help me with my studies.有时他必须夜以继日地工作,但他仍然抽时间来帮助我学习。


1.冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词两种,本单元重点学习定冠词the的用法。巧学妙记:特指双方熟悉,上文已经提起。世界上独一无二,方位名词乐器。某些专有名词,还有复数姓氏。序数词最高级,习惯用词要牢记。2.复习乐器前有the;球类词没有the: 背:play the guitarthe pianothe violin;play basketballfootballtabe tennisvolleyball.3.With和;具有;带有;用法;背:戴眼镜with glasses:穿黑色外套in the black coat;穿紫色套装in the purple suit;穿黄色短裙in the yellow skirt;穿红色长裙in the red dress;短头发with short hair;黑色短发with short,black hair;黑色长直发with long ,straight hair;在家附近near my home


六、第一课文化知识 1.关于母亲节相关知识:

时间Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May every year.可以做的事情:

2.关于中文名字和英文名字的区别; 例如



1.France法国-French法语 2.作为、、、而出名Be famous as =be known as 3.在岸上on the coast=close to 4.好的,优秀的excellent= very good 5.商店store=shop 6.为什么不why not=why don’t you 7.更喜欢prefer、、、to=like、、、more than others 8.喜欢滑雪enjoy skiing=love playing moving over snow

二、词组 1.环游世界travel around the world 2.西欧Western Europe 3.法国的首都 the capital of France 4.名胜古迹places of interest 5.以、、、而闻名be famous for 6.在海滨on the coast 7.更喜欢prefer to 8.与、、、不同be different from 9.去购物go shopping 10.例如for example 11.在中心in the centre 12.暑假summer holiday 13.在冬天in winter 14.参观巴黎visit Paris 15.在日记里in the diary


1.喜欢数学和英语,但是不喜欢科学。I like Maths and English very much, but I don’t like science.2.我将来想当老师,因此我在学校努力学习。I want to be a teacher in the future,so I’m studying hard at school.四、重点句子

1.我能跳得比埃菲尔铁塔高。I can jump higher than the Eiffel Tower.2.些街道中哪一条是巴黎最著名的街道?Which of these is the most famous street in Paris ? 3.法国以哪种饮料最出名?Which drink is France most famous for ? 4.在这里你会发现许多如埃菲尔铁塔这样的名胜。Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower ? 5.如果你想参观一些商店和百货商店,这就是要去的地方。

This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores.6.靠近大海close to the sea 7.它与在欧洲的建筑非常不同。It is very different from the buildings in Europe.8.在法国中部有许多葡萄园,农民们种植葡萄来酿造优良的法国葡萄酒。There are many vineyards in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make execellent French wine.9.海边的一个法国小镇是度暑假的完美地方,但是,如果你更喜欢在冬天游览法国,你可以尝试在法属阿尔卑斯山脉滑雪。A France town by the sea is the prefect place for a summer holiday ,but if you prefer to visit France in winter,you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps.10.为了到达塔顶,你可以、、、To get to the top of the tower ,you can、、、。

11.我对泰国文化感兴趣,并且我喜欢泰国食物。I’m interested in Thai culture,and I love Thai food.12.我在北京玩得很高兴,并计划在明天春节期间再次游览北京。I had a wonderful time in Beijing and I plan to visit it again during the Spring Festival next year.13.我们养兔子和猫作为宠物。We have cats and rabbits as pets.14.我们昨天乘飞机到达这里。We arrived here yesterday by plane.15.比萨斜塔是意大利最漂亮的钟塔之一。The Tower of Paris is one of the most beautiful bell towers in Italy.16.它不但漂亮,而且奇怪----它向一边倾斜。It is not only beautiful,but also strange---it leans to one side.17.花费了将近200年的时间才完工。It took nearly 200 years to complete.18.建这座塔花费了多少年的时间。How many years did it take to build the tower ? 19.1990年,由于安全原因,它对公众关闭。In 1990,it was closed to the public for safety rasons.五、单元语法 1.连词and butso的用法 2.名词大写情况 六.单元音标 七.单元文化知识

1.背包客Backpacking is a popular style of tralling.2.世界上一些国家的首都和最大的城市。

澳大利亚Australia--Canberra培拉--悉尼sydney 法国France--Paris巴黎--泰国Thailand 英国The UK 美国The US 八.单元作文

明信片A postcard----地址---内容---格式 第三课笔记


1.睡觉fall asleep=go to sleep 2.Not、、、go anywhere=go nowwhere 3.Next to =beside 4.We are both =both of them 5.A rescue story =a story about rescue 6.Have dinner=have supper 7.On the morning of the second day= in the morning on the second day 8.Be blind =can’t see 9.By myself=without other’s help 10.Apologize=say“sorry” 11.Finally=at last 12.Wake up=stopping sleeping


1、到达arrive at

2、独自by oneself

3、带着某人到lead sb.to 4.入睡fall asleep 5.醒来wake up 6.在某人的帮助下with one’s help 7.蹲下get down 8.在、、、旁边next to 9.消防车fire engine 10.向某人道歉apologize 11.照顾look after 12.在、、、的底部at the bottom of 13.导盲犬guide dog 14.与、、、匹配match、、、with 15.在故事里in the story 16.允许某人做某事allow sb.to do 17.一段时间后some time later 18.开始做某事start to do sth.19.进来come in 20.在门下under the door


1.What do you think the word”eyes”means in the story? 2.Then I saw something moving to towards me.3.As soon as I stepped onto the beach ,the dolpin swam away.四、重点句子

1.谈论一种有帮助的动物。Talk about a helpful animal.2.你认为在这个故事中“eyes”这个单词是什么意思? 3.他很快就睡着了。He soon fell asleep.4.约翰不肯抛下自己的“眼睛”离开。John would not go without “eyes”.5.最后,消防员也把查利带出了哪座楼,他们两个都安全了。Finally,the firemen got Charlie out of the building too and they were both safe.6.欢迎你入住,可是很抱歉,我们不允许宠物入住。You’re welcome to stay,but I’m sorry that we don’t allow pets here.7.你最好照顾它,否则你将不再被允许进入公园。You’d better look after him or you won’t be allowed in the park again.8.他们应该为他们自己感到骄傲。They should feel proud of themselves.9.我的床在书桌的另一边。My bed is on the other side of the desk.10.我的朋友布莱恩给他的兄弟带来了一副眼镜和一些彩色蜡笔。My friend brought his brother a pair of glasses and some crayons.11.然后我看见什么东西正在向我移动。Then I saw something moving towards me.12.我一踏上海滩,海豚就游走了。As soon as I stepped onto the beach,the dolphin swam away.13.我就会一直记得这个友好的动物是怎样救了我的命的。I will always remember how this friendly animal saved my life.五、单元语法 1.反身代词 2.方位介词









兴趣是最好的老师,它是对学生进行创新意识的前提。它不仅能推动学生学习,更能激发学生的创造力。比如我在教学《Hi,English》1A中 Lesson 27:Fruit一课时,运用多媒体技术设计了一系列的卡通动画:Fruit Kingdom(水果王国)举行了一次盛大的。瘦长的banana(香蕉)蹦蹦跳跳地唱着:“I’m the happy banana.”进入了会场;圆圆的watermelon(西瓜)小妹扎着小辫儿欢快地打着滚儿“I’m the fat watermelon.”这时,apple(苹果)小弟急急忙忙地赶了过来,大声喊着:“Banana, watermelon, wait me!”接着,orange, peach, pear, kiwi fruit, shaddock等许多水果都来了,可大家发现国王还没到,于是大家齐呼“F-R-U-I-T, Fruit!”国王出现了,大声说:“I’m Fruit!”国王四处看看,发现许多成员没到,便问:“Who’s not here?”此时,学生兴趣更浓了,说出了许多没出现的水果,还绘声绘色地说出了他们没来的原因。这样,激发了学生的兴趣,教学效果自然就好了。又如我在教学单词boy和girl时,用简笔画在黑板上画了一个小男孩和一个小女孩,一下子就吸引了学生。这样不但使学生对单词产生了深刻的印象,而且启发了学生用英语积极思维。




在英语教学中,教师如果注意对学生的发散性思维进行培养,给学生提供求异思维的机会,则学生对语言知识的灵活运用能力便会加强。在英语教学中激发学生求异思维可从单词和对话教学入手。如前面提到的Fruit教学中,让学生找出没到的水果及说出他们没来的原因就是求异思维的体现。又如教学单词ball时,我在黑板上画了一个圆,让学生猜是什么。学生大胆猜测着各种圆形的东西:apple, orange, kiwi fruit, duck, football, basketball, egg, cake…答案层出不穷,甚至出乎意料。我把他们的答案进行了归类,再把球的图画完成,教学单词ball。这样,学生理解了的含义,而且思维经历了由集中而发散,由发散再集中的过程,有效地促进了创新思维的发展。再如,教学对话“—Thank you very much!--It’s my pleasure.”我让学生运用这个句型分组编排情景小短剧。学生兴趣盎然,大胆创新,设置了水果、动物、卡通人物、自然景物等一系列有趣的角色,编排出借东西、旅游参观、购物、问路、看病等多种场景的幽默、活泼的情景剧。最有趣的是下面这组同学的表演:他们以Kitty猫和Snoopy狗这两个学生非常喜欢的卡通形象为主角设计了帮赶走小老鼠的故事。K: Hello, Snoopy!S: Hi, Kitty!How are you? K: I’m not well.A mouse is in my room.(She’s very afraid.)

S: Yes?(He’s coming into the room)

Woof-woof-woof…(The mouse is running out of the room.)K: Oh, thank you very much, Snoopy!S: It’s my please.情节幽默风趣,学生表演得也是惟妙惟肖,引来其他同学的哄堂大笑和阵阵掌声,他们不但练习了新学的句型,也巩固了以前的知识,还锻炼了创新能力。这种形式不但激发了学生创新热情,也巧妙地提高了学生的语言运用能力。


给学生提供一个开放空间(open space)是培养学生创新思维的舞台,是给学生展示自我、完善自我的机会。让学生灵活运用英语知识去解决生活中的实际问题及交流等实践活动,是培养学生创新能力的最有效途径。



在学校开办英语台,由学生担任各种职务,在课余时间搜集素材,在教师指导下训练口语,做出学生自己的英语节目,学生在自己的编排下,制作出了校园英语一百句的教学节目《Campus English Teaching》,并每周教唱一两首英文歌曲。另外,成立英语兴趣小组,学生轮流主持,以“给一个话题,让学生争议”、“创一个机会,让学生表达”、“设一个专栏,让学生交流”为主题,组织其他学生开展各种英语活动,并了解英语国家文化及中外文化的异同。如开辟英语角交流,进行英语小报的编辑,创设英语报廊,举行英语故事会、英语晚会、英语艺术节,编排英语童话剧等等。并借助学校完备的图书网络、语音实验室和多媒体教学设备,把英语活动开展得有声有色。








Unit 1 How can we become good


Section A

1.ask…for 请求,询问,向…要

eg He asked me politely for the book.ask sb(not)to do sth 叫某人(不)做某事 2.by prep.通过…靠…(后接Ving)eg She learns English by English magazines.3.conversation cn 交谈,会话(have conversations with sb)eg I’ll have a long conversation with her.4.aloud adv.出声地,大声地(常与read,think,cry,shout等连用,表示让人能听得见)

loud adj/adv 响亮的/地,大声的/地(指发音音量大或声音穿得远,做adv时常与speak,talk, laugh等连用)

loudly adv.大声地(表示声音高且喧闹、不悦耳或令人感到讨厌,常与knock,ring,crow连用)

eg Look at the sign---“No one is allowed to read aloud in the library.He makes loud noise.Someone knocked loudly at the door.5.practice v.练习,操练(practice doing sth)practice un 实践,练习,锻炼 eg He practices playing football.Practice makes perfect.6.too+adj/adv原形+to+V原形


=not+adj/adv原形+enough+to+V原形 eg He is too young to go to school.=He is so young that he can’t go to school.=He isn’t old enough to go to school.7.spoken English 英语口语

eg His spoken English is not so good as his written English.8.quickly adv.快地,迅速地(指具体的动作迅速敏捷,也指思维反应快)

fast adj/adv 快的/地

(指物体或人的运动速度快,也指说话快)soon adv 快速地(指动作完成或离现在的时间间隔短)eg Come quickly,something terrible has happened.She drives very fast.My father will leave for Beijing soon.9.word by word 逐字地

day by day 日复一日 one by one 逐个

10.patient adj 有耐心的,耐烦的(be patient with/to…对…有耐心)

n 病人

eg We all like Mr.Smith.He is very patient with us.The nurse is looking after the patient.11.not…everything 表示部分否定,could not understand everything “并非每件事都能理解”

当every,all,always等表示整体意义的词与not连用时,表示部分否定 eg I didn’t find everyone on the playground.Not all balls are round in the USA.12.secret cn 秘密,机密(keep a secret保密;in secret秘密地)

adj 秘密的,隐秘的

eg Exercising every day is the secret of health.It’s a secret passage.13.look up(在字典或资料中)查找;向上看,仰视

eg I’ve forgotten the number,you should look it up again.They looked up,and found many locusts.14.repeat =do or say…again 15.take a note/take notes 记笔记

16.memorize v 记忆,记住(指有意识地用心地去记,强调主观的动作过程memory n remember v 记得(指某件事或印象在记忆里,一般不需要有意识地去记忆便可以想起)

eg She tried to memorize every event.She remembered event that happened in these years.17.be afraid of doing sth 担心而害怕做某事

be afraid to do sth 怕而不敢做某事

eg The girl was afraid to go across the bridge,for she was afraid of falling down from it.Section B

1.increase to 增到,增加到(后+总数)

eg The population of this city has increased to 3,000,000by now.increase by 以…的幅度增加,增加了…

eg The population of this factory increased by 10 percent last year.2.at the speed of 以…速度

at top/full/high speed 高速,全速

eg Your taxi traveled at the speed of 80 miles an hour.It’s dangerous to turn round the corner at high speed.3.be born 出身于

be born with 天生具有…

be born to do sth 天生能做某事 eg He was born in a small village.Her cousin brother was born with a mole(胎记)on the shoulder.Man was born to cry,so it’s with other animals.4.have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事

eg Jenny is the first person for the job,she has the ability to communicate.5.take an interest in=be interested in 对…感兴趣

lose interest in 对…失去兴趣

eg She seems to take an interest in discussing the trip.He has lost interest in fishing.6.create v 创造,创建,创作

creative adj 创造性的,有创意的 creation n 创造,创建

7.It’s +adj +for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是……

It’s +adj +of sb to do sth(adj是表示情感,特征的词:kind ,nice ,good ,silly ,wrong ,wise等)eg It’s hard for you to finish it.It’s kind of you to say so.8.pay attention to 注意…留心…(to是介词,后接n/pron/Ving)

eg Your spoken English is a little poor.Please pay attention to it.As you see,Sam didn’t pay much attention to watching TV.9.connect…with…把…和…连接起来


eg First,the light is connected to a switch.Don’t connect the matter with what happened last week.10.even if =even though即使,纵然

eg I wouldn’t give up even if I should fail a second time.I can still remember even though it happened so long ago.11.unless=if…not…如果不,除非

eg You’ll be late unless you hurry.=You’ll be late if you don’t hurry.Unit 2 I think mooncakes are delicious!

Section A

1.a little too 太……一点

eg Kevin was a little too young to dress himself.2.put on 增加(体重)发胖




eg Last month,Joan put on some weight.Mr.Weevers put on his hat and hurried out.3.pound cn 重量单位“磅”


eg two pounds of milk

After the Sichuan earthquake,the British government gave away1,000,000 pounds.4.shoot down 击落,击毁

eg An US UAV was shot down in Iran last year.5.try to do sth 尽力做某事(但不一定成功)

.try doing sth 尝试做某事

eg She tried to climb onto the bank(河岸),but failed.You always travel by train,why not try taking a bus for a change? 6.steal 偷,窃取(stole stolen)

.steal sth from 从……偷某物

eg The child stole a book from the shelf..have sth stolen 某物被偷

eg She had her purse(钱包)stolen.7.so……that……如此……以至于……





eg He is so young that he can’t go to school.He made so many mistakes that he failed the exam..such……that……如此……以至于……





eg He is such a good student that we all believe him.It was such bad weather that we had to stay at home.8.lay v 平放,放置(lay out 摆开,布置)


eg Mrs,Turner laid out the flowerpots in her garden.How strange it is to see the hen lay two eggs a day!lie----lying----lay----lain 躺,位于

lie----lying----lied----lied 撒谎


9.admire vt 欣赏,观赏(admire sth 欣赏某物)

Vt 钦佩,羡慕(admire……for……因……而钦佩……)

eg Standing on the top of the mountain,you can admire the beauty of the whole city.We admire Ann for her courage.10.tie cn 领带

(a shirt and tie)



eg It’s formal(正式)to wear a shirt and tie if you go to a party.Please tie your dog to the tree.11.感叹句的种类


(1)How+adj+主语+谓语!(2)How+adv+主语+谓语!(3)How+adj+a/an+单数名词+主语+谓语!(4)How+主语+谓语!eg How blue the sky is!

How well she danced that day!

How interesting a book it is!

How time flies!


(1)What+a/an+单数名词+主语+谓语!(2)What +不可数名词+主语+谓语!(3)What+复数名词+主语+谓语!

(4)What+a/an+adj+单数名词+主语+谓语!(5)What+adj+不可数名词+主语+谓语!(6)What+adj+复数名词+主语+谓语!eg What a horse it is!

What fun it was!

What colors they are!

What a nice girl she is!

What fine weather it was last week!

What silly questions they are.Section B

1.trick cn 恶作剧,闹剧

(play a trick on sb 捉弄某人)eg The kids played tricks on Harvey when he was young.2.treat cn 招待,款待



eg It’s my treat.Don’t treat his words as a joke.3.dress up as+sb 装扮成某人

dress up in+服装或颜色


eg The kids are dressing up as pirates(海盗)Father Christmas often dresses up in red.4.mean adj 小气的,吝啬的,自私的(be mean with…对…吝啬)

v 意味着,意欲

mean doing sth 意味着做某事

mean to do sth 打算做某事

not mean to do sth 不是有意做某事

eg Mr.Marley was mean with almost everything.That would mean wasting a lot of labor.Really?I don’t mean to waste any labor.I don’t mean to be late ,sir.5.business un 商业,生意

.un 职责,事务,事(on business 出差)

.cn 商铺,商店

eg Sometimes,business English is hard to learn.Mr.Wang has gone to Hainan Island on business.She has a business in Paris.5.punish sb for(doing)sth 因为(做)某事而处罚某人

eg He was punished for breaking the school rules.6.warn sb of sth 警告某人某事

warn sb(not)to do sth 警告某人(不)做某事 warn sb +that从句

eg We’ve warned the kids of the risk of electricity.We’ve been warned not to go out these days.I warned her that snakes are dangerous.7.end up doing sth 最终成为…结果为…

eg I didn’t like it at first,but we ended up cheering.end up with 以…告终

eg Their game ended up with a quarrel.7.present un 现在,目前(at present)

.cn 礼物赠品

.adj 现在的,目前的

.出席的,到场的eg At present,everything goes well.My uncle sent me an iPad as a birthday present.What do you think of your present company,David?

The present guests were all in high spirit.8.spread v/n 传播,蔓延

eg The fire spread in a short time.China has successfully controlled the spread of bird flu.(禽流感)

9.hiding n 躲藏,隐藏处(in hiding 躲藏着;go into hiding 躲起来)eg Tom and his sister went into hiding when they heard the sound of their mother’s footsteps.10.hunt n 搜索,搜寻(hunt for)eg The hunt for the sunk ship(沉船)continue

11.not only…but also…不但…而且…(连接两个相对称的并列成分,若连接两个主语时要实行就近原则)eg Not only Mr.lin bt also his son loves the movies.Unit 3 Could you please tell me where

the restrooms are?

Section A

1.information un 消息(表示通过打听、学习、观察等方式获得的资料)

.news un 新闻,消息(指人们感兴趣的或近来发生的事情,尤指通过广播、电视、报纸等事情)

.message cn 消息,口信(指口头或书信传递给他人的消息)eg We need some information.He often sends me short messages.We listen to the news on the radio.2.Could you please+V原形…….? 请你…….好吗?

.Could you please not+V原形……? 请你不要……好吗?

(其回答中不能用could,只能用can.即Yes,I can.或No/Sorry,I can’t eg Could you please be here a little earlier? Sorry,I can’t.3.beside prep 在旁边,在附近=next to/close to besides prep 除…之外还…

eg A girl is standing beside the tree.Dis anyone else come besides Jack? 4.get sb sth=get sth for sb(get是“买到,弄到,得到”之意)eg Who’d like to get some chalk for me?

=Who’d like to get me some chalk? 5.pardon v 原谅(主要用于没听清对方说话时,恳请对方再说一遍)

.excuse me 打扰一下(主要用于吸引别人的注意,有麻烦或打扰之意所做之事可能会使别人不愉快或不方便,诸如插话、失陪、提出请求、纹路等)eg Can I ask you some questions? Pardon? Excuse me,can you tell me where the bank is? 6.need v 需要(实义动词)

need to do sth 需要去做某事 need doing sth 需要被做某事 eg Harold needed to bring drinks.Potatoes need cooking a little longer.7.suggest v 使人想到,使人联想,提议,建议

suggest sth(to sb)=suggest(to sb)(向某人)提议/建议… suggest doing sth 提议/建议做某事

suggest +that从句(虚拟语气,其谓语用should+动词原形,should常被省略)eg What did you suggest to the manager? I suggested going home at once.I suggest(that)we go out to eat.8.psaa by 经过,路过,从…旁边经过

.go by 流逝,过去

eg He passed by without greeting me.Time goes by.8.宾语从句(2)类型

① 连词that引导的宾语从句由陈述句转化而来,that无意义,that可省略 eg I think(that)she’ll be back soon.He didn’t know(that)his brother was also there.that在下列情况中不宜省略


eg She said here,in her letter,that she was getting on well with her studies.出现两个或以上的宾语从句,此时只有第一个that可以省略,其余的不能省略

eg Danny told me(that)he would go to Canada and that he had been there once.② 连词代词who,whom,what,which,whose和when, where,why,how等引导的宾语从句由特殊疑问句转化而来,这些连接代词或连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分,因此不能省略。

eg I want to know when he will come.I don’t know how many people have been to Tibet.Can you tell me how I can get to the train station? I wondered who would teach us English.③ 连词if或whether引导的宾语从句由一般疑问句转化而来,一般情况下这两个词可以互换,它们的意思为“是否”

eg She asked us if we would visit the West Farm.Please tell me whether it’ll rain or not tomorrow.下列情况中只能用whether


eg It depends on whether he’ll ready tomorrow.在“whether or not”结构中

eg I asked him whether or not he would go on a picnic.位于句首的宾语从句

eg Whether he’s alive,they’re not sure.在discuss后的宾语从句

eg They’re discussing whether they’ll go there.与动词不定式连用

eg I don’t know whether to visit her.(3)宾语从句的语序


① 疑问句转化为宾语从句时,一定要将疑问句语序转变为陈述句语序 eg Can you tell me where he lives? ② 疑问词本身作主语或修饰主语,因为该句子本来就是陈述句语序,变为宾语从句时,语序保持不变

eg Do you know who is going to speak at the meeting?(4)宾语从句的时态


① 主句是现在时态,从句的时态不受限制,可依实际情况选用所需的时态。eg I hope we’ll have a happy year together.He tells me how it happened in the 1950s.② 主句是过去时态,从句的时态一般选用过去某一时态 eg John said he was watching a movie at that time.Did he tell you he had read that story? ③ 从句是客观真理,或是一种自然现象、科学原理、谚语、格言等,或是经常性的动作等,其时态用一般现在时

eg She said that east or west, home is best.Didn’t he tll you that the Venus is almost as big as our earth?(5)宾语从句与动词不定式的转换

① 主句的主语与从句的主语同指一人或物时 eg I know what I’ll do with the old bike.=I know what to do with the old bike.② 主句含双宾语,指人的宾语与宾语从句中的主语同指一人时 eg You didn’t tell me where I could find her.=You didn’t tell me where to find her.Section B

1.convenient adj 便利的,方便的(一般不以人作主语)常用It’s convenient(for sb)to do sth

eg I live just next to the supermarket, so it’s convenient to go shopping.It’s convenient for me to go there by bus 2.ask about sth 询问(打听)某事

ask sb for help 向某人求助 eg Did you ask about pets? Ask Mr.Li for help if you have any difficulty.3.request n 要求,请求(make a request/at one’s request 应…要求)

v 要求,请求

request sb to do sth 要求/请求某人做某事

request sth(from sb)(向某人)要求某物


eg When you need something in a formal party,do you know how to make a request.I request her to go alone.She requested permissionto film(拍摄)at the White House.I request that she(should)go alone.4.whom 谁,什么人(是who的宾格形式,只能作宾语,一般可以用who代替,当介词后的whom不能被who代替)

eg Do you know who/whom Mr.Black is talking to?

With whom will I practice the convation? 4.be polite to 对…礼貌(反义词组:be impolite to)

eg You should be polite to the elderly.Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A

1.humorous adj 有幽默感的,滑稽有趣的

humour n 幽默(sense of humour 幽默感)eg We all like Mr.Steen’s class because of his humorous behavior.Keep the sense of humour,and just laugh at your mistakes.2.from time to time 有时=sometimes/at times eg Mr.Xu swam in the river nearby from time to time./at times.3.It has been +时间+since +从句


eg It’s been nearby 10 years since we parted in the West Point.4.Asian adj 亚洲的,亚洲人的 cn 亚洲人

European adj 欧洲的,欧洲人的cn 欧洲人


adj 非洲的,非洲人的cn 非洲人

eg Singapore is one of the richest Asian countries.Asians are different from Europeans in skin and eyes.During the trip, we met some Africans.5.deal with 处理,应付(常与how连用,侧重于解决问题,强调处理问题的方法)

deal n 交易

(eg This is a good deal)do with 处理(常与what连用,侧重于对某物的利用)eg What have you done with the eggs? Have you found how to deal with the problem? 6.dare to do sth 敢做某事

eg Would you dare to ride an elephant? 7.not……anymore=no more 不再

eg The baby didn’t cry anymore.=The baby cried no more.8.be prepared to do sth 愿意做某事

be prepared for sth 准备某事

eg Are you prepared to help him out? A large camera was prepared for the party.9.a(large/big/small…)number of +复数名词+谓语动词复数

the number of +复数名词+谓语动词单数

eg A number of students in their class are from the countryside.The number of students in our school is over 2000.9.make it 办成功,做到,赶到

eg We’ll make it if you hurry.10.dark n 黑暗,无光

adj 暗的,深色的

eg All the lights went out,and we were left in the dark.It is getting dark,let’s hurry.11.alone adj 单独的,独自的

adv 单独地,独自地(=by oneself)

lonely adj 孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的,荒凉的eg The old man lives alone,but he never feels lonely.The old man came from a lonely village.12.speech n 讲话,发言,演讲

make a speech on…做关于…的演讲 give a speech 讲演,讲话

eg People still remember the speech Martain Luther King gave.13.in public 在公众场合,当众,公开=in public place eg It’s rude to spit in public.14.be good at 擅长…..(长期情况下一直很好)be good in 在……表现出色(不一定在长期情况下一直很好)eg Alex is good at languages.Alex擅长语言。

It has been proved to be good in practice result.实践效果良好。

15.get good scores in+科目

get good scores+考试/测试

16.used to 的肯定句:主语 +used to do sth

否定句:主语 +didn’t use(used not/usedn’t)to do sth

一般疑问句:Did +主语+use to do sth?


特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+did+主语+use to do sth?

Section B

1.one(两个中的)一个……the other另一个

one(三者或以上中的)一个……another另一个 …some一些……others另一些(并非全部)…some一些……the others其余的全部

eg He has two sons.One is working in Urumqi,and the other is in Germany.Would you like another cup of tea? Young people may grow quickly in some ways and slowly in others.Some are reading,others are doing their homework.2.influence vt.影响,起作用(influence sb to do sth)

n 影响,作用(have an influence on 对……有影响

with the influence of 在……影响下)

eg LuXun’s works influenced morden Chinese literature.His frequent absence has a bad influence on other students,so I suggest a conversation with his parents.It poured with the influence of the typhoon..3.seldom adv.很少,不常(反义词:often)

eg Jenny’s parents seldom collect her at school.4.cause v 引起……,导致,使发生,(给…)带来,事遭遇

cause sth to/for sb 给某人带来某事 cause sb to do sth 引起某人做事

eg His son used to cause a lot of trouble for his family.The drought caused the plants to die.5.be absent from 缺席

eg Liu Xiang was absent from many important events because his foot was hurt.6.fail to do sth 未能做……

not fail to do sth 从来不会忘记做…… eg Alison failed to finish working.Though she was hurrying,she didn’t fail to say “sorry”th the old man.7.make the decision to do sth=decide to do sth 决定做某事

eg He made a decision to study in England.8.advise doing sth 建议做某事

advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 advise sb on sth 建议某人某事 eg He advised learning early.I strongly advise you to take a plane.They often advises us on our work.9.in person 亲自地,亲身地

eg You’d better experience water slides in person.10.be there for sb 随时乐于帮助(他人),随叫随到

eg When I have trouble with something,Mun is always there for me.11.take pride in 对……感到自豪

=be proud of 以……为骄傲

eg They take great pride in their daughter.Mr.Jameson was usually pround of his new car.12.remain 一直保持,仍然处于某种状态(后+adj/n/Ving)

eg He remained silent all the time.This still remains a serious problem.She remains working at night.Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

Section A

1.be made of 由……制成(看得出原材料)

be made from 由……制成(看不出原材料)eg Tables and chairs are made of wood/ Paper is made from wood.be made in 某物生产于某地 be made by 某物由某人制造 eg Is this watch made in China?

These kites were made by my grandpa.2.be known for=be famous for 以/因……闻名

be known as=be famous as 作为……出名 be known to 对……来说有名/为人所熟悉的 eg Li Yundi is known for his piano skills.Li Yundi is known as a pianist.He is known to the policeman because of his criminal record.3.by hand 通过人工或手工

in hand 现有,在手头,在手中 eg be fed by hand Roses given,fragrance in hand.4.pack v 打包,装箱

pack sb sth 为某人打包某物 pack up sth 打包某物

eg Mum is packing her kid fast food.Have you packed up all the things needed? 5.no matter 不论,不管(常与特殊疑问词连用,构成让步状语从句)

no matter what=whatever 无论什么 no matter who=whoever 不管谁 no matter where=wherever 无论哪里 no matter how=however 无论怎样 6.product cn 产品,制品

product of ……出品

eg It is the product of Hongjinlong Cigarette Corporation.7.avoid vt 避免,回避

avoid doing sth 避免做某事

eg The traveler took a compass(指南针)with him to avoid taking wrong ways in the forest.8.experience cn 感受,经历

un 阅历,经验(后接in 或 of 表示某方面有经验)

vt 体验,有……经验

eg The car accident was a terrible experience to him.She is a teacher with more than 20 years’ experience in teaching.Have you experienced real hunger? 9. traffic un 车辆,交通(heavy traffic 拥挤的交通)


Heavy traffic is a common problem in big cities.9.accident cn 事故,意外事件(car/traffic accident 交通事故,车祸)

cn 意外(by accident 偶然,意外地)

eg Poor David was killed in a car accident.Grandma fell downstairs by accident.10.sometimes 有时

some times 几次,几倍 sometime 某时

some time 一段时间

11.allow to do sth 允许做某事

allow sb(not)to do sth(不)允许某人做某事 be(not)allowed to do sth(不)被允许做某事 eg She allows me to come in.I am allowed to come in by her.Section B

1.paint v(用颜料)画,绘画;(用油漆)刷

n 油漆,涂料,颜料

eg He likes painting picyures.Wear old clothes when you are painting.The door will need two more coats of paint.2.form cn 形式,类型

in the form of 以……形式出现

eg The road to the village is in the form of a big “S”.3.send out 送出,发出,放出

eg It’s important to send out messages in time.4.in trouble 有麻烦,处于困难之中

eg Help him or her when someone is in trouble.5.be covered with 被…覆盖,长满…,开满…

eg The tree is covered with flowers now.He covered his knees with his coat.6.light vt 点燃,照亮


cn 灯,交通灯

un 光,光线

adj 轻的,浅色的,轻柔的,少量的eg A thunder(雷电)lit the forest.Turn on the light,please.Don’t read in too strong or too poor light.The box was light,you can carry it.7.scissors n 剪刀(常用复数形式)

a pair of scissors 一把剪刀

eg In that case,the scissors are more convenient.A pair of scissors is lying on the floor.8.fire v 焙,烘制/开火,开枪/解雇,解聘

n 火,炉火

eg It’ll be more delicious to fire potatoes,I suppose.He fired(his gun)at the animal.Tony was fired because of frequent absence(旷工).Make a fire

9.research un 研究,调查

research on/in/into/for……“……的研究”

eg She’s doing some research on students’daily life.Unit 6 When was it invented?

Section A

1.used to+V原形


be used to+Ving 习惯于,适应于

be used to+V原形=be used for+Ving 被用于… be used as+n名词

被用于… be used by+sb/sth 被……使用 eg I used to have short hair.I am used to drinking milk every morning.The machine is used to cut things =the machine is used for cutting things.English is used as a foreign language in China.The car is used by my uncle.2.pleasure un 愉快,高兴

cn 快乐的事

My pleasure./With pleasure.愿意,乐意

It’s a pleasure.=A pleasure.=My pleasure.不客气 3.by accident=by chance 偶然地

by accident of 靠……的运气

eg Columbus discovered America by accident.By accident of birth,he was rich.4.fall into=drop into 落入,陷入

eg The boy didn’t notice the pooland fell into it.5.smell v 闻起来,发出……的气味

n 气味

eg The flowers and grass in spring smell nice and pleasant.Some flowers have strong smells.6.taste v 品尝,尝起来

n 味觉

eg The fish tastes delicious.Her taste is keen.7.It’s believed that……人们相信……

It’s said that……据说……

It’s reported that……据报道…… It’s known that……众所周知…… 8.in+the+序数词+century 在……世纪

the 1840s=the 1840’s 19世纪40年代

eg The computer was invented in the twentieth century.9.until 直到……为止


eg He worked until 9 o’clock.他一直工作到9点。

He didn’t work until 9 o’clock.他九点才工作。

10.without doubt 毫无疑问,确实

no doubt 无疑地,很可能

eg China is without doubt one of the countries who own aircraft carriers.There’s no doubt that she’ll fly back to the USA.11.at a low price 价格的高低要用high/low,要用介词at the price of…


eg The price of the shoes is so high that I can’t afford them.12.translate……into……把…翻译成…

LuXun’s works were translated into many different languages.13.被动语态


肯定句/陈述句:主语+am/is/are+Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb).否定句:主语+am/is/are+not+Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb).一般疑问句:am/is/are+主语+Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb)? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ am/is/are+主语+Ved(过去分词)+其他? 过去时的被动语态:

肯定句/陈述句:主语+was/were+Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb).否定句:主语+was/were+not+Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb).一般疑问句:was/were+主语+Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb)? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ was/were+主语+Ved(过去分词)+其他? 情态动词的被动语态:

肯定句/陈述句:主语+情态动词+be+Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb).否定句:主语+情态动词+not+be +Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb).一般疑问句:情态动词+主语+be+Ved(过去分词)+其他+(by sb)? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+情态动词+主语+be +Ved(过去分词)+其他? 注意:


1).系动词无被动语态:以主动形式表示被动之意。常见的系动词有: be动词, look, seem, appear, feel, sound, smell, taste等

eg It smells terrible.2).下列动词(词组)没有被动式: happen, take place, break out, belong to, cost, take

An accident happened yesterday.3).不及物动词sell, wash, read, write, open, close, shut, lock, wear等,常用主动形式表示被动意义。

eg This book sells well.这本书畅销。

The kind of cloth washes well.这种布很容易洗。


eg I got dressed as quickly as l could.我尽快穿上衣服。

这样结构比较常见的搭配有:get arrested, get caught, get dressed, get drowned, get drunk, get lost, get married等。

Section B

1.fun un 有趣的活动或经历,乐趣

(good/great fun 很有趣,很愉快

have fun(in)doing sth=have fun with sth 做某事有趣)

adj 有趣的

funny adj 滑稽的,可笑的eg The Smiths are great fun.Did you have fun working with Brain,Jean?

Your son has a funny book.He is a fun person to be here.2.divide……into……把…分成…

eg Teachers usually divide their class into four groups.3.stop sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某人做某事/某事发生

stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 can’t stop doing sth 忍不住做某事

eg We must stop the ship from going down.Please stop smoking.I am tired.Let’s stop to have a rest.I couldn’t stop laughing when I heard this.4.get…into…使…进入或陷入…中

eg How can you get the insects into the tower? 4.not only……but also……不但…而且…

(连接两个主语时,谓语动词要与第二个主语保持一致)eg He not only named the rock,but also knew where it came from.Not only you but also he has been there before.5.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

eg The teacher always encourages us to work hard.6.come up with 想出,提出

eg He came up with a new idea for increasing sales.Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A

1.smoke v 吸烟,冒烟

un 烟

eg Hey,guy!You mustn’t smoke here at the gas station.It’s dangerous.Don’t you believe that there is no smoke without fire.(无风不起浪)2.sixteen-year-old 既可以做adj“16岁的”,也可以做n“16岁的孩子”

eg My pen pal is a sixteen-year-old boy.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes.3.get ears pierced 穿耳洞


“叫/让/请别人做某事” eg I’ll have to get my broken bike repaired.4.choose sb sth=choose sth for sb 为某人选某物

choose sb to do sth 推选某人做某事 choose+wh-从句

eg I’m choosing a pair of shoes for my mother.I’d like to choose Mary to go there with me.Our teacher will let us choose where we should have our picnic.5.否定转移的五个常用词:suppose猜想;imagine想象;believe相信;think认为;expect期待。这几个词否定主句的谓语动词,而从句用肯定 eg I don’t think he will come.I don’t suppose he has paid yet.I didn’t expect that you would come.6.wear v 穿着,戴着

eg He often wears a sweater.He should stop wearing that silly earring.6.give sb a hug=hug sb 拥抱某人

eg Dad gave me a hug when he heard that I had won the first prize.=Dad hugged me when he heard that I had won the first prize.(hug---hugged---hugged---hugging)7.lift vt 举起,抬高(lift up)

n 电梯

eg The box is so heavy that I can’t lift it up.Take the lift to the ninth floor.8.talk back/shout back 回嘴,顶嘴

eg It’s impolite to talk back to your parents.9.regret doing sth 后悔做过某事(V)(regret—regretted—regretted—regretting)regret(not)doing sth 后悔没做过某事 regret to do sth 对要做的事遗憾(未做)to one’s regret 我感到遗憾的是(n)

eg He regretted spending so much on a car like that.I regret to have to do this,but I have no choice.Much to my regret,I’m unable to attend your wedding party.10.keep……(away)from……远离……

eg We must keep ourselves away from drugs.11.chance cn 机会,机遇

take the chance 抓住机会 miss a chance 错过机会

have a chance to do sth 有机会做某事

by chance=by accident 偶然地,无意之中地

eg You must take the chance to learn a lot when you’re young.The 30th Olympics will be held in London this summer.How I wish to have a chance to watch the games.I met Jim by chance yesterday.12.educate sb(not)to do sth 教育某人做某事

educate sb about sth 教育某人关于某事

eg The teacher educates the students not to swim in the river alone.12.manage vt 完成,应付,管理

manager n 经理

eg David managed to pass the driving test.His father is a manager.Section B

1.get in the way of 挡道,妨碍

eg Don’t play computer gamesso much.It will get in the way of your studies.2.against prep 反对,迎着,顶着,与….对比,紧靠,以…为背景

eg I’m against doing anything until the police arrive here.3.enter vt 进来,进去=come or go into(enter不与into连用)eg He entered the sitting room quietly.4.make a choice 做选择

eg You have to make the choice of where to spend the vacation,Jeff.5.Only then will I have a chance to chieve my dream.这是一个倒装句,助动词will置于主语I前面。

Only+状语+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语+其他 eg Only tomorrow will we visit the museum.Only in the park did we see this kind of flower.6.be strict with sb 对某人要求严格

be stricy in sth 对某事要求严格 eg Is your mother strict with you? He is always strict in his work.7.be serious about sth/doing sth 对(做)某事认真

eg He was serious about the matter.I was serious about thinking about this problem.8.end up with 以什么结束

end up as 作为什么的结束 end up in 结束于什么

end up for 因为什么而结束

eg The meeting ended up with a song.(a song是主语The meeting 的一部分,即歌曲之后整个会议结束).Their effort ended up in failure(failure是主语Their effort 的结果).He ended up as head of the firm.8.have nothing against doing sth 不反对做某事

eg I have nothing against singing loudly.Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.Section A

1.whose 谁的(用于询问物品所属关系)

eg Whose iPhone 5S is this? I’m not sure.2.belong to 属于


(belong to 没有进行时态,也没有被动语态)eg The new pen belongs to me.The honor belongs to Tom.3.happen 发生


take place 发生

(表示事先安排或有准备的“发生”)eg The sports meeting took place in our school last week.If anything happens to the machine,please let me know.4.sound(泛指人能听到的任何声音)voice(指人说话或唱歌的声音,即嗓音)noise(指难听的声音或动物发出的声音)eg What a beautiful voice she has!The letter “b” makes no sound in the word “climb”.Don’t make any noise in classd.5.there must be 一定有

eg There must be a way to solve the problem.6.情态动词中的must,can,could,may,might都可表推测。其中must的可能性最大,can/could次之,may/might最小。

Section B


eg He might/could be playing basketball now.2.express vt 表示,表达 expression n 表达方式

eg Everyone expressed his or her opinion at the meeting.It’s a idiomatic expression in English.3.mystery cn 谜,神秘的事情

eg Walk outside to research the mysteries of nature.4.raise vt 提高(强调把某物从低处抬到较高处,也可以用于提高工资,地位,价值等)rise上升,升高(表示人或物自身由低移向高处,常用于日月云雾,河水,价格等上升或上涨)

eg The boss raised his salary.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.5.purpose cn 目的,目标,作用

for……purpose 为了……目的 on purpose 故意地

6.prevent vt 阻止,阻挠

prevent…from 阻止做某事

eg I had to think of a way to prevent him from following me around all morning.7.honor v 尊重,表示敬意 n 荣誉,荣幸

in the honor of 纪念… honor sb 尊重某人

be honored with 被授予…

eg We should honor our teachers.A pavilion is built in the honor of QuYuan.At the end of the year,she was honored with the title “Advanced Worker”.8.a period of 一段时间

The Smiths have stayed in Guilin for a period of time.Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A

1.prefer=like…better 更喜欢

(prefer---preferring---preferred---preferred)prefer sb/sth 更喜欢某人/某事 prefer sb to do sth 更想某人做某事

prefer doing sth to doing sth 比起……更喜欢……/喜欢……胜过…… eg I prefer juice./I prefer her.I prefer you to drive,if you don’t mind.I prefer swimming to skating.2.along with 连同……一起=together with eg He came along with some friends.I sent the books along with the other things.3.suppose 认为,猜想,想像=think

suppose +that从句

suppose sb to be

be supposed to

eg Do you suppose that we’ll go for a walk after supper?I suppose not.It’s going to rain.We all suppose Jenny to be an excellent singer.Bin Laden was supposed to be shot in the air assault.4.spare adj 空闲=free


in one’s spare time 在某人空闲的时间里

eg What do you usually do in your spare time? 5.in that case 既然那样,即使那样的话

eg Sorry, there’s no tea now.Well,in that case,I’ll have coffee.6.stick to 坚持,固守

eg Stick to your dream, and it may come true someday.7.down adj 悲哀的,沮丧的

let……down 使……沮丧

eg Recently Rita has been feeling down.Sam worked hard,because he didn’t want to let his boss down.8.cheer up 使振奋,使高兴起来

eg Tommy was sad,but he cheered up the next day.9.provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物=provide sb with sth eg The government should provide enough money for school.=The government should provide school with enough money.10.plenty of =a lot of =lots of 大量的,充足的,许多的(即可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词)eg There’s plenty of rain in my country.They had plentyof exercisesto do.11.shut off 关闭,停止运转

eg Nobody is in the hall.Shut off the fans.The washing machine shuts off every 5 minutes.12.sit back 轻松地坐在椅子上

eg Mum does the colors while dad sits back,watching TV.13.save v 拯救,节约,储蓄

save one’s life 救某人年的命

save sb sth 为某人节省某物或为某人保留某物 save sb from doing sth 免得某人去做某事 save sth for…把某物保存留作…用

eg Millions of lives can be saved if the medicine for AIDS is discovered.Traveling by air will save us at least 2 days.A good command of spoken English saved me from finding an interpreter everywhere.You’d better save some for later.14.once in a while 偶尔地,时而,间或

eg Since then we’ve never seen each other,but once in a while we write letters.15.定语从句:在复合句中,修饰一个名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。

定语从句的关系代词 who, that, which等和关系副词 where, when, why 等.(1)who 和 that 都可指人,在从句中作主语或宾语。作宾语时,可省略。eg

The students who/that do not study hard will not pass the exam.(做主语)

The boy(who/that)we saw yesterday is John’s brother.(做宾语)

(2)which 和 that 都可指物,在从句中作主语或宾语。作宾语时,可省略。eg The cat which/that is under the chair is called Mimi.(作主语)The story(which/that)he told us is very interesting.(作宾语)

(3)whose 是who的所有格,可指人亦可指物,在从句中作定语,不能省略。

eg This is a house whose door faces the north.(作定语)(4)when 引导的定语从句,通常修饰表示时间的名词,when 在从句中作时间状语。eg This is the time when he arrived.(作时间状语)

(5)where 引导的定语从句,通常修饰表示地点的名词,where在从句中作地点状语。eg This is the room where I was born.(作地点状语)

(6)why 引导的定语从句,通常修饰表示原因的名词,why 在从句中作原因状语。eg Can you tell usthe reason why you won’t go there?(作原因状语)只用that引导的定语从句有:

(1)先行词是不定代词all, everything, nothing, anything, much, little, few等时。eg Is there anything(that)you don’t know?(2)先行词被all, every, any, no, little, much等修饰时。eg I want to read all the books that were written by LuXun.(3)先行词被序数词及形容词最高级修饰时。

eg This is the second book(that)I borrowed from the school library.(4)先行词被the only, the very, the last, the same修饰时。eg This is the last thing that I want to do.(5)主句是以who, what, which开头的特殊疑问词时。eg Who is the girl that is wearing a red coat? 定语从句补充

关系词只用which不用that的情况: 1.关系代词前有介词时

This is the room in which Lu Xun lived.2.非限定性定语从句中

That ring, which you gave me as a present, was lost yesterday.3.先行词本身是that时

What’s that which is under the sofa? 关系副词when、where、why的用法

当主句中的先行词是表示时间/地点/原因的名词时,它只能作定语从句的时间状语/地点状语/原因状语,关系副词when/where/why放在定语从句句首。如果定语从句的引导词是作该定语从句的主语或宾语,则要改用关系代词that或which来引导。I'll never forget the day when I was born.The day(that/which)I always remember in all my life is my birthday.The factory where his father works is in the east of the city.(地点状语)That is the factory(that/which)they visited last month.(宾语)He works in a factory that /which makes radio parts.(主语)That’s the reason that/which he explained to us.That’s the reason why she left home.Section B

1.sense vt 感觉到,意识到,后常+that从句


have the sense that

cn 意识

come to one’s senses 恢复理智,醒悟过来

bring sb to one’s sense 使某人恢复理智或醒悟过来

eg Durling the talk,I had the sense that he was just pretending.Kevin came to his senses half an hour later.2.pain n(肉体上的)疼痛,痛苦,苦恼

in pain 痛苦

a sharp pain 剧烈的疼痛 a dull pain 隐痛

eg Doctor.I have a pain in my arm.Take this medicine the moment you’re in pain.3.amazing adj 了不起的,令人诧异的

amazed adj 感到惊奇的,觉得诧异的

eg Can I have a look at your amazing bargain? I was not amazed at his visit last week.4.pity cn 可惜的事,遗憾的事

常用于“it’s a pity 可惜”和“what a pity 真可惜”

eg It's a pity that grandma missed the get-together.pity un 遗憾,怜悯

pity for sb 怜悯某人

eg I feel no pity for him at all.pity vt 同情,怜悯

pity sb 同情/怜悯某人

eg Everyone here pities Susan who has to bring up all the five kids by herself.4.in total 总共

a total of 总共……

eg There are 17 students dropping out of school in total.This month we’ve got a total of $500000.5.praise sb for sth 表扬某人某事

eg The headmaster praised Tommy for his bravery.6.recall vt 回忆起,回想起

recall doing sth 回想起做某事 eg I can’t recall losing anything.Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands.Section A

1.bow vi


bow low 深鞠躬

bow one’s thanks 鞠躬致谢

bow down 鞠躬

2.where I’m from=in/at/to+the place+where+定语从句

eg Where there’s a will,there’s a way.3.be relaxed about 对……宽松(随意)

eg Our boss was relaxed about the attendance.4.drop by 顺便造访,偶然访问

eg We dropped by the factory.5.as……as sb can=as……as possible 尽可能……

You’re have to drive as carefully as you can.6.the capital of ……的首都

eg Beijing is the capital of China.7.after all 毕竟,终究,到底(可放于句首,也可放于句末)

eg Mary didn’t pass the exam,but after all, she had done her best.8.get mad at/with sb 生某人的气

eg Mum got mad at me when I got home at around midnight as usual.9.make an effort to do sth 努力/作出努力做某事

eg Before the party, Betty made an effort to plan everything well.10.clean off 把……从……擦去

eg The boss required us to clean the pictures and drawings off the gate wall.11.take off 脱下

(反义词组:put on)



eg In Japan,it’s polite to take off your shoes before entering the room.By the time the police went there,the UFO had taken off.12.be worth doing sth 值得做某事

eg The movie is so wonderful that it is worth watching a second time.Section B

1.empty adj 空的(反义词:full)

be empty of



empty sth into 将某物全部倒入…… 2.hit sb+on/in/by+the+身体部位


eg John hit him on the nose.2.point at 近指

point to 远指

eg The robber pointed his pistol at Kate.She pointed to the house on the corner and said ,”That’s where I live.”

3.at the table 在餐桌旁

at table 在吃饭

eg At the table is a Christmas tree.The Blacks are at table.4.exchange sth 交换某物

in exchange of 交换

eg We exchanged our opinions about the game before the meeting.Lily gave me some sweets in exchange of a bottle of juice.5.go out of one’s way to do sth=try to do srh 特地做某事,想尽办法做某事

eg They went out of their way to help her.6.feel……at home 随便,自由自在(有时可换成be at home)

eg She always feels at home in her friend’s house.7.except 除了,除去(表示从整体中除去一部分)

expect for 除了,除去(表示除去的部分与前文或后文提到的部分不属于同一类)besides 除了……以外(还有)

eg Everyone rests on weekends expect the guard.(保安和大家属于同一类)His composition is really great except for a few spelling mistakes.(除去的mistake与前文提到的composition不属于同一类)

The students went to the aquarium besides the teachers.8.get used to doing sth=be used to doing sth 习惯于/适应于做某事

eg Did you get used to sleeping late,Jimmy? 9.suggest=advise v 建议

suggestion cn 建议 advice un 建议

suggest doing sth 建议做某事=make a suggestion to do sth suggest sb for……推荐某人做某事 eg He suggested travelling on a train.10.show up 出席,露面

eg Most of the people invited didn’t show up.Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Section A

1.would rather(not)+V原形


would rather do……than do……宁愿……而不愿意…… =prefer to do……rather than do…… eg He’d rather stay at home.He’d rather not get a lamp on the Internet.The old man would rather walk there than take a bus.=The old preferred to walk there rather than take a bus.2.drive sb +adj(crazy/mad)迫使某人….(强调一个逼迫性)drive sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事 drive sb to sw 开车送某人去某地

eg What you’ve done at school nearly drives your parents crazy.It was her pride that drove her to attend the party.It's getting dark/Let me drive you home.3.the +比较级……the+比较级……越……,就越……

more and more……越来越…… eg The more,the better.Our hometown is getting more and more beautiful.4.leave out 忽略,忽视,冷落

be/feel left out 被忽略/被忽视

eg A munber of children feel left out at home.5.call in 叫来,招来

6.neither……nor……既不…也不…(谓语动词根据就近原则)eg Neither you nor I am mad either…or…/not only…but also…(适用于就近原则)7.power un 权力,力量

in power 执政 lose power 下台

take power 取得权利 8.wealth un 财富,财产

wealthy adj 富有的。富裕的=rich 9.it’s true that+从句的确,诚然……

eg It's true that I’m running out of money.10.to start with 首先,第一

=at first start with 以……开始

eg To start with,he is just a child.His illness started with a high fever.11.make +宾语+adj 使…处于某种状态

make+宾语+do sth 使…做某事(被动式:be made to do sth)make +宾语+过去分词

使…怎么样 make +宾语+n 使…成为…

make +it +adj+that从句

让…怎么样 eg Rainy days make me sad.Sad music makes me want to leave.I just couldn’t make myself understand while talking to a foreigner.If someone came to set me free,I would make him king over the earth.I want to make it clear that it’s not a waste of time.Section B

1.search for 搜寻,搜索(v)=in search of(n)eg The neighborhood search for the cat burglar.= The neighborhood are in search of the cat burglar.2.weight un 重量,分量

weigh v 称…..的重量 lose weight 减少体重 put on weight 增加体重

watch one’s weight 注意体重

under the weight of 在……的重压下

3.whole 所有的(强调整体,后接单数名词,与冠词the搭配为the whole)

all 所有的,全部的(强调个体,后接复数名词或不可数名词,与冠词the搭配为all the)eg the whole country/the whole of China all the time/all my friends 4.let……down=disappoint 使失望

let……in/out 让……进入/出去

eg I haven’t done it well.I’ve let you down.5.kick……off 开除

kick off 开球/(会议等)开始

eg The boss won’t kick you off the company if you don’t mean to do that.When did the soccer game kick off,Mike? Be quick!Our class meeting will kick off at 3 o’clock.6.courage un 勇气,胆量

take courage 需要勇气

7.rather than=instead of 而不是(常接两个人并列的成分,若连接的是两个介词时,即使介词相同,rather than后面的介词也不能省略)

eg I like going out with you rather than with your sister.8.pull together 齐心协力 eg Soccer is teamwork,so we need to pull together.9.relief un 减轻,解脱,欣慰(to one’s relief 使…感到欣慰)

relieve v 减轻,消除,使…宽慰(be relieved to do sth 做某事感到欣慰)eg To our relief,all the pandas survived the earthquake.They were relieved to hear the news.10.in agreement 同意地

be in agreement with 和….意见一致

eg They were all in agreement with what I said.11.offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 给某人提供某物

= provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb eg The company IBM offered him a good job with good salaries.ofer to do sth 主动做某事

eg My roommate offered to help me wash my sheet.Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section A

1.by the time=before 在……之前

eg By the time I got to the station,the train had already gone.2.go off 发出响声,离开,消失

eg Any bells go off? 3.rush out 快速跑出,冲出

eg We rushed out to see what’s happening.4.give……a lift=give……a ride 捎……一程

eg My car runs out of gas,could you give me a lift? 5.be about to 即将,马上

eg Hurry up!The train is about to leave.6.block n 街区/木块,一大块

eg Could you show us around the block? Just put a block of ice in the pool.7.stare vi 盯着看,凝视(常用于搭配stare at)

eg Caroline stared at the moving creature breathlessly.8.disbelief un 不信,怀疑(常用于in disbelief 不相信地,怀疑地)

disbelieve v 不相信,怀疑

eg Andrew looked over the pack in disbelief.There is no need to disbelieve her.9.above 在……上(不接触,不垂直)

on 在……上面(接触)

over 在……上(不接触,垂直)10.过去完成时

肯定句:主语+ had+Ved(过去分词)+其他

否定句:主语+ had +not+Ved(过去分词)+其他 一般疑问句:Had+主语+Ved(过去分词)+其他?

Yes,主语+had./No,主语+hadn’t.Section B

1.get dressed=be dressed 给……穿衣(后接人而不是物)

常构成短语dress sb 或dress sb in+衣服或颜色 eg He couldn’t dress himself when he was 5.Mum usually dressed her twin sons in the same color.2.costume un 服装,戏装,装束

a costume party 化装舞会

eg That man is a costume designer.She is in costume in the picture.3.embarrassed adj 窘迫的,害羞的,尴尬的

be embarrassed about 对……感到尴尬 embarrassing 令人为难的,令人尴尬的 eg I’m embarrassed about what to say.That’s an embarrassing moment.4.sell out 卖完,售完

常用于被动结构be sold out eg The tickets for the stars concert were sold out within 2 days.5.discovery cn 发现,发觉(尤指重大发现或第一次发现),常用于make a discovery discover v 发现

eg Which of the following discoveries do you think is the most unexpected? The police discovered that Deng’s son was taking drugs.6.ending cn 结局(指时间结束,动作末尾或位置末端)

end n/v 结尾/结局(指故事,小说,电影,戏剧等的结尾,结局)eg The film has a happy ending.That was not the end of the story.7.announce v 发表,宣告(尤指新闻之类的消息)

announce sth to sb

eg It was announced that there would be a party on Saturday evening.Jim announced to us his encouragement to Kate.8.fool v 愚弄,欺骗(fool sb into doing sth 哄骗某人做某事)

n 愚人,傻瓜(make a fool of…愚弄…)

eg He fooled me into going with him.What a fool I was to believe what he said!9.disappear vi 消失,不见(反义词:appear)

disappearance n 消失

eg All the flowers disappeared overnight.The boss’ disappearance was a great worry.10.keep doing sth 一直做某事,继续做某事

keep in doing sth 不断地做某事

keep(sb/sth)+adj 使某人/某物处于某种状态 keep…from doing sth 阻止做某事 eg My dog keeps bring home something,such as old shoes,tooth brushes and even toys.They kept the fire(in)burning the whole night.It’s first thing to keep warm.Hey,guys!Keep the room clean and tidy.Be careful!Keep the glass from falling to the ground.Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth.Section A

1.at the bottom of 在…底部(反义词组:at the top of)2.litter un 垃圾,废弃物=rubbish/trash

v 乱扔,乱丢

eg Put them into the litter basket.Don’t litter the ground with paper.3.turn…into…把…变成…=change…into…

eg We can turn water into ice when it is cold enough.4.it/sth cost(s)+(sb)+钱

it/sth take(s)+时间+(to do sth)sb pay(s)+(sb)+钱+for sth/pay for sth(赔偿某物 sb spend(s)+时间/钱+on sth/(in)doing sth eg The English dictionary costs me more than 100 yuan.It took me about 10 minutes to get to the bus stop.You’ll have to pay for the library book if you lose.Hoe long have you spent in learning to ride a bike? 5.make a difference 起作用,有影响

make a big difference=make all the difference 有很大的影响、使…大不一样 make no difference 没有影响、对…无所谓 6.be cruel to…对…残忍

eg We must be cruel to enemies but friendly to friends.7.be harmful to 对…有害

eg Smoking is harmful to our health.8.industry un 工业,行业(泛指一个地区的工业)

cn 工厂企业,生产行业

eg Industry is preferentially developed in this country.A large number of high-tech industries are springing up in China.9.take part in 参加=play a part in(后接运动、比赛、演讲等表示一群人的活动,并在活动中负有责任)

eg Class Three all want to take part in the sports meeting.9.afford v 负担得起、买得起、抽出(常与can/be able to连用)

afford sth /afford to do sth eg I can’t afford the house.Can you afford to go out for a picnic this week.10.turn off 关闭(常指关闭电器,水龙头,煤气等)反义词组:turn on

Section B

1.throw away 扔掉,抛弃

eg Don’t throw away napkins everywhere.2.put sth to good use 好好利用,充分利用

eg I love to read,so I want to work in the after-school care center.I can put my love to good use by helping young children to read.3.hear of=hear about 听说

hear from 收到……来信

eg I don’t know YuDan,but I have heard of her.She hasn’t heard from her mother for a long time.4.build…out of 用……材料建造……

eg What did they build it out of? 5.pull down 拆除,推到

eg There is nothing to be done with the building but pull it down.6.upside down 上下颠倒,倒转,倒置

eg He put a pot upside down and asked us to guess what’s in it.7.be an inspiration to sb 对某人是一个鼓舞

eg LeiFeng’s short lfe is an inspiration to people.8.us all 我们大家(all作us的同位语)

eg This is Mr.Li,premier of our country.They can leave it to you three.Happy New Year to you all!9.set up 创建,创办

eg They’ve set up an afterschool volunteer center.10.bring back 恢复,使人想起,归还

eg They’ll bring back physical test in NMT.The TV play always brings back my old days in the hometown.I’d like you to bring it back for you.11.creativity un 创造力,独创性

eg Don’t you think some of the world’s wonders were the result of ancient people’s creativity.create v 创造---creative adj 有创意的---creation n 创造---creativity n 创造力

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in

Grade 7.Section A

1.standard cn 标准,水平

meet/reach a standard 达到标准

above/below standard 高于/低于标准

2.in a row 连续地,一连几次地/成一排或行

eg Poor Danny,his house has heen broken in a row.The children put the chairs in a row.3.instruction cn 致使,命令,说明(常用复数形式)

eg We’ve got the instructions that no one is allowed to enter the campus.Did you follow the instructions,sir? 4.put in 投入

eg More money must be put in if you want it to be finished ahead of time.5.make a mess 弄得一团糟,把……搞得一塌糊涂

eg Don’t make a mess in my bedroom,kids.6.graduate vi 毕业,获得学位(常用短语:graduate from)


graduation un 毕业

eg She graduated from Cambridge University, a well-known university.The government should create more opportunities to work for graduates,Helen’s worked as an artchitect since graduation.7.keep one’s cool 沉住气,保持冷静

eg There’s only 5 minutes left,keep your cool.Section B

1.believe in 相信……存在,信赖

eg People need a government to believe in.2.congratulate vt 祝贺

congratulate sb on/upon sth 因某事向某人祝贺 congratulation n 祝贺

eg We congratulate you on successfully launching Shenzhou X spaceship.3.be thirsty for 渴望,渴求 The soccer team is really thirsty for the victory.consider doing sth 考虑做某事

eg She was considering moving to a large city.be thankful to 感激,感谢

eg I’d like to be thankful to all the people who lent me a hand.ahead of 在…前面(常用短语:ahead of time 提前)eg There are 8 people ahead of me.Can you tell me something about it ahead of time.be responsible for 对….负责任

eg The police said that Mr.Chen was responsible for the car accident.separate from 从…分离,分开 separate…from…



把…分成…(强调把整体分成若干部分)eg We simply will not tolerate that Taiwan separates from our country.Charlie,would you separate your books from mine? Use a knife,divide the apple into parts.set out 动身,启程,出发

set out for=set off for=leave for 启程去…… set out to fo sth 开始做、着手做…

eg We packed our things and set out for the village.He set out to repair the TV set himself.



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