The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has morphed into a considerably warmer and drier alternative in India.Enter the “Rice Bucket Challenge.”
Rice Bucket Challenge(米桶挑战)由一位就职于大米研究网站的印度女记者发起,她在听说“冰桶挑战”后便决定发起一个更加适合印度国情的公益活动。她表示,大米是印度人的主食(staple),人们每天都要吃,而印度现在还有很多人不能吃饱肚子,rice一词又与ice押韵,于是Rice Bucket Challenge就诞生了。
冰桶挑战赛全称为“ALS冰桶挑战赛”(ALS Ice Bucket Challenge),要求参与者在网络上发布自己被冰水浇遍全身的视频内容,然后该参与者便可以要求其他人来参与这一活动。活动规定,被邀请者要么在24小时内接受挑战,要么就选择为对抗“肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症”捐出100美元。
为什么这项挑战突然引发这么多名人的兴趣?以往慈善机构设计募款活动时,除了募款晚会,要不然就是慈 各界名人积极响应
各界名人积极响应(9张)善马拉松,参与的选手可以设定捐款目标,透过亲友团的支持,达到募款目的。但马拉松不是说跑就可以跑,至少得经过一些基本锻炼,比赛当天至少得花上半天时间,对于那些平常忙的不得了的名人来说,要把自己的时间花在类似的慈善活动上,除非对自己有特别意义,否则几乎不可能。这个冰桶挑战就不同了,只要花个两分钟,上传视频到社交网站就结束了。[31] 这个“ALS冰桶挑战”(Ice Bucket Challenge),在短短两周内已经风靡全美国。连锁效应也产生了一些正面效应,从七月底到八月中,ALS协会和全美的分会,已经收到近400万美金的捐款,相比与2013年同期的112万美金成长了将近四倍。
比尔盖茨自设支架系统完成挑战 比尔盖茨自设支架系统完成挑战[32] 然而有批评者点出,这个极受欢迎活动的背后并不完全是利他主义。因为多数人决定把冰水倒到自己头上,而不是捐款到ALS协会。但这些湿淋淋的参与民众仍然看起来像个英雄,因为毕竟他们是为了慈善目的而把自己搞得这么狼狈。当然,如果ALS的目的是为了让更多人了解这个罕见疾病,那么这个活动可说是相当成功。
倒桶冰水在自己头上对于许多人来说,除了让自己觉得做了件好事,同时也让朋友知道你是个好人外,还有什么其他作法?当然有,苹果CEO库克不但进行了冰桶挑战,同时也捐款。幸好,许多荷包满满的科技大老,也跟着这么做。但这又出现了一个问题:2014年的夏天,加州正面临着前所未有的旱灾。这么浪费水,也引发一些负面看法。[33] 网友评论
梁山好汉挑战少林武当峨眉三大门派 梁山好汉挑战少林武当峨眉三大门派
一部分网友纠结于,一些大佬在没有邀约的情况下发起的这个接力,属于自娱自乐,也有网友对此表示,不管形式如何,达到活动的初衷就好。[34] 但也有网友认为,大佬的做法炒作的意义大于公益,应当发起捐住国内失学儿童等方面的项目,“ALS冰桶挑战”目的是为了提高人们对ALS(肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症)的意识,同时也号召人们为ALS联合会捐款。中国人玩与不玩意义不大,大咖实际点还不如直接做慈善”。
有冷静的网友表示,不管是不是在作秀,大佬们的参与实实在在的为ALS增加了影响力,扩大了宣传。[34] 民政部
据民政部新闻办官方微博消息,“冰桶挑战”活动以轻松有趣的方式宣传关爱罕见病患者的理念和相关的医疗知识,带动了社会各界许多有影响力的人士参与,起到了很好的效果。但是,随着社会关注度的提高,建议活动的组织者更加注重活动的实效,避免娱乐化、商业化的倾向。[35] 旱民抗议
2014年8月22日,鲁山县民众拿着水桶聚集在中原大佛前,抗议正在中国火热进行的冰桶挑战项目。[36] 截至2014年8月20日下午4时许,国内的获捐方“瓷娃娃”罕见病关爱中心已收到捐款近140万元,近140万元善款中,有100万元来自万达集团董事长王健林之子王思聪,其余近40万是公众零星捐款。[37] 截止到2014年8月21日16:00,70余名IT界名人、娱乐明星、体育明星参与。冰桶挑战共获得11709位爱心人士支持,筹集善款2284323元。[37] 截止到2014年8月29日募集善款总额累计超过1亿美元。这项从政要富商、演艺名人到平头百姓都参与的慈善捐助活动开始一个月以来,筹集的善款总额远超去年同期的280万美元,将用于渐冻症治疗研究。
这项活动最先是由新西兰的一个癌症协会所发起,本意是借着“淋冰水”的行为去显示对身患癌症的病人及其家属的关怀和支持。参加者往往把片段拍摄并在社交网络平台上分享。[6]活动举行首星期,已经筹得超过二万新西兰元,[7]一个多月来则已经筹得超过12万新西兰元。[8] 另外一个版本则指,相关的举动不过只是源自一些肥皂剧的行径,向来皆有,后来这行为被《今天》的主持人马特·劳尔于2014年7月15日在节目中最先提出,[9]及后一名高尔夫球球手 Chris Kennedy 接受了冰桶挑战后,点名了其丈夫为ALS患者的表妹珍妮特(Jeanette Senerchia)。珍妮特于第二日接受了挑战,并点名了同样患有ALS,现效力洋基队的球手柏特·昆恩(Pat Quinn)参与。昆恩于是召集了他网络上的一聚亲友一同参与,范围除了涵盖了昆恩所属的麻省社区外,更远至爱尔兰及希腊,自此,相关的片段在极短时间内被广泛的流传出去,亦使更多人认识及仿效。[10] 由于昆恩在接受挑战之余,亦有捐出善款于美国肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症协会,[11][12]同时在他的点名的名单中,包括了他中学时期的棒球队队友,曾于波士顿学院棒球队效力过而同样患上了ALS的球手皮特·费里特斯(Pete Frates),费里特斯现时于ALS协会麻省分部工作,因此这项活动后来亦被协会引入成为筹款活动的一环。费里特斯及后亦有将片段放上至Twitter,使这个活动更得到不少人的注意和参与[13]。
至于各地相关的ALS协会亦开始协助宣传活动。包括台湾的中华民国运动神经元疾病病友协会(简称台湾渐冻人协会)[16]和香港的香港肌健协会[17]。在中国大陆,捐款较多的会都捐至瓷娃娃罕见病关爱中心,该中心主要是服务成骨不全症的患者,但亦有服务其他如ALS等的罕见病。[18] 而在英国,除了运动神经元疾病协会[19]和 MND Scotland[20]外,麦美伦癌症援助中心(Macmillan Cancer Support)亦以冰桶挑战推展筹款[21]。
正面评价[编辑] 受助机构捐款急升[编辑] 活动最名显的成功之处,便是全球各地支持ALS患者的慈善机构在极短时间获得了大量的捐款。美国ALS协会指,行动由2014年7月29日开始,至到8月26日为止的四星期,这个行动已经为协会筹得超过8850万美元的捐款,去年同时期的捐款则只有260万美元,相差超过34倍。[22]而在香港,香港肌健协会会长刘伟明指,活动由正式宣传后,两三天内已获得去年全年的捐款总和[23][24]。而网站于8月27日所发表的最新消息,捐款数字已达1800万港元,以每年平均只有20万港元的捐款来计算,一个多星期已筹得相当于90年的平均捐款量[25],台湾渐冻人协会亦指,活动由8月17日至8月26日期间,已获得超过2千万新台币的捐款[26]。
除了ALS患者的慈善机构,因为有些人选择不点名,反而直接把善款捐给另外两个慈善机构,所以令它们也间接受惠。[27] 更多人认识ALS[编辑] 肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症是一种罕见病,暂时仍未能找到有效的治疗方法,而且因发病率及患者人数并不多,因此长期被忽略,药厂亦因无利可图而不太愿意进行研发研发。ALS组织希望经过这活动后,可以焕起更多人认识及关心ALS患者的需要,亦期望热潮过后,大众仍能持续关注[28]。
质疑[编辑] 作为一项流行性活动,加上名人的宣传效应,冰桶挑战在很短时间受到了各地民众的仿效,不过也同时唤起了一些质疑,尤当活动传至华人地区时,相关的质疑亦比其他国家为明显[29]。
健康风险[编辑] Star of life caution.svg 维基百科的医学内容仅供参考,不能视作专业意见。如需获得健康方面的帮助,请咨询医生或其他专业人员。
由于身体及皮肤会在极短时间感受到极大的温差影响[30],会刺激脑部血管,引起血压瞬间升高[31],因而造成突发性身体毛病或不适,而一大桶冰水若突然倒在身上,会有一定几率造成颈椎的损伤,情况严重的可能引起颅内出血、脑卒中等现象、甚至死亡[31];如果选择全身浸在冰水,也不能超过5分钟,但“中国首善”陈光标把自己浸在冰水约30分钟,但恶评如潮[32],更甚者甚至把危险度升级,在分子冰激凌店外用液态氮代替冰,然后泼在自己的头上。[33] 有心脏科医生及体育学系教授提醒,参与前应先衡量个人的身体状况是否能够承受,如本身有前列腺炎、关节风湿病、颈椎病、高血压、心脏病等心脑血管疾病、或肺炎、支气管炎等气管病的人,亦不建议参与[31]。同时亦不应在饮用酒精类饮品后进行此活动[30]。奥克兰癌症协会[8]及日本ALS协会[34]在其网页中亦有相同的健康提醒。
纯粹赶风气[编辑] 有个别人士于网上发表了其短片后,因附有“不接受挑战岂不没有面子”的留言[30],又或者在完成后只懂频呼“爽”、“凉”等嬉笑式的回应[35],因而被其他网民质疑是否明白活动的真正意义,还是纯綷以“赶潮流”的心态去参与。例如现于台湾发展的新加坡合唱偶像组合BY2,就因疑在饭店的睡床上进行而广受批评。[36][37]有意见认为,倒冰水的感觉和真正渐冻病人的实质处境跟本完全不同,认为这行为不仅未能达到真正关注患者的目的[38],也是对病人的一种冒犯,和闹剧无异。[39]有四川患者也慨叹自己及家人被“娱乐化”。[40] 诚然,不少参加者当接受挑战后,也会不吝捐出一些款项,但这却完全取决于个人的诚信,至于是否有人不肯买帐,[41]或是一个人被多次点名是否应该只完成一次之类的细节问题,亦成为一些网民谈论的另一个焦点。对此,香港肌健协会于2014年8月20日的网页更新上附上了“参与挑战纯属自愿,大家可发挥无限创意,但请注重环境及安全”字句[17]。而香港中文大学校长沈祖尧也在他的短片中先以多于1分钟的时间解释何谓ALS及如何影响病患者[42]。陈志全[43]、金城武[44]及柳俊江[45]等则在各自的影片中交待了ALS的背景数据。当中,柳俊江特别提到一条影片,乃美国一名摄影师卡巴扎尔(Anthony Carbajal)所拍的。他的母亲及外祖母均是ALS患者,而他也于2014年1月被诊断出患有ALS病,现时病况已影响他作为摄影师的工作,因此在他接受挑战同时,也道出其家族病史和对制药厂不肯为渐冻人制药而难过,并且向所有参与这次筹款的人士致谢。[46][47] 同时,亦有人要求以另类形式代替淋冰水,例如在台湾,一名曾是工程师的渐冻人患者袁鹏伟得悉钢琴家郎朗因为还没有接受刘德华的冰桶挑战,所以向刘写公开信,邀请郎朗到他所在医院,以钢琴义演代替冰桶挑战,[48][49]其实郎朗已选择以捐款形式回应,但刘德华表示仍会助袁圆梦。在2014年8月26日,正在欧洲巡演的郎朗正式正式回应,承诺当世界巡演在年底到达台湾站时,会探望袁鹏伟伉俪。[50] 政治宣传[编辑] 两名台北市市长候选人连胜文及柯文哲于8月18日不约而同在公开场合进行冰桶挑战,同时亦发表了对渐冻人症病人的关注及选举承诺[51]。在完成挑战后,两人皆为台湾渐冻人协会捐款,协会秘书长林韵茹对他们的捐款表示了谢意;但也同时呼吁他们应持续行动支授当地ALS人士,并能兑现所作出的承诺[52]。浪费水资源[编辑] 由于活动推展期间,美国的加州刚好面临异常干旱天气,当地有官员批评活动浪费食用水[53]。而在河南鲁山县,因受干旱影响,平顶山部分地区居民出现缺水情况,当地民众拿着水桶聚集在中原大佛前,抗议国内其他地方竟跟随玩冰桶挑战[54]。在香港亦有环保组织直言活动难免令人有浪费食物和水源之嫌[30]。艺人欧锦棠更在自己Facebook上粘贴一些第三世界儿童饮用干净水的照片,以表达饮用水得来太容易,变相鼓励大家随便浪费饮用水的关注。[55]梁祖尧也有撰文斥责[56],但该文章很快便被删除,并改以一篇“以下是不用浪费冰和水,也能体验渐冻人生活感受的10个方法”的留言代替[57]。由于被指不少人前往便利店购买冰块进行活动,令冰块供应短缺,亦间接助长浪费水资源,香港的7-11便利店随后在Facebook上宣布,直至8月31日止,每当顾客购买1包袋装冰块时,都会捐出港币5元予香港肌健协会。[58][23] 有地方改采用另类的方法来代替冰水,一位巴勒斯坦记者因为当地天气酷热而干旱,加上加沙战争依然持续,所以他决定以瓦砾桶挑战,希望世人也以同理心关注是次战役。[59]在印度,也因为旱灾关系,很多当地明星也婉拒是次活动,或以米粒代替冰桶接受挑战,但事后再捐一桶米;也有人以“填满胶桶”为唤召,把食物和救援物资送到正遭受水灾和山泥倾泻的尼泊尔[60]。NBA 2014年新秀探花祖尔·艾宾特也在Twitter希望各界多关注非洲民间疾苦。[61] 【辩论】名人“冰桶挑战”是慈善还是“真人秀”?
1这本就是一个任何事情都可以被消费的年代,事实上公益在很多时候都是被消费的对象。这项 “冰桶挑战赛”本来也就是一个营销概念,只不过是以营销为手段推动慈善而已。这可比某会的自我推销手段高大上许多,一面是大腕明星好好利用自媒体喧嚣了一把,一边是慈善团体的捐赠数字又爬高了一个台阶。何乐而不为?
2慈善不分国界,爱心不分你我,只要捐献的目的是为了拯救弱势群体,能够给“肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症” 患者带来福音,能够让世人关注此类群体的生存状况,即使捐善款的过程带有娱乐化,又如何?更何况名人的参与、娱乐化的操作,会吸引更多的人来关注和募捐,来了解这个世界性疾病,何乐而不为?
6刘作虎在微博上发“冰桶挑战”的活动,向自己身上泼了一桶冰水,同时还点名 360 CEO周鸿祎、锤子科技CEO 罗永浩和华为荣耀业务部总裁刘江峰三人。然而最先应战并自称将在18日下午完成挑战的罗永浩却最终“临阵脱逃”,婉拒了冰桶挑战,在昨日晚间通过微博和微信做出回应“不是成心扫兴,请谅解”,并代表锤子科技员工捐款39500美元,并发表声明称“有些人走得太远而忘记了为什么出发”。
无论是明星还是名人,只要参与慈善公益行动,就可能获得社会的认同,改善自己的社会形象,提升自己的社会资本,这是天然就能获得的东西。假如参与者把慈善公益组织的宣传和劝募活动,当成一场个人事先张扬的“慈善秀”,而忘记了发起人原本的目的,把赚取社会的“注意力”放到第一位,就已经不是慈善 公益而是品牌宣传。
在美国,吉丽娜·朱莉和布拉特·皮特、麦当娜等名人参加慈善公益活动的时候,都会由专业的公司提供咨询服务,指导自己如何展开慈善公益活动。毕竟慈善公益活动是一件关乎社会公平与公正,促进社会进步的事情。它不仅需要爱心,还是需要社会学、人类学、教育学和经济学等方面的综合知识。一个有爱心的 社会,每个名人都会有参与慈善公益活动的冲动,但是每个人应该把自己的公益激情落脚在何处?这就需要邀请顾问公司做专业的指导。
當公益遭遇全民娛樂:「冰桶挑戰」兩大敗筆 冰桶挑戰(頭條)
互聯網使一切正在成為可能,潑冰水在一夜之間如約而至;公益行業前所未有地感受到科技大佬們集體狂歡式的熱情也在一夜之間成為現實。可是,在我們沾沾自喜於社交網絡產品帶來的病毒式傳播速度, 或是以博取「點擊量」享受數字帶來的成績時,速度或數量帶來的躁動與歡呼蒙蔽了哪些更重要的信息?
(相關背景,還可查看鈦媒體作者此前展開的激烈辯論: 正方《「冰桶挑戰」里,你可以學到的產品黑魔法》 反方《「冰桶挑戰」,快被雷軍們玩壞了!》)
反觀美國科技巨頭們的挑戰錄影,無論軟植了Surface產品的蓋茨還是拿斯諾登開點玩笑的貝索斯,無一例外地在傳遞「冰水」精神中,嚴肅並真誠地講述了「ALS」群體的故事、籌款進展以及接受冰桶挑戰的驅動原因 ——公益先行,娛樂次之。
敗筆二: 「錢」和「冰水」掩飾了瓷娃娃的真實
真正的領導者或是成功者,如何激勵粉絲、客戶或是小額捐贈人的支付行為?如何鼓勵其全心投入共同的舞台應對挑戰?原因很簡單——別人買單並不是因為你做了什麼,而是為什麼做?如果用全心投入做產品的心態「玩」公益,而不是把公益成為「植入」而非「自知」品,也不會上演潑水登頭條,瓷娃娃成為附庸的鬧劇。如果你仍未被說服,我們再來估算一些數字。若以一般水桶10升水的容積以及北京目前自來水單價5元/立方計算,一桶不加冰的水價格約為0.05元,若不產生任何浪費,106萬的捐助額可以消化2100萬桶水,而並未包含公益機構以及活動組織方投入的人力等成本。雖然未能準確統計因此次活動產生的用水量,如果用微博中本話題「5億」次閱讀量和「56萬「 條評論的數字做不合理假設,恐怕用水量的支出已完勝捐款總額。
一次本應娛樂與嚴肅參半的籌款公益活動儼然成為娛樂公益的真人版大片實屬令人無奈。我們不妨引用科特勒在其所著的《營銷革命3.0》中描述的——」3.0營銷時代應用更為全面的眼光看待顧客,把他們視為具有多維性,受價值驅動的人群,甚至是企業潛在的合作者。」 言外之意,技術是手段,內容是根本,價值是關鍵。當今企業的正確的做法是必須開發出能夠激發和反映消費者價值觀的產品、服務和公司文化。技術與商業生態的背後是「人」,為用戶提供便捷、有價值、甚至極富教育意義的成功產品才是現代成功之道——其最終落腳點是通過輸送價值觀令科技帶來人類的變革。
怎样评价兴起于美国的「ALS 冰桶挑战赛」(ALS Ice Bucket Challenge)? 呼吁公众关注ALS(肌萎缩侧索硬化症)的“冰桶挑战”最近风行网络。挑战者要拍视频上传再提名三人,不敢挑战者要捐出善款。目前盖茨/库克/马扎/奥普拉/贾斯汀等都已挑战成功。几小时前,RDJ也接受了挑战,然后提名了锤哥
这个活动虽然说的是二选一,但很多人是接受挑战的时候也捐了款的,而且这些名人参与这个古怪挑战的宣传意义远大于100美元。首先我们先了解一下什么是als看看他有多么可怕。借用新浪微博网友@ 谢泼德 的话说:
我们先来看看美国人是怎么评价的.下图是泰特斯威夫特在自己facebook上面发完冰桶挑战视频之后美国网友的反应 知乎上应该都懂点英语吧,这只是其中很小的一部分,几乎所有的都是赞美与鼓励。当然这样的例子还有很多,如果你能够上推特的话,你会发现当你打入关键字#ALSIceBucketChallenge 进行搜索时,并不是只有名人才参与这个活动,还有很多普通人积极地参与到这个活动中来。你能够看到很多普通的美国人发的关于这个活动的图片,视频。
我其实从昨天起就开始知道有这个活动了。但是它一直没有引起我的注意。直到两个小时前,我看到关于雷军发微博说他受邀参加这个冰桶挑战的活动,我才带着好奇心,翻了翻微博,翻了翻twitter。当然翻推特其实更有趣,因为会看到更多更新的消息,更多普通人的看法。把上面这一段我认识冰桶挑战的经过说明之后开始谈一下我的认识。这样的活动确实是一种慈善的创新,美国人的所谓募捐活动,有人说不过是这几种,参加慈善晚宴,参加慈善马拉松比赛,可是这些东西都玩腻了,怎么办?这个活动将互联网与慈善结合在一起,让互联网发挥了他的巨大的传播作用,真是一大创新,不得不感叹,当中国人的慈善因为郭美美的事情而遭受危机的时候,美国人的慈善已经这样灵活多变了。所谓的慈善绝对不只是名人们的参与和娱乐,而是大众的。而互联网的普及,让普通的网民受到名人们的感召而加入到其中来。就捐款数额来看,今年这个活动的最新的捐款数额已经远远地超过了去年。如果不应战,只捐100美元。Sina Visitor System 当我最初看到这个新闻时其实很诧异,诧异于那一句:如果马克扎克伯格不接受挑战,将要捐款100美元。当时觉得很不可思议,觉得100美元对于扎克伯格来说简直是蚂蚁之于大象。可是这就是美国人的态度,希望将此普及,众人平等,你不接受挑战你就捐助100美元,甭管你是马克扎克伯格还是牛克扎克伯格。这也让这个活动更好的推广了,实在是太机智了。当然挑战者给了被挑战者选项,但是我觉得他们肯定还是会捐,但是作为名人,我觉得甭管是中国人还是美国人大概都明白,到这份上,不仅要冰桶,还要捐款。
4中国推广这个活动怎么样呢?雷军已经接受了他的俄罗斯投资人的挑战,接下来可能就要像多米诺骨牌那样形成连锁反应,但是我这里有个疑虑,中国人参与这个活动所得的款项捐给美国的慈善机构还是中国的慈善机构呢?但不管怎么样,美国人已经做了榜样,接下来就看在中国这个活动会发展到什么地步吧。其实这样的活动或者说game其实很像flappy bird都是很讨巧的创新,但是也很容易被人们遗忘。慈善毕竟不是游戏,今年人们可能会选择玩这个游戏,明年人们厌烦了也就不玩了。所以其实摆在慈善面前的两条路,1多创新,变着花得来 2脚踏实地,所谓可持续发展。这个太复杂不细说。
早在几个月之前网上就有人发起了各类冰桶挑战,但真正把冰桶挑战和为ALS筹钱联系起来的并非任何慈善机构,而是今年七月一个叫Pat Quinn的美国ALS患者。他设置了“要么捐100美元要么把冰水浇过自己头顶”这个游戏规则,而他的好友中有一个同为ALS患者的Pete Frates,之前是波士顿学院的棒球队队长。Frates好友圈、好友的好友有很多波士顿当地运动员,所以他的冰桶视频被这些人看到、这些人接受挑战之后整件事就火起来了,当地媒体也开始报道。下图可以看出,多数“点名挑战”都是从东部(波士顿附近)辐射到美国各地的。上周,肯尼迪家族成员、奥巴马加入,各互联网巨头加入,(最后本周传进中国互联网圈)。
其实之前类似的例子还有很多,只不过最后都没有太多积极影响,被批评为hashtivism,即只在网上表达几句同情,并不去关心真正的慈善、公益本身。Hashtivism不太好翻译,它是两个词的结合:hashtag是社交媒体话题(例如#冰桶挑战),activism是“社会活动家”里的社会活动。拿#KONY2012(科尼2012)来说,慈善组织Invisible Children拍了一个揭露乌干达游击队恶行的视频,点击量过亿。社交媒体上人人愤慨,甚至要求美国派军队去解决他们。结果后来发现视频里有大量夸张、不实内容,游击队首领科尼甚至早就不在当地了。网民大多也只是花几秒敲了几句同情的话,没有花时间了解科尼究竟是谁。
该活动最初在美国发起。呼吁公众关注ALS(肌萎缩侧索硬化症)的“冰桶挑战”最近风行网络。挑战者要拍视频上传再提名三人,不敢挑战者要捐出善款。目前盖茨/库克/马扎/奥普拉/贾斯汀等都已挑战成功。主演钢铁侠的小罗布特·唐尼也接受了挑战(视频地址:RDJ_视频在线观看)。然后提名了三人,据说奥巴马拒绝挑战准备捐钱。而在中国手机届的几位老总似乎也感受到美国吹来的慈善之风,纷纷表示将接受挑战。一加手机的刘作虎,率先发布挑战视频,发起并完成了#冰桶挑战#,并且@周鸿祎 @罗永浩 @刘江峰-荣耀 三位挑战者,视频:一加手机刘作虎 发起ALS冰桶挑战而随后锤子科技罗永浩、奇虎360周鸿祎等三位挑战者纷纷微博表示迎战,小米科技雷军也表示参与。什么是ALS?
不论是顺势而为的行善还是有意对明星大佬的模仿?私认为,这都是有意义的尝试,值得点赞。古语有云:有心行善,虽善不赏;无心作恶,虽恶不罚。慈善活动,通过公众人物(明星、大佬等)发起、推广,利用公众人物的影响力和权威,hi取到很好的传播效果,而且人们通常不会排斥,一直以来都是慈善推广的一种极好尝试。一加手机创始人刘作虎作为国内第一个视频呼吁更多人 关注罕见病,“冻”起来,是一次有意义的模仿。行善也好,炒作也罢,可以看到,国内的互联网科技行业大佬们越来越与世界同步,这亦是一种有意义的现象。
游戏规则前面已经分析的很到位了,看看这个游戏背后的秘密吧,我暂称为自传播。冰桶挑战:一次以爱为名的自传播经典案例(很多类似名称病毒传播,SNS,口碑,)=展示人际间自传播的经典秀场= 拆分下这次成功的自传播需要的项目要素 A、WHAT 需要传播的诉求点:New+Old老公益新出发点(选择这样偏门的公益有利于激发人的好奇心)
B、WHY 自传播的核心动力:
起点是娱乐(简单好玩)+猎奇心态(看名人)+ 求证影响力(我玩玩看)+爱(的确需要关注ALS,不过真心觉得这个出发点的人少之又少。)
C、WHO 所谓的BIG GUY 有影响力的人有助于该项目的传播,只要击破一个点,1传3就能引发类“庞氏骗局”效应
D、HOW 游戏简单的门槛:冰桶即可。决定自传播的速度就是简单的门槛,易于操作和执行,代价小。传播的代价最小化!最小的代价去获得爱的声誉。
E、Result 表层:利用名人传播名人的影响力引发对公益的关注 中层:全民娱乐心态和爱的集体释放
总之,可以从中借鉴到很多,例如以娱乐的名义去公益。反之亦可。如果用系统性的思考角度看待这个游戏,其实很有意思。恳请高人指点。冰桶挑战赛全称为“ALS冰桶挑战赛”(ALS Ice Bucket Challenge),要求参与者在网络上发布自己被冰水浇遍全身的视频内容,然后该参与者便可以要求其他人来参与这一活动。活动规定,被邀请者要么在24小时内接受挑战,要么就选择为对抗“肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症”捐出100美元。
Ice Challenge called “ALS Ice Challenge”(ALS Ice Bucket Challenge), asked the participants on the network to publish their video content water poured all over the body, and then the participants can ask other people to participate in this activity.Activity rules, who have been invited or accept the challenge in 24 hours, or choose to donate 100 dollars to fight “lateral muscle atrophy sclerosis”.该活动旨在是让更多人知道被称为渐冻人的罕见疾病,同时也达到募款帮助治疗的目的。目前“ALS冰桶挑战赛”在全美科技界大佬、职业运动员中风靡。目前已扩散至中国,科技界大佬纷纷响应。
The purpose is to let more people know is called the rare disease gradually frozen people, but also to raise money to help the treatment purpose.At present, “ALS Ice Challenge” in the national science and technology mogul, occupation athletes swept.Has now spread to Chinese, technology mogul have response.活动规定,被邀请者要么在24小时内接受挑战,要么就选择为对抗“肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症”捐出100美元,或两者都做,完成后还可指名3名挑战者,这个概念很简单:你把自己往自己头上倒桶冰水的视频上传,然后公开挑战你的朋友在24小时内做同样的事情,或者向ALS(肌肉萎缩性侧面硬化病)公益协会捐款。这么做的目的是让更多人知道被称为渐冻人的罕见疾病,同时也达到募款的目的。
Activity rules, who have been invited or accept the challenge in 24 hours, or choose to donate 100 dollars to fight “lateral muscle atrophy sclerosis”, or both, is named after the completion of the 3 challengers, the concept is simple: you put yourself in his head to the inverted bucket of ice water video upload, then open to challenge your friends to do the same thing in 24 hours, or to ALS(of lateral sclerosis muscular atrophy)welfare society.The purpose of doing so is to let more people know what is called a rare disease gradually frozen people, but also to achieve the purpose of raising money.媒体分析 Media analysis 为什么这项挑战突然引发这么多名人的兴趣?以往慈善机构设计募款活动时,除了募款晚会,要不然就是慈 各界名人积极响应
Why this challenge suddenly caused so many celebrities interest? The charity fundraising activities design, in addition to fundraising party, otherwise is the Tzu Chi celebrities positive response 各界名人积极响应(9张)善马拉松,参与的选手可以设定捐款目标,透过亲友团的支持,达到募款目的。但马拉松不是说跑就可以跑,至少得经过一些基本锻炼,比赛当天至少得花上半天时间,对于那些平常忙的不得了的名人来说,要把自己的时间花在类似的慈善活动上,除非对自己有特别意义,否则几乎不可能。这个冰桶挑战就不同了,只要花个两分钟,上传视频到社交网站就结束了。[31] Celebrities from all walks of life actively response(9)good marathon, participants can set goals through donations, relatives and friends support, achieve fundraising objective.But the marathon is not to say that you can run run, at least after some basic training, race day have to spend at least half a day, the celebrities who usually very busy speaking, to spend their time in similar charity activities, unless they had special significance on their own, or almost impossible.The ice challenge is different, as long as two minutes, upload video to social networking sites is over.[31] 这个“ALS冰桶挑战”(Ice Bucket Challenge),在短短两周内已经风靡全美国。连锁效应也产生了一些正面效应,从七月底到八月中,ALS协会和全美的分会,已经收到近400万美金的捐款,相比与2013年同期的112万美金成长了将近四倍。
The “ALS Ice Challenge”(Ice Bucket Challenge), in two short weeks has swept the whole American.The chain effect also produced some positive effects, from seven at the end of August, the ALS Association and the society, has received nearly 4000000 dollars, compared with the same period in 2013 to $1120000 growth by nearly four times.比尔盖茨自设支架系统完成挑战 比尔盖茨自设支架系统完成挑战[32] Bill Gates from the bracket system complete the Bill Gates challenge since the bracket system to complete the challenge of [32] 然而有批评者点出,这个极受欢迎活动的背后并不完全是利他主义。因为多数人决定把冰水倒到自己头上,而不是捐款到ALS协会。但这些湿淋淋的参与民众仍然看起来像个英雄,因为毕竟他们是为了慈善目的而把自己搞得这么狼狈。当然,如果ALS的目的是为了让更多人了解这个罕见疾病,那么这个活动可说是相当成功。
However, critics point out, the most popular activity behind is not completely altruistic.Because most people decide poured icy water to his head, but not to donate money to the ALS association.But these wet participation people still look like a hero, because after all, they are for charitable purposes and put themselves so embarrassed.Of course, if the purpose of ALS is to let more people know about this rare disease, the activity is very successful.从另一方面说来,如果你安安静静的捐钱给ALS协会,而没有在社交媒体上大肆宣传,你的朋友会知道你是好人吗?当然不会,他们只会觉得你自私自利。就像公开宣布自己选择捐钱,而不是倒桶冰水到自己头上的美国总统奥巴马,当他宣布这个决定后,反而招致许多批评,搞的好像奥巴马是个没心肝的恶人。很多人都忘了,其实募款才是ALS协会推动这个活动的真正目的。
On the other hand, if you quietly to donate money to the ALS Association, without a whoop and a holler in social media, your friends will know you are a good man? Of course not, they will think you egoistic.As announced publicly choose their own money, rather than inverted bucket of ice cold water on his head USA President Obama, when he announced the decision, but by many critics, it's as if Obama is a heartless man.Many people forget, but money is the real purpose of ALS association to promote this activity.倒桶冰水在自己头上对于许多人来说,除了让自己觉得做了件好事,同时也让朋友知道你是个好人外,还有什么其他作法?当然有,苹果CEO库克不但进行了冰桶挑战,同时也捐款。幸好,许多荷包满满的科技大老,也跟着这么做。但这又出现了一个问题:2014年的夏天,加州正面临着前所未有的旱灾。这么浪费水,也引发一些负面看法。[33] Inverted bucket of ice cold water on his head for many people, in addition to do feel good, also let friends know that you are a good man, and what other way? Of course, the apple CEO Cook not only are ice challenge, but also donations.Fortunately, many pockets full technical Tate, also follow to do so.But this raises a question: in the summer of 2014, California is facing a hitherto unknown drought.Such a waste of water, also caused some negative views.[33] 网友评论
The netizen comments 梁山好汉挑战少林武当峨眉三大门派 梁山好汉挑战少林武当峨眉三大门派
Liangshan hero challenge Shaolin martial Wudang Emei three Liangshan hero challenge Shaolin Wudang Emei three sects 一部分网友纠结于,一些大佬在没有邀约的情况下发起的这个接力,属于自娱自乐,也有网友对此表示,不管形式如何,达到活动的初衷就好。[34] Part of the net friend entangled in the relay, some bosses in the absence of unsolicited cases originate, belongs to amuse oneself, also the netizen expresses, no matter how to form, activities of the mind.[34] 但也有网友认为,大佬的做法炒作的意义大于公益,应当发起捐住国内失学儿童等方面的项目,“ALS冰桶挑战”目的是为了提高人们对ALS(肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症)的意识,同时也号召人们为ALS联合会捐款。中国人玩与不玩意义不大,大咖实际点还不如直接做慈善”。
But also the netizen thinks, business practices speculation significance than the public, should be initiated to donate for domestic school children and other aspects of the project, “ALS Ice Challenge” in order to raise the people on the ALS(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)consciousness, also called on people to donate to the ALS federation.Chinese and do not play a lot of little significance, the actual point as the direct charity“.还有网友表达了对中国人是否适合做这项活动的担忧,“中国人的体质跟老外不一样,浇冰水之前最好提前预热一下,否则感冒是轻的,容易把头皮刺激出皮肤病”。
Some netizens expressed Chinese is fit for this event concerns, ”Chinese physique with foreigners is not the same as before, poured ice water best advance preheat, otherwise the cold is light, easy to stimulate the scalp skin disease“.有冷静的网友表示,不管是不是在作秀,大佬们的参与实实在在的为ALS增加了影响力,扩大了宣传。[34] A calm netizen said, no matter Is it right? For show, big brothers who participate in real ALS to increase the power, enlarge the propaganda.[34] 民政部
The Ministry of Civil Affairs 据民政部新闻办官方微博消息,“冰桶挑战”活动以轻松有趣的方式宣传关爱罕见病患者的理念和相关的医疗知识,带动了社会各界许多有影响力的人士参与,起到了很好的效果。但是,随着社会关注度的提高,建议活动的组织者更加注重活动的实效,避免娱乐化、商业化的倾向
According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs Office official micro-blog message, ”Ice Challenge“ activities in a fun and easy way to publicize the ”care for rare disease concept and related medical knowledge, promote the social from all walks of life many influential people, played a very good effect.However, with the increasing degree of social concern, the effectiveness of proposed activities of the organizers pay more attention to activities, to avoid the tendency of entertainment, commercial 旱民抗议
Han people protest 2014年8月22日,鲁山县民众拿着水桶聚集在中原大佛前,抗议正在中国火热进行的冰桶挑战项目。[36] In August 22, 2014, Lushan Mountain County residents carrying buckets gathered in Zhongyuan Buddha, ice challenge project protests are China hot.[36] 截至2014年8月20日下午4时许,国内的获捐方“瓷娃娃”罕见病关爱中心已收到捐款近140万元,近140万元善款中,有100万元来自万达集团董事长王健林之子王思聪,其余近40万是公众零星捐款。[37] As of August 20, 2014 4 pm, rare disease care center the donation party “porcelain doll” has received a donation of nearly 1400000 yuan, nearly 1400000 yuan of funds, 1000000 yuan from Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin is the son of King Si Cong, nearly 400000 other public donations are scattered.[37] 截止到2014年8月21日16:00,70余名IT界名人、娱乐明星、体育明星参与。冰桶挑战共获得11709位爱心人士支持,筹集善款2284323元。[37] By the end of August 21, 2014 16:00, more than 70 celebrities, IT entertainment stars, sports stars to participate in the.Ice Challenge won a total of 11709 people love support, raised 2284323 yuan.[37] 截止到2014年8月29日募集善款总额累计超过1亿美元。这项从政要富商、演艺名人到平头百姓都参与的慈善捐助活动开始一个月以来,筹集的善款总额远超去年同期的280万美元,将用于渐冻症治疗研究。
By the end of August 29, 2014 donations totalling more than US $100000000.The politician to businessmen, celebrities to charity activities people are involved in the beginning of a month, a total of fund-raising than the same period last year of $2800000, will be used for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.这项活动最先是由新西兰的一个癌症协会所发起,本意是借着“淋冰水”的行为去显示对身患癌症的病人及其家属的关怀和支持。参加者往往把片段拍摄并在社交网络平台上分享。[6]活动举行首星期,已经筹得超过二万新西兰元,[7]一个多月来则已经筹得超过12万新西兰元。[8] 另外一个版本则指,相关的举动不过只是源自一些肥皂剧的行径,向来皆有,后来这行为被《今天》的主持人马特•劳尔于2014年7月15日在节目中最先提出,[9]及后一名高尔夫球球手 Chris Kennedy 接受了冰桶挑战后,点名了其丈夫为ALS患者的表妹珍妮特(Jeanette Senerchia)。珍妮特于第二日接受了挑战,并点名了同样患有ALS,现效力洋基队的球手柏特•昆恩(Pat Quinn)参与。昆恩于是召集了他网络上的一聚亲友一同参与,范围除了涵盖了昆恩所属的麻省社区外,更远至爱尔兰及希腊,自此,相关的片段在极短时间内被广泛的流传出去,亦使更多人认识及仿效。[10] The campaign is the first by a cancer association of New Zealand, is meant by “pour ice water” behavior to show care and support for patients and their families suffering from cancer.Participants tend to fragment of shooting and sharing on social networks.[6] activities held in the first week, has raised more than $twenty thousand in New Zealand, [7] more than a month has raised more than $120000 in new zealand.[8] another version refers to, related behaviour but only from some soap operas acts, always have, then this behavior is “today” host Matt Raul first put forward in the program in July 15, 2014, [9] and post a golfer Chris Kennedy accepted the challenge after the ice bucket, call the husband patients with ALS cousin Janet(Jeanette Senerchia).Janet accepted the challenge in second, and named as suffering from ALS, is the effectiveness of the Yankees player, Quinn(Pat Quinn)in.Quinn so assembled together and he on the network to participate in, in addition to the scope of cover Kun en the MIT community, further to Ireland and Greece, since then, the related segments in a very short time to be widely spread out, but also to enable more people to understand and follow.[10] 由于昆恩在接受挑战之余,亦有捐出善款于美国肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症协会,[11][12]同时在他的点名的名单中,包括了他中学时期的棒球队队友,曾于波士顿学院棒球队效力过而同样患上了ALS的球手皮特•费里特斯(Pete Frates),费里特斯现时于ALS协会麻省分部工作,因此这项活动后来亦被协会引入成为筹款活动的一环。费里特斯及后亦有将片段放上至Twitter,使这个活动更得到不少人的注意和参与[13]。
The queen in accepting the challenge of remaining, also donate to American amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Association, [11][12] at the same time in his name in the list, including his high school baseball team, attended Boston College baseball team and also suffered from ALS player Pete ferry Loftus(Pete Frates), ferry in the present in the ALS Association of Massachusetts division work, therefore this activity subsequently was association became a ring of fund-raising activities.Ferry Loftus and later a clip on to Twitter, make the activities more has received a lot of attention and participation in [13].冰桶挑战本来只限于个人社交网络的平台上互相分享,不过,随着美国一些知名人士的参与,其中有微软创办人比尔•盖茨[14]、Facebook创办人马克•扎克伯格[15]及一众NBA球星等,都使这活动立时炽热起来,并传至世界,而各地的政界、商界和演艺界人士亦纷纷仿效参与。
Ice challenge was limited to personal social network platform to share with each other, however, with the America some famous people involved, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates [14], Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg [15] and the NBA star, so that this activity immediately heated up, and to the world, and around the politics, business and the Arts also have to follow in.至于各地相关的ALS协会亦开始协助宣传活动。包括台湾的中华民国运动神经元疾病病友协会(简称台湾渐冻人协会)[16]和香港的香港肌健协会[17]。在中国大陆,捐款较多的会都捐至瓷娃娃罕见病关爱中心,该中心主要是服务成骨不全症的患者,但亦有服务其他如ALS等的罕见病。[18] 而在英国,除了运动神经元疾病协会[19]和 MND Scotland[20]外,麦美伦癌症援助中心(Macmillan Cancer Support)亦以冰桶挑战推展筹款[21]。As for the ALS association also began to assist the publicity around.Including the Taiwan Republic of China motor neuron disease patients Association(referred to as Taiwan ALS Association)[16] and Hongkong Hongkong muscle Association [17].In Chinese, donation will contribute more to the porcelain doll rare disease care center, the center is mainly service osteogenesis imperfecta rare disease patients, but also other services such as ALS.[18] in Britain, except the motor neurone disease association [19] and MND Scotland[20], Macmillan cancer support center(Macmillan Cancer Support)in ice challenge to promote fund-raising [21].正面评价[编辑] Positive [Edit] 受助机构捐款急升[编辑] The recipients donations surged [Edit] 活动最名显的成功之处,便是全球各地支持ALS患者的慈善机构在极短时间获得了大量的捐款。美国ALS协会指,行动由2014年7月29日开始,至到8月26日为止的四星期,这个行动已经为协会筹得超过8850万美元的捐款,去年同时期的捐款则只有260万美元,相差超过34倍。[22]而在香港,香港肌健协会会长刘伟明指,活动由正式宣传后,两三天内已获得去年全年的捐款总和[23][24]。而网站于8月27日所发表的最新消息,捐款数字已达1800万港元,以每年平均只有20万港元的捐款来计算,一个多星期已筹得相当于90年的平均捐款量[25],台湾渐冻人协会亦指,活动由8月17日至8月26日期间,已获得超过2千万新台币的捐款[26]。
The success of activities were significantly, is a charitable institutions around the world to support ALS patients received a large amount of money in a short time.USA ALS association refers to the action, starting from July 29, 2014, until August 26th until the four week, the action for the association has raised more than $88500000 in donations, donations during the same period last year was only US $2600000, a difference of more than 34 times.[22] in Hongkong, President of the Hongkong Association of Liu Weiming refers to muscle, activities by the official propaganda, has won last year's donation sum of [23][24] within two or three days.The latest news website in August 27th published figures, donations has reached HK $18000000, at an annual average of about HK $200000 donation to the calculation, more than a week has raised the average donation is equivalent to 90 years of [25], Taiwan gradually frozen people association also refers to activities, from August 17th to August 26 date, has access to more than 2 ten million NT dollars donated [26].除了ALS患者的慈善机构,因为有些人选择不点名,反而直接把善款捐给另外两个慈善机构,所以令它们也间接受惠。[27] In addition to the charity ALS patients, because some people choose not to call the roll, but directly to the donations to the two other charitable organizations, so that they also benefit indirectly from the.[27] 更多人认识ALS[编辑] The more people understand the ALS[edit] 肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症是一种罕见病,暂时仍未能找到有效的治疗方法,而且因发病率及患者人数并不多,因此长期被忽略,药厂亦因无利可图而不太愿意进行研发研发。ALS组织希望经过这活动后,可以焕起更多人认识及关心ALS患者的需要,亦期望热潮过后,大众仍能持续关注[28]。
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a rare disease, temporarily still failed to find an effective treatment, but the incidence rate and the number of patients are not many, therefore has been ignored for a long time, pharmaceutical companies also unprofitable and less willing to R & D.ALS hope that through this activity, can shine more people know and care of patients with ALS, is expected after the boom, the public can still continue to focus on [28].质疑[编辑] Questioned [Edit] 作为一项流行性活动,加上名人的宣传效应,冰桶挑战在很短时间受到了各地民众的仿效,不过也同时唤起了一些质疑,尤当活动传至华人地区时,相关的质疑亦比其他国家为明显[29]。
As a popular activities, publicity and celebrity, ice challenge in a very short period of time has been to follow around the people, but also raised some questions, especially when activities to Chinese area, a related question is also obvious [29] than in other countries.健康风险[编辑] Health risk [Edit] Star of life caution.svg 维基百科的医学内容仅供参考,不能视作专业意见。如需获得健康方面的帮助,请咨询医生或其他专业人员。
Star of life caution.svg Wikipedia medical content is for reference only, not as a professional opinion.For health assistance, please consult a physician or other professional personnel.由于身体及皮肤会在极短时间感受到极大的温差影响[30],会刺激脑部血管,引起血压瞬间升高[31],因而造成突发性身体毛病或不适,而一大桶冰水若突然倒在身上,会有一定几率造成颈椎的损伤,情况严重的可能引起颅内出血、脑卒中等现象、甚至死亡[31];如果选择全身浸在冰水,也不能超过5分钟,但“中国首善”陈光标把自己浸在冰水约30分钟,但恶评如潮[32],更甚者甚至把危险度升级,在分子冰激凌店外用液态氮代替冰,然后泼在自己的头上。[33] Because of the body and the skin will be in a very short period of time to feel the temperature greatly affects the [30], will stimulate the blood vessels in the brain, causing blood pressure to rise in the twinkling of an eye [31], thus resulting in sudden physical illness or discomfort, but a bucket of ice if suddenly fell on the body, will have a chance to cause cervical injury, severe cases may cause intracranial bleeding, stroke, and even death phenomenon of [31];if you choose to soak in ice water, and not more than 5 minutes, but “Chinese top philanthropist” Chen Guangbiao himself immersed in ice water for about 30 minutes, but the commentary Ruchao evil [32], worse even the danger degree upgrading, instead of ice in an ice cream shop external liquid molecules nitrogen, and then poured on his head.[33] 有心脏科医生及体育学系教授提醒,参与前应先衡量个人的身体状况是否能够承受,如本身有前列腺炎、关节风湿病、颈椎病、高血压、心脏病等心脑血管疾病、或肺炎、支气管炎等气管病的人,亦不建议参与[31]。同时亦不应在饮用酒精类饮品后进行此活动[30]。奥克兰癌症协会[8]及日本ALS协会[34]在其网页中亦有相同的健康提醒。
A heart doctor and Department of physical education professor remind, participation should be whether to measure the individual's physical condition can bear, such as itself have prostatitis, rheumatism, cervical spondylosis, hypertension, heart disease and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis or tracheal diseases, is not recommended to participate in [31].At the same time, also should not be drinking alcohol after the activity [30].The Cancer Society of Oakland [8] and Japan ALS Association [34] in its Webpage also have the same health reminder.纯粹赶风气[编辑] Pure catch the atmosphere [Edit] 有个别人士于网上发表了其短片后,因附有“不接受挑战岂不没有面子”的留言[30],又或者在完成后只懂频呼“爽”、“凉”等嬉笑式的回应[35],因而被其他网民质疑是否明白活动的真正意义,还是纯綷以“赶潮流”的心态去参与。例如现于台湾发展的新加坡合唱偶像组合BY2,就因疑在饭店的睡床上进行而广受批评。[36][37]有意见认为,倒冰水的感觉和真正渐冻病人的实质处境跟本完全不同,认为这行为不仅未能达到真正关注患者的目的[38],也是对病人的一种冒犯,和闹剧无异。[39]有四川患者也慨叹自己及家人被“娱乐化”。[40] There are individuals who made the video on the Internet, because of a “do not accept the challenge would not face” the message to [30], or after only know frequency call “cool”, “cool” and other fun type response [35], and other Internet users questioned whether understand real activity, or pure the “trend” attitude to participate in.For example, in the development of Taiwan Singapore chorus idol group BY2, is due to suspected in the hotel bed, criticised.[36][37] has the opinion, pour ice water feeling and true essence of ALS patients situation is totally different from this, think this behavior not only failed to achieve a real concern the patient's [38], is an affront to the patient, and the farce is.[39] Sichuan patients also sigh with regret and the family was “entertainment”.[40] 诚然,不少参加者当接受挑战后,也会不吝捐出一些款项,但这却完全取决于个人的诚信,至于是否有人不肯买帐,[41]或是一个人被多次点名是否应该只完成一次之类的细节问题,亦成为一些网民谈论的另一个焦点。对此,香港肌健协会于2014年8月20日的网页更新上附上了“参与挑战纯属自愿,大家可发挥无限创意,但请注重环境及安全”字句[17]。而香港中文大学校长沈祖尧也在他的短片中先以多于1分钟的时间解释何谓ALS及如何影响病患者[42]。陈志全[43]、金城武[44]及柳俊江[45]等则在各自的影片中交待了ALS的背景数据。当中,柳俊江特别提到一条影片,乃美国一名摄影师卡巴扎尔(Anthony Carbajal)所拍的。他的母亲及外祖母均是ALS患者,而他也于2014年1月被诊断出患有ALS病,现时病况已影响他作为摄影师的工作,因此在他接受挑战同时,也道出其家族病史和对制药厂不肯为渐冻人制药而难过,并且向所有参与这次筹款的人士致谢。[46][47] Indeed, many participants when accepting the challenge, will hesitate to donate some money, but it depends entirely on the personal integrity, as to whether or not the man refused to take it, [41] or a person has been repeatedly call should only complete details a like, also become another focus of some netizens talk.In this regard, Hongkong Lupus Association in August 20, 2014 Webpage updates on the attached “the challenges involved in voluntary, everyone can play unlimited creativity, but please pay attention to environmental and safety” [17] “.While Chinese University Hong Kong President Shen Zuyao in his film to more than 1 minutes to explain what is ALS and how they affect patients with [42] disease.Chen Zhiquan [43], Kaneshiro Takeshi [44] and Liu Junjiang [45], in their respective film background data of ALS.Among them, Liu Junjiang noted that a film, but American a photographer Kaba Zar(Anthony Carbajal)film.His mother and grandmother were patients with ALS, but he also in 2014 January was diagnosed with ALS disease, the illness has affected his own work as a photographer, so he accepted the challenge at the same time, also the family history and the pharmaceutical factory refused to gradually freeze pharmaceutical and sad, and thanks to the all people involved in this fund-raising.[46][47] 同时,亦有人要求以另类形式代替淋冰水,例如在台湾,一名曾是工程师的渐冻人患者袁鹏伟得悉钢琴家郎朗因为还没有接受刘德华的冰桶挑战,所以向刘写公开信,邀请郎朗到他所在医院,以钢琴义演代替冰桶挑战,[48][49]其实郎朗已选择以捐款形式回应,但刘德华表示仍会助袁圆梦。在2014年8月26日,正在欧洲巡演的郎朗正式正式回应,承诺当世界巡演在年底到达台湾站时,会探望袁鹏伟伉俪。[50] At the same time, there are also required to replace with offbeat form of water, such as in Taiwan, a former engineer ALS patients that pianist Lang Lang Yuan Pengwei because Andy Lau did not accept the ice challenge, so to Liu wrote open letters, invited Lang Lang to the hospital where he was, by piano performance instead of ice challenge, [48][49] actually Lang Lang have been selected to donation form to respond, but said Andy Lau will help Yuan Yuanmeng.In August 26, 2014, is a European tour official formal response to Lang Lang, commitment when the world tour to Taiwan station at the end of the year, will visit Yuan Pengwei husband and wife.[50]
政治宣传[编辑] Political propaganda [Edit] 两名台北市市长候选人连胜文及柯文哲于8月18日不约而同在公开场合进行冰桶挑战,同时亦发表了对渐冻人症病人的关注及选举承诺[51]。在完成挑战后,两人皆为台湾渐冻人协会捐款,协会秘书长林韵茹对他们的捐款表示了谢意;但也同时呼吁他们应持续行动支授当地ALS人士,并能兑现所作出的承诺[52]。
Two Taipei City mayoral candidates Lian Shengwen and Ke Wenzhe in August 18th to coincide in public ice challenge, also published in the ALS patients attention and election promise [51].In the work, two people are Taiwan gradually frozen people society, association secretary general Lin Yunru expressed gratitude for their contributions;but at the same time, they should be called for continued operations support local ALS sources, and can fulfill the commitments of [52].浪费水资源[编辑] The waste of water resources [Edit] 由于活动推展期间,美国的加州刚好面临异常干旱天气,当地有官员批评活动浪费食用水[53]。而在河南鲁山县,因受干旱影响,平顶山部分地区居民出现缺水情况,当地民众拿着水桶聚集在中原大佛前,抗议国内其他地方竟跟随玩冰桶挑战[54]。在香港亦有环保组织直言活动难免令人有浪费食物和水源之嫌[30]。艺人欧锦棠更在自己Facebook上粘贴一些第三世界儿童饮用干净水的照片,以表达饮用水得来太容易,变相鼓励大家随便浪费饮用水的关注。[55]梁祖尧也有撰文斥责[56],但该文章很快便被删除,并改以一篇“以下是不用浪费冰和水,也能体验渐冻人生活感受的10个方法”的留言代替[57]。由于被指不少人前往便利店购买冰块进行活动,令冰块供应短缺,亦间接助长浪费水资源,香港的7-11便利店随后在Facebook上宣布,直至8月31日止,每当顾客购买1包袋装冰块时,都会捐出港币5元予香港肌健协会。[58][23] Because of the promotion period, American California just faced unusually dry weather, local officials have criticized the activities waste edible water [53].And the Lushan Mountain in Henan County, due to the effects of drought, water shortage situation of residents in parts of Pingdingshan, local people carrying buckets gathered in Zhongyuan Buddha, protests in other parts of the country have to follow to play ice challenge [54].In Hongkong environmental protection organizations say activity should be a waste of food and water too [30].Artist Stephen Au in their own Facebook paste some third world children drinking clean water photos, to express the drinking water too easily, encouraging people to waste water.[55] Liang Zuyao has written for [56], but it was soon removed, and replaced by a ”here is not a waste of water and ice, also can experience freezing 10 methods“ people feel the message instead of [57].Because of that many people go to the convenience store to buy ice activities, make ice supply shortage, but also indirectly contributed to the waste of water resources, Hongkong 7-11 convenience store subsequently announced at Facebook, until August 31st, when customers buy 1 packets of bagged ice, will make a donation of HK $5 to the Hongkong muscle association.[58][23] 有地方改采用另类的方法来代替冰水,一位巴勒斯坦记者因为当地天气酷热而干旱,加上加沙战争依然持续,所以他决定以瓦砾桶挑战,希望世人也以同理心关注是次战役。[59]在印度,也因为旱灾关系,很多当地明星也婉拒是次活动,或以米粒代替冰桶接受挑战,但事后再捐一桶米;也有人以“填满胶桶”为唤召,把食物和救援物资送到正遭受水灾和山泥倾泻的尼泊尔[60]。NBA 2014年新秀探花祖尔•艾宾特也在Twitter希望各界多关注非洲民间疾苦。[61] A place the offbeat method instead of ice water, a Palestinian journalist because of the hot weather and drought, plus the Gaza war continues, so he decided to rubble barrels of challenge, hope the world with empathy concern is the battle.[59] in India, but also because of drought, many local stars also declined the event, or with rice instead of ice can accept the challenge, but later donated a bucket;also some people to ”fill the bucket“ for calling, food and relief supplies to suffer from floods and landslides [60] of nepal.NBA 2014 rookie third overall Zur Ebent in the Twitter hope that all the sufferings of the people pay more attention to Africa.[61] 【辩论】名人“冰桶挑战”是慈善还是“真人秀”?
debate ”Ice Challenge“ celebrity charity or ”reality show“?近期国外名人通过社交网络玩起了“冰桶挑战”的接力,挑战者需拍视频上传再提名三人,不敢挑战者要捐出善款。活动的主旨是为肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)进行筹款,并呼吁社会关注。在昨天,这一活动蔓延至中国互联网圈,多名科技界大佬被点名参与了这一活动。
The recent foreign celebrity through social networks play a ”bucket challenge“ relay, the challenger to shoot video upload again nominated for three people, not the challenger to donate.The purpose is for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS)for fundraising, and calling for social concern.Yesterday, this activity spread to China Internet circle, more than the technology mogul named participated in this activity.冰桶挑战“浇”到中国,是否会变味?名人“冰桶挑战”是慈善还是真人秀?新公益小编整理出了辩论帖,各方关注者、公益人士及广大网民纷纷发表观点。主要观点如下。
Ice Challenge ”cast“ to China, whether it will taste? Celebrity ”Ice Challenge“ is a charity or reality? Small make up finishing the new public debate, parties concerned, the public and the majority of Internet users have expressed views.The main points are as follows.正方:仍是公益目的
Affirmative: still the public purpose 1这本就是一个任何事情都可以被消费的年代,事实上公益在很多时候都是被消费的对象。这项 “冰桶挑战赛”本来也就是一个营销概念,只不过是以营销为手段推动慈善而已。这可比某会的自我推销手段高大上许多,一面是大腕明星好好利用自媒体喧嚣了一把,一边是慈善团体的捐赠数字又爬高了一个台阶。何乐而不为? this is a anything can be consumption era, in fact the public at a time when many is the object of consumption.The ”Ice Challenge“ was also is a marketing concept, but in marketing as a means to promote the charity.This is a will of self promotion means big many, one is star players to take advantage of the media uproar, a charity donation, one is digital and climbing a step.What is there against it? 2慈善不分国界,爱心不分你我,只要捐献的目的是为了拯救弱势群体,能够给“肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症” 患者带来福音,能够让世人关注此类群体的生存状况,即使捐善款的过程带有娱乐化,又如何?更何况名人的参与、娱乐化的操作,会吸引更多的人来关注和募捐,来了解这个世界性疾病,何乐而不为?
The 2 charity, regardless of national boundaries, love is not you and me, as long as the donation for the purpose of saving vulnerable groups, can bring the gospel to the ”lateral muscle atrophy sclerosis“ patients, can let the world focus on the community's survival condition, even if the process to donate money with entertainment, and how? Moreover, celebrity involvement, entertainment programming, will attract more people to pay attention to and fund-raising, to understand the world of disease, what is there against it? 3说冰桶挑战到中国就成为炒作其实是诛心之论,你们怎么知道这些科技界的大佬们就不是真的觉得这个慈善项目很有意义而参加呢?更何况,借助名人效应来宣传特殊疾病知识,让人们了解、关注这种特殊疾病有什么不好,碰上什么都说是炒作,是不是有点为了反对而反对了? ice challenge becomes to Chinese speculation is an impressive and deep talk, how do you know these science and technology industry big brothers are not really think this charity project is of great significance to? Moreover, with the celebrity effect to promote the special knowledge of disease, to let people know about this special disease, have what not good, meet what are said to be speculation, Is it right? Somewhat to the opposition against? 4这是一个公益活动,可能有人认为,这只是一个打着公益的幌子玩游戏。但从美国的情况来看,确实取得了不错的效果。不过在中国的活动能开展成什么样,尚需观察。笔者希望的是,这样花费并不多的慈善游戏能够多一些,让更多人加入到慈善的队伍中来。this is a public welfare activities, some people may think, this is only a dozen public pretense play games.But from the America situation, really good results.But in the China activities can develop into what, still need to observe.I hope that, this does not spend more charity game to some more, let more people to join the charity in the team.5业已成型的慈善文化在美国已成为一种日常选择,无须以多么崇高的名义加以推动。慈善与游戏也能很好地衔接在一起。“冰桶挑战”暗合了对慈善活动的应有解释。慈善不能全然以利他视之,做慈善也可以是利己的。至少你可通过给自己头上浇冰水,获得了通常想不到的快乐,而参与如此引人注目的行为,还足以告诉他人你对慈善的爱心。慈善不必端架子,这是“冰桶挑战”风行带来的最大启示。established the charity culture has become a routine in the American, not in the name of noble to promote.Charity and play well together.”Ice Challenge“ implies the proper interpretation of the charity activities.Charity can not completely to altruistic regarded, charity can also be selfish.At least you can give your head poured ice water, was often unexpected happiness, and participate in so attract sb.'s attention behavior, also enough to tell someone you love to charity.The charity doesn't have to put on airs, this is ”the biggest challenge brought enlightenment bucket“ popular.反方:或成炒作手段
Anti side: or a means of speculation 1“冰桶挑战”到中国来确实有变味、炒作的嫌疑,冰桶挑战赛本来是呼吁大家关注肌肉萎缩症,并给相关机构捐款的,传播到中国后,不说捐款渠道通不通畅,就单从网民反映来看,已经把这个更多的当成一种“娱乐”,而不是慈善了,名人效应更加刺激了其“娱乐化”。”Ice Challenge“ to Chinese do have stale, speculation suspects, ice challenge was to call attention to muscle atrophy, donations and to the relevant agencies, spread to China, not through donation channel is not smooth, the single from Internet users reflect, have made it more as a ”entertainment“, not charity, celebrity effect more stimulating to the ”entertainment“.2任何东西进入中国,都有一个中国化的过程,在此过程中被异化是正常的现象,“冰桶挑战”也不例外,也会出现异化现象。我估计“冰桶挑战”先是炒作一番,炒家看有没有利可赚,如有赚头,则大炒一番,其生命力如何主要看获利的大小和是否持续。anything into Chinese, there is a process of Chinese, during the process of being alienation is a normal phenomenon, ”Ice Challenge“ is no exception, also can appear the alienation phenomenon.I estimate ”Ice Challenge“ is a speculation, speculators have profitable, such as profitable, a large fry, its vitality to mainly depends on whether the size and duration of profit.3应当发起捐助国内失学儿童等方面的项目,“ALS冰桶挑战”目的是为了提高人们对ALS的意识,同时也号召人们为ALS联合会捐款。中国人玩与不玩意义不大,大咖实际点还不如直接做慈善”。should be sponsored domestic school children and other aspects of the project, ”ALS Ice Challenge“ the purpose is to raise awareness about ALS, also called on people to donate to the ALS federation.Chinese and do not play a lot of little significance, the actual point as the direct charity”.4从屡屡山寨的科技产品创意再到这次直接从老美接力过来的慈善创意,中国科技界的“拿来主义”一直为国人所诟病。再加上圈内炒作风气渐长,这次有点不切实际并且不费吹灰之力就直接移植过来的慈善创意被认为有炒作之嫌就不难理解。让公益慈善成为一种生活常态,而不是商业炒作的噱头,中国的富豪尤其是科技界的大佬还有很长的路要走,这绝不是跟风就能学得来的。from the many copycat technology products to the directly from the old beauty relay over charity creative, China science “take doctrine” has been criticized for the people.Plus circle speculation atmosphere grew, this is unrealistic and as easy as blowing off dust directly transplant charitable idea is considered to have the hype is not difficult to understand.Let the charity as a normal life, not commercial stunt, China rich especially the technology industry big brothers still have a long way to go, this is not to learn to follow the trend.5“冰桶挑战”的游戏规则带有某种道德绑架的意味,因为规则设定挑战者被浇冰水之后,可以公开点名叫板其他人,被点名者需要在24小时完成挑战,或者捐款。如果你要是较真,这个活动有强迫之处,但是参与者之所以没有怨言地乐此不疲,除了回应上文所说的游戏命名带来的传播效果,还需要有社会氛围,以及社会氛围中正面意义上的游戏心态。“Ice Challenge” rules of the game with a certain moral kidnapping means, because after the rule set the challenger was poured ice water, can open the name plate of others, being named persons need to complete the challenge in 24 hours, or donations.If you seriously, this activity was forced, but participants are always enjoy it without complaint, except in response to said game named the dissemination effect, but also needs to have the social atmosphere, and positive social atmosphere in the mentality of the game.6刘作虎在微博上发“冰桶挑战”的活动,向自己身上泼了一桶冰水,同时还点名 360 CEO周鸿祎、锤子科技CEO 罗永浩和华为荣耀业务部总裁刘江峰三人。然而最先应战并自称将在18日下午完成挑战的罗永浩却最终“临阵脱逃”,婉拒了冰桶挑战,在昨日晚间通过微博和微信做出回应“不是成心扫兴,请谅解”,并代表锤子科技员工捐款39500美元,并发表声明称“有些人走得太远而忘记了为什么出发”。Liu Zuohu “Ice Challenge” in the activity on the micro-blog, poured a bucket of ice water to himself, also named 360 CEO Zhou Hongyi, a technology CEO Luo Yonghao and Huawei glory business division president Liu Jiangfeng three.However, the first challenge and who will complete the challenge in 18 days afternoon Luo Yonghao was eventually “run away when going into battle,” declined to challenge in the ice bucket, yesterday evening by micro-blog and Micro message to respond “not intentionally blanket, please understanding”, and on behalf of the hammer technology employee donation of $39500, and issued a statement that “some people go too far and forget why to start”.【专家声音】名人“冰桶挑战”不妨更专业点
[sound] celebrity “ice experts challenge” may be more professional 一个有爱心的社会,每个名人都会有参与慈善公益活动的冲动,但是每个人应该把自己的公益激情落脚在何处?这就需要邀请顾问公司做专业的指导。
A caring society, each people will have to participate in charitable activities of the impulse, but everyone should make their public passion settled in where? This requires invite Consultants Co to do professional guidance.8月17日,小米董事长雷军通过微博表示参与“冰桶挑战”,并自称中国互联网第一位完成此挑战的人。在视频中可以看出,无论是接受挑战的雷军,还是“率先”发起的刘作虎,以及后来接受挑战的周鸿祎等人,他们对ALS(肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症)了解并不多,他们更多的在强调自己对“冰水”的感受。
On August 17th, chairman Lei Jun said in the micro-blog millet “Ice Challenge”, and claiming to China Internet first complete this challenge people.In the video can be seen, whether to accept the challenge of Lei Jun, or “lead” initiated by Liu Zuohu, and later to accept the challenge of Zhou Hongyi et al., their ALS(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)do not know much, they more emphasis on the feeling of “ice”.无论是明星还是名人,只要参与慈善公益行动,就可能获得社会的认同,改善自己的社会形象,提升自己的社会资本,这是天然就能获得的东西。假如参与者把慈善公益组织的宣传和劝募活动,当成一场个人事先张扬的“慈善秀”,而忘记了发起人原本的目的,把赚取社会的“注意力”放到第一位,就已经不是慈善 公益而是品牌宣传。
Whether star or celebrity, as long as the participation of charitable actions, it is possible to obtain social identity, improve their own social image, promote their social capital, this is the natural can get things.If the participants to charitable organizations, advocacy and fundraising activities, as a personal advance “charity show”, and forget the sponsor's original purpose, to make society “attention” in the first place, it is not charity but brand publicity.正是因为这样的原因,“冰桶挑战”一进入中国就引发了网友的争议。一些网友认为这些人是自娱自乐,自我炒作;一些人认为,不管过程如何,客观上还是让更多的人知道了“肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症”这种罕见病是好事。
Precisely because of this reason, “Ice Challenge” into the China caused the dispute.Some netizens think these people entertain, self speculation;some people think that, no matter how the process, more and more people make or objective know “lateral muscle atrophy sclerosis” this rare disease is a good thing.抛开“冰桶挑战”的争议,这些年,中国企业、明星和名人参与慈善公益事业引发的社会争议并不鲜见。一方面是企业、明星和名人在参与慈善公益活动的时候,除开自身努力还是需要专业顾问咨询;一方面是公众对企业、明星和名人是否参与慈善公益活动,存在道德批判的倾向。
Despite the “Ice Challenge” controversy, these years, Chinese enterprise, stars and celebrities participate in the charity cause social disputes are not uncommon.On the one hand is the enterprise, stars and celebrities to participate in charitable activities, in addition to their own efforts still need professional consulting;one is whether the public to the enterprise, stars and celebrities participate in charitable activities, has the tendency of moral judgment.在美国,吉丽娜•朱莉和布拉特•皮特、麦当娜等名人参加慈善公益活动的时候,都会由专业的公司提供咨询服务,指导自己如何展开慈善公益活动。毕竟慈善公益活动是一件关乎社会公平与公正,促进社会进步的事情。它不仅需要爱心,还是需要社会学、人类学、教育学和经济学等方面的综合知识。一个有爱心的 社会,每个名人都会有参与慈善公益活动的冲动,但是每个人应该把自己的公益激情落脚在何处?这就需要邀请顾问公司做专业的指导。
In American, Jinina Julie and Blatter Pitt, Madonna and other celebrities to participate in charitable activities, will by professional companies to provide consulting services, to guide their how to carry out charitable activities.After all, charitable activities is a matter of social fairness and justice, promote social progress.It not only needs the love, still need comprehensive knowledge sociology, anthropology, pedagogy and economics etc..A caring society, each people will have to participate in charitable activities of the impulse, but everyone should make their public passion settled in where? This requires invite Consultants Co to do professional guidance.对于做慈善而言,不应该凡有名人参加公益活动就众星捧月、浓彩重笔,这样的举动,很容易把名人参与慈善催化为一场事先张扬的慈善秀场。不管怎样,社会对于名人做公益,起码要有包容和尊重的度量。
For charity, not all celebrities to participate in public welfare activities have Zhongxingpengyue, thick and color pen, such a move, it is easy to celebrity charity for a charity show catalytic prior publicity.However, the social public to celebrities, there must be at least measure tolerance and respect.當公益遭遇全民娛樂:「冰桶挑戰」兩大敗筆
When the public has universal entertainment: “bucket” two big challenges 冰桶挑戰(頭條)Ice Challenge(headline)互聯網使一切正在成為可能,潑冰水在一夜之間如約而至;公益行業前所未有地感受到科技大佬們集體狂歡式的熱情也在一夜之間成為現實。可是,在我們沾沾自喜於社交網絡產品帶來的病毒式傳播速度, 或是以博取「點擊量」享受數字帶來的成績時,速度或數量帶來的躁動與歡呼蒙蔽了哪些更重要的信息?
The Internet makes everything is possible, poured ice water overnight to prise;public sector hitherto unknown to science and technology giants collective Carnival warm also becomes reality overnight.However, as we pleased with oneself viral speed on social networking products, or enjoy digital brings achievement to get “hits”, agitation and cheers fooled speed or quantity bring more important information?(相關背景,還可查看鈦媒體作者此前展開的激烈辯論:
(related background, can also see the debate had expanded titanium media: 正方《「冰桶挑戰」里,你可以學到的產品黑魔法》
Affirmative “" Ice Challenge ”, you can learn magic“ products 反方《「冰桶挑戰」,快被雷軍們玩壞了!》)
The ”ice“ challenge ”, quickly by Lei Jun are playing bad!“)當慈善公益遇到科技娛樂時代,如何正確地快樂公益?如果公益行業未來有幸捲入了重構和消費,並如同其他傳統行業一般被顛覆,我們是不是應該停下來首先反思那些貪婪、暴富、冒險或是揮霍的病態現象如何在公益行業或者公益事件中停止蔓延?繼續聚焦「冰桶挑戰」中國行,也希望此文能為任何參與過和躍躍欲試的參與者帶來新的思考。
When the charity met technology entertainment era, how to correctly public happiness? If the public service industry in the future have involved in the reconstruction and consumption, and like other traditional industries are generally subversion, we Is it right? Should stop first reflect those greedy, rich, adventure or morbid phenomenon.How to stop in the public sector or public events spread? Continue to focus on ”Ice Challenge“ China line, also hope this paper can bring new thinking for any involved participants and itch for a try.當我們在商業社會初學了講故事的皮毛,卻不知公益更需要引人入勝的故事時,鼓吹營銷獲得成功的本末倒置思維又一次在「冰桶挑戰賽」上演。公益不需要過度的娛樂、淺薄的關注和喧嘩的吵鬧,它需要樸素的內心和嚴肅的思考。
When we are learning the story of fur in a commercial society, but I do not know the public need more fascinating story, advocacy marketing success have the order reversed thinking again in the ”challenge“ on ice.The public do not need excessive entertainment, shallow focus and noisy noisy, it requires naive heart and serious thinking.敗筆一:善因的傳播與營銷尷尬錯位
Failing a: good for communication and marketing embarrassing dislocation 中國科技新貴們領銜挑戰,目前已有數十位企業界和娛樂界名人先後通過不同的方式積极參与——無論是大佬們贈送粉絲各類產品所使用的傳統營銷手段,還是挑戰時不忘以無下限的笑話「挑戰」明星美女濕身脫衣的玩笑,這一切不過再次迎合了中國互聯網的主流——低價體驗、過度娛樂以及得屌絲者得天下的心態。
China technology upstarts led the challenge, there are dozens of companies and celebrities in the entertainment industry has adopted different ways to actively participate in--regardless of the traditional marketing means bosses give fans all kinds of product use, or challenge did not forget to no limit joke ”challenge“ star beauty wet strip joke, all this again to cater to the mainstream of Internet China--low experience, excessive entertainment and grass root to the world of mind.反觀美國科技巨頭們的挑戰錄影,無論軟植了Surface產品的蓋茨還是拿斯諾登開點玩笑的貝索斯,無一例外地在傳遞「冰水」精神中,嚴肅並真誠地講述了「ALS」群體的故事、籌款進展以及接受冰桶挑戰的驅動原因 ——公益先行,娛樂次之。
In USA technology giants challenge video, no matter soft planted Surface products of Gates or a little joke with Snowden Bezos, without exception, in the transmission of ”ice“ spirit, serious and honest account of the ”ALS“ group story, fundraising progress and accept challenges driving causes ice--the public in advance, and entertainment the.娛樂不是問題,豪擲千金甚至拒絕捐贈都有道理,「冰桶挑戰賽」的中國變形記的「病毒」也不在於娛樂和土豪,而在於病態和盲從的無趣,人的價值和精神的力量卻被稀釋在一桶桶冰水中,「冰桶」、「潑水」、「明星」、「美女」、「濕身」成了主角,而原本最重要的善因卻成為道具,變得無足輕重;希望狂歡過後,所有人能記住中國罕見病30餘種共計1000萬人次,其中成骨不全症(即「瓷娃娃」)在中國的10萬名患者,記住他們的樣子。中國針對罕見病無救助措施,2008年成立得「瓷娃娃罕見病中心」依靠自己的努力在四年間也僅僅救助了80多名患者。
Entertainment is not the problem, Hao throw the daughter even refused to donate are justified, ”Ice Challenge“ China Metamorphosis ”virus“ is not in the entertainment and local tyrants, but in the sick and blind boring, people's value and the power of spirit is diluted in buckets of ice water, ”ice bucket“, ”water“, ”Star“, ”beauty“, ”wet“ became the protagonist, and had the most important cause is become the props, become be of little;hope after the carnival, all people can remember China rare disease more than 30 kinds of a total of 10000000 passengers, including osteogenesis imperfecta(i.e.”porcelain doll“ China)in 100000 patients, remember them.Chinese for rare disease with no relief measures, established in 2008, the ”porcelain doll rare disease center“ rely on our own efforts in four years has just rescued more than 80 patients.嚴肅與玩笑的尺度在公益慈善看來是那麼的苛刻?——是的,沒錯!膚淺的關注、過度娛樂的心態玩公益得到釋放的只有大眾扭曲公益的心理,「濕身」大佬們不過低價做了一次娛樂明星,圈子自high,看客玩鬧。
Serious and fun scale in charity seems so harsh?--yes, yes!Superficial attention, excessive entertainment mentality play public release only mass distorted public psychology, ”wet“ bosses but cheap to do an entertainment star, circle since high, onlooker play.敗筆二: 「錢」和「冰水」掩飾了瓷娃娃的真實
Mistake two: ”money“ and ”ice water“ to cover up the true porcelain doll 截稿為止,瓷娃娃罕見病關愛中心在三天狂歡中共計收到106萬捐贈(其中包括100萬王思聰的個人一次性捐贈,以及小米公司董事長雷軍的1萬元捐贈等)。ASD組織通過一次「ALS冰桶挑戰」籌款活動即獲得了超過組織去年募款總額四倍的成功,在廣泛贏得社會關注之時籌款活動大獲成功,那麼「冰水挑戰賽」的中國行在捐贈數量無疑又是一次敗筆。
The deadline date, porcelain doll rare disease care center on the three day Carnival were received 1060000 donations(10000 yuan donation including 1000000 Wang Sicong's one-time donations, and millet company chairman Lei Jun etc.).ASD group received more than four times last year fund-raising total success through a ”ALS Ice Challenge“ fund-raising activities, to win widespread social concern in the fund-raising activities a success, then ”Ice Challenge“ Chinese in donations is undoubtedly a failure.所以有人疑惑了,王思聰替1萬位粉絲一次性買單,雷軍不但潑了冰水還捐了價值幾部小米手機的善款,So some people doubt, Wang Sicong for 10000 fans not only one-time pay, Lei Jun poured ice water also donated some of the money value of millet mobile phone, 難道還不夠表率作用?名人們潑水也好,娛樂也罷,起碼「瓷娃娃」當作一個流行詞被無數粉絲記住,但是這種強烈對比的背後問題出在哪裡? Isn't it an exemplary role? To splash or celebrities, entertainment or, at least ”porcelain doll“ as a popular word by countless fans in mind, but behind the strong contrast of where? 阿里巴巴員工海外遭遇車禍,一夜之間便籌滿200萬元善款——這是聚少成多,積小致鉅的力量;冰桶挑戰賽在美國致使一夜之間獲得百萬籌款,恐怕也是遵守了「100美金」的約定和那激發出無數人心底的柔軟。百萬捐贈起步或是一萬起價的娛樂遊戲,有多少粉絲可以平起平坐?除了潑冰水,屌絲們就只剩下圍觀的待遇。更何況,如果只關注捐贈數額,而忽視資金能否最佳使用、如何使用等問題,我們也不會得出「捐錢令窮人生活更加悲涼」的結論。
Alibaba employees overseas car accident, overnight will raise the full 2000000 yuan donation--this is Many a little make a mickle., small to large power;ice challenge in USA cause get millions of money overnight, may also follow the ”100 dollars“ and agreed that inspired countless people heart soft.Million donation starts or ten thousand starts the game, how many of them can be on an equal footing? In addition to pour water, grass root people only onlookers treatment.Moreover, if we only care about the donation amount, while ignoring the problem of how to use the fund can best use, etc., we will not get ”money to poor life more miserable“ conclusion.真正的領導者或是成功者,如何激勵粉絲、客戶或是小額捐贈人的支付行為?如何鼓勵其全心投入共同的舞台應對挑戰?原因很簡單——別人買單並不是因為你做了什麼,而是為什麼做?如果用全心投入做產品的心態「玩」公益,而不是把公益成為「植入」而非「自知」品,也不會上演潑水登頭條,瓷娃娃成為附庸的鬧劇。
A true leader or is successful, how to encourage fans, customers or payment small donors? How to encourage the devotion shared the stage to face the challenges? The reason is very simple--others pay and not because of anything you did, but for what? If the use of dedicated product mentality ”play“ public interest, rather than the public become ”implant“ instead of ”knowing“ products, also not staged Songkran Deng headlines, porcelain doll to become a vassal.如果你仍未被說服,我們再來估算一些數字。若以一般水桶10升水的容積以及北京目前自來水單價5元/立方計算,一桶不加冰的水價格約為0.05元,若不產生任何浪費,106萬的捐助額可以消化2100萬桶水,而並未包含公益機構以及活動組織方投入的人力等成本。雖然未能準確統計因此次活動產生的用水量,如果用微博中本話題「5億」次閱讀量和「56萬「 條評論的數字做不合理假設,恐怕用水量的支出已完勝捐款總額。
If you haven't yet persuaded, we estimate the number.In general the bucket volume 10 liters and Beijing current water price 5 yuan / cubic terms, a bucket of water without ice, the price is about 0.05 yuan, if does not produce any waste, 1060000 of the amount of donation can consume 21000000 barrels of water, but does not include public institutions and human activities such as organization investment cost.Although unable to accurately statistics as the activities of the water, if the use of micro-blog this topic in ”500000000“ and ”560000“ to read comments digital do not reasonable assumptions, I'm afraid consumption spending has win total contributions.社會投資與商業投資有一個共通處則是產生財務回報,暫且不將截止到目前的社會影響分析,僅從目前賬面看,我們這個本應具有公益使命的「冰桶挑戰賽」實則演變成為一次全民潑水大聯歡和一次流於追求流量的表層「成功」傳播案例。
Social investment and business investment has a common ground is to produce financial returns, not to be up to social impact analysis of the present, only from the book, this should have public mission ”Ice Challenge“ is becoming a national water splashing Festival and a flow in the pursuit of flow surface ”successful“ communication cases.一次本應娛樂與嚴肅參半的籌款公益活動儼然成為娛樂公益的真人版大片實屬令人無奈。我們不妨引用科特勒在其所著的《營銷革命3.0》中描述的——」3.0營銷時代應用更為全面的眼光看待顧客,把他們視為具有多維性,受價值驅動的人群,甚至是企業潛在的合作者。」 言外之意,技術是手段,內容是根本,價值是關鍵。當今企業的正確的做法是必須開發出能夠激發和反映消費者價值觀的產品、服務和公司文化。技術與商業生態的背後是「人」,為用戶提供便捷、有價值、甚至極富教育意義的成功產品才是現代成功之道——其最終落腳點是通過輸送價值觀令科技帶來人類的變革。
Once the entertainment and serious as fundraising public welfare activities has become the entertainment public live version of large it is frustrating.We may wish to quote Kotler in his book ”marketing revolution 3“ described in the ”marketing era--3 more comprehensive look at the customer, to treat them as a multidimensional value driven, by the people, and even the potential of cooperative enterprises.“The implication, technology is the method, content is the root, the value is the key.Nowadays enterprises the right way is to develop to stimulate and reflect the values of consumer products, services and corporate culture.Behind the technology and business ecosystem is a ”person“, the successful products provide convenient, valuable, even very educational for users is the modern way to success--the ultimate goal is through the transfer value to science and technology brings human revolution.莫非公益不是落腳點在「人」和「人的內心」?企業家的愛心傳遞難道只是「水桶」和「5元錢」的傳播而不是公益組織的價值觀傳播?一邊是瓷娃娃,另一邊是粉絲(更為廣泛的捐贈者),又曾有哪些人從他們的角度思考過如何贏取此次籌款的成功?
Do not stay in the public interest ”human“ and ”human heart“? Entrepreneurs love to pass just ”bucket“ and ”5 yuan“ spreading than public interest organizations, the spread of values? On one side is the porcelain doll, the other side is the fans(broader donor), and what was a person from their point of thinking about how to win this fundraising success? 重「量」不重「質」的傳播是虛無的,只有「錢」沒有「心」的打動是失敗的善因營銷,用獨具一格的表演來掩飾內心的空虛更是毫無生命力可言。當深知庸眾的麻木可悲,思辨、挑剔或批判才能翻新土壤,中國公益本來就是缺乏信念的認同、價值觀的一致,卻從來不乏成功的投機者。
Spreading ”quantity“ not heavy ”quality“ is nothing, only the ”money“ to move without the ”heart" of the failure cause marketing, with unique performance to cover up the inner emptiness is no vitality.When know the mediocre numbness sad, thinking, critical or critical to renovate soil, China public is lack of belief, values, but there is no shortage of successful speculators.
Spontaneous---自然发生的,自动的。Happening naturally,without planning Considenate---想得周到的,体贴的。Thoughtful about other people’s or feelings.Haphazard—随意的,无秩序的。Unplanned or disorderly
Squeamish—易受惊的。Easily shocked by unpleasant things
Serenely—平静地。Completely calm and peaceful
Preach—传教,布道。To give a religious talks as a part of service in church Punctuate—被(某事)不时打断。To be interrupted repeatedly by something Contend—声称(某物)为真。To claim that something is ture
Intact—完整的,未受损伤的。Whole because no part has been touched or spolit Restrain—抑制,遏制(某人某事)。To prevent someone or sth from doing sth
Scribble—潦草地书写。To write sth carelessly or in a harry ,often so that it is hard to read.Exotic—外国来的,异国情调的。From a distant and interesting country
Access—(使用,获取的)能力,权利。The ability or right to obtain or use sth.Quintessential—典型,完美的榜样。The perfect example of something Prime—质量最佳的.of the very best quality
Abandon—放弃,离弃.give up ,leace completely
Glistening—(潮湿的表面般)闪亮,闪光 to shine with a lot of cery small flashes
as if from a wet surface
Trickle—(小群的人)慢慢移动。To move gradually in small groups
Outweigh---比某事物更重要,胜过。To be more important than sth or hace more
advantages than sth
Spectacular---壮观的,宏伟的。Very special and splendid
Disintegrate—碎裂,崩裂。To break up into small pieces.Scramble—争夺,抢先。To move quickly in compitition with other people Judicious—明智的,良好判断的。Having or showing good judgment or good sence
Speculation---猜测,推测。Thoughts about what mingt happen.Paraphrase.A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.----whole –hearted and genuine praise is very valuable
2.I struck up a conversation with Kit ,trying to establish some kind of rapport.----I started to have a conversation with Kit in a friendly way and tride my best to achieve close agreement and understanding between us.3.Euphemisms are considered overly squeamish and affected by contemporary writers unless used for humorous effect
----except in cases where they are used to achieve humorous effect, contemporary writers think that euphemisms are too disguating, artificial and pretentious to be used.4.Some euphemisms ,too,are sufficiently offbeat to be funny.---Some euphemisms are unusual enough to be funny.They are so unusual that they become quite funny
5.And the whoole building rocked with prayer and song.----the whole building shook with all the praying and singing
6.Waves of rejoicing swept the place
---the whole church became a sea of great joy.7.But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession.----Getting the book by payment is merely a preparatory step on the way to ownership.8.Understanding is a two-way operation;learning doesn’t consist in being an empty receptacle.---comprehension is a process involving both reception and production.If you remain a container ready only to receive,you cannot expect to learn very much.9.Where excellence is not an act but a habit.----where high quality is not just something we do on certain occasions , but rather something that we do regularly as a habit.10.Who knew then that from this modest hack would flow the civilization-altering,millionaire-spawning,information suckhoole known as the world wide web?
----who know at that time that this humble software consultant would create the world wide web which would change our civilization,bring about millionares , and become a rich source of imformation?
11.People usually believe that predators have an easy time of it ,killing defenseless prey
---people ususlly think that predators do not have to make an effort to kill the prey animals ,since the have no means of protecting themselves.12.The reverse is true of parasites.---parasites have the opposite characteristic,i.e.they are smaller but greater in number than their hosts.13.He peered over at the writhing blackness that jerked convulsively with the jerking nerves.----he looked closely at the twsting body of the buck covered with black ants;its only movement now was short, quick twitches.14.It was a swelling feeling of rage and misery and protest that experssed itself in the thought.----the thought well expressed his growing feeling of anger and unhappiness,and objection to what was happening.15.In this conditions it was poddible to stand for no more than a few seconds ,and then only by leaning forward at an angle of 45^
----under such conditions,a person could only stand for a few seconds ,and that was by learning forward to form an angle of 45^with the ground.16.Before panting little boys could strangle out the words,their mothers knew it.----the mother had already learned the news before their sons could stammer it out.17.The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.----what acted as the “venom-producing bag”of the town,i.e., the increasing self-interest in the townspeople,began to create poison which afflicted the whole town with a negative force.翻译
it was only a few days ago that he showed some contempt for the new project ,but now he is working hard with zest for its realization.What a baffling change!
I don’t mind working overtime,but do mind working on those unimportant trivial things at weekend.3.对现代经济学的一知半解是导致他经营失败的原因之一。
His haphazard knowledge of modern economics was one of the reasons why he met failure in his business.4.无论他作何种努力来改变其在公众心目中的形象,都无济于事。
No matter how hard he had tried ,all his efforts to imporve his image in the mind of the public were certain to fail.5.不知是何原因,许多大学生又表现出对中国传统戏剧如京剧和越剧的浓厚兴趣。
For some unknown reasons ,there has been a revival of strong interest in traditional Chinese drama ,such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera,among the college students.6.当诺贝尔物理奖获得者出现在师生面前时,全场一片欢腾,他的演讲不时被震耳欲聋的掌声所打断。
As soon as the winner of Nbbel Prize for physics appeared before the faculty and students, waves of cheers swept the hall.and his speech was punctuated by thundering clapping.7.他全神贯注地投入一项克隆实验工作上,根本没有察觉到我进入实验室。He was so absorbed in one of his cloning experiments that he wasn’t aware of my entering the laboratory at all.8.计划和列提纲只是写作的前奏曲,一篇论文的撰写还需要经过初稿,修改,编审等环节
Planning and outlining are only a prelude to writing,drafting,revising and editing are necessary steps to write a thesis.9.我真的不懂他为什么整天在摆弄那台老掉牙的电脑。
I really don’t understand why he noodles around that ole-fashioned computer all day long.10.越来越多的年轻人意识到英语是同行全球的语言,所以都在业余努力学习英语。
Being aware tha the english language is the lingua franca of the world,more and more young people try to learn English as much as they can in their spare time.11.这名心理学教授退休后不甘闲逸,开始从事儿童教育游戏的开发工作。After retirement ,the psychology professor unwilling to live a leisure life ,took to developing educational games for children.12.许多人对他们所居住的城市里雨后春笋般地冒出摩天大楼而深感自豪,他们还误以为摩天大楼是现代化的同义词呢。
Many people are very proud of the skyscapers that have mushroomed in their cities,with the mistaken idea that skyscrapers are the synonym of modernization.13.情绪激动的老人打开了儿子从海外寄来的信,他越想控制住发抖的手,它们发抖越厉害。
The emotional old man opened the letter that his son had sent him from overseas.the harder he tried to control his trembling hands,the more trembling they become.14.看到受伤的水牛在狮子的围攻中痛苦挣扎,猎人处于怜悯开枪将它打死。Seeing the wounded buffalo struggling in pain under the attack of the lions,the hunter shot it dead out of pity.15.我总觉得相当数量的董事会成员会强力诶反对的我们的改革计划。
I am inclined to think that there will be strong opposition to our reform plan among quite a few board members.16.我们不能姑息任何人的有害社会秩序的行为,不管他是谁,不管他来自何处。No matter who he is or where he is from, we cannot tolerate hia behaviour that is injurious to social order.17.灿烂的玛雅文化是如何从地球上突然消失的,这始终是一个难解之谜。As to how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth ,it remains a mystery not easily to be solved.18.当弄清楚是一只大老鼠导致传动系统中断运转时,我们都松了一口气,不久传送系统便恢复了正常运转。
When it was made plain that it was a big rat that had caused the breakdown of the transmission system,we all felt relieved.soon the system was brought to its normal order.19.他不是一个很受学生欢迎的教授,因为他在讲课时总是走题和拖堂。
He was not a very popular professor among the students because he would invariably wander off his topic during the course of his lecture and drag the class into the time for break.
Qing Ming Festival and Its Origin Qing Ming, which means clear and bright in Chinese, falls on April 5th this year.It is both the fifth term in the traditional lunar calendar and a festival to hold memorial ceremony for the dead.It is a time to express one's grief for his lost relatives.An ancient elegiac poem, which described a grievous woman, was read that vines tangled in vain and weeds crept in the graveyard, and her husband slept there lonely.It was so difficult to endure for her as if summer in the day and winter at night.And her only wish was to reunite with him after death.People often go to sweep and weed graves with whole family and take a walk in the countryside as well.In Tang Dynasty, the habit of taking an excursion on this day was developed.At this time, spring returns and dominates the earth again.The feel of growing life is in the air, with sap ascending in trees and buds bursting.And the willow branches inserted on each gate add vigor and vitality to the surroundings.But it actually means more than that.This custom can be traced back to over one thousand years ago.During the Period of Spring and Autumn in the Jin Kingdom, one of the King's sons was called Chong Er.Jealous of his talent, a concubine falsely accused him of rebellion to make her son the crown prince.He had no choice but to flee and with him were some officials.They hid themselves in a mountain and went hungry for quite some time.An official named Jie Zitui took great pain to cut some flesh from his thigh and cooked it for Chong Er.When the fact was known the young master was moved to tears and knelt down in gratitude.And Jie replied his best repayment should be a just king.They lived a life of hunger and cold for three years until the evil concubine died.Many soldiers were sent to look for him and to escort him back home.Going into the carriage, he saw an official packed an old mat onto a horse, he said laughingly, 'What on earth is the use of that? Throw it away!' Jie Zitui heard it and sighed, 'It is hardship that can be shared with his majesty but not prosperity.' So he went away quietly and lived in seclusion with his old mother.As Chong Er became king, he rewarded many people but he forgot Jie Zitui.He did not realize it until was reminded.However his invitation was refused and he flared up.Soldiers were ordered to burn up the mountain to force Jie to come out.Finally they found Jie and his mother scorched under a willow.He would rather die than yield to the power.Chong Er was so overwhelmed with regret that he ordered people hold memorial ceremony for Jie.So every year on that day folks mourned for him and the day before ate cold meals, which avoided making fire.Later the custom of inserting willow branches on gates was also added.清明节的由来
清 明 节(Tomb-Sweeping Day)Qing Ming Jie(All Souls' Day)
Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed.More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members.Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。主要的纪念仪式是扫墓,扫墓是慎终追远、郭亲睦邻及行孝的具体表现;基于上述意义,清明节因此成为华人的重要节日。
Literally meaning “clear”(Qing)and “bright”(Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice.It is a “spring” festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears.Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day.Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.清明节是在仲春和暮春之交,也就是冬至后的106天。扫墓活动通常是在清明节的前十天或后十天。有些地域的人士的扫墓活动长达一个月。ORIGIN(起源)
Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zi Zhui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C.Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lord's life by serving a piece of his own leg.When the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him.However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermit's life with his mother in the mountains.谈到清明节,有点历史知识的人,都会联想到历史人物介子椎。据历史记载,在两千多年以前的春秋时代,晋国公子重耳逃亡在外,生活艰苦,跟随他的介子椎不惜从自己的腿上割下一块肉让他充饥。后来,重耳回到晋国,作了国君(即晋文公,春秋五霸之一),大事封赏所有跟随他流亡在外的随从,惟独介子椎拒绝接受封赏,他带了母亲隐居绵山。
Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire.To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death.To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie's death.Thus began the “cold food feast”, a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.晋文公无计可施,只好放火烧山,他想,介子椎孝顺母亲,一定会带着老母出来。谁知这场大火却把介子椎母子烧死了。为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源。
The “cold food” festival occurs on the eve of Qing Ming and is often considered as part of the Qing Ming festival.As time passes, the Qing Ming festival replaced the “cold food” festival.Whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of Qing Ming is to remember one's elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or ancestral tablets.To make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of Jie Zi Zhui who choose death over capitulation.寒食节是在清明节的前一天,古人常把寒食节的活动延续到清明,久而久之,清明取代了寒食节。拜介子椎的习俗也变成了清明扫墓的习俗了。无论以何种形式纪念,为了使纪念祖先的仪式更有意义,我们应该让年轻一代的家庭成员了解先人过去的奋斗历史,当然,还要学习介子椎宁死不屈的气节
The custom of the qingming festival is rich interesting, in addition to pay attention to the fire, the grave, and outing, swing, a game called cuju, play polo, inserted liu and so on a series of customs sports activities.This is because tomb-sweeping day to people from the fire, in order to prevent a cold buffet injury body, so everyone to take part in some of the sports activities, and to exercise.Therefore, this festival both JiSao new born from the grave don't dead BeiSuan tears, and visit outing laughter, is a rich characteristic holiday.但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同。节气是我国物候变化、时令顺序的标志,而节日则包含着一定的风俗活动和某种纪念意义。
But, as a clear festival, and pure solar term and different.Solar term is our country phenology, seasonal change of the order of symbol, and the festival is contains certain custom of commemoration.清明节是我国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。扫墓俗称上坟,祭祀死者的一种活动。汉族和一些少数民族大多都是在清明节扫墓。
Ching Ming festival is a traditional Chinese festival, is also the most important sacrifice holiday, is the day of worship their ancestors and the grave.The grave commonly known as ShangFen, the sacrifices of the dead an activity.The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the ching Ming festival the grave.按照旧的习俗,扫墓时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家。唐代诗人杜牧的诗《清明》:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。”写出了清明节的特殊气氛。
According to the old tradition, the grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the cemetery, will be food for offering in the tomb of loved ones, then the dead incineration, grave earthed up new soil, fold a few branches of the 60-foot green inserted in a grave, and then KouTou worship salute, finally eat especially home.The poets in tang dynasty DuMu poem “painting” : “time.though rain in succession, pedestrian rains fall heavily as qingming comes JieWen restaurant where you have.The most ambitious almond flowers? Village.” Write the tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere.荡秋千
This is our country ancient qingming festival customs.Swing, meaning clench leather string and migration.Its history is very old, and the first call century, in order to avoid after taboo, to swing.Swing of the old tree YaZhi multi-purpose for frame, then switch to make the ribbons.Then gradually developed for use two rope and pedal swing.Play not only improves the health swing, and can cultivate the brave spirit, to now is people, especially children's favorite.蹴鞠
Game called cuju
A ball is bowed, ball with leather skin made, the ball inside with wool plugged.A game called cuju, which is with enough to play football.This is ancient tomb-sweeping day's favorite when a game.Legend has it that the invention of the yellow emperor, original purpose is used to train warrior.踏青
And that spring outing.That old TanChun, XunChun, etc.During march, spring warms the earth, nature become a vibrant picture everywhere, it is the good old days for an outing.Our country folk to keep for a long time the habit of clear outing.植树
Planting trees
Clarity around, ChunYang ZhaoLin, ChunYang ZhaoLin, spring rain FeiSa, planting trees survival rate high, grow fast.Therefore, since the ancient times, our country is clear the habit of planting trees.There are some called the qingming festival “Arbor Day”.Planting trees customs has been spread until now.In 1979, the National People's Congress standing committee regulations, 12 March each year for our country Arbor Day.The mobilization of the people of all ethnic groups in motherland green actively carry out activities, has the extremely vital significance.放风筝
Fly a kite
Qingming day is enjoyed by people of activities.Every qingming day, people not only BaiTianFang, also put on at night.The night wind or stability in kite hung a string of arrows color small lanterns, like the shining stars, called “the absolute being light”.In the past, some people put a kite the blue sky, then cut matchmaking, let the wind put them sent to the ends of the world, it is said that this can except disease disaster, bring you good luck.