
时间:2019-05-13 02:52:37下载本文作者:会员上传


高中英语常用词组归纳117个常用“be+形容词+about”结构 be anxious about 为……担忧 be worried about 为……担忧 be careful about 当心…… be certain about 确信…… be sure about 对……有把握 be curious about 对……好奇 be particular about 对…讲究;挑剔 be serious about 对……认真 be hopeful about 对……抱有希望 be mad about 对……入迷 be nervous about 为……感到不安 be angry about 为…生气 be sad about 为……而难过 be disappointed about 对……失望 be excited about 对……感到兴奋 be glad about 对……感到高兴 be happy about 为……感到高兴




a short cut近路/捷径


be adapted to sth./ doing


abandon oneself to sth 沉湎于…


be able to do sth.有能力做某事 ·

add to beauty/difficulties

be capable of doing sth.增添了美丽/困难

有能力做某事 ·

add up to 合计达… ·

do sth.to the best of one’s ability

amount to合计达…

尽某人全力做某事 ·

in addition 此外,另外 ·

abnormal behavior 反常的行为 ·

in addition to sth.除…之外 ·

above all 最为重要的是


admire sb.for sth.羡慕/钦佩某人某事

after all 毕竟 in all 总共 not at all 根本不


be absent from school/work

缺课/旷工 ·

be absent-minded 心不在焉的 ·

be absorbed in 专心于…


the academic year 学年


have the access to sth./ doing sth.有机会做某事/有接近…的权利 ·

by accident 意外地 ·

according to 根据…


account for 解释;说明 ·

open an account 开户头 ·

take … into account 把…考虑在内


accuse sb.of


charge sb.with sth.指控某人某事


be accustomed/used to sth./doing 习惯于做某事 · make a great achievement/great achievements 取得重大成绩 ·

acid rain 酸雨


act as 担任;充当 ·

take action to do sth.采取行动做某事 ·

take an active part in 积极参加…


adapt oneself to sth./doing ·

alarm clock 闹钟


be alert to sth./sb.对…警惕


allow … to do sth.允许…做某事

allow doing sth.·

leave …alone 别管… ·

get along/on well with…


admit one’s mistake 承认某人的错误

be admitted to university 被大学录取

adopt one’s advice 采纳某人的建议

adopt a child 收养一个孩子

in advance 预先

advanced technology


take advantage of


have a big advantage over…


be to one’s advantage 对某人有好处

advise sb to do sth.建议某人做某事

advise doing sth.current affairs 时事

can/ be able to afford sth.支付得起…

be named after…


again and again 再三地,反复地

be against one's will 违背某人的意愿

the aged


agree on / upon sth..就…达成一致

agree to one’s suggestion/proposal


agree with one’s suggestion/proposal

ahead of time 提前

first aid 急救

aim at sth./doing sth.瞄准某物;旨在做某事

be amazed/surprised/astonished at… 对…很惊讶

one’s ambition to do sth.做某事的志向

make an announcement 做一个通知

be anxious about 为…而担心

be anxious for 急于得到…



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apart from 与…相隔;除了…之外 ·

can tell…apart 把…区分开 ·

apologize to sb.for sth.因…向某人道歉

make an apology to sb.for sth.·

appeal to sb.for sth.因…向…呼吁 ·

appeal to sb.吸引某人


apply…to practice 把…应用于实践 ·

apply for a job/position


avoid doing 避免做某事 ·

keep/stay awake 保持醒着 ·

award sb.the Nobel Prize


sb.be awarded the Nobel Prize


be aware/conscious of 意识到…

back and forth 来回地 ·

go bad 变质


keep the balance of nature



the application form 申请表 ·

make an appointment with sb.与某人有约


appreciate sth./doing sth.欣赏/感激做某事


approve of 赞成;同意


argue with sb.about / over sth.与某人争论某事


arouse one’s interest 唤起某人的兴趣 ·

make an arrangement to do sth.做出安排做某事


as a matter of fact 实际上 ·

as a result 因此


as a whole 作为一个整体 ·

as follows 如下


as / so long as 只要


as the saying goes 俗语言


as usual 如平常


be/feel ashamed of 对…感到羞愧 ·

fall asleep 入睡


assign too much homework



assure sb.of sth./that 使某人相信某事 ·

attempt to do sth..尝试做某事

make an attempt to do sth.·

at a loss不知所措


at all costs 不惜一切代价


at ease 轻松,自在地


at present 目前


at the beginning 最初


at the cost/expense of 以…为代价


at the risk of 冒险做某事 ·




be banned from 被禁止做某事

snack bar 小吃店,快餐店

go to the barber’s 去理发店

pick up a good bargain


be based on … 建立在…基础之上

be on the basis of …

have a bath 洗个澡

be bathed in tears 泪流满面

bathing suit 游泳衣

on the beach 在海滨

bear a share of responsibility


heart beating 心脏跳动

beg sb.for sth./ to do sth.乞求某人做某事

begin with… 由…开始

behave oneself 管好自己

fall/lag behind 落后

human being 人类,人

believe in … 信任…

make believe that 假设

belong to … 属于…

benefit sb.a lot 使某人受益匪浅

benefit from … 从…当中获益

be beneficial to … 对…有益

do one’s best 尽全力

read between the lines


big game 大猎物

pay the bill


give birth to … 生下…

not a bit= not at all 根本不

blame sb.for sth.责备某人某事

····· ···················· ····高中英语各种教材词汇汇总大全


sb.be to blame 某人有责任 ·

fill in the blank 填空 ·

blare the horn 按喇叭


be blind to … 没有意识到…


turn a blind eye to … 对…视而不见 ·

blow up/ be blown up 爆炸 ·

notice board 布告栏 ·

on board 在船上 ·

boiled water 开水 ·

on the campus 在大学校园里 ·

a candidate for a post/position/job

某职位/工作的申请者/侯选人 ·

cannot help doing 禁不住做某事

cannot help but do sth.只能做某事

cannot help to do sth..无法帮忙做某事


care about … 关心,忧虑…


care for pop music 喜欢流行音乐 ·

booking office 售票处


never bother to do sth.不操心做某事 ·

bottled juice 瓶装的果汁 ·

at the bottom of 在…的底部 ·

break out 爆发


break away from … 脱离… ·

take a deep breath 深吸一口气

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气 ·

make a brief introduction

作一个简洁的介绍 ·

fire brigade 消防队 ·

bring up sb.抚养某人

bring in sth.引进…

bring about changes 导致变化


browse through the books 随意浏览书籍 ·

bump into sb.撞上某人;偶遇某人 ·

a bunch of flowers 一束花


burn sth.to the ground 把…烧光 ·

burst into tears 大哭起来

burst out crying


bury oneself in sth.埋头做某事

be buried in


business hours 营业时间


none of one’s business 不关某人的事 ·

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

be busy with sth.·

press the button 按按钮 ·

call at sp.参观某地


call on / upon sb.拜访某人;号召某人


call off a meeting 取消会议

cancel a meeting ·

calm down 镇静下来


go on a camping trip 去野营

take good care of… 好好照顾…

pursue an educational career


carry on one’s work 继续某人的工作

carry out a plan 实施一项计划

in case of fire 以防下雨;万一下雨

in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话

cash desk 收银台;柜台

take a casual look at…


the catalogue card 目录卡片

catch a cold 感冒

catch fire 着火

catch hold of sb.抓住某人

catch sight of… 看见…

catch up with sb.赶上某人

catch one’s attention to…


causes and effects 因果

celebrate the wedding anniversary


the central government


the wedding ceremony


face the challenge 面对挑战

win the championship


lose the golden chance 错失良机

miss the good opportunity

change one’s mind 改变主意

the English Channel 英吉列海峡

the Movie Channel 电影频道

charge(sb.)…for sth.因…向某人索价…



······· ····高中英语各种教材词汇汇总大全

free of charge 免费地 ·

comment on / upon…

charge sb.with sth.控告某人某事 对…进行评论

take charge of sth.负责某事

have a comment on/upon…


in the chatting room 在聊天室里 ·

commit a crime 犯罪 ·

cheat in the exams 考试作弊 ·

common sense 常识 ·

check in登记(入住)

have …in common 有…共同点


check out 结帐


communicate with sb.与某人交流

communicate sth.to sb.·

cheer up 欢呼;喝彩


cash the cheque/check 兑现支票 ·

the chief editor 主编 ·

Children’s Day 儿童节 ·

have a better choice 有一个更好的选择 ·

choose to do sth.选择做某事 ·

in the church 在教堂里 ·

under this circumstance 在这种情况下 ·

the citizens of Shanghai 上海市民


the Civil War 国内战争 ·

the social classes 社会等级 ·

classical music 古典乐 ·

clear up(天气)放晴;清除(安静)


close down a factory 关闭一家工厂


get close to… 接近… ·

take a close look at… 仔细地看一下


close friends 亲密的朋友 ·

get/find a clue to a crime 找到犯罪线索 ·

Zip Code 邮编 ·

have a collection of 500 stamps 集了500枚邮票 ·

combine A with B

将A与B结合在一起 ·

come about—happen 发生

come across sb./sth.偶遇…

come down with a disease 因(疾病)而病倒

come out 出版;出现

come to oneself 苏醒过来

come true …实现了

When it comes to …, … 关于;谈到… ·

have a good command of English



the Communist Party of China 中国共产党

be compared to/with … 与…相比

in/ comparison to …

compete with … 与…相竞争

in the competitive society 在竞争激烈的社会里

complain of/about… 抱怨…

complain to sb.about sth.向某人抱怨/投诉某事

be composed of 由…组成consist of …

be made up of

reading comprehension 阅读理解(力)

personal computer(PC)个人电脑

concentrate on / upon … 集中注意力于…

be concerned about… 关心/忙于…

form/reach/come to/arrive at a correct conclusion 得出一个正确的结论

improve people’s living conditions


on condition that 以…为条件;如果

be full of confidence 充满信心

have confidence in … 对…有信心

be confident of …

be in conflict with … 与…发生冲突

be confused with … 对…感迷惑

congratulate sb.on sth.祝贺某人某事

be connected with … 与…有关系

be connected to the Internet 与因特网相联

be conscious of / that 意识到…

be aware of/ that

a clear conscience 无愧于心

·· ··· ·

········· ···

· · ··

cause serious consequences



under construction 仍在建造中 ·

the construction site 建筑工地 ·

consult a dictionary 查阅字典

refer to a dictionary


protect the rights of consumers



make contact with… 与…联络 ·

the contents of a book 书的目录 ·

a speech contest 一场演讲比赛 ·

the Continent 欧洲大陆 ·

sign a contract 签一份合同 ·

on the contrary 相反地

contrary to one’s expectation



in contrast to … 与…相对比


contribute money to … 捐款给…

contribute to … 有助于… ·

be in control 在掌控中

be out of control 失控


convenient communication



private conversation 私人谈话 ·

co-operate with sb.与某人合作 ·

cost one’s life 使某人丧生


in the course of … 在…过程中 ·

in the court 在法庭上


be covered with … 被…所覆盖 ·

air crash 空难


be crazy about … 为…疯狂 ·

create the opportunities 创造机会 ·

credit card 信用卡 ·

cross talk 相声


the Red Cross 红十字会 ·

be crowded with 挤满… ·

cruel behavior 残忍的行为


the cultural difference 文化差异 ·

cure sb.of … 治愈某人的疾病 ·

be curious about … 对…很好奇 ·

current affairs 时事


social customs 社会习俗 ·

cheat customers 欺骗顾客


cut down the price 降低价格



do damage to 对…造成损伤 ·

the damp weather 潮湿的天气 ·

in danger 处于危险之中


date from/date back to 回溯到 ·

in the dark 在黑暗中


from dawn to dark 从早到晚 ·

in the daytime 在白天


turn a deaf ear to 对…充耳不闻 ·

how to deal with 如何处理

what to do with


a great deal of money 大笔的钱 ·

debate with sb.与某人辩论 ·

be in debt 欠债

pay off the debt 还清债务


for decades 数十年来


decide to do sth.决定做某事

make a decision to do sth.make up one’s mind to do sth.be determined to do sth.·

declare the war 宣战 ·

decline one’ invitation



do a good deed 做一件好事 ·

deep in thought 陷入沉思 ·

defeat the enemies 击败敌人 ·

defend one’s homeland 保卫祖国 ·

make a clear definition 下明确的定义 ·

the doctoral degree 博士学位 ·

delay doing sth.推迟做某事


delicious food 美味的食物


to one’s delight 令某人高兴的是 ·

deliver newspaper 投递报纸


a demanding task 一项要求高的任务 ·

deny doing sth.否认做某事 ·

the English Department 英语系


depend on/upon 依赖…;决取于…

be dependent on/upon


be independent of 独立于…


deserve the praise 应得到奖励 ·

desire to do sth.渴望做某事 ·

in despair 绝望地


get to the destination 到达目的地 ·

in details 详细地


a detective novel 一部侦探小说



a developed country 一个发达国家 与某人讨论某事 ·

with the development of society ·

distinguished scientists 杰出的科学家

随着社会的发展 ·

divide …into 把…分成 ·

devote oneself to sth.全心地奉献于 ·

donate blood 献血 ·

dial the number 拨号 ·

there is no doubt that 毫无疑问 ·

keep a diary 记日记


download a file 下载一份文件 ·

on a diet 节食 ·

go to the downtown 去商业区

a well-balanced diet 均衡的饮食


draw one’s attention to 引起…注意力 ·

differ from与…不同be different from

draw to a close 接近尾声 ·

make a great difference 起很大作用 ·

have difficulty in doing sth.做有困难 ·

a digital camera 一台数码相机 ·

in the direction of 朝着…方向 ·

help the disabled 帮助残疾人 ·

make a great discovery 有重大发现 ·

discuss with sb.over/about sth.help each other 互相帮助 ·

be eager to make progress 渴望取得进步 ·

earn/make a living 谋生 ·

on earth 究竟;到底 ·

at ease 轻松自在地


take it easy 放松;别紧张


eat one's words 食言


the economic situation 经济状况

economy class 经济舱 ·

the chief editor 主编 ·

have a great effect/impact on … 对…有重大影响 ·

take an effective measure to do sth.采取有效的措施做某事 ·

an efficient machine 一台高效的机器 ·

make all efforts to do sth.全力以赴做某事

make every effort to do sth.·

be elected president 当选为总统 ·

electric light 电灯 save electricity 节约电;省电 electronic parts 电子零部件 ·

elementary school 小学 ·

feel embarrassed 感到局促不安的 ·

in case of emergency 在紧急情况下 ·

emotional factors 感情因素 ·

put/lay emphasis on … 重点强调…

dream of doing sth.梦想做某事

be dressed in sth.某人穿着…

be driven mad/crazy 被迫疯了

drop in on sb.顺便拜访某人

drop in at sp.顺便去某地

due to 由于 ;因为

on duty 在值班

enable sb.to do sth.使某人能够做某事

encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

end up with sth.以某事而告终

end up by doing end up in failure 以失败而千终

in the end 最后;终于

endure great hardship 忍受苦痛

be full of energy 精力充沛的 be engaged in doing sth.从事于做某事

the engine of a train 火车引擎

ensure that …确保…

enter for a competition 报名参加比赛

a joint enterprise 一家合资企业

entertain oneself 自娱自乐

show one’s enthusiasm for soccer 表现出对足球的热情

the College Entrance Examination 高考

protect the environment of nature


offer equal opportunities 提供平等的机会

equal rights平等的权利

A be equal to B A等于B

commit an error = make a mistake 犯了一个错

···· ····· ············· ··

escape from punishment 逃避惩罚

escape being punished the name/date escapes sb.某人忘记了名字、日期 a narrow escape 九死一生


It is estimated that 据估计


overlasting friendship 永久的友谊

It is evident that … 很明显


take/ have an exam 参加考试 ·

for example = for instance 例如 ·

exchange seats with sb.与某人交换座位

exchange information/ ideas 交流信息、想法


to one’s excitement 令某人兴奋的是 ·

excuse sb.for doing sth.原谅某人做某事

excuse sb.from swimming 允许某人不去游泳

find/have an excuse to do sth.找借口做某事


take/ do exercise 进行体育锻炼 ·

go to an exhibition of arts



be in existence = exist 存在 ·

leave from an emergency exit



expect to do sth.期待做某事

expect sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事 contrary to parents’ expectation 与父母的期望相反


living expenses 生活开支

at the expense of 以…为代价


personal experiences 个人经历

an experienced pilot 一个有经验的飞行员


do/ carry out an experiment



an expert in/on medical science



explain sth.to sb.向某人解释某事 ·

explode with anger 大发雷霆 ·

exploit the natural resources




be exposed to English-speaking envioronment 接触英语语言环境 ·

express one’s thanks 表达某人的感激 ·

extend thanks to sb.正式表达对某人的感激


to some extent 从某种程度上讲


protect the rare animals from extinction



catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意力

eye exercises 眼保健操

turn blind eyes to 对…视而不见

protect one’s eyesight 保护视力

face to face 面对面地

face up to 勇于面对…

be faced with 面临着… ·

teaching facilities 教学设施 ·

in fact 实际上

as a matter of fact


emotional factors 情感因素 ·

fail to do sth.没能做某事

Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母


have faith in … 信任…;信仰… ·

fall behind 落后

fall asleep 入睡

fall in love with 爱上某人


A be familiar with B A熟悉B

B be familiar to A


be famous for 因为…而著名

be famous as 作为…而著名

be famous to sb.为某人所熟知 ·

basketball fans 篮球迷 ·

as far as I know 就我所知

as far as I am concerned 就我而言 ·

be far from perfect 远不够完美 ·

bus fares 公车费


say farewell to sb.与某人告别 ·

on the farm 在农场里


fashionable clothes 时尚的衣服 ·

fatal accidents 致命的事故 ·

It’s one’s fault to do sth.是某人的过失 ·

do sb.a favor 帮助某人

in favor of 支持;赞成 ·

for fear of 由于害怕…



feasible methods 可行的措施


in the form of 以…的形式

form a correct conclusion ·

feed on sth.以…为生


feel like doing sth.想做某事 得出正确的结论

would like to do sth.·

the former… the latter…前者…后者 ·

fertile soil 肥沃的土地 ·

back and forth 来回地 ·

observe the traditional festivals ·

make a large fortune 发大财;赚钱

欢度传统节日 ·

look forward to doing sth.·

science fiction 科幻小说 盼望着做某事 ·

in the field of science and technology ·

to be frank 老实说,坦白讲

在科技领域 ·

a fierce battle 一场激烈的战斗


fight against sb.与某人相对抗


figure out… 计算出;弄清楚


fill in the blank 填空


be filled with 装满… ·

make a film 拍电影 ·

make a final decision 作出最后的决定 ·

the financial situation of a nation 一个国家的金融状况 ·

find out 查出 ·

pay a fine 付罚款 ·

finish off 吃完;喝完 ·

catch fire 着火

make a fire 生火

on fire 着火 ·

first of all 首先


be fit for 适合于… ·

fix one’s eyes on / upon 盯着…看 ·

speak fluent English 说一口流利的英语 ·

focus on 集中于…之上;聚焦于…


fold up 折叠 ·

follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议

follow the instructions 按照说明


be fond of 喜欢 ·

on foot 步行


for example/for instance 取例;例如


for fear of 由于害怕


for the purpose of 为了…目的·

for the sake of 为了…利益/好处


forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事 ·

force sb.to do sth.迫使某人做某事 ·

forget to do sth.忘记去做某事

forget doing sth.忘记做过某事

make friends with sb.与某人交友

be friendly to sb.对某人友好

be frightened of sb./ sth.害怕某人或某物

from beginning to end 从头到尾

from then on 从那时起

from time to time 时不时地

go to the front 去前线

frozen food 冷冻食品

fruit bowl 果盆

fulfill one’s duty 履行某人的职责

make fun of 取笑…

the functions of a machine 一台机器的功能

raise funds 筹集基金

make further efforts 做进一步的努力

in the near future 在不久的未来

No pains, no gains.不劳则无获

abandon oneself to playing video games 沉溺于玩电子游戏

shorten the generation gap 缩短代沟

gather at the school gate 在校门口集合 gaze at sb.凝视某人

in general 一般地 generally speaking 一般来讲 be generally accepted 被普遍接受

be passed down from generation to generation 被代代相传

get along well with sb.与某人相处融洽

get together 聚会

get over the great pain 克服极大的痛苦

· ········ ····· ·· ···



have a great gift in doing sth.在做某事方面有天赋 ·

give out papers 分发试卷

give up doing sth.放弃做某事 give in to sb.向某人屈服


be glad to do sth.很高兴做某事 ·

glance at 扫一眼


global warming 全球升温


win a great glory 赢得极大的荣誉

form the habit of … · hand in one’s test paper 交试卷

hand out one’s test paper 分发试卷

hand in hand 手拉手


handle the complicated situation



hang up the line 挂断电话

be hanged 被绞死


happen to be doing sth.·

go on doing sth.继续做某事

go on to do sth.继续做另一件事 go over the learned knowledge 复习学做的知识 go bad 变质

go wrong 出错;发生故障 ·

achieve one’s goal to do sth.实现某人做某事的目标


lose the golden chance 错失良机

miss the good opportunity ·

be good for… 对…有好处

do good to …


Thank goodness.谢天谢地!·

graduate from the university



get a general idea of the grammar rules



take it for granted that



grasp the true meaning of



be grateful/thankful to sb.for sth.因为某事而感激某人

show one’s gratitude to sb.for sth.·

be burnt to the ground 被烧成灰烬 ·

have a great effect on children’s growth 对孩子的成长有好处


on guard 站岗


have a guess of the meaning



the guests present 在场的客人 ·

be guided by sb.在某人的引导下 ·

feel guilty 感到内疚的;感到有罪的 ·

play the guitar 弹吉他

get into the habit of … 养成…习惯


happen to have done sth.碰巧做过某事

…happen to sb.某人发生了某事

Hardly had sb.done … when sb.did


No sooner had sb.done …than sb.did

endure great hardship 忍受极大的痛哭

do harm to … 对…有害 be harmful to …

have a good/wonderful time 玩得开心

have/take a close look at 仔细看一下

have an advantage over … 与…相比占优势

have a great headache 十分头痛

the headlines of a newspaper


in good/bad health 身体健康/不好

keep healthy/fit 保持身体健康

hear about …听说关于…

hear from 收到某人的来信

heart and soul 全心全意地

put …into heart 牢记…

help sb.out 帮助某人摆脱困难

be helpful to … 对…有益

here and there 到处

hesitate to do sth.犹豫做某事

without hesitation 毫不犹豫地

think highly of 高度评价

speak highly of 高度赞扬

hint at doing sth.暗示做某事

a historic event


in the history of human being



·· ·

······ ···· · ··· 高中英语各种教材词汇汇总大全


take up good hobbies 有好的爱好


hold back one’s feeling


hold on 坚持

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

hold/keep one’s temper 不发脾气

be held up in the traffic jam

在交通堵塞中被搁置 ·

on holiday 在度假


be of great importance 非常重要 ·

be impressed with/by …对…印象深刻

leave/make a deep impression on sb.给某人留下深刻印象


improve the living conditions of people

改善人们的生活条件 ·

sth.be inaccessible to sb.某事对于某人来说很难办 ·

Give sb.an inch and he will take a mile.·

feel homesick 感到想家的


assignment homework 布置家庭作业 ·

to be honest 老实说 ·

a honorable professor 一位可敬的教授 ·

in honor of 向…表示敬意;为了纪念 ·

hope to do sth.希望做某事 ·

feel hopeful for the future



broaden one’s horizon



air hostess 空中小姐


get paid by the hour 按小时支付酬劳 ·

do housework 做家务劳动 ·

the sense of humor 幽默感 ·

hunt for a job 找工作


hurry up 抓紧时间

in a hurry 匆忙地

hurry to do sth.匆忙去做某事


get hurt 受伤


have/get a good idea


a good idea occurs to sb.·

be ignorant of sth.对某事一无所知

ignore the importance of sth.忽略某事的重要性


illegal immigrants 非法移民


illegible handwriting 难以辨认的书写 ·

an imaginary story 一个虚构的故事

imagine doing sth.想象做某事 ·

imitate the behaviors of parents



have a great impact/effect/influence on sb.对某人产生极大的影响


be impatient with …对…不耐烦 ·

the implied meaning 隐含的意思


annual income 年收入

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情

be dependent on 依靠…

be independent of 独立于…

The survey indicated that


the great development of industry


get infected 受感染

infer from the context


inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事

keep sb.well informed of sth.让某人清楚地了解某事

inherit sth.from parents


get seriously injured in the accident


innocent victims 无辜的受害者

inquire at the booking office


insist on doing sth.执意要做某事

install the efficient network


for instance/example 例如

instant noodle 方便面

by instinct 通过本能

follow the instructions 按照用法说明

an intelligent student 一位聪颖的学生

intend no offence 非有意冒犯

be intended for 为…而准备 have no intention of doing sth.没有做某事的意图



handle international affairs



make friends through the Internet



interrupt sb’s speech 打断某人说话 ·

a job interview 工作面试


introduce sb.to sb.向某人介绍某人 ·

invade sb.’s privacy 侵犯某人的隐私 ·

kidnap an innocent child

绑架一个无辜的孩子 ·

fly kites 放风筝


have a knack for learning languages



kneel down 下跪


knock down sb.撞倒某人 ·

have a knowledge of sth.·

invest money in stocks 投资于股票 ·

decline sb.’s invitation

婉拒某人的邀请 ·

invite sb.to the party

邀请某人去聚会 the inviting food 诱人的食物


be involved in a heated discussion 参与激烈的讨论

be involved in 与…有关;涉及某事


have an iron will 有坚强的意志 ·

be isolated fom one’s friends



the Febuary issue 二月刊


be put into jail/prison 被送入监狱 ·

be held up in the traffic jam

耽搁在交通堵塞中 ·

join the army 参军

join in the activities 参加活动 the joint enterprise 合资企业 ·

play a joke on sb.和某人开玩笑 ·

a respectable journalist



make journeys to sp.旅行去某地 ·

to one’s great joy



judging from one’s appearance



high jump 跳高

long jump 跳远

jump with joy 高兴地跳起来 ·

keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

keep up with the pace of new age 跟上时代的步伐


the key to the questions 问题的答案


in the language lab 在语言实验室 ·

lack oxygen缺氧be lacking in oxygen

for the lack of oxygen 由于缺氧


protect the land resources



native language 母语mother tongue

last but not least 最后的但也是重要的 ·

The fire lasted an hour.火灾持续了一小时。


the lastest news 最近的新闻


the former…, the latter… 前者…后者 ·

laugh at doing sth.取笑做某事

burst into laughter 突然大笑起来 burst out laughing


the successful launch of Shenzhou VI



law and order 法治

obey the law of nature



lay laid laid lay eggs 下蛋 ·

lead to doing sth.导致做某事 ·

learn English by oneself 自学英语

a learned professor 一名有学问的教授


at least 至少 at most 至多 ·

leave for sp.出发去某地

leave sth.out 把某事漏掉 be left behind 落后 ask for leave 请假 ·

give a lecture on sth.作一个有关某事的讲座


one’s legal behaviors 某人的合法行为 ·

at one’s leisure 在某人休闲的时候 ·

lend sb.a hand 帮某人一个忙


do sb.a favor ·

let sb.out 放出某人


liberate from sth.从…中解放


lie to sb.向某人撒谎 lie lied lied lie down 躺下 lie lay lain lie in 在于,位于


spend the rest of one’s life 度过余生

in one’s early life 在某人早年时 找到…的合适位置


form/reach/arrive at a logical conclusion



long to do sth.渴望做某事

long for sth.渴望某事


no longer= not any longer 不再


make long-term efforts 做长期的努力 ·

have a close look at 仔细地看一看


be likely to do sth.有可能做某事 ·

limit the chance of getting success



line up to buy tickets 排队买票


be linked to sth.与某事相联,有关系 · make a list of advantages and disadvantages

列出优点和缺点 ·

no litter 不准乱扔垃圾 ·

not a little = very, much not a bit = not at all ·

pay the bank loan 支付银行贷款 ·

the local government 当地政府 ·

be located in 坐落(在)·

find a suitable location for … an efficient machine 一台高效的机器 ·

be driven mad/crazy 被逼疯


a magical legend 一个神秘的传说 ·

send sth.by mail 邮寄


grasp the main idea of a passage

掌握一篇文章的主要大意 ·

build up a bridge between Taiwan and the mainland 在台湾和大陆之间建起一座桥梁 ·

maintain the good relationship



major in engineering 主修工程学

the majority of dentists 大多数牙医 ·

make off 匆匆离开

make up a story 编一个故事

be made up of 由…组成be composed of

consist of

make up for the lost time

弥补失去的时间 ·

manage to do sth.设法成功地做了某事 ·

the man-made satellite 人造卫星 ·

It is good manners to do sth./that


look after sb.照顾某人

look down on/upon sb.瞧不起某人 look forward to doing 盼望做某事 look up sth.in the dictionary 查字典 refer to the dictionary

lose heart 灰心

at a loss 不知所措

lower one’s voice 降低声音

show one’s loyalty to the country


try one’s luck 碰碰运气

unload the luggage 卸行李

suffer from lung cancer 患肺癌

a good many tourists 许多游客

the Long March 长征

in the competitive market


marry sb.娶/嫁某人

be married to sb.与某人结婚

master several languages 精通多种语言

chemical materials 化学材料

as a matter of fact 实际上

sth.doesn’t matter 某事不要紧

become mature gradually 逐渐成熟

be elected mayor of Shanghai


mean doing sth.意味着做某事

mean to do sth.打算去做某事

by means of 用;以某种方式

in the meantime 与此同时

at the same time

measure the height of a building


take effective measures to do sth.采取有效的措施做某事

··········· ··· ···

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a skilled mechanic 一个熟练的技工 ·

win a gold medal 得金牌 ·

medical insurance 医疗保险 ·

a memorable event


in memory of 为了纪念


physical and mental health 身心健康 ·

as mentioned above 如上所提及 ·

native language 母语mother tongue ·

protect natural resources 保护自然资源

protect the environment of nature



couldn’t put up with a naughty boy

无法忍受一个淘气的男孩 ·

go to a grocery nearby 去附近的杂货店 ·

There is no need to do sth.·

in a mess 一团糟


leave a message for sb.给某人留个条 ·

learning methods 学习方法 ·

mind doing sth.介意做某事

make up one’s mind to do sth.下定决心做某事

decide to do sth.be determined to do sth.determine to do sth.·

the minority 少数民族


one’s miserable experiences



a missing child 失踪的孩子a lost child ·

complete one’s mission



make a mistake 犯错commit an error ·

have a misunderstanding of 误解 ·

mix A with B 把A 与B 相混合 ·

a mobile phone 一部手机 ·

modern society 现代社会


be modest about sth.对…很谦虚 ·

at the moment 目前,此刻 ·

be worth the money 值钱

make money 赚钱 ·

in good mood 心情好

in the mood of doing sth.有心情做某事


moral standards 道德标准 ·

more or less 或多或少 ·

climb the mountain 爬山 ·

the Movie Channel 电影频道 ·

multiply A with B A乘以B ·

pay a visit to the museum 参观博物馆 ·

be named after sb.以某人的名字来命名 ·

a narrow escape 九死一生


have a negative effect on


negotiate with sb.与某人谈判协商

feel nervous about the College Entrance

Examination 为高考而感到紧张

There is no doubt that 毫无疑问

no wonder 不足为奇

make noises 制造嗓音

none of sb.’s business 与某人无关

instant noodle 方便面

the normal temperature 正常的体温

take notes 记笔记

make trouble for nothing 无事生非

take notice of 注意

pay attention to doing sth.now that = since 既然

now and then 时不时地

nuclear weapons 核武器

get nutrients from milk


obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 observe the traffic regulations

object to doing sth.反对做某事

have objection to doing sth.be opposed to doing sth.set the objective of doing sth.树立做某事的目标

oblige sb.to do sth.迫使某人做某事

be obliged to sb.for doing sth.因某事而感激某人

overcome the obstacles 克服障碍

It is obvious/clear/evident that 很显然

on the occasion of 在做某事的场合/情况

in the situation of

under the circumstance of

···· ······· ··········

occupy=take up 占据;占有 ·

A good idea occurs to sb


It occurs to sb.that 某人想到 ·

intend no offense 非有意冒犯 ·

offer sb.sth.提供某人某物

offer sth.to sb.provide sb.with sth.provide sth.for sb.supply sb.with sth.supply sth.to sb.·

offer to do sth.主动提供做某事 ·

the Olympic Games 奥运会

the Olympics ·

omit the details 省略细节 ·

once in a while 偶尔

at once = right away=immediately 立即·

be open to the public 对公众开放

in the open air 在户外 ·

the Beijing Opera 京剧


operate on sb.给某人做手术

do an operation on sb.the telephone operator 电话接线员 ·

in one’s opinion 就某人的观点

hold the opposite opinion that 持有相反的观点


beat the opponent 打败对手


lose the good opportunity 坐失良机

miss the golden chance ·

A be opposite to B A与B相反 ·

the oppressed slaves 被压迫的奴隶 ·

oral practice 口头训练 ·

order the dishes 点菜

in good order 有次序 out of order 混乱 ·

ordinary people平民


a charity organization 一个慈善组织 ·

the origin of civilization 文明的起源

the original 原著


in other words 换句话说

other than 除了

the other day 前几天


the outcome of an experiment




outdoor activities 户外活动


a promising outlook 有前途的前景 ·

output and input 输出和输入 ·

make outstanding achievements



over and over again 一次又一次地 ·

the overall output 总产量 ·

move overseas 移居海外 ·

owing to 由于

due to/ because of


of one’s own 某人自己的 ·

lack oxygen 缺氧

keep up with the pace of the new age 跟上



pack up the luggage 打包行李 ·

endure great pain 忍受极大的痛苦 ·

memorize painful experiences



be fond of Chinese Paintings



pay a visit to the Palace Museum



read the following paragraphs



beg one’s pardon 请求某人的原谅 ·

no parking 禁止停车


play an important part in sth.在某事当中起重要作用 take an active part in sth.积极参加某事


participate in sth.参加某事

the participants of this social activity



be particular about food



pass the examination 考试及格

pass away 逝世 pass by 路过

pass down sth.from generation to



pass on 传递,传授


ensure the safety of passengers



have a great passion for soccer




a valid passport 一张有效的护照 ·

in the past few years 在过去的几年里 ·

pat sb.on the shoulder 拍某人的肩膀 ·

pave the way 铺路 ·

pay the bill 付帐

pay off the debts 还清债务

pay attention to doing sth.注意做某事take notice of doing sth.pay a visit to the Summer Palace 去颐和园参观


live a peaceful life 过着安宁的生活 ·

be awarded the Nobel Prize for one’s perfect performance 因为某人的完美表现而被授予诺贝尔奖 ·

during the long period of growth



do permanent damage to people’s mental health 对人们的心理健康产生永久的伤害


ask for the teacher’s permission of doing sth.请求某人的允许做某事

· show one’s great perseverance in overcoming the obstacles



persist in doing sth.固执己见做某事 ·

handle personal affairs 处理个人事宜 ·

persuade sb.to do sth 说服某人做某事

persuade sb.into doing sth.talk sb.into doing sth.reason sb.into doing sth.·

make a phone to sb.打电话给某人 ·

read the key words and phrases



pick up a wallet from the ground 从地上捡起一只钱包

pick up some knowledge of physiology 非正规地学到一些生理学的知识 pick sb.up 接某人;搭载某人 pick out 挑选出;分辨出


go out for a picnic 出外去野餐


the great pioneers of modern science

现代科学的伟大先驱 ·

take place 发生 take the place of 代替 substitute for


plan to do sth.计划做某事

make a plan to do sth.·

point out the existing problems


have the point in doing sth.有做某事的意义

share one’s point of view with sb.与某人分享自己的观点


turn to the police for help 向警察求助 ·

the insurance policies of the local

government 当地政府的保险政策 ·

be polite to sb.对某人有礼貌

· pollute the surroundings of this neighbourhood 污染这个社区的周围环境 ·

be popular with the young fans



have a large population 有很多的人口 ·

be able to afford the portable computers



show a positive attitude to sth./ sb.对某人或某物表现出积极的态度 ·

have the possibility of doing sth.有做某事的可能

be possible to do sth.·

show one’s potential ability



result in poverty of the nation

导致那个国家的贫穷 ·

power failure 停电

come into power 掌权;执政


offer practical help 提供实际的帮助

apply the learned knowledge to practice 将所学的知识应用于实践

practise speaking English练习说英语 ·

praise sb.for sth.因为某事而表扬某人 ·

value the precious time



predict the future development of economy 预测经济的未来发展


prefer doing sth.to doing sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.高中英语各种教材词汇汇总大全


be well prepared for sth.对某事作好充分准备

have a good preparation of sth.·

in the presence of strangers


the guests present 在场的客人 ·

prohibit sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做

某事 forbid sb.to do sth.·

promote the Hope Project



sb.promise to do sth.某人承诺做某事

sth.promise to do afs

the present situation 当前的形势 at present 目前

present a bunch of flowers to sb.送一束花给某人 ·

be elected president of the United States 当选为美国总统


under the heavy pressure of doing sth.在做某的沉重的压力之下 ·

pretend to do sth.假装做某事

pretend to be doing 假装正在做某事 pretend to have done sth.假装做过某事


prevent …(from)doing sth.阻止某人做某事

stop sb.(from)doing sth.keep sb.from doing sth.·

according to the previous sentences



cut the price of sth.降低某事的价格 ·

take pride in 以…为骄傲

be proud of


be put into prison 被送进监狱 ·

in the whole process of



increase the overall production of sth.增加某物的总产量 a productive novelist 一位多产的小说家


raise some professional questions 提出一些专业性的问题


a learned professor 一位有学问的教授 ·

gain profit from one’s business



program a computer 为电脑编程

the audience’s favorite TV programs

观众们最喜爱的电视节目 ·

make great/ rapid progress

取得很大/ 快速的进步

某事有…发展趋势;有望做某事 make a promise to do sth.许诺做某事 keep one’s promise to do sth.遵守诺言做某事

break one’ promise to do sth.食言

a promising future 未来大有希望

get promoted 升职

gain promotion

the promotion of a new commercial

product 促销一种新产品

water-proof adj.防水的

in the proper way 以正确的/适当的方式

protect people’s private property


the chemical properties of iron


propose doing sth.提议做某事

put forward a good proposal


prospect for old 勘探金矿

protect the animals from attacking


as the old proverb says常言道

provide sb.with sth.提供某人某物

provide sth.for sb.offer sb.sth.offer sth.to sb.supply sb.with sth.supply sth.to sb.make psychological researches


publish the newest edition


escape from punishment 逃脱惩罚

escape being punished

purchase the bargains on the market


on purpose 故意地



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by accident 偶然地

put forward a perfect proposal 提出一个完美的建议 put off a press conference 推迟一次新闻发布会

put on a performance 上演一场表演 put out a big fire 扑灭一场大火 put up a tent 搭建一个帐蓬 ·

feel puzzled about the results



be well qualified for a post



the good qualities of the great hero 那个大英雄的良好品质

be lacking in oxygen


see sb.off at the railway station



raise one’s voice 提高说话的声音

be raised in a remote village 在一个偏远的村庄被抚养长大 raise money for the charities 为慈善机构筹集资金 ·

range in age from … to


a wide range of knowledge广泛的知识 ·

rank the first 排名第一


make rapid progress 取得迅速的进步 ·

protect the rare animals from extinction 保护稀有动物免于灭绝


increase at the rate of 按…比率增长 ·

reach a logical conclusion

得出有逻辑性的结论 within one’s reach 在某人够得着的地方

reach the original objectives 达到最初的目标


react to the teacher’s criticism


make a reaction to the teacher’s criticism ·

get ready to do sth.准备好做某事

be ready/willing to help others 乐于助人


in one’s real life 在真实生活中 ·

a large quantity of 大量的

large quantities of


quarrel with sb.over sth.与某人争吵某事 ·

out of question 没问题

out of the question 不可能 the answers to the questions 问题的答案


stand in a long queue 排长队 ·

quit doing sth.放弃做某事


have a little quiz 进行一次小测验


quote some sentences from the great works 从伟大著作中引用一些句子

set realistic objectives for one’s future 为未来设定现实可行的目标

turn sth.into reality 把某事变为现实 ·

realize the importance of observing the traffic regulations

意识到遵守交通规则的重要性 ·

for the reason of 由于…原因

reason/talk/persuade sb.into doing sth.劝服某人做某事

persuade sb.to do sth.·

make reasonable requirements



recall one’s past experiences



in the recent survey of 在最近的调查中 ·

inquire at the reception desk



recite the whole passage 背诵整篇文章 ·

recognize one’s former partner

认出某人过去的搭档 ·

recommend sb.to sb.把某人推荐给某人


record the professor’s remarks


break the world record 打破世界记录 ·

recover from the lung cancer



be reduced to an average level



refer to the dictionary 查字典


consult the dictionary look up sth.in the dictionary make reference to the dictionary ·

reflect the existing problems in the society 反映出社会上的现存的问题 ·

reform the inefficient system of education 改革无效的教育制度


get refreshed after a good rest



refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事


reject one’s request 拒绝某人的请求 ·

be closely related to 与…密切相关

keep in touch with overseas relatives

与某人的海外戚保持联络 ·

relax oneself 放松自己

have a good relaxation 好好放松一下 ·

release one’s feelings 释放某人的情感

release the newest discs



be relevant to 与…相关,相符 ·

a reliable partner 一位可靠的搭档

rely on sb.依靠某人 ·

to one’s great relief


relieve one’s great pain



be reluctant to do sth.不情愿做某事

be unwilling to do sth.·

The result of the study remains to be found.调查结果有待发现。


make important remarks 做重要讲话

make remarkable improvements



remind sb.of sth./that

提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事 ·

a remote control 遥控器 ·

renew books in the library

在图书馆里续借图书 ·

can’t afford the high rent



beyond repair 已无法修理


be reluctant to repeat one’s remarks

不情愿重复某人的讲话 ·

replace = take the place of


regard…as… 把…看作…

think of …as…

with regard to 有关于… regardless of bad weather 不管恶劣的天气


regret to tell sb.很遗憾地告诉某人

regret doing sth.后悔做了某事


one’s regular income 某人的固定收入 ·

regulate the flow of water 控制水流= substitute for 代替


reply to a letter 回复来信

make a reply to a letter


judging from one’s school reports



represent all the audience’s desire



the People’s Republic of China



a scholar of reputation



meet the requirements of customers



go to sb.’s rescue 去营救某人

go to rescue sb.·

make scientific researches 进行科学研究 ·

reserve two seats in the restaurant



resign from one’s post 辞去职位 ·

resist the temptation 抵抗诱惑

be resistant to … 对…有抵抗能力 · make resolutions to do sth.下定决心做某事 ·protect the natural resources 保护自然资源 ·

respect parents and teachers


be respectful to one’s parents and teachers

a respectable scholar 一位值得尊敬的学者 ·

respond to … 回应…

in response to 回应…


share one’s responsibility with sb.与某人分担责任

be responsible for the traffic accident 对这次交通事故负责



be restored to health 恢复健康 ·

be strictly restricted 被严格控制 ·

result in 导致

result from 由…导致


a retired teacher 一位退休老师 ·

in return 作为回报

· reveal the hidden secrets 揭示隐藏的秘密 ·

a revised edition 一部修订版


reward sb.with sth.奖赏某人某物

award sb.sth.颁发某人某物

· be rich in natural resources 胜产自然资源 ·

get rid of bad habits 改掉坏毛病 ·

risk doing sth.冒险做某事 run a risk ·

rob sb.of sth.抢某人某物


be royal to one’s homeland 对祖国忠诚 ·

in the rural areas 在农村 ·

in rush hours 在交通高峰期 to one’s sadness 令某人悲伤的是

It saddened sb.that


safe and sound 安然无恙地 ·

ensure the safety of passengers

保证乘客的安全 ·

go sailing 去航行


for the sake of 为了…的利益/好处

send a man-made satellite into space



to one’s satisfaction 令某人满意的是

give a satisfactory answer


feel satisfied with one’s efforts

对某人付出的努力而感到满意 ·

scan the following passage


Scarcely had sb.done when sb.did


Hardly had sb.done when sb.did.No sooner had sb.done than sb.did ·

the witnesses at the scene 现场的目击者 ·

according to the flight schedule

根据航班时刻表 ·

a respectable scholar



win a scholarship 赢得奖学金


science fiction 科幻小说 with the development of science and technology 随着科技的发展

a distinguished scientist



scold sb.for sth.因为某事责骂某人 ·

search sp.for the missing children


in search of 为了寻找某人 go to the seaside in the summer vacation



vary from season to season


in season 上市;合时宜

out of season 下市;买不到了 ·

fasten the safety belt 系紧安全带


have a second try 再试一次 purchase secondhand cars 买二手车 ·

keep a secret 保密


guard the security of people



see to sth.注意某事

see to it that 务必做某事

see sb.off at the railway station


seize the good opportunity of doing sth.抓住做某事的好机会


send for the doctor 派人去请医生

send a man-made satellite into space

发射人造卫星去太空 ·

common sense 常识


a sensible decision 一个明智的决定 ·

feel sensitive to all kinds of smell


be sentenced to death 被判死刑

read the passage sentence by sentence



separate A from B 把A与B相分离

be separated from 与…相分离

live in a separate room


be seriously/severely injured in the traffic accident

在交通事故中受重伤 serve people heart and soul



serve as 充当;起…作用

improve the quality of service


set the realistic objectives for the future



shake hands with sb.与某人握手 ·

share joy and sorrow with sb.与某人同甘共苦

作一个很棒的讲演 ·

in high spirits 精神好 ·

in spite of bad weather 不顾恶劣的天气

regardless of bad weather spoil the children 溺爱孩子 ·

sponsor the charity activities



perform on the stage 在舞台上表演 ·

stand for sth.代表;代替 ·

in sharp contrast to 与…形成鲜明对比 ·

to one’s great shock 令某人震惊的是 ·

be short of money 缺钱

be lacking in money

lack money ·

overcome one’s own shortcomings


shorten the generation gap between parents and children 缩短父母与子女间的代沟 ·

go sightseeing 去观光游览 ·

sign an agreement 签一份协议


be of great significance 有重大意义的 ·

be similar to 与…很相似


extend one’s sincere thanks to sb.正式表达对某人真诚的感激 ·

in this situation 在这种情况下

on this occasion


participate in social activities



make good use of solar energy


find a good solution to the social problems 为这些社会问题找到解决方法

solve the social problems解决社会问题 ·

be fond of pop songs 喜欢流行歌曲 ·

be in great sorrow 处于极度悲痛中 ·

find out the source of information



spare some time to have a talk with sb.腾出一些时间与某人交谈

practise speaking English in one’s spare time 在业余时间训练说英语 set specific aims for the future



give/make a wonderful speech

stand out 突出

be up to the standard of moral


stare at sb.盯着某人看

die of starvation 饿死

starve to death

issue a formal statement


keep fresh in the refrigerator


make progress step by step= gradually 逐步地取得进步

stick to one’s own opinion 固执己见

stimulate one’s interest in learning



in stock 有存货 out of stock 脱销

go straight home 直接回家

be stranded in a foreign country


strengthen the defense of one’s country


under the stress of poverty


stretch one’s arms and legs


be strict with the students 对学生很严格 be strict to one’s work 对工作认真负责 be strictly restricted 受到严格的限制

be deeply struck by the beauty of the West

Lake 被西湖的美所深深打动 The clock strikes 10 o’clock.钟敲响10点。

strive for one’s success 努力取得成功

be in struggle 在斗争;在挣扎

·· · ··· ··· · ·····高中英语各种教材词汇汇总大全

struggle for sth.斗争获取某物 substitute A for B 用A 代替B substitute for 代替

= take the place of = replace ·

succeed in doing sth.成功地做了某事

be successful in doing sth.get success turn out to be a great success 结果大获全胜


all of a sudden= suddenly ·

suffer from the lung cancer 患肺癌 get sufficient sleep 有充足的睡眠 suggest that sb.(should)do ·

be suitable for this post 适合这个职位 ·

to sum up 总之


make a brief summary



A be superior to B A 优于B A be inferior to B A 劣于B go shopping in the supermarket 去超市购物

the relationship between supply and demand



make money to support the whole family 赚钱支撑整个家庭


be supposed to do sth.应该做某事 ·

be sure to get up early 务必早点起床

make sure that = ensure that 确保某事 go surfing on the Internet 网上冲浪 ·

to one’s great surprise 令某人惊讶的是 · be surrounded with 被…所包围

· according to the results of a recent survey 根据最近一项调查的结果

· survive(in)the flood 在洪水中幸免 · question the suspect of a crime


suspend sb.from school 让某人休学 · swear to do sth 发誓做某事 · It’s sb.’s turn to sweep the floor 轮到某人扫地

· switch off the electricity 切断电源 · serve as a symbol of Shanghai


· show one’s sympathy to sb.对某人表示同情 be sympathetic for sb.take on a new look 呈现新的面貌 The plane takes off at 7.飞机起飞 take over a construction project 接管一项建筑工程

take up doing sth.开始从事做某事 take up a hobby 养成一种兴趣爱好 ·

a musician of great talent

一位有天赋的音乐家 a talented/ gifted musician

reason/talk/persuade sb.into doing sth.劝服某人做某事

persuade sb.to do sth.·

set a realistic target 确立一个现实的目标 ·

burst into tears 突然大哭起来

burst out crying


settle/solve technical problems

解决技术问题 ·

a skilled technician 一位技术熟练的技工

with the development of science and technology 随着科技的发展 ·

tell sth./sb.apart 把…区分开来 ·

lose one’s temper 大发脾气 ·

a temporary post 一个临时职位 ·

tempt sb.to do sth.引诱某人做某事

resist the temptation 抵制诱惑 ·

tend to do sth.倾向于做某事

follow the tendency 顺应趋势


apply the learned theory to practice

把学过的理论运用于实践 ·

think highly of 高度评价

speak highly of 高度赞扬 ·

have a thorough cleaning


with the threat of a coming disaster


be threatened by a coming disaster ·

have a sore throat 嗓子痛


spread throughout the country 传遍全国 ·

ahead of time/ in advance 提前

from time to time 时不时地 in no time 立即


mother tongue/ native language 母语



participate in field and track sports



trade with sb.与某人交易/换 ·

follow the tradition of doing sth.遵循传统做某事

transfer to a new school 转入新学校 ·

translate the works into simple language 把著作译成简单的英语


make sb.upset 使某人心烦/不安 ·

go upstairs/ downstairs 上/下楼 ·

report the up-to-date news



live in the urban areas 住在城区

live in the rural areas 住在乡村地区 live in the suburban areas 住在郊区 ·

urge sb.to apply for the post


travel around the world 环游世界


treat the students fairly平等地对待学生

treat sb.to sth.用某物款待某人

go to a doctor for treatment 找医生治病

help the students in trouble 帮助有困难的学生


make one’s dreams come true 梦想成真

realize one’s dreams ·

to tell the truth 说实话


turn down/reject one’s request


turn on/off the light 开/关灯 turn to sb.for help 向某人求助 turn out(to be)a great success 结果大获全胜

turn up 出现;露面


set a typical example 树一个典型的例子

an unbelievable/incredible experience 一次难以置信的经历


undergo great hardships 经受苦难 ·

take the underground 乘地下铁 ·

make oneself understood 表达清楚 ·

undertake an honorable task



the students dressed in uniform

穿制服的学生们 ·

be elected chairman of the Students’ Union


be admitted into a top university 被一所名牌大学所录取


an unknown mystery 一个未知的迷 ·

an unusual adventure 一次不寻常的冒险 ·

look at sb.up and down 上下打量某人 ·

look down upon/ on sb.瞧不起某人


handle the urgent affairs 处理紧急事务

in use/out of use 使用着/不能使用

make good/full use of one’s spare time to do 好好/充分利用某人的空余时间做某事

used to do sth.过去常常做某事

get/be used/accustomed to doing sth.习惯于做某事

be used to do sth.被用来做某事

be of great use = be useful 非常有用


as usual 和平常一样

a vacant post 一个空缺的职位

spend one’s summer vacation/holidays on

part-time jobs在暑假打工

be of great value = be valuable


a variety of/ various rare animals


vary from person to person 因人而异

vary from season to season


take public vehicles 乘坐公共交通工具

donate blood to the victims of the natural

disaster 献血给自然灾害的受害者们

be eager to gain victory 渴望获得胜利

play video games on the Internet 在网上玩游戏

from one’s point of view 就某人的观点

view … as 认为… with vigor 有活动的

violent behaviors 暴力行为

play the violin 拉小提琴

search for the computer virus 搜索电脑病毒

pay a visit to / visit the Palace Museum

······· ········高中英语各种教材词汇汇总大全


· have a large vocabulary of


volunteer to work in the remote areas


work in the remote areas as a volunteer · go on a voyage 在水上航行

· wait for sb.to do sth.等待某人做某事 · wander in the street 在街上闲逛/徘徊 收回某人的申请

· within one’s reach 在某人够得着的地方 · no wonder 不足为奇

· have a word with sb.与某人谈话

have words with sb.与某人争吵

Word came that …消息传来 enjoy worldwide reputation 全世界享有胜名

· be worried about/worry about 为…而担心 · warm-hearted 热心肠的

· warn sb.of a coming disaster 警告某人继将到来的灾难 · waste one’s precious time 浪费某人宝贵的时间

It is a waste of time/money to do sth.做某事是浪费

· a kind of waterproof material 一种防水材料

· on the way to school 在去学校的路上

on the way to doing sth.在做某事的过程中

by the way 顺便问一下

in one’s way 挡住某人的路 a wealthy and powerful country 一个富强的国家

· wear a smile on one’s face 面带微笑 · according to the weather forecast 根据天气预报

· on the wedding ceremony 在结婚仪式上 · be well-off = be rich · be well-known/famous for 因某事而出名

be well-known/famous as 作为…而出名 · hold back the wheels of history 阻挡历史前进的车轮 · after a while 过了一会儿

for a while 有一会儿

· as a whole 作为一个整体

on the whole 从整体上讲

· open one’s mouth wide 张大嘴

be widely accepted 被广泛接受 protect the wild animals from extinction 保护野生动物免于灭绝

· be willing/ready to help others 乐于助人 · withdraw one’s application

hope for the best and prepare for the worst


be worth the money 值钱

be worth reading 值得一读

be worthy of being done

· do wrong to sb.冤枉某人

· · 高中英语各种教材词汇汇总大全


高中英语常用词组归纳313个常用“be+形容词+in”结构 be concerned in 与……有关 be disappointed in 对某人感到失望 be engaged in 从事于,忙于 be lack in 缺乏 be rich in 盛产;在…方面富有 be experienced in 在…方面有经验 be expert in 在……方面是行家 be fortunate in 在……方面幸运 be honest in 在……方面诚实 be interested in 对……感兴趣 be skilful in 擅长于 be successful in 在……方面成功 be weak in 在……方面不行


高中英语常用词组归纳418个常用“be+形容词+of ”结构 be afraid of 害怕 be proud of 为……自豪 be ashamed of 为……感到羞愧 be aware of 意识到,知道be capable of 能够,可以 be tired of 对……厌烦 be sick of 对……厌倦 be worthy of 只得,配得上 be fond of 喜欢 be free of 没有,摆脱 be short of 缺乏 be certain of 确信,对……有把握 be sure of 肯定,有把握 be full of 充满 be glad of 为……而高兴 be nervous of 害怕 be shy of 不好意思 be careful of 小心,留心




be invited to dinner 2.向四面八方

in all directions 3.做出新的发现

make a new discovery 4.正在讨论中

under discussion 5.洗盘子

wash dishes 6.在远方,在远处

in the distance 7.对…冷淡

be distant towards sb.8.对…有益

do good to 9.做坏事,犯罪

do wrong 10.挨门挨户

from door to door 11.隔壁的 next door 12.下楼

go downstairs 13.到市区去

go downtown 14.缓慢前进,拖延 drag one’s feet 15.催人泪下

draw tears from sb.16.渴望做某事

dream of doing sth.17.在墙上钻孔

drill a hole in the wall 18.赶走

drive off 19.使某人发狂

drive sb.mad 20.挣钱

earn/make money 21.谋生

earn one’s living 22.究竟

on earth 23.别着急,别紧张,放松些

take it easy 24.对…有很大影响

have a great effect on 25.努力做某事

make efforts to do sth.26.鼓励某人做某事

encourage sb.to do sth.27.量入而出;使收支相抵 make ends meet 28.美满的结局

a happy ending 29.说英语的国家 English-speaking countries 30.报名比赛

enter oneself for a contest 31.剧场的入口

the entrance to the theater

用心 爱心 专心


on New Year’s Eve 33.虽然,即使

even if / even though 34.时事

current events 35.参加考试

have / take an examination 36.进行体格检查

carry out a medical examination 37.考试及格

pass an examination 38.为…树立榜样 set an example to sb.39.做早操

do morning exercises


come into existence/come into being 41.做实验

carry / do / make an experiment 42.做解释,说明

make an explanation 43.做鬼脸,装怪相

make a face/make faces 44.事实上

as a matter of fact 45.未能…/失败做…… fail to do sth.46.落后,掉队

fall behind 47.对…而熟悉

be familiar with sth.48.因…而闻名

be famous/known for 49.作为…而闻名

be famous/known as 50.摸某人的脉

feel one’s pulse 51.觉得想做…

feel like doing sth.52.伤害某人的感情

hurt one’s feelings 53.春节

the Spring Festival 54.发高烧

have a high fever 55.科学领域

the field of science 56.五十多岁时

in one’s fifties 57.关键人物

a key figure 58.填写表格

fill in the form 59.刹那间

in a flash 60.一场大洪水

a big / great flood 61.扫地

sweep the floor 62.在三层

on the third floor 63.三层楼的建筑

用心 爱心 专心

a building of three storeys/a three-storeyed building 64.正在开花

be in flowers 65.放(风筝等)

fly a kite 66.糊里糊涂

in a fog 67.欺骗,愚弄某人

make a fool of sb.68.在山脚下

at the foot of the mountain 69.空军

the air force 70.靠武力,强行

by force 71.用很大力气

with great force 72.对外贸易

foreign trade 73.养成好/坏习惯

form a good/bad habit 74.碰碰运气

try one’s fortune 75.每四个一组(一批);四个四个地 in fours 76.常客

a frequent visitor 77.新手

a fresh hand 78.同…交朋友

make friends with 79.那时起 /从现在起

from then on/from now on


from time to time 81.不劳而不获。

No pains, no gains.82.做游戏

play games 83.代沟

generation gap 84.开始认真(做某事)

get down to sth.85.陷入麻烦

get into trouble 86.有音乐天分

have a gift for music 87.用尽,耗尽,筋疲力尽 give out/be worn out 88.朝…看了一眼

take a glance at 89.向人瞪眼,怒目而视

glare at 90.(灯,火)熄灭

go out 91.复习功课

go over the lesson 92.进了一个球

score a goal 93.犯语法错误

make mistakes in grammar 94.懂某人的意思

grasp one’s meaning 95.勿踏草地

keep off the grass

用心 爱心 专心


get into the habit of 97.用手

by hand 98.分发

hand out 99.一方面…另一方面…

on the one hand…on the other hand 100.少量的a handful of 101.过幸福生活

live a happy life 102.损害,伤害

do harm to 103.一个好收成a good harvest 104.保持镇静

keep one’s head/keep calm 105.身体好

in good health 106.记住某事

learn / know sth.by heart 107.紧握某物

keep a tight hold on sth.108.握住;抓住

catch / take / get hold of 109.趾高气扬

hold one’s head high 110.暑假

the summer holidays 111.休假

on holiday 112.为(向)… 表示敬意;为了纪念… in honour of 113.对某人抱很大希望

have high hope for sb.114.怀着…的希望

in the hope of doing sth.115.住院

be in hospital 116.大约一小时

an hour or so 117.挨饿

go hungry 118.打猎

go hunting 119.匆匆忙忙

in a hurry 120.不知道

have no idea 121.但愿,要是…就好了

if only 122.给某人留下好印象

make a good impression on sb.123.慢慢前进

inch one’s way forward 124.患难之交才是真朋友。

A friend in need is a friend indeed.125.告诉某人某事

inform sb of sth 126.坚持要做

insist on doing

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inspect a factory 128.激动人心的演讲

an inspiring speech 129.急需帮助

in great/instant need of help 130.打断谈话

interrupt a conversation 131.介绍信

a letter of introduction 132.收到请帖

receive an invitation 133.邀请信

a letter of invitation 134.讲笑话

tell a joke 135.和某人开玩笑

play a joke with sb.136.旅行

make a journey(to)137.使某人高兴的是

to one’s joy 138.不可以貌取人。

Don’t judge a man by his looks.139.初中/高中

a junior/senior high school 140.正在那时

just then 与…保持联系 keep in touch with 使…不进入… keep out of 成功的秘诀 the key to success 踢门 kick the door 踢掉鞋子 kick off one’s shoes 跪下 go down / fall on one’s knees 敲门 knock at the door 最迟,至迟 at the latest 迟早 sooner or later 哈哈大笑起来 burst into laughter 违(守)法 break / obey the law 制定一条法律 make a law 摆设餐具(准备吃饭)lay the table 过着简朴的生活 lead a simple life 忽略,遗漏 leave out 听关于…的讲座 attend a lecture on 给某人一个教训 teach sb.a lesson 从…在中吸取教训 take a lesson from

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惊讶地叫了一声 let out a cry of surprise 透漏消息 let out the news 大写字母 a capital letter 仰卧 / 俯卧 lie on one’s back / stomach 复活,苏醒过来 come back to life 交通信号灯 traffic lights 列一张购物清单 make a shopping list 谋生,度日 make a living 丧生,死;牺牲 lose one’s life 泄气;灰心 lose heart 失音 lose one’s voice 输一场 lose a game 祝你好运。Wish you good luck.洗衣机 a washing machine 欣喜若狂 be mad with joy 邮寄包裹 send the parcel by mail 赚钱 make money 交朋友 make friends 取得进步 make progress 利用 make use of 编造故事 make up a story 弥补某人的过失

make up for one’s mistake 有礼貌 have good manners 商标 a trade mark 满分 full marks 观看一场篮球比赛

watch a basketball match 进行比赛 have a match 祝你成功。May you success.五一节 May Day 通过这种方式 by this means 用…方法,依靠 by means of 决不 by no means 按…尺寸做

make…to one’s measure

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采取措施 take a measure 量身高 measure one’s height 获得金牌 get a gold medal 医疗队 a medical team 体检 medical examination 吃药 take / have some medicine 满足…的需要 meet the needs of 遇到风暴 meet with a storm 去开会 go to a meeting 开会 have a meeting 举行会议 hold a meeting 为纪念 in memory of 对…一点儿也不怜悯 have no mercy on sb.毫不容情地;残忍地 without mercy 在…支配下;任由…摆布 at the mercy of 圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas!给某人捎个信儿 take a message for sb.中秋节 Mid-autumn Day 上百万的,许许多多的 millions of 改变主意 change one’s mind

当心油漆未干。Mind the wet paint!下决心 make up one’s mind


the minister of foreign affairs 06高考英语作文集中练习100题二

时间:2006-2-23 9:53:58 浏览次数:296





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来京为他演出,4个来自安徽 的剧团在庆典后留在北京。



地方剧:local opera 乾隆年间:the reign of Qianlong 表演:perform 剧团:troupe










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选修课:elective 体育馆:gym 宿舍楼:dormitory building








创始人:Founder 中国文学:Chinese Literature 阿Q正传:The True Story of AH Q 祝福:The New Year's Sacrifice







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城在不久的将来将更加现代化。参考词汇: 投资:invest 经济开发区:an economic-zone 港口:port17、11月11日,你将在家里为你的妹妹15周岁开一个生日晚会,写信给你的外国朋友Peter,邀请他来参加。晚会开始时间是晚上6点,将持续到很晚。告诉Peter每天晚上你都在家,请他给你打个电话告诉你他是否来参加生日晚会,并表达你盼望见到他的心情。



18、给笔友保罗(Paul)的一封信 提示:










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职业学校:vocational school 专业:major 20、给朋友小林的一封信,谈谈寒假生活。1.寒假很忙,因为今年七月要参加高考。




必修课:required subject 埋头于某事:bury oneself in sth.11、Now let me say something about Beijing Opera.Beijing Opera is

very popular in China.It has a history of more than 200 years.During the reign of the Qianlong emperor in the Qing

dynasty, Qianlong had a interest in the local opera.In 1790, to celebrate his eightieth birthday, he summoned opera troupes

from different places to perform for him in Beijing.Four famous troupes from Anhui province remained in Beijing after

the celebration.In 1828, A Hubei troupe came to Beijing and

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often performed together with the Anhui troupes.The two types

of singing mixed together and gradually a new type came into

being known as Beijing Opera.Now is the performance.I hope

you will like it.12、Dear Mr.Du, I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today.I've caught a cold because I went swimming yesterday.This morning I had a headache and had a fever.The doctor advised me to stay in bed for two days.Now I'm writing to you to ask for two days' sick leave.Yours respectfully, Li Qing

13、There will be an English lecture on high school education in

the U.S.by Mr.Jackson.It will be given in the Lecture Hall on Saturday afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00, May 15th, 1992.Those

who are interested in it are warmly welcome.Be sure not to be

late.After the lecture, please write a diary about it in English.THE STUDENTS' UNION

14、Dear Xiao Ming, I was excited to hear that you will come to learn Chinese in our school.Now let me tell you something about our school.Our school campus is beautiful.It has many trees, flowers and

a lot of grass.We have two very nice teaching buildings and a

dormitory building.In addition, the school has excellent

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equipment, such as a new gym, a computer room and a large

library.There are also a lot of electives to choose from, such as painting, typing and cooking.Above all, there are many excellent teachers in our school.Classes are

interesting, the teachers are kind and knowledgeable and willing to help the students.I like our school.I hope you will like our school too.Yours Li Hua

15、Dear Jack, I was very glad to receive your letter on the tenth of February.You ask me something about Lu Xun and his works

since you began to study Chinese literature.Now let me tell you something about him.Lu Xun was a well-Known Chinese writer, he was not only a

writer, a thinker, and translator, but also a founder of modern Chinese literature.His novels have been put into many

languages and some of novels have been made into films, such

as The True Story of AH Q and The New Year's Sacrifice which

expose sharply the old society.The late Chairman Mao spoke

highly of him.Some of his novels have been collected in high

school and college textbooks.Since you are learning Chinese

literature, I think reading Lu Xun's novels will benefit a lot.Yours Wei Ming

16、用心 爱心 专心

My hometown is an economic-open-zone.It is a town on the sea

with a population of three hundred thousand.Before the liberation it used to be a fishing village.Most people lived on fishing.There was no industry.And there were only few primary schools here.Since the open-door policy, a lot of foreign businessmen invested here.A lot of factories have been built.Economics have developed rapidly and big port has also been built, which

is connected with many ports of other ports both in and out of

our country.A new university now has been founded.Three thousand students have already graduated from it.I am sure in

the near future our hometown will become more modern.17、Doorway 4, building 1 Yunti Hu Tong Xicheng District Beijing 100037 China November 4th,1995 Dear peter, Thank you for your letter of October 25.I haven't written sooner as I were busy preparing for my mid--term exams.We are having a party on 11th November at our house for my

sister's 15th birthday and we hope you can come.It only happens once a year!The party will start at 6 p.m.and will go on until late!I'm at home in the evenings.Please give me a call.We're looking forward to seeing you.loves, Zhao Ning

18、Dear Paul,用心 爱心 专心

How are you!I think you have come back to school now.I have had a wonderful winter holiday.During the holiday, my

father and I went to hometown, In the countryside in HeBei Province.I was astonished to find that great changes had taken place in the village in recent years.Almost every family in the village had colour TV set, many families had their houses newly built, or rebuilt, some of them had motorcycles or cars.One of the villagers proudly told me that he and some other villagers were going to join a tour and travel abroad.How I admire them!I said to my father that I would go back to my hometown after

I graduated from college.Father also expressed he would go

back as soon as he retired.Both of us were disappointed when

the holiday ended so soon, and we had to leave.What did you do in your holiday? Are you busy now? Here are my best regards to you and your family Yours Xiao Hai

19、Dear Sir:

How do you do? Through the ad.I know you need a secretary.I

would like to have this job.Now let me introduce myself to you.My name is Zhang Hong.I am twenty and will soon graduate from

a vocational school.My major is business management.I have

been learning English for 8 years and I have computer experience.I have been one of the editors for the student newspaper in our school for the past three years.My grades remain upper level in my class.The most important thing is

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that I like office work very much.I am sure I can do it well.I will appreciate it very much if you would give me the opportunity.Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours, Zhang Hong 20、Dear Xiao Lin, I have had a busy holiday these winter because I will take part in the entrance examination this September.I almost buried myself in the books every day.I had to go over every required subject and did a lot of exercises.I worked very hard, more than 10 hours a day.When I was tired I

watched TV for a while and listened to music, but I never went

to the cinema or theater.I had to refuse several invitations from my relatives and classmates.I only called them to greet

them on the eve of the Spring Festival.How I wish there were

no examinations at all, but of course it is impossible.I will try my best to get better results and go to were no

examinations at all, but of course it is impossible.I will try my best to get better results and go to Qing Hua University, which I have been longing for.How is your vacation? Best wishes to you and your family!Yours Wu Qi 高考英语作文题型及对策 作者:易教整理


发布时间:2006-5-23 10:51:00 发布人:admin 在本站首发的原创文章与作品版权归本站及作者共有,如需转载,请注明出自本站及作者姓名。本站所提供的插画,摄影作品,以及设计作品,如需使用,请与原作者联系,著作版权归原作者所有。

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减小字体 增大字体

一 日 记








(2)日记一般按事情发生的先后顺序记述,所以有时需要借助一些表示先后顺序的词语。如:at first, then, later on ,afterwards, soon, finally, at last 等。[范文] April 9th, Sunday Fine It is Sunday today.I didn’t get up as early as usual.In the

morning after I finished my homework, I did some washing.Then I

called Wu Gang and invited him to see the film “Lion King”.But

unfortunately when we got to the cinema at two o’clock in the

afternoon, we found all the tickets had been sold out.Then

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we went

back to school to play table tennis.After this when we were about

to go home, we saw our English teacher Ms Liu at the school gate.She told us that we had made great progress in English this term.She suggested that we should do more reading and listening.We

promised her that we would take her advice.二 书 信 书信格式 一般格式

英文书信的构成可分为7个部分: 信头(Heading)日期(Date)收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address)称呼(Salutation)信文(Body of the letter)结束语(Complimentary close)署名(Signature)(1)信头(Heading)信头是指发信人的单位名称或地址。一般情况下发信人只需把自己的地址写(打字,手写均可)在信的右上角,离开信纸的顶头约1英寸,占二三行或四行均可,格式如下:


256 West Nanjing Street Nanchang, Jiangxi Province China ② 缩进式 Henan Road Shanghai China 注意:写地址的次序与中文不同,应先写门牌号码街道,然后城市和国名。写地址时间采用齐

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① 年份应写全。例如不能用“99”来代替“1999”;

② 月份应写英文名称,除May, July外,可用缩写,如:Sep.,Oct.。但不要用数字来代替,如7/4/99或7,4,99,因为在英国此日期代表7th April, 1999, 而美国则代表4th

July, 1999。

③日期可用1,2,3,4…11,12…21,22…31等,也可用1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th… 11th, 21st…22

nd, 31 st等。

日期的几种写法: a: July 7, 1998 b.1st October, 1998 c.30 Nov., 1997 d.Sep.3 rd, 1999 ④ 特别注意英文书信日期应紧着写信人地址下一行,不能像写中文书信那样写在书信签名之后,这是很多学生的常见错误。

精选范文 ①

P.O.Box 2089 Beijing, China Sep.7th.1999 ②

Bright Road Manchester England 12 Mar, 1999(3)收信人姓名及地址(inside Name and Address)写信人的地址和日期写好以后,接着就要写收信人的姓名和地址,一般的事务信件或给较生疏的朋友的信件要写,用心 爱心 专心


① 对普通男子用Mr.;②对未婚女子用Miss;③对已婚女子用Mrs., 对婚姻状况不明确的通常用Ms(后跟本人姓);


Smith Street Manchester England 27 May 1999 Mr.Jee Green West Tenth Street Hawaii U.S.A.(4)称呼(Salutation)称呼指的是信文开头的那种称呼,如Dear, Mr., uncle, 各种称呼因人而异。在称呼后面一般是用逗号,但也有用冒号的。现归纳如下:

①对父母、兄弟、姐妹等; a.Dear Father, b.My dear Mother, c.Dear Sister, d.Dear Tom, ② 对亲戚:

a.My dear Auntie.b.Dear Cousin, c.My dear Cousin, ③ 对朋友、同学 a.My dear friend, b.Dear Mr.Jackson, c.My dear Mr.Jackson,用心 爱心 专心

④ 对未婚女子: a.Dear Miss Luce, b.My dear Miss Luce, ⑤ 对一般妇女,不论是否结婚: a.Ms.b.Dear Madame, ⑥ 对已婚生子:

a.Dear Mrs.Helen Jackson, b.My dear Mrs.Helen Jackson, ⑦ 对公司、工厂、学校等: a.Dear Sirs, b.Sirs,c.Gentlemen,(5)信文(Body of the letter)信文是信件的主体部分,也就是信的内容。正文应在称呼下两行开始。信的开头第一个字母通常和称呼开头第一个词平齐。也有往后退四个或八字个字的。下面介绍一些开头语和结尾语。


① 相当于中文的“敬启者”。a.I beg to inform you that …

b.I beg to take this opportunity to inform you that … c.I have the honor to address you that … d.I write in a hurry to inform you that … e.I have the pleasure to tell you that …

f.I’m very much delighted to inform you that …

② 相当于中文的“接读某月某日来信,一切知悉”。a.I thank you very much for your letter of May 20th … b.Your letter of May 20th has been received with thanks.c.It gives me great pleasure to receive your kind letter of May

20th.d.In answer to your kind letter of May 20th, deeply regret that …

e.I have received your kind letter of May 20th.f.Words can’t express my delight on finding your favor of

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on my desk this morning.g.Your letter dated May 20th has been received 结尾语


① 采用分词短语:句末用逗号,不用句号。例如: a.Waiting for your good news,b.Looking forward to your early reply, c.Hoping to hear from you soon, d.Hoping you are enjoying good health,e.Regretting that I can’t give you a more favorite reply, f.Regretting the trouble I’m causing you, g.Wishing you every success, h.Wishing you a pleasant journey, i.Wishing you a happy New Year,②采用介词短语,句末用逗号,不用句号。例如: a.With best regards,b.With kind regards to your family, c.With best wishes to you and yours,d.With best wishes for your success and happiness, e.With best wishes for your success in your new field of work,f.With best regards and wishing you all success, g.With warmest regards,h, With best regards to you and your family, i.With the season’s greetings,③ 采用完整句子:句末用句号。例如: a.We are waiting for your good news.b.I hope to receive your early reply.c.We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.d.I thank you very much for your services, and wish your continued

success.(6)结束语(Complimentary Close)①结束语的一般写法如下:

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Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Truly yours, Sincerely yours, ②公函常用: Faithfully yours, Yours respectfully, Respectfully yours, Yours sincerely, ③私人书信常用: Sincerely yours, Yours very sincerely, Yours affectionately, Yours ever,④给亲戚朋友的信常用: Love,All my love,Your(ever)loving son/daughter/cousin, etc.Your affectionate nephew, Yours lovingly, Lovingly yours,(7)署名(Signature)下面是署名的例子: ①个人署名: Yours truly, W.J.Watson ②公司署名: Yours faithfully, Legend Computer Company Wang Lin Sales Manager 精选范文 ① 生日贺信 Dear Bob,Tomorrow is your birthday.I imagine your family is planning a

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celebration for you.I write this letter to offer you my heartiest

congratulations and best wishes for many returns of the day.With my sincere wishes for your success, ② 圣诞节及新年贺信 Dear Mary and Helen,A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!Allow me to offer you

Season Greetings.May the New Year will bring you a bright and

prosperous(繁荣)future.My families who are well and happy, join me in my good wishes.Yours very sincerely, Barbara ③感谢信 Dear Sir,With feelings of deep gratitude I address you to give my thanks for

your noble and generous efforts by which my son was saved from the

lake.Surely, if it had not been for your help, my son would not be

alive now.I shall be most happy to have a chance of serving you in

return.I extend you again a thousand thanks for the great favor.Yours faithfully, Wang Bing ④ 请求帮助信 Dear Harry, I expect to leave Shanghai for Nanjing next Monday and intend to

stay there for a month or so.You told me you had been there for a

long time and knew a lot of people.I, therefore, shall thank

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you if

you will kindly let me have one or two letters of introduction to

them as I am an entire stranger in that place.⑤ 申请信(申请作为研究助理)Dear Sir,I’m a graduate student in the Physics Department of Qinghua

University.Recently I read that you are hiring an assistant to do research on

solar physics.As you can see from my resume(简历),I have had

experience in this field.I’m very interested in your project and

hope to work with you.My telephone number is 83745102.Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to hearing

from you soon.⑥道歉信

[范文] 256 Weeton road Hong Kong 7 th June, 2000 Dear David,I am very sorry that I could not meet you last night.I hope that

you did not wait too long outside the New York Theatre.I had to

look after my small brother until my mother returned home.She spent

a long time at the doctor’s and she arrived home very late.I am all

the way to the bus stop, but I had already missed the bus.And so I

decided to get on a train and I arrived at the New York Theatre at

用心 爱心 专心

eight o’clock.I didn’t think that you would still be there because

It was three quarters of an hour late.I do hope that you will forgive me.Anyway, how about next Friday? Love, Sue 这类信件一般包括三个部分:1)道歉(apology)2)叙述原因或问题(reason/problem)

3)后果及解决办法(consequence + offer of solution)。范文是比较典型的致歉信。Sue首先在信的开头向David 为昨晚未能按时到剧院见他表示道歉。然后叙述昨天未能准时到剧院的原因,结果晚8点才赶到剧院,迟到了45分钟。Sue

以为David已经走了,没有见到他,最后一句“How about next Friday?”提出下周五再见面的解决办法。

三 启事

1遗失启事以Lost作为标题放在启事的上方正中。在Lost 的右下角处写出遗失启事的时间。


正文右下角写上失主的姓名,Loser 可写可不写。2招领启事以Found作为标题放在启事上方正中。在found的右下角处写上招领启事的时间。


角写上登这一启事的单位。遗失启事 Lost September 1, 2000 I was careless and lost a green school bag in the dining-hall on the

morning of 21 st of August.Inside were an English textbook, a

workbook, a dictionary and a key to my bike.Will the

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finder please

send it either to the monitor of Class 3, Senior Grade 3 or to

myself? Many thanks to the finder.Our classroom is in Room 303,Building 2.Zhao Meng(Loser)失物招领启事 Found June 8th, 2000 A wallet was found yesterday afternoon, inside of which there is

some money and other things.The loser is expected to come to the

Office of Senior Grade 2 to identify it.The Office of Senior Grade 2 四 通知



(或全部大写NOTICE)或Announcement(或全部大写ANNOUNCEMENT)为题目。以海报形式出现时,通知常以海报内容为题,如Lecture, Football

Match等。当然题目中还可以出现发通知的单位,如Student Union Notice, English Department


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口头通知一般不用写题目,也不必有出通知的时间。发布口头通知首先说明被通知的对象,在正文前面有呼语且顶左格写,如:Ladies and

gentlemen, Boys and girls 等等。为了引正听者的注意,需另起行不顶格写一些引人注意的话,如:Be quiet,please!May I have your attention? Attention, please!

等。口头通知要口头发布,因而可以用较随意口语体,如:I’ll,I’ve等。口头通知在结束时要有结束语,这是因为口头通知需要用一些语言表明通知的起止,如用That’s all.表示通知到此为止宣布完毕。另外结尾处还需要一些如Thank you.一样的客套语。口头通知的一些常用的开头语和结束语。


Be quiet, please!Attention, please!Listen, please.APlease be quiet, everyone.Please stop talking over there!May I have your attention, please!

Please be quiet, everyone, There is something I have to tell you.BBe quiet, please.There is something you need to know.Listen, please.There is going to be… 结束语

Any questions? Does everyone understand? That’s all.Thank you.不论是口头通知还是书面通知都是宣布即将发生的事情及其具体内容,因而多用将来时态,其中往往有一些注意

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①会议通知 [题 材] 你班决定在下周三(5月15日)下午3:30在你班教室召开会议,讨论如何学习英语。目前在


词数:70左右。[范 文] A Meeting to Be Held Notice A meeting to discuss how to learn English is to be held in our

classroom on next Wednesday May 15th, 1999, at 3:30 p.m..The discussion is very interesting.At the end of the meeting,Professor Smith working at the Northwest Institute of Light Industry

will give us some useful advice.All the students of our class are expected to be present on time.May 11, 1996Class 1, Grade 3 ② 庐山郊游通知 [题 材] 假如你是高三(2)班班长,你班要在5月4日即下星期六去庐山郊游。请你拟一份通知,准备向同学们宣读。内容包括:





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注意:通知词数约70—120。要求意思连贯。[范 文] An Outing to Lushan An Announcement Class, please be quiet.I am glad to tell you that we have decided

to have an outing to Lushan next Saturday, May 4th.The expense is

about five yuan.Those who wish to go should put down the names on

this piece of paper and give the money to me.We will go by school

bus which is to start after breakfast at 8:00 a.m.and come back to

school at 3:00 p.m..Remember to bring your lunch with you.We’ll have a contest of climbing the hill and take photos there.All

the students are welcome.That’s all.Thank you.Monitor

Class 2 of Senior Grade 3


美国教授American professor 有关教育的报告a report on education 作笔记to take notes 讨论to have a discussion Notice An American professor, Dr Black will visit our school this Wednesday

afternoon.He will give us a report on the education in America.用心 爱心 专心

Everyone is supposed to be in Room 105, the big classroom exactly at

2:30 p.m.Wednesday.Please bring your notebooks with you and take

notes while listening to the lecture, so that we can have a discussion about it after it is over.④假如你是班长,通知你班同学本周星期六晚上7:30—在本班教室举行一次英语晚会,节目有唱歌、朗诵、讲故事、话剧等,要求本班同学都参加,欢迎外班同学光临,请同学们作好准备。(字数:80左右)参考词语


节目programme(或program)欢迎to be welcomed 表演 to perform

Fellow students, attention, please.I have some good news to tell

you.We’re going to have an English evening, in our classroom at

7:30 on Saturday evening.The programme inclides songs, recitations,storytelling and short plays.Everyone in our clas must take part in

it and students form other classed are also welcome.Everone who

takes part in the party should perform once.That’s all.Thank you.五 便条



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(2)简化称呼及签署。便条多用于相熟的朋友、同事或家人之间,称呼用语应亲切、随便,不可过于正式。如可用Mary, Dear


(3)语言通俗而口语化。便条形式随便,语言也应通俗。要尽量避免用大词和过分正式的句子。如尽量用:“Just a line to tell

you that…”而不用“This is to inform you that…”,用“put off


① 你到一个叫李英的同学家,通知他一件事,碰巧他不在家,你给他留了张便条,内容如下:



××× 8.10 Aug.10 Li Ying,Tomorrow’s class will be put off to Saturday.Instead, we’ll

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part in the labour—plant trees.We’ll gather at the school gate and

start off at 7:00 a.m.I left my umbrella at the front door of your house the day before

yesterday.Please bring it to me when you come to school tomorrow.Thank you very much.Yours, Wei Ping 六 介绍地点






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village where I was born is a beautiful place.There area green

hills and clear water around it.Trees grow everywhere;a river

flows in front of it ….Duck swim in the pools;cows bellow(哞哞叫)in

their sheds.Occasionally you can hear a dog bark or a cock crow


最后,要注意语言的准确性,遣词造句不可过分渲染或模棱两可,要简洁、明白。尤其要注意方位词的准确运用。常用的方位词或词组有:to the

right(在右边),to the left(在左边),north(北),south(南),east



南极洲 [题材] 请根据下面表格,以“南极洲”为题写一篇短文(词数80—110)。

名 称南极洲

位 置地球的最南端(extreme south)面 积大约14万平方公里

气 候世界上最寒冷的地方,常年有冰雪覆盖 自然资源企鹅(penguin)、鲸(whale)、铁、煤等 人口只有科学工作者

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[范 文] Antarctica Antarctica, which is the coldest continent in the world, lies in the

extreme south of the earth.it has an area of about 140,000 square

kilometers.It is covered with cold thick ice and deep snow all year

long.But it is a very rich continent.It has many well-known

animals such as penguins, whales and it is also rich in mineral

resources including iron, coal and so on.Up to now only some

visiting scientists live there.maybe one day lots of households

will live there.七、介绍事物



。你想描述的任何事物都有其特征。比方说,我们拿起一支铅笔,仔细地观察它,就会注意到它的颜色、形状、长度、锐利程度以及硬度等。也许你的作文以“This pencil is of normal size and



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1、定义法。定义法的目的是让不知此事物的人对此物有一个起码的了解,以利于下文的展开。如:A thermometer is an

instrument used for measuring temperature.就是对thermometer下了一个定义。有些事物也许不好下个明确定义,但我们可以交待这个事物的背景,来源,或列举出它的一些典型特征,以便让读者明白。这类事物可以是术语,也可以是外国人所不了 的中国的传统事物,如龙舟节等。


example(例如),for instance(例如),as an example of(作为……的例子),take… for




a kind of electrical or artificial


4、细节描述法。介绍一种事物,仅用概述性的词语如beautiful,friendly, boring, good 或bad 是不够的。作者要提供一些细节,使被描述的对象更加形象具体,从而加深读者的印象。

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四、运用恰当的语言 介绍事物,文字要力求简洁、明白、准确。比如:The cover of the magazine is very nice.在此句中“nice”一词的意义不够明确,如果改用“artistic”就清楚了许多。再如下句:We wish to state that

this electric car was designed with the idea of safety in mind.此句冗长,不够简洁,应改为:The electric car was designed for safety.除讲究语言平实准确的前提下,我们还可以运用描写的方法,来增添文章的可读性。例如在写题目为“My Pencil

Box”这一文章时,若写成“I have a pencil-box, which was given to me by

classmates as a birthday present.On it are three little bears.Inside are my pencils, a rubber and a


(1)、家用电脑 [题 材] 家用电脑体积小,价格低,造型优美,简单易用,使用方便,灵活;可用于计算,记事,打电话,打印信件;儿童可用它来学英语,做游戏。你通过家用电脑能学会怎样使用微机,为将来找工作提供便利;电脑工作比人快数倍;我们已经得到了电脑的巨大帮助。




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[范 文] The Family Computer The family computer is small.Its price is not high, and it has a

good look.It can be used easily.You can use it to calculate, make

notes, call others and type letters, etc.Also, children can learn

English or play games with it.Besides, you can use a family

computer as a training computer.You can learn how to use an office

computer, which will give you convenience to find a good job in a

company.Computers can work hundreds of times faster than human

beings.We have been greatly helped by computers.(2)、茶 [题 材] 就题目“茶(Tea)”写一篇120词左右的短文。内容包括:


2、中国有许多世界名茶。用不同的方法加工茶,可生产出红茶(black tea),绿茶,花茶(scented



(nutritious elements)以及微量元素(trace elements)可以使人健康。

[范 文] Tea Tea drinking originated① in ancient China and has spread all over

the world.China grows several kinds of the world famous tea.By

using different ways to treat and process② tea, the Chinese can

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produce black tea, green tea, scented tea, medical tea and the like.Tea drinking has become part of our life.In China, there are tea

houses③ where people talk to one another, tell stories and play

chess while drinking tea, People drink tea to refresh the mind and

get rid of tiredness.Tea has nutritious elements and trace elements, which can make people healthy.Tea drinking will become more and more popular.[注 释] ① originated v.起源 ② process v.加工 ③ tea houses 茶馆 八 叙述事件





作者应在初步编排素材的基础上,选择生动有趣而又紧扣主题的典型事例,避空洞笼统与主题无关的夸夸其谈或事例堆砌。例如“A Spring


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have you bee these years?” 和“Have times been hard for


五、叙事要清楚、完整,文章结构要体现“五何”原则 叙述一件事情,就要在文中交代清楚五方面的内容即何时、何地、何人、何事以及发展如何,也就是英语中的when, where, who,what

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we arrived there….)也可用介词短语(on arriving there)或用一些时间



叙事要根据中心的需要来确定详略,对最能表达中心的要详写,其他的则略写。以“The Merchant of









(1)春 游 [题 材] 根据提示,用英语描述一次春游。







6、返回 [范 文] A Spring Outing Last Thursday we went to Changshan for our spring outing.用心 爱心 专心

We reached

the foot of the hill at 9 a.m..After having a short rest, we began

to climb.There was no road but stones and bushes.We had to make a

way by ourselves.With the help of the grass, we moved on.While walking, the strong

students helped the weak ones.After some time, we were all tried.How we wanted to have a rest, but we couldn’t stop.We walked on.At

last, we got to the top of the hill.On the top of the hill, we laughed and jumped.It seemed that we

were the happiest people in the world.We took some photos there,and then sat down and had something to eat.At 3 p.m.we began to go down.We wished the spring of our country

would be with us forever.九、如何改写、缩写等




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moved out of the city slowly behind a long line of cars, but at last

we came to a quiet country road and after some time, stopped at the

lonely farm这么长的句子说明了一个事实:路上出游的车很多,得过很久才能找到一个安静的地方。我们可用自己的话表达原句:There

were a lot of cars on the road so it took us a long time to find a

quiet place.或We spent so much time finding a quiet place, for there

were so many cars on the road.其次,缩写语言要简练。我们可以将多个简单句变成一个紧凑的复合句。如:Newton thought about so many

problems that he was often absentminded.he frequently forgot to

have his meals.一句可以紧缩为Newton was so absentminded that he often

forgot to have his meals.使语言简练的另一手段是将小句(clause)变成短语。如:When the

child saw his mother, he cried loudly.可变为Seeing his mother, the

child cried loudly.再如,As far as the weather is concerned.可简化成as

for the weather等等。



the matter with you? How are you feeling?等,而在商店出现的对话就少不了售货员的行业用语,如:What can I do for


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对原文进行改写时要注意语言的灵活多变性。例如将对话改写成短文时,要仔细研究原文中句子的功能,然后根据不同的功能选择适当的表达方式,不能笼统地将语言功能分为问(ask)、答(answer)、说(say)。当询问时可以用ask,inquire, want to know, wonder 等;表示命题、要求时可用askrequest,demand等;当提出建议时可说suggest, advise, give a piece of


(1)邀请观看足球赛 [题 材] 把下面的电话记录改写成一篇80词左右的英语短文,不要用直接引语。通话时间是某日上午。

Gary:Hello.Could I speak to Mary, please?

Marry: Yes, it’s Mary here.Is that Gary speaking? Garry: yes.There’ll be a football game in our university this

afternoon.Will you go to watch it with me?

Mary:What time will it begin?

Garry:At two o’clock.If you go, I’ll wait for you at the gate of

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your company at half past one.OK? Marry:I want to go with you very much, Gary, but I’m afraid I

cannot.I’ll be at a conference then.Gary:It’s too bad!What about tomorrow morning, Mary? There’ll be

another match there.Marry:That’s great!I’ll be free tomorrow.Gary:Where can I wait for you?

Marry:You’d better come to my home, and then we’ll go to the game

together.All right? Gary:OK.Good-bye.Marry:See you tomorrow.[范 文] An Invitation to Watch a Football Game One morning, Gary rang up Mary, inviting her to watch a football

game with him that afternoon.Mary wanted to, but she couldn’t

because she had to attend a conference.Gary was regretful for that.Then Gary told Mary that there would be another game at the some

place the next morning and asked her if she could go to it with him.Mary was happy that she would be free that day and could watch the

game with Gary.She told Gary to come to her home and then they

would go to it together.(2)失 眠 [题 材] 用100个左右的单词缩写下面的故事。要求句子通顺,用心 爱心 专心


A businessman who had been working too much found that he could not

sleep at night, but kept on falling asleep in the day.He became so

worried that he went to see his doctor.“Can you help me, doctor?” he asked anxiously, “I used to sleep

well, but recently I haven’t been able to sleep for more than two

hours a night.”

The doctor examined him carefully, gave him some tests, advised him

to work less hard, and told him to take some medicine to help him.The doctor was sure that he was not seriously ill, and that he would

soon be better.But the businessman grew worse instead of better.He slept even less

than before at night, and was continually asleep in his office.He

visited his doctor very often, and it took the doctor a long time to

discover the reason that the businessman’s servant gave him the

sleeping medicine in the morning, and the one to keep him awake at

night.[范 文] Sleeplessness A businessman worked too hard, and he could not get to sleep at

night while he kept falling asleep at daytime.He became so worried

that he had to see his doctor.The doctor examined him carefully and

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found out he wasn’t seriously ill.The doctor gave him some medicine

and told him to work less hard.But the businessman grew even worse.He saw the doctor once again.At last the doctor discovered that the businessman’s servant gave

him sleeping medicine in the morning and the medicine that kept him

awake in the evening by mistake.十、根据图画写短文










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sincerely或Yours faithfully及本人签名等,而普通朋友之间的信函可不写信内地址,称呼可直接写成诸如“Dear

John”样的形式,信末可写成Yours sincerely 或Yours 即可,如果亲密朋友,则会更简单一些。而文体选择合适与否,格式是否正确,也是评分标准中的一条,不能忽视。




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[题 材] 仔细观察下列一组图画,请以“歌德的作品”为题写一篇短文。词数在120左右。

给出词:歌德—Goethe [范 文] Goethe’s Works

The father had a good stock of books, some easy while some abstract.He loved reading.The son, instead, loved playing in the garden.One

day, the son went to his father’s reading room and asked for books.“Want to read, Yeah?” Let me see, err…here, Robinson Crusoe.A

fairly good story,” the father said.“No, I want some thick books,like the works of Goethe,” replied the son.The father watched his

son out to the garden curiously, wondering what was going on.On the

boy’s head topped three books of Goethe.After a while the father

walked into the garden, only to find out his son stepping on the

books and reaching for the fruit on the tree.② 下面两幅画是一位美籍华人所看到的中国妇女地位的变化,请你用第一人称的口吻写一篇短文叙述画中的内。(字数:120左右)提示:

第一幅画:指在旧中国; 第二幅画:指在新中国。参考词语

解放前before liberation

轻视 to be looked down upon 长大 to grow up

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