厦门大学网络教育2013-2014学年第一学期 《基础英语2》练习题

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第一篇:厦门大学网络教育2013-2014学年第一学期 《基础英语2》练习题



1、I'm reading his ______ novel.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、best-sellingB、best-soldC、best-saleD、best-sell2、The local government cut down their costs ______ 30 percent.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、atB、byC、forD、with3、To enter his house is like ______ a small museum.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、to enterB、enteringC、enteredD、be entered4、He is ______ a writer.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、failure asB、a failure asC、the failure forD、failure to5、Dr.Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge.I can't remember ______.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、whereB、thereC、whichD、whom6、– Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? – I'm afraid ______ day is possible.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、eitherB、neitherC、anyD、all7、In the centuries _____, Egypt became one of the most advanced civilizations on earth.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、followedB、that was followedC、which was followingD、which followed1、________ you are free, why not go skating with us?(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、BecauseB、SinceC、AsD、For2、Great men never give up ______ difficulty.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C

A、in a face ofB、in face of theC、in the face ofD、in the face of the3、Macao ______ its return to China in December, 1999.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、watchedB、foundC、sawD、noticed4、It's rude of you to shout _______ the room.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、beyondB、throughC、acrossD、over5、I walked too much yesterday and ______ are still aching now.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、my leg musclesB、my muscles of legC、my leg's musclesD、my muscles of the leg6、Facts show that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs ______ directed.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、likeB、asC、whichD、so7、After searching for half an hour, she realized that her glasses ______ on the table all the time.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、were lainB、had been lainC、have been lyingD、had been lying8、People are more likely to stay _______ 30 miles of _______ they were born.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、in … whereB、at … whatC、within … whatD、within … where9、This hotel _______ $60 for a single room with bath.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、chargesB、demandsC、pricesD、claims10、Usually, _______ care for children's ______.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、woman writers...livesB、women writer...lifeC、women writers...lifeD、women writer...live11、He will have ______ 30 by the end of this year.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、turnedB、becomeC、gotD、taken1、I don't know what illness he suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned ___ in hospital last year.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、to have beenB、to beC、having beenD、being2、Whenever I met him, _____________ was fairly frequent, ___________ I liked his sweet and hopeful smile.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)


3、That was the first time I _______________ England's coast.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、leftB、had leftC、would leaveD、has left4、You may write to me or come to see me.____________ way will do.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、AllB、BothC、OneD、Either5、Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、seat...writeB、seated...wroteC、seated...writingD、seating...Writing6、That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、couldB、mustC、wouldD、should7、A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、truthB、reasonC、causeD、fact8、There are ______ custom tailors and dressmakers in the U.S.than in European countries.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、far fewerB、so fewerC、very fewerD、too fewer9、A:_____ is the engineer's husband ? B:The neighbor of your brother in the corner.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、WhoB、WhatC、HowD、Which10、“Would you like some more noodles ?” “'No, thanks.I ________________.”(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、don't want toB、can't eatC、.am not hungryD、I'm full1、The room contained ________ equipment including several TV monitors.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、littleB、a fewC、a number ofD、a lot of2、Susan is nearly thirtyfive.Her parents think it’s time she _____ married.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、would getB、getsC、will getD、got3、At 13 _____ he was sent to a shop, he learned the business.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、whenB、whichC、whereD、that4、____ they will send us an invitation is not yet known, __we hope they sill.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、If...writeB、That soC、When...yetD、Whether...but5、What was the matter with you this morning? you looked _____ you hadn’t slept for the last twentyfour hours.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、so asB、thatC、as ifD、like that6、It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、howeverB、whateverC、whicheverD、whenever7、Nancy isn't here.It's my mistake.I forgot all about____ her.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、telephoningB、to telephoneC、to telephone toD、the telephone to8、Helen looked at the finished painting with _______.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、satisfactionB、successC、victoryD、favour1、Try not to be absent _____ class again for the rest of the term.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、inB、onC、fromD、of2、______ that Bob had got promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、HeardB、Having heardC、HearD、To hear3、It isn’t _____ David says that annoys me but the way he says it.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、howB、thatC、whatD、why4、.— Professor Brown looks sad today.— He is sad.Yesterday a fire broke out in his house and his dog got_____.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、burntB、to burnC、burningD、to be burnt5、.— Can you speak Russian? — I can speak a little _____ I can’t understand much.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、andB、butC、otherwiseD、or6、I’ve decided to _______ your advice and stop smoking for good.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、takeB、receiveC、believeD、consider7、.— Have you got any idea for the summer vacation? — I don’t mind where we go _____ there’s sun, sea and beach.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、as ifB、if onlyC、now thatD、as long as8、We must finish the job, no matter _______ difficult it is.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、howeverB、howC、whateverD、what9、If it rains, we should not go out, but the sky ______ perfectly clear.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、isB、will beC、wasD、had been10、When you stay in a foreign country for some time, you get used to the people’s ______ of life.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、wayB、habitC、ruleD、fact1、By the time you ______ back, the meal _______.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、come, will be readyB、will come, will be readyC、come, is readyD、will come, is ready2、.— Brad is Jane’s brother.— _______ he reminds me so much of Jane!(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、No doubtB、Above allC、No wonderD、Of course3、Professor Li ______ back from America for over two weeks.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、has comeB、has beenC、had comeD、came4、Everyone likes her.She always speaks _____ a _____ way.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、in, friendB、with, friendshipC、in, friendlyD、on, friends5、You can't get a drivers license _____ you are at least sixteen years old.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、unlessB、ifC、whenD、though6、He has lost his job and his family.________, the situation is serious.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、In other wordsB、In a wordC、In wordD、Word says7、Ever since I arrived here, I _____ in the dormitory because it is cheaper.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、livedB、was livingC、had been livingD、have been living8、The boy has great difficult _______ the text.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、to catch onB、catching up withC、catching onD、to catch up with9、It was too late.He could do nothing but ______ back home.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、walkedB、walkC、walkingD、to walk10、Mother warned Tom that he should be ______ for what he had done.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、shameB、shamefulC、ashamedD、shameless11、The harder I tried, ______ it seemed to solve that math problem.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、the impossibleB、most impossibleC、the more impossibleD、the most impossible1、.--Did you say you like the film TINATIC?.--_______.I said it's not bad.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、Not exactlyB、I don't know whyC、You're greatD、That's all right2、Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、practise to speakB、practising speakingC、practise speakingD、to practise speaking3、.--What's wrong with the book?.--One page is ________.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、disappearedB、losingC、missingD、disappearing4、.--The art exhibition ______ by me _______ a great success.--__________!(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、run, promises, CongratulationsB、made, whishes, CongratulationsC、run, expects , CongratulationD、made , seems , Congratulation5、Although _____ ten years ago, the machine is still in good condition.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、makeB、makesC、madeD、making6、As time went on, the theory she had stuck ________ correct.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、provedB、to provingC、to provedD、to prove7、A new English-Chinese dictionary will soon ________ out.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、workB、comeC、giveD、hand8、She is the only one among the _______ writers who _______ stories for children.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、woman, writesB、women, writeC、women, writesD、woman, write9、The huge fire is reported to have _______ more than 300 people dead.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、remainedB、keptC、leftD、had1、We arrived at the station _______ late, or we ____ the bus.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、too much;would catchB、a little too;had caughtC、much too;would have caughtD、too much;would have caught2、.--We're sure of winning the match..--_______.We ll meet our match.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、Don t be so sureB、So are weC、It's out of questionD、I think so3、The old lady has never ________ the house since she moved in.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、been awayB、leftC、livedD、stayed at4、.--Did you have ______ difficulty talking to the foreigner ?.--No.I only could not follow him when he spoke too fast.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、anyB、aC、someD、much5、.— will you be able to finish the job this week?.--___________ , but I'm not skilled enough, you know.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、I can't say soB、I expect soC、I'm sure soD、I don't know so6、I have no one ______ me, for I can deal with it all by myself.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、helpB、to helpC、helpedD、to have helped7、I'd ________ them to stay at home the whole day.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、ratherB、betterC、preferD、agree8、I don't think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, _______ ?(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、do IB、could heC、has heD、did he9、A telephone call ______ him hurrying to his home town.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、madeB、forceC、sentD、let1、It is estimated that much of a teenager's time is spent______ with friends.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、to talkB、talkingC、being talkedD、having talked2、Have a cup of tea, _______?(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、shall weB、will youC、won't youD、do you3、I suppose that when I come back in ten years time , all these old houses ____down.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、will have been pulledB、will have pulledC、will be pullingD、will be pulled4、.――“Is she older than you?” ――“Yes she is older than _______two years.”(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、meB、I forC、I am byD、me by5、______ from the apple tree.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、It down fellB、Down it fellC、Down fell itD、Fell it down6、Through long power lines electricity goes ______.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、to the place neededB、there it is neededC、where it is neededD、which it is needed7、Is it the watch you want ________?(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、to have it repairedB、to repair itC、to have repairedD、to have repaired it8、A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ______ fire to the hotel.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、madeB、setC、causedD、caught9、You can take ______ seat you like.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、no matter whatB、no matter whichC、whatD、whichever10、We will not attack ______ we are attacked;ifattacked,we will certainly counter-attack.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、ifB、whenC、unlessD、even if11、If a baby bird stays _______ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult.(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、livingB、livelyC、aliveD、live12、The little boy can't tell ________.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、whose is that watchB、whose that watch isC、whose watch is thatD、whose watch is13、The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、each carryingB、each carryC、both carryingD、all carry14、“Do you hear someone knocking at the door?” “Yes, I did.I heard him ______ three times.”(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、knockingB、knockedC、being knockingD、knock1、.— __________, Rome was not built in a day.—So you mean that it was built at night.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、The saying saysB、As the saying goesC、The saying isD、For the saying says2、Many people in developing countries suffer from AIDS, but the same is true ____ many westerners.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、ofB、atC、fromD、to3、Mr.Smith is a person easy ________.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、to approachB、approachC、approachingD、to be approached4、The building will be attractive to look _____ and very comfortable to live _____.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、for, /B、out, inC、after, withD、at, in5、Mary was disappointed when she found that everyone had gone to the party _____ her.(1.0


A、exceptB、withC、besidesD、beside6、The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ____ the other car.(1.0分)(正确的答案:B)

A、atB、toC、onD、for7、We've got two TV sets, but we still cant watch anything because _______ works properly.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)

A、neitherB、eitherC、eachD、every8、What do you think of his suggestion ______ we all attend the meeting?(1.0分)(正确的答案:C)

A、whichB、whetherC、thatD、what9、The representative of the company demanded that part of the agreement______ revised.(1.0分)(正确的答案:D)

A、will beB、isC、to beD、be10、The young man lost his job last month, but it wasnt long _____ he found a new position in my company.(1.0分)(正确的答案:A)



1、She wouldn't even take a short rest there, ____________ stay for the night.(1.0分)A、much more B、much few C、much lesser D、much less

2、She did not feel ____________ going out, as she had a slight headache.(1.0分)A、about B、like C、after D、for

3、He didn't live up to __________ had been expected of him.(1.0分)A、what B、which C、that D、all

4、I am not used to speaking _________ public.(1.0分)A、in B、at C、on D、to

5、We came finally __________ the conclusion that she had been telling lies all the time.(1.0分)A、of B、into C、to D、at

6、It is desirable that the airplane ___________ as light as possible.(1.0分)A、is B、were C、be D、had been

7、We finally __________ an agreement after a lot of hard argument.(1.0分)A、reached B、did C、arrived D、drove

8、When doing the wash, it is important to _______ white and colored clothing.(1.0分)A、compare B、separate C、establish D、contrast

1、We will spare no efforts to provide more ___________ products to our customers.(1.0分)A、competitive B、competing C、competed D、competition

2、The woman with golden hair was taken away by the security guards on __________ of being a criminal.(1.0分)A、suspect B、suspicion C、doubt D、belief

3、Lots of birds were flying among the trees branches.What a(n)___________ view!(1.0分)A、explosive B、amused C、amazing D、terrified

4、The __________ of this recipe(烹饪法)was made public one year after it was put into the market.(1.0分)A、formula B、form C、flavor D、frown

5、When people admire his ________ achievements, they seldom think of the frustration he has experienced.(1.0分)A、single B、singular C、small D、easy

6、Having lost his job and his family, Jerry felt himself __________ by anger and sadness.(1.0分)A、experienced B、overcome C、experience D、overcame

7、Though he didn't answer my questions quickly, the look on his face ___________ that he was satisfied with me.(1.0分)A、indicated B、input C、increased D、interacted

8、Jack is a strong __________, but you could beat him if you perform at your highest level.(1.0分)A、opponent B、partner C、friend D、mate

9、Everyone is amazed at the _________ growth of this city;it has been so different from what it was five years ago.(1.0分)A、explosive B、expanding C、expensiveout D、excessive

10、In the geography class, the teacher explained wind and water might cause soil ____________.(1.0分)A、pollution B、excellence C、explosion D、erosion

1、It was difficult to guess what her ________ to the news would be.(1.0分)A、reaction B、excitement C、impression D、opinion

2、The local government tried its best to ensure each of its citizens a _________ supply of food at regular intervals(时间间隔).(1.0分)A、consistent B、continual C、continuous D、numerous

3、The United Nations Conference on Global Environment, which took place earlier this year in Vienna, was a very ________ meeting.(1.0分)A、productive B、communicative C、aggressive D、protective

4、We watched the plane _________ behind the clouds.(1.0分)A、disappearing B、disappeared C、diving D、dived

5、The football match had to be _________ owing to(由于)the bad weather.(1.0分)A、cancelled B、advanced C、arranged D、held

6、I didn't know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me.(1.0分)A、appeared B、happened C、occurred D、emerged

7、They were under the _________ that the company was doing well, but in fact it was in serious trouble.(1.0分)A、conclusion B、expression C、enjoyment D、illusion

8、This lovely old town has a _________ you couldn't find in a big city.(1.0分)A、condition B、standard C、situation D、charm

9、The starter(赛跑发令员)gave the ________ for the race to begin.(1.0分)A、advice B、signal C、glow D、attention

10、Pipes made of plastic are now widely used in building as they are light and do not become _________ in water.(1.0分)A、ripe B、instant C、rotten D、mature

1、He __________ for military service against the wishes of his parents.(1.0分)A、volunteered B、fancied C、entered D、imagined

2、I don't know who on __________ stole the diamond last night.(1.0分)A、earth B、floor C、earth D、ground

3、I want you to succeed without __________ and firmly believe that you will succeed if you try hard enough.(1.0分)A、failing B、failed C、fail D、fall

4、She couldn't __________ laughing at him in those clothes.(1.0分)A、decline B、reject C、refuse D、resist

5、She invited 500 people __________ her beautiful ship.(1.0分)A、abroad B、aboard C、board D、broad

6、The aircraft vanished without __________.(1.0分)A、trace B、trouble C、destination D、product

7、There were several wet __________ on the wall.(1.0分)A、parts B、decreases C、patches D、decks

8、Houston experienced a __________ growth after the war.(1.0分)A、broad B、mechanical C、wide D、spectacular

9、The train's about to leave.All __________!(1.0分)A、aboard B、on C、off D、abroad

10、Anne __________ from outside her home last Wednesday.(1.0分)A、appeared B、vanished C、lost D、entered

1、Inquiries _____________ the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone.(1.0分)A、revealing B、concerning C、affecting D、following

2、People appreciate _____________ with him because he has a good sense of humor.(1.0分)A、working B、to have worked C、to work

D、having worked

3、The noise of the traffic _________ Paul from his work.(1.0分)A、prevented B、distracted C、angered D、upset

4、The price they offered for my old car was so low that I _________ it down.(1.0分)A、brought B、turned C、called D、refused

5、Shall we request the chairman __________ our suggestion again?(1.0分)A、to consider B、considering C、consider D、considered

6、He never _________ to read the news but turned at once to the crossword puzzle on the last page.(1.0分)A、worried B、noticed C、pained D、bothered

7、We forgave her anger because we knew that her father's illness had put her under great _________.(1.0分)A、shelter B、crisis C、stress D、nervousness

8、An explosion is a sudden increase in amount __________.(1.0分)A、rapid burning causes it B、to be caused by rapid burning C、causing its burning to be rapid D、caused by rapid burning

9、Some say yes and others say no;I don't know __________ to follow.(1.0分)A、whether B、what C、whom D、how

10、Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have to __________ your voice.(1.0分)A、improve B、increase C、raise D、open

1、No fault is attached _____ the bus driver for the terrible accident at the railway crossing.(1.0分)A、for B、to C、with D、in

2、In general, matters which lie entirely within the state boundaries are the ______ concern of the state government.(1.0分)A、excessive B、external C、explosive D、exclusive

3、Your work does not ______ what I expect of you.(1.0分)A、come up with B、come out C、come round D、come up to

4、A friendship may be ________, relaxed, situational or deep and lasting.(1.0分)A、identical B、original C、critical D、superficial

5、Some of your suggestions have been adopted but others have been _______ as they are not workable.(1.0分)A、turned away B、turned down C、turned back D、turned out

6、_______ your opinions are worth considering, the general manager finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.(1.0分)A、As B、Because C、Though D、Since

7、The observer's statement about the accident was very _____;we know almost everything about it now.(1.0分)A、specific B、especial C、exceptional D、special

8、Unless he is ________ intense love, he hardly ever looks into someone else’s eyes for very long.(1.0分)A、confessing B、refusing C、granting D、covering

9、The boss thought him a trouble-maker and turned him ______.(1.0分)A、back B、down C、to D、around

10、_________ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.(1.0分)A、So clever are the construction robots B、Such construction robots are clever C、So clever the construction robots D、Such clever construction robots are

1、He lost his parents at ten and had to live at his uncle's ____________.(1.0分)A、cost B、charge C、expense D、pay

2、The holidays are over;we must ___________ to work again.(1.0分)A、get across B、get down C、get in D、get over

3、Be careful with those fireworks;they are __________ to go off unexpectedly.(1.0分)A、available B、presumably C、easy D、able

4、He has left his book here on ________ so that you can read it.(1.0分)A、purpose B、aim C、intention D、Tsense

5、This food has been kept at a ____________ low temperature for a long time.(1.0分)A、relatively B、roughly C、remarkable D、readily

6、I ________ to him because he called me up soon after.(1.0分)A、didn't need write B、needn't to write C、couldn't have written D、needn't have written

7、Some people apparently have an almost unbelievable ability to _________ with the right answer.(1.0分)A、come up B、look up C、put up D、bring up

8、We should put money away for a _________ day.We may need it some time.(1.0分)A、sunny B、rainy C、cloudy D、cold

9、He said he would sooner die ____________ his family.(1.0分)A、instead of embarrassing B、than embarrass C、rather than embarrass D、but embarrass

10、He was a much older tennis player but he had the great _________ of experience.(1.0分)A、value B、hand C、priority D、advantage

1、This expert will _______ his remarks to e-business this time.(1.0分)A、coordinate B、render C、confine D、depict

2、I asked her the question as soon as I saw her, but she only gave me a(n)______ answer instead of a definite one.(1.0分)A、direct B、implicit C、clear D、infinite

3、A _______ of robbers broke into the bank and took away all the money.(1.0分)A、gather B、school C、rank D、gang

4、The middle-aged woman worried about her _______ future with no money and no family.(1.0分)A、gloomy B、bright C、splendid D、fearful

5、I am not surprised at all that she chose the white skirt.She always has a _______ for white.(1.0分)A、prefer B、preferable C、preference D、preferred

6、You have to _______ all mistakes from the essay before you hand it in.(1.0分)A、judge B、display C、reveal D、eliminate

7、Students or teachers can participate in trips to lovely beaches around the island at regular _____________.(1.0分)A、gaps B、rates C、lengths D、intervals

8、The _______ of the film star really disappointed her fans.(1.0分)A、precious B、absence C、present D、absent

9、There is a forecast that the _______ for a good crop harvest will be rather poor this year.(1.0分)A、prospect B、protection C、proportion D、promise

10、A ______ of territory had always been a wish of the ruler of that country.(1.0分)A、introduction B、expansion C、intention D、expectation

1、This research has attracted wide _________ reportage and has been shown on BBC television's Tomorrow's World.(1.0分)A、message B、information C、media D、data

2、There are many tall trees on _________ side of the street.(1.0分)A、both B、either C、all D、each

3、We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield ________ any military pressure.(1.0分)A、up B、to C、in D、at

4、He will agree to do what you require __________ him.(1.0分)A、of B、from C、to D、for

5、I listened to Dr.Smith's lecture about the history of Britain, but I failed to understand its key ____________.(1.0分)A、words B、points C、notes D、message

6、― Why did you go to the wrong office? ― Well, I forgot which room I was _______ to go to.(1.0分)A、demanded B、hoped C、supposed D、suggested

7、This is an illness that can result in total blindness ________ left untreated.(1.0分)A、after B、if C、since D、unless

8、We __________ the shops and the post office as soon as we moved into the town.(1.0分)A、located B、assigned C、delivered D、placed

9、― Only those who have approval can have pictures __________ here.― Only those who have approval can have pictures __________ here.(1.0分)A、taken;taken B、to take;taken C、taken;take D、take;taken

10、I'm very sorry to have __________ you with so many questions on such an occasion.(1.0分)A、benefited B、offended C、impressed D、bothered

1、The train was just leaving as they _______ to catch it.(1.0分)A、flamed B、walked C、dashed D、blew

2、Looking down from the top of the hill, she felt slightly _______ and closed her eyes.(1.0分)A、confused B、dizzy C、firm D、steady

3、The branches _________ when the wind gently blew.(1.0分)A、swayed B、shook C、staggered D、trembled

4、I only caught a ________ of the woman, so I couldn't remember what she looked like.(1.0分)A、sight B、glimpse C、stare D、look

5、The old man left home with his _______-looking hat that seemed as old as its owner.(1.0分)A、funny B、new C、modern D、ancient

6、The queen's daughter felt a little unhappy about the rules that a(n)_______ member must obey.(1.0分)A、loyal B、royal C、pordinary D、luxury

7、Thousands of people, dead or seriously injured, were buried underneath the ______ of the city after the bombing.(1.0分)A、wreckage B、foundation C、base D、destruction

8、Students ________ to the hall for a lecture given by a famous professor.(1.0分)A、blocked B、flocked C、staggered D、drifted

9、His _______ deeds were almost unbelievable!I have never heard of someone as brave.(1.0分)A、fearful B、loving C、heroic D、cshy

10、Why are you getting so angry with her? She is a _______ child.(1.0分)A、merely B、more C、just D、mere






A.徐变是在长期不变荷载作用下,混凝土的变形随时间而增大的现象 B.持续应力的大小对徐变有重要影响 C.徐变对结构有影响,多数情况下是不利的 D.水灰比和水泥用量越大,徐变越小


A 极限抗拉强度

B 比例极限C 下屈服点D 上屈服点


A.材料强度设计值大于其标准值,荷载设计值小于其标准值; B.材料强度设计值小于其标准值,荷载设计值大于其标准值; C.材料强度设计值等于其标准值,荷载设计值等于其标准值; D.材料强度设计值大于其标准值,荷载设计值大于其标准值。5.结构的功能概括为:()




6.适量配筋的钢筋混凝土梁与素混凝土梁相比,其承载力和抵抗开裂的能力:(A.均提高很多; B.承载力提高不多,抗裂提高很多;

C.承载力提高很多,抗裂提高不多; D.相同。

7.混凝土各种强度指标数值大小排列正确的是()。A.fcuk>fck>fc>ftk>ftB.fc>fck>fcuk>ft>ftk C.fcuk>fc>fck>ftk>ftD.fck>fcuk>fc>ft>ftk

8. 钢筋与混凝土这两种性质不同的材料能有效共同工作的主要原因是:()


B混凝土对钢筋的保护作用 C两者温度线膨系数接近
















13.高碳钢筋采用条件屈服强度,以σ0.2 表示,即:()

A.取极限强度的20 %;B.取应变为0.002 时的应力;

D.取残余应变为0.002 时的应力。C.取应变为0.2 时的应力;


A 增加水泥用量B 蒸汽养护混凝土C 提早混凝土的加荷龄期D 增加水用量






















f t=1.1N/mm2








fc14.3N/mm2,fy300N/mm2,ft1.43N/mm2, 11.0,10.8,b0.55)求:所需的受拉钢筋截面面积。





















































































1、企业中存在着“非正式组织”的观点来源于()(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、现代管理理论




2、战略管理过程包括()(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、战略制定




3、以下哪种方法不是计划前提条件的定性预测方法()(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、时间序列法

B、头脑风暴法 C、专家会议法


4、下列说法哪个是错误的(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、一般而言,管理成效越高,组织成效越高 B、管理成效与组织成效成正相关线性关系 C、管理对组织成败起决定作用 D、组织成效受到管理成效、经济因素、竞争等多因素影响

5、下列课程哪个不是基础的管理学课程(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、组织行为学 B、管理学原理 C、经济学 D、营销管理

6、成功的管理者最重要的技能是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、传统管理职能 B、沟通 C、网络联系 D、人力资源管理

7、高层管理者花最多时间在下列哪个职能(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、计划 B、组织 C、领导 D、控制

8、下列说法哪个是正确的(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、管理者就是领导者 B、管理者对组织绩效起直接贡献作用 C、管理者决策时首先考虑组织整体利益 D、管理者最重要的作用是协调

1、评估一个机会,企业首先应评估(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、获利性 B、容量 C、风险 D、持续性

2、影响产业竞争激烈程度的因素不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:D 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、产业集中度 B、商标知名度 C、转产成本 D、技术进步

3、企业面临很大机会而资源有限时,应该采取(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、ST战略 B、WO战略 C、SO战略 D、WT战略

4、动荡而复杂环境要求企业(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、采取分权的团队管理 B、加强职能部门的作用 C、集中控制加强纪律 D、建立严格的标准和流程

5、管理的内部环境不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:D 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、文化 B、顾客 C、雇员 D、供应商

6、下列方法中,对企业文化管理最直接有效的方法是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、招聘符合企业文化价值观的员工 B、培训 C、企业文化考核 D、精神领袖示范

7、下列内容中,哪个不是适应性文化的企业表现出来的特点(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、管理人员事不关己,高高挂起 B、管理人员及时发动变革 C、管理人员高度关注顾客 D、领导重视基层员工

8、企业文化不可以通过下列哪个载体体现出来(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、口号 B、标语 C、领导演讲 D、英雄人物

9、关于企业文化,下列说法哪个是错误的(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、企业文化应推崇企业利益至上 B、企业文化要随环境而适应改变 C、企业文化是决定企业成功的关键因素 D、企业文化给与员工强有力的愿景

10、企业文化组合要素中不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:D 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、价值观 B、信念 C、共识 D、奖勤罚懒

1、古典管理理论在人性方面,认为人是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、理性的经济人 B、经纪人 C、管理人 D、社会人

2、下列哪个人物不是古典管理理论创始人(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、甘特 B、泰罗 C、法约尔 D、韦伯

3、科学管理理论的核心目标是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、提高工人收入 B、提高生产效率 C、强调管理人员与工人亲密合作 D、满足工人心理要求

4、科学管理的四大基本原理不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、建立一门严格的科学 B、科学地挑选、教育、培训工人 C、管理人员与工人亲密合作 D、提高工人待遇

5、对工人的激励方面,泰罗采取的方式是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:D 判题:× 得分:0)A、工时研究 B、与工人建立亲密关系 C、差别计件工资制 D、区分工人等级

6、泰罗在米德维尔钢铁厂,首先进行的研究是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、工具标准化 B、工时研究 C、职能制 D、管理例外原则

7、统一指挥是指(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:D 判题:× 得分:0)A、一个下属只接受一个上级的命令 B、只有一个领导人和一项计划 C、统一领导 D、职能工长制

8、法约尔提出的企业基本活动不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、生产活动 B、管理活动 C、会计活动哪 D、技术活动

9、下属说法,哪个不是法约尔的观点(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:D 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、管理具有普遍性 B、管理人员可以培养 C、管理人员需要管理能力 D、法国不缺乏管理职业教育

10、下属说法,哪个不是法约尔提出的管理原则(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、劳动分工原则 B、人员平等原则 C、统一指挥原则 D、统一领导原则

11、下属说法,哪个不是法约尔提出的管理职能(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、计划 B、组织 C、领导 D、控制

12、下列哪项不是官僚组织的要素(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、劳动分工 B、按照规章制度办事 C、等级原则 D、选举行政人员

13、官僚组织的缺点不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、忽视人性的要求 B、忽视非正式组织的存在 C、过分强调规章制度 D、专业化标准化

14、下列哪项不是韦伯对权力的分类(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、合理合法的权力 B、神授权力 C、传统权力 D、专家权力

1、福莱特认为,最好的领导者特征是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、要求人们为其服务 B、依靠职位与下级对他的服从 C、鼓励人们对客观形势规律做出反应 D、由随从帮助其行使职能

2、福莱特认为,控制是由下列哪项因素来控制?(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、上司的命令 B、事实 C、规章制度 D、法律

3、在共享权力下,组织的权威依靠(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、职权 B、知识与经验 C、工人对管理层的尊敬 D、工人受工资刺激

4、福莱特的结合方法是指(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、工人和雇主要看到共同点,找出使双方满意的方法 B、一方妥协的方法 C、一方统治另一方的方法 D、谈判的方法

5、闵斯特伯格没有做出下列哪项贡献(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、创立工业心理学 B、帮助企业挑选工人 C、首创测试工人的方法 D、电车事故主要原因是工人身体健康问题

6、下列哪项不是霍桑试验对管理理论和实践的启示(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、工资刺激仍能提高生产效率 B、需要培养与工人建立人际关系的技能 C、需要满足工人工人的感情、心理需求 D、需要禁止非正式组织

7、提出改善监工领导方式的研究学者是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、特纳 B、沃纳 C、梅奥 D、斯诺

8、霍桑试验的目的是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、研究企业中物质条件与生产效率的关系 B、工人人际关系与生产效率的关系 C、工人与监工人际关系与生产效率的关系 D、技术工艺的提高

9、霍桑试验中的绕线室试验发现(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、工人生产效率提高了 B、工人形成小集团 C、工人产量高于管理当局规定产量 D、工人感到受到管理当局重视

10、相对于古典管理理论,人际关系学说哪个方面差异最大(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、社会人替代经济人 B、人是团体人而不是个人的人 C、非理性模式替代理性模式 D、侧重个人行为规律

11、根据需要层次理论,马斯洛认为:(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:D 判题:× 得分:0)A、一种需要满足后,不会被另一种需要替代 B、每一时刻只有一种需要对人产生影响 C、人们需要的满足一般是从较低层次到较高层次 D、较高层次需要满足途径少

12、马斯洛的最高层次需要是括(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、生理需求 B、安全需求 C、自我实现需求 D、尊重需求

13、下列哪项不是人际关系学说的内容(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、人是社会人 B、注重非正式组织的管理 C、建立以社会与人群技能的新的领导方式 D、提高工资刺激工人提高生产效率

1、影响现代管理理论产生的最大因素是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、外部环境发生巨大变化 B、人性认识发生变化 C、技术进步 D、竞争激烈

2、下列哪项不是管理者的人际关系角色(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、挂名首脑 B、领导者 C、联络者 D、传播者

3、管理理论丛林的提出者是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、西蒙 B、伯纳德 C、孔茨 D、明茨伯格

4、判断一个决策是否正确,应该(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、通过价值要素判断 B、通过决策者的满意程度判断 C、通过事实要素判断 D、通过员工满意程度判断

5、下列哪项是非程序化决策(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、财务报销 B、生产计划调度 C、联想收购IBM的PC机事业部 D、文件收发

6、管理人的决策原则是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、满意原则 B、最优原则 C、改变航道原则 D、灵活性原则

7、管理人的决策行动模式是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:D 判题:× 得分:0)A、踌躇——选择型 B、刺激——反应型 C、分析——选择型 D、拍脑袋型

8、决策理论学派认为,人们在决策时,最可能没有受到下列哪项因素影响(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、学习B、记忆 C、习惯 D、理性分析

9、西蒙认为,管理的实质是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:D 判题:× 得分:0)A、决策 B、管理职能的实现过程 C、实现组织目标 D、协作

10、权威接受理论认为,领导的基础是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、寻找到双方满意的方案 B、被下级接受 C、命令 D、下级能力高

11、效力是指(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、组织目标实现的程度 B、组织成员工作的成果 C、个人动机满足的程度 D、企业的竞争力

12、下列哪项不是伯纳德提出的协作系统的三要素(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、协作意愿 B、共同目标 C、信息联系 D、流程标准

13、伯纳德认为,组织系统的实质是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、控制系统 B、管理职能系统 C、协作系统 D、人的系统

14、经营管理理论学派的分析方法是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、田野调查法 B、两部分类法 C、计算机模拟法 D、统计分析方法

15、经营管理理论学派认为,管理理论的框架是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、人性的假设 B、管理职能 C、管理决策 D、与其他学科的融合

16、学习型组织的五项修炼不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、改善心智模式 B、系统思考 C、建立共同愿景 D、绩效考核

17、知识产生过程中,关键途径是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、隐性知识显性化 B、隐性知识隐性化 C、员工教育培训 D、技术研发

1、组织过程不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、人员调配 B、绩效考核 C、部门协调 D、资源分配

2、关于管理幅度,下列说法正确的是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、宽管理幅度适合任何时期 B、下属工作任务越相似,管理幅度越宽 C、组织信息系统阻碍扁平化 D、管理者领导风格不会影响管理幅度

3、按专业化基础划分职能、工艺、产品部门,最重要的问题是要保证(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、部门设置上下一致 B、避免部门职责交 C、协调 D、团队管理

4、人力资源管理部门考核其他部门员工的权力是(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:D 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、直线职权 B、监督职权 C、参谋职权 D、职能职权

5、关于授权,下列说法哪个是正确的(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、上级不能把责任推卸给下级 B、授权就是分权 C、要交叉授权 D、授予权力要大于责任

6、直线职能制与直线职能参谋制的区别是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、直线职能制中职能部门起参谋作用,直线职能参谋制中职能部门拥有职能职权 B、直线职能制吸收了专业化好处,直线职能参谋职没有 C、直线职能制职能部门沟通困难,直线职能参谋职沟通顺畅 D、直线职能制授权不明确,直线职能参谋职授权明确

7、机械式组织的特点不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、集权 B、正规化 C、横向纵向多种信息沟通渠道 D、等级层次严格

8、网络结构的管理关键在于(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、降低成本 B、控制核心技术或价值链环节 C、利用供应商生产能力 D、增强灵活性

9、矩阵组织结构的优点是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、人员稳定 B、权力牵制 C、横向协调好 D、对外部环境适应力弱

1、领导的实质是(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、命令 B、控制 C、影响力 D、协调

2、如果下属工作和心理成熟度都不高,应采取下列哪种领导风格?(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、推销 B、参与 C、授权 D、指示 对知觉能力强或经验丰富的下属,应采取哪种领导风格?(1.0分)(

3、根据路径目标理论,正确的答案:C 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、指导型 B、成就导向型 C、支持型 D、参与型

4、领导者通过协调和综合工作相关活动而提高任务效率与工作士气,这种领导类型是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、贫乏型 B、团队型 C、乡村俱乐部型 D、参与型

5、期望激励理论的关键在于(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:D 判题:× 得分:0)A、弄清个人目标与三种联系 B、奖赏要高 C、制订低工作任务目标 D、维护组织良好人际关系

6、根据公平理论,当员工感到不公平时,最严重的做法是(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、曲解他人付出 B、捣乱 C、怠工 D、辞职

7、根据三种需要理论,人力资源管理部门应选择哪种类型的人才?(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、高成就需要者 B、高归属需要者 C、高权力需要者 D、高金钱需要者

8、某企业成立一个研发小组负责某新产品研发,该小组成员来自于多个部门。这种团队属于哪种类型团队?(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、问题解决型团队 B、自我管理型团队 C、跨功能型团队 D、应急团队

1、组织的构成子系统不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、管理分系统 B、技术分系统 C、社会心理分析系统 D、自动化系统

2、经济组织的核心管理问题是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、维持民主秩序 B、提高效率降低成本 C、控制预算 D、防止官僚作风

3、下列哪个因素不是非正式组织的特点(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、没有正式职务 B、以感情为基础 C、以爱好为基础 D、有职责权力的约束

4、坚持管理的目标原则,不是因为(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、目标指明了组织方向 B、目标是激励因素 C、目标是法律合同 D、目标决定管理活动的过程

5、下列哪个要素不是组织要素(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、人 B、目标 C、组织规范 D、政府垄断政策

6、罗马教皇为什么能同时管理全球数百个红衣主教?(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、教皇是神之子 B、经过严格培养和挑选,教皇能力超强 C、天主教事务简单 D、红衣主教能力很强

7、官僚政府组织的最大特点是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:D 判题:× 得分:0)A、法制和等级制 B、高层来自于贵族社会 C、低层官员支薪制 D、官僚作风严重

8、有限责任企业的缺点是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、所有权经营权分离 B、融资规模大 C、接班人能持续经营企业 D、决策风险小

9、家族企业的优点是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、所有权经营权不分离 B、融资规模大 C、接班人能持续经营企业 D、决策风险小

1、组织长远的全局的行动方案是指(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、专业计划 B、战略计划 C、管理计划 D、作业计划

2、下列哪项是管理者成效与发展的衡量指标(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:D 判题:× 得分:0)A、部门经理每月读一本管理书籍 B、部门经理收入提高5% C、部门管理人员多 D、工人离职率15%

3、下列哪个因素是房地产企业扩大开工量的限定因素(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、市场需求 B、政府支持政策 C、利率政策 D、企业实力

4、目标管理实施过程中,不需要(1.0分)(正确的答案:C 提交的答案:C 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、制订的目标比能完成的高 B、目标实施过程下级与上级反馈沟通 C、上级事事过问 D、高层管理者承诺支持

5、计划的承诺原则是指(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:A 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、确定计划合理完成期限 B、高层承诺对计划的支持 C、下级对计划的完成承诺 D、计划与组织目标一致

6、企业内部前提条件不包括(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、核心技术 B、核心管理能力 C、企业资源 D、供应商忠诚度

7、适合风险比较大的企业研发的计划选择方法是(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:A 判题:× 得分:0)A、经验法 B、试验法 C、研究与分析法 D、观察法

8、适合小型企业的预算方法是(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:C 判题:× 得分:0)A、零基预算法 B、增量预算法 C、现金预算法 D、利润预算法

9、大金空调专注于研究空调制冷技术,广告促销少,产品价格高。这属于哪种战略?(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、攻势 B、守势 C、分析 D、被动

1、供应商管理属于哪种控制类型?(1.0分)(正确的答案:A 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、前馈控制 B、反馈控制 C、即时控制 D、直接控制

2、下列哪种是最全面的控制焦点?(1.0分)(正确的答案:D 提交的答案:B 判题:× 得分:0)A、人员 B、信息 C、运作 D、组织绩效

3、计划评审法用于控制(1.0分)(正确的答案:B 提交的答案:B 判题:√ 得分:1.0)A、生产进度 B、负杂的大项目 C、工程人员 D、目标

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